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This is a review talk. The first part of the talk is to introduce briefly the evolutionary picture of stars with various mass after hydrogen burning. The second one of the talk is about some important physical factors affected on the stellar evolution. The content of the second part of the talk is as follows: A) Physics controlling nuclear burning in the stars 1. Ignition temprature of nuclear burning 2. Lower limit on the core mass of stars for igniting nuclear burning  相似文献   

蒋苏云 《天文学报》2005,46(4):380-397
建立了热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源出现非稳定热核反应的判据,新判据包含 了丰富的物理信息,它不仅与热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源的几何性质有关,而且与氦燃 烧壳层源的力学、热学和化学的性质都有关. 提出了热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源非稳定热核反应的发生和消失的机理,它可表述 为:热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源的局部区域出现对流不稳定区会触发非稳定热核反应的 发生,非稳定热核反应会促使氦燃烧壳层源急速膨胀,氦燃烧壳层源的急速几何形变会消 除非稳定热核反应. 用改进后的Kippenhahn恒星演化程序对5M(?)恒星进行了从主序星到热脉动AGB 星的演化模型计算,结果表明新判据能很好地反映5M(?)AGB星氦燃烧壳层源的热核反应 情况.并得出5M(?)热脉动AGB星在第6次热脉动周期阶段,被挖掘到热脉动AGB星 表面的元素主要是在温度lgT2/K<8.155和密度4.0相似文献   

2017年,天文学家幸运地观测到了一次邻近的IC型超新星爆发事件。它的编号为SN 2017eln,位于旋涡星系NGC 3938,距离我们大约6500万光年。为了更好地了解恒星演化、大质量恒星分布及超新星爆发,两个研究小组的科学家仔细研究了哈勃空间望远镜的观测数据,期望从2007年拍摄的图像中发现这颗爆发恒星死亡前的讯息。  相似文献   

恒星的自转 ,是恒星结构和演化理论的难点。近年来有许多观测事实 ,特别是早型大质量星的观测事实 ,预示恒星的自转效应可能引起恒星内部的物质向外转移 ,造成恒星表面一些元素丰度超丰 ,并且对恒星结构和演化产生重要影响 ,因此 ,恒星的自转问题受到了越来越多的关注。考虑自转效应后 ,恒星结构和演化模型将是二维模型 ,本文综述了诸多作者如何将二维的恒星结构和演化模型简化为一维模型。作者在研究了以上作者的简化方法后 ,提出了一种比较简单的新方法。这种方法基于如下假设 :假设在等势面上的温度 ,密度 ,压强 ,光度 ,化学组成和角速度等物理和化学量近似于均匀分布 ,并且这些量与等价球面上的量相同。 (等价球面是假想的球面 ,它包围的体积与等势面包围的体积相等。)我们在等价球面上推出新的转动恒星结构和演化方程 ,构造出新的演化模型。这个模型与不考虑转动效应的演化模型相比 ,有以下变化 :流体静力学平衡方程变化 ;辐射温度梯度变化 ,并引起对流判据变化 ;星风物质损失和角动量损失增大。作为转动恒星结构和演化模型的应用 ,我们研究了中 ,小质量星中心氦燃烧阶段在赫罗图中的演化轨迹发生来回摆动 (又称为蓝回绕 )的物理机制问题。有诸多作者曾经研究了可以影响蓝回绕的各种因素。但是不知  相似文献   

恒星物质的不透明度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李焱 《天文学进展》1998,16(2):92-102
简介介绍了恒星物质的透明性质在恒星结构、演化、振动等许多恒星物理基本问题研究中的重要性和决定恒星物质不透明度的物理过程,回顾了第一代不透明度数据LAOL的发展历程与存在的问题,介绍了新一代不透明度数据OPAL的发展和目前观测与理论之间依然不一致的地方。  相似文献   

本利用国际上最新公司的OPAL不透明度表及相应的化学丰度,计算了三颗不同初始质量的星族I恒星的非守恒演化模型,并和过去长期采用的LAOL不透明度的结果进行详细比较,得出以下主要结论:(1)恒星HR图中的演化轨迹光度降低,主序位置明显向红方向移动;(2)恒星中心H,He燃烧寿命大大延长了;(3)小质量星氢燃烧核和对流核都变小,大、中质量星的中心对流核和燃烧核都有所增大;(4)恒星中心温度-密度关系  相似文献   

中等质量富金属AGB长周期变星的振动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本采用恒星演化计算与恒星振动计算相结合的方法,对中等质量富金属恒星演化到渐近巨星分支时的振动性质进行了分析研究,从理论上得出这类恒星的振动方式是处于一阶谐频振动,而振动的激发则是在氢电离区和氦的二次电离区由多种机制共同作用造成的,同时提出很长周期的AGB长周期变星只能是由中等质量恒星演化到AGB阶段形成的。我们的理论计算结果还比较支持在AGB顶端存在巨大星风物质损失的观点,且这种星风物质损失很可  相似文献   

本文依据A.Weigert讨论恒星内部热核源何时会产生非稳定现象的方法,对壳层源产生非稳定现象(又称热脉动)的条件进行了严格推导。结果表明,当壳层源很薄,其厚度与半径之比小于0.37时,就能产生非稳定条件。  相似文献   

曾艺蓉 《天文学报》2003,44(2):103-109
研究了可以影响蓝回绕(blue loops)的各种主要因素,发现蓝回绕的形状和中心氦燃烧阶段的总产能率的变化相关联,而总产能率的变化主要来源于壳层氢燃烧和中心氦燃烧产能率的变化,所以蓝回绕主要与壳层氢燃烧和中心氦燃烧产能率的变化相联系,壳层氢产能率的变化主要与氢丰度变化区(μ-梯度区)的氢丰度分布轮廓(X-proflle),μ-梯度区的温度,以及外对流区的深入程度密切相关,氦核的大小和温度会影响中心氦燃烧产能率的变化,中心氦燃烧产能率的变化不仅对总产能率的变化有贡献,而且也会影响壳层氢燃烧产能率的变化。  相似文献   

至今国际上对AGB星的超星风、热脉动及振动的理论研究工作中都忽略了湍流压的存在,然而对于一个整个外壳都处于完全对流的AGB星,湍流压是存在的,并且由于湍流压的存在将对气体压强、密度、温度以及各热力学量产生影响,因而对AGB星的超星风、热脉动及振动产生影响。本文以恒星结构演化理论中常用的混合程对流理论为基础,给出了湍流压以及考虑湍流压情况下恒星内部物态方程和各热力学量的表达式,并给出了判别恒星外壳产生动力学非稳定性的判据,并在此基础上研究了质量为2.8M⊙和7M⊙的恒星从主序到AGB星的演化。目的是研究有湍流压情况下AGB星的超星风及热脉动的机理。结果表明,对于7M⊙恒星,在红巨星及AGB阶段,湍流压可以达到总压强的30%,并且对恒星的结构产生重要影响,对于2.8M⊙恒星,在红巨星及AGB阶段影响较小。由于湍流压的作用,2.8M⊙和7M⊙恒星在AGB阶段和红巨星阶段,靠近表面的区域会出现动力学非稳定性,造成物质向外喷流,这就是AGB星和红巨星产生强大星风的物质损失的原因。研究还表明,湍流压效应造成7M⊙AGB星的氢燃烧壳层产生主周期为50年的脉动现象,同时使氦燃烧壳层的热脉动提前发生和周期变短  相似文献   

We study the influence of mutual planetary perturbations on the process of eccentricity excitation by jet acceleration suggested by Namouni (Astron. J. 130, 280–294). Modeling the jet’s action by a constant-direction acceleration, we solve the linear secular equations of the combined planetary perturbations and the jet acceleration of the host star for a two-planet system. The effects of the acceleration’s strength, relative mass ratio and the relative distance of the two planets are investigated. The model is applied to the extrasolar planetary systems of HD 108874, 47 Uma, and HD 12661.  相似文献   

The dynamical interaction of a binary or planetary system and a third body moving on a hyperbolic orbit inclined to the system is discussed in terms of Hill stability for the full three-body problem. The situation arises in binary star disruption and exchange and planetary system exchange or capture. It is found that increasing the inclination of the third body decreases the Hill regions of stability. Increasing the eccentricity of the third body also produces similar effects. These type of changes make exchange or disruption of the component masses more likely as also does increasing the eccentricity of the binary.

The critical distances and Hill stability ranges associated with the possible formation of roughly equal mass trans-Neptunian binaries from three-body interactions are determined for a range of secondary component masses.  相似文献   

针对低能反应和共振跃迁,分析了在恒星内部电荷屏蔽对β衰变率的影响.对共振跃迁的分析是基于核的壳层模型.作为例子,详细计算了电荷屏蔽对56Cr的β衰变的影响.结果表明:在较低温度和高密度下,电荷屏蔽使β衰变率有明显的增加。这对恒星晚期演化和超新星爆发研究可能会有重要的影响。  相似文献   

针对低能反应和Gamow-Teller共振跃迁,分析了在恒星内部电荷屏蔽对β衰变率的影响,对共振跃迁的分析是基于核的壳层模型.作为例子,详细计算了电荷屏蔽对56Cr的β衰变的影响.结果表明:在较低温度和高密度下,电荷屏蔽使β衰变率有明显地增加.这对恒星晚期演化和超新星爆发研究可能会有重要的影响.  相似文献   

伽玛射线暴的产生机制比较公认的是:长暴产生于大质量恒星死亡;短暴产生于密近双星合并.因此人们很自然地推测长暴和恒星形成率直接成比例,但是最近数据分析表明这并不能很好地拟合观测.考虑到只有质量大于某一临界质量的大质量恒星才可能产生长暴,因此恒星初始质量分布函数对长暴的产生率会有较大影响.考虑用恒星初始质量分布函数来解释长暴观测个数随红移的分布,得到了比较好的结果.  相似文献   

For the mechanism of production of γ-ray bursts (GRBs) it is rather generally recognized that the long-term γ-ray burst (LGRB) originates from the deaths of massive stars while the short-term γ-ray burst (SGRB) originates from the merging of close binaries. Therefore the speculation naturally follows that the number of LGRBs is directly proportional to the star formation rate (SFR). However, it is indicated from recent data analyses that this speculation does not fit the observations very well. It is considered that only massive stars with masses greater than a certain critical mass can produce the LGRB, so the initial mass function (IMF) of stars can significantly affect the production rate of LGRBs. In this paper it is considered that the IMF of stars can be used to explain the observed number distribution of the LGRBs with the redshift, and this has led to some good results.  相似文献   

The University of Wisconsin–Madison and NASA–Goddard conducted acomprehensive multi-wavelength observing campaign of coma emissionsfrom comet Hale–Bopp, including OH 3080 Å, [O I] 6300 Å H2O+ 6158 Å, H Balmer-α 6563 Å, NH2 6330 Å, [C I] 9850 ÅCN 3879 Å, C2 5141 Å, C3 4062 Å,C I 1657 Å, and the UV and optical continua. In thiswork, we concentrate on the results of the H2O daughter studies.Our wide-field OH 3080 Å measured flux agrees with other, similarobservations and the expected value calculated from published waterproduction rates using standard H2O and OH photochemistry.However, the total [O I] 6300 Å flux determined spectroscopically overa similar field-of-view was a factor of 3-4 higher than expected.Narrow-band [O I] images show this excess came from beyond theH2O scale length, suggesting either a previously unknown source of[O I] or an error in the standard OH + ν→ O(1 D) + H branching ratio. The Hale–Bopp OH and[O I] distributions, both of which were imaged tocometocentric distances >1 × 106 km, were more spatiallyextended than those of comet Halley (after correcting for brightnessdifferences), suggesting a higher bulk outflow velocity. Evidence ofthe driving mechanism for this outflow is found in the Hα lineprofile, which was narrower than in comet Halley (though likelybecause of opacity effects, not as narrow as predicted by Monte-Carlomodels). This is consistent with greater collisional coupling betweenthe suprathermal H photodissociation products and Hale–Bopp's densecoma. Presumably because of mass loading of the solar wind by ionsand ions by the neutrals, the measured acceleration of H2O+ downthe ion tail was much smaller than in comet Halley. Tailwardextensions in the azimuthal distributions of OH 3080 Å,[O I], and [C I] , as well as a Doppler asymmetry in the[O I] line profile, suggest ion-neutral coupling. While thetailward extension in the OH can be explained by increased neutralacceleration, the [O I] 6300 Å and [C I] 9850 Å emissions show 13%and >200% excesses in this direction (respectively), suggesting anon-negligible contribution from dissociative recombination of CO+and/or electron collisional excitation. Thus, models including theeffects of photo- and collisional chemistry are necessary for the fullinterpretation of these data.  相似文献   

本文通过考虑强磁场中电子的量子效应,分析了强磁场下电子气体的Fermi能,讨论了磁场对核的屏蔽势和核反应率的影响,进而计算了强磁场对天体物理中几个较重要的热核反应的影响,结果表明,相对于无磁场而言,在较低密度下,足够强的磁场使原子核的屏蔽势显著增加,但在ρ/μe>10~5molcm~(-3)的密度下,中子星表面存在的强度为10~5~10~9T范围内的磁场对核反应率几乎没有影响。  相似文献   

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