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In 2007, we demonstrated that radiolarians are proxies for a wide range of oceanic physico-chemical properties from the surface to depths of up to 500 m below sea level. In this study, our results are refined and Correspondence Analysis (CA) scores derived from census counts of radiolarian subfossils from southern Indian Ocean core-tops are correlated with the physico-chemical properties of the region obtained from the 2005 World Ocean Database.Calibration and regression techniques are employed to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental conditions spanning the last 40 ka for four Indian Ocean cores MD88-769 [46°04′S 90°06′E], MD88-770 [46°01′S 96°27′E], MD94-102 [43°30′S 79°50′E], and MD94-103 [45°35′S 86°31′E], all from close to the Southeast Indian Ridge. For the first time, reconstructions of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and the silicate, nitrate, and phosphate concentrations for a range of water depths are proved possible.Changes of the oceanic environment and the movement of water masses over the last 40 ka, as suggested by these reconstructions, are discussed. During Marine Isotope Stages 2 and 3 (MIS-2 and MIS-3), the water column at some of the core sites has similar characteristics to the waters south of the Polar Front today. At the MIS-1/MIS-2 transition, the development of the Subantarctic Mode Water is apparent. Temperature reconstructions include evidence of the Antarctic Cold Reversal and the Holocene Optimum.  相似文献   

The pollen record of the long succession of marine and continental deposits filling the subsident north-Adriatic foredeep basin (NE Italy) documents the history of vegetation, the landscape evolution and the climate forcing during the last 215 ka at the south-eastern Alpine foreland. The chronology relies on several 14C determinations as well as on estimated ages of pollen-stratigraphical and sea-level event tie-points derived from comparison with high-resolution marine records, speleothemes and ice cores.Mixed temperate rainforests persisted throughout MIS 7a–7c, being replaced by conifer forests after the local glacioeustatic regression during early MIS 6. The Alpine piedmont facing the Adriatic foredeeep was glaciated at the culmination of the penultimate glaciation, as directly testified by in situ fluvioglacial aggradation related to the building of a large morainic amphitheatre. The pollen record allows correlation with other European records and with the IRD from N-Atlantic and off Iberia, thus the duration of the penultimate glacial culmination at the southalpine fringe is estimated less than 13 ka between 148 ± 1 and >135 ka. The site was not reached by the Last Interglacial maximum sea transgression and enregistered a typical, though incomplete, Eemian forest record, lacking Mediterranean evergreen trees. A complex sequence of stadial–interstadial episodes is reconstructed during the Early and Middle Würm: major xerophyte peaks match IRD maxima occurred during Heinrich events in deep-sea cores offshore Iberia and in the N-Atlantic and allows to frame lumps of interstadial phases, marked by Picea peaks, each one including several DO warm events. Broad-leaved thermophilous forests disappeared from the north-eastern plain of Italy at the end of the Early Würm, whereas reduced populations of Abies and Fagus probably sheltered even during the Last Glacial Maximum. A renewed fluvioglacial in situ deposition between 30.4 ± 0.4 and 21.6 ± 0.5 ka cal BP sets the time and duration of the last glacial culmination in the pedemontane morainic amphitheatre. Palynomorphs from Plio-Pleistocene marine successions were reworked by glacier erosion and deposited in the lowland during both the penultimate and the last deglaciation phases. This explains a bias affecting previous pollen records from the region.  相似文献   

We study the marine and terrestrial contributions in the Gulf of California (GC) to understand the relationship between continental climate and oceanographic variability over the last 28 ka. In Core AII125-8-JPC-20, we examine aeolian and riverine inputs as nutrients for biological productivity. We use biogenic silica (%opal), total organic carbon (%TOC) and calcium carbonate (%CaCO3) as proxies for primary productivity, and lithic fraction distributions as proxies for terrigenous transport. At the core site, biogenic and lithic components are in phase at millennial-scale in response to regional climate conditions. During the Late Pleistocene, the GC shelf area was above sea level and the western margin showed transient episodes of increased fluvial inputs. Episodic increases in %opal and reduced %TOC suggest upwelling events but ineffective C-export to the sediment. During stadial events (Heinrich 2, Heinrich 1, Younger Dryas), regional declines in %opal, but increases in %CaCO3 and TOC, suggest efficient C-export by carbonate organisms. During most of the Holocene, dust inputs are higher. Episodic increases in %TOC suggest higher C-accumulation, although this is not controlled by siliceous or calcareous organisms. In the GC, besides upwelling and current advection, nutrient inputs driven by terrestrial climate have an impact on the biological C-pump. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes were measured in the carbonate and organic matter of palaeosols in the Somma–Vesuvius area, southern Italy in order to test whether they are suitable proxy records for climatic and ecological changes in this area during the past 18000 yr. The ages of the soils span from ca. 18 to ca. 3 kyr BP. Surprisingly, the Last Glacial to Holocene climate transition was not accompanied by significant change in δ18O of pedogenic carbonate. This could be explained by changes in evaporation rate and in isotope fractionation between water and precipitated carbonate with temperature, which counterbalanced the expected change in isotope composition of meteoric water. Because of the rise in temperature and humidity and the progressive increase in tree cover during the Holocene, the Holocene soil carbonates closely reflect the isotopic composition of meteoric water. A cooling of about 2°C after the Avellino eruption (3.8 ka) accounts for a sudden decrease of about 1‰ in δ18O of pedogenic carbonate recorded after this eruption. The δ13C values of organic matter and pedogenic carbonate covary, indicating an effective isotope equilibrium between the organic matter, as the source of CO2, and the pedogenic carbonate. Carbon isotopes suggest prevailing C3 vegetation and negligible mixing with volcanogenic or atmospheric CO2. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(7-8):1037-1054
The composition of the glacial vegetation of southern French plains has been a matter of debate for several decades. Vegetation is considered as steppic according to French and Spanish lacustrine pollen records whereas cave deposits suggest the presence of mesothermophilous trees through the Last Glacial Maximum. In our paper, we display new palynological records from marine sediments of the Gulf of Lions. They indicate the presence of Abies, Picea and deciduous Quercus in the Gulf of Lions, certainly located in the drainage basins of the Pyreneo-Languedocian rivers. These populations that were sensitive to short climatic events during Marine Isotopic Stage 2 could have been linked to northeastern Spanish and southeastern French relicts already evidenced by phylogenetic data. These trees were absent from the Rhone drainage basin during the deglaciation and certainly also disappeared from the Pyreneo-Languedocian drainage basins from ca 17 to 15 ky cal BP. Finally, the Last Glacial Maximum does not appear as stable, cold and dry as previously thought.  相似文献   

In central Western Europe, several studies have shown that colder Holocene periods, such as the Little Ice Age, also correspond to wet periods. However, in mountain areas which are highly sensitive to erosion processes and where precipitation events can be localized, past evolution of hydrological activity might be more complicated. To assess these past hydrological changes, a paleolimnological approach was applied on a 13.4-m-long sediment core taken in alpine Lake Anterne (2063 m asl) and representing the last 3.5 ka. Lake sedimentation is mainly composed of flood deposits triggered by precipitation events. Sedimentological and geochemical analyses show that floods were more frequent during cold periods while high-intensity flood events occurred preferentially during warmer periods. In mild temperature conditions, both flood patterns are present. This underlines the complex relationship between flood hazards and climatic change in mountain areas. During the warmer and/or dryer times of the end of Iron Age and the Roman Period, both the frequency and intensity of floods increased. This is interpreted as an effect of human-induced clearing for grazing activities and reveals that anthropogenic interferences must be taken into account when reconstructing climatic signals from natural archives.  相似文献   

Aiello  Gemma  Sacchi  Marco 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(3):2881-2908
Natural Hazards - Morpho-bathymetric data have been analyzed in order to provide new geological evidence on the Gulf of Naples, i.e., on the southern Ischia slope, on the Naples canyons and on the...  相似文献   

High‐precision correlation of palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental records is crucial for testing hypotheses of synchronous change. Although radiocarbon is the traditional method for dating late Quaternary sedimentary sequences, particularly during the last glacial–interglacial transition (LGIT; 15–9 ka), there are inherent problems with the method, particularly during periods of climate change which are often accompanied by major perturbations in atmospheric radiocarbon content. An alternative method is the use of tephras that act as time‐parallel marker horizons. Within Europe, numerous volcanic centres are known to have erupted during the LGIT, providing considerable potential for high‐precision correlation independent of past radiocarbon fluctuations. Here we report the first identification of the Vedde Ash and Askja Tephra in Ireland, significantly extending the known provenance of these events. We have also identified two new horizons (the Roddans Port Tephras A and B) and tentatively recognise an additional horizon from Vallensgård Mose (Denmark) that provide crucial additional chronological control for the LGIT. Two phases of the Laacher See Tephra (LST) are reported, the lower Laacher See Tephra (LLST) and probably the C2 phase of the Middle Laacher See Tephra (MLST‐C2) indicating a more northeasterly distribution of this fan than reported previously. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(1-2):201-212
Temporal changes in oceanic denitrification, the bacterial reduction of nitrate under suboxic conditions, highlight the potential importance of N inventory changes and the production of N2O on the climate system. At the same time, the cause of the globally observed variation in denitrification remains unclear. High-resolution benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope and bulk sediment nitrogen isotope records from ODP Site 1234 on the Chile Margin record integrated denitrification changes within the Peru–Chile Upwelling system over the last ∼70 ka. Denitrification changes in the southeast Pacific are coherent with Antarctic climate changes recorded by the Byrd ice core δ18O record, and lead northern hemisphere climate events. The southern-hemisphere character of the Chile margin δ15N record suggests that episodes of reduced denitrification in the SE Pacific represent times when more oxygen was supplied as the result of changes in the ventilation and preformed nutrient content of Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW), which forms in the Subantarctic zone of the Southern Ocean and feeds into the low-latitude thermocline.  相似文献   

This study focused on atmospheric freeze/thaw cycles in Norway and presents the results of processing daily thermal data from 20 Norwegian meteorological stations for the period 1950–2013. Its two major aims were: (i) to provide long‐term time series of atmospheric freeze/thaw cycle data for Norway, and (ii) to analyse their trends over the last six decades. The study highlights the spatial and temporal modalities of the distribution of freeze/thaw cycles in Norway. The differences in the seasonal distributions of cycles and their mean annual number are because of the geographical location of the stations (coastal or inland stations, lowland or mountainous stations) and result from the combined effects of oceanity, continentality, latitude and elevation. The annual average number of freeze/thaw cycles is similar in the north (90) and south of Norway (84) but shows notable differences between coastal stations (27) and inland and/or mountainous stations (114). Since the 1950s, prolonged periods of several years characterized by increasing numbers of cycles have given way to periods of decreasing freeze/thaw frequency. This cyclicity is linked with the Northern Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Strong positive or negative phases of the NAO since the 1950s have induced marked increases (or decreases) in atmospheric freeze/thaw cycle frequency in Norway.  相似文献   

The effect of seeping of methane on marine sediment records has been studied in four gravity cores from Vestnesa Ridge, Svalbard margin. The area shows acoustic signs in the form of flares indicating active methane gas seepage. For a better understanding of the timing and variability of the flux of methane in the past and the effects on potential proxies, a detailed study of the diagenetic processes that may affect the composition and structure of both sediments and foraminiferal shells is needed. Here we discuss deep‐sea records from methane‐influenced environments in three cores from an active and very heterogeneous seep‐area (pockmark) and one core from outside the pockmark for background. The results include the distribution and stable isotopes of authigenic carbonates and of benthic and planktonic foraminifera, magnetic susceptibility, AMS‐14C dates, sedimentary data and biostratigraphy. Extremely low δ13C values recorded in both benthic and planktonic foraminifera during the Bølling‐Allerød interstadials indicate possible increased methane flux beginning at late Heinrich event H1. The recorded low values are mainly a result of diagenetic overprint by methane‐derived authigenic carbonates. The δ18O signals of authigenic carbonates are close to those of foraminiferal calcite and thus the δ18O records remain a valid stratigraphical tool in methane seep sites, except in the case of severely encrusted samples. In addition, the records from the active pockmark show nearly constant values of low magnetic susceptibility in contrast to higher and more variable magnetic susceptibility values from the control station and other published records from normal sediments west of Svalbard. This phenomenon is probably caused by dissolution of magnetic minerals in the reducing environmental conditions of methane seep sediments, associated with anaerobic oxidation of methane and formation of paramagnetic minerals (pyrite). This process enables magnetic susceptibility to be used as a common diagnostic tool for identifying methane‐related palaeo‐reductive environments.  相似文献   

We present 23 cosmogenic surface exposure ages from 10 localities in southern Sweden. The new 10Be ages allow a direct correlation between the east and west coasts of southern Sweden, based on the same dating technique, and provide new information about the deglaciation of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet in the circum‐Baltic area. In western Skåne, southernmost Sweden, a single cosmogenic surface exposure sample gave an age of 16.8±1.0 ka, whereas two samples from the central part of Skåne gave ages of 17.0±0.9 and 14.1±0.8 ka. Further northeast, in southern Småland, two localities gave ages ranging from 15.2±0.8 to 16.9±0.9 ka (n=5) indicating a somewhat earlier deglaciation of the area than has previously been suggested. Our third locality, in S Småland, gave ages ranging from 10.2±0.5 to 18.4±1.6 ka (n=3), which are probably not representative of the timing of deglaciation. In central Småland one locality was dated to 14.5±0.8 ka (n=3), whereas our northernmost locality, situated in northern Småland, was dated to 13.8±0.8 ka (n=3). Samples from the island of Gotland suggest deglaciation before 13 ka ago. We combined the new 10Be ages with previously published deglaciation ages to constrain the deglaciation chronology of southern Sweden. The combined deglaciation chronology suggests a rather steady deglaciation in southern Sweden starting at c. 17.9 cal. ka BP in NW Skåne and reaching northern Småland, ~200 km further north, c. 13.8 ka ago. Overall the new deglaciation ages agree reasonably well with existing deglaciation chronologies, but suggest a somewhat earlier deglaciation in Småland.  相似文献   

Geophysical data illustrate that the Indian continental lithosphere has northward subducted beneath the Tibet Plateau, reaching the Bangong–Nujiang suture in central Tibet. However, when the Indian continental lithosphere started to subduct, and whether the Indian continental crust has injected into the mantle beneath southern Lhasa block, are not clear. Here we report new results from the Quguosha gabbros of southern Lhasa block, southern Tibet. LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating of two samples gives a ca. 35 Ma formation age (i.e., the latest Eocene) for the Quguosha gabbros. The Quguosha gabbro samples are geochemically characterized by variable SiO2 and MgO contents, strongly negative Nb–Ta–Ti and slightly negative Eu anomalies, and uniform initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.7056–0.7058) and εNd(t) (− 2.2 to − 3.6). They exhibit Sr–Nd isotopic compositions different from those of the Jurassic–Eocene magmatic rocks with depleted Sr–Nd isotopic characteristics, but somewhat similar to those of Oligocene–Miocene K-rich magmatic rocks with enriched Sr–Nd isotopic characteristics. We therefore propose that an enriched Indian crustal component was added into the lithospheric mantle beneath southern Lhasa by continental subduction at least prior to the latest Eocene (ca. 35 Ma). We interpret the Quguosha mafic magmas to have been generated by partial melting of lithospheric mantle metasomatized by subducted continental sediments, which entered continental subduction channel(s) and then probably accreted or underplated into the overlying mantle during the northward subduction of the Indian continent. Continental subduction likely played a key role in the formation of the Tibetan plateau at an earlier date than previously thought.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(14-15):1623-1636
The large dataset obtained from the extensive study of IMAGES core MD95-2043 recovered from the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) shows the periodicities and phase relationships of oceanographic and atmospheric processes on a millennial time-scale. The 1470-yr cycle is the most significant, with the exception of the records reflecting climatic or environmental changes on land which show statistically significant 3300 and 8000 frequency bands. The investigation of these core records on a millennial scale resolution allows us to establish the evolution of oceanographic and atmospheric mechanisms that influenced the Western Mediterranean region in the course of the Dansgaard/Oeschger cycles. Accordingly, possible land–sea interactions can be identified and situated in the context of the temporal succession of the different climatic processes. For instance, Saharan dust supply from Northern Africa appears to lead high-latitude climate changes, suggesting that low-latitude feedback processes were involved in forcing the millennial climatic variability in the westernmost Mediterranean.  相似文献   

A large number of studies have documented the structural and sedimentary architecture of the Corinth Gulf, especially the major E–W trending normal faults important in accommodating the main extensional strain and associated growth of the Gilbert fan deltas. However, the role of several N–S oriented structures that crop out at the surface and are detectable at depth by seismic reflection and gravity surveys are not clearly understood. Based on new geological data, collected near Xylokastro, we describe the N–S oriented tectonic activity of this area. The mapped inland faults correspond to off-shore structures identified in re-interpreted seismic lines and appear to have acted as a major transfer zone during the opening of the Corinth Gulf. Reconstruction of the paleo-topography based on sedimentary facies and the environment of clay mineral formation suggest these transfer zones played an important role in controlling both local structural relief and depositional conditions of the Gilbert fan deltas.  相似文献   

Chronologically well-constrained loess-palaeosols(recorded glacial and inter-glacial climate) revealed pedogenesis induced ionic substitutions,caused end-member compositional deviations in illite and chlorite,linked to widespread climatic changes occurred during Late Pleistocene.Further,micro-level climatic resolution is yet to be resolved.Thus,layer-wise X-ray diffraction analyses of clay separates,followed by Rietveld refinement revealed varied cell parameters and interatomic distances.Obtained values for detrital and pedogenic illite and chlorite when plotted against stratigraphic succession show notable changes in the crystallographic axes.The illite lattices associated with inadequately pedogenized palaeosols have been altered into illite/smectite mixed layers,but,the chlorite lattices represent expansion of a-,b-and contraction of c-axes with much greater amount of distortions,suggestive of warm-humid and acidic environment.The detrital 48,44 and 83,74 bonded illite and chlorite with2 sub-types each,when pedogenized retained 48,44 and 34;and 83 and 74 bonds(in their neo-formed 3 and 2 sub-types),respectively.The Al-O bond shows expansion,but,unchanged Si-O and decreased Si-K and K-O bonds show loss of Al and retention of Si and K ions in the illite lattices.The illite with 32 atoms and 48 bonds represent contraction of K-O,Si-K,Al-O and Si-O bonds caused bond reinforcement;however,loss of Al~(3+)reflects all-out illite alteration.Owing to Al-O and K-O bond expansion,major K~+ and Al~(3+) ionic loss occurred during the LGM,however,further ionic loss depends upon the magnitude of the loess-palaeosol weathering that they have suffered.The clilate sensitive Fe,Mg and Al ionic losses for Fe-O,Mg-O and Al_(11)-O_9 bond length expansions were recognized in the chlorite lattices.Such ionic losses are common,but,complete distortion is attributed to Al,Si,Fe and Mg ionic losses,followed by weakening of Al-O,Si-O,Fe-O and Mg-O bonds.Though,Si-O_4 and Fe_1-O_4 bonds,and Si and Fe_(1 st) ions remain intact.Thus,three major glacial episodes of ~5 ka each occurred under alkaline environment,but,intervened by two successive cycles of 55 ka each,encompassing three alternate warm and cold climatic sub-cycles of 12-15 ka.But,the coldness increases with each warm-cold sub-cycle that attained the glacial maxima.Further,these events correlate well with the deep-sea records of the North Atlantic(MIS-1 to MIS-5 e) and CLP loess-palaeosols(~127 ka).  相似文献   

Salento, the southern portion of Apulia region (SE Italy), is a narrow and elongated peninsula in carbonate rocks, with prevailing low coastlines, locally interrupted by high rock cliffs. The long stretches of low coasts are marked by typical karst landforms consisting of collapse sinkholes. As observed in many other karst coastal settings worldwide, development of sinkholes may be particularly severe along the coasts, where both natural and anthropogenic processes contribute to accelerate the dissolution of carbonate rocks and subsidence processes, even influencing the coastline evolution. Following a previous study, where the main features of sinkholes at Torre Castiglione (Taranto province) were investigated and described, and a preliminary susceptibility map produced, at the light of updated data and elaborations in the present paper we perform a detailed morphometric analysis on the sample of identified sinkholes. The main morphometric parameters generally used for sinkhole characterization have been considered in this study: shape of the sinkhole, azimuth and length of maximum and minimum axes, depth, elongation ratio, and distance from the shorelines. Each of them is described, both as individual parameter and in conjunction with the others, in the attempt to identify the main factors controlling development of sinkholes in the area, and their evolution as well. With regard to this latter aspect, beside simple morphometry of the sample of sinkholes at Torre Castiglione, we also focused our attention on the likely relationships existing between distribution and shape of the sinkholes and the tectonic discontinuities. To investigate the matter, a three-stage analysis has been carried out in this study by means of: field measurements of the fractures bounding the sinkholes, field measurement of the long axes azimuth of the elongated sinkholes, comparison of the previously described sets with the strikes of the main regional geological structures. The obtained results show, in addition to the coincidence of the main regional discontinuity systems with the major axis of elongated sinkholes, a clear control exerted by development and evolution of the sinkholes on the formation of coastal inlets and bays. Eventually, the approach here presented may be applied in other karst coastal sinkhole-prone areas, to gain new knowledge on the genesis and evolution of coastal sinkholes, and to properly evaluate the hazard they pose to the anthropogenic environment.  相似文献   

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