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通过实地考察,对2014年5月30日9时20分云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州发生的6.1级地震中的房屋震害特点及主要次生地质灾害特征进行了全面分析,并初步总结了各类房屋建筑及主要地质灾害的震害特征及其成因。研究结果表明,对于西南山区类似盈江的地震多发区带,城镇建设过程中在尽量选择高强度建筑材料且保证建筑材料合格的同时,还要充分重视科学选址,应尽量避开滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等地震地质灾害易发地带;对稳定性较差的场地应通过必要的地基处理工程进行加固,以尽可能减小地震造成的破坏;在易发生地质灾害的道路周边还应采取适当的加固措施以避免地震来临时造成交通瘫痪,进而引发更大的生命财产损失。 相似文献
北京时间2021年5月21日21时48分36秒,云南省大理州漾濞县发生MS 6.4地震。利用云南数字地震台网2021年5月18日至8月22日的震相报告,采用双差地震定位法,对漾濞MS 6.4地震序列进行重新定位。重新定位结果显示序列呈NW向优势分布,破裂长约20 km,宽约7 km,对重新定位结果进行误差分析,水平方向定位误差约为0.8 km,垂直方向定位误差约为1.0 km,定位结果具有较好的稳定性。依据震中分布的走向将序列划分为NW向的主断层与NNW向的分支断层,主断层存在较为明显的分段现象,分支断层呈雁列状分布。根据小震丛集性发生在大震断层面及其附近的原则,利用重新定位后的小震震源位置反演得到漾濞MS 6.4序列主断层走向约320°,倾角约89°,深度范围3~13 km。根据拟合得到的断层在地表的投影位置,推测本次地震的发震断层为维西-乔后断裂西侧的草坪断裂。基于断层滑动量分布识别出3个凹凸体,结合序列时空演化特征,分析了漾濞MS 6.4地震序列的破裂过程,结果显示断层中段的凹凸体发生初始破裂... 相似文献
福州市是福建省会城市,1997年12月连续发生两次3级地震,福州市普遍有感影响较大。本文对该地震发震构造进行研究,认为北西向断裂构造为其发震构造。 相似文献
2014年于田Ms73地震地表破裂特征及其发震构造 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
2014年2月12日在新疆于田县境内西昆仑山东段地区发生了Ms7.3级强烈地震,震后野外考察表明,这次地震在海拔4600~5100m的地区形成了由一系列张裂隙、张剪裂隙、剪切裂隙以及挤压鼓包和裂陷等雁行状组合而成的地表破裂带,破裂带沿阿尔金断裂带西南段的两条近平行的分支断裂阿什库勒-硝尔库勒断裂和南硝尔库勒断裂分布,整体呈NEE走向,全长约28km,其中,沿阿什库勒-硝尔库勒断裂展布的地表破裂带长约10km,主要呈N63°~65°E走向,以左旋走滑伴随伸展性质的破裂为主,最大左旋位移约0.7m,最大垂直位移约0.4m;沿南硝尔库勒断裂展布的地表破裂带长约15km,呈N54°~60°E走向,以左旋走滑伴随逆冲性质的破裂为主,最大左旋位移约1m,最大垂直位移约0.75m;上述两破裂带之间沿N15°E方向由零星的张裂隙和右阶雁行状分布的张裂隙或张剪裂隙组成的不连续破裂带长约5km,显示为伸展具有左旋走滑的性质;另外,在南硝尔库勒断裂北侧沿N100°~110°E方向展布一系列具有挤压、右旋走滑性质的地表破裂带长约4km,宽约2km,与NEE走向的左旋走滑破裂带构成同震共轭破裂带。这种特殊的地表破裂样式是近期发生的强地震中结构最复杂的走滑断层型地表破裂。发震断裂属于阿尔金断裂带西南段尾端分支断裂,它与郭扎错断裂和龙木错断裂构成"阿尔金断裂"向SW方向的延伸部分,它们是青藏高原西部晚新生代强烈活动断裂,其大地震活动是由于印度和欧亚板块间碰撞而产生大陆变形的应变能释放过程。 相似文献
北京时间2022年1月8日01时45分,青海省海北州门源县发生强烈地震(图1),造成数人受伤,房屋倒塌,部分道路、桥梁、隧道等基础设施被破坏或受损。中国地震台网(CENC)测定该地震的震级为MS 6. 9,震中位于37. 77°N,101. 26°E,震源深度为10 km(https://www.cenc.ac.cn/cenc/dzxx/396391/index.html)。利用欧洲航空局哨兵2号雷达卫星的震前、震后SAR数据进行差分干涉处理,得到同震形变场分布图。限定此次地震以左旋走滑运动为主,断层走向NWW,断层面近直立;主体破裂深度在10 km以上并到达地表,形成长度>35 km的地表变形带,最大滑动量约2 m。2022年门源MS 6. 9地震发生在青藏高原中北部的祁连- 柴达木次级地块的北部(图1)、托莱山断裂带和冷龙岭断裂带的交会部位,是继1986年和2016年两次门源MS 6. 4地震之后在冷龙岭断裂带上发生的震级最高、地表破裂最长的地震事件。 相似文献
位于青藏高原东南缘的漾濞地区地质构造环境复杂,导致地震的发生与表现受多种因素共同控制。为明确漾濞6.4级地震的烈度分布特点、震害特征及其影响因素,采用走访、野外调查、统计分析等方法对其开展了研究。结果显示,漾濞6.4级地震的极震区烈度可达Ⅷ度,等震线椭圆体长轴呈NW向偏转,与地震序列的重定位及震源机制解结果一致,指示发震断层是呈NW—SE走向,倾向SW,具右旋走滑性质的草坪断裂。其中,Ⅷ度区在南东端发生了约30°的偏转,是受到断裂尾端拉张破裂效应的影响。Ⅶ度区等震线向断裂倾向相反方向突出,且烈度的整体范围比前人的调查结果小很多,可能与断裂两侧地形差异,物性差异、地震波的盆地聚焦效应与边缘效应有关,也与河谷盆地中松软的河谷沉积物、较高的地下水位、苍山高海拔产生的烈度放大效应的影响有关。在上述烈度区发育的震害主要是房屋的破坏与地震地质灾害,其中房屋的破坏较严重,地震地质灾害规模较小。地质灾害的类型主要为滑坡及地裂缝,调查分析发现其并没有表现出沿断层或极震区集中发育的特征,更多的是受地形、地表介质、地下水等因素的影响。 相似文献
据史料记载,公元600年秦陇地区发生了一次大地震。关于此次地震的震中位置、震级、震中烈度和发震构造长期存在争议。根据在陇县固关一带发现的地震崩塌体,同时结合史料考证、卫星影像判读、野外调查、探槽开挖、年龄测试等手段,研究认为:公元600年秦陇地震的发震构造为六盘山东麓断裂南段固关段;秦陇地震震中在陇县固关镇一带,震级为6$ {}^{3}\!\!\diagup\!\!{}_{4}\; $级,震中烈度为Ⅸ度。该地震的研究对于六盘山地区地震危险性评估和青藏块体北东向扩展的动力学过程理解有重要意义。 相似文献
芦山地震发生在巴彦喀拉块体与华南块体之间龙门山推覆构造带南段。野外考察表明,芦山地震在震中区没有形成具有构造地质意义的地震地表破裂带,仅在各山前陡坡地带出现平行于山麓陡坡的张性地裂缝、山地基岩崩塌、滑坡等边坡震动失稳现象和震动引起的砂土液化现象。重新定位的芦山地震余震分布、震源机制解和地表构造地质等分析表明,芦山地震的发震断层为一条现今尚未出露地表、其上断点仍埋藏在地下9 km以下地壳中的一条盲逆断层,走向212°,倾向NW,倾角38°±2°,上断点以上至地表的构造变形符合断层扩展背斜模型。根据汶川地震和芦山地震的余震空间分布、地震破裂过程、深浅构造关系等差异反映出它们是分别发生在龙门山推覆构造带中段和南段的两次独立地震破裂事件。 相似文献
芦山地震发震构造及其与汶川地震关系讨论 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
芦山地震发生在巴彦喀拉块体与华南块体之间龙门山推覆构造带南段。野外考察表明,芦山地震在震中区没有形成具有构造地质意义的地震地表破裂带,仅在各山前陡坡地带出现平行于山麓陡坡的张性地裂缝、山地基岩崩塌、滑坡等边坡震动失稳现象和震动引起的砂土液化现象。重新定位的芦山地震余震分布、震源机制解和地表构造地质等分析表明,芦山地震的发震断层为一条现今尚未出露地表、其上断点仍埋藏在地下9 km以下地壳中的一条盲逆断层,走向212°,倾向NW,倾角38°±2°,上断点以上至地表的构造变形符合断层扩展背斜模型。根据汶川地震和芦山地震的余震空间分布、地震破裂过程、深浅构造关系等差异反映出它们是分别发生在龙门山推覆构造带中段和南段的两次独立地震破裂事件。 相似文献
西藏米林6.9级地震是1950年察隅MS8.6级地震以来东构造结地区发生的第一个6级以上地震,由于地震发生在雅鲁藏布江大拐弯附近的无人区,野外应急科学考察没有发现明显的地震地表破裂带。根据林芝流动地震观测台网记录到的余震条带状分布、震后科学考察获得的地震烈度长轴方位、原有台阵观测震中分布以及GPS资料和野外地质调查分析,发现发震断层为NW向排龙—帮辛断裂,逆冲性质,为新生NW向边坝—达木断裂带中段组成部分;米林地震的发生预示东构造结地区地震活动强度加强,未来该地区发生7级以上地震危险性不容忽视。 相似文献
In the southern South–North Seismic Zone, China, seismic activity in the Yingjiang area of western Yunnan increased from December 2010, and eventually a destructive earthquake of Ms5.9 occurred near Yingjiang town on 10 March 2011. The focal mechanism and hypocenter location of the mainshock suggest that the Dayingjiang Fault was the site of the mainshock rupture. However, most of foreshocks and all aftershocks recorded by a portable seismic array located close to the mainshock occurred along the N–S-striking Sudian Fault, indicating that this fault had an important influence on these shocks. Coulomb stress calculations show that three strong(magnitude ≥5.0) earthquakes that occurred in the study region in 2008 increased the coulomb stress along the plane parallel to the Dayingjiang Fault. This supports the Dayingjiang Fault, and not the Sudian Fault, as the seismogenic fault of the 2011 Ms5.9 Yingjiang earthquake. The strong earthquakes in 2008 also increased the Coulomb stress at depths of ≤5 km along the entire Sudian Fault, and by doing so increased the shallow seismic activity along the fault. This explains why the foreshocks and aftershocks of the 2011 Yingjiang earthquake were located mostly on the Sudian Fault where it cuts the shallow crust. The earthquakes at the intersection of the Sudian and Dayingjiang faults are distributed mainly along a belt that dips to the southeast at ~40°, suggesting that the Dayingjiang Fault in the mainshock area also dips to the southeast at ~40°. 相似文献
CHANG Zufeng DONG Pin-liang YUAN Renmao HOU Jianjun HE Zhongtai LI Jianlin CHANG Hao 《《地质学报》英文版》2022,96(2):648-660
On May 5, 2014, an earthquake with a magnitude of Mw 6.1 (the largest earthquake in Thailand so far) occurred in Chiang Rai of the Golden Triangle area in northern Thailand. We had an opportunity to conduct field survey immediately after the earthquake. Serious damage to buildings and casualties of lives were observed, and the estimated Maximum Mercalli Intensity (MMI) of the earthquake is VIII (evaluated according to the MMI scale of the Chinese Standard). No long continuous ground ruptures were produced during the earthquake,??but in the epicenter (commonly within MMI VIII extent), massive small linear ruptures (usually several tens of meters long) developed and displayed intriguing structural features, offsetting many roads several centimeters left laterally on NE trending cracks or offsetting right laterally on NW trending ones. The focal mechanism solution of earthquake shows that this is a pure strike-slip event, and two nodal planes in NW and NE directions had the same motion senses respectively as those of breakage associated with the earthquake. The long axis of the isoseismals and aftershock distributions are in NE direction,which is consistent with the strike of Luang Namtha fault. The 230-km-long Luang Namtha fault which starts from the border of China and Laos, runs through northern Laos, and terminates at Chiang Rai of Thailand is predominated by left-lateral strike-slip and active in late Quaternary, and two earthquakes over Ms 6.0 occurred along the fault in 1925 and 2007 respectively. This Mw 6.1 earthquake occurred at the southwestern end of the fault. All related features such as evident structural rupturing, elongated orientation of MMI and aftershock distribution,as well as the location of the epicenter,suggest that the Luang Namtha fault may be responsible for the 2014 Northern Thailand earthquake. 相似文献
盈江地区上新世火山岩是腾冲火山岩的重要组成部分,但以往研究极少涉及。通过对该火山岩进行岩石地球化学和KAr年代学研究,同时与腾冲火山岩东侧的龙江河谷地区的上新世火山岩对比,认为盈江和腾冲地区上新世火山岩是大陆构造背景下造山带造山后伸展作用下形成的火山岩,具有高Al_2O_3(15.54%~17.44%)、高K_2O(0.94%~3.50%)的岩石化学特点,为高钾钙碱性系列火山岩,形成于拉张环境,为双峰式火山岩(玄武岩DI=33~50,英安岩DI=62~76)。造山带裂谷火山岩常具弧火山岩的岩石化学特点,但其形成于造山带造山后的拉张环境,与板块俯冲作用没有直接关系。造山带裂谷火山岩发育在早期造山带,是造山带发展过程中一定阶段的岩浆作用的产物。 相似文献
针对强震能否预测以及如何预测的科学难题,建立孕震断层多锁固段脆性破裂理论,发现强震孕育过程的指数规律:sf(k)=1.48ksc,其中sf(k)和sc分别为第k个锁固体断裂点与第一个锁固段膨胀起点对应的累加Be-nioff应变,可以利用锁固段在其变形膨胀点处开始发生的震群事件(加速性地震活动前兆)预测未来大震,并给出了强震四要素相关预测方法。通过对诸多历史强震(如邢台地震、海城地震、汶川地震、玉树地震等)的回溯性检验分析表明:强震可以预测,且其孕震过程都遵循着上述简单的共性力学规律。在此基础上,归纳出4种典型强震的孕震模式,即大震震级呈"大—小—大"型,大震震级呈连续上升型,锁固段快速连续破裂型与标准型。此外,根据相关强震预测理论方法,对有关抗震救灾未来研究的方向提出如下建议:建议加强活动断裂位置精确定位、性质判定的地震地质研究,并开展孕震区锁固段(闭锁区域)判识的地质与地球物理研究等。 相似文献
The Seismogenic Structure and Deformation Mechanism of the Lushan (Mw 6.6) Earthquake,Sichuan, China
On April 20 th, 2013, an earthquake of magnitude MW 6.6 occurred at Lushan of Sichuan on the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone, with no typical coseismic surface rupture. This work plotted an isoseismal map of the earthquake after repositioning over 400 post–earthquake macro–damage survey points from peak ground acceleration(PGA) data recorded by the Sichuan Digital Strong Earthquake Network. This map indicates that the Lushan earthquake has a damage intensity of IX on the Liedu scale, and that the meizoseismal area displays an oblate ellipsoid shape, with its longitudinal axis in the NE direction. No obvious directivity was detected. Furthermore, the repositioning results of 3323 early aftershocks, seismic reflection profiles and focal mechanism solutions suggests that the major seismogenic structure of the earthquake was the Dayi Fault, which partly defines the eastern Mengshan Mountain. This earthquake resulted from the thrusting of the Dayi Fault, and caused shortening of the southern segment of the Longmenshan in the NW–SE direction. Coseismal rupture was also produced in the deep of the Xinkaidian Fault. Based on the above seismogenic model and the presentation of coseismic surface deformation, it is speculated that there is a risk of more major earthquakes occurring in this region. 相似文献
Seismogenic Structure around the Epicenter of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake from Micro‐seismic Tomography 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
AN Meijian FENG Mei DONG Shuwen LONG Changxing ZHAO Yue YANG Nong ZHAO Wenjin ZHANG Jizhong 《《地质学报》英文版》2009,83(4):724-732
Abstract: A three-dimensional local-scale P-velocity model down to 25 km depth around the main shock epicenter region was constructed using 83821 event-to-receiver seismic rays from 5856 aftershocks recorded by a newly deployed temporary seismic network. Checkerboard tests show that our tomographic model has lateral and vertical resolution of ~2 km. The high-resolution P-velocity model revealed interesting structures in the seismogenic layer: (1) The Guanxian-Anxian fault, Yingxiu-Beichuan fault and Wenchuan-Maoxian fault of the Longmen Shan fault zone are well delineated by sharp upper crustal velocity changes; (2) The Pengguan massif has generally higher velocity than its surrounding areas, and may extend down to at least ~10 km from the surface; (3) A sharp lateral velocity variation beneath the Wenchuan-Maoxian fault may indicate that the Pengguan massif’s western boundary and/or the Wenchuan-Maoxian fault is vertical, and the hypocenter of the Wenchuan earthquake possibly located at the conjunction point of the NW dipping Yingxiu-Beichuan and Guanxian-Anxian faults, and vertical Wenchuan-Maoxian fault; (4) Vicinity along the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault is characterized by very low velocity and low seismicity at shallow depths, possibly due to high content of porosity and fractures; (5) Two blocks of low-velocity anomaly are respectively imaged in the hanging wall and foot wall of the Guanxian-Anxian fault with a ~7 km offset with ~5 km vertical component. 相似文献
2008年云南省盈江县发生了多次中强地震,其中较严重的地震事件有3月21日在南部发生的5.0级地震和8月21日在北部发生的5.9级地震。通过实地考察并结合有关文献,对地震震害特点作了分析,从中得出了农村抗震救灾的启示。几次地震震中均位于岩浆岩区,未见地震断层。地震造成了大量民房破坏,其中3月21日地震对铜壁关乡有轻微的破坏,5.9级地震破坏最严重的是勐弄乡部分村庄,微观震中所在的苏典乡房屋有较轻程度的破坏,油松岭乡江心坡村位于冲积平原,是烈度异常区。有2种原因致使盈江地震震害严重,一是地基地质结构差和力学强度低,如滑坡堆积层地基和易液化沙土地基;二是建筑物的抗震性能差,主要是建筑结构松散和建筑材料质量低劣。盈江地震灾害告诉我们,在农村加强地基勘查和地基处理的极端重要性,同时要加强房屋的抗震设防,加强对地震的应急能力建设,提倡地震保险。 相似文献