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The X-ray spectrum of an accretion disc around a black hole is obtained under the modified -viscosity law. Both electron scattering opacity and free-free absorption opacity are taken into account in our calculation. We also find that the requirement of a geometrically-thin disc forces a limit on the accretion rateM<0.25M cr (i.e.,L<0.25L edd). Several previous disc calculations violate this limit and their results are questionable.  相似文献   

This paper studies the properties of self-gravity of accretion discs around supermassive black holes. With integration on the thin disc configuration, this paper has calculated the radial and vertical components of self-gravity of accretion discs. The discussion mainly concentrates on the radial component, and the results are briefly as follows: for accretion discs around supermassive black holes (M10 8–1010 M). At the distance where (R/R g)105–104, the radial component of self-gravity dominates over the central one where the dynamical structure of the accretion discs completely differs from that of Keplerian disc. A turbulence driven by radial self-gravity instability as a kind of energy source is proposed. This paper has two criteria for the comparison of magnitude between the self-gravity of accretion discs and the gravity of the central black hole, from which an analytic estimation for the outer radius of the accretion discs has been derived. The results of this paper may be used to explain the accretion discs of quasars and AGNs.This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Simulation calculations have been made to examine the modification effect of a hot X-ray photon field on a-ray spectrum by the photon-photon pair production and inverse Compton scattering processes. The Cyg X-3 system was used as a paradigm. It is shown that a-ray spectrum can change significantly when passing through the ambient keV X-ray photon field of an accretion binary source. For Cyg X-3, a significant amount of r-rays originated near the central source in the range of 102-104 MeV could be absorbed by the extended X-ray photons from accretion disk corona in a high X-ray luminosity state and, on the other hand, the inverse Compton effect of secondary electrons could cause a considerable increase in intensity of-rays between ~ 10 MeV and ~ 50 MeV. The relevance of the absorption effect for observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Accretion flows having positive specific energy are known to produce outflows and winds which escape to a large distance. According to Two Component Advective Flow (TCAF) model, centrifugal pressure dominated region of the flow just outside the black hole horizon, with or without shocks, acts as the base of this outflow. Electrons from this region are depleted due to the wind and consequently, energy transfer rate due to inverse Comptonization of low energy photons are affected. Specifically, it becomes easier to cool this region and emerging spectrum is softened. Our main goal is to show spectral softening due to mass outflow in presence of Compton cooling. To achieve this, we modify Rankine-Hugoniot relationships at the shock front when post-shock region suffers mass loss due to winds and energy loss due to inverse Comptonization. We solve two-temperature equations governing an accretion flow around a black hole which include Coulomb exchange between protons and electrons and other major radiative processes such as bremsstrahlung and thermal Comptonization. We then compute emitted spectrum from this post-shock flow. We also show how location of standing shock which forms outer boundary of centrifugal barrier changes with cooling. With an increase in disc accretion rate \((\dot{m}_{d})\) , cooling is enhanced and we find that the shock moves in towards the black hole. With cooling, thermal pressure is reduced, and as a result, outflow rate is decreased. We thus directly correlate outflow rate with spectral state of the disc.  相似文献   

To extend Shapiro's (1973a, b) calculations of black hole accretion to the regimes of interstellar gas densities and of black hole masses for which emergent luminosities are expected to be high, the radiation hydrodynamics of spherically symmetric gas flows in static isotropic metrics is discussed. Since for the more luminous objects the optical depth of the accretion volume becomes large, particular attention has to be paid to radiative transfer through non-Euclidean spaces, and a method for solving the full transfer problem is presented. The method is applied to accretion into black holes of mass between 10M and 105 M , under the conservative assumption that all other heat sources, like dissipation of magnetic or turbulent energy, can be neglected in comparison to the compressional work term,p dV. In the interstellar gas parameter range of interest, the radiation field is then dominated by emission and absorption of synchrotron radiation from inner zones of the flow. Temperature stratifications, luminosities and emergent spectra resulting from these processes are calculated.  相似文献   

Possible manifestations of small mass black holes (M BH<M ) in cosmic bodies (stars, millisecond pulsars, planets, etc.) are considered. The formation of millisecond pulsars in the early proposed pulsar's model goes onto a small black hole in the centre due to accretion of neutron star matter. Within the framework of a model under consideration, the following is predicted: millisecond pulsars withP min=0.5 ms, single optical and X-ray pulsars with the negative derivative derivative of period. Small black holes can be applied to make models of anomalies in planetary bodies (gravitational, heat, etc.). The vulcan model with radiation of a microblack hole in a magnetic void (M BH1015 g) as the source of energy is considered. At the Earth's surface, near a vulcan, the neutrino flow from a microblack hole is estimated.  相似文献   

The stationary two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic solution for the accretion of the matter without pressure into a gravitating centre of a black hole is obtained. It is assumed that the magnetic field far from the collapsed star is homogeneous and its influence on the flow is negligible. Around the star, at the plane perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, the dense quasistationary disc is formed, the structure of which in a large extent is determined by dissipation processes. The structure is calculated for (a) a laminar disc with the Coulomb mechanism of dissipation; and (b) a turbulent disc.The estimations of the parameters of the shock which result from the infall of the matter onto the disc are given. In the last section the numerical estimation and approximate character of the radiation spectrum of the disc and the shock are obtained for two cases of 10M and 105 M . The luminosity of collapsed objects withM=10M appears to be about solar, thus its observation is possibly only at the distances less than 300–1000 pc. The collapsed objects in the Galaxy withM=105 M could constitute very bright sources in spectral regions from optical up to X-ray. The spectra of a laminar and a turbulent disc for 10M black hole are very different. The laminar disc radiates primarily in the ultraviolet. The turbulent disc radiates a large part of its flux in the infrared. Therefore, one cannot exclude the possibility that some of the galactic infrared star-like sources are individual black holes in the accretion state.  相似文献   

The problem of planetary accretion in a jet stream is studied using the model developed by Alfvén and Arrhenius. We find that there are basically three types of planetary accretion: namely, fast process c < i , slow process c ~ i and delayed process c > i where c is the characteristic time of the occurrence of catastrophic accretion and i the time-scale of mass injection to the planetary system (3×108 yr). These different time scales of accretion are found to be closely related to the primordial thermal profiles and equatorial inclinations of the planets. Finally, Venus' retrograde rotational spin is shown to be a possible result of accretion process in a jet stream.  相似文献   

The Comptonization-softening of very hard X-ray photons withEm 0 c 2 in the cold electron gas is discussed. The frequency diffusion equation for Comptonization of hard X-rays has been derived to the zero-temperature approximation. By use of this equation, and under the assumption of pair-annihilation origin of hard X-rays, we calculated the energy spectrum withE>80 keV, for Cyg X-1, which is in good fit with the observation. The high-energy edge 400 keV of the observed spectrum and the small bump in the range 100–200 keV also can be explained by this way.  相似文献   

With the aid of a simple black hole model of quasars we have found that the majority of the distinguishable emission lines in the spectrum of the quasar 1604+179 can be assigned to two redshift systems,z r =3.712 andz b =2.701. The appearance of double emission redshifts means that this quasar might be a massive black hole (of mass 108 M M1011 M ) with a ring-like emission line region (of radius 1 light-day r 01 light-year) in its accretion disk.  相似文献   

In this paper we calculate the number of close binaries formed during the evolution process of a globular cluster core. The globular cluster core is assumed to contain a massive black hole at its center. We show that the central black hole can drive binaries formation in the core and the rate of binaries formation depends on the mass of the black hole at its center. When the massM of the black hole is between 102 M and 3×103 M , there will be a few binaries formed. When the mass of the black hole is 4×103 M M6×103 M , the number of binary star formation will suddenly increase with a jump to the maximum value 58. When the mass of the black hole is 7×103 M M9×103 M , the number of binary star will immediately decrease. Whether cluster X-ray is produced mainly by the central black hole or by binaries in the core depends on the mass of the central black hole. Therefore, two cases arise: namely, black hole accretion domination and binaries radiation domination. We do think that we cannot exclude the possibility of the existence of a central black hole even when binary radiation characteristics have been observed in globular cluster X-ray sources.  相似文献   

In this paper, accretion disc and synchrotron emission models have been used to analyse simultaneous IR-optical-UV data of the BL Lac object 1727+502. In the following, some of its properties have been discussed. It is shown that the temperature of the disc is about 19, 000°k, the mass of the central black hole isM 8 5.4, and the accretion ratio is 10–3 M /yr.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider effects of the general relativity and an accreting black hole in a globular cluster by studying the evolution of a globular cluster core as a whole, i.e., without the partition of the core into the so-called cusp and isothermal core regions. The globular cluster core is assumed to contain a massive black hole at its center. We show that the final fate of the evolution of a globular cluster core depends on the mass of the black hole at its center. When the massM of the black hole is greater than 3×103 M , there will be a contraction of the core. On the other hand, if the mass of the black hole is smaller (102 M M3×103 M ) in the center, the core will expand until complete dissolution.  相似文献   

We constructed a grid of relativistic models for standard high-relative-luminosity accretion α-disks around supermassive Kerr black holes (BHs) and computed X-ray spectra for their hot, effectively optically thin inner parts by taking into account general-relativity effects. They are known to be heated to high (~106–109 K) temperatures and to cool down through the Comptonization of intrinsic thermal radiation. Their spectra are power laws with an exponential cutoff at high energies; i.e., they have the same shape as those observed in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Fitting the observed X-ray spectra of AGNs with computed spectra allowed us to estimate the fundamental parameters of BHs (their mass and Kerr parameter) and accretion disks (luminosity and inclination to the line of sight) in 28 AGNs. We show that the Kerr parameter for BHs in AGNs is close to unity and that the disk inclination correlates with the Seyfert type of AGN, in accordance with the unification model of activity. The estimated BH masses Mx are compared with the masses Mrev determined by the reverberation mapping technique. For AGNs with luminosities close to the Eddington limit, these masses agree and the model under consideration may be valid for them. For low-relative-luminosity AGNs, the differences in masses increase with decreasing relative luminosity and their X-ray emission cannot be explained by this model.  相似文献   

We explore an accretion model for low luminosity AGN (LLAGN) that attributes the low radiative output to a low mass accretion rate, , rather than a low radiative efficiency. In this model, electrons are assumed to drain energy from the ions as a result of collisionless plasma microinstabilities. Consequently, the accreting gas collapses to form a geometrically thin disk at small radii and is able to cool before reaching the black hole. The accretion disk is not a standard disk, however, because the radial disk structure is modified by a magnetic torque which drives a jet and which is primarily responsible for angular momentum transport. We also include relativistic effects. We apply this model to the well known LLAGN M87 and calculate the combined disk-jet steady-state broadband spectrum. A comparison between predicted and observed spectra indicates that M87 may be a maximally spinning black hole accreting at a rate of ∼10−3 M  yr−1. This is about 6 orders of magnitude below the Eddington rate for the same radiative efficiency. Furthermore, the total jet power inferred by our model is in remarkably good agreement with the value independently deduced from observations of the M87 jet on kiloparsec scales.  相似文献   

The fragmentation of a molecular cloud is modelled as a random process by the Monte Carlo method. The probability of the fragmentation is a function of the cloud initial mass and decreases rapidly for mass lower than critical mass, which is a defined parameter. The modelled IMF is compared with the mean mass function in open clusters assumed here as the observed IMF. The best fit was found for initial mass 3×103 M s and for the critical mass range 0.4 to 0.6M s . It also implies the star formation efficiency to be about 0.3.Paper presented at a Workshop on The Role of Dust in Dense Regions of Interstellar Matter, held at Georgenthal, G.D.R., in March 1986.  相似文献   

We explore an accretion model for low luminosity AGN (LLAGN) that attributes the low radiative output to a low mass accretion rate, , rather than a low radiative efficiency. In this model, electrons are assumed to drain energy from the ions as a result of collisionless plasma microinstabilities. Consequently, the accreting gas collapses to form a geometrically thin disk at small radii and is able to cool before reaching the black hole. The accretion disk is not a standard disk, however, because the radial disk structure is modified by a magnetic torque which drives a jet and which is primarily responsible for angular momentum transport. We also include relativistic effects. We apply this model to the well known LLAGN M87 and calculate the combined disk-jet steady-state broadband spectrum. A comparison between predicted and observed spectra indicates that M87 may be a maximally spinning black hole accreting at a rate of ∼10−3M yr−1. This is about 6 orders of magnitude below the Eddington rate for the same radiative efficiency. Furthermore, the total jet power inferred by our model is in remarkably good agreement with the value independently deduced from observations of the M87 jet on kiloparsec scales. * This paper has previously been published in Astrophysics and Space Science, vol. 310:3–4.  相似文献   

Spherically symmetric, steady-state, optically thick accretion onto a nonrotating black hole with the mass of is studied. The gas accreting onto the black hole is assumed to be a fully ionized hydrogen plasma withn 0=108 cm–3 andT 0=104 K far from the black hole, and a new approximate expression for the Eddington factor is introduced. The luminosity is estimated to beL=1.875×1033 erg s–1, which primarily arises from the optical surface (1) ofT104 K. The accretion flow is characterized by 1 and (v/c)10. In the optically thin region, the flow remains isothermal, and the increase of temperature occurs at 1. The radiative equilibrium is strictly realized at (v/c)10.  相似文献   

Two ellipsoidal spherules approximately 0.5 mm in diameter were studied in detail using a scanning electron microscope. A variety of surface features were observed: vesicles, mounds, dimples, streaks, ridges, grooves, accretion phenomena, and high-speed impact craters. The diameters of 27 glass-lined pits formed by impact on one spherule range from less than 1m to approximately 50m. Intermediate-sized glass-lined pits surrounded by concentric fractures demonstrate the transition between larger craters that have both a pit and a spall zone and generally smaller craters that have only a pit. Assuming all craters showing evidence of impact-related melting or flow are the result of primary impacts, the differential mass spectrum of impacting meteoroids in the range 10–11 to 10–10 g is in good agreement with a spectrum based on satellite-borne particle-detecting experiments.  相似文献   

The present work is a review of papers related to the theory of prominence radiation. Special attention is paid to stationary equations and the theory of radiation diffusion in the lines and continua of hydrogen, helium and metals.We conclude that prominences are low-temperature formations T e 7000 K, of low density 1012 particles per cm3, n e 1011 cm–3, effective thickness 109 cm, and that the chemical composition of prominences and that of the Sun's atmosphere are the same. The prominence radiation in the lines of hydrogen, helium and metals is due mainly to quasiresonance scattering of the photospheric radiation.  相似文献   

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