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镜质组反射率测试及其所反映的构造应力场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了利用煤镜质组反射率推断豫北构造应力场,基于构造应力是造成镜质组反射率各向异性(VRA)的主要控制因素,对在豫北焦作、安阳、鹤壁三个矿区井下取的定向煤样品进行了室内显微镜下反射率测试,对测试数据按有关公式进行计算后就得出了由最大反射率值、中间反射率值、最小反射率值为轴组成的镜质组反射率椭球体(VRI).结果表明,研究区煤样显示二轴晶正光性,它们经过了强烈的构造变形,研究区煤样镜质组反射率各向异性是由构造应力所引起;由镜质组反射率椭球体(VRI)得出的豫北构造应力场与钻探、节理统计、河南省区域构造应力场分析等方法得出的应力场基本上是吻合的,但也有一定的区别,主要体现在应力场到安阳、鹤壁矿区后发生了向左的偏转.总之,利用煤镜质组反射率各向异性推断构造应力场的方法是可行的、是有效的.  相似文献   

将火山机构分为火山口-近火山口相 (CNCF)、近源相 (PF)和远源相 (DF)三个相带.露头揭示这三个相带的倾角范围为:CNCF-40~70°,PF-25~45°,DF-20~35°.这三个相带的裂缝线密度为:CNCF-10~30条/m,PF-3~25条/m,DF-2~11条/m.这三个相带的相干值的关系为:CNCF相似文献   

煤镜质组反射率是评价煤阶、区分煤种的重要参数之一,在煤层气勘探与开发、采煤、化工和冶金中有着重要的应用.以往煤阶的评价单纯通过巷道和钻孔取芯的煤样实验室测试分析获得,受取样点有限限制.本文通过6种不同变质程度煤的挥发分和镜质组最大反射率的测试,配合煤样的超声弹性测量,探讨了镜质组最大反射率与地震属性参数-波速、密度和弹性模量之间的相关性.研究发现:煤镜质组最大反射率与地震属性参数均存在较好的线性正相关,其中以密度与纵波速度的相关程度最高.从而为利用煤田地震预测镜质组最大反射率,进而预测煤阶的三维立体分布提供了试验与物理依据.  相似文献   

王玮  周祖翼  于鹏 《地球物理学报》2005,48(6):1375-1383
对常用的Waples、Middleton及Easy%Ro模型,通过蒙特卡罗方法,得到了相应的简化模型.所有简化模型均表明镜质体反射率(Ro)主要受控于最高温度(Tmax),并且与最高温度附近的温度变化率(Hr)有关.通过对简化模型的比较发现:(1)相对于Easy%Ro模型而言,Waples、Middleton模型对Hr的变化更为敏感;(2)总的来讲,达到相同的Ro值Middleton模型需要的温度最高,Easy%Ro模型其次,Waples模型需要的温度最低.在一定条件下,根据简化模型,利用实测的lnRo-H数据可以求取地层经历的最高温度及相应的地温梯度、热流和时间.实例分析表明岩石热导率等数据的准确性直接影响Ro解释的结果,但这种影响容易分析,而Hr的不确定性则导致多解性.  相似文献   

李琼  何建军  陈杰 《地球物理学报》2017,60(7):2897-2903



沁水盆地大地热流与地温场特征   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
分析了20口井的温度数据和39个岩石样品的热导率数据,计算了20个大地热流值.结果表明:沁水盆地具有偏高的大地热流背景,现今热流变化于44.8~101.8 mW/m2之间,平均62.7±15.2 mW/m2,现今地温梯度介于20.9~47.6 ℃/km之间,平均地温梯度28.2±10.3 ℃/km. 热流的分布与本区上、下主煤层含气量的分布特征相似,在一定程度上反映了现代热流继承了煤层气生气期的古地热背景.  相似文献   

The Bohai Basin is a petroliferous Cenozoic basin in northeast China (Fig. 1(a)) and has apparent geo- metrical and kinematic similarities with the other Meso-Cenozoic extensional basins located along the eastern margin of the Eurasian Plate[1,2]. Its architec- ture and Cenozoic stratigraphy have been well under- stood from several decades of petroleum exploration. Previous studies have suggested that the Bohai Basinis a typical extensional basin and has two tectonic evolution phases, rift…  相似文献   

A series of Monomethyl branched alkanes compounds were detected between nC_(14)-nC_(36),in immature and low maturity Jurassic humic coal,Junggar basin.2-methyl alkanes and 3-methyl alkanes accounted for the vast majority of the compounds.It is worth noting that the2-methyl alkanes in the humic coal samples show an obvious distribution of even carbon predominances rarely reported in the literature.The results show that with the increase of Pr/Ph(pristane/phytane),the even carbon dominance of 2-methyl alkanes is more obvious,while the odd carbon number distribution of 3-methyl alkanes is weakened.As Pr/Ph increases in the humic coal,the relative content of the hopanes increased,while the relative content of 2-methyl alkanes and 3-methyl alkanes increases first and then decreases.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地腹部侏罗系以隐蔽油气藏为主,地震资料在目的层分辨率较低、地震反射特征不清晰,制约了对该区的低幅构造、岩性圈闭的识别和评价.本文根据侏罗系的沉积特点,建立河流、(扇)三角洲沉积体系地质模型,制作尖灭体、透镜体、河道砂、浊积体等地质体的三维物理模型,通过实验测试方法,研究地层条件下岩石物理性质的变化特征,系统研究储层地球物理参数变化的总体规律,并结合测井资料,采用波场物理模拟方法,研究波场响应特征与储层参数变化之间的规律,分析各种情况下的波场特征、属性特征.  相似文献   

Shoaling is a common type of sedimentation in the evolution of carbonate platform,and commonly has poor continuity.This paper presents a newly discovered and rare type of shoaling,i.e.,mega-shoaling in nearly basin scale,which is developed in the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation of the Sichuan Basin,southwest China.During the Leikoupo time,the studied Sichuan Basin experienced hot and dry climate conditions and developed a carbonate platform within a restricted epicontinental sea.In B sub-layer of the Lei-1-1 sub-member of the Leikoupo Formation a series of grainstones of shoal facies accumulated throughout almost the entire basin,thereby generating features associated with basin-scale mega-shoaling.By detailed core examination and microscopic observation of thin sections,it is shown that the lithology of this set of grainstones is dominated by doloarenite(calcarenite)followed by oolitic dolomite(limestone).In addition,it contains three types of sedimentary sequences characterized by upward-coarsening and upward-shallowing as the followings:restricted lagoon to platform interior beach;restricted lagoon to platform interior beach and to platform flat;and tidal flat to peritidal beach.Subsequently,a multicyclic stratigraphic division and correlation revealed that this set of grainstones can be well traced and compared horizontally,and is generally isochronous.In addition,a template for logging facies,established based on core calibrations and logging data,was employed to analyze the 235 wells in the basin.The results demonstrate the shoal grainstones to be 10–40 m thick with a15×104km2continuous distribution area.These findings indicate that the carbonate platform developed mega-shoals within a short period of time.The genesis of such a mega-shoaling was investigated by focusing on various shoaling conditions,such as paleo-tectonics,paleo-geomorphology,paleo-climate,sea-level changes,and palaeo-hydrodynamics.A specific combination of independent geological factors creates beneficial geomorphologic conditions for the mega-shoaling including a quiescent paleo-tectonic environment,relatively flat paleo-geomorphology and evaporites filling up and leveling off.In addition,a stably settling carbonate platform underwent sea-level fluctuations through swift transgressions and protracted regressions,which is not only conducive to continuous,multicyclic and superimposed vertical development of grain beaches but also beneficial for the horizontal migration,coalescence and superimposition of individual grain beaches.As a consequence,large-scale and continuously-distributed grain beach sedimentation emerges and mega-shoals develop.  相似文献   

It is a challenge to determine the source and genetic relationship of condensate, waxy and heavy oils in one given complicated petroliferous area, where developed multiple sets of source rocks with different maturity and various chemical features.The central part of southern margin of Junggar Basin, NW China is such an example where there are condensates, light oils, normal density oils, heavy crude oils and natural gases. The formation mechanism of condensates has been seriously debated for long time;however, no study has integrated it with genetic types of waxy and heavy oils. Taking the central part of southern margin of Junggar Basin as a case, this study employs geological and geochemical methods to determine the formation mechanism of condensates,waxy and heavy oils in a complicated petroliferous area, and reveals the causes and geochemical processes of the co-occurrence of different types of crude oils in this region. Based on detailed geochemical analyses of more than 40 normal crude oils, light oils,condensates and heavy oils, it is found that the condensates are dominated by low carbon number n-alkanes and enriched in light naphthenics and aromatic hydrocarbons. Heptane values of these condensates range from 19% to 21%, isoheptane values from1.9 to 2.1, and toluene/n-heptane ratios from 1.5 to 2.0. The distribution of n-alkanes in the condensates presents a mirror image with high density waxy crude oils and heavy oils. Combined with the oil and gas-source correlations of the crude oils, condensates and natural gas, it is found that the condensates are product of evaporative fractionation and/or phase-controlled fractionation of reservoir crude oils which were derived from mature Cretaceous lacustrine source rocks in the relatively early stage. The waxy oils are the intermediate products of evaporative fractionation and/or phase-controlled fractionation of reservoir crude oils, while the heavy oils are in-situ residuals. Therefore, evaporative fractionation and/or phase-controlled fractionation would account for the formation of the condensate, light oil, waxy oil and heavy oil in the central part of southern margin of Junggar Basin, resulting in a great change of the content in terms of light alkanes, naphthenics and aromatics in condensates, followed by great uncertainties of toluene/n-heptane ratios due to migration and re-accumulation. The results suggest that the origin of the condensate cannot be simply concluded by its ratios of toluene/n-heptane and n-heptane/methylcyclohexane on the Thompson's cross-plot, it should be comprehensively determined by the aspects of geological background, thermal history of source rocks and petroleum generation,physical and chemical features of various crude oils and natural gas, vertical and lateral distribution of various crude oils in the study area.  相似文献   

Two organic maturity indices, the statistical thermal alteration index (stTAI) and vitrinite reflectance (RO), are used to gain insight into the geological histories of sequences of Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous sediments in northern Japan that contain an unconformity and which are affected by faulting and contact metamorphism. The stTAI is based on the brightness, or gray level, of fossil pollen of Pinus, Podocarpus, Abies, and Picea species. Pollen brightness is measured using a transmitted‐light microscope equipped with a computer‐driven digital image processor. The stTAI represents the mean value of the modes for the complete array of indigenous pollen in rock samples. The stTAI indicates the level of organic maturation for Neogene sedimentary rocks of Japan, from incipient diagenesis to early catagenesis (RO ≤1.0%). With the progressive diagenesis and catagenesis of sedimentary rocks, stTAI values generally show a progressive decrease, whereas RO values increase. The effects of an unconformity and faulting are more clearly recorded in stTAI trends than in RO trends. During early stages of organic maturation (RO ≤0.7%), stTAI shows a rapid decrease, while RO shows a rapid increase during the mature and post‐mature stages (RO ≥0.8%). The occurrence of a range in RO values for a given level of organic maturity makes it difficult to determine the influence of the unconformity on the increasing RO trend. RO values show a progressive increase toward an igneous dyke, but this trend is not apparent in stTAI values. Measurements of Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous rocks in Japan reveal that stTAI is more sensitive to heating duration than RO, although RO is more sensitive to heating temperature.  相似文献   

以山西临汾、太原、大同遥测地震台网记录的14 a的观测资料为基础,依据一定时期内地震活动的起伏性即发生的周期性、重复性、阶段性和密集平静等变化特点,运用A(b)-N法显示小地震活动的起伏现象适用于区域地震活动性分析的原理、计算机汇编程序,录入数据,计算得到了各盆地的地震活动性指标异常值,绘制了地震活动参数曲线,得到了预测未来发生地震的时间、空间、强度三要素的参考指标.通过与以前震例的对比分析,进一步得到运用此方法预测地震的可信度.  相似文献   

The Yanchang Formation is extensively developed in the Ordos Basin and its surrounding regions. As one of the best terrestrial Triassic sequences in China and the major oil-gas bearing formations in the Ordos Basin, its age determination and stratigraphic assignment are important in geological survey and oil-gas exploration. It had been attributed to the Late Triassic and regarded as the typical representative of the Upper Triassic in northern China for a long time, although some scholars had already proposed that the lower part of this formation should be of the Middle Triassic age in the mid-late 20th century. In this paper, we suggest that the lower and middle parts of the Yanchang Formation should be of the Ladinian and the bottom possibly belongs to the late Anisian of the Middle Triassic, mainly based on new fossils found in it and high resolution radiometric dating results. The main source rocks, namely the oil shales and mudstones of the Chang-7, are of the Ladinian Age. The upper part of the Yanchang Formation, namely the Chang-6 and the above parts, belongs to the Late Triassic. The uppermost of the Triassic is missed in most parts of the Ordos Basin. The Middle-Upper Triassic Series boundary lies in the Yanchang Formation, equivalent to the boundary between Chang-7 and Chang-6. The Ladinian is an important palaeoenvironmental turning point in the Ordos Basin. Palaeoenvironmental changes in the basin are coincidence with that of the Sichuan Basin and the main tectonic movement of the Qinling Mountains. It indicates that tectonic activities of the Qinling Mountains are related to the big palaeoenvironmental changes in both the Ordos and Sichuan Basins, which are caused by the same structural dynamic system during the Ladinian.  相似文献   

Under the influence of all kinds of human activities, runoff decreased significantly in most river basins in China over the past decades. Assessing the effect of specific human activities on runoff is essential not only for understanding the mechanism of hydrological response in the catchment, but also for local water resources management. The Kuye River, the first-order tributary of the middle Yellow River, has experienced significant runoff declines. The coal resources are rich in the Kuye River Basin. In mined out area some cranny changed the hydrogeological conditions of the mining area and the hydrological process of the basin. In this study, the time series of runoff was divided into three periods at two critical years of 1979 and 1999 by precipitation–runoff double accumulation curve. The Yellow River Water Balance Model (YRWBM) is calibrated and verified to a baseline period in 1955–1978. Subsequently, natural runoff for human-induced period (1979 to 1998) and strongly human-induced period (1999 to 2010) is reconstructed using the YRWBM model. The YRWBM model performed well in simulating monthly discharges in the catchment, both Nash Sutcliffe coefficients in calibration and verification were above 70%, while relative errors in both periods were at less than 5%. The percentage of runoff reduction attributing to human activities was from 39.44% in 1979–1998 to 56.50% in 1999–2010. Further the influence of coal mining on river runoff was assessed quantitatively by YRWBM model simulation. The influence of coal mining on runoff reduction was 29.69 mm in 1999–2010 which was about 2.58 × 108 m3/a. It accounted for 71.13% of the runoff reduction during this period. Coal mining became a dominant factor causing the runoff reduction.  相似文献   

Huang  Jian  Su  Tao  Li  Shufeng  Wu  Feixiang  Deng  Tao  Zhou  Zhekun 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(2):212-223
This paper describes a plant megafossil assemblage from the Pliocene strata of Xiangzi, Zanda Basin in the western Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Twenty-one species belonging to 12 genera and 10 families were identified. Studies show that the Pliocene vegetation in Zanda Basin was mostly deciduous shrub composed of Cotoneaster, Spiraea, Caragana, Hippophae,Rhododendron, Potentilla fruticosa, etc. Leaf sizes of these taxa were generally small. Paleoclimate reconstruction using Coexistence Analysis and CLAMP showed that this area had higher temperature and precipitation in the Pliocene than today, and distinct seasonal precipitation variability was established. The reconstructed paleoelevation of Zanda Basin in the Pliocene was similar to modern times. In the context of central Asian aridification, the gradual drought in the area beginning in the late Cenozoic caused vegetation to transition from shrub to desert, and the flora composition also changed.  相似文献   

Taiyuan is a city in Shanxi Province, China, and possesses serious seismic hazard. In this study, we constructed a time-dependent seismic hazard model for Taiyuan and the surrounding area based on several major-earthquake seismogenic structures for which historical and paleoseismic event data were available. With the time-dependent model, we calculated the distribution of peak ground acceleration with 10% probability of exceedance in the next 50 years in Taiyuan and the surrounding area, and compared the results with those calculated using the time-independent model. The results showed that the entire area around Taiyuan has a higher seismic hazard with the time-dependent model than that with the time-independent model. The Jiaocheng and Hengshan faults have much higher seismic hazard. Applying the model only to Taiyuan showed that the city has higher seismic hazard with the time-dependent model than that with the time-independent model. In particular, in the western part of Taiyuan, the seismic hazard is quite high because of the proximity of the area to the Jiaocheng Fault.  相似文献   


The deep-lake facies of the Yanchang Formation represents a large outflowing lake basin in the Ordos area. Its deposition can be divided into four stages: lake genetic and expanding stage, peak stage, inversion stage and dying stage. All the stages are obviously consistent with the evolution of depositional environment and the paleoclimate in the region. The study indicates that the lake basin has evolution fluctuations from highstand to lowstand for four times in its evolution history, and the deposition center of the lake has not obviously moved, staying along the Huachi-Yijun belt. The deep lake sedimentary system mainly consists of deep water deltas and turbidite fans during the entire evolution course of the lake basin in the Late Triassic. The former mainly developed on the slope of steep shore of the delta in the early period of the deep-water expansion and gradually experienced a big shift from deep-water deltas to shallow-water platform delta. And the latter appeared almost in all the above stages and had two types of turbidite fans, slope-moving turbidite fans and slump turbidite fans. The slope-moving turbidite fans have relatively complete facies belts overlapping one another vertically and consist of the slope channel of inter fans, the turbidite channel, inter turbidite channel and turbidite channel front of middle fans and outer fans (or lakebottom plain). However, the slide-moving turbidity fans are formed in the deep lake with their microfacies difficult to be distinguished, and only the center microfacies and edge microfacies can be determined. The two types of the turbidity fans are similarly distributing in the near-root-slope and far-root-slope regions. The deep-lake deposition governs the distribution of the hydrocarbon and reservoir, while the slope-moving turbidite fans are excellent reservoirs for oil-gas exploration due to their great thickness, widespread distribution and accumulation properties.


The deep-lake facies of the Yanchang Formation represents a large outflowing lake basin in the Ordos area. Its deposition can be divided into four stages lake genetic and expanding stage, peak stage, inversion stage and dying stage. All the stages are obviously consistent with the evolution of depositional environment and the paleoclimate in the region. The study indicates that the lake basin has evolution fluctuations from highstand to lowstand for four times in its evolution history, and the deposition center of the lake has not obviously moved, staying along the Huachi-Yijun belt. The deep lake sedimentary system mainly consists of deep water deltas and turbidite fans during the entire evolution course of the lake basin in the Late Triassic. The former mainly developed on the slope of steep shore of the delta in the early period of the deep-water expansion and gradually experienced a big shift from deep-water deltas to shallow-water platform delta. And the latter appeared almost in all the above stages and had two types of turbidite fans, slope-moving turbidite fans and slump turbidite fans. The slope-moving turbidite fans have relatively complete facies belts overlapping one another vertically and consist of the slope channel of inter fans, the turbidite channel, inter turbidite channel and turbidite channel front of middle fans and outer fans (or lakebottom plain). However, the slide-moving turbidity fans are formed in the deep lake with their microfacies difficult to be distinguished, and only the center microfacies and edge microfacies can be determined. The two types of the turbidity fans are similarly distributing in the near-root-slope and far-root-slope regions. The deep-lake deposition governs the distribution of the hydrocarbon and reservoir, while the slope-moving turbidite fans are excellent reservoirs for oil-gas exploration due to their great thickness, widespread distribution and accumulation properties.  相似文献   

The reservoirs of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Sichuan Basin have the characteristics of low compositional maturity, low contents of cements and medium textural maturity. The general physical properties of the reservoirs are poor, with low porosity and low permeability, and there are only a few reservoirs with medium porosity and low permeability in local areas. Based on the diagenetic mineral association, a diagenetic sequence of cements is established: early calcites (or micrite siderites) →first quartz overgrowth→chlorite coatings→dissolution of feldspars and debris→chlorite linings→ second quartz overgrowth (quartz widen or filled in remain intergranular pores and solution pores)→dissolution→third quartz overgrowth (quartz filled in intergranular and intragranular solution pores)→intergrowth (ferro) calcites→dolomites→ferro (calcites) dolomites→later dissolution→veins of quartz and calcites formation. Mechanical compaction is the main factor in making the reservoirs tight in the basin, followed by the second and third quartz overgrowth. In a long-term closed system, only feld-spars and some lithic fragments are dissolved by diagenetic fluids, while intergranular cements such as quartz and calcit are not dissolved and thus have little influence on the porosity of the Xujiahe Formation. This is the third factor that may have kept the sandstones of Xujiahe Formation tight finally. The hydrocarbon was extensively generated from organic materials after the second quartz overgrowth, and selectively entered favorable reservoirs to form tight sandstone gas reservoirs.  相似文献   

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