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The wave-induced velocity and pressure fields beneath a large amplitude internal solitary wave of depression propagating over a smooth, flat, horizontal, and rigid boundary in a shallow two-layer fluid are computed numerically. A numerical ocean model is utilised, the set-up of which is designed and tuned to replicate the previously published experimental results of Carr and Davies (Phys Fluids 18(1):016,601–1–016,601–10, 2006). Excellent agreement is found between the two data sets and, in particular, the numerical simulation replicates the finding of a reverse flow along the bed aft of the wave. The numerically computed velocity and pressure gradients confirm that the occurrence of the reverse flow is a consequence of boundary layer separation in the adverse pressure gradient region. In addition, vortices associated with the reverse flow are seen to form near the bed.  相似文献   

The compression of soil grain and pore fluid as well as viscid coupling of pore fluid and soil skeleton is considered, the scattering problem of incident plane P1 wave (fast compressional wave) by an infinite cylindrical shell deeply embedded in isotropic saturated soils is studied by adopting the amended Biot model, amplitude equations about potential functions of scattering and refracting fields are obtained, and the effect of dimensionless frequencies and shell thickness on the back-scattering spectra and dynamic stress concentration factors of two types of cylindrical shells with high and low rigidity are numerically computed and analyzed.  相似文献   

Based on Biot theory of two-phase anisotropic media and Hamilton theory about dynamic problem,finite element equations of elastic wave propagation in two-phase anisotopic media are derived in this paper.Numerical solution of finite element equations is given.Finally,properties of elastic wave propagation are observed and analyzed through FEM modeling.  相似文献   

Introduction Among the mechanisms of earthquake, the essentials may be that the earthquake is a dynamic process of energy accumulation, reaching critical status and failure in focal region. Some nonlin-ear mechanical studies (Bak, Tang, 1989; Ito, Matsuzaki, 1990) show that earthquakes as a self-organized critical phenomenon may be induced by relative small stress disturbance. WANG, et al (1980) already carried out the numerical simulation on earthquake migration in the beginning of 1980s. …  相似文献   

Introduction Geoscientists concern the explanation of deep focus earthquakes greatly. As a great progress in understanding the formation of deep focus earthquakes, Sung and Burns (1976a, b) proposed that olivine could exist in transition zone in metastable form in the core of some cold subducting slabs, which have got supports from laboratory studies (Rubie, Ross, 1994). Iidaka and Suetsugu (1992) used the seismic data recorded by the dense seismograph networks in Japan to study the travelti…  相似文献   

Introduction It is found that there are some relationships between the thermal structures of subduction zones and the deep seismicity, while the mechanism relates the thermal structure and the deep seismicity is still unsure (Helffrich, Brodholt, 1991; Furukawa, 1994; Kirby, et al, 1996). From 1980s, geoscientists have constituted a series of numerical simulations on the stress states of subduction slabs. Based on the kinetic computation of Sung and Burns (1976a, b), Goto, et al (1983, 1987…  相似文献   

Part 2 of the present paper is focused on the planetary wave coupling from the stratosphere to the lower thermosphere (30–120 km) during the Arctic winter of 2003/2004. The planetary waves seen in the TIMED/SABER temperature data in the latitudinal range 50°N–50°S are studied in detail. The altitude and latitude structures of the planetary wave (stationary and travelling) clearly indicate that the stratosphere and mesosphere (30–90 km) are coupled by direct vertical propagation of the planetary waves, while the lower thermosphere (above 90–95 km altitude) is only partly connected with the lower levels probably indirectly through in-situ generation of disturbances by the dissipation and breaking of gravity waves filtered by lower atmospheric planetary waves. A peculiar feature of the thermal regime in the lower thermosphere is that it is dominated by zonally symmetric planetary waves.  相似文献   

GeneratinggroundmotionbytwonewtechniquesofaddingharmonicwaveinthetimedomainandapproximatingtoresponsespectrumasawholeCHANG...  相似文献   

The multi-phase flow of liquid/supercritical CO2 and water (non-wetting and wetting phases, respectively) in a two-dimensional silicon micromodel was investigated at reservoir conditions (80 bar, 24 °C and 40 °C). The fluorescent microscopy and microscopic particle image velocimetry (micro-PIV) techniques were combined to quantify the flow dynamics associated with displacement of water by CO2 (drainage) in the porous matrix. To this end, water was seeded with fluorescent tracer particles, CO2 was tagged with a fluorescent dye and each phase was imaged independently using spectral separation in conjunction with microscopic imaging. This approach allowed simultaneous measurement of the spatially-resolved instantaneous velocity field in the water and quantification of the spatial configuration of the two fluid phases. The results, acquired with sufficient time resolution to follow the dynamic progression of both phases, provide a comprehensive picture of the flow physics during the migration of the CO2 front, the temporal evolution of individual menisci, and the growth of fingers within the porous microstructure. During that growth process, velocity jumps 20–25 times larger in magnitude than the bulk velocity were measured in the water phase and these bursts of water flow occurred both in-line with and against the bulk flow direction. These unsteady velocity events support the notion of pressure bursts and Haines jumps during pore drainage events as previously reported in the literature [1–3]. After passage of the CO2 front, shear-induced flow was detected in the trapped water ganglia in the form of circulation zones near the CO2–water interfaces as well as in the thin water films wetting the surfaces of the silicon micromodel. To our knowledge, the results presented herein represent the first quantitative spatially and temporally resolved velocity-field measurements at high pressure for water displacement by liquid/supercritical CO2 injection in a porous micromodel.  相似文献   

In urbanized areas, particularly in lowland terrains and floors of large river valleys, the natural land configuration is often hard to recognize due to a long history of human activity. Accordingly, archaeological works in cities, which supply knowledge on settlement conditions, are usually accompanied by geological and geomophological research. Lately, data from light detection and ranging (LiDAR) have become a valuable source of information on urban land configuration. Geophysical methods are also becoming increasingly popular in background studies. The paper presents a method of using and linking these sources of spatial information about landforms in such areas. The main aim is to identify to what extent these complementary sources of data and the proposed method can be used in such a specific environment to reconstruct natural, buried terrain morphology. The city of Wroc?aw in Central Europe serves as an example. To this end geomorphometric studies were conducted with the use of digital elevation models (DEMs) based on LiDAR scanning and derivated land-surface parameters—SAGA Wetness Index, Channel Network Base Level and Altitude above Channel Network. The study also involved determining morphological edges and measurements of the meanders of the Odra, as well as expanding information on the spatial distribution of alluvia and the structure of slope breaks. To this end, geophysical measurements were conducted using the Two-Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography method. Additionally, five typical sequences of man-made ground present within the perimeter of the city were distinguished. As a result, a map of the main landforms of Wroc?aw is presented. Finally, we argue that although high resolution DEM and derivate land-surface parameters are very useful in terrain analysis, places with thick man-made ground or strongly levelled areas must be recognized by geoarchaeological excavations or geological bore holes. The geophysical survey is useful to identify buried morphological edges and older relief elements in open areas.  相似文献   

A method for obtaining the galvanic distortion matrix is presented so that the regional impedance tensor (free of distortion) is recovered. The method is a constrained stochastic heuristic method, which consists in randomly exploring the space of the distortion parameters. Constraints are imposed on the shortest periods of the regional impedance tensor that, at these short periods, tends to be two dimensional (or one dimensional). Depending on the constraints used, two different methods to recover the regional impedance tensor in this 2D/3D case are presented. Method 1 needs to find the strike of the short periods and Method 2 applies to the measurement directions. Twist, shear and anisotropy parameters are obtained. Thus, the regional impedance tensor is recovered with the only exception being the vertical shift due to the gain, which is equal for all the components of the tensor. Examples with synthetic impedance tensors from 2D/3D models perturbed with galvanic distortion are presented to illustrate how the algorithm works. The presence of noise in data is considered and rules for proceeding are provided. The same examples perturbed by Gaussian noise together with experimental data illustrate the capabilities of the algorithm.  相似文献   

Part 1 of the present paper is focused on the types of planetary wave seen in the TIMED/SABER and UK Met Office (UKMO) temperature data in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) (0–50°N) stratosphere (30–60 km) during the Arctic winter of 2003/2004, as the emphasis is on their spatial structure (latitude and altitude) and temporal evolution particularly in relation to the stratospheric warmings. A new method for analysis of satellite data is presented in this study where the migrating and nonmigrating tides and planetary waves (stationary, zonally symmetric and travelling) are simultaneously extracted from the satellite data. The comparison between the altitude and latitude structure of the SABER and UKMO planetary waves in the temperature field of the NH stratosphere indicates a high degree of qualitative and quantitative resemblance and in this way the validity of the new data analysis method is verified as well.  相似文献   

A joint analysis of down-hole (DH) and multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) measurements offers a complete evaluation of shear wave velocity profiles, especially for sites where a strong lateral variability is expected, such as archeological sites. In this complex stratigraphic setting, the high “subsoil anisotropy” (i.e., sharp lithological changes due to the presence of anthropogenic backfill deposits and/or buried man-made structures) implies a different role for DH and MASW tests. This paper discusses some results of a broad experimental program conducted on the Palatine Hill, one of the most ancient areas of the city of Rome (Italy). The experiments were part of a project on seismic microzoning and consisted of 20 MASW and 11 DH tests. The main objective of this study was to examine the difficulties related to the interpretation of the DH and MASW tests and the reliability limits inherent in the application of the noninvasive method in complex stratigraphic settings. As is well known, DH tests provide good determinations of shear wave velocities (Vs) for different lithologies and man-made materials, whereas MASW tests provide average values for the subsoil volume investigated. The data obtained from each method with blind tests were compared and were correlated to site-specific subsurface conditions, including lateral variability. Differences between punctual (DH) and global (MASW) Vs measurements are discussed, quantifying the errors by synthetic comparison and by site response analyses. This study demonstrates that, for archeological sites, VS profiles obtained from the DH and MASW methods differ by more than 15 %. However, the local site effect showed comparable results in terms of natural frequencies, whereas the resolution of the inverted shear wave velocity was influenced by the fundamental mode of propagation.  相似文献   

To interpret geophysical anomaly maps, it is necessary to filter out regional and sometimes noise components. Each measured value in a gravity survey consists of different components. Upward continuation (UC) is one of the most widely used filters. The shortcoming of this filter is not to consider the spatial structure of the data, and also the fact that the trial and error approach and expert’s judgment are needed to adjust it. This study aims to compare the factorial kriging analysis (FKA) and UC filters for separation of local and regional anomalies in the gravity data of a hydrocarbon field in the southeast sedimentary basins of the East Vietnam Sea. As shown in this paper, FKA method permits to filter out all of the identified structures, while the UC filter does not possess this capability. Therefore, beside general and classic filtering methods, the FKA method can be used as a strong method in filtering spatial structures and anomaly component.  相似文献   

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