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基于Windows下溢出漏洞扫描技术的网络渗透分析与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络渗透技术在信息安全领域里扮演着重要的角色。漏洞扫描技术是网络渗透最基本的技术之一,对目前流行的几种网络渗透技术进行了介绍,对漏洞扫描技术的分类和实现进行了分析,对Windows下的溢出漏洞扫描方法进行了研究,并就WinE000的PNP溢出漏洞(MS05-039)的扫描进行分析和代码实现。  相似文献   

lINrnoDUCnoNConidorsaresPecialpatcheswithnarrowandlongshaPe,andoftenhavethefunctionsastransPOrtation,protection,resomeesandaesthetics(FoRMAN,l986;ALMO,l998).Conidorsconnectvariouslandscapesbytransportingmaterials,energyandinformation.NewconidorscreatedbyhumanactivitiesareimPortantfac-torsleadingtolandscapefragZnentation.Inthemean-while,theyarealsobanierstothecormectionsofdifferentecosystems(WANGetal-,1996).Theconi-dorshavefrhoentedthelandscaPe,andchangedtheoriginalsituationofthenatu…  相似文献   

Sanduao is an important sea-breeding bay in Fujian, South China and holds a high economic status in aquaculture. Quickly and accurately obtaining information including the distribution area, quantity, and aquaculture area is important for breeding area planning, production value estimation, ecological survey, and storm surge prevention. However, as the aquaculture area expands, the seawater background becomes increasingly complex and spectral characteristics differ dramatically, making it difficult to determine the aquaculture area. In this study, we used a high-resolution remote-sensing satellite GF-2 image to introduce a deep-learning Richer Convolutional Features(RCF) network model to extract the aquaculture area. Then we used the density of aquaculture as an assessment index to assess the vulnerability of aquaculture areas in Sanduao. The results demonstrate that this method does not require land and water separation of the area in advance, and good extraction can be achieved in the areas with more sediment and waves, with an extraction accuracy 93%, which is suitable for large-scale aquaculture area extraction. Vulnerability assessment results indicate that the density of aquaculture in the eastern part of Sanduao is considerably high, reaching a higher vulnerability level than other parts.  相似文献   

County-level industrial development and structure upgrade is one of the most important issues of revitalizing old industrial base of China. After the cluster analysis on GDP per capita and GDP per area of each county in Liaoning Province, this paper finds the similarity of population size, land use intensity, and economic development of each county. Location quotient reflects the specialization intensity of industries in each county, and it also reflects the spatial differences of county-level industrial development. Economic development level is higher in the southeast than in the northwest of Liaoning, and the industry driving effect on county-level economy is apparent. The main influencing factors include location, industrial foundation and economic system reform, capital input level, knowledge and technology dissemination, conditions of domestic and overseas markets, population and labor force transfer. Industrialization is an important approach to urbanization for the counties in Liaoning Province. The proportion of agriculture is much higher in the northwest than in the southeast of Liaoning, so it will be take longer time for counties in the northwest of Liaoning to make industrialization, urbanization and modernization.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of the spatial pattern of rural settlements in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River was made with the major data sources being the relevant ETM image and the national geographical database of China (including contour line, river and road) at the scale of 1:250 000, and using image interpretation and field investigation to obtain spatial information on rural settlements. The results of the spatial analysis technique of GIS and correlation analysis showed that most settlements (78.2 %) were located in the mountain area at 1500 ∼ 2700 m altitude, and almost half in the arid valley area. More than 80.0 % of settlements had their slopes above 15°. Most settlements had good access to water resources, roads and communications, and tended to cluster close to the road network rather than the river. About half of the rural settlements in the study area were relatively concentrated, while the others were decentralized. Those with higher altitude usually had land with steep slope, inconvenient water and road accesses, and were located far apart from each other. In view of such a situation, further research should be done to make reasonable countermeasures on these settlements for better living conditions and ecosystem stability.  相似文献   

mODUCnONTheSOuthChinaSea(SCS)isasend-enclosedoceanbasinlocatednearthewesternPeripheryofthePacificOcean.SpreadingfIDmtheeqUatorto20"Nands~ngzonallaboutl5'inlooptUde,theSCSlocatesbetweenthesouthChinacoastandtheInaritha6continent,andissurroundedbyInanislandcountries.Duringwinter,S0UthwwhmedngcoldSUrges,mwhfiedbytheSST,affectthepressure,tempethe,andwindfieldsneartheInaritimecontinent,andsomeInayeveninIluencetheS0uthernHdrispheremonsoon(Davids0netal.,1983).msuniqUegeOpophyoftheSCS…  相似文献   

大梁子铅锌矿床位于扬子地块西南缘的川西南矿集区内,矿体展布明显受构造控制。针对该矿床构造分级控矿规律与控矿构造组合样式不清的问题,基于矿田地质力学理论与方法,通过不同级别的典型控矿构造力学性质鉴定及不同期次构造筛分,厘清了控矿构造组合样式及其形成机理。研究表明,成矿构造体系为印支晚期NE向构造带,在NW-SE向主压应力作用下,矿床内形成的不同级别构造分级控制了矿床、矿体和矿脉的展布;形成不同尺度的控矿构造组合样式:矿床尺度的走滑为主断裂-褶皱构造组合、矿体尺度的为“多”字型、“入”字型及“黑色破碎带”构造组合。本研究为该矿床深部及外围找矿勘查提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate whether or not the county units' economy in the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan (Chang-Zhu-Tan) Urban Agglomeration was growing as expected, this study analyzed the spatial economy pattern at county-level by using the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) method. In this process, the global Moran's I and local Getis-Ord Gi* indexes were employed to analyze indicators including per capita GDP and three industrials (i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary industry) from 2000 to 2010. The results show that: 1) the county units' economy in the Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration has exhibited a strong spatial autocorrelation and an accelerated integration trend since 2008 (Moran' s I increased from 0.26 to 0.56); 2) there is a significant difference in economy development between the northern and southern county units in the Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration: the hotspot zone with high economic level was formed among the northern county units whereas the coldspot zone with low economic level was located in the southern areas. This difference was caused primarily by the increasingly prominent economic radiation effect of Changsha 'upheaval'; 3) town density, secondary industry, and the integration policy are the major contributors driving the evolution of the spatial economy pattern in the Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration.  相似文献   

This paper principally focuses on the morphological differences,spatial pattern and regional types of rural settlements in Xuzhou City of Jiangsu Province in China.Using satellite images of Xuzhou City taken in 2007 and 2008 and models of exploratory spatial data analysis(ESDA) and spatial metrics,the paper conducts a quantitative analysis of the morphological pattern of rural settlements,and finds significant characteristics.First,rural settlements in Xuzhou City are significantly agglomerated in terms of their spatial distribution;meanwhile,there is significant variation in the geographical density distribution.Second,the scale of rural settlements in Xuzhou City is larger than the average in Jiangsu Province,and the histogram of the scale data is more even and more like a gamma distribution.There are a significant high-value cluster in the scale distribution,and local negative correlation between the scale and density distribution of rural settlements in Xuzhou City.Third,the morphology of rural settlements in Xuzhou City shows relative regularity with good connection and integrity,but the spatial variation of the morphology is anisotropic.Finally,according to the characteristics of density,scale,and form of rural settlements,the rural settlements of Xuzhou City are divided into three types:A high-density and point-scattered type,a low-density and cluster-like type and a mass-like and sparse type.The research findings could be used as the scientific foundation for rural planning and community rebuilding,particularly in less-developed areas.  相似文献   

Globalization and informatization have accelerated city networking process over the world, which makes research on city network a hot topic in the fields of urban geography and economic geography. With Chinese economic structure adjustment and city economic growth, producer services have begun to play an increasingly important role in city-region networking. This paper employs the methodology of world city network to analyze and explain the spatial development characteristics of China’s urban network system based on the data of nationwide producer services enterprise network. The research result indicated that the distribution of producer services network has a positive effect on the development of Chinese city networks. City network connectivity is closely related to the significance of city in producer services development, and the former will gradually decline with the drop of the latter. Accordingly, the 64 cities can be divided into the national central cities, regional central cities, sub-regional central cities and local central cities in accordance with their position and role in the nationwide producer services network. It is concluded that high-grade cities with quality producer services dominate the pattern of Chinese city networks and there emerges three spatial agglomerations of producer services enterprises in Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delta, Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Economical Region. Moreover, the distribution of different producer services industry varies from city to city, which also affects the characteristics of network development.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONThewildlifehabitatlossandfragmentationhavebeenlinkeddirectlytointensivehumandisturbance.Manyecologistshavefocusedonanalysisofwildlifehabitatpatternchangeandconservationofsuitablehabitat.Ingeneral,landscapepatterniscloselylinkedtoecologi-calfunction,andnumerouspatternindiceshavebeencitedtodescribehabitatpatternandsuitability(FRANKLINandFORMAN,1987;HANSENandURBAN,1992;SCHUMAKER,1996;RIITTERSetal.,1997;PEARSONetal.,1999;CHENetal.,1999).WiththeapplicationofG…  相似文献   

Species diversity exhibit a close relationship with ecosystem services, and making clear the relationship can help us understand the service value and functional mechanism of ecosystems and take measures to promote human well-being. Here, we used species survey data and multi-source habitat factors to simulate the spatial distribution of species richness and four types of ecosystem services(water production, net primary productivity, carbon storage, and habitat quality) in Sanjiangyuan National Park located in Qinghai Province, China. We also analyzed the spatial distribution pattern and explored the spatial relationship between species richness and ecosystem services through Geo Detector analyses. We found that high species richness in Sanjiangyuan National Park was shown to be mainly distributed in areas with high vegetation growth on both sides of rivers. The effect of climate on the spatial distribution of species richness in the park is the highest among all the selected environmental variables. For the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem services, the relative correlation strength of single ecosystem service varied among the three main ecosystems(grassland, meadow, and wetland) and all relations are positive.  相似文献   

Abies georgei var.smithii is an important plant species in Southeast Tibet,China.It has high ecological value in terms of biodiversity protection,as well as soil and water conservation.We analyzed the spatial pattern and associations of A.georgei var.smithii populations at different growth stages by using Ripley's L function for point pattern analysis.The diameter structure was a nearly reverse 'J' shape.The amount of saplings and medium-sized trees accounts for a large part of the entire population,suggesting a high regeneration rate and an expanding population.In the transition from saplings to medium trees or to large trees,saplings show a significant aggregation distribution at small scales,while medium trees and large trees show a random distribution.There are significant inverse associations between saplings and medium trees and large trees at small scales,while there are no obvious associations between medium trees and large trees.The natural regeneration was affected by interspecific competition,and it was also affected by intraspecific competition.The joint effects of biological characteristics and environmental factors contribute to the spatial distribution pattern and associations of this A.georgei var.sm ithii population.  相似文献   

The spatial and seasonal pattern of macrozoobenthic structure and its relationship with environmental factors were studied from July 2006 to April 2008 in Mingzhu Lake, Chongming Island, Shanghai at the Changjiang River mouth. The congruences in water quality bioassessment based on diversity and biotic indices and using different taxonomic categories were also explored to find the best assessment method of water quality for the lake. All major structural characteristics of macrozoobenthic community, including species composition, abundance, biomass and four biomass-based diversity indices (Shannon’s diversity, Simpson’s diversity, Pielou’s evenness and Simpson’s evenness index) fluctuated significantly in season but in space. The above four abundance-based diversity indices plus abundance-based Margalef’s richness index did not display significant spatial variations; and significant seasonal differences were found in three indices only. Water temperature was the key environmental factor responsible for macrozoobenthic spatio-temporal distribution patterns. Water quality assessed by Shannon’s index (H a′) and biological pollution index (BPI) rather than the other four biotic indices were consistent with those by trophic state index (TSI). Results from chironomids and oligochaetes did not always agree to those from the whole community when H a′ or Hilsenhoff biotic index was applied to bioassessment. Therefore, combining multiple indices and avoiding a single taxonomic category to assess water quality are strongly recommended and in Mingzhu Lake using a mixture of H a′ and BPI will ensure the most effective investigation of water quality. Our results also show that the main structural characteristics of macrozoobenthic communities in the small lake may display consistent spatial patterns.  相似文献   

It is very important to establish cooperative mechanism to guarantee all members to develop their e-conomies in the Yellow Sea Rim. In this paper, the development strategies ofshipplng centers and transportation networkare discussed based on economic giobalization tendency. The results argue that a united transportation network should bebuilt in order to promote the economic competition of Northeast Asia in the world. As a key component of the economiccooperation, a hierarchical shipping centers network should be established with Hong Kong, Shanghai, Pusan, Koho,and Tokyo as cores. The authorities of China, Japan, R. O. Korea and D. P. B. Korea should make more efforts tobuild a set of cooperation institutions based on raising the transportation efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt to analyse landslide hazard and vulnerability in the municipality of Pahuatlán, Puebla, Mexico, is presented. In order to estimate landslide hazard, the susceptibility,magnitude(area-velocity ratio) and landslide frequency of the area of interest were produced based on information derived from a geomorphological landslide inventory; the latter was generated by using very high resolution satellite stereo pairs along with information derived from other sources(Google Earth,aerial photographs and historical information).Estimations of landslide susceptibility were determined by combining four statistical techniques:(i) logistic regression,(ii) quadratic discriminant analysis,(iii) linear discriminant analysis, and(iv)neuronal networks. A Digital Elevation Model(DEM)of 10 m spatial resolution was used to extract the slope angle, aspect, curvature, elevation and relief.These factors, in addition to land cover, lithology anddistance to faults, were used as explanatory variables for the susceptibility models. Additionally, a Poisson model was used to estimate landslide temporal frequency, at the same time as landslide magnitude was obtained by using the relationship between landslide area and the velocity of movements. Then,due to the complexity of evaluating it, vulnerability of population was analysed by applying the Spatial Approach to Vulnerability Assessment(SAVE) model which considered levels of exposure, sensitivity and lack of resilience. Results were expressed on maps on which different spatial patterns of levels of landslide hazard and vulnerability were found for the inhabited areas. It is noteworthy that the lack of optimal methodologies to estimate and quantify vulnerability is more notorious than that of hazard assessments.Consequently, levels of uncertainty linked to landslide risk assessment remain a challenge to be addressed.  相似文献   

长株潭城市群空间特征及优化策略可作为我国多中心城市群空间优化的典型样本之一.本文运用多维度空间分析方法,对长株潭城市群空间展开现状测度与评价,尊重城市群阶段特征,选取针对性指标对比反映空间内在特征.在采用核密度法分析2013年和2017年湖南省152个区县第二产业与就业指标的空间变化后,得出长株潭城市群已初步形成空间—...  相似文献   

空间信息网格SIG:新一代的空间信息基础设施和服务框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间信息数据量大、处理复杂、难以共享的问题对其研究和应用提出了挑战。空间信息网格(Spatial Information Grid,SIG)作为创新性的网络空间信息基础设施和技术体系,集成并拓展信息网格、空间信息系统、Web服务等前沿技术,以"服务"为中心,实现一体化、智能化的空间信息获取、存储、组织、分发、分析处理、集成与应用,实现基于网络的空间信息资源共享与空间信息服务。  相似文献   

天文辐射是地表实际入射太阳辐射的基础背景,也是辐射计算、太阳能资源评估和农业生产潜力估算等方面的重要天文参量。本文基于分辨率为30 m的福建省数字高程模型,使用MATLAB软件提供的并行计算框架模拟了起伏地形下福建省天文辐射空间分布,定量地分析了坡度坡向对天文辐射分布的影响规律,同时探讨数字高程模型对天文辐射产生的空间尺度效应。结果表明:福建省年天文辐射量大部分处于10 000~13 000 MJ/m2,呈现东南沿海向中西部递减的分布特征;不同季节的天文辐射分布受纬度和坡度坡向的影响具有明显的差异性,呈现季节分布的不对称性;不同坡度和坡向对天文辐射的影响与福建省总体上西北高东南低地势特征相吻合,天文辐射量随坡度增大而减小,东、东南和南坡向是天文辐射分布较集中的区域,总体上呈现山脊多、山谷少、阳坡多、阴坡少的地域差异性;数字高程模型的空间尺度效应在起伏较大的福建中西部丘陵地貌表现更加明显,该区域的天文辐射对分辨率的变化更加敏感。  相似文献   

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