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Evangelos I. Katsanos Anastasios G. SextosGeorge D. Manolis 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》2010
This paper reviews alternative selection procedures based on established methods for incorporating strong ground motion records within the framework of seismic design of structures. Given the fact that time history signals recorded at a given site constitute a random process which is practically impossible to reproduce, considerable effort has been expended in recent years on processing actual records so as to become ‘representative’ of future input histories to existing as well as planned construction in earthquake-prone regions. Moreover, considerable effort has been expended to ensure that dispersion in the structural response due to usage of different earthquake records is minimized. Along these lines, the aim of this paper is to present the most recent methods developed for selecting an ‘appropriate’ set of records that can be used for dynamic analysis of structural systems in the context of performance-based design. A comparative evaluation of the various alternatives available indicates that the current seismic code framework is rather simplified compared to what has actually been observed, thus highlighting both the uncertainties and challenges related to the selection of earthquake records. 相似文献
Mohammad Reza Falamarz-Sheikhabadi Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany 《Journal of Seismology》2012,16(4):815-827
The paper addresses the issue of researching into the engineering characteristics of rotational strong ground motion components and rotational effects in structural response. In this regard, at first, the acceleration response spectra of rotational components are estimated in terms of translational ones. Next, new methods in order to consider the effects of rotational components in seismic design codes are presented by determining the effective structural parameters in the rotational loading of structures due only to the earthquake rotational components. Numerical results show that according to the frequency content of rotational components, the contribution of the rocking components to the seismic excitation of short period structures can never be ignored. During strong earthquakes, these rotational motions may lead to the unexpected overturning or local structural damages for the low-rise multi-story buildings located on soft soil. The arrangement of lateral-load resisting system in the plan, period, and aspect ratio of the system can severely change the seismic loading of wide symmetric buildings under the earthquake torsional component. 相似文献
引言 台站是构成台网的基本元素,台站单台监控能力直接影响着整个台网的监控能力,同时,单台监控能力又是考虑台网建设、布局的基本依据。高台地震台是国家I类基准地震台,“九五”期间又建成国家数字地震台,与原模拟地震仪进行工作,高台地震台在国家地震台网中属监测能力和质量最好的台站之一。那么,高台地震台模拟地震仪器的监测能力达到什么水平?数字地震仪的监测水平又如何?数字地震仪能否代替模拟仪器?为此,本文利用高台地震台模拟仪器和数字化仪器观测的资料,进行对比研究,试图给出一个定量结果。 1 台站基本情况 高台地… 相似文献
从氡的地球物理特性、氡气测量方法的原理,阐述氡气测量技术在地震前兆观测的应用研究现状.通过对下关温泉水样和氡气固体源在不同静置时间下的测值试验,认为水氡观测中静置时间在80-100min的测值,观测结果要比静置时间1h合理,而且测值明显增大. 相似文献
本文明确提出了地震工程专业软件的概念,说明了它的作用;在总结我国地震工程专业软件发展概况的基础上,剖析了其发展缓慢的主客观原因;提出了现阶段我国地震工程专业软件的发展策略,并对其研发工作给出了几条具体的建议。 相似文献
地震荷载作用下相关性对结构可靠度的影响 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
洪汉平 《地震工程与工程振动》2000,20(4):8-13
当一个结构系统承受偶发的不确定地震荷载时,其结构单元或元素失效无效的相关性在系统可靠度评估中的十分重要,该相关性的产生,是由于结构系统同时受某一基本随机变量的影响,如地震峰值地面加速度,荷载效应转换或构件承载力等,本文分析了考虑该相关的必要性,此外,还给出了一个考虑相关性的简单方法,可用于估计一个等关联性和等可靠度单元的并联系统的失效概率,该方法由拉斯渐进副近积分法导出。 相似文献
A new model to simulate spatially correlated earthquake ground motions is developed. In the model, the main factors that characterize three distinct effects of spatial variability, namely, the incoherency effect, the wave-passage effect and the site-response effect, are taken into account, and corresponding terms/parameters are incorporated into the well known model of uniform ground motions. Some of these terms/parameters can be determined by the root operation, and others can be calculated directly. The proposed model is fi rst verif ied theoretically, and examples of ground motion simulations are provided as a further illustration. It is proven that the ensemble expected value and the ensemble auto-/cross-spectral density functions of the simulated ground motions are identical to the target spectral density functions. The proposed model can also be used to simulate other correlated stochastic processes, such as wave and wind loads. 相似文献
Since 1976 groundwater-levels and the temperature of thermal water have been monitored in 100 wells distributed mostly in the southern Kanto and Tokai districts of Japan in order to predict earthquakes. Good examples of groundwater precursors were recognized prior to the following destructive earthquakes: the 1978 West Off Izu-Oshima Earthquake (M 7.0), the 1978 Off Miyagi Earthquakes (M 7.4), and the 1980 East Off Izu Peninsula Earthquake (M 6.7). In the 1978 West Off Izu-Oshima Earthquake, groundwater levels and the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) volume strainmeters, installed in the Izu peninsula, showed precursory changes at about the same time. In the other cases, however, precursory behavior was observed only in water level and temperature monitoring. Empirical relations are given between earthquake magnitude and the epicentral distance of the farthest groundwater anomaly, and between earthquake magnitude and the precursor time of groundwater. 相似文献
Network of seismo-geochemical monitoring observatories for earthquake prediction research in India 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Hirok Chaudhuri Chiranjib Barman A. N. Sekar Iyengar Debasis Ghose Prasanta Sen Bikash Sinha 《Acta Geophysica》2013,61(4):1000-1025
Present paper deals with a brief review of the research carried out to develop multi-parametric gas-geochemical monitoring facilities dedicated to earthquake prediction research in India by installing a network of seismo-geochemical monitoring observatories at different regions of the country. In an attempt to detect earthquake precursors, the concentrations of helium, argon, nitrogen, methane, radon-222 (222Rn), polonium-218 (218Po), and polonium-214 (214Po) emanating from hydrothermal systems are monitored continuously and round the clock at these observatories. In this paper, we make a cross correlation study of a number of geochemical anomalies recorded at these observatories. With the data received from each of the above observatories we attempt to make a time series analysis to relate magnitude and epicentral distance locations through statistical methods, empirical formulations that relate the area of influence to earthquake scale. Application of the linear and nonlinear statistical techniques in the recorded geochemical data sets reveal a clear signature of long-range correlation in the data sets. 相似文献
土木工程地震灾害风险治理是我国未来防震减灾工作的重点,但其技术框架目前尚为空白。本文剖析了既有工程风险管理技术框架的缺欠,借鉴国际COSO风险管理理论和现代管理学风险治理的理念,提出了土木工程地震灾害风险治理的基本内涵和要点,建立了土木工程地震灾害风险治理技术框架。研究表明,虽然目前我国工程风险管理技术研究已取得很大进展,但理论框架方面存在着要素不全、逻辑欠缺、隶属关系不清、用词混淆以及释义不详等不足;国际商业COSO风险管理框架是目前国际上应用最为成熟的风险管理理论,可以作为构建本文和其它领域风险管理框架的重要参考依据。本文建立的土木工程地震灾害风险治理技术框架,以目标战略、性态分析和监测修订作为3个主控要素,由包括27个要素的3层架构组成,符合现代管理科学思维和逻辑,考虑因素齐全,隶属关系清晰,具有工程可操作性,并具备国际通用性特点。以性态分析作为风险的识别、评估、组合和响应的统一描述,与地震工程性态设计理念一致,也从根本上解决了现有工程风险管理技术框架逻辑混乱和要素隶属关系不清的问题。 相似文献
Min-Zheng Zhang 《地震学报(英文版)》1993,6(3):761-768
This paper summarizes the origin and idea of the control of civil engineering structures and reviews the state-of-the art
of recent advances in structural control both theoretically and technologically. The prospects for structural control and
key research objects to remain to be solved are put forward at last.
The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 375–380, 1993. 相似文献
空间观测技术在地震监测中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
当前地面地震监测系统主要观测单点的相对变化,由于观测台站密度低,观测资料覆盖面小,不能满足地震预测所需的信息。空间观测技术的发展提供了新的地震监测技术和方法,卫星空间监测技术具有覆盖面广、信息量大、动态性好以及分辨率高等优势,因而可提供更为丰富的地震前兆信息。岩石实验的结果和一些应用研究的结果显示,空间观测技术在地震监测中具有优越的应用前景。 相似文献
台站设备故障响应和风险排除是地震监测工作的基本内容,针对其便捷性和高时效性要求,采用Java语言,开发基于Android平台的地震地球物理数据监控软件.该软件整合重庆市地震局监测工作中的各项业务需求,采用云服务、Tomcat服务器及百度地图等技术,实现了数据实时查看及历史数据波形浏览等功能,及时获取仪器设备工作状态,及... 相似文献
杨占宝 《地震地磁观测与研究》2003,24(2):76-80
引言 1969年渤海发生7.4级地震,胜利油田首次发现油井动态异常,从此开始了利用油井观测地震前兆的研究工作,经过30多年的研究和分析,积累了丰富的油井动态资料。随着观测井孔自身条件、油田生产状况的改变,胜利油田的早期油井动态地震观测网出现了一些问题,有的井孔产量越来越低,甚至停产;有的观测井干扰增多,导致地震异常难以识别等,这就要求对油田的油井动态地震观测网进行研究和重新选布。 1 胜利油田构造格局 胜利油田处于华北平原东部,黄河入海口附近。构造上位于渤海湾盆地东南部的济阳坳陷内,周边均被断裂围限。北部、… 相似文献
推导了模态参数对于损伤构件的一阶和二阶灵敏度矩阵,并对在推导一阶和二阶振型灵敏度的过程中产生的模态截尾误差进行了改进。根据泰勒级数展开的原理分别建立了一阶和二阶的灵敏度方程。考虑到一阶灵敏度方程求解速度快和二阶灵敏度方程求解精度高的特点,本文提出了一种用于结构损伤识别的混合迭代算法,该算法用二阶非线性的解析解作为算法的第一次迭代值,用一阶灵敏度方程的求解值对该算法的第一次迭代值进行关于泰勒级数截尾误差的修正。研究表明,本文提出的混合迭代算法由于采用了精确度较高的二阶非线性解析解作为迭代修正的初值,因此,迭代修正精度更高,收敛性更好。 相似文献
John Jansen Bassem Haddad Wayne Fassbender Patrick Jurcek 《Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation》1992,12(4):103-109
A frequency domain electromagnetic induction sounding survey (FDEM) was conducted on a landfill in northern Illinois to determine the depth of fill, locate areas of drum disposal, and locate areas of heavy metal sludge disposal. Sketchy information obtained from interviews of the site personnel identified specific exploration targets and areas of concern. The results of the geophysical survey verified much of the reported disposal history and identified areas suspected to contain hazardous waste.
Based on the results of the survey, the thickness of fill was estimated and two areas with highly conductive fill were located. These areas could represent leachate pockets or sludge disposal areas. An area in which the fill appears to be thicker than expected was identified. This area is thought to represent industrial sludge disposal in trenches excavated into the existing fill and underlying soils. An area with several linear in-phase, quadrature, and conductivity highs was detected. A subsequent magnetometer survey detected linear magnetic anomalies that are believed to be caused by parallel trenches filled with steel drums. This area is believed to be a previously unreported hazardous waste drum disposal cell excavated into the native soil.
As of this writing, the results of this survey have not been verified by traditional intrusive methods. When these investigations begin, we expect that information provided by the FDEM survey will reduce project costs by directing subsequent investigations, thereby reducing the number of borings and test pits required to characterize the site. While there is an unavoidable margin of error and uncertainty in remote sensing methods, the subsurface coverage provided by this geophysical survey could not have been reproduced by traditional methods without substantial expense. This paper presents the results of the survey and discusses application of the FDEM method on landfills. 相似文献
Based on the results of the survey, the thickness of fill was estimated and two areas with highly conductive fill were located. These areas could represent leachate pockets or sludge disposal areas. An area in which the fill appears to be thicker than expected was identified. This area is thought to represent industrial sludge disposal in trenches excavated into the existing fill and underlying soils. An area with several linear in-phase, quadrature, and conductivity highs was detected. A subsequent magnetometer survey detected linear magnetic anomalies that are believed to be caused by parallel trenches filled with steel drums. This area is believed to be a previously unreported hazardous waste drum disposal cell excavated into the native soil.
As of this writing, the results of this survey have not been verified by traditional intrusive methods. When these investigations begin, we expect that information provided by the FDEM survey will reduce project costs by directing subsequent investigations, thereby reducing the number of borings and test pits required to characterize the site. While there is an unavoidable margin of error and uncertainty in remote sensing methods, the subsurface coverage provided by this geophysical survey could not have been reproduced by traditional methods without substantial expense. This paper presents the results of the survey and discusses application of the FDEM method on landfills. 相似文献