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The island of Korčula, which has an area of 271.47 km2 is located along the north-eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. Due to the Mediterranean climate, size and karst geology its water resources are very scarce. This paper describes the natural features of the island (air temperature, precipitation, geology, hydrogeology and groundwater) which are important for the water appearance and its distribution in time and space. The water supply of the island has been managed in the following ways: through a pipeline from the mainland, by drawing groundwater and by rain harvesting. Tourism causes high seasonal water needs which are barely met by the existing water supply system. Therefore, present water resource management on the island must be improved. The paper also presents mathematical programming scheme to get optimal costs and benefits of water exploitation on the island. Besides economic aspect, linear programming is applied to social and ecological objectives, as well. This study suggests that island’s water management should be primarily based on wisely using its proper water resources.  相似文献   

Molecular biomarkers are the important maturity parameters for sedimentary organic matter.They have also been widely used for determining the maturity of organic matter in ore deposits. However,during the study of organic matter in the Kupferschiefer from the Lubin mine, it had been found that the biomarkers were influenced by sulfide formation. In order to probe into the degree of influence on biomarkers, seven samples collected from a Kupferschiefer section from the Lubin mine were analyzed by various geochemical methods. The results indicated that in the samples with higher copper contents, the values of biomarkers are lower than in the samples with lower copper contents. In highly mineralized samples, hydrogen donation for thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) occurred in alkylated phenanthrenes and naphthalenes, leading to the decrease of 12 biomarker parameters during the Kupferschiefer mineralization.  相似文献   

E. V. Bibikova 《Petrology》2010,18(5):482-488
Analysis of isotope-geochemical data obtained for the early crustal complexes of the Earth provided constraints on the formation time, scales of development, and geochemical features of protocrust. Most informative were isotope-geochemical and geochemical data on the oldest zircons with ages up to 4.4 Ga, short-lived 146Sm/142Nd isotope system, and lead isotope composition of the oldest rocks of Greenland. The presence of positive 142Nd anomaly in the rocks of West Greenland and negative anomaly in the amphibolites of the oldest Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt of the Superior province (O’Neil et al., 2008) indicates the early differentiation of the Earth material into depleted mantle and enriched (basaltic) crust (Caro et al., 2006; Benett et al., 2007a, b; O’Neil et al., 2008). Pb-Pb isotopic systematics of the oldest crustal rocks from West Greenland and Labrador testifies that high μ enriched crust (238U/204Pb = 10.9) of basaltic composition already existed 3.9 Ga ago (Kamber et al., 2003). Based on isotope-geochemical and geochemical features of the oldest zircons in the Late Archean greenstone belts of the Yilgarn block (Western Australia), the crust of intermediate-felsic composition and water on the Earth’s surface already existed 4.4 Ga ago (Wilde et al., 2001).  相似文献   

We report here for the first time the occurrence of a high-temperature metamorphic/plutonic complex (amphibolites, metagabbros, hornblende pyroxenites and hornblendites) in Calaton Hill, Tablas island, Romblon, Central Philippines. The mineral assemblages and relic magmatic textures in these rocks imply apparent derivation from arc-related protoliths. Major element and trace element data are also comparable to those of gabbroic rocks in arc-related setting. Subsolidus re-equilibration under granulite to amphibolite facies is documented by the triple junctions between mineral phases in the different lithologies, the recrystallization of plagioclase and the presence of coronas around olivine with mineral assemblage of orthopyroxene + amphibole ± green spinel. The formation of hornblendite and the pervasive occurrence of amphiboles in the different lithologies are being attributed to the infiltration of a younger hydrous arc magma which also caused metamorphism and hybridization on the surrounding rocks. The characteristics of the Calaton Hill samples are comparable with those of the well-studied xenoliths from Ichinomegata, NE Honshu arc, Japan. We therefore interpret the Calaton Hill metamorphic/plutonic complex as representative of the lower crust underlying the Philippine island arc.  相似文献   

The Kalaxiange’er porphyry copper ore belt is situated in the eastern part of the southern Altai of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and forms part of a broad zone of Cu porphyry mineralization in southern Mongolia, which includes the Oyu Tolgoi ore district and other copper–gold deposits. The copper ore bodies are spatially associated with porphyry intrusions of granodiorite, quartz diorite, quartz syenite, and quartz monzonite and have a polygenetic (polychromous) origin (magmatic porphyry, hydrothermal, and supergene). The mineralized porphyries are characterized by almost identical REE and trace element patterns. The Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios are similar to those of normal granite produced through the evolution of mantle magma. The low initial Sr isotope ratio ISr, varying within a narrow range of values (0.703790–0.704218), corresponds to that of primitive mantle, whereas the εNd(T) value of porphyry varies from 5.8 to 8.4 and is similar to that of MORB. These data testify to the upper-mantle genesis of the parental magmas of ore-bearing porphyry, which were then contaminated with crustal material in an island-arc environment. The isotopic composition of sulfur (unimodal distribution of δ34S with peak values of − 2 to − 4‰) evidences its deep magmatic origin; the few lower negative δ34S values suggest that part of S was extracted from volcanic deposits later. The isotopic characteristics of Pb testify to its mixed crust–upper-mantle origin. According to SHRIMP U–Pb geochronological data for zircon from granite porphyry and granodiorite porphyry, mineralization at the Xiletekehalasu porphyry Cu deposit formed in two stages: (1) Hercynian “porphyry” stage (375.2 ± 8.7 Ma), expressed as the formation of porphyry with disseminated and vein–disseminated mineralization, and (2) Indosinian stage (217.9 ± 4.2 Ma), expressed as superposed hydrothermal mineralization. The Re–Os isotope data on molybdenite (376.9 ± 2.2 Ma) are the most consistent with the age of primary mineralization at the Xiletekehalasu porphyry Cu deposit, whereas the Ar–Ar isotopic age (230 ± 5 Ma) of K-feldspar–quartz vein corresponds to the stage of hydrothermal mineralization. The results show that mineralization at the Xiletekehalasu porphyry Cu deposit was a multistage process which resulted in the superposition of the Indosinian hydrothermal mineralization on the Hercynian porphyry Cu mineralization.  相似文献   

New structural, petrological, chemical, isotope, and paleomagnetic data have provided clues to the Late Riphean–Paleozoic history of the Uda–Vitim island arc system (UVIAS) in the Transbaikalian sector of the Paleoasian ocean, as part of the Transbaikalian zone of Paleozoids. The island arc system consists of three units corresponding to main evolution stages: (i) Upper Riphean (Late Baikalian), (ii) Vendian–Lower Paleozoic (Caledonian), and (iii) Middle–Upper Paleozoic (Hercynian). The earliest stage produced the base of the system composed of Late Riphean ophiolite (971–892 Ma, U-Pb) and volcanic (837–789 Ma, U-Pb) and sedimentary rocks (hemipelagic siliceous sediments and dolerite sills) which represent the Barguzin–Vitim oceanic basin and the Kelyana island arc. The main event of the second stage was the formation of the large UVIAS structure (over 150,000 km2) which comprised the Transbaikalian oceanic basin, the forearc and backarc basins, and the volcanic arc itself, and consisted of many volcanic-tectonic units exceeding 100 km2 in area (Eravna, Oldynda, Abaga, etc.). Lithology, stratigraphy, major–element compositions, and isotope ages of Vendian–Cambrian volcanic rocks and associated sediments indicate strong differentiation of calc-alkaline series and the origin of the island arc system upon oceanic crust, in a setting similar to that of the today’s Kuriles–Kamchatka island arc system. The Middle–Upper Paleozoic stage completed the long UVIAS history and left its imprint in sedimentary and volcanic rocks in superposed trough basins. The rocks were studied in terms of their biostratigraphic and isotope age constraints, as well as major- and trace-element compositions, and were interpreted as products of weathering and tectonic-magmatic rework of the UVIAS units.  相似文献   

The Socotra Island belongs to the southern rifted margin of the Gulf of Aden and occupied in Neoproterozoic times a key position to constrain the age and the nature of the largely hidden Neoproterozoic rocks of the Arabian plate. Our integrated field, petrographic, geochemical and geochronological study in the Neoproterozoic rocks recognises three main successive events: (a) high-temperature ductile deformation and metamorphism forming probably in a compressive or transpressive regime; (b) mafic to intermediate intrusions as vertical sheets, kilometre-scale gabbro laccoliths, mafic dike swarm and lavas which present mainly a depleted arc signature with some evidences of evolution from an enriched-arc signature; (c) felsic intrusions mainly composed of highly potassic calc–alkaline and pinkish granites dated between 840 and 780 Ma. Relationships between the various petrographic types and U–Pb data suggest that these events occurred during a relatively short time span (80 Ma at max). Earlier high-temperature–low-pressure metamorphism stage as well as geochemical signature of mafic rocks show that development of Cryogenian formations of Socotra were controlled successively by an Andean-arc and a back-arc setting. These features cannot be easily reconciled with those of the Arabian–Nubian shield to the west of Socotra and of the Mozambique Belt to the south. We propose that the Socotra basement was developed at an active margin close to the India block in Cryogenian times.  相似文献   

Silica occurs in abundance in a variety of hydrothermal samples from the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) hydrothermal mound, 26°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The water content, trace element chemistry, and mineralogy of crystalline silica from 15 different samples have been examined by vibrational spectroscopy and probe microanalysis. The samples are from: shallow subsurface ferric iron oxyhydroxide silica deposits (n=4), a fragment of an active white smoker chimney (n=1), anhydrite bearing hydrothermal breccias (n=2), pyrite silica breccias (n=3), and silicified wall rock breccias (n=5). Length-fast chalcedony occurs in association with variable quantities of ferric iron oxyhydroxides in hydrothermal breccias from the mound flanks, within shallower subsurface chert samples, and within white smoker chimney walls. Samples from the anhydrite zone contain textures which are suggestive of an origin involving replacement of anhydrite. Samples taken from TAG 1 and 5 from below the anhydrite zone contain no chalcedony. Instead they contain subhedral quartz crystals which show oscillatory zoning in aluminium. Two types of crystalline silica namely, type A and type B quartz, are defined on the basis of the infrared spectra in the OH region from 3200 cm−1 to 3600 cm−1. The type A quartz occurs beneath the anhydrite zone at TAG 1 and 5. We propose a model that relates specific varieties of crystalline silica to different thermal and chemical environments within the mound interior. Length-fast chalcedony occurs in an outer low temperature envelope across the top and sides of the mound. The common association between length-fast chalcedony and ferric iron oxyhydroxides suggests that chalcedony crystallization is favoured where catalysis by ferric iron can occur. The apparent suppression of fibrous silica at the expense of single quartz crystals with increasing depth is attributed to differing growth rates and degrees of supersaturation of silica-bearing solutions with increasing temperature within the mound. The transition from type A to type B single crystal growth is interpreted to occur at temperatures approaching ˜360 °C due to decreasing solubility of aluminium in quartz, so that aluminium is rendered unavailable for type A valence compensation. Received: 10 September 1998 / Accepted: 6 July 1999  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - The paper presents the results of multidisciplinary studies in the carbonate–barite mineralization area revealed on the western slope of the Kuril deep-water...  相似文献   

Based on materials obtained in Cruises 33 and 34 of the R/V Professor Logachev, the paper addresses formation conditions, morphology, structures, mineral composition of the present-day oceanic sulfide ores, and their relationships with the host (biogenic carbonate) bottom sediments in the 19°–20° N MAR (Zenith-Victoria and Petersburg hydrothermal fields) region. The grain size distribution, mineral composition of the carbonate (background) and ore-hosting sediments, as well as physicochemical parameters of their interstitial waters, are examined. The results suggest a significant role of hydrothermal-metasomatic processes in the formation of ores and ore-bearing sediments. A model is proposed for the formation of sulfide mineralization in oceanic sediments at the geochemical barrier in the zone of their interaction with the acid hydrothermal (diffuse-type) ore-bearing solutions delivered from rocks of the ocean floor.  相似文献   

Whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O analyses of volcanic rocks and 3He/4He analyses of sulphides and sulphates from mineralized rocks on Wetar, Indonesia indicate a variable contribution of assimilated crustal material or sediment sourced from the subducted Australian craton to the south. These new data support the idea of progressive source contamination with precisely dated events showing that Wetar Island hosts the most extreme examples of crustal assimilation in the region. The increased continental contamination occurs during the Pliocene (Zanclian to Piacenzian) during distinct magmatic events between 5 and 4 Ma, and at 2.4 Ma when 87Sr/86Sr ratios in unaltered lavas, with whole-rock δ18O values between 5.7 and 9.6‰, increase from 0.707484 to extreme radiogenic values of 0.711656.The earlier of these magmatic events is important in the generation of the hydrothermal systems responsible for the mineralization recorded on Wetar. Samples from this yield radiogenic 3He/4He ratios between 0.5 and 1.4 R/RA, similar to the data from volcanic rocks on nearby Romang. The later magmatic event coincides with the arrival of the Australian Continental Margin at the subduction zone along the Banda arc. Progressive incorporation of continental-sourced components into the source region below the Wetar Island edifice coincides with the formation of gold-rich volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits hosted within the contaminated volcanic pile.  相似文献   

The role of siderite in Phanerozoic and Precambrian iron formations is discussed. Various types of iron formations are characterized, and their place in the evolution of sedimentary iron ore deposition is outlined. In Precambrian iron ore deposition, siderite is a primary mineral, whereas in Phanerozoic iron formations it becomes a secondary mineral and is commonly related to diagenetic and catagenetic processes.  相似文献   

Thermobarogeochemical studies have revealed the relatively high-temperature ore-bearing fluid of the N’yavlenga deposit. The dependence between the homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions and salinity of the fluid and the bimodal distribution of salinity values indicates mixing of two different fluids in the ore-bearing system. These facts are related to the thermal metamorphism of ores from the N’yavlenga deposit and indicate the complex relations of the early Au-Ag epithermal and late Au-Cu-Mo porphyry mineral complexes in orebodies of the deposit.  相似文献   

Palynological samples, plant megafossils, and fossil wood taken from the upper Lipovtsy Subformation (Porechye open-pit coal mine in the Il’ichevka coalfield, Razdol’naya River Basin, southern Primorye), as well as coal samples for determining coal-forming plants from dispersed cuticles are analyzed. The taxonomic composition of the identified palynomorphs from the coals and interstratal clastic sediments indicates the Aptian age of host deposits. The palynological spectra from the lower humic–rhabdopissite coal seam are dominated by Gleicheniaceae and Cyatheaceae accompanied by Dicksoniaceae and Ginkgocycadophytus. In the palynological spectra from the upper coal seam, the share of Gleicheniaceae substantially decreases, though they remain dominant; simultaneously, single angiosperm pollen grains appear in them. The spectra from the clastic rocks are dominated by Polypodiaceae and Cyatheaceae. The taxonomical composition of the gymnosperms is relatively diverse, although their abundance is low. The share of angiosperms increases with respect to both their diversity and abundance. The angiosperm pollen, found for the first time in the Aptian deposits of the Razdol’naya River Basin, provides grounds to assume that these pants appeared earlier than previously thought (early Albian). The coal-forming plants of the Il’ichevka coalfield are determined.  相似文献   

This study presents laser step-heating 40Ar/39Ar age determinations of basaltic lava samples from Tamu Massif, the oldest and largest edifice of the submarine Shatsky Rise in the northwest Pacific and Earth’s proposed largest volcano. The rocks were recovered during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 324, which cored 160 m into the igneous basement near the summit of Tamu Massif. The analyzed lavas cover all three major stratigraphic groups penetrated at this site and confirm a Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous age for the onset of Shatsky Rise volcanism. Lavas analyzed from the lower and middle section of the hole yield plateau ages between 144.4 ± 1.0 and 143.1 ± 3.3 Ma with overlapping analytical errors (2σ), whereas a sample from the uppermost lava group produced a significantly younger age of 133.9 ± 2.3 Ma suggesting a late or rejuvenated phase of volcanism. The new geochronological data infer minimum (average) melt production rates of 0.63–0.84 km3/a over a time interval of 3–4 million years consistent with the presence of a mantle plume.  相似文献   

Precision U–Pb (SHRIMP-II) isotope geochronological data, obtained for the first time, make it possible to suggest that sediments of the Neocomian primitive island arc sequence are missed or poorly developed in the South-Western part of the Mainitskii terrane of the Koryak Highlands. However, Late Albian mature island arc tuff and tuffaceous–turbidite formations are common. This enables us to extend the age range of the Mainitskii island arc from the Early Neocomian to the Late Albian and to suggest a two-stage pattern of its development. The isotope-geochronological data obtained for plagiogranite and moderately acid subvolcanics, previously attributed to the Koryak–Western Kamchatka volcanoplutonic belt, indicate that it is possible to combine them into the Middle Miocene postsubduction? polygenic complex. In addition, owing to modern high-precision isotope–geochronological methods, it has become possible to determine the age of gold–sulfide mineralization of the Talyaigin ore field, paragenetically related to the manifestations of the Middle Miocene Vilyuneiveem complex.  相似文献   

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