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The Siberian–Icelandic hotspot track is the only preserved continental hotspot track. Although the track and its associated age progression between 160 Ma and 60 Ma are not yet well understood, this section of the track is closely linked to the tectonic evolution of Amerasian Basin, the Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge and Baffin Bay. Using paleomagnetic data, volcanic structures and marine geophysical data, the paleogeography of Arctic plates (Eurasian plate, North American Plate, Greenland Plate and Alaska Microplate) was reconstructed and the Siberian–Icelandic hotspot track was interlinked between 160 Ma and 60 Ma. Our results suggested that the Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge could be a part of the hotspot track that formed between 160 Ma and 120 Ma. During this period, the hotspot controlled the tectonic evolution of Baffin Bay and the distribution of mafic rock in Greenland. Throughout the Mesozoic Era, the aforementioned Arctic plates experienced clockwise rotation and migrated northeast towards the North Pacific. The vertical influence from the ancient Icelandic mantle plume broke this balance, slowing down some plates and resulting in the opening of several ocean basins. This process controlled the tectonic evolution of the Arctic.  相似文献   

The motion of Greenland relative to Ellesmere Island along Nares Strait is determined from poles of rotation which provide control for the motion independent of local geology and geophysics. The plate kinematics around the North Atlantic Ocean, the Norwegian and Greenland Seas and the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean constrain motion along Nares Strait. These motions are checked by examining the stability characteristics of the triple junctions. These junctions are found to be stable. The motion along Nares Strait between anomalies 34 and 13 is a combination of strike-slip and compression. The regional geology is found to support the plate reconstructions. The local geology of the Nares Strait area is reviewed and found not to refute the predicted motions. The geophysical and geological data are interpreted in terms of the Wilson cycle, the opening and closing of an ocean. The Nares Strait area has the characteristics of a cryptic suture, a join between regions of collided continental crust.  相似文献   

We present a new three-dimensional model of P-velocity anomalies in the upper mantle beneath the Circum-Arctic region based on tomographic inversion of global data from the catalogues of the International Seismological Center (ISC, 2007). We used travel times of seismic waves from events located in the study area which were recorded by the worldwide network, as well as data from remote events registered by stations in the study region. The obtained mantle seismic anomalies clearly correlate with the main lithosphere structures in the Circum-Arctic region. High-velocity anomalies down to 250–300 km depth correspond to Precambrian thick lithosphere plates, such as the East European Platform with the adjacent shelf areas, Siberian Plate, Canadian Shield, and Greenland. It should be noted that lithosphere beneath the central part of Greenland appears to be strongly thinned, which can be explained by the effect of the Iceland plume which passed under Greenland 50–60 million years ago. Beneath Chukotka, Yakutia, and Alaska we observe low-velocity anomalies which represent weak and relatively thin actively deformed lithosphere. Some of these low-velocity areas coincide with manifestations of Cenozoic volcanism. A high-velocity anomaly at 500–700 km depth beneath Chukotka may be a relic of the subduction zone which occurred here about 100 million years ago. In the oceanic areas, the tomography results are strongly inhomogeneous. Beneath the North Atlantic, we observe very strong low-velocity anomalies which indicate an important role of the Iceland plume and active rifting in the opening of the oceanic basin. On the contrary, beneath the central part of the Arctic Ocean, no significant anomalies are observed, which implies a passive character of rifting.  相似文献   

We propose that prior to the Younger Dryas period, the Arctic Ocean supported extremely thick multi-year fast ice overlain by superimposed ice and firn. We re-introduce the historical term paleocrystic ice to describe this. The ice was independent of continental (glacier) ice and formed a massive floating body trapped within the almost closed Arctic Basin, when sea-level was lower during the last glacial maximum. As sea-level rose and the Barents Sea Shelf became deglaciated, the volume of warm Atlantic water entering the Arctic Ocean increased, as did the corresponding egress, driving the paleocrystic ice towards Fram Strait. New evidence shows that Bering Strait was resubmerged around the same time, providing further dynamical forcing of the ice as the Transpolar Drift became established. Additional freshwater entered the Arctic Basin from Siberia and North America, from proglacial lakes and meltwater derived from the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Collectively, these forces drove large volumes of thick paleocrystic ice and relatively fresh water from the Arctic Ocean into the Greenland Sea, shutting down deepwater formation and creating conditions conducive for extensive sea-ice to form and persist as far south as 60°N. We propose that the forcing responsible for the Younger Dryas cold episode was thus the result of extremely thick sea-ice being driven from the Arctic Ocean, dampening or shutting off the thermohaline circulation, as sea-level rose and Atlantic and Pacific waters entered the Arctic Basin. This hypothesis focuses attention on the potential role of Arctic sea-ice in causing the Younger Dryas episode, but does not preclude other factors that may also have played a role.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of recent (under 2 Ma) volcanism has been studied in relation to mantle hotspots and the evolution of the present-day supercontinent which we named Northern Pangea. Recent volcanism is observed in Eurasia, North and South America, Africa, Greenland, the Arctic, and the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Several types of volcanism are distinguished: mid-ocean ridge (MOR) volcanism; subduction volcanism of island arcs and active continental margins (IA + ACM); continental collision (CC) volcanism; intraplate (IP) volcanism related to mantle hotspots, continental rifts, and transcontinental belts. Continental volcanism is obviously related to the evolution of Northern Pangea, which comprises Eurasia, North and South America, India, Australia, and Africa. The supercontinent is large, with predominant continental crust. The geodynamic setting and recent volcanism of Northern Pangea are determined by two opposite processes. On one hand, subduction from the Pacific Ocean, India, the Arabian Peninsula, and Africa consolidates the supercontinent. On the other hand, the spreading of oceanic plates from the Atlantic splits Northern Pangea, changes its shape as compared with Wegener’s Pangea, and causes the Atlantic geodynamics to spread to the Arctic. The long-lasting steady subduction beneath Eurasia and North America favored intense IA + ACM volcanism. Also, it caused cold lithosphere to accumulate in the deep mantle in northern Northern Pangea and replace the hot deep mantle, which was pressed to the supercontinental margins. Later on, this mantle rose as plumes (IP mafic magma sources), which were the ascending currents of global mantle convection and minor convection systems at convergent plate boundaries. Wegener’s Pangea broke up because of the African superplume, which occupied consecutively the Central Atlantic, the South Atlantic, and the Indian Ocean and expanded toward the Arctic. Intraplate plume magmatism in Eurasia and North America was accompanied by surface collisional or subduction magmatism. In the Atlantic, Arctic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, deep-level plume magmatism (high-alkali mafic rocks) was accompanied by surface spreading magmatism (tholeiitic basalts).  相似文献   

An attempt is made to characterize an assembly of Arctic tectonic units formed before the opening of the Arctic Ocean. This assembly comprises the epi-Grenville Arctida Craton (a fragment of Rodinia) and the marginal parts of the Precambrian Laurentia, Baltica, and Siberian cratons. The cratons are amalgamated by orogenic belts (trails of formerly closed oceans). These are the Late Neoproterozoic belts (Baikalides), Middle Paleozoic belts (Caledonides), Permo-Triassic belts (Hercynides), and Early Cretaceous belts (Late Kimmerides). Arctida encompasses an area from the Svalbard Archipelago in the west to North Alaska in the east. The Svalbard, Barents, Kara, and other cratons are often considered independent Precambrian minicratons, but actually they are constituents of Arctida subsequently broken down into several blocks. The Neoproterozoic orogenic belt extends as a discontinuous tract from the Barents-Ural-Novaya Zemlya region via the Taimyr Peninsula and shelf of the East Siberian Sea to North Alaska as an arcuate framework of Arctida, which separates it from the Baltica and Siberian cratons. The Caledonian orogenic belt consisting of the Scandian and Ellesmerian segments frames Arctida on the opposite side, separating it from the Laurentian Craton. The opposite position of the Baikalian and Caledonian orogenic belts in the Arctida framework makes it possible to judge about the time when the boundaries of this craton formed as a result of its detachment from Rodinia. The Hercynian orogenic belt in the Arctic Region comprises the Novozemel’sky (Novaya Zemlya) and Taimyr segments, which initially were an ending of the Ural Hercynides subsequenly separated by a strike-slip fault. The Mid-Cretaceous (Late Kimmerian) orogenic belt as an offset of Pacific is divergent. It was formed under the effect of the opened Canada Basin and accretion and collision at the Pacific margins. The undertaken typification of pre-Late Mesozoic tectonic units, for the time being debatable in some aspects, allows reconstruction of the oceanic basins that predated the formation of the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

We provide an up-to-date compilation of Euler rotations that model the evolution of the Central and Northern Atlantic Ocean (Table 1). The data basis forms seafloor spreading magnetic anomalies of the Atlantic. We checked the published rotations and selected those that form a consistent model. The increments of the Euler rotations going back in time from magnetic anomaly to magnetic anomaly can be illustrated by chains of points on “drift lines” that are paths of motions from continent to continent. Along these paths, the continents bordering the Atlantic Ocean can be moved back to their Mesozoic position within Pangea. Other figures exhibit the early rifting of the North Atlantic, the drift of Iberia, and the evolution of the Greenland-Ellesmere region. The points on the drift lines do not correspond directly to the lines of magnetic anomalies or their “picks” displayed today symmetrically in the Atlantic Ocean. To acquire correspondence, symmetric “flow lines” are constructed analogous to the spreading procedure. But points on the flow lines constructed by half of the increments partially also deviate from the expected symmetric position and in this way quantify displacements or jumps of the axis of rifting or spreading. Most of the selected rotations are from the excellent analyses of previous work. Essential deviations from published rotations are the M 0 rotations of Eurasia and of the Porcupine unit with respect to North America (EUR-NAM and POR-NAM). They lead to a better coincidence between the back-rotated M 0 magnetic anomalies in the Bay of Biscay on the one side and a change of the first transform motions between Greenland and Svalbard on the other side. Through this explanation, an overlap in Pangea SW of Svalbard is avoided and transform motions instead of strong extension are predicted. Some additional data are needed to complete the model: the earliest part of the path of Iberia to North America (IBA-NAM) up to M 4 is calculated assuming that Iberia moved parallel to the African plate, though with slower spreading rates. The evolution of the Central and North Atlantic Ocean system is described in short. This model of the Central and North Atlantic was produced with the primary intention of clearing and fixing the positions of Africa, Iberia, and Eurasia as a framework for an improved reconstruction of the Western Tethys evolution.  相似文献   

The paper reports results of the analysis of the spatial distribution of modern (younger than 2 Ma) volcanism in the Earth’s northern hemisphere and relations between this volcanism and the evolution of the North Pangaea modern supercontinent and with the spatial distribution of hotspots of the Earth’s mantle. Products of modern volcanism occur in the Earth’s northern hemisphere in Eurasia, North America, Greenland, in the Atlantic Ocean, Arctic, Africa, and the Pacific Ocean. As anywhere worldwide, volcanism in the northern hemisphere of the Earth occurs as (a) volcanism of mid-oceanic ridges (MOR), (b) subduction-related volcanism in island arcs and active continental margins (IA and ACM), (c) volcanism in continental collision (CC) zones, and (d) within-plate (WP) volcanism, which is related to mantle hotspots, continental rifts, and intercontinental belts. These types of volcanic areas are fairly often neighboring, and then mixed volcanic areas occur with the persistent participation of WP volcanism. Correspondingly, modern volcanism in the Earth’s northern hemisphere is of both oceanic and continental nature. The latter is obviously related to the evolution of the North Pangaea modern supercontinent, because it results from the Meso-Cenozoic evolution of Wegener’s Late Paleozoic Pangaea. North Pangaea in the Cenozoic comprises Eurasia, North and South America, India, and Africa and has, similar to other supercontinents, large sizes and a predominantly continental crust. The geodynamic setting and modern volcanism of North Pangaea are controlled by two differently acting processes: the subduction of lithospheric slabs from the Pacific Ocean, India, and the Arabia, a process leading to the consolidation of North Pangaea, and the spreading of oceanic plates on the side of the Atlantic Ocean, a process that “wedges” the supercontinent, modifies its morphology (compared to that of Wegener’s Pangaea), and results in the intervention of the Atlantic geodynamic regime into the Arctic. The long-lasting (for >200 Ma) preservation of tectonic stability and the supercontinental status of North Pangaea are controlled by subduction processes along its boundaries according to the predominant global compression environment. The long-lasting and stable subduction of lithospheric slabs beneath Eurasia and North America not only facilitated active IA + ACM volcanism but also resulted in the accumulation of cold lithospheric material in the deep mantle of the region. The latter replaced the hot mantle and forced this material toward the margins of the supercontinent; this material then ascended in the form of mantle plumes (which served as sources of WP basite magmas), which are diverging branches of global mantle convection, and ascending flows of subordinate convective systems at the convergent boundaries of plates. Subduction processes (compressional environments) likely suppressed the activity of mantle plumes, which acted in the northern polar region of the Earth (including the Siberian trap magmatism) starting at the latest Triassic until nowadays and periodically ascended to the Earth’s surface and gave rise to WP volcanism. Starting at the breakup time of Wegener’s Pangaea, which began with the opening of the central Atlantic and systematically propagated toward the Arctic, marine basins were formed in the place of the Arctic Ocean. However, the development of the oceanic crust (Eurasian basin) took place in the latter as late as the Cenozoic. Before the appearance of the Gakkel Ridge and, perhaps, also the oceanic portion of the Amerasian basin, this young ocean is thought to have been a typical basin developing in the central part of supercontinents. Wegener’s Pangaea broke up under the effect of mantle plumes that developed during their systematic propagation to the north and south of the Central Atlantic toward the North Pole. These mantle plumes were formed in relation with the development of global and local mantle convection systems, when hot deep mantle material was forced upward by cold subducted slabs, which descended down to the core-mantle boundary. The plume (WP) magmatism of Eurasia and North America was associated with surface collision- or subduction-related magmatism and, in the Atlantic and Arctic, also with surface spreading-related magmatism (tholeiite basalts).  相似文献   

The structure and evolution of the passive continental margins of the Arctic Ocean are considered on the example of the South Kara Basin. Its development is associated with the evolution of the West Siberian Plate and the formation of the Arctic Ocean. Until the Late Cretaceous, the South Kara Basin was the north margin of the West Siberian Plate, whose formation is related to the Permian–Triassic processes of riftogenesis accompanied by the eruptions of traps. In the Mesozoic, due to the opening of the Arctic Ocean, the South Kara basin became a part of the continental margin, where the accumulation of marine sandy–clayey rocks continued.  相似文献   

A combined analysis of the recently collected aeromagnetic data from the Eurasian Basin with the magnetic data from the Labrador Sea, the Norwegian-Greenland Sea and the North Atlantic yields a plate kinematic solution for the Eurasian Basin which is consistent with the solution for the North Atlantic as a whole. It shows that the Eurasian Basin and Norwegian-Greenland Sea started to evolve at about anomaly 25 time, though active seafloor spreading did not start in either of these regions until anomaly 24 time. It further shows that the spreading in the Eurasian Basin has been a result of motion only between the North American and Eurasian plates since the beginning, with the Lomonosov Ridge remaining attached to the North American plate. The relative motion among the North American, Greenland and Eurasian plates as obtained from the plate kinematics of the North Atlantic shows that from Late Cretaceous to Late Paleocene (anomaly 34 to 25) Greenland moved obliquely to Ellesmere Island. It is suggested that most of this motion was taken up within the Canadian Arctic Islands resulting in little or no motion along Nares Strait between Greenland and Ellesmere Island. From Late Paleocene to mid-Eocene (anomaly 25-21) Greenland continued to move obliquely, resulting in a displacement of 125 km along and of 90 km normal to the Nares Strait. From mid-Eocene to early Oligocene another 100 km of motion took place normal to the Strait, which correlates well with the Eurekan Orogeny in the Canadian Arctic Island. During these times the relative motion between Greenland and Svalbard (Eurasian plate) was mainly strike-slip with a small component of compression. The implication of the resulting motion between the North American and the Eurasian plates onto the Siberian platform are discussed.  相似文献   

A study based on computation of D-function anomalies (method of joint gravity and magnetic data analysis) along profiles in the Bering Sea has been performed in both the Aleutian Basin with oceanic crust and the Bering continental shelf. This study revealed extended faults that affect not only the Earth’s crust but also the upper mantle. This is supported by seismic profiling. The calculated palinspastic reconstructions of the position of North America relative to “immobile” Eurasia 80, 52–50, 50–47, and 15–20 Ma ago allowed us to show that the revealed strike-slip faults are probable relics of an echeloned transform boundary between the Eurasian and North American lithospheric plates. The formation of this boundary beginning from the Late Cretaceous was apparently related to opening of the North Atalantic, which determined the large rate of displacement of North America relative to Eurasia.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1765-1775
Currently, two basic models describe the genesis of the Caribbean Plate: (i) a Pacific model that derives the Caribbean Plate off southern Mexico and (ii) an in situ model. The Pacific model requires the 1100–1400 km sinistral displacement recorded across the Cayman Trough to pass through the Gulf of Tehuantepec into the Middle America Trench, but no evidence of such a connection exists. The in situ model is inconsistent with the 1100–1400 km displacement across the Cayman Trough. A way through this impasse is indicated by the northwestward curvature of active oblique reverse to sinistral transcurrent faulting in southeast Mexico. Extending this potential solution back to ca. 80 Ma forms the basis of the new Pirate model, in which the Caribbean Plate and the Chortis and Chiapas blocks are derived from the northwest by anticlockwise rotation during the latest Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Following passage of the Chortis Block, the northern and southern parts of the Yucatan block collided along the intra-Yucatan suture, producing the 11–9 Ma Chiapas fold-and-thrust belt. The Pirate model accounts for the N-trending segment of the Laramide Sierra Madre Oriental–Zongolica foldbelts by anticlockwise drag, Palaeogene palaeocanyons, the second, 66–40 Ma phase of rifting in the western Gulf of Mexico, and post-10 Ma extension in the Chortis Block (Chortis–Sula rift province). Impingement of the East Pacific Rise on the Middle America Trench led to modification of the Pirate model involving subduction erosion of the ~200 km-wide, Eocene–Oligocene forearc at ca. 25 Ma, opening of the Gulf of California at ca. 6 Ma, and birth and ESE movement of the Southern Mexico block (<5 Ma) followed by its fragmentation. The Pirate mechanism indicates that the North American Plate is relatively weak and so tears and rotates into the trailing edge of the Caribbean Plate.  相似文献   

A new reassembly of the continents around the North Atlantic Ocean is presented. The first criterion used for this reassembly is the identification of the structural framework related to the opening which consists of marginal fracture zones generated by offsets of the Rift. The Africa—North America, Eurasia—Greenland, Greenland—North America and Eurasia—North America adjustments are successively discussed. It is argued that the adjustments are best made at the 3000-meters isobath between Africa and North America and at the 2000-meters isobath for the younger rifts. The difference is attributed to subsidence and modification of continental margins with time. The importance of the Late Paleozoic tectonic phase in determining the subsequent pattern of Mesozoic rifting is emphasized.  相似文献   

Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) site 882 (50°22′N, 167°36′E) provides the first high-resolution GRAPE density, magnetic susceptibility, carbonate, opal and foraminifera (planktonic and benthic) stable isotopes records between 3.2 and 2.4 Ma in the Northwest Pacific. We observed a dramatic increase in ice rafting debris at site 882 at 2.75 Ma, which is coeval with that found in the Norwegian Sea, suggesting that the Eurasian Arctic and Northeast Asia were significantly glaciated from 2.75 Ma onwards. Prior to 2.75 Ma planktonic foraminifera δ18O records indicate a warming or freshening trend of 4°C or 2‰ over 80 ka. If this is interpreted as a warm pre-glacial Pliocene North Pacific, it may have provided the additional moisture required to initially build up the northern hemisphere continental ice sheet. The dramatic drop in sea surface temperatures (SST>7.5°C) at 2.75 Ma ended this suggested period of enhanced SST and thus the proposed moisture pump. Moreover, at 2.79 and 2.73 Ma opal mass accumulation rates (MAR) decrease in two steps by five fold and is accompanied by a more gradual long-term decrease in CaCO3 MARs. Evidence from the Southern Ocean (ODP site 704) indicates that just prior to 2.6 Ma there is a massive increase in opal MARs, the opposite to what is found in the North Pacific. This indicates that the intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation was accompanied by a major reorganisation of global oceanic chemical budget, possibly caused by changes in deep ocean circulation. The initiation of northern hemisphere glaciation occurred in the late Miocene with a significant build up of ice on southern Greenland. However, the progressive intensification did not occur until 3.5–3 Ma when the Greenland ice sheet expanded to include northern Greenland. Following this stage we suggest that the Eurasian Arctic and Northeast Asia glaciated at 2.75 Ma, approximately 100 ka before the glaciation of Alaska (2.65 Ma) and 200 ka before the glaciation of the North East American continent (2.54 Ma).  相似文献   

Analysis of a Miocene-Pleistocene ice-rafted debris (IRD) record from the western Irminger Basin provides evidence for the initiation and long-term behavior of the SE portion of the Greenland Ice Sheet. In the late Miocene (~7.3 Ma), IRD supply to Ocean Drilling Program site 918 increased significantly indicating that glaciers large enough to reach sea level were present in SE Greenland long before the onset of widespread Northern Hemisphere glaciation. IRD accumulated at this site throughout the Pliocene and Pleistocene, supporting the hypothesis that SE Greenland was a key nucleation area for the formation of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Since glacial onset, the western Irminger Basin IRD record is characterized by a succession of episodes with high IRD mass accumulation rates (MARs). The site 918 IRD record indicates that greatest iceberg production in SE Greenland occurred during major climatic transitions (e.g. widespread Northern Hemisphere glacial expansion at 2.7 Ma and the mid-Pleistocene climate shift at 0.9 Ma), and that SE Greenland sometimes also led the northern North Atlantic region in glacial response to climatic forcing (e.g. glacial intensification at ~4.8 and, along with NE Greenland, at ~3.5 Ma).  相似文献   

A recent re-evaluation of the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic sea-floor spreading data in the eastern Pacific has allowed us to make a new interpretation of the timing and sequence of the tectonic events which produced the present configuration of the plates (Whitman and Harrison, 1981; Whitman, 1981). Rotation parameters specifying the relative motion between all pairs of plates in the ocean basin have been calculated from the best fit of oceanic magnetic anomalies, with additional input from bathymetry and crustal ages of the Deep Sea Drilling Project sites. The rotation parameters for the relative motion between the Pacific and Antarctic plates are taken from Weissel et al. (1977) and the continental rotation parameters are from Barron et al. (1981).Plate motions have been determined back to 74 Ma. This time marks the initiation of spreading at the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge which caused the separation of the Campbell Plateau from Antarctica (Barron et al., 1981). Thus, this time is the earliest fix on the position of the Pacific plate relative to the continents surrounding the Pacific Ocean basin using sea-floor spreading. Since it is not possible to derive quantitative information about the relative motion between two plates separated by a trench, all rotations for the oceanic plates of the Pacific basin have been calculated relative to the Pacific plate and then relative to North America through the plate circuit: Pacific-Antarctica-Africa-North AmericaSince we also know the relative position of North America with respect to the other continents, we can show the relative position of the Pacific plate and the other oceanic plates with respect to all of the continental plates surrounding the Pacific Ocean basin.  相似文献   

Studies in the Amundsen Basin have revealed six seismostratigraphic complexes (SSCs) in this region. The horizons bounding these complexes were dated by identifying the linear magnetic anomalies. The recognized SSCs are correlated with the seismostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic units of the Lomonosov Ridge. Based on these correlations, the lithological composition of SSCs in the Amundsen Basin is suggested. The formation of SSC2 is supposed to be due to the diagenetic processes associated with the transition of opal-A to opal-CT. It is found that, generally, the rate of sedimentation in the Amundsen Basin has consistently decreased since the beginning of its formation. However, in the Chattian time, the global regression resulted in a sharp increase in the rate of sedimentation in the basin. Arguments in favor of the duration of the Middle Cenozoic sedimentary hiatus on the Lomonosov Ridge reduced to 16.3 Ma are presented. It is supposed that the decrease in the intensity of oceanic crustal accretion in the Eurasian Basin, which is identified by the slowdown in the rate of its opening in the interval from 46 to 20–23 Ma might have resulted in a gradual sea level falling in the Arctic Ocean isolated from the World Ocean. This fact probably accounts for the Lomonosov Ridge having remained in subaerial conditions over the period from 36.7 to 20.4 Ma.  相似文献   

Chronological succession in the formation of spreading basins is considered in the context of reconstruction of breakdown of Wegener’s Pangea and the development of the geodynamic system of the Arctic Ocean. This study made it possible to indentify three temporally and spatially isolated generations of spreading basins: Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous-Early Cenozoic, and Cenozoic. The first generation is determined by the formation, evolution, and extinction of the spreading center in the Canada Basin as a tectonic element of the Amerasia Basin. The second generation is connected to the development of the Labrador-Baffin-Makarov spreading branch that ceased to function in the Eocene. The third generation pertains to the formation of the spreading system of interrelated ultraslow Mohna, Knipovich, and Gakkel mid-ocean ridges that has functioned until now in the Norwegian-Greenland and Eurasia basins. The interpretation of the available geological and geophysical data shows that after the formation of the Canada Basin, the Arctic region escaped the geodynamic influence of the Paleopacific, characterized by spreading, subduction, formation of backarc basins, collision-related processes, etc. The origination of the Makarov Basin marks the onset of the oceanic regime characteristic of the North Atlantic (intercontinental rifting, slow and ultraslow spreading, separation of continental blocks (microcontinents), extinction of spreading centers of primary basins, spreading jumps, formation of young spreading ridges and centers, etc., are typical) along with retention of northward propagation of spreading systems both from the Pacific and Atlantic sides. The aforesaid indicates that the Arctic Ocean is in fact a hybrid basin or, in other words, a composite heterogeneous ocean in respect to its architectonics. The Arctic Ocean was formed as a result of spatial juxtaposition of two geodynamic systems different in age and geodynamic style: the Paleopacific system of the Canada Basin that finished its evolution in the Late Cretaceous and the North Atlantic system of the Makarov and Eurasia basins that came to take the place of the Paleopacific system. In contrast to traditional views, it has been suggested that asymmetry of the northern Norwegian-Greenland Basin is explained by two-stage development of this Atlantic segment with formation of primary and secondary spreading centers. The secondary spreading center of the Knipovich Ridge started to evolve approximately at the Oligocene-Miocene transition. This process resulted in the breaking off of the Hovgard continental block from the Barents Sea margin. Thus, the breakdown of Wegener’s Pangea and its Laurasian fragments with the formation of young spreading basins was a staged process that developed nearly from opposite sides. Before the Late Cretaceous (the first stage), the Pangea broke down from the side of Paleopacific to form the Canada Basin, an element of the Amerasia Basin (first phase of ocean formation). Since the Late Cretaceous, destructive pulses came from the side of the North Atlantic and resulted in the separation of Greenland from North America and the development of the Labrador-Baffin-Makarov spreading system (second phase of ocean formation). The Cenozoic was marked by the development of the second spreading branch and the formation of the Norwegian-Greenland and Eurasia oceanic basins (third phase of ocean formation). Spreading centers of this branch are functioning currently but at an extremely low rate.  相似文献   

A new combined magnetic database and a magnetic-profile map are developed for the Eurasia Basin as a result of adjusting all available historical and recent Russian and American magnetic data sets. The geohistorical analysis of magnetic data includes several steps: identification of linear magnetic anomalies along each trackline, calculation of the Euler rotation pole positions for the relative motion of the North American and Eurasian plates, analysis of temporal and spatial variations in the spreading rate, and plate reconstructions. The pattern of key Cenozoic magnetic isochrons (24, 20, 18, 13, 6, 5, 2a) is constructed for the entire Eurasia Basin. In the western half of the basin, this pattern is consistent with a recently published scheme [16]. In its eastern half, magnetic isochrons are determined in detail for the first time and traced up to the Laptev Sea shelf. The main stages in the seafloor spreading are established for the Eurasia Basin. Each stage is characterized by a specific spreading rate and the degree of asymmetry of the basin opening. The revealed differences are traced along the Gakkel Ridge. Systematic patterns in wandering of the Eurasia Basin opening pole are established for particular stages. The continent-ocean transition zone corresponding to the primary rupture between plates is outlined in the region under consideration on the basis of gravimetric data. The nature of different potential fields and bottom topography on opposite sides of the Gakkel Ridge is discussed. The characteristic features of the basin-bottom formation at main stages of its evolution are specified on the basis of new and recently published data. The results obtained are in good agreement with plate geodynamics of the North Atlantic and the adjacent Arctic basins.  相似文献   

The structure of the sedimentary cover and acoustic basement in the northeastern Russian Arctic region is analyzed. Beneath the western continuation of the North Chukchi trough and Vil’kitskii trough, a Late Caledonian (Ellesmere) folded and metamorphozed basement is discovered. It is supposed that Caledonides continue further into the Podvodnikov Basin until the Geofizikov branch. A large magnetic anomaly in the Central Arctic zone has been verified by seismostratigraphic data: the acoustic basement beneath the Mendeleev (and partially Alpha) Ridge is overlain by trapps. Wave field analysis showed that the acoustic basement of the Lomonosov Ridge has folded structure, whereas beneath the Mendeleev Ridge, the sporadic presence of a weakly folded stratum of Paleozoic platform deposits is interpreted. It is supposed that the Caledonian and Late Cimmerian fold belts in the periphery of the Arctida paleocontinent appeared as a result of collision between arctic continental masses and southern ones. After Miocene extension and block displacements identified from appearance of horsts, grabens, and transverse rises both on the shelf and in the ocean, a general subsidence took place and the present-day shelf, slope, and the deepwater part of the Arctic Ocean formed.  相似文献   

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