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The knowledge on the early stages of evolution of the Ural-Mongolian Belt (UMB) (Late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian) is a key for understanding of its evolution in the Paleozoic. Unfortunately, this stage remains poorly studied. The tectonic reconstructions of the UMB for this time primarily depend on the views on the kinematics and tectonic evolution of numerous sialic massifs with Precambrian basement in the structure of the Tien Shan, Kazakhstan, Altai, and Mongolia. At present, the concept of the origin of these massifs is largely based on the lithostratigraphic similarity of the Neoproterozoic and Lower Paleozoic sections of the Tarim, South China, and Siberian platforms with coeval sections of Precambrian massifs within the UMB. New paleomagnetic and geochronological data can serve as additional sources of information on the origin and paleotectonic position of the microcontinents. In this paper, we present new isotopic datings and a new paleomagnetic determination for the Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks of the Zabhan Formation from the Baydrag microcontinent in central Mongolia. It is established that 805−770 Ma ago (U-Pb LA-MC-ICP-MS age of zircon) the Baydrag microcontinent was situated at a latitude of 47 ± 14° in the Northern or Southern hemisphere. These data provide new insights into the possible origin of the Precambrian micro-continents in the UMB. Analysis of paleomagnetic data and comparison of the age of the basement beneath various plates allow us to state rather confidently that ∼800 Ma ago the micro-continents of the UMB belonged to one of the North Rodinian plates: Indian, Tarim, or South China; their Australian origin is less probable.  相似文献   

A ca. 600 m thick siliciclastic succession in northern Russia contains abundant and diverse microfossils that document early to middle Ediacaran deposition along the northeastern margin of the East European Platform. The Vychegda Formation is poorly exposed but is well documented by a core drilled in the Timan trough region (Kel’tminskaya-1 borehole). Vychegda siliciclastics lie unconformably above Tonian to lower Cryogenian strata and below equivalents of the late Ediacaran Redkino succession that is widely distributed across the platform. The basal 10 m of the formation preserve acritarchs and fragments of problematic macrofossils known elsewhere only from pre-Sturtian successions. In contrast, the upper, nearly 400 m of the succession contains abundant and diverse large acanthomorphic acritarchs attributable to the Ediacaran Complex Acanthomorph Palynoflora (ECAP). This distinctive set of taxa is known elsewhere only from lower, but not lowermost, Ediacaran rocks. In between lies an additional assemblage of relatively simple filaments and stratigraphically long ranging sphaeromorphic acritarchs interpreted as early Ediacaran in age. Bearing in mind that knowledge of late Cryogenian (post-Strurtian/pre-Marinoan) microfossils is sparse, the Vychegda record is consistent with data from Australia and China which suggest that diverse ECAP microfossil assemblages appeared well into the Ediacaran Period. Accumulating paleontological observations underscore both the promise and challenges for the biostratigraphic characterization of the early Ediacaran Period.  相似文献   

This study concentrates on small intrusions along two important faults of the Giudicarie fault system, the Northern Giudicarie and the Meran-Mauls fault, summarised under the term tonalitic lamellae. Magnetic fabric analyses in combination with structural field data indicate dextral strike slip deformation along the NE–SW striking northern part of the Giudicarie fault system, the Meran-Mauls fault, overprinted by younger thrusting. The regional stressfield was oriented approximately NNW–SSE during Tertiary times. The distinctive change in deformation along the Meran-Mauls fault from dextral strike slip to top-SE thrusting may be caused by a rotation or bending of the fault after the intrusion of the tonalites and the formation of their horizontal magnetic foliation. Based on the assumption of a preliminary straight Periadriatic lineament bent by the NNW-wards advancement of the Southalpine indenter, the tonalitic lamellae may be interpreted as lenses sheared off from the Adamello batholith during indentation. New U/Pb data on zircon show that some of the lamellae are of Oligocene (Rupelian), others of Late Eocene (Priabonian) age. An amphibole-gabbro lens occurring on the Meran-Mauls fault provides a Middle Eocene (Bartonian) age. Among the major Periadriatic plutons, only the southern units of the Adamello batholith also intruded in the Eocene that suggests a strong correlation between the tonalitic lamellae and the Adamello batholith. The analyses of the remanent magnetisation and the Curie point determinations argue for magnetite as the main carrier of a viscous magnetisation blocked at relatively low temperatures. This indicates slow cooling of the investigated intrusions along the Giudicarie fault system down to approximately 300°C, which is in contrast to the fast cooling determined for the Adamello intrusion units currently at the surface. The new zircon fission track data also show later cooling of the tonalites along the Giudicarie fault system when compared with the Adamello batholith in the south and the Mauls lamellae in the north, indicating that this area contains magmatic bodies exhumed from a deeper structural level than in the Adamello and the Mauls region. This may be due to important top-SE thrusting and transpressive faulting in the footwall of the Northern Giudicarie fault and the Meran-Mauls fault.  相似文献   

New paleomagnetic data on Paleoproterozoic complexes of the Central Karelian and Vodlozero terranes of the Karelian Craton were obtained. A new key paleomagnetic pole (1.98 Ga) was calculated for rocks of the Vodlozero terrane. The positions of Central Karelian and Vodlozero terranes 1.98 Ga ago in subtropical and moderate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, respectively, were reconstructed. The latitudinal difference (1.98 Ga) between the positions of Central Karelian and Vodlozero terranes supports the existence of oceanic basins between separate terranes of the Karelian Craton.  相似文献   

The available geological data on the Meso-and Neoproterozoic rocks in the north of the East European Platform are considered, involving the results of a comprehensive study along regional seismic profile I-I that extends for 460 km and crosses the main structural units of the Mezen Syneclise from SW to NE. Many previously unknown structural features of aulacogens filled with thick (up to 4–8 km) sequences of the Meso-and Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks that make up the preplate complex are demonstrated in this profile. The Riphean rocks are subdivided into three seismostratigraphic sequences: the lower part of the Lower Riphean, the Lower-Middle Riphean, and the Upper Riphean. The geodynamic events in the north of the East European Platform are correlated with those that occurred in its central part and the adjacent foldbelts.  相似文献   

M. L. Kopp 《Geotectonics》2012,46(6):435-454
The Vyatka intracratonic deformations were formed under WNW-ESE compressive stress created by the presence of the Klimkovo-Nema basement high situated to the east. The compression settings at depth were released at the surface as strike-slip stress regime, which is imprinted in the macrostructural pattern and mesostructural assemblies. Compression was transformed upward into extension with partial retention of the transverse (relative to the deformations) axis of relative shortening. These structural and dynamic features along with the relatively early origination of deformations in the Oligocene make it possible to connect them with the impact of the recent Urals, which arose at the same time and were deformed in the same manner. Inasmuch as the Urals, in the opinion of some researchers, belongs to the Peri-Indian collision region, the Vyatka deformations may presumably be regarded as the extreme northwestern element of this region. The deformations are continuing to develop up to now, but at least during the Pliocene and Quaternary they developed jointly with another group of recent structural elements extending in the latitudinalnortheastern direction as a system of nearly parallel gentle meganticlines and megasynlines with a great radius of curvature. The megasynclines are expressed especially distinctly, making up a structural framework. The possible interpretation of the recent latitudinal structural elements is discussed in the paper. They are most probably linked to the near-meridional extension under the westward stress from the Urals. The interaction of variously oriented recent structural elements was a cause of dissimilar expression of the Vyatka deformations in the topography. They rise at the intersections with the near-latitudinal ranges and are overlapped by Quaternary cover near the near-latitudinal basins.  相似文献   

Several episodes of kimberlite magmatism occurred in the East European Province (EEP) during a long (about 1.5 Gyr) time period, from the Late Paleoproterozoic (ca. 1.8 Ga) in the Archean Ukrainian and Baltic shields to the Middle Paleozoic (ca. 0.36 Ga) mainly in the Arkhangelsk, Timan, and adjacent regions. Based on the analysis of data on 16 kimberlite occurrences and four lamproite occurrences within the EEP, five time stages can be distinguished; one of them, the Middle Paleozoic stage (Middle Ordovician and Devonian), is the most productive epoch for diamond in the northern hemisphere (EEP, Siberian Craton, and part of the China Craton). The analysis of petrological and geochemical characteristics of kimberlites (lamproites were studied less thoroughly) revealed variations in rock composition and their correlation with a number of factors, including the spatial confinement to the northern or southern Archean blocks of the craton, time of formation of the source of kimberlite melts, contents of volatiles and autoliths, etc. Three petrogeochemical types of kimberlites were distinguished: high-, medium-, and low-Ti (TiO2 > 3 wt %, 1–3 wt %, and <1 wt %, respectively). There are two time intervals of the formation of kimberlite and lamproite sources in the EEP, corresponding to TNd(DM) values of about 2 Ga (up to 2.9 Ga in the Por’ya Guba occurrence) and 1 Ga. The latter interval includes two groups of occurrences with model source ages of about 1 Ga (low-and medium-Ti kimberlites of the Zolotitsa and Verkhotina occurrences) and about 0.8 Ga (high-Ti kimberlites of the Kepino and a number of other occurrences); i.e., there seems to be an evolutionary trend in the composition of kimberlites. Concentric zoning patterns were recognized. The role of the crust in kimberlite sources is discussed; it is assumed that buried remnants of the oceanic lithosphere (megaliths) may underlie whole continents. A unique feature of the composition of low-Ti kimberlites, for instance, kimberlites of the Zolotitsa occurrence (to a smaller extent, medium-Ti kimberlites of the V. Grib pipe) is the distinct depletion of highly charged elements and pronounced negative anomalies of Ti, Zr, Th, U, Nb, and Ta in trace-element distribution patterns, which indicates a contribution of crustal material to the source of these kimberlites. It was shown that autoliths exert a significant influence on the differentiation of kimberlite material, resulting in the enrichment of rocks in the whole spectrum of incompatible elements. It was argued that geochemical criteria can be used together with traditional criteria (including those based on indicator minerals) for the assessment of diamond potential in EEP occurrences. We hope that such a combined approach will yield important outcomes in the future.  相似文献   

The formation of the western margin of the Siberian craton in the Neoproterozoic is considered, with a focus on its transformation from a passive continental margin into an active one, accretion and collision processes, formation of island arcs and ophiolites, orogeny, and continent-marginal rifting. The evolution and correlation of sedimentary basins within fold-thrust belts of the Siberian Platform framing are considered. New structural and kinematic data on the Yenisei fault zone are discussed. On the basis of paleomagnetic data obtained for the structures in the zone of junction of the Siberian Platform and the West Siberian Plate, new models are proposed for the location of the Siberian craton relative to other paleocontinents and microcontinents in the Neoproterzoic. All these data provide a consistent evolution scheme for the western margin of the Siberian paleocontinent in the Neoproterozoic and constrain the position of the Siberian craton margin in Late Neoproterozoic (pre-Vendian) time.  相似文献   

High Au contents in phosphorite concretions and Vendian-Cambrian enclosing shales are attributed to the concentration function of microbial biota of Precambrian epiplatformal basins. Microorganisms and organic detritus served as intermediate collectors of gold delivered with the continental runoff from provenances of the East European Platform.  相似文献   

The mapped stress field of Western Europe reflects the tectonic process active there. A traverse of stress measurements from the Alps and through their northern foreland to the southern border of the Lower Rhine Embayment identifies three distinct stress sub-provinces; the Western Alps, the blocks on both flanks of the Rhinegraben, and the Rhenish Shield. The Alps have high magnitude stresses up to 35 MPa in the direction of maximum compression, here called δ1h. The general direction of δ1h is about 140°. The foreland has the same directional trend of δ1h with a magnitude reduced to about 2.0 MPa. Local anomalies in magnitude and direction occur along the course of the Rhinegraben which is a site of active sinistral shear. The Rhenish Shield shows an internal zonation of the stress field. The magnitudes of the stresses are low (usually negative) along the axis connecting the northern end of the Rhinegraben with the rifting of the Lower Rhine Embayment. The direction there is about 150°. On the eastern and western flanks of the shield the stress directions are essentially the same as in the southern blocks. These zones are distant from the belt of active strain release, consequently stresses of up to 4.0 MPa have accumulated.  相似文献   

The Permian-Triassic effusive traps in the Kotui River valley (Siberian Platform) were studied in detail by a paleomagnetic method, resulting in a summarized magnetic stratigraphic section of the studied sequence. The presence of the reversed polarity zone corresponding to the Khardakh Formation was argued for the section basement. Inside the Kogotok Group, the boundary between the direct and reversed polarity zones occurs in the lower part of the Onkuchak Formation and mismatches the boundary between the formations of the Kogotok Group, as was accepted before. These results contradict the presence of the transition record between the direct and reversed polarity zones in basalts of the lower part of the Onkuhcak Formation. The strong transitional interval between the Ivakinsk Formation and the upper parts of the Nadezhda Formation of the Norilsk section has no analogs in the Kotui section. This means the absence of any significant volcanic activity in the Maimecha-Kotui province during the intense eruptions in the Norilsk region resulting in origination of the greater part of the lower formations of the trap sequence. These data and possible correlations of the traps of the Kotui River valley and Norilsk region indicate that the Norilsk and Maimecha-Kotui sections were temporally overlapped.  相似文献   

Tenerife basically consists of three Miocene shield volcanoes, the Anaga, the Teno and Central shield, as well as the Pliocene Cañadas volcano. The temporal evolution and structural significance of each volcano with respect to the history of Tenerife is still a matter of debate. We present paleomagnetic results in order to enhance the view of the volcanic history of the Teno volcano by means of magnetostratigraphy. It is found that the initial subaerial phase shows reverse magnetizations throughout. After two major sector collapses, dominantly normally magnetized lavas extruded. Comparisons of observed magnetic polarities with the geomagnetic polarity timescale show that these volcanic activities occurred within 0.4 Myr between 6.3 and 5.9 Ma. Significantly younger flows, ~ 5.3 Myr old according to their radiometric age, revealed again normal polarity throughout. The absence of inversely magnetized lavas in-between the two normal periods indicates a volcanic hiatus or erosional phase. The evolutionary sequence and the estimated high production rates for the initial building phase are similar as would be expected for a hotspot volcano. The average geomagnetic field for 6.0 ± 0.2 Ma is close to an axial dipole field showing a slight far-sided/right-handed effect. The field strength, determined by Thellier-type intensity determinations, corresponds to a virtual axial dipole moment of 4.9 × 1022 A m2. This value is approximately half of the present day field strength, but similar to values obtained for the mid-Miocene. It also corresponds to the proposed tertiary low-field level of the geomagnetic dipole moment.  相似文献   

A combined paleomagnetic and geochronological investigation has been performed on Cretaceous rocks in southern Qiangtang terrane (32.5°N, 84.3°E), near Gerze, central Tibetan Plateau. A total of 14 sites of volcanic rocks and 22 sites of red beds have been sampled. Our new U–Pb geochronologic study of zircons dates the volcanic rocks at 103.8 ± 0.46 Ma (Early Cretaceous) while the red beds belong to the Late Cretaceous. Rock magnetic experiments suggest that magnetite and hematite are the main magnetic carriers. After removing a low temperature component of viscous magnetic remanence, stable characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) was isolated successfully from all the sites by stepwise thermal demagnetization. The tilt-corrected mean direction from the 14 lava sites is D = 348.0°, I = 47.3°, k = 51.0, α95 = 5.6°, corresponding to a paleopole at 79.3°N, 339.8°E, A95 = 5.7° and yielding a paleolatitude of 29.3° ± 5.7°N for the study area. The ChRM directions isolated from the volcanic rocks pass a fold test at 95% confidence, suggesting a primary origin. The volcanic data appear to have effectively averaged out secular variation as indicated by both geological evidence and results from analyzing the virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) scatter. The mean inclination from the Late Cretaceous red beds, however, is 13.1° shallower than that of the ~ 100 Ma volcanic rocks. After performing an elongation/inclination analysis on 174 samples of the red beds, a mean inclination of 47.9° with 95% confidence limits between 41.9° and 54.3° is obtained, which is consistent with the mean inclination of the volcanic rocks. The site-mean direction of the Late Cretaceous red beds after tilt-correction and inclination shallowing correction is D = 312.6°, I = 47.7°, k = 109.7, α95 = 3.0°, N = 22 sites, corresponding to a paleopole at 49.2°N, 1.9°E, A95 = 3.2° (yielding a paleolatitude of 28.7° ± 3.2°N for the study area). The ChRM of the red beds also passes a fold test at 99% confidence, indicating a primary origin. Comparing the paleolatitude of the Qiangtang terrane with the stable Asia, there is no significant difference between our sampling location in the southern Qiangtang terrane and the stable Asia during ~ 100 Ma and Late Cretaceous. Our results together with the high quality data previously published suggest that an ~ 550 km N–S convergence between the Qiangtang and Lhasa terranes happened after ~ 100 Ma. Comparison of the mean directions with expected directions from the stable Asia indicates that the Gerze area had experienced a significant counterclockwise rotation after ~ 100 Ma, which is most likely caused by the India–Asia collision.  相似文献   

Aeolian sands are widespread in the European sand‐belt. While there is a consensus about the timing of increased aeolian activity and, in contrast, of surface stabilization during the Lateglacial, knowledge about Holocene aeolian dynamics is still very sparse. It is generally assumed that aeolian processes have been closely connected to human activities since at least the Neolithic period. A compilation of 189 luminescence dates from aeolian sands of Holocene age and 301 14C‐dates from palaeo‐surfaces, comprising palaeosols, buried peats and archaeological features from the whole sand‐belt, is plotted as histograms and kernel density plots and divided into sub‐phases by cluster analysis. This is also done separately for the dates from the areas west and east of the river Elbe. Our results show that aeolian activity did not cease with the end of the Younger Dryas but continued in the whole European sand‐belt until the Mid‐Atlantic (c. 6500 a BP), presenting evidence of vegetation‐free areas at least at the local scale. During the subsequent time period evidence of aeolian sedimentation is sparse, and surface stabilization is indicated by a cluster of palaeo‐surfaces ascribed to the early Subboreal (c. 5000 cal. a BP). The agglomeration of luminescence ages around 4000 years is probably connected with intensified land use during the Late Neolithic. Younger phases of aeolian sedimentation are indicated by clusters of luminescence ages around 1800 years, a group of luminescence ages from the Netherlands and NW Germany around 900 years, and a group of ages around 680 years in Germany. Among the dates from palaeo‐surfaces, clusters were identified around 2700, 1300 and 900 cal. a BP as well as around 690 cal. a BP in the western part and 610 cal. a BP in the eastern part of the sand‐belt. The clusters within the luminescence ages and the 14C‐dates coincide with phases where increased human impact can be deduced from archaeological and historical sources as well as from environmental history.  相似文献   

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