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In the Kurai fault zone, travertine forms a matrix cementing clastic material of colluvial and glacial deposits or rarely forming a stockwork in a system of fractures in Palaeozoic rocks. The regular change of composition of solutions in the process of travertine formation has resulted in change of stable Mg–calcite by Sr–aragonite. According to the carbon isotopic composition, the travertine has intermediate genesis between thermal and meteogene. The light oxygen isotopic composition of CaCO3 indicates formational water input. The carbonates inherited Y, Sr, U, and Ni and in some areas, V, As, and Zn from the endogeneous water sources. Given that the Kurai zone travertine cements the Late Pleistocene–Holocene sediments and 14C dating of the carbonates gives a range of >40 000–3475 ± 35 years, the faults serving as routes of migration of the solutions forming the travertine should be considered as active structures.  相似文献   

We revised geological data substantiating the unified 1983 Regional Stratigraphic Chart of Gorny Altai Quaternary deposits. Based on our own and literature data, we showed that Lower and Middle Quaternary glacial horizons are erroneously distinguished in the Yaloman-Katun’ zone of southeastern Altai. A new correlation is proposed, according to which the glacial complex of the maximum glaciation (MIS-6) corresponds to the Inya catafluvial series and the glacial complex of the first postmaximum glaciation (MIS-4 unit), to the Sal’dzhar catafluvial series. The lectostratotypes of both series are described. The event history of the second half of the Late Neopleistocene in Gorny Altai (MIS-3 and MIS-2) was less catastrophic for ancient biota and Paleolithic man than it was believed earlier.  相似文献   

The Altai lithospheric structure has been generally understood due to available high-resolution digital models. As a further step in modeling, we have simulated the structure of southeastern Altai as interaction of eight blocks which comprise or surround the Chuya and Kurai basins, proceeding from the basic configuration of blocks and earthquake mechanisms. Should the stresses in the system remain invariable, the western periphery of the Kurai basin will deform to let the Uimen-Sumulta fault join the Chuya (western end of Tolbonur) fault and evolve further as a single shear zone. The best fit model was one with slip along a single border fault in the middle of the area between two rheologically different terranes. This setting corresponds to a fault boundary between the more plastic Gorny Altai and more rigid Teletskoe-Chulyshman domains, which is consistent with current crustal movements from GPS data. In addition to scientific significance, models of this kind have practical applications as they highlight areas of stress buildup prone to release in large earthquakes. The new approach was applied to simulate the stress and strain patterns of central and southeastern Gorny Altai, and the models were tested against available geomorphological and seismotectonic data.  相似文献   

Paleoseismological studies confirm that the Uimon basin is thrust by its northern mountain border along the active South Terekta fault. The latest motion along the fault in the 7-8th centuries AD induced an earthquake with a magnitude of Mw= 7.4-7.7 and a shaking intensity of I = 9-11 on the MSK-64 scale. The same fault generated another event (M > 7, I = 9-10), possibly, about 16 kyr ago, which triggered gravity sliding. The rockslide dammed the Uimon valley and produced a lake, where lacustrine deposition began about 14 ± 1 kyr ago, and a later M > 7 (I = 9-10) earthquake at ~ 6 ka caused the dam collapse and the lake drainage. Traces of much older earthquakes that occurred within the Uimon basin are detectable from secondary deformation structures (seismites) in soft sediments deposited during the drainage of a Late Pleistocene ice-dammed lake between 100 and 90 ka and in ~ 77 ka alluvium. The magnitude and intensity of these paleoearthquakes were at least M > 5.0-5.5 and I > 6-7.  相似文献   

Of the two post-Tertiary alluvial fills found throughout the southern part of the Central Plateau of Mexico, the older (whose deposition came to an end about 5000 B. C.) was laid down by shortlived floods. The younger (which dates from A. D. 500–1700) reflects equable stream regimes. The fluctuations in the seasonal distribution of rainfall indicated by the fills are analogous to regional trends observed in the area during the period of record.
Zusammenfassung Im südlichen Teil des Zentralplateaus von Mexico wurden zwei post-tertiäre Alluvialfüllungen festgestellt, von denen die ältere (deren Ablagerung ungefähr vor 7000 Jahren beendet war) durch kurzzeitige Überflutungen entstand, während die jüngere (die auf die Zeit von 500–1700 unserer Zeitrechnung zurückgeht) gleichförmige Zustände widerspiegelt. Die erforderlichen Schwankungen in der jahreszeitlichen Verteilung der Regenfälle entsprechen den regionalen Tendenzen, die während der Zeit der Aufzeichnungen in dem Gebiet beobachtet wurden.

Résumé Deux phases post-tertiaires de comblement alluvial ont eu lieu dans le sud du Plateau Central méxicain. La plus ancienne s'acheva vers 5000 ans a. C. et témoigne de l'action de crues spasmodiques; la plus jeune, qui date de 500–1700, est le reflet des régimes fluviatiles réguliers. Elles indiquent des oscillations dans la répartition saisonière des pluies qui trouvent leurs parallèles dans des tendances régionales plus récentes.

; , 7000 , , , 500–1700 , . , , .

The importance of pre-excavation permafrost detection within ancient burial mounds in the Altai by geophysical methods is hard to overestimate. There was no way of detecting small quantities of frozen ground or ice under stone mounds, and this is a topical issue in Russian archeology. Frozen mounds, which retain organic matter owing to natural processes, are an exceptional source of information about historical and cultural processes in the Early Iron Age. Pre-excavation geophysical prospecting is especially important in the context of global warming, which might destroy a whole layer of cultural and historical information.The integrated geophysical studies conducted in recent years focused on a group of archeological sites of the Pazyryk culture whose burial constructions are very likely to contain frozen artifacts. As a rule, such burial mounds are located at a considerable altitude and contain permafrost, which creates unique conditions for the preservation of artifacts. Such localities include the Ukok high plateau (southern Altai) and the northwestern part of Mongolian Altay. Systematic field studies were conducted on the Ukok Plateau in 2003 and 2007 and in the adjacent territory of Mongolian Altay in 2005 and 2006. The following geophysical methods were used: vertical electrical sounding (VES), electrical tomography (ET), shallow frequency scanning, georadiolocation, magnetic susceptibility measurements, gamma-ray spectrometry, and chromatography. The field works were planned with a heavy reliance on the 3D mathematical simulation of electric and EM fields, which is meant for a realistic estimate of the possibilities of geoelectrics and the best ways of its application to burial-mound studies and data interpretation.The excavations conducted in 2006 in northwestern Mongolia within the Altai Mts. confirmed the geophysical prediction of permafrost at all the sites identified by the geophysical studies in 2005. In one of the mounds, they yielded a unique intact tomb of a Scythian warrior.  相似文献   

The history of the Vendian–Early Paleozoic formation of protoliths of continental crust in the Gorny Altai segment of the Central Asian fold belt is considered, and their composition, isotopic characteristics, and formation mechanisms are estimated. We have established two stages of crust-forming processes in Gorny Altai: Early and Late Caledonian, with the different structures of formed geoblocks and nature and compositions of crustal protoliths. At the Early Caledonian stage, fragments of oceanic lithosphere of basic composition (MORB, OIT, OIB) (TNd(DM-2st) = 0.65–1.1 Ga) formed, as well as island arcs with andesite-basaltic and andesitic protoliths with low contents of incompatible elements (TNd(DM-2st) = 0.7–0.9 Ga). At the Late Caledonian stage, the redistribution of the substance of these blocks and the external supply of material led to the formation of heterogeneous crust of turbidite basins with an oceanic basement and andesite-dacitic upper-crustal protoliths (TNd(DM-2st) varies from 0.8–0.9 Ga in the framing of the volcanic arc of Altaids to 1.4–1.6 Ga at the boundary of the Altai–Mongolian microcontinent).  相似文献   

The Rudny Altai and Gorny Altai regions had different geologic histories and differ in metallogenic patterns. The Vendian-Early Cambrian to Permian-Triassic multistage evolution of Gorny Altai included subduction, accretion-collision, and rifting events accompanied by magmatism and related mineralization. Metallogeny evolved in discrete pulses, with especially abundant Late Paleozoic-earliest Mesozoic mineralization. The Devonian-Carboniferous pulse produced diverse mineral deposits (iron, mercury, gold, silver, molybdenum, tungsten, cobalt, polymetallic ores, and rare earths), some of considerable economic value. The territory of Gorny Altai includes several large ore districts that belong to different zones. They are the Beloretsk-Kholzun iron district in the west, the Kayancha-Sinyukha fluorine-gold district in the northeast, the Kurai gold-mercury and Yustyd rare-metal-silver districts in the southeast, and the Kalguty rare-metal-tungsten and Ulandryk U-REE-Cu districts in the south. The largest mineral deposits are Kholzun (Fe, P2O5), Karakul (Co, Bi), Sinyukha (Au), Aktash and Chagan-Uzun (Hg), Ozernoe and Pogranichnoe (Ag), Kalguty (Mo, W), Alakha (Li, Ta), Rudnyi Log (Y,Fe-specularite), and Urzarsai (W-scheelite). Mineralization in Rudny Altai is mainly pyritic: copper-pyrite, pyrite-polymelallic ore, and barite-polymelallic ore. It resides in suprasubduction basalts and rhyolites and in Emsian to Frasnian island-arc volcanics at different stratigraphic levels of Devonian volcanosedimentary sequences in six ore districts. The Kurchum high-grade metamorphic block hosts copper-pyrite and gold-quartz mineralization related to Hercynian volcanism.  相似文献   

The VES method was used to determine the geoelectric parameters of Cenozoic rocks in the Chuya intermontane basin. It was shown that the polyfacies and polychromous sediments filling the basin are well differentiated by their electrical parameters. A combination of methods used in data acquisition and processing, due to their high resolution capacity at shallow depths, provided information on the structure and physical properties of the Chuya rocks from surface to depths of 250–300 m. Despite a reasonable consistence among these methods to the above depths, the VES method is a more effective tool for detecting shallower layers. Interpretation of the VES data proved the existence of a large outburst channel as new geological evidence for an ice-dammed origin of the Middle Neopleistocene lake. A more detailed layering of the topmost part of the geoelectrical section across the Irbistu–Kokozek interfluve using the VES data revealed a number of fine-grained lenticular structures of the ancient lakes in the Chuya depression, which are hidden beneath a cover of fluvioglacial and lacustrine bouldery pebbles and moraine diamictons.  相似文献   


The paper discusses new SHRIMP II data on the absolute age of riebeckite granite of the Elinovskii massif, Gorny Altai, and presents comparative characteristics of the morphology and chemical composition of magmatic and hydrothermal zircon obtained by LA-ICP-MS. It is shown that the revealed differences between the two types of zircon are related to the peculiarities of the fluid regime of granitoid melts. Both types of zircon manifest the tetrad effect of M-type REE fractionation.


We consider the primary nature and sources of the protoliths of metamorphic rocks of the Kurai block located in the large Teletskoe-Kurai system of deep faults separating the Gorny Altai and West Sayan structures. It has been established that the protoliths of the Kurai block metapelites were deposits of transitional crust: They lack typical rocks of mature continental crust (arkoses, litharenites) and have reduced (relative to the upper continental crust) contents of lithophile elements and elevated contents of transition elements. The average Nd model age of the protoliths of the metapelites of the Kurai complex corresponds to the Middle Riphean (1.4-1.6 Ga). The metabasites of the Kurai complex are similar in petrologic composition to metamorphic products of oceanic basalts. It is shown that the formation of metamorphic associations of the Kurai block was caused by tectonometamorphic transformations of a compositionally heterogeneous rock unit (basalts, aluminous and volcanomict sediments), which were, most likely, a fragment of Middle Cambrian-Early Ordovician turbidite basin with an oceanic basement.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic Chuya dike complex was recognized by R.V. Obolenskaya based on the similar mineral composition of dikes and their age characteristics. Lamprophyres occur along the large Terekta–Tolbonur and Kurai–Kobda shear zones. The Chuya complex was studied by the example of two areas, South Chuya and Yustyd, with different levels of erosional truncation. The dikes of the first area are localized in the South Chuya Ridge, where they cut Cambrian–Ordovician metamorphic rocks, and the dikes of the Yustyd area occur in the Devonian terrigenous blackshale deposits of the Yustyd trough. The dikes of these areas differ in structures, textures, the degree of carbonatization, and mineral composition. The performed studies of rocks and minerals confirmed that the dikes of both areas belong to the same complex. They helped to establish the regularities of the lithologic composition of the entire complex and its local areas and to substantiate the recognition of areas not only from their geologic position but also by the composition, structures, and textures of rocks and their mineral composition. Geochronological data show two stages of the complex formation: 236–234 and 250–242 Ma. The results of studies also demonstrate that the lamprophyres and coeval syenites of the Tarkhata massif are fractionates of the same parental melt and can be united into a hypabyssal-plutonic complex. Comparison with other Permo-Triassic lamprophyre complexes showed that the wide variations of the composition of the Chuya rocks and its trend as well as the geochemical anomalies are specific features of complexes of high-K lamprophyres.  相似文献   

Kuibida  M. L.  Timkin  V. I.  Krivchikov  V. A.  Murzin  O. V.  Krupchatnikov  V. I.  Popova  O. M.  Kruk  N. N.  Rudnev  S. N.  Kuibida  Y. V.  Shokal’sky  S. P.  Gusev  N. I.  Komiya  T.  Aoki  S.  Sun  M.  Naryzhnova  A. V. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2019,487(2):885-889
Doklady Earth Sciences - The paper reports the results of geological, geochemical, and isotope–geochronological studies of subvolcanic rhyolites of NW Gorny Altai and Rudny Altai, which...  相似文献   

Palaeoseismological studies were performed within the Yaloman graben (Gorny Altai). Five Quaternary sections with coseismic deformation structures (seismites) have been recognized in the lower course of the Malyi Yaloman River. Traces of ancient earthquakes are localized at two levels (Late Pleistocene-Holocene). The most likely mechanisms of the seismite formation are brittle failure, liquefaction, and fluidization. The types of coseismic deformations and their sizes suggest that the Yaloman graben was the locus of prehistoric earthquakes with M > 5–7, although modern-day seismic activity consists of smaller-magnitude earthquakes. This should be taken into account in assessing the seismic hazards during construction of gas pipeline to China and tourism infrastructure facilities.  相似文献   

Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) enables the chronology of the late Pleistocene evolution for the Val d'Agri intermontane basin of Southern Apennines to be defined in the frame of Mediterranean geodynamic and climate changes. Quartz sand from braided floodplain and alluvial fan depositional systems was analyzed using the coarse-grained, single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) technique. The obtained optical ages are mostly consistent with other assessments (radiocarbon, tephrochronology) and stratigraphic constraints. OSL allows for the dating to 56–43 ka of an asymmetric subsidence stage that forced alluvial fan progradation, filling of a former lacustrine area, and development of an axial alluvial plain. A short period of Mediterranean-type pedogenesis, recorded at the top of the prograding-aggrading fans (OSL age bracket 43–32 ka), corresponds with MIS 3. During the subsequent stage of decline of vegetation cover, possibly corresponding to MIS 2, the latest progradation of alluvial fans occurred. The subsequent uplift and breakthrough of the basin threshold during the latest Pleistocene and Holocene induced entrenchment of the drainage network. The results presented here provide an example of the usefulness of OSL dating in intermontane continental settings where other geochronological constraints are scarce.  相似文献   

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