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二维反射地震成象—界面与速度的联合反演   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了利用反射走时联合反演地震界面起伏形态和速度横向分布的方法。正问题采用了一种简单而有效的二维介质中两点射线追踪方法,反问题在广义最小二乘意义下求解,描述界面和速度的两类参数不必要先进行分离,数值模拟的结果表明方法是有效的。处理了通过唐山震区的各庄-丰南-丰宁深地震测深剖面,得到了意义的结果。  相似文献   

在利用地震波数据进行地球物理反演时,地层对地震波的吸收衰减效应会对地层物性参数的准确反演产生较大的影响,因此利用黏弹性声波方程进行反演更符合实际情形.本文在考虑地层衰减效应进行频率空间域正演模拟的基础上,提出基于黏弹性声波方程的频率域逆散射反演算法并对地震波传播速度进行反演重建,在反演过程中分别用地震波传播复速度和实速度来表征是否考虑地层吸收衰减效应.基于反演参数总变差的正则化处理使反演更加稳定,在反演中将低频反演速度模型作为高频反演的背景模型进行逐频反演,由于单频反演过程中背景模型保持不变,故该方法不需要在每次迭代中重新构造正演算子,具有较高的反演效率;此外本文在反演过程中采用了基于MPI的并行计算策略,进一步提高了反演计算的效率.在二维算例中分别对是否考虑地层吸收衰减效应进行了地震波速度反演,反演结果表明考虑衰减效应可以得到与真实模型更加接近的速度分布结果,相反则无法得到正确的地震波速度重建结果.本文算法对复杂地质模型中浅层可以反演得到分辨率较高的速度模型,为其他地震数据处理提供比较准确的速度信息,在地层深部由于地震波能量衰减导致反演分辨率不太理想.  相似文献   


面波频散曲线对于横波速度、纵波速度、层厚等近地表地球物理参数的敏感度相差较大, 现阶段通过频散曲线可以获得较为精确的近地表横波速度与厚度信息, 但无法直接对纵波速度进行反演.研究表明, 泊松比对于波长(W)-探测深度(D)关系较为敏感.基于这一发现, 本文根据频散曲线与反演获取的横波速度结构计算平均速度, 获取W-D关系曲线.但合成数据测试证明, 因近地表浅层对应的W-D曲线变化较小, 且浅层纵波速度反演不准确会使误差累积, 直接反演W-D曲线无法获取可靠的纵波速度剖面.本文改进了基于平均速度分析的近地表纵波速度反演方法, 在目标函数中加入了对浅层信息较为敏感的W/D-D信息, 同时对W-D曲线与W/D-D曲线进行联合反演.合成数据测试证明可以获取较为准确地浅层与深层纵波速度.将该方法应用于实际地震数据中, 联合反演得到的纵波速度剖面与微测井数据较为吻合, 证明本文提出的方法可以不借助其他信息, 仅通过面波频散信息, 获取更为准确地近地表纵波信息.


在地震弹性矢量波场框架下,推导了多波联合层析速度反演方程以及走时残差与角道集剩余曲率的转换关系式,提出了一种利用成像域角道集更新P波、S波速度的走时层析反演方法.其实现过程可以概括为:将弹性波多分量数据作为输入,基于高斯束实现矢量波场成像并提取角道集,利用层析反演方程求解慢度更新量,最终获得多波联合反演结果.模型试算和实际资料处理验证了该方法的反演效果,能够为弹性矢量波联合深度偏移提供高质量的叠前速度场.  相似文献   

论述地震波走时反演技术中的阻尼最小二乘方法。为了提高解的唯一性,我们把人工地震资料的解释结果作为该方法的特定约束条件。同时还论述了波形反演技术中的遗传算法.  相似文献   

用Lg波资料反演场地效应与地震波衰减参数   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
朱新运  陈运泰 《地震学报》2007,29(6):569-580
基于谱比法,以台站记录地震波频谱为观测数据,通过扣除仪器响应及几何扩散后同一地震不同台站记录谱比,扣除震源方向性、 震源因子的影响,在此基础上,建立数学模型通过联合反演求解场地效应及地震波衰减参数. 以浙江省地震台网台站记录的台湾地震数字化地震波资料为基础,使用地震波记录中的Lg波, 评估浙江省台网丘陵地带基岩台站场地效应, 计算穿越台湾海峡较单一路径Lg波衰减参数. 研究使用20次发生于2002——2005年、 震级在MS5.0~6.7之间的台湾东北部较小区域地震, 参与评估台站16个, 地震波记录960条. 地震波处理频段为0.5~10.0 Hz, 每间隔0.2 Hz计算一次,对应于垂直、 东西及南北分量获得的衰减参数, 数据结果分别为:gamma;(f )=0.001 75f 0.43485, gamma;(f )=0.001 45f 0.48467, gamma;(f )=0.0021f 0.41241. 庆元台(QIY)在1.5 Hz以上放大效应非常明显,宁波台(NIB)在大部分频率点场地效应最小,参与评估台站场地效应各分向基本相当,未表现出方向性特征.   相似文献   


获取准确的近地表横波速度对复杂地表条件下弹性波地震数据处理和成像非常重要.在浅层面波工程勘探中通过反演提取的频散曲线可以获得近地表横波速度结构.在多道面波频散曲线分析中, 频散关系拾取的精度直接影响速度反演结果的可靠性.本文在多道面波叠加及自动拾取频散曲线基础上, 提出了基于面波频散曲线聚类分析的近地表横波速度反演方法.该方法充分考虑了低信噪比条件下面波频散曲线的不确定性, 通过在频散曲线拾取中引入曼哈顿距离K-Means聚类算法提高频散曲线拾取的准确性.采用多道多窗口叠加技术提高了面波反演对横向速度变化的适应性, 通过聚类算法和多窗口叠加提高反演的可靠性, 聚类算法获得较准确的频散曲线更利于后续横波速度反演过程.模拟数据算例对比表明本文提出的方法比常规算法效果更好, 精度更高.将提出的方法应用于工程勘探和油气勘探的面波数据反演中, 结果也验证了该方法的有效性.


对南海及邻区中国数字地震台网4个台站接收到的328条长周期地震记录的面波波形进行分块波形反演.分块波形反演把大尺度的优化问题转化为小尺度的优化问题,采用非线性优化方法求解,从而得到南海及邻区22网格划分、从地表深至430km 的地壳上地幔三维S波速度结构,并用检验板法进行了分辨率分析.结果表明,海域、岛弧和大陆在速度分布、岩石圈和软流圈存在明显的结构差异.   相似文献   

基于频域衰减的时域全波形反演   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
郭雪豹  刘洪  石颖 《地球物理学报》2016,59(10):3777-3787
时域全波形反演由于采用了全频段信息,因此在迭代过程中不同波长的信息不能由低到高的逐步重建,极易陷入局部极小值.本文通过分频段的方式,对地震数据做正反傅里叶变换,利用频域指数衰减的方法逐级分离出地震数据中的高频成分,在时域上实现由低频向高频的波形反演,从而降低了反演的非线性,使不同波长的信息得到稳步恢复.同时,在高频成分衰减的过程中,后至波的能量也被削弱,由此也降低了深层反射在初始反演过程中的干扰.整个反演仅增加对数据做正反傅里叶变换过程,相较于混合域反演,无需提取全部波场的相应频率成分.在计算效率方面,利用GPU进行加速,并采用CUDA自带函数库中cufft来提高计算效率.通过对Marmousi模型测试,验证了所述方法的有效性.  相似文献   

京津唐张地区速度结构和震源位置联合反演的遗传算法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
震源参数和速度结构的联合反演是一个典型的非线性名参数最优化问题,常规的局部线性化反演方法往往易于陷入局部极值,且严重依赖于初始模型的选取。模拟生物界进化的遗传算法则是一种简单而高效的全局性搜索方法。  相似文献   

Although waveform inversion has been intensively studied in an effort to properly delineate the Earth's structures since the early 1980s, most of the time‐ and frequency‐domain waveform inversion algorithms still have critical limitations in their applications to field data. This may be attributed to the highly non‐linear objective function and the unreliable low‐frequency components. To overcome the weaknesses of conventional waveform inversion algorithms, the acoustic Laplace‐domain waveform inversion has been proposed. The Laplace‐domain waveform inversion has been known to provide a long‐wavelength velocity model even for field data, which may be because it employs the zero‐frequency component of the damped wavefield and a well‐behaved logarithmic objective function. However, its applications have been confined to 2D acoustic media. We extend the Laplace‐domain waveform inversion algorithm to a 2D acoustic‐elastic coupled medium, which is encountered in marine exploration environments. In 2D acoustic‐elastic coupled media, the Laplace‐domain pressures behave differently from those of 2D acoustic media, although the overall features are similar to each other. The main differences are that the pressure wavefields for acoustic‐elastic coupled media show negative values even for simple geological structures unlike in acoustic media, when the Laplace damping constant is small and the water depth is shallow. The negative values may result from more complicated wave propagation in elastic media and at fluid‐solid interfaces. Our Laplace‐domain waveform inversion algorithm is also based on the finite‐element method and logarithmic wavefields. To compute gradient direction, we apply the back‐propagation technique. Under the assumption that density is fixed, P‐ and S‐wave velocity models are inverted from the pressure data. We applied our inversion algorithm to the SEG/EAGE salt model and the numerical results showed that the Laplace‐domain waveform inversion successfully recovers the long‐wavelength structures of the P‐ and S‐wave velocity models from the noise‐free data. The models inverted by the Laplace‐domain waveform inversion were able to be successfully used as initial models in the subsequent frequency‐domain waveform inversion, which is performed to describe the short‐wavelength structures of the true models.  相似文献   

In previous publications, we presented a waveform-inversion algorithm for attenuation analysis in heterogeneous anisotropic media. However, waveform inversion requires an accurate estimate of the source wavelet, which is often difficult to obtain from field data. To address this problem, here we adopt a source-independent waveform-inversion algorithm that obviates the need for joint estimation of the source signal and attenuation coefficients. The key operations in that algorithm are the convolutions (1) of the observed wavefield with a reference trace from the modelled data and (2) of the modelled wavefield with a reference trace from the observed data. The influence of the source signature on attenuation estimation is mitigated by defining the objective function as the ℓ2-norm of the difference between the two convolved data sets. The inversion gradients for the medium parameters are similar to those for conventional waveform-inversion techniques, with the exception of the adjoint sources computed by convolution and cross-correlation operations. To make the source-independent inversion methodology more stable in the presence of velocity errors, we combine it with the local-similarity technique. The proposed algorithm is validated using transmission tests for a homogeneous transversely isotropic model with a vertical symmetry axis that contains a Gaussian anomaly in the shear-wave vertical attenuation coefficient. Then the method is applied to the inversion of reflection data for a modified transversely isotropic model from Hess. It should be noted that due to the increased nonlinearity of the inverse problem, the source-independent algorithm requires a more accurate initial model to obtain inversion results comparable to those produced by conventional waveform inversion with the actual wavelet.  相似文献   

An inversion of site response and Lg attenuation using Lg waveform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on spectral ratio method, a joint inversion method was used to obtain parameters of Lg wave attenuation and site response. The inversion method allows simple and direct (two-parameter) determination of Lg wave attenua- tion and site response from sparse spectral data, which are not affected by radiation pattern factor and different response of same instrument after geometrical spreading. The method was used successfully for estimating site re- sponse of stations of Zhejiang Seismic Network and measuring Lg wave attenuation. The study is based on 20 earth- quakes occurred in northeast of Taiwan with magnitude MS5.0~6.7 and 960 seismic wave records from 16 stations in Zhejiang area from 2002 to 2005. The parameters of site response and Lg attenuation were calculated with a fre- quency interval of 0.2 Hz in the range of 0.5 Hz to 10 Hz. Lg wave attenuation coefficient corresponding to U-D, E-W and N-S components are γ ( f )=0.00175 f 0.43485, γ ( f )=0.00145f 0.48467 and γ ( f )=0.0021f 0.41241, respectively. It is found that the site response is component-independent. It is also found that the site response of QIY station is significant above the frequency of 1.5 Hz, and that the site response of NIB station is low for most frequency  相似文献   

In this study, we used a combined inversion of body wave receiver functions and surface wave dispersion measurements to provide constraints on the crustal structure of northern Egypt. The two techniques are complementary to each other: receiver functions (RFs) are sensitive to shear-wave velocity contrasts, while surface wave dispersion (SWD) measurements are sensitive to finite variations of shear-wave velocity with depth. A database of 122 teleseismic events digitally recorded by the Egyptian National Seismological Network (ENSN) stations has been used as well. To enhance the resulting RFs at each ENSN station, the H-k stacking method was applied. A joint inversion process between the resulting receiver functions and the surface wave dispersion curves was applied as well. We have produced three averaged velocity structure models for distinct geographic and tectonic provinces namely Sinai, eastern desert, and western desert from east to the west respectively. These models will deeply help in estimation the epicenter distance of earthquake, focal mechanism solutions, and earthquake hazard analysis in northern Egypt. An obvious image of the subsurface structure has been determined which shows that generally the crustal structure of northern Egypt consists of three layers covered with a sequence of sediments that differs in thickness from across the region except in the Sharm area where the sedimentary cover is absent. The obtained results indicate that crustal thickness differs from east to west and reaches its maximum value of about 36 km at Siwa station (SWA) in the western desert and its minimum value of about 28 km at Sharm station (SHR) of the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula. The Vp/Vs ratio varies between 1.71 and 2.07 in northern Egypt. Generally, the high values (1.93) of (Vp/Vs) at SWA station may reflect the well-known rich aquifer with fully saturated sediments of the Swia Oasis in the Western Desert. Moreover, the highest value (2.07) of (Vp/Vs) at BNS station may be attributed to the widespread recently discovered hydrocarbon fields at the Beni-Suef Basin along the Eastern Desert. Finally, an integrated geophysical and hydrological study of the dimensions and physical properties of the aquifer and hydrocarbon fields at SWA and BNS stations to confirm if they are sufficient to produce the elevated Vp/Vs ratios or not become essential and highly recommended.  相似文献   

Pore pressure in sediments beneath salt in the Gulf of Mexico varies widely creating a potentially dangerous and difficult drilling challenge. Estimating elastic parameters of sediments beneath salt is key to the prediction of pore pressure and reducing the drilling risk in exiting the base of the salt. In this paper we investigate the ability of 2D waveform inversion to recover the elastic parameters in the sedimentary layer beneath the salt from a walk‐away VSP (vertical seismic profile) carried out with the receivers in the salt, with the objective of estimating pore pressure at the base of the salt (to be estimated using traditional methods). We propose an effective method for performing the inversion and apply this method to a blind test of a large and realistic synthetic dataset. To facilitate the design of a VSP survey suitable to this type of inversion we also present an analysis into the effects of the receiver array receiver spacing. It is shown that the resulting velocity estimates are sufficiently accurate to predict the pore pressure within the limits required for drilling.  相似文献   


地震波在地下介质传播过程中由于非弹性衰减的存在将导致能量损失和相位变化, 精确的速度与衰减参数建模对油气识别、提高强衰减介质中地震波成像的质量都起着至关重要的作用.常分数阶拉普拉斯算子黏声方程由于完全分离的速度频散项与振幅衰减项的优势, 以及在强非均质衰减介质中可以高精度求解的特点, 已被应用于速度与衰减参数的建模中.本文将二阶常分数阶拉普拉斯算子黏声方程拆分为等价的一阶方程组, 并在此一阶方程组的基础上推导出新的梯度公式与伴随方程, 建立了一种新的速度与衰减参数同时重建的全波形反演方法.相较于原二阶常分数阶拉普拉斯算子黏声方程建立的全波形反演流程, 数值实验表明, 新建立的反演流程可以有效避免原梯度数值计算中的噪声, 尤其是可以有效提高衰减参数梯度的反演精度, 从而显著提高反演的收敛速度与反演精度.


纵横波弹性阻抗联立反演在GD地区的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在GD油田复杂油藏描述中应用叠前纵横波弹性阻抗反演,精确地进行了油藏岩性的划分。利用三个或三个以上部分叠加数据,进行纵横波弹性阻抗联立反演,既克服了因叠后地震反演结果单一而不能满足复杂储层描述的需求,又避免了由于叠前道集信噪比低造成反演结果不稳定的缺陷。本文论述了叠前弹性波阻抗反演的基本原理,结合GD地区实际资料,对反演过程中涉及的角道集子波提取、层位标定、横波速度预测、弹性参数提取与解释等关键步骤进行了详细研究,指出基于测井资料分析的多种弹性参数综合解释是提高叠前地震反演应用效果的关键。  相似文献   


多震源编码技术可以提高全波形反演的计算效率,但同时会引入串扰噪声使反演结果质量降低. 全变分约束可以有效地压制层内噪声并突出模型界面,其与多震源技术的结合,能在大大提高弹性波全波形反演效率的同时提高反演质量. 本文提出了一种高效的动态多震源全波形反演策略,可以在离散串扰噪声的同时保证照明的均匀性. 根据残留串扰噪声的分布特征,构建了与之匹配的基于各向异性全变分约束的弹性波全波形反演方法. 为了减少周期跳跃效应,将基于稀疏约束的低频重构算法应用于弹性波地震记录,给出了利用快速梯度投影算法求解各向异性全变分约束的全波形反演流程. 模型数据测试结果表明本文的方法不仅能有效地抑制多震源方法导致的串扰噪声,同时也能降低观测数据中的噪声对反演结果的影响.


井中磁测和地面磁测资料的单独反演具有一定的局限性,容易造成反演结果的多解性.目前国内外对井中和地面磁测资料的联合反演研究较少.本文通过阐述3D井地磁测联合反演的基本原理、实现步骤及在大冶铁矿的应用,论证了该方法在找矿过程中的良好效果.该方法充分发挥了井中、地面磁测资料的优势和解释人员的经验,克服了单独使用井或地磁测资料作反演的缺陷,能够准确判断地下地质(矿)体的空间形态、位置.  相似文献   

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