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Abstract— We present results of visible wavelengths spectroscopic measurements (0.45 to 0.72 microns) of two binary asteroids, obtained with the 1‐m telescope at the Wise Observatory on January 2008. The asteroids 90 Antiope and 1509 Esclangona were observed to search for spectroscopic variations correlated with their rotation while presenting different regions of their surface to the viewer. Simultaneous photometric observations were performed with the Wise Observatory's 0.46 m telescope, to investigate the rotational phase behavior and possible eclipse events. 90 Antiope displayed an eclipse event during our observations. We could not measure any slope change of the spectroscopic albedo within the error range of 3%, except for a steady decrease in the total light flux while the eclipse took place. We conclude that the surface compositions of the two components do not differ dramatically, implying a common origin and history. 1509 Esclangona did not show an eclipse, but rather a unique lightcurve with three peaks and a wide and flat minimum, repeating with a period of 3.2524 hours. Careful measurements of the spectral albedo slopes reveal a color variation of 7 to 10 percent on the surface of 1509 Esclangona, which correlates with a specific region in the photometric lightcurve. This result suggests that the different features on the lightcurve are at least partially produced by color variations and could perhaps be explained by the existence of an exposed fresh surface on 1509 Esclangona.  相似文献   

The Kozai mechanism often destabilizes high-inclination orbits. It couples changes in the eccentricity and inclination, and drives high inclination, circular orbits to low inclination, eccentric orbits. In a recent study of the dynamics of planetesimals in the quadruple star system HD 98800, there were significant numbers of stable particles in circumbinary polar orbits about the inner binary pair which are apparently able to evade the Kozai instability.
Here, we isolate this feature and investigate the dynamics through numerical and analytical models. The results show that the Kozai mechanism of the outer star is disrupted by a nodal libration induced by the inner binary pair on a shorter time-scale. By empirically modelling the period of the libration, a criteria for determining the high-inclination stability limits in general triple systems is derived. The nodal libration feature is interesting and, although affecting inclination and node only, shows many parallels to the Kozai mechanism. This raises the possibility that high-inclination planets and asteroids may be able to survive in multistellar systems.  相似文献   

Astronomers adopt a single system of star positions and motions for reduction of other observations. Relative observations of faint minor planets may make a significant contribution to the evaluation of systematic errors in this Fundamental System, and provide means of deriving a position system in ecliptic coordinates. New techniques, such as observations with the Space Telescope, must be evaluated for possible incorporation into a revision of the Fundamental System.A historical summary of the application of minor planet observations to the formation of astronomical coordinate systems is given. Then a project to investigate the systematic accuracy of the Fundamental System is outlined. Of the four observation types considered, crossing point observations provide a unique stabilizing influence on any coordinate system incorporating them. Finally, some sources of systematic error and some methods of their treatment are discussed.Presented at the Symposium Star Catalogues, Positional Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics, held in honor of Paul Herget at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, November 30, 1978.  相似文献   

The restricted problem of 2+2 bodies is applied to the study of the stability and dynamics of binary asteroids in the solar system. Numerical investigation of the behavior of the orbital elements and the maximal Lyapunov characteristic number of binary asteroids reveal extensive regions where bounded quasiperiodic motion is possible. These regions are compared to the bounded regions which are predicted by the classical restricted problem of three bodies. Regions of bounded chaotic solutions are also found.  相似文献   

We investigate planetary fly-bys of asteroids using an approximate volume-averaged method that offers a relatively simple, but very flexible, approach to study the rotational dynamics of ellipsoids. The asteroid is considered to be a deformable, prolate ellipsoid, with its interior being modeled as a rigid-granular material. Effects due to the asteroid's rotation, its self-gravity and gravitational interaction with the planet are included. Using a simplified approach allows us to explore in detail the mechanics of asteroid's deformations and disruptions during planetary encounters. We also compare our results with those obtained by Richardson et al. [Richardson, D.C., Bottke Jr., W.F., Love, S.G., 1998. Icarus 134, 47-76] who used a large numerical code. We find that many of the features reported by them can indeed be captured by our rather simple methodology, and we discuss the reasons why some of our results differ from theirs.  相似文献   

P. Scheirich  P. Pravec 《Icarus》2009,200(2):531-547
We present a numerical method for inverting long-period components of lightcurves of asynchronous binary asteroids. Data of five near-Earth binary asteroids, (175706) 1996 FG3, (65803) Didymos, (66391) 1999 KW4, (185851) 2000 DP107 and (66063) 1998 RO1, for two of them from more than one apparition, were inverted. Their mutual orbits' poles and Keplerian elements, size ratios, and ellipsoidal shape axial ratios were estimated via this inversion. The pole solutions and size ratios for 1999 KW4 and 2000 DP107 are in a good agreement with independent estimates from radar measurements. We show that uncertainties of estimates of bulk densities of binary systems can be large, especially when observed on short arcs.  相似文献   

Matija ?uk  David Nesvorný 《Icarus》2010,207(2):732-743
About 15% of both near-Earth and main-belt asteroids with diameters below 10 km are now known to be binary. These small asteroid binaries are relatively uniform and typically contain a fast-spinning, flattened primary and a synchronously rotating, elongated secondary that is 20-40% as large (in diameter) as the primary. The principal formation mechanism for these binaries is now thought to be YORP (Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack) effect induced spin-up of the primary followed by mass loss and accretion of the secondary from the released material. It has previously been suggested (?uk, M. [2007]. Astrophys. J. 659, L57-L60) that the present population of small binary asteroids is in a steady state between production through YORP and destruction through binary YORP (BYORP), which should increase or decrease secondary’s orbit, depending on the satellite’s shape. However, BYORP-driven evolution has not been directly modeled until now. Here we construct a simple numerical model of the binary’s orbital as well the secondary’s rotational dynamics which includes BYORP and selected terms representing main solar perturbations. We find that many secondaries should be vulnerable to chaotic rotation even for relatively low-eccentricity mutual orbits. We also find that the precession of the mutual orbit for typical small binary asteroids might be dominated by the perturbations from the prolate and librating secondary, rather than the oblate primary. When we evolve the mutual orbit by BYORP we find that the indirect effects on the binary’s eccentricity (through the coupling between the orbit and the secondary’s spin) dominate over direct ones caused by the BYORP acceleration. In particular, outward evolution causes eccentricity to increase and eventually triggers chaotic rotation of the secondary. We conclude that the most likely outcome will be reestablishing of the synchronous lock with a “flipped” secondary which would then evolve back in. For inward evolution we find an initial decrease of eccentricity and secondary’s librations, to be followed by later increase. We think that it is likely that various forms of dissipation we did not model may damp the secondary’s librations close to the primary, allowing for further inward evolution and a possible merger. We conclude that a merger or a tidal disruption of the secondary are the most likely outcomes of the BYORP evolution. Dissociation into heliocentric pairs by BYORP alone should be very difficult, and satellite loss might be restricted to the minority of systems containing more than one satellite at the time.  相似文献   

D.J. Scheeres 《Icarus》2007,189(2):370-385
The energetics and dynamics of contact binary asteroids as they approach and pass the rotational fission limit is studied. We presume that the asteroids are subject to an external torque, such as from the YORP effect, that increases their angular momentum. Furthermore, we assume the asteroids can be described by a fairly minimal model comprised of a sphere and ellipsoid resting on each other. The minimum energy configurations for contact binary asteroids at different levels of angular momentum are computed and discussed. We find distinct transitions between different configurations as the angular momentum of the system is increased. These indicate that rapidly rotating contact binary asteroids may seek out clearly different relative configurations than slowly rotating systems. We find a single end state of the systems prior to rotational fission, and distinct dynamical outcomes as a function of mass distribution and shape when the rotational fission limit is exceeded. Our theoretical results agree qualitatively with observed properties of near-Earth asteroids, and can be used to help explain the spin-rate barrier, contact binaries, and the observed morphology of most NEO binaries.  相似文献   

Photometric data on 17 binary near-Earth asteroids (15 of them are certain detections, two are probables) were analysed and characteristic properties of the near-Earth asteroid (NEA) binary population were inferred. We have found that binary systems with a secondary-to-primary mean diameter ratio Ds/Dp?0.18 concentrate among NEAs smaller than 2 km in diameter; the abundance of such binaries decreases significantly among larger NEAs. Secondaries show an upper size limit of Ds=0.5-1 km. Systems with Ds/Dp?0.5 are abundant but larger satellites are significantly less common. Primaries have spheroidal shapes and they rotate rapidly, with periods concentrating between 2.2 to 2.8 h and with a tail of the distribution up to ∼4 h. The fast rotators are close to the critical spin for rubble piles with bulk densities about 2 g/cm3. Orbital periods show an apparent cut-off at Porb∼11 h; closer systems with shorter orbital periods have not been discovered, which is consistent with the Roche limit for strengthless bodies. Secondaries are more elongated on average than primaries. Most, but not all, of their rotations appear to be synchronized with the orbital motion; nonsynchronous secondary rotations may occur especially among wider systems with Porb>20 h. The specific total angular momentum of most of the binary systems is similar to within ±20% and close to the angular momentum of a sphere with the same total mass and density, rotating at the disruption limit; this suggests that the binaries were created by mechanism(s) related to rotation near the critical limit and that they neither gained nor lost significant amounts of angular momentum during or since formation. A comparison with six small asynchronous binaries detected in the main belt of asteroids suggests that the population extends beyond the region of terrestrial planets, but with characteristics shifted to larger sizes and longer periods. The estimated mean proportion of binaries with Ds/Dp?0.18 among NEAs larger than 0.3 km is 15±4%. Among fastest rotating NEAs larger than 0.3 km with periods between 2.2 and 2.8 h, the mean proportion of such binaries is (66+10−12)%.  相似文献   

New broadband observations in several passbands between 30 and 500 μm of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus are presented. The best agreement between the data and various thermal models of Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus is obtained with a slightly cooler absolute temperature scale than that previously adopted by Armstrong et al. (1972). The effective temperature of Uranus is 58 ± 2°K, which is in agreement with its solar equilibrium temperature. The existence of an internal energy source of Saturn has been reconfirmed and must lie within the range of 0.9 to 3.2 times the absorbed solar flux. A depression exists in the spectra of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus between 80 and 300 μm, which may be a result of NH3 opacity.  相似文献   

Here we show results from thermal-infrared observations of km-sized binary near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). We combine previously published thermal properties for NEAs with newly derived values for three binary NEAs. The η value derived from the near-Earth asteroid thermal model (NEATM) for each object is then used to estimate an average thermal inertia for the population of binary NEAs and compared against similar estimates for the population of non-binaries. We find that these objects have, in general, surface temperatures cooler than the average values for non-binary NEAs as suggested by elevated η values. We discuss how this may be evidence of higher-than-average surface thermal inertia. This latter physical parameter is a sensitive indicator of the presence or absence of regolith: bodies covered with fine regolith, such as the Earth’s moon, have low thermal inertia, whereas a surface with little or no regolith displays high thermal inertia. Our results are suggestive of a binary formation mechanism capable of altering surface properties, possibly removing regolith: an obvious candidate is the YORP effect.We present also newly determined sizes and geometric visible albedos derived from thermal-infrared observations of three binary NEAs: (5381) Sekhmet, (153591) 2001 SN263, and (164121) 2003 YT1. The diameters of these asteroids are 1.41 ± 0.21 km, 1.56 ± 0.31 km, and 2.63 ± 0.40 km, respectively. Their albedos are 0.23 ± 0.13, 0.24 ± 0.16, and 0.048 ± 0.015, respectively.  相似文献   

P. Descamps 《Icarus》2010,207(2):758-768
The present paper deals with the application of the classical theory of equilibrium figures of two rotating liquid masses to the case where bodies exhibit a radially stratified internal density distribution so that they can be considered as inhomogeneous bodies. The derived ellipsoidal shape solutions are applied to five real systems of equal-sized synchronous asteroids. Furthermore, internal inhomogeneity puts strong constraints on the surface grain density. A satisfactory model fit is achieved with internal densities of asteroids steadily increasing outwards. In particular, from such an approach we derived grain densities of the considered systems in agreement with their mineralogical composition inferred from reflectance spectroscopy. According to this new approach, 4492 Debussy, presently of unknown spectral type, is predicted to appear as a C-type object with a grain density on the order of 2 g/cm3.  相似文献   

The Sun-to-Mercury mass ratio adopted by the International Astronomical Union (6023600 ± 250) was obtained in 1987 by analyzing Mariner 10 observations (Anderson et al. 1987) and since then has not been improved. The large number of asteroids in Mercury-approaching orbits and the ever-increasing accuracy of their observations allow the mass of Mercury to be estimated by a different method. We have improved the orbital parameters of 43 asteroids and obtained 6023440 ± 530 for the Sun-to-Mercury mass ratio through a simultaneous solution based on their optical and radar observations. A further improvement in this estimate is possible in the immediate future owing to the rapid increase in the number of known asteroids whose observations can be used to solve this problem.  相似文献   

Abstract— Visual photometry, which measures reflected solar radiation, can be combined with infrared radiometry, which measures absorbed and re‐radiated solar energy, to determine key properties of small solar system objects. This method can be applied via thermophysical model concepts not only for albedo and diameter determination, but also for studies of thermal parameters like thermal inertia, surface roughness or emissivity. Hence, a detailed analysis of the asteroid surface is possible and topics like surface mineralogy, the density of the regolith or the presence of a rocky surface, lightcurve influences due to shape or albedo, porosity of the surface material, etc. can be addressed. The “radiometric technique” based on a recently developed thermophysical model is presented. The model was extensively tested against observations from the infrared space observatory, including spectroscopic and photometric measurements at infrared wavelengths between 2 and 200 μm of more than 40 asteroids. The possible model applications are discussed in terms of the different levels of knowledge for individual asteroids. The effects of the thermal parameters are illustrated and methods are presented as to how to separate different aspects. Possibilities and limitations are evaluated for the possible transfer of this model to near‐Earth asteroids. In the long run, this kind of study of near‐Earth asteroids may provide answers to questions about their surface properties which are crucial to develop mitigation scenarios.  相似文献   

Since about ten years coordinated programs of photoelectric observations of asteroids are carried out to derive rotation rates and light curves. Quite a number of those asteroids exhibit features in their light curves, with similar characteristics as variable stars and especially eclipsing binaries. This would allow also an interpretation that there might be an evidence for the binary nature of some asteroids, based on observational hints. A few examples are given and a list of indications for the possible binary nature of asteroids, based on their light curve features, is presented.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia, 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

The angular diameter of minor planets compared with best observation conditions of about one arcsec (seeing) at ground-based observatories, though situated at high sea levels with best climate conditions, usually is too small to be resolved for surface studies or diameter determinations with direct photographic or similar imaging methods.Nevertheless the rough geometry and/or small scale structures on the asteroid's surface can be studied with light-curve observations using high precision photoelectric photometry and the fact that the rotation of an asteroid during a spin period is now determined for slightly more than 200 minor planets.On only a few selected asteroids (63 Ausonia, 88 Thisbe, 92 Undina, 110 Lydia, 118 Peitho, 128 Nemesis, 139 Juewa, 337 Devosa and 599 Luisa) do we show, from details detected in the light-curves, how observations of this type were carried out successfully. From the small scale features we get the rough linear extensions on the asteroid surface from differences in magnitude and time. Such observations will be more useful and important in future with respect to an optimum selection of objects for a possible direct asteroid spacecraft mission.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.Visiting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, USA, Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation. A part of the observations was carried out at the Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP), France.  相似文献   

B.H. Andrew 《Icarus》1974,22(4):454-458
Brightness temperatures have been measured at 2.85 cm wavelength for Ceres, Pallas, Mars, Uranus, and Neptune. The brightness temperature of Ceres seems to be a little lower than would be expected on the basis of simple theory.  相似文献   

This paper describes N-body simulations of two regions of the saturnian ring system and examines what we might expect the Cassini orbiter to see in those areas. The first region is the edge of the Encke gap in the A ring that is perturbed by the satellite, Pan. Our previous simulations of this region neglected particle self-gravity [Lewis and Stewart, 2000a, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 34, 883]. Here we examine the interactions of the wakes caused by Pan with the wakes that form from local gravitational instabilities. We find that the two phenomena do not normally coexist and predict that measurements of particle sizes between the moon wakes should reflect the true particle size distribution of the region and not what is caused by gravitational aggregation. The region between the Encke gap edge and the first wake peak is an exception to this rule because our simulations exhibit the formation of exceptionally large gravity-induced wakes in this region. We also describe simulations of the F ring and explain the nature of braid-like structures that form naturally when the ring is perturbed by a single moon on an eccentric orbit. Finally, we discuss the very dynamic nature of the F ring system and how this should be taken into account when interpreting observations and even when planning future observations of this system.  相似文献   

We present thermal infrared photometry and spectrophotometry of four near-Earth asteroids (NEAs), namely (433) Eros, (66063) 1998 RO1, (137032) 1998 UO1, and (138258) 2000 GD2, using the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) in 2002. For two objects, i.e. (433) Eros and (137032) 1998 UO1, quasi-simultaneous optical observations were also obtained, using the Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope (JKT). For (127032) 1998 UO1, we obtain a rotation period P=3.0±0.1 h and an absolute visual magnitude HV=16.7±0.4. The Standard Thermal Model (STM), Fast Rotating Model (FRM) and near-Earth asteroid Thermal Model (NEATM) have been fitted to the IR fluxes to determine effective diameters Deff, geometric albedos pv, and beaming parameters η. The derived values are (433) Eros: Deff=23.3±3.5 km (at lightcurve maximum), pv=0.24±0.07, η=0.95±0.19; (66063) 1998 RO1: , ; (137032) 1998 UO1: Deff<1.13 km, pv>0.29; (138258) 2000 GD2: Deff=0.27±0.04 km, , η=0.74±0.15. (66063) 1998 RO1 is a binary asteroid from lightcurve characteristics [Pravec, P., and 56 colleagues, 2006. Icarus 181, 63-93] and we estimate the effective diameter of the primary (Dp) and secondary (Ds) components: and . The diameter and albedo of (138258) 2000 GD2 are consistent with the trend of decreasing diameter for S- and Q-type asteroids found by Delbó et al. [Delbó, M., Harris, A.W., Binzel, R.P., Pravec, P., Davies, J.K., 2003. Icarus 166, 116-130]. A possible trend of increasing beaming parameter with diameter for small (less than about 3 km) S- and Q-type asteroids is found.  相似文献   

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