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The results of a study of the macroseismic effects in the territory of Moscow of a remote deepfocus earthquake that occurred on May 24, 2013 in the Sea of Okhotsk are reported. On the surface of the earth and on the first floors of the buildings the seismic effect was not felt. The effect of the shock began to manifest itself at levels higher than the fifth floor of the buildings. The distribution of points on the map where the earthquake was felt is non-uniform. Points where tremor was felt do not appear to correspond with certain types of Quaternary deposits or with zones of different depth. There is also no significant correlation of the parts of the surface with high intensities of tremor and areas of ground-water flooding. Comparison between the surface manifestations of the seismic event and the tectonic features and deep structure of the metropolis was made. Based on the results of the implemented statistical estimation of distribution points where the earthquake was felt on the territory of the city it is visible that fault zones govern the largest number of points, while block structures characterize almost half of them. Thus, we can reasonably suggest a certain macroseismic increase of vibrations from earthquakes in the areas of large faults in the city. The study of deformations of the asphalt cover of walkways on the landslide-affected slope of Vorobyovy Hills showed that the tremor caused by the Okhotsk deep focus earthquake of May 24, 2013, caused the activation of a small landslide at all levels of the hillside.  相似文献   

By monitoring the variations in the subsoil radon concentration in one of the geodynamically active zones of the Moscow syneclise, the effects are detected of changes in the stress-strain state of the Earth’s crust which predetermined the development of the processes that caused the deep-focus earthquake in the Sea of Okhotsk on May 24, 2013. The joint analysis of subsoil radon variations and neutrino flow variations measured in the same structural–geodynamical conditions support the previous data on the global character of the processes contributing to the preparation of strong and catastrophic earthquakes.  相似文献   

The dense broadband seismic network provides more high-quality waveform that is helpful to improve constraint focal depth of shallow earthquake. Many shallow earthquakes occurring in sediment were regarded as induced events. In Sichuan basin, gas industry and salt mining are dependent on fluid injection technique that triggers microseismicity. We adopted waveform inversion method with regional records to obtain focal mechanism of an Ms 4.8 earthquake at Changning. The result suggested that the Changning earthquake occurred at a ESE thrust fault, and its focal depth was about 3 km. The depth phases including teleseismic pP phase and regional sPL phase shows that the focal depth is about 2 km. The strong, shortperiod surface wave suggests that this event is a very shallow earthquake. The amplitude ratio between Rayleigh wave and direct S wave was also used to estimate the source depth of the mainshock. The focal depth(2–4 km) is far less than the depth of the sedimentary layer thickness(6–8 km) in epicentral region. It is close to the depth of fluid injection of salt mining, which may imply that this event was triggered by the industrial activity.  相似文献   

The dense broadband seismic network provides more high-quality waveform that is helpful to improve constraint focal depth of shallow earthquake. Many shallow earthquakes occurring in sediment were regarded as induced events. In Sichuan basin, gas industry and salt mining are dependent on fluid injection technique that triggers microseismicity. We adopted waveform inversion method with regional records to obtain focal mechanism of an M s4.8 earthquake at Changning. The result suggested that the Changning earthquake occurred at a ESE thrust fault, and its focal depth was about 3 km. The depth phases including teleseismic pP phase and regional sPL phase shows that the focal depth is about 2 km. The strong, short-period surface wave suggests that this event is a very shallow earthquake. The amplitude ratio between Rayleigh wave and direct S wave was also used to estimate the source depth of the mainshock. The focal depth (2–4 km) is far less than the depth of the sedimentary layer thickness (6–8 km) in epicentral region. It is close to the depth of fluid injection of salt mining, which may imply that this event was triggered by the industrial activity.  相似文献   

On 24 May 2014, a Mw 6.9 earthquake occurred in the west of Gokceada Island, northern Aegean Sea. The earthquake was close to Canakkale, Enez, Tekirdag cities, and damaged 300 buildings in the Marmara Region, NW Turkey. We simulated its broadband (0.1–10 Hz) ground motions including 1D deep and shallow structures soil amplification effects at the 12 strong ground motion stations in the western Marmara Region. The 1D deep velocity structures from the focal layer to the engineering bedrock with an S-wave velocity of 0.78 km/s in different azimuthal directions were tuned by comparing the observed group-velocity dispersion curves of Rayleigh and Love waves from the mainshock with theoretical ones. We also added the shallow parts from previous surveys into the 1D models. Synthetic seismograms on the engineering bedrock were generated using the discrete wave number method with a source model and the 1D deep velocity structures. Then the surface motion was generated considering shallow soil amplification. The synthetic seismograms are generally in good agreement with the observed low and high-frequency parts at most of the stations indicating an appropriateness of the source model and the 1D structural model.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that the 1964 Niigata, Japan, earthquake is associated with the preseismic anomalous crustal movement detected by repetition of precise levelings, while some doubts have been raised on the validity of reported precursory movement. Validity of the crustal movement is tested by an analysis of tidal data. When we are able to deduce crustal movement referring to the determined mean sea level, we can discuss the absolute crustal movement. Tidal data along the Japan Sea coast of northeast Japan are analyzed by the method developed inTsumura (1963, 1970) for the period from 1955 to 1986.The final results at tidal station, Nezugaseki, indicate clearly the steady-state movement during 1955–1958, 4 cm of abnormal upheaval from 1959–1964, 20 cm of coseismic abrupt subsidence, and 4 cm of postseismic rapid subsidence, and finally very gradual subsidence. Thus the present results support the idea of the typical pattern of the seismic crustal movement, including the precursory movement.  相似文献   

综合运用四川省地震台网与紫坪铺水库地震台网的观测资料,精确地测定了2008年5月12日汶川MW7.9地震的震源位置与发震时刻.指出,对汶川地震这样的大地震精准定位,必须克服或尽量减少远台观测对地震精确定位的局限性、地壳介质模型的不完善性以及识别与检测初至波震相的不一致性等因素的影响.通过分析对比、反复试验,从上述台网中精心选取了方位分布均匀、具有近震源台站约束、直达P波震相确系由初始破裂辐射出的15个地震台的直达P波到时数据,反演得出精确度比区域性地震台网常规测定的精确度高一个数量级的汶川大地震的定位结果,即:发震时刻(北京时间):2008年5月12日14:27:57.59plusmn;0.03 s;震中位置:31.018deg;Nplusmn;0.3 km,103.365deg;Eplusmn;0.3 km;震源深度:15.5 kmplusmn;0.3 km.   相似文献   

Sea surface temperature (SST) variability over the Bay of Bengal (BoB) has the potential to trigger deep moist convection thereby affecting the active-break cycle of the monsoons. Normally, during the summer monsoon season, SST over the BoB is observed to be greater than 28°C which is a pre-requisite for convection. During June 2009, satellite observations revealed an anomalous basin-wide cooling and the month is noted for reduced rainfall over the Indian subcontinent. In this study, we analyze the likely mechanisms of this cooling event using both satellite and moored buoy observations. Observations showed deepened mixed layer, stronger surface currents, and enhanced heat loss at the surface in the BoB. Mixed layer heat balance analysis is carried out to resolve the relative importance of various processes involved. We show that the cooling event is primarily induced by the heat losses at the surface resulting from the strong wind anomalies, and advection and vertical entrainment playing secondary roles.  相似文献   

Exceptional ground motions have been observed in the near-source region in relatively small and moderate earthquakes such as the Lorca earthquake of 2011. In the Mw 5.2 mainshock, horizontal peak ground acceleration reached 0.37 g at the LOR accelerograph station in the north-central part of the town. Maximum ground acceleration and velocity in this station was strongly polarised in the fault’s strike-normal axis, a feature interpreted as a near-field effect of rupture directivity. This quake hit the Lorca area causing serious structural damage, unevenly distributed in the urban area as result of a heterogeneous spread of building vulnerability and seismic shaking severity. This study investigates the characteristics of the earthquake shaking at the LOR station (on rock) and other 11 zones of Lorca with different site conditions. We have computed the 1-D transfer functions of the shallow structure at these 11 points with available local Vs models obtained with SPAC technique. These transfer functions were used to convolve the LOR accelerogram and simulate the ground motion which occurred at each site. A set of key engineering ground-motion parameters obtained here, indicate different shake levels at each site and all these values are clearly above the LOR station ones. These parameter values are in the range of typical expected values for European earthquakes with local intensity VIII. Their large values, especially those of acceleration response spectra and energy input spectra, more clearly for periods between 0.4 and 0.6 s, point out that the seismic demand has been quite high and help to explain the heavy damage spread on the town’s buildings.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on theoretical estimation of the achievable electric fields during the physical development process of a long spark under different conditions, we show that the encounter of negative and positive streamer fronts just before the final breakdown is one scenario, under which the observed X-ray bursts in long sparks is highly possible. Our calculations show that for example in an 80 cm long rod–sphere air gap at atmospheric pressure with negative lightning impulse breakdown voltage of about 925 kV, electrons are accelerated to values in the range of 100–300 keV during the encounter. Subsequently, these electrons gain more energy moving through the potential gradient of the positive streamer region. The total gain of energy by electrons may reach 300–500 keV. The results also show that negative discharges can produce more energetic electrons than positive. If the suggested mechanism of X-ray production in long sparks is correct, then the X-ray burst may consist of several pulses closely spaced in time. Time resolved photography in simultaneous measurement of X-rays would be able to confirm this prediction.  相似文献   

Summary The method of treatment of the macroseismic data obtained on the territory of the CSSR after the main 1976 Friuli earthquake is described and the preliminary results are confronted with the geologic structure.  相似文献   

利用同一地点的2个地震在相同台站记录的P波到时差是一个常数这一原理,找到了与汶川主震位置相近的余震,并利用台站距震中近,且记录波形清晰、完整的优势,对余震进行了定位,依此确定了汶川主震的位置和发震时刻.结果是震中位于31°1.26′N、103°22.50′E;震源深度7.9km;发震时刻(北京时间)为2008年5月12日14时27分58.80秒.  相似文献   

While searching for electromagnetic effects of the earthquakes, impulse-type signals in the frequency range of 0–5 Hz preceding the earthquake or following it have been detected. The advance or delay time is from 0 to 5 min. The signals are observed as single or pair impulses. It is supposed that the signals make a significant impact on the state of the magnetosphere and ionosphere. As a result, a sharp change in the regime of Pc1 geomagnetic pulsations is possible. These effects are analyzed on the basis of observations of the geomagnetic pulsations at the Borok Geophysical Observatory.  相似文献   

On October 12, 2013, an earthquake with Mw = 6.5 occurred in the southern Hellenic Arc, approximately 20 km off the west coast of Crete. The main shock, the focal depth of which is on the order of 40 km, was followed by aftershocks felt in the nearby cities and villages, although the aftershock sequence was poor. The epicentre was located at approximately 60 km from a radio receiver in Crete (CRE), which belongs to the European VLF/LF Radio Network. Several days before the earthquake, a clear disturbance occurred in one of the ten radio signals that the CRE receiver sampled. The disturbance, which can be considered an anomaly, appeared in the 216 kHz radio signal radiated by the Radio Monte Carlo (MCO) transmitter. The radio path MCO-CRE crossed directly over the epicentre area of the aforementioned earthquake. In this work, we present a detailed analysis of the MCO signal anomaly using spectral tools. We also investigate the behaviour of other radio signals sampled by the CRE receiver and consider other possible causes of disturbances on the MCO radio signal. We conclude that the disturbance in the MCO radio signal is a convincingly possible precursor of the earthquake in Crete. Emission of electromagnetic waves with a frequency band that includes 216 kHz from the focal zone of the earthquake can provide a satisfactory explanation of the radio anomaly.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use seismic waveform simulation to investigate the influence of source mechanism complexity, surface topography, and quality factor on the observed peak ground motions in May 28, 2004, moment magnitude (Mw) 6.2 Baladeh earthquake. The observed peak ground acceleration (PGA) pattern in this event, which is the biggest earthquake to hit the Central Alborz Mountains of Iran in modern instrumental era, is irregular in some respects. First, the observed PGA contours are elongated toward north-west and, second, the maximum observed PGA value of 1049 cm/s2 on the horizontal component of Hasan Keyf station 50 km away from the epicenter is quite high and irregular for an earthquake of this magnitude, at such long distance. In this study, we employ the spectral element method, implemented in SPECFEM3D software package to simulate the 3D wave propagation from several source models in the area. Our results suggest directivity effect is the main cause of the anomalous observations in this earthquake and could account for the elongation of PGA contours and also the anomalous maximum PGA value observed at Hasan Keyf strong motion station. We show that the surface topography has minor effect on the observed peak ground acceleration and the resulting PGA maps. Also by finding the bounds of seismic quality factor effect on the peak ground acceleration values, we show that this factor could not account for the elongation of iso-acceleration contours in the north-west direction.  相似文献   

On 24 November 1983, a major earthquake occurred at 180 km depth beneath the Banda Sea. In the focal mechanism solution the pressure axis is almost horizontal, (azimuth 191°, plunge 02°) and the tension axis nearly vertical (plunge 88°). A comparison with the foreshock-aftershock pattern suggests that shear failure took place within the north-north-westerly dipping Benioff zone by thrust faulting along a southerly dipping plane. The focal mechanism solution does not conform to the usual pattern of the tension or compression axis being roughly parallel to the dip of the Benioff zone. Consequently the faulting could not have been caused by down-dip tension or compression within a sinking slab.  相似文献   

To provide quantitative information on site effects in the northern part of Belgium, forty-seven H/V microtremor measurements were performed with 5 second seismometers over an area of about 15.000 km2. Most of the results show a northward regular increase of the fundamental period in agreement with the augmentation of the Mesozoic and Cainozoic soft sedimentsthickness from a few meters 40 km south of Brussels to 900 m at the Netherlands-Belgium border. The measured resonance frequency values wereconsistent with theoretical computations performed at different sites onthe basis of existing information and shallow seismic experiments. At oneparticular site (Uccle) where borehole data were available, microtremor measurements using an array of four seismological stations with differentapertures allowed to obtain the low frequency part of the Rayleigh wave dispersion curve, extending the range covered by the analysis of surfacewaves artificially generated. The Vs profile derived from the surface waveinversion corroborates the 1 Hz natural frequency of the site. Comparison of these results with the macroseismic information concerning the MS = 5.0 1938 earthquake which occurred 50 km west of Brussels,confirmed the hypothesis that the geological structure of the Brabant massifis likely to control damage distribution during such an earthquake. Comparisonbetween the intensity map of the 1938 earthquake and the resonance period ofsediments obtained by our microtremor study shows a clear relation betweenthe two parameters. During the 1938 earthquake, site effects played a prominent role due to the dimension of the source whose corner frequency wasabout 1 Hz.  相似文献   

Aluminum is an active amphoteric metal element, but native aluminum (Al°) can be formed and preserved in special condi- tions so that its occurrence has unique geological significance. In this paper, the coarse fractions ( 63 μm) of 269 samples of surface sediments and of 165 sediment samples in four cores from the South China Sea (SCS) were picked out and analyzed. Al° particles were found in only five surface samples and three samples in two sedimentary cores. The particles are grayish or silver white in color with a strongly metallic luster and high plasticity, and they occur as irregular plats, elongated shapes and spherules with botryoidal structures. The identified Al° particles belong to cubical system, Fm3m space group with a varying from 4.028×10?1 nm to 4.059×10?1 nm. Their chemical compositions consist mainly of Al (95.07%–99.84%) and minor amounts of Si, Fe, Ti, S, Zn, Mg, Ca and trace amounts of K, Na, Cu, Co, P and Mn. Our results show that the identified Al° is authigenic, formed in situ in the prospective areas of gas hydrates, and that it is an unreported type of Al° occurrence. A possi- ble mechanism of Al° formation is proposed: under the strongly reducing micro environments at cold seeps, dissolved Al3+ in sediments is reduced to its metallic state by the strongly reducing agent of H2 through microbial processes and enzyme action. As a result, the Al° particles from the prospective gas hydrate areas in the SCS are the special products, representing the first report on Al° from the sediments at cold seeps. The proposed mechanism provides a theoretical basis for further studies on the special biogeochemical processes at cold seeps.  相似文献   

The destructive 1999 Chi–Chi earthquake (Mw 7.5) was the largest inland earthquake in Taiwan in the 20th century. Several observations witness the non-linear seismic soil response in sediments during the earthquake. In fact, large settlements as well as evidence of liquefaction attested by sand boils and unusual wet ground surface were observed at some sites. In this paper, we present a seismic response simulation performed with CyberQuake software on a site located within the Chang-Hwa Coastal Industrial Park during the 1999 Chi–Chi earthquake in Taiwan. A non-linear multi-kinematic dynamic constitutive model is implemented in the software. Computed NS, EW and UP ground accelerations obtained with this model under undrained and two-phase assumptions, are in good agreement with the corresponding accelerations recorded at seismic station TCU117, either for peak location, amplitudes or frequency content. In these simulations, liquefaction occurs between depths 1.3 and 11.3 m, which correspond to the observed range attested by in place penetration tests and other liquefaction analyses. Moreover, the computed shear wave velocity profile is very close to post-earthquake shear wave velocity profile derived from correlations with CPT and SPT data. Finally, it is shown that in non-linear computations, even though a 1D geometry is considered, it is necessary to take into account the three components of the input motion.  相似文献   

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