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We have used the Krall flux-rope model (Krall and St. Cyr, Astrophys. J. 2006, 657, 1740) (KFR) to fit 23 magnetic cloud (MC)-CMEs and 30 non-cloud ejecta (EJ)-CMEs in the Living With a Star (LWS) Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop (CDAW) 2011 list. The KFR-fit results shows that the CMEs associated with MCs (EJs) have been deflected closer to (away from) the solar disk center (DC), likely by both the intrinsic magnetic structures inside an active region (AR) and ambient magnetic structures (e.g. nearby ARs, coronal holes, and streamers, etc.). The mean absolute propagation latitudes and longitudes of the EJ-CMEs (18°, 11°) were larger than those of the MC-CMEs (11°, 6°) by 7° and 5°, respectively. Furthermore, the KFR-fit widths showed that the MC-CMEs are wider than the EJ-CMEs. The mean fitting face-on width and edge-on width of the MC-CMEs (EJ-CMEs) were 87 (85)° and 70 (63)°, respectively. The deflection away from DC and narrower angular widths of the EJ-CMEs have caused the observing spacecraft to pass over only their flanks and miss the central flux-rope structures. The results of this work support the idea that all CMEs have a flux-rope structure.  相似文献   

Tumbling asteroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present both a review of earlier data and new results on non-principal axis rotators (tumblers) among asteroids. Among new tumblers found, the best data we have are for 2002 TD60, 2000 WL107, and (54789) 2001 MZ7—each of them shows a lightcurve with two frequencies (full terms with linear combinations of the two frequencies are present in the lightcurve). For 2002 TD60, we have constructed a physical model of the NPA rotation. Other recent objects which have been found to be likely tumblers based on their lightcurves that do not fit with a single periodicity are 2002 NY40, (16067) 1999 RH27, and (5645) 1990 SP. We have done a statistical analysis of the present sample of the population of NPA rotators. It appears that most asteroids larger than ∼0.4 km with estimated damping timescales (Harris, 1994, Icarus 107, 209) of 4.5 byr and longer are NPA rotators. The statistic of two short-period tumblers (D=0.04 and 0.4 km) with non-zero tensile strength suggests that for them the quantity μQ/T, where μ is the mechanical rigidity, Q is the elastic dissipation factor, and T is a spin excitation age (i.e., a time elapsed since the last significant spin excitation event), is greater by two to four orders of magnitude than the larger, likely rubble-pile tumblers. Among observational conditions and selection effects affecting detections of NPA rotations, there is a bias against detection of low-amplitude (small elongation) tumblers.  相似文献   

Photometry is one of the most efficient investigation techniques. It provided a large body of data on albedos, sizes, shapes, rotation, optical properties, and structural characteristics of asteroids and other minor bodies of the solar system. The contribution of photometry to the determination of asteroid parameters was most crucial. This review summarizes main results of asteroid studies in three most important areas: i) determination of the shape and rotation parameters of asteroids, ii) investigation of optical properties of asteroid surfaces, and iii) detection and investigation of binary asteroid systems.  相似文献   

We analyze the orbital behavior of four new co-orbital NEOs and the Earth horseshoe object 2002 AA29. The new objects are 2001 CK32, a 3753 Cruithne-like co-orbital of Venus, 2001 GO2 and 2003 YN107, two objects with motion similar to 2002 AA29. 2001 CK32 is on a compound orbit. The asteroid reverses its path when the mean longitude difference is −50°. Its motion is chaotic. 2001 GO2 is an Earth HS orbiter with repeated transitions to the QS phase, the next occurring 200 years from now. The HS libration period is 190 years and the QS phases last 45 years. For 2002 AA29, our simulations permit us to find useful theoretical insights into the HS-QS transitions. Its orbit can be simulated with adequate accuracy for 4400 years into the future and 1483 years into the past. The new co-orbital 2003 YN107 is at present an Earth QS. It has entered this phase in 1997 and will leave it again in 2006, completing one QS cycle. Like 2002 AA29, it has frequent transitions between HS and QS. One HS cycle takes 133 years.  相似文献   

A taxonomic system was introduced by C. R. Chapman, D. Morrison, and B. Zellner [Icarus25, 104–130 (1975)], in which minor planets are classified according to a few readily observable optical properties, independent of specific mineralogical interpretations. That taxonomy is here augmented to five classes, now precisely defined in terms of seven parameters obtained from polarimetry, spectrophotometry, radiometry, and UBV photometry of 523 objects. We classify 190 asteroids as type C, 141 as type S, 13 as type M, 3 as type E, and 3 as type R; 55 objects are shown to fall outside these five classes and are designated U (unclassifiable). For the remaining 118, the data exclude two or more types but are insufficient for unambiguous classification. Reliable diameters, from radiometry or polarimetry or else from albedos adopted as typical of the types, are listed for 396 objects. We also compare our taxonomy with other ones and discuss how classification efforts are related to the interpretation of asteroid mineralogies.  相似文献   

A technique for the fast identification of detected asteroids directly after terminating their observations on a short topocentric arch is briefly described.  相似文献   

The restricted problem of 2+2 bodies is applied to the study of the stability and dynamics of binary asteroids in the solar system. Numerical investigation of the behavior of the orbital elements and the maximal Lyapunov characteristic number of binary asteroids reveal extensive regions where bounded quasiperiodic motion is possible. These regions are compared to the bounded regions which are predicted by the classical restricted problem of three bodies. Regions of bounded chaotic solutions are also found.  相似文献   

We report 10 micrometers infrared photometry for 22 Aten, Apollo, and Amor asteroids. Thermal models are used to derive the corresponding radiometric albedos and diameters. Several of these asteroids appear to have surfaces of relatively high thermal inertia due to the exposure of bare rock or a coarse regolith. The Apollo asteroid 3103, 1982 BB, is recognized as class E. The Jupiter-crossing Amor asteroid 3552, 1983 SA, is confirmed as class D, but low albedos remain rare for near-Earth asteroids.  相似文献   

M. Di Martino 《Icarus》1984,60(3):541-546
V band photoelectric lightcurves and rotational periods are presented for six asteroids: 150 Nuwa, 203 Pompeja, 336 Lacaderia, 545 Messalina, 984 Gretia, and 1240 Fantasia. Except for 984 Gretia, none of these asteroids has been previously observed. The observations were obtained during September 1983 at the Astrophysical Observatory of Catania and are part of a program devoted to increase the present data set of asteroids' rotational properties. For 336 Lacaderia and 984 Gretia the magnitude-phase relations, in terms ofQv and βv, were also obtained.  相似文献   

JHK infrared photometry shows that R asteroids have two distinct infrared color domains. Most R asteroids have JHK and visual colors and albedos that fall amongst those observed for S asteroids, but a small subset is clearly different. These are designated as a new A class of asteroids.  相似文献   

The Asteroid Photometric Catalogue was used to redetermine the rotation periods of all asteroids with data in the catalogue. The quality of the period determinations was divided into five groups. The total number of asteroids studied were 710 and 225 of these were considered not to be observed enough to yield any rotation period (code 0). For 121 asteroids the uncertainty was several hours (code d) and for 180 the uncertainty was less than one hour (code c). Code a was used for asteroids with reliable pole determinations (47 asteroids) and code b was used for asteroids with very reliable synodic rotation periods (137 asteroids). Some statistic properties of the rotation periods of asteroids are presented.  相似文献   

The past, current, and planned space missions for asteroid exploration are reviewed. The main results based on observations performed with satellites in near-Earth orbits (OAO-2, IUE, FIRSSE, IRAS, HST, Hipparcos, ISO, MSX) and space probes sent to particular objects (Galileo, NEAR, DS1, Stardust) are reported. Future space missions (MUSES-C, Rosetta, DOWN, etc.) and their main goals in asteroid study are considered. The feasibility of using spacecraft for minor-body exploration is discussed.Translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2005, pp. 81–90. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Shevchenko, Mohamed.  相似文献   

L.G. Taff 《Icarus》1984,57(2):259-266
Optimal searches for a fixed object are discussed and the rigorous analytical results of discrete search theory are presented. They show that the totally optimal, the uniformly optimal, the locally optimal, and the fastest searches are identical under not too restrictive assumptions. The Mathematical formalism is illustrated by an Earth-approaching asteroid search and optimal searches for such objects are explicitly constructed. The approximation that Earth-approaching asteroids are fixed is equivalent to having a very high (1?00 square degrees/hr) search rate. Generalizations to other types of astronomical search are briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

We present a new classification of families identified among the population of high-inclination asteroids. We computed synthetic proper elements for a sample of 18,560 numbered and multi-opposition objects having sine of proper inclination greater than 0.295. We considered three zones at different heliocentric distances (inner, intermediate and outer region) and used the standard approach based on the Hierarchical Clustering Method (HCM) to identify families in each zone. In doing so, we used slightly different approach with respect to previously published methodologies, to achieve a more reliable and robust classification. We also used available SDSS color data to improve membership and identify likely family interlopers. We found a total of 38 families, as well as a significant number of clumps and clusters deserving further investigation.  相似文献   

CCD-photometry of three Jupiter Trojan asteroids were carried out to study their opposition effect. We obtained well-sampled magnitude–phase curves for (588) Achilles, (884) Priamus, and (1143) Odysseus in the maximal attainable phase angle range down to 0.1–0.2°. The magnitude–phase relations have a linear behavior in all observed range of phase angles and do not show any non-linear opposition brightening. We have not found any confident differences between phase slopes measured in B, V and R bands. The values of the measured phase slopes of Trojans are different from available data for Centaurs. They are within the range of phase slopes measured for some low-albedo main belt asteroids, also exhibit a linear behavior down to small phase angles. An absence of non-linear opposition brightening puts constraints on the surface properties of the studied objects, assuming very dark surfaces where single scattering plays dominating role.We also determined the rotation periods, amplitudes, the values of color indexes B–V and V–R, and the absolute magnitudes of these asteroids.  相似文献   

Photoelectric lightcurves of 21 asteroids are presented. The observations were carried out from 1978 to 1982 at the Astronomical Observatory of Torino (at the Astrophysical Observatory of Catania for 137 Meliboea). For 10 objects a reliable rotation period has been obtained, while for two others a rough estimate is given. In several cases the analysis of the observed amplitudes versus the ecliptic longitudes indicates the most favorable future oppositions for period and/or pole determination. For some asteroids transformations to UBV Standard System were performed.  相似文献   

An analysis of the UV spectra of 28 asteroids obtained with the Internal Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite is presented. The spectra lie within the range 2100–3200 Å. Our results are examined in terms of both asteroid classification and of current ideas concerning the surface mineralogy of asteroids. For all the asteroids examined, UV reflectivity declines approximately linearly toward shorter wavelengths. In general, the same taxonomic groups are seen in the UV as in the visible and IR, although there is some evidence for asteroids with anomalous UV properties and for UV subclasses within the S class. No mineral absorption features are reported of strength similar to the strongest features in the visible and IR regions, but a number of shallow absorptions do occur and may provide valuable information on the surface composition of many asteroids.  相似文献   

Forty-three lightcurves of 21 asteroids obtained in Arizona between 1968 and 1978 are presented with a brief discussion of each. Included are four asteroids not previously observed: 34 Circe, 138 Tolosa, 162 Laurentia, and 1058 Grubba. Rotation periods are at least 12 hr for Circe, either 6.42 or 12.98 hrs for Laurentia, and more than 18 hr for Grubba. Magnitudes and colors for 12 of the asteroids are given. It appears that 10 Hygiea has lightcurves which sometimes have two maxima per rotation cycle and sometimes three. A strong relation between amplitude and solar phase angle is seen for 39 Laetitia. The first direct evidence of an opposition effect for 89 Julia is given. 511 Davida is discussed in an effort to understand the pole orientation using photometric astrometry.  相似文献   

Richard P. Binzel 《Icarus》1984,57(2):294-306
The addition of the unbiased sample of R. P. Binzel and J. D. Mulholland (Icarus56, 519–533) nearly triples the sample size of photoelectrically determined rotational parameters for main belt asteroids with estimated diameters (D) ≤30 km. Nonparametric stattistical tests which require no assumptions about the distributions or variances of the samples are used to examine rotational parameters for all D ≤ 30 km asteroids. A comparison of photoelectric and photographic results shows that the techniques have a highly significant difference in the range of detected frequencies. This difference does not allow photographic and photoelectric observations to be combined for meaningful statistical tests since a photographic bias toward smaller sample variances can induce statistical results that appear overly significant. Photographic observations also show a highly significant bias toward detecting asteroids with larger lightcurve amplitudes. The fit of a Maxwellian to the observed rotational frequency distribution can be rejected at a highly significant confidence level but the observed distribution can be acceptably fit by two Maxwellian distributions, which is consistent with the hypothesis that there are separate populations of slow and fast rotating asteroids. The frequency distributions of <15 km main belt asteroids and Earth and Mars crossers are not found to differ significantly. However, the larger mean lightcurve amplitude of the Earth and Mars crossing asteroids is found to be statistically significant. This latter result is interesting in view of the lack of any strong inverse amplitude versus diameter relation for small asteroids. No significant diameter dependence on rotational frequency is seen among only D ≤ 30 km asteroids. However, the inverse frequency versus diameter relation for D ≤ 120 km asteroids found by S. F. Dermott, A. W. Harris, and C. D. Murray (Icarus, in press) is found to be statistically significant using a linear least-squares analysis of photoelectric data only. No significant diameter dependence on rotational lightcurve amplitude is seen using linear least-squares analysis of photoelectric data for D≤30 and D≤90 km asteroids. However, a significant inverse amplitude versus diameter relation is found when this analysis is extended to D≤120 km asteroids. This finding may be consistent with the hypothesis of Dermott et al. that near 120 km there is a transition between primordial asteroids and their collisional fragments.  相似文献   

Near-infrared (J, H and K bands) spectra of nine dark asteroids (chosen among a sample of supposed primitive objects between C and D classes) have been obtained at the Mauna Kea Observatory (Hawaii) with the 2.2-m telescope using KSPEC as spectrograph. The aim of this work was to search for evidence of the presence of organic materials in these objects as found in other planetary bodies as 5145 Pholus, and in some cometary nuclei. A careful analysis of the data has revealed flat or slightly redder spectra than the solar one for all observed asteroids. No evidence of distinct absorption features was found.  相似文献   

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