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We report the observations of the solar chromosphere from a newly commissioned solar telescope at the incursion site near Pangong Tso lake in Merak (Leh/Ladakh). This new \(\hbox {H}_{\alpha }\) telescope at the Merak site is identical to the Kodaikanal \(\hbox {H}_{\alpha }\) telescope. The telescope was installed in the month of August 2017 at the Merak site. The telescope consists of a 20-cm doublet lens with additional re-imaging optics. A Lyot filter with 0.5 Å passband isolates the Balmer line of the hydrogen spectra to make the observations of the solar chromosphere. The observations made in \(\hbox {H}_{\alpha }\) wavelength delineates the magnetic field directions at the sunspot and the quiet regions. A CCD detector records the images of the chromosphere with a pixel resolution of 0.27\(^{\prime \prime }\) and covers 9.2\(^{\prime }\) field-of-view. This telescope has a good guiding system that keeps the FoV in the intended position. We report the development of control software for tuning the filter unit, control detector system, observations and calibration of the data to make it useful for the scientific community. Some preliminary results obtained from the Merak \(\hbox {H}_{\alpha }\) telescope are also presented. This high altitude facility is a timely addition to regularly obtain \(\hbox {H}_{\alpha }\) images around the globe.  相似文献   

A scientific collaboration between TÜB?TAK National Observatory (Turkey), Kazan State University (Russia) and Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory (Ukraine) involves observations of minor planets and near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) with the 1.5 m Russian-Turkish telescope (RTT150). Regular observations of selected asteroids in the range of 11-18 magnitudes began in 2004 with the view of determining masses of selected asteroids, improving the orbits of the NEAs, and studying physical characteristics of selected asteroids from photometric observations. More than 3000 positions of 53 selected asteroids and 11 NEAs have been obtained with an internal error in the range of 30-300 mas for a single determination. Photometric reductions of more than 4000 CCD frames are in progress. Masses of 21 asteroids were estimated through dynamical method using the ground-based optical observations, mainly from the RTT150 and Minor Planet Center. A comparison of the observational results from the RTT150 in 2004-2005 with observations of the same objects at other observatories allows us to conclude that RTT150 can be used for ground-based support in astrometry for the space mission GAIA.  相似文献   

Two Struve-Ertel instruments were used for the daytime observations of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars at Pulkovo from 1956 to 1976. The FK4 equinox and equator corrections were derived. Both the instruments were installed in 1983–1986 at the Kislovodsk Station of the Pulkovo Observatory. The atmospheric dispersion and lateral refraction have been estimated at the Station.  相似文献   

John Caldwell 《Icarus》1975,25(3):384-396
Broadband filter photometry from 2100 to 4300 Å has been obtained by OAO-2 for the following objects: The Galilean satellites; Titan; the rings of Saturn; and three asteroids. Agreement with independent ground-based photometry in the region of overlap is good. The previously known decrease in reflectivity from visual to ground-based ultraviolet wavelengths continues to 2590 Å for all these objects. Europa's reflectivity continues to decline towards 2110 Å, and the rings' reflectivity levels off from 2590 to 2110 Å. Other targets were too faint at 2110 Å to be measured reliably by OAO-2.The low ultraviolet albedo of Titan has important implications for that planet's atmospheric structure (Caldwell, Larach, and Danielson, 1973; Danielson, Caldwell, and Larach, 1973; Caldwell, 1974b). The ultraviolet reflectivity of Saturn's rings is suggestive of a two-component system, one being pure H2O particles. The ultraviolet albedos of the Galilean satellites are consistent with existing upper limits for atmospheric abundances, but require either that former estimates of the fractional coverage of H2O frost are too high, an unlikely circumstance, or that the frost has been darkened by some external agent in the space environment.  相似文献   

The use of ground-based and space baseline observations of Solar System bodies is considered. Baseline observations allow one to determine the distance to observed objects and (in some cases) the parameters of their orbital motion. Certain results of baseline observations of near-Earth asteroids and the results of model analysis of spacecraft observations are presented.  相似文献   

The morphometric parameters are examined for the shape of fragments of ordinary chondrites, iron meteorites, S- and C-class stony asteroids, metallic asteroids, and icy small bodies of the Solar System. All small Solar System bodies are shown to have, depending on their composition and, hence, physical and mechanical properties, a specific shape that is unique to a given composition. C-class asteroids, the strength of which is almost three times less than that of S asteroids, differ from the latter in their less elongated shape. No systematic change is observed in the morphometric parameters (increased roundness or sphericity) of small bodies of differing compositions depending on their mass, which suggests that the hypothesis of creep in small Solar System bodies is unlikely to be true. The absence of creep confirms that, regardless of their composition, all small Solar System bodies are solid elastic bodies having an ultimate strength (tensile strength and compressive strength) and a yield strength.  相似文献   

We investigate several parts of the process of migration of small bodies to the Earth from the asteroid and transneptunian belts. The obtained characteristic times up to collisions of near-Earth objects with the Earth are less than those obtained by other scientists.  相似文献   

A high-resolution videomagnetograph that records the images of opposite circular polarization simultaneously has been constructed for the Swedish vacuum solar telescope at La Palma. Magnetograms are obtained by off-line integration of bursts consisting of typically 50 frames of 20 ms exposures, with bad frames rejected, and the frame-to-frame image motion of the remaining frames compensated for by cross-correlation techniques. The short exposures combined with frame selection and elimination of image motion optimizes the resolution and thereby also the S/N, allowing good magnetograms to be obtained with an effective exposure time of less than 1 s at an image scale of 0.1 pixel–1. The advantages and limitations of the system are discussed and compared with other techniques of making filter magnetograms are discussed.  相似文献   

Zharkova  V.V.  Ipson  S.S.  Zharkov  S.I.  Benkhalil  A.  Aboudarham  J.  Bentley  R.D. 《Solar physics》2003,214(1):89-105
Robust techniques are developed to put the H and Ca K line full-disk images taken at the Meudon Observatory into a standardised form of a `virtual solar image'. The techniques include limb fitting, removal of geometrical distortion, centre position and size standardisation and intensity normalisation. The limb fitting starts with an initial estimate of the solar centre using raw 12-bit image data and then applies a Canny edge-detection routine. Candidate edge points for the limb are selected using a histogram based method and the chosen points fitted to a quadratic function by minimising the algebraic distance using SVD. The five parameters of the ellipse fitting the limb are extracted from the quadratic function. These parameters are used to define an affine transformation that transforms the image shape into a circle. Transformed images are generated using the nearest neighbour, bilinear or bicubic interpolation. Intensity renormalisation is also required because of a limb darkening and other non-radial intensity variations. It is achieved by fitting a background function in polar coordinates to a set of sample points having the median intensities and by standardising the average brightness. Representative examples of intermediate and final processed results are presented in addition to the algorithms developed. The research was done for the European Grid of Solar Observations (EGSO) project.  相似文献   

Two topics of research, namely extragalactic and variable star studies represent the main attitudes of astronomical work at the Helwan Observatory.The 74 inch telescope at Kottamia (476 m, 2h.12, 29°.93 N) some 60 km to the east of Cairo is the main instrument. Some other auxiliary equipment (Cassegrain and echelle spectrographs, Westinghouse and Japanese cameras and photoelectric photometer) can be attached at both Cassegrain and Newtonian foci.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

Rhodes  Edward J.  Harvey  John W.  Duvall  Thomas L. 《Solar physics》1983,82(1-2):111-111

A brief summary is given of a program which is currently being carried out with the McMath telescope of the Kitt Peak National Observatory in order to study high-degree (l ≳ 150) solar p-mode oscillations. This program uses a 244 × 248 pixel CID camera and the main spectrograph of the McMath telescope to obtain velocity-time maps of the oscillations which can be converted into two-dimensional (k h - ω) power spectra of the oscillations. Several different regions of the solar spectrum have been used in order to study the oscillations at different elevations in the solar atmosphere. The program concentrates on eastward- and westward-propagating sectoral harmonic waves so that measurements can be made of the absolute rotational velocities of the solar photospheric and shallow sub-photospheric layers. Some preliminary results from this program are now available. First, we have been unable to confirm the existence of a radial gradient in the equatorial rotational velocity as was previously suggested. Second, we have indeed been able to confirm the presence of p-mode waves in the solar chromosphere as was first suggested by Rhodes et al. (1977). Third, we have been able to demonstrate differences in photospheric and chromospheric power spectra.


Prominence plumes are evacuated upflows that emerge from bubbles below prominences,whose formation mechanism is still unclear.Here we present a detailed study of plumes in a quiescent prominence using the high-resolution Hα filtergrams at the line center as well as line wing at ±0.4 A from the New Vacuum Solar Telescope.Enhancements of brightening,blue shifts,and turbulence at the fronts of plumes are found during their formation.Some large plumes split at their heads and finger-shaped structures are formed between them.Blue-shifted flows along the bubble-prominence interface are found before and during the plume formation.Our observations are consistent with the hypothesis that prominence plumes are related to coupled Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor(KH/RT) instabilities.Plume splittings and fingers are evidence of RT instability,and the flows may increase the growth rate of KH/RT instabilities.However,the significant turbulence at plume fronts may suggest that the RT instability is triggered by the plumes penetrating into the prominence.In this scenario,extra mechanisms are necessary to drive the plumes.  相似文献   

For both asteroids and meteor streams, and also for comets, resonances play a major role for their orbital evolutions but on different time scales. For asteroids both mean motion resonances and secular resonances not only structure the phase space of regular orbits but are mainly at the origin for the inherent chaos of planet crosser objects.For comets and their chaotic routes temporary trapping into orbital resonances is a well known phenomenon. In addition for slow diffusion through the Kuiper belt resonances are the only candidates for originating a slow chaos.Like for asteroids, resonances with Jupiter play a major role for the orbital evolution of meteor streams. Crossing of separatrix like zones appears to be crucial for the formation of arcs and for the dissolution of streams. In particular the orbital inclination of a meteor stream appears to be a critical parameter for arc formation. Numerical results obtained in an other context show that the competition between the Poynting-Robertson drag and the gravitational interaction of grains near the 2/1 resonance might be very important in the long run for the structure of meteor streams.  相似文献   

We report on observations of several transit events of the transiting planet TrES‐2 obtained with the Cassegrain‐Teleskop‐Kamera at the University Observatory Jena. Between March 2007 and November 2008 ten different transits and almost a complete orbital period were observed. Overall, in 40 nights of observation 4291 exposures (in total 71.52 h of observation) of the TrES‐2 parent star were taken. With the transit timings for TrES‐2 from the 34 events published by the TrES‐network, the Transit Light Curve project and the Exoplanet Transit Database plus our own ten transits, we find that the orbital period is P = (2.470614 ± 0.000001) d, a slight change by ∼0.6 s compared to the previously published period. We present new ephemeris for this transiting planet. Furthermore, we found a second dip after the transit which could either be due to a blended variable star or occultation of a second star or even an additional object in the system. Our observations will be useful for future investigations of timing variations caused by additional perturbing planets and/or stellar spots and/or moons (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We developed a tip-tilt system to compensate the turbulence induced image motion for the 1.3 m telescope at Vainu Bappu Observatory, at Kavalur. The instrument is designed to operate at the visible wavelength band(480-700 nm) with a field of view of 1′× 1′. The tilt corrected images have demonstrated up to ≈ 57% improvement in image resolution and a corresponding peak intensity increase by a factor of≈ 2.8. A closed-loop correction bandwidth of ≈ 26 Hz has been achieved with on-sky tests and the root mean square motion of the star image has been reduced by a factor of ~ 14. These results are consistent with theoretical and numerical predictions of wave-front aberrations caused by atmospheric turbulence and image quality improvement expected from a real-time control system. In this paper, we present details of the instrument design, laboratory calibration studies and quantify its performance on the telescope.  相似文献   

We present a self-consistent numerical algorithm aimed at predicting the outcomes of high-velocity impacts between asteroids (or other small bodies of the solar system), based on a set of model input parameters which can be estimated from the available experimental evidence, and including the possible gravitational reaccumulation of ejected fragments whose velocity is less than a suitably defined escape velocity. All the fragment mass distributions are modelled by truncated power laws, and a possible correlation between fragment ejection velocity and mass is taken into account in different ways, including a probabilistic one. We analyze in particular the effectiveness of the gravitational reaccumulation process in terms of different choices of the collisional parameters and the assumed relationship between fragment speed and mass. Both the transition size beyond which solid targets are likely to reaccumulate a large fraction of the fragment mass and the collision energy needed to disperse most of the fragments are sensitive functions of the assumed fragment velocity versus mass relationship. We also give some examples of how our algorithm can be applied to study the origin and collisional history of small solar system bodies, including the asteroid 951 Gaspra (recently imaged by the Galileo probe) and the asteroid families.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a new observing system which is currently nearing completation at the Mount Wilson Observatory. This system has been designed to obtain daily measurements of solar photospheric and subphotospheric rotational velocities from the frequency splitting of non-radial solar p-mode oscillations of moderate to high degree (i.e. l > 150). The completed system will combine a 244 × 248 pixel CID camera with a high-speed floating point array processor, a 32-bit minicomputer, and a large-capacity disc storage system. We are integrating these components into the spectrograph of the 60-foot solar tower telescope at Mount Wilson in order to provide a facility which will be dedicated to the acquisition of oscillation data.  相似文献   

New elements of the algorithmic and software bases of the ephemeris support for the RATAN-600 radio telescope observations of distant radio sources and objects of the Solar system are briefly described.  相似文献   

A brief review of the research highlights at the Main Astronomical Observatory since 1968.  相似文献   

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