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Typical auroral events in the Martian atmosphere, such as discrete and diffuse auroral emissions detected by UV spectrometers onboard ESA Mars Express and NASA MAVEN, are investigated. Auroral electron kinetic energy distribution functions and energy spectra of the upward and downward electron fluxes are obtained by electron transport calculations using the kinetic Monte Carlo model. These characteristics of auroral electron fluxes make it possible to calculate both the precipitation-induced changes in the atmosphere and the observed manifestations of auroral events on Mars. In particular, intensities of discrete and diffuse auroral emissions in the UV and visible wavelength ranges (Soret et al., 2016; Bisikalo et al., 2017; Gérard et al., 2017). For these conditions of auroral events, the analysis is carried out, and the contribution of the fluxes of precipitating electrons to the heating and ionization of the Martian atmosphere is estimated. Numerical calculations show that in the case of discrete auroral events the effect of the residual crustal magnetic field leads to a significant increase in the upward fluxes of electrons, which causes a decrease in the rates of heating and ionization of the atmospheric gas in comparison with the calculations without taking into account the residual magnetic field. It is shown that all the above-mentioned impact factors of auroral electron precipitation processes should be taken into account both in the photochemical models of the Martian atmosphere and in the interpretation of observations of the chemical composition and its variations using the ACS instrument onboard ExoMars.  相似文献   

The experience gained with the current generation of X-ray telescopes like Chandra and XMM-Newton has shown that low energy “soft” protons can pose a severe threat to the possibility to exploit scientific data, reducing the available exposure times by up to 50% and introducing a poorly reproducible background component. These soft protons are present in orbits outside the radiation belts and enter the mirrors, being concentrated towards the focal plane instruments, losing energy along their path and finally depositing their remaining energy in the detectors. Their contribution to the residual background will be even higher for ATHENA with respect to previous missions, given the much higher collecting area of the mirrors, even if the instruments will likely suffer no significant radiation damage from this particles flux. As a consequence this soft proton flux shall be damped with the use of a magnetic diverter to avoid excess background loading on the WFI or X-IFU instruments. We present here a first complete evaluation of this background component for the two focal plane instruments of the ATHENA mission in absence of a magnetic diverter, and derive the requirements for such device to reduce the soft protons induced background below the level required to enable the mission science. We estimate the soft proton flux expected in L2 for the interplanetary component and for the component generated locally by acceleration processes in the magnetotail. We produce a proton response matrix for each of the two instruments of ATHENA focal plane, exploiting two independent Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the optics concentration efficiency, and Geant4 simulations to evaluate the energy loss inside the radiation filters and deposited in the detector. With this modular approach we derive the expected fluxes and spectra for the soft protons component of the background. Finally, we calculate the specifics of a magnetic diverter able to reduce such flux below the required level for both X-IFU and WFI.  相似文献   

We present the results of extensive numerical modeling of the Martian interior. Yoder et al. in 2003 reported a mean moment of inertia of Mars that was somewhat smaller than the previously used value and the Love number k2 obtained from observations of solar tides on Mars. These values of k2 and the mean moment of inertia impose a strong new constraint on the model of the planet. The models of the Martian interior are elastic, while k2 contains both elastic and inelastic components. We thoroughly examined the problem of partitioning the Love number k2 into elastic and inelastic components. The information necessary to construct models of the planet (observation data, choice of a chemical model, and the cosmogonic aspect of the problem) are discussed in the introduction. The model of the planet comprises four submodels—a model of the outer porous layer, a model of the consolidated crust, a model of the silicate mantle, and a core model. We estimated the possible content of hydrogen in the core of Mars. The following parameters were varied while constructing the models: the ferric number of the mantle (Fe#) and the sulfur and hydrogen content in the core. We used experimental data concerning the pressure and temperature dependence of elastic properties of minerals and the information about the behavior of Fe(γ-Fe ), FeS, FeH, and their mixtures at high P and T. The model density, pressure, temperature, and compressional and shear velocities are given as functions of the planetary radius. The trial model M13 has the following parameters: Fe#=0.20; 14 wt % of sulfur in the core; 50 mol % of hydrogen in the core; the core mass is 20.9 wt %; the core radius is 1699 km; the pressure at the mantle-core boundary is 20.4 GPa; the crust thickness is 50 km; Fe is 25.6 wt %; the Fe/Si weight ratio is 1.58, and there is no perovskite layer. The model gives a radius of the Martian core within 1600–1820 km while ≥30 mol % of hydrogen is incorporated into the core. When the inelasticity of the Martian interior is taken into account, the Love number k2 increases by several thousandths; therefore, the model radius of the planetary core increases as well. The prognostic value of the Chandler period of Mars is 199.5 days, including one day due to inelasticity. Finally, we calculated parameters of the equilibrium figure of Mars for the M13 model: J 2 0 = 1.82 × 10?3, J 4 0 = ?7.79 × 10?6, e c-m D = 1/242.3 (the dynamical flattening of the core-mantle boundary).  相似文献   

The results of an experimental study of the variations in the intensity of the fluxes of the Earth radiation belt (ERB) particles in 0.3–6 and 1–50 MeV energy intervals for electrons and protons, respectively, are reported. ERBs were studied during strong magnetic storms from August 2001 through November 2003. The results of the CORONAS-F mission obtained during the magnetic storms of November 6 (D st = ?257 nT) and November 24, 2001 (D st = ?221 nT), October 29–30 (D st = ?400 nT) and November 20, 2003 (D st = ?465 nT) are analyzed. The electron flux is found to decrease abruptly in the outer radiation belt during the main phase of the magnetic storms under consideration. During the recovery phase, the outer radiation belt is found to recover much closer to Earth, near the boundary of the penetration of solar electrons during the main phase of the magnetic storm. We associate the decrease in the electron flux with the abrupt decrease of the size of the magnetosphere during the main phase of the storm. Note that, in all cases studied, the Earth radiation belts exhibited rather long (several days) variations. In those cases where solar cosmic-ray fluxes were observed during the storm, protons with energies 1–5 MeV could be trapped to form an additional maximum of protons with such energies at L >2.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to construct a trial Qμ(l) distribution in the silicate mantle of Mars. With the allowance for the fact that on the PT plane the Earth’s geotherm is close to the distribution of areotherms, it was concluded that Qμ(l) should be distributed in the Martian interior topologically close to the Qμ(l) distribution in the Earth. The initial distribution was specified by the four-layer piecewise-constant distribution from the QML9 model. An important step was to select the power index in the frequency dependence of Qμ. Based on the laboratory data and on the experience of studying this problem for the Earth, n was specified in the interval 0.1–0.3. It was found that with the conversion of the initial distribution to the orbital period of Phobos around Mars, which is the only constraint for the problem derived from the observations, this distribution agrees reasonably well with the observational data at n = 0.1.  相似文献   

We present the results of magnetic field measurements of four chemically peculiar (CP) stars with helium abundance anomalies which are the members of the Orion stellar association OB1. The stars under study were classified as magnetic by other authors earlier. The present paper contains the results of the extensive study of the stars. Magnetic field measurements allowed us to conclude that HD36540 has a weak field and the longitudinal component B e does not exceed 500 G. The longitudinal field of HD36668 varies with the period P = 2. d 11884 and the amplitude from ?2 to +2 kG. The magnetic field of HD36916 has mainly negative polarity and varies within the range from 0 to ?1 kG with the period P = 1.d 565238. HD37058 is a magnetic star, the longitudinal field of which varies from ?1.2 to +0.8 kG with the period P = 14. d 659. The B e field variability pattern for the stars HD36916 and HD37058 is of a simple harmonic type. The longitudinal field of HD36668 is best described with two combined harmonic functions (“a doublewave”). The variability period of HD36540 is still undetermined. For all the stars from this paper, we measured radial velocities V r, axial rotation rates v e sin i, and determined basic parameters of atmospheres (effective temperatures T eff and gravity acceleration log g). We also estimated masses M, luminosities L, and radii R of the stars.  相似文献   

Based on the Gaia DR1 TGAS parallaxes and photometry from the Tycho-2, Gaia, 2MASS, andWISE catalogues, we have produced a sample of ~100 000 clump red giants within ~800 pc of the Sun. The systematic variations of the mode of their absolute magnitude as a function of the distance, magnitude, and other parameters have been analyzed. We show that these variations reach 0.7 mag and cannot be explained by variations in the interstellar extinction or intrinsic properties of stars and by selection. The only explanation seems to be a systematic error of the Gaia DR1 TGAS parallax dependent on the square of the observed distance in kpc: 0.18R 2 mas. Allowance for this error reduces significantly the systematic dependences of the absolute magnitude mode on all parameters. This error reaches 0.1 mas within 800 pc of the Sun and allows an upper limit for the accuracy of the TGAS parallaxes to be estimated as 0.2 mas. A careful allowance for such errors is needed to use clump red giants as “standard candles.” This eliminates all discrepancies between the theoretical and empirical estimates of the characteristics of these stars and allows us to obtain the first estimates of the modes of their absolute magnitudes from the Gaia parallaxes: mode(M H ) = ?1.49 m ± 0.04 m , mode(M Ks ) = ?1.63 m ± 0.03 m , mode(M W1) = ?1.67 m ± 0.05 m mode(M W2) = ?1.67 m ± 0.05 m , mode(M W3) = ?1.66 m ± 0.02 m , mode(M W4) = ?1.73 m ± 0.03 m , as well as the corresponding estimates of their de-reddened colors.  相似文献   

We calculate the parameters of the two-point correlation function of quasars w(r) = (r c /r) γ on the basis of the SDSS DR3 data. The correlation functions are first determined from projected distances with the use of a special technique for compiling randomized catalogs. Next the parameters of the spatial correlation function are obtained with the assumption of local isotropy. For the quasars with redshifts z = 0.8–2.1, we obtained the estimates γ = 1.76 ± 0.14, r c = 6.60 ± 0.85 h ?1 Mpc in the comoving distance range 2–30 Mpc and γ = 1.90 ± 0.11, r c = 6.95±0.57 h ?1 Mpc in the range 2–50 Mpc. These estimates agree, within the limits of errors, with the estimates obtained for the redshifts 0.4 < z < 2.1. The original catalog shows some deficit of pairs with separations less than 1 Mpc.  相似文献   

The eclipse observations were performed at the Laboratory of Radio Astronomy of the CrAO in Katsiveli with stationary instrumentation of the Solar Patrol at wavelengths of 10.5 and 12.0 cm. The data obtained were used to determine the brightness temperature of the undisturbed Sun at solar activity minimum between 11-year cycles 23 and 24: T d10.5 = (43.7 ± 0.5) × 103 K at 10.5 cm and T d12.0 = (51.8 ± 0.5) × 103 K at 12.0 cm. The radio brightness distribution above the limb group of sunspots NOAA 0866 was calculated. It shows that at both wavelengths the source consisted of a compact bright nucleus about 50 × 103 km in size with temperatures T b10.5 = 0.94 × 106 K and T b12.0 = 2.15 × 106 K located, respectively, at heights h 10.5 = 33.5 × 103 km and h 12.0 = 43.3 × 103 km above the sunspot and an extended halo with a temperature T b = (230–300) × 103 K stretching to a height of 157 × 103 km above the photosphere. The revealed spatial structure of the local source is consistent with the universally accepted assumption that the radiation from the bright part of the source is generated by electrons in the sunspot magnetic fields at the second-third cyclotron frequency harmonics and that the halo is the bremsstrahlung of thermal electrons in the coronal condensation forming an active region. According to the eclipse results, the electron density near the upper boundary of the condensation was N e ≈ 2.3 × 108 cm?3, while the optical depth was τ ≈ 0.1 at an electron temperature T e ≈ 106 K. Thus, the observations of the March 29, 2006 eclipse have allowed the height of the coronal condensation at solar activity minimum to be experimentally determined and the physical parameters of the plasma near its upper boundary to be estimated.  相似文献   

We investigate the combined effect of neutron and proton superfluidities on the cooling of neutron stars whose cores consist of nucleons and electrons. We consider the singlet state paring of protons and the triplet pairing of neutrons in the cores of neutron stars. The critical superfluid temperatures T c are assumed to depend on the matter density. We study two types of neutron pairing with different components of the total angular momentum of a Cooper pair along the quantization axis (|m J |=0 or 2). Our calculations are compared with the observations of thermal emission from isolated neutron stars. We show that the observations can be interpreted by using two classes of superfluidity models: (1) strong proton superfluidity with a maximum critical temperature in the stellar core T c max ?4×109 K and weak neutron superfluidity of any type (T c max ?2×108 K); (2) strong neutron superfluidity (pairing with m J =0) and weak proton superfluidity. The two types of models reflect an approximate symmetry with respect to an interchange of the critical neutron and proton pairing temperatures.  相似文献   

The fluxes of energetic particles under the radiation belts are studied using data obtained in the experiments onboard the CORONAS-I and CORONAS-F satelites. The spatial structure of the distributions of proton fluxes with E p > 1 MeV both near the geomagnetic equator on L ≤ 1.2 and at high latitudes on L ~ 3.5–6.5 as well as the particle flux variations with geomagnetic activity are analyzed. The scattering processes that lead to particle precipitation and, in particular, the scattering of protons as they interact with VLF emission and the scattering when the particle motion becomes nonadiabatic are considered. We compare the data on particle dynamics during geomagnetic disturbances of various kinds to determine whether the physical processes that lead to particle precipitation are a manifestation of the geoefficiency of a given magnetic storm or they are controlled by internal magnetospheric conditions.  相似文献   

This is a study of the kinetics and transport of hot oxygen atoms in the transition region (from the thermosphere to the exosphere) of the Martian upper atmosphere. It is assumed that the source of the hot oxygen atoms is the transfer of momentum and energy in elastic collisions between thermal atmospheric oxygen atoms and the high-energy protons and hydrogen atoms precipitating onto the Martian upper atmosphere from the solar-wind plasma. The distribution functions of suprathermal oxygen atoms by the kinetic energy are calculated. It is shown that the exosphere is populated by a large number of suprathermal oxygen atoms with kinetic energies up to the escape energy 2 eV; i.e., a hot oxygen corona is formed around Mars. The transfer of energy from the precipitating solar-wind plasma protons and hydrogen atoms to the thermal oxygen atoms leads to the formation of an additional nonthermal escape flux of atomic oxygen from the Martian atmosphere. The precipitation-induced escape flux of hot oxygen atoms may become dominant under the conditions of extreme solar events, such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections, as shown by recent observations onboard NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft (Jakosky et al., 2015).  相似文献   

We have performed hydrodynamic calculations of the radial pulsations of helium stars with masses 10MM ≤ 50M, luminosity-to-mass ratios 5 × 103L/ML/M ≤ 2.5 × 104L/M, and effective temperatures 2 × 104 K ≤ Teff ≤ 105 K for helium and heavy-element mass fractions of Y=0.98 and Z=0.02, respectively. We show that the high-temperature boundary of the instability region for radial pulsations at L/M ? 104L/M extends to Teff≈105 K. The amplitude of the velocity variations for outer layers is several hundred km s?1, while the brightness variations in the B band of the UBV photometric system are within the range from several hundredths to half a magnitude. At constant luminosity-to-mass ratio, the radial pulsation period is determined only by the effective temperature of the star. In the ranges of luminosity-to-mass ratios 104L/ML/M ≤ 2 × 104L/M and effective temperatures 5 × 104 K ≤ Teff ≤ 9 × 104 K, the periods of the radial modes are within 6 min ?Π?103 min.  相似文献   

Three three-component (bulge, disk, halo) model Galactic gravitational potentials differing by the expression for the dark matter halo are considered. The central (bulge) and disk components are described by the Miyamoto–Nagai expressions. The Allen–Santillán (I), Wilkinson–Evans (II), and Navarro–Frenk–White (III) models are used to describe the halo. A set of present-day observational data in the range of Galactocentric distances R from 0 to 200 kpc is used to refine the parameters of thesemodels. For the Allen–Santillán model, a dimensionless coefficient γ has been included as a sought-for parameter for the first time. In the traditional and modified versions, γ = 2.0 and 6.3, respectively. Both versions are considered in this paper. The model rotation curves have been fitted to the observed velocities by taking into account the constraints on the local matter density ρ = 0.1 M pc?3 and the force K z =1.1/2πG = 77 M pc?2 acting perpendicularly to the Galactic plane. The Galactic mass within a sphere of radius 50 kpc, M G (R ≤ 50 kpc) ≈ (0.41 ± 0.12) × 1012 M , is shown to satisfy all three models. The differences between the models become increasingly significant with increasing radius R. In model I, the Galactic mass within a sphere of radius 200 kpc at γ = 2.0 turns out to be greatest among the models considered, M G (R ≤ 200 kpc) = (1.45 ±0.30)× 1012 M , M G (R ≤ 200 kpc) = (1.29± 0.14)× 1012 M at γ = 6.3, and the smallest value has been found in model II, M G (R ≤ 200 kpc) = (0.61 ± 0.12) × 1012 M . In our view, model III is the best one among those considered, because it ensures the smallest residual between the data and the constructed model rotation curve provided that the constraints on the local parameters hold with a high accuracy. Here, the Galactic mass is M G (R ≤ 200 kpc) = (0.75 ± 0.19) × 1012 M . A comparative analysis with the models by Irrgang et al. (2013), including those using the integration of orbits for the two globular clusters NGC 104 and NGC 1851 as an example, has been performed. The third model is shown to have subjected to a significant improvement.  相似文献   

We analyzed the chemical composition of the chemically peculiar (CP) star HD 0221=43 Cas using spectra taken with the NES spectrograph of the 6-m telescope with a spectral resolution of 45 000. The Hβ line profile corresponds most closely to Teff = 11 900 K and log g = 3.9. The rotational velocity is ve sin i = 27 ± 2 km s?1, and the microturbulence is ξt = 1 km s?1. The results of our abundance determination by the method of synthetic spectra show that the star has chemical anomalies typical of SrCrEu stars, although its effective magnetic field is weak, Be < 100 G. For silicon, we obtained an abundance distribution in atmospheric depth with a sharp jump of 1.5 dex at an optical depth of log τ5000 = ?0.3 and with silicon concentration in deep atmospheric layers. Similar distributions were found in the atmospheres of cooler stars with strong and weak magnetic fields. A comparison of the chemical peculiarities in HD 10221 with known CP stars with magnetic fields of various strengths leads us to conclude that a low rotational velocity rather than amagnetic field is the determining factor in the formation mechanism of chemical anomalies in the atmospheres of CP stars.  相似文献   

We present the results of our hydrodynamic calculations of radial pulsations in helium stars with masses 1 MM ≤ 10 M, luminosity-to-mass ratios 1 × 103L/ML/M ≤ 2 × 104L/M, and effective temperatures 2 × 104 K ≤ Teff ≤ 105 K for mass fractions of helium Y=0.98 and heavy elements Z=0.02. We show that the lower boundary of the pulsation-instability region corresponds to L/M ~ 103L/M and that the instability region for L/M ? 5 × 103L/M is bounded by effective temperatures Teff ? 3 × 104 K. As the luminosity rises, the instability boundary moves into the left part of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and radial pulsations can arise in stars with effective temperatures Teff ? 105 K at L/M ? 7 × 103L/M. The velocity amplitude for the outer boundary of the hydrodynamic model increases with L/M and lies within the range 200 ? ΔU ? 700 km s?1 for the models under consideration. The periodic shock waves that accompany radial pulsations cause a significant change of the gas-density distribution in the stellar atmosphere, which is described by a dynamic scale height comparable to the stellar radius. The dynamic instability boundary that corresponds to the separation of the outer stellar atmospheric layers at a superparabolic velocity is roughly determined by a luminosity-to-mass ratio L/M ~ 3 × 104L/M.  相似文献   

We present the results of measuring longitudinal magnetic fields (Be), rotation velocities (ve sin i), and radial velocities (Vr) of 44 stars observed with the Main Stellar Spectrograph (MSS) of the 6-m BTA telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory in 2009. For the first time, magnetic fields were detected for the stars HD5441, HD199180, HD225627, and BD+00° 4535. We show that for the same stars, the longitudinal fields Be measured from the Hβ hydrogen line core and from metal lines can differ by 10% and up to a factor of 2–3. Except in rare cases, magnetic fields measured from the metal lines are stronger. We believe that this phenomenon is of a physical nature and depends on the magnetic field topology and the physical conditions inside a specific star. Observations of standard stars without magnetic fields confirm the absence of systematic errors capable of introducing distortions into the longitudinal-field measurement results. In this work we comment on the results for each of the stars.  相似文献   

We present the technique we used to compile a catalog of about 61 000 local stars brighter than K s = 8.2 m which were identified as most likely red clump candidates on the basis of their reduced proper motions in the K s band. The catalog was compiled from the combined Tycho-2 and 2MASS data for the stars with color indices J-K s ranging from 0.5 m to 0.8 m . It includes the equatorial coordinates, the proper motions, the magnitudes B T , V T , J, H, and K s , and the probabilities for the stars to be red clump giants.  相似文献   

Based on observations of SN 1999em, we determined the physical parameters of this supernova using hydrodynamic calculations including nonequilibrium radiative transfer. Taking the distance to SN 1999em estimated by the expanding photosphere method (EPM) to be D = 7.5 Mpc, we found the parameters of the presupernova: radius R = 450R, mass M = 15M, and explosion energy E = 7 × 1050 erg. For the distance D = 12 Mpc determined from Cepheids, R, M, and E must be increased to the following values: R = 1000R, M = 18M, and E = 1051 erg. We show that one cannot restrict oneself to using the simple analytical formulas relating the supernova and presupernova parameters to obtain reliable parameters for type-IIP presupernovae.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of measurements of magnetic-field longitudinal components B e , radial velocities V r , and projections of the rotation velocity in the line of sight v e sin i for 74 objects, mainly main-sequence chemically peculiar stars and standard stars. Observations were carried out in 2011 at the 6-m BTA telescope using the Main Stellar Spectrograph (MSS) with a Zeeman analyzer. Seven new magnetic stars were discovered: HD38129, HD47152, HD50341, HD63347, HD188501, HD191287, and HD260858. Three more stars were suspected to have magnetic fields. Observations of magnetic standard stars and non-magnetic stars confirm the absence of any systematic errors capable of introducing distortions into the B e longitudinal-field measurement results. The paper gives comments on the research results for each of the 74 stars.  相似文献   

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