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利用成都市1978—2007年度的城镇居民可支配收入和人均消费支出数据,构建误差修正模型进行了实证研究,结果显示:成都市城镇居民人均消费支出和可支配收入两变量存在协整关系;人均可支配收入是影响消费支出最根本的原因;由于误差修正系数为负数,符合反向修正机制,使得短期的消费政策无效。因此,长期来看,政府必须采取有效措施提高居民的可支配收入,优化供给和消费结构,才能实现扩大内需的政策目标。  相似文献   

以大庆市创业活动现状为出发点,通过建立创业活动与经济增长的计量经济模型,运用协整检验、误差修正模型、Granger因果检验等动态计量分析方法,对创业活动与大庆经济增长的关系进行实证分析,测算创业活动对大庆市经济增长的影响力度.结果表明:大庆市创业活动与经济增长存在长期均衡关系,二者可以相互推动、相互促进,具体表现为CP...  相似文献   

利用我国城镇居民人均可支配收入与消费支出的面板数据(1991-2009),采用变系数模型、协整理论等时间序列分析方法对其消费行为进行实证检验,并建立了城镇居民的消费模型,分析了边际消费倾向和自发性消费。结果表明:可支配收入与其消费支出之间存在着长期均衡的关系;当期收入是影响居民消费的最直接、最重要的因素,并据此提出相应的一些政策建议。  相似文献   

通过估计中国农村居民收入分配的lorenz曲线测算了2006、2007年中国农村贫困和收入不平等的状况,并运用shapley分解法对贫困指数的变动进行分解,分析物价水平、经济增长、收入分配对贫困变化的影响。研究结果表明:(1)2007年农村贫困发生率较2006年有所下降,但下降速度比较缓慢;(2)农村居民的收入差距逐渐在拉大,收入不平等程度有所加重;(3)经济增长减缓了农村贫困,但由于物价水平的上涨和收入分配的恶化,贫困人口整体的贫困状况不轻反重。  相似文献   

四川省是中国传统的人口与农业大省,城市化发展的任务尤其艰巨.四川省城市化水平与全国水平相比差距很大,且发展极不平衡,这已成为严重制约经济发展的瓶颈.利用修正的Logistic模型,从城乡人口数量方面对四川省城市化的发展趋势进行了研究.  相似文献   

利用Logisitic曲线模型和扩展支撑模型对居民可支配收入预测和单项消费预测,以河北省居民的收入及其消费支出为实例,研究了城镇居民和农民的可支配收入分配和单项边际消费倾向,合理建立了预测模型,并理论计算了1999~2003年的通信消费方面的边际消费倾向、预测了2004~2008年通信消费情况。最后,根据预测结果对通信网络建设提出了一些有价值的建议。  相似文献   

为提高风速传感器检定校准的精确性,通过几种途径:计算各检定点测量值偏离均值百分比,分析风速传感器测量数据的一致性,评价检定环境的稳定性和气流均匀性;以3次测量数据平均值作为风速传感器示值进行比对,克服因风杯自身和环境因素对测量结果的影响;对风速传感器测量数据的误差处理,分析3种误差曲线间的趋势关系,找出传感器示值中的异常数据;对传感器测量数据和实际风速数据进行线性拟合,进一步验证传感器示值的精确度。得出拟合曲线斜率为1.0213相关系数达到0.99989。研究表明,通过以上方法综合应用,风速传感器检定校准的精确性得到显著提高。  相似文献   

近年来,基于消费级无人机搭载专业相机开展摄影测量,精度已达到测量级要求,并在多个行业得到推广应用.本文以当前开展的房地一体化测量工作为研究对象,探索出利用消费级无人机搭载专业相机获取倾斜影像,自动生成实景三维模型,并利用EPS专业软件开展裸眼三维测图的技术路线,并对测量结果进行精度验证.结果 表明,航高低于100 m,...  相似文献   

随着各种网格服务的积累和版本升级,知识网格平台中知识发现算法和辅助决策模拟模型日益增多,如何快速发现和定位满足用户需求的网格服务,是制约平台服务质量的重要因素。对网格服务模型进行有效描述,并最终形成统一的网格服务模型元数据标准,是推进网格服务模型广泛共享的有效手段。因此,在对建立网格服务模型元数据标准的必要性进行简要分析之后,文章给出了网格环境中服务模型元数据的基本框架和内容,采用二级元数据模型对包括标识信息、权限信息、运行条件、参数信息、分类信息、内容信息、参考信息等7个方面的模型元数据进行定义与说明;随后采用可扩展标记语言(XML)作为描述语法对网格服务模型元数据进行组织和管理,并对基于B/S结构的网格服务模型元数据管理模块设计与实现进行介绍。最后,将网格服务模型元数据管理模块紧密集成到研究小组现有的地理知识网格服务平台GeoKS-G rid中,实现网格服务模型的规范化管理,并对网格服务模型元数据的网格工作流制定、执行和调度,进行了初步的研究与探讨。  相似文献   

神农架林区是我国物种多样性最为丰富的地区之一,地形地貌复杂,对植被分布影响巨大。本文利用该地区2007年数字高程数据、2007年植被分布图以及2017年野外实地调查数据,基于最大熵模型和空间分析理论,从植被类型和种群两个角度研究该地区不同尺度植被空间分布的地形特征,分别量化植被类型和种群空间分布的地形范围,得到植被类型与地形因子关系模型、植被种群与地形因子关系模型。结果表明:①神农架林区影响植被空间分布的地形因子不同,其中影响针叶林分布的最重要的地形因子是高程和高程变异系数,影响阔叶林分布的是高程和坡向,影响灌丛分布的是坡向变率和坡向,影响草丛分布的较为分散;②典型植被种群分布的地形范围和植被类型的基本一致,其中90%针叶林分布在高程1600~2600 m间,典型种群巴山冷杉和华山松主要分布在高程1700~3200 m和1700~2200 m;85%的阔叶林分布在高程1000~2000 m间,典型种群青冈类和鹅耳枥主要分布在高程1200~2200 m间;95%的灌丛分布在坡向变率0~40°间,典型种群杜鹃和蔷薇主要分布在坡向变率小于40°的范围,但相应的关系模型存在差异,植被类型与地形因子为高斯模型,典型种群与地形因子关系模型相对复杂,不同种群的分布模式不同;③虽然坡度常作为数字地形的重要因子,但本文研究发现该地区坡度对植被类型和种群分布的影响不明显。研究结果可为神农架林区植被保护和恢复,以及植被规划和管理提供基础参考。  相似文献   

我国居民消费支出结构与收入水平关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对消费结构和收入水平进行现状分析的基础上,运用灰色关联原理对城乡居民各类消费支出与可支配收入水平的关系进行了量化分析,以期对随着可支配收入的增加,消费支出结构的变动情况有一个全面的了解,为有关部门进行产品结构调整和科学预测、国家制定相关政策提供依据与建议。  相似文献   

This study uses the data from a sample survey conducted in April 2007 on 1 251 rural households in 11 villages of Henan Province, the largest less developed agricultural province in China, to examine how geography affects rural household income (RHI). The quantitative analysis indicates following results. 1) The significance of the traditional geographical factors reduces as RHI rank increases. 2) The landform does not affect the RHI significantly. The per capita income of rural household in a plain area is lower than that in a mountainous area. And 3) the capital endowment and status of non-farm economic activities contribute to the increase of RHI. But the probability and intensity of non-farm economic activities of rural households in urban outskirts villages are higher than that in non-urban outskirts villages. Based on the results, the paper further concludes that geography still plays a significant role in rural development, but it is changing over time. The agricultural resources (such as per capita arable land) significantly affect RHI with the relatively lower income level, while the geographical location shows a more significant impact on RHI with the relatively high income level. Along with economic development, the proximity replaces the traditional geographical factors such as landform and physical resources as the major determining factor in RHI.  相似文献   

Rural energy consumption in China has increased dramatically in the last decades, and has become a significant contributor of carbon emissions. Yet there is limited data on energy consumption patterns and their evolution in forest rural areas of China. In order to bridge this gap, we report the findings of field surveys in forest villages in Weichang County as a case study of rural energy consumption in northern China. We found that the residential energy consumption per household is 3313 kgce yr-1(kilogram standard coal equivalent per year), with energy content of 9.7 × 107 kJ yr-1, including 1783 kgce yr-1 from coal, 1386 kgce yr-1 from fuel wood, 96 kgce yr-1 from electricity, and 49 kgce yr-1 from LPG. Per capita consumption is 909 kgce yr-1 and its energy content is 2.7 × 107 kJ yr-1. Due to a total energy utilization efficiency of 24.6%, all the consumed energy can only supply about 2.4 × 107 kJ yr-1 of efficient energy content. Secondly, household energy consumption is partitioned into 2614 kgce yr-1 for heating, 616 kgce yr-1 for cooking, and 117 kgce yr-1 for home appliances. Thirdly, the associated carbon emissions per household are 2556 kgC yr-1, including1022 kgC yr-1 from unutilized fuel wood(90% of the total fuel wood). The rest of emissions come from the use of electricity(212 kgC yr-1), coal(1301 kgC yr-1) and LPG(21 kgC yr-1). Fourthly, local climate, family size and household income have strong influences on rural residential energy consumption. Changes in storage and utilization practices of fuel can lead to the 10%-30% increase in the efficiency of fuel wood use, leading to reduced energy consumption by 924 kgce yr-1 per household(27.9% reduction) and 901 kgC yr-1 of carbon emissions(35.3% reduction).  相似文献   

STUDYONTHESPATIALDEVELOPMENTOFRURALAREASINCHINA¥ZengJuxin(曾菊新)(DeportmentofGeography,HuazhongNormalUniversity,Wuhan430070,PRC...  相似文献   

Based on the research on the rural living standard in China in terms of annual net income per capita, we define six types of village-level economy, i.e. "to be extremely poor", "to make a basic living", "to dress warmly and eat one's fill", "to try to enrich (to disengage poverty)", "to be well-off" and "to be affluent". The data of average annual net income of all the 292 villages between 1990 and 2004 in rural Gongyi City, Henan Province were collected, verified and classified. By using standard deviation, coefficient of variation and regression analysis, it is found that the Gongyi's rural economy has boosted up remarkably from the relative-poverty and absolute-poverty stages in 1990 to the well-off in 2004. However, the absolute differences between villages present a trend of enlargement, while the relative differences fluctuating. On the other hand, spatial analysis of village-level economy shows that most villages with relatively high economic development level were located along national expressway and most villages with absolute-poverty lay in remote mountainous areas in 1990. Since the 1990s, the rapid urbanization and industrialization have had strongly positive effects on rural economic growth. Initial economic foundation, natural resources and traditional techniques also contribute to village economy. From the perspective of geography, villages with location advantages, such as near urban center or industrial parks, have more chances for their economic development and the "core-periphery" economic structure has been presented in the process of rural development.  相似文献   

电子商务网站成本及收入分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在网站建设与运行过程中所发生的资金耗费即是网站成本。在这里,着重讨论电子商务网站成本的分类,各类成本的构成、特征,网络收入的来源,进而提出了判别能否持续经营电子商务网站的条件。  相似文献   

Changing rural development inequality in Jilin Province, Northeast China   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Rural development inequality is an important practical issue during the course of full establishment of a ′moderately well-off society′ in modern China,and the objective understanding and evaluation of the status and regional inequality of rural development can provide scientific basis for ′building a new countryside′ and coordination development of rural-urban regions.Based on the county-level data of 2000,2005 and 2009,this paper examines the rural development inequality of Jilin Province in Northeast China by establishing a rural development index.The spatio-temporal dynamic patterns and domain factors are discussed by using the method of exploratory spatial data analysis and multi-regression model.The results are shown as follows.Firstly,most of the counties were in lower development level,which accounted for 58.3%,62.5% and 66.7% of the total counties in 2000,2005 and 2009,respectively.The characteristics of spatial inequality were very obvious at county level.For example,rural development level of Changchun Proper and the proper of seven prefecture-level cities were much higher than that of the surrounding regions.The counties in the eastern and northern Jilin Province were the lowest regions of rural development level,while the middle counties were the rapid growth areas in rural economy.Secondly,Moran′s I of rural development index(RDI) was 0.01,–0.16 and –0.06 in 2000,2005 and 2009,respectively,which indicated that spatial agglomeration of RDI was not obvious in Jilin Province,and took on the characteristic of random distribution.The counties of both the units and its adjacent units have higher development level(HH) were transferred from the western areas to the eastern areas,while the countries of both the units and its adjacent units have lower development level(LL) were diffused from the eastern to middle and western Jilin Province.Finally,the result of multi-regression analysis showed that the improvement of agricultural production condition,development of agricultural economics and the adjustment of industrial structure were the domain factors affecting rural development inequality of Jilin Province in the later ten years.  相似文献   

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