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The contents of biogenic components in 1511 samples of the Baltic Sea sediments (depth range 0–5 cm) are studied, and maps of their distribution are compiled. The sediments contain < 13.03% Corg, < 1.33% N, < 9.0% SiO2am, < 5.0% CaCO3, and < 1.45% P. The maximum and elevated contents of components are found in the mud of the sea deeps. The more fraction < 0.01 mm the sediments contain, the higher are the contents of components. Four facies types of carbonaceous mud, precursors of shales, have been recognized: (1) shallow-water (lagoon) lime sapropel, (2) carbonaceous mud of the shallow-water Gulf of Finland, (3) carbonaceous mud of the middle-depth Baltic Sea, and (4) laminated carbonaceous metal-bearing mud. The latter type of mud is strongly enriched in manganese and ore-forming trace elements, which points to its formation in the stagnant environment. In composition the Baltic Sea mud is similar to petroliferous mudstones of the Bazhenov Formation in West Siberia and to ancient black shales.  相似文献   

Henrik Gutzon Larsen 《Geoforum》2008,39(6):2000-2008
The Baltic Sea environment has since the early 1970s passed through several phases of spatial objectification in which the ostensibly well-defined semi-enclosed sea has been framed and reframed as a geographical object for intergovernmental environmental politics. Based on a historical analysis of this development, this article suggests that environmental politics critically depend on the delineation of relatively bounded spaces that identify and situate particular environmental concerns as spatial objects for politics. These spaces are not simply determined by ‘nature’ or some environmental-scientific logic, but should rather be seen as temporal outcomes of scale framing processes, processes that are accentuated by contemporary conceptions of the environment (or nature) in terms of multi-scalar ecosystems. This has implications for how an environmental concern is perceived and politically addressed.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积有机质的地球化学记录与古气候古环境重建   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
与深海沉积与冰芯记录相比,湖泊沉积主要反映区域气候变迁史,可以揭示百年、甚至十年尺度的古气候事件,是高分辨率古环境、古气候重建的理想场所.传统的地质地球化学方法主要侧重于宏观物理 /化学特性描述和孢粉学的研究,近 10年来,沉积有机质分子碳、氢同位素地球化学技术的渗入,使研究工作从传统的宏观、微观层次向分子级水平发展,对诸如古生产率估算、C3/C4植被演替史、古二氧化碳分压及古温度计算等深层次问题解决提供了强有力支持.本文评述了湖泊沉积有机质分子与碳、氢同位素地球化学记录及其在区域古环境、古气候研究中的应用前景.  相似文献   

Integrated palaeoecological studies of two fiord sediment sequences in the province of Blekinge, SE Sweden, covering the time span 11,000–5000 cal BP, reveal the timing and the environment for the Ancylus Lake/Littorina Sea transition 9800–8500 cal BP. The first ingression of saline water into the Baltic Sea through the Danish Straits occurred earlier than formerly assumed. New evidence, particularly mineral magnetic and palaeobotanical analyses, demonstrate that on the general trend of the eustatically caused Littorina transgression several minor fluctuations of the water level can be identified between 8500 and 5000 cal years BP. A distinct regression phase around 8100 cal BP is correlated with the Greenland ice-core cold event dated to 8200 ice-core years BP. This is described as a regional climatic catastrophe for the Baltic Sea region. The coastal stratigraphy is compared with the offshore stratigraphy earlier studied. A tentative shore displacement curve for Early and Middle Holocene is presented.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea has abnormal algal blooms during spring and summer which are effects of high concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and other nutrients in the surface water. Björnöfjärden (BF), a coastal area connected to the Baltic Sea, is selected for investigating whether aluminium treatment of sediments may reduce TP concentrations in the water mass. The aim of this paper is to evaluate effects from different abatement actions in two bays, BF and Nyköpingsfjärden (NF). The four investigated scenarios are (1) no action, (2) reducing TP from local sources, (3) fixing TP in sediments with aluminium, and (4) decreasing TP concentrations in the outside sea. Magnitudes of different TP fluxes during the different scenarios were estimated using a dynamic mass balance model, CoastMab, which has previously been tested against data from Swedish coastal waters. Alternative actions such as aluminium treatment and reduction of TP from local sources would result in no or scant effect on the TP concentrations in the two bays according to model simulations. The only action which would result in a significant expected decrease in TP concentrations would be to decrease TP concentrations in the outside sea. It is concluded that BF and NF are not suitable for studying effects from local abatement action because of large TP fluxes from the outside sea.  相似文献   

Arsenic is a redox‐sensitive element of environmental relevance and often enriched in iron sulphides. Because sediments from the Achterwasser lagoon, a part of the estuarine system of the river Oder, south‐west Baltic Sea, show unexpectedly high pyrite concentrations of up to 7·5 wt% they were used to investigate the influence of authigenic pyrite on the mobility and burial of As in the coastal environment. Micro‐X‐ray‐fluorescence measurements of 106 micrometre‐sized pyrite framboids from the anoxic sediments show highly variable As concentrations ranging from 6 to 1142 μg g?1. Even within a 1 cm thick layer, the As concentration of different framboids varies greatly and no clear depth trend is visible throughout the 50 cm long sediment core. Pyrite can account for 9 to 55% (average 22%) of the total As budget of the sediments and the degree of trace metalloid pyritization for As ranges from 26 to 61%, indicating that authigenic pyrite formation is an important process in the geochemical cycling of As in coastal sediments. High‐resolution micro‐X‐ray fluorescence mapping of single pyrite grains shows that As is distributed inhomogeneously within larger framboids, suggesting changing pore water composition during pyrite growth. X‐ray absorption near edge structure spectra indicate that As is usually present as As(‐I) substituting S in the pyrite lattice. However, in samples close to the sediment/water interface a considerable part of As is in higher valence states (+III/+V). This can be explained by frequent re‐suspension of the surficial sediments to the oxic water column due to wave action and subsequent re‐deposition, leading to the adsorption of As oxyanions onto pyrite. Although reduced As(‐I) becomes more important in the deeper samples, reflecting decreasing redox potential and a longer time since deposition, the occurrence of oxidized As species (AsIII/AsV) in pyrite in the anoxic part of the sediment suggests formation under dysoxic conditions.  相似文献   

In the Kaliningrad region, sediments of the Upper Eocene Prussian Formation accommodates the world’s largest explored amber deposits (up to 90% of world reserves). They are also partly tracked on the shelf of the southeastern Baltic region and subjected to bottom erosion, which is particularly intense during storm activity in the sea. Recent alongshore currents transport amber fragments over great distances, resulting in the formation of new (secondary) amber-bearing deposits in Holocene sediments in some places. The paper addresses formation conditions of such deposits. Catastrophic events, such as hydrospheric floods provoked by the regional glaciation, meteorite falls, and earthquakes (tsunamis), are of great significance.  相似文献   

The Late Pleistocene and Holocene glacial and postglacial sediments of the Baltic Sea basin are conventionally classified into units according to the so‐called Baltic Sea stages: Baltic Ice Lake, Yoldia Sea, Ancylus Lake and Litorina Sea. The Baltic Sea stages have been identified in offshore sediment cores by fundamentally different criteria, precluding detailed comparisons of the sediment units amongst different sea areas and studies. Here, long sediment cores and reflection seismic and pinger sub‐bottom profiles were studied from an offshore area in the Gulf of Finland, northern Baltic Sea. The strata are divided on the basis of sedimentological criteria into three allostratigraphical formations with subordinate allostratigraphical members and lithostratigraphical formations, following the combined allostratigraphical and lithostratigraphical (CUAL) approach. Sedimentological features are recommended as the primary stratigraphical classification criteria because they do not require the palaeoenvironmental inferences of salinity and water level that are inherent in the conventional classification practice. The presented stratigraphical division is proposed as a flexible template for future stratigraphical work on the Baltic Sea basin, whereby lower‐rank allounits and lithounits can be included and removed locally, while the alloformations will remain at the highest hierarchical level and guarantee regional correlatability. The stratigraphical division is compatible with international guidelines, facilitating communication to the wider scientific community and comparison with other similar basins.  相似文献   

Lipid fraction and cell-wall materials have been separated from three types of algae (blue green, Microcystis sp.; green, Scenedesmus sp. and diatomaceous Diatoma sp.) and their KMnO4 oxidation products (aliphatic α,ω-C2-C12 dicarboxylic acids; aliphatic normal C14–C24 monocarboxylic acids; benzoic acid and C18 isoprenoidal ketone) examined by gas chromatography and gas chromatographymass spectrometry. The results suggest that the lipid material could make a greater contribution to polymethylene chains in kerogen than the cell-wall material, when the kerogens are mainly derived from algal components.  相似文献   

Holocene sediments from the Gotland Deep basin in the Baltic Sea were investigated for their Fe isotopic composition in order to assess the impact of changes in redox conditions and a transition from freshwater to brackish water on the isotope signature of iron. The sediments display variations in δ56Fe (differences in the 56Fe/54Fe ratio relative to the IRMM-14 standard) from −0.27 ± 0.09‰ to +0.21 ± 0.08‰. Samples deposited in a mainly limnic environment with oxygenated bottom water have a mean δ56Fe of +0.08 ± 0.13‰, which is identical to the mean Fe isotopic composition of igneous rocks and oxic marine sediments. In contrast, sediments that formed in brackish water under periodically euxinic conditions display significantly lighter Fe isotope signatures with a mean δ56Fe of −0.14 ± 0.19‰. Negative correlations of the δ56Fe values with the Fe/Al ratio and S content of the samples suggest that the isotopically light Fe in the periodically euxinic samples is associated with reactive Fe enrichments and sulfides. This is supported by analyses of pyrite separates from this unit that have a mean Fe isotopic composition of −1.06 ± 0.20‰ for δ56Fe. The supply of additional Fe with a light Fe isotopic signature can be explained with the shelf to basin Fe shuttle model. According to the Fe shuttle model, oxides and benthic ferrous Fe that is derived from dissimilatory iron reduction from shelves is transported and accumulated in euxinic basins. The data furthermore suggest that the euxinic water has a negative dissolved δ56Fe value of about −1.4‰ to −0.9‰. If negative Fe isotopic signatures are characteristic for euxinic sediment formation, widespread euxinia in the past might have shifted the Fe isotopic composition of dissolved Fe in the ocean towards more positive δ56Fe values.  相似文献   

Mineral magnetic measurements were carried out on twelve sediment cores from the northwestern part of the Baltic Proper. The purpose was to use magnetic properties to correlate sediment sequences and to investigate changes in depositional conditions (e.g. rate of sedimentation and redox conditions). A general lithostratigraphy consisting of five units was established based mainly on mineral magnetic properties. Sediment has been deposited from the time of the Baltic Ice Lake (before 10 300 14C years BP) to the present, i.e. since the Late Weichselian deglaciation. Five of the cores were also investigated by means of biostratigraphical methods and three by 14C dates. Based on the general stratigraphy and hiatuses, variations in sedimentation rate were identified. The occurrence of authigenically formed ferrimagnetic greigite (Fe3S4), mainly in sediments deposited during the brackish Yoldia Sea and Litorina Sea stages, is implied. These sequences are characterized by low S-ratios and high SIRM/z ratios. Glacial clay, deposited in freshwater during the Baltic Ice Lake stage and the early freshwater phase of the Yoldia Sea stage, seems to be unaffected by diagenetic processes. Gyttja clay, deposited in the Litorina Sea, has significantly lower susceptibility and SIRM than in the underlying clay. Dissolution of magnetic iron oxides (e.g. magnetite and hematite) in an anoxic environment was suggested as an explanation.  相似文献   

In the eutrophic coastal ocean, quick formation of iron (Fe) sulfide is environmentally important to effectively prevent accumulation of dissolved sulfide and its detrimental effects on the benthic ecosystem. In this study, 0.5 N HCl-extractable labile Fe (LFe), acid volatile sulfide, and pyrite in the East China Sea inner shelf sediments were examined to investigate the mechanisms of quick sequestration of dissolved sulfide and potential impacts of frequent algal blooms on the capacity of quick sulfide-buffering in eutrophic coastal areas of the large-sized continental shelf subject to massive terrestrial input. The results indicate that sulfate reduction has been competitively suppressed by dissimilatory Fe reduction due to limited availability of labile organic matter. Dissolved sulfide can be quickly buffered by reaction with LFe and, therefore, is difficult to accumulate to a high level. The quick sulfide-buffering capacity has not become exhausted partly because of the formation of un-sulfidized LFe(II) via dissimilatory reduction of less reactive Fe oxides. It is expected that dissolved sulfide will not pose detrimental effects on the benthic ecosystem in the near future if the current biogeochemical/ecological state remains.  相似文献   

Seismoacoustic profiles from the Arkona Basin show a late Pleistocene and Holocene succession of several distinct reflectors. The physical, sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical properties of more than 30 sediment cores were analysed in order to assign these reflectors to specific sedimentary discontinuity layers. Additionally, AMS 14C data and biostratigraphic information were gathered. Based on this multi‐proxy approach, seven lithostratigraphic units (AI, AII, B to F) were distinguished. These consist of fine‐grained clay, silt and mud, and are separated from each other by thin basin‐wide traceable sandy layers (Sab‐Sef). The most sensitive parameter to mark the lithostratigraphic boundaries is the weight percentage of the grain‐size fraction >63μm. In addition, some of the quartz‐grain‐dominated sandy layers cause the strong reflection lines recorded in seismoacoustic profiles. The sandy layers are interpreted to reflect enhanced hydrodynamic energy induced by episodes of basin‐wide water‐level low‐stand conditions. These low stands resulted from water‐level drops that occurred frequently during the Baltic Sea's history and presumably affected the entire Baltic basin. The thick fine‐grained units AI, AII to F, in which coarser material is absent, represent water‐level high‐stands. We conclude that the units AI and AII are Baltic Ice Lake sediments deposited before and after the Billingen‐1 regression, respectively. We assign the most prominent sandy layer Sab to the final drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake (Billingen‐2), whereas the sandy layers between units B, C., D and E are related to the Yoldia Sea and Ancylus Lake regressions of the Baltic Sea's history. The uppermost fine‐grained unit F with its high organic carbon content contains marine sediments deposited after the Littorina Transgression. The macroscopically well‐visible sediment colour change from reddish/brown‐to‐grey, previously interpreted as a regional stratigraphic boundary, varies from core to core. It has been shown by our new data that this colour change has a diagenetic origin, and thus does not represent a stratigraphic boundary. Previous subdivisions therefore have to be revised.  相似文献   

用生态环境再改变理论研究湖泊富营养化治理方法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
湖泊的生态环境,由于大量有机污染物排入而发生变化,结果破坏了生态系统食物链,形成藻类优势物种,产生富营养化.研究一种局部、小的生态环境再改变的方法,采用大量培养轮虫(类)吃掉藻类,使生态系统食物链恢复.恢复一小块再移动恢复另一小块,最终可根治湖泊富营养化.  相似文献   

KÖgler, F.-C. & Larsen, B. 1979 03 01: The West Bornholm basin in the Baltic Sea: geological structure and Quaternary sediments. Boreas . Vol. 8, pp. 1–22. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
The West Bornholm basin is an approx. 1000 km2 subbasin of the Bornholm basin just north of Bornholm. The basin has been mapped by acoustic profiling and sampling of the sea floor. The basin is eroded down into Mesozoic sediments which are downfaulted between basement horsts in the Fennoscandian Border Zone. The development of the Quaternary morphology is illustrated by maps of the surface of the bedrock, the glacial landscape beneath the varved clays, the recent topography combined with isopach maps of late Glacial and Holocene formations. Quaternary formations are defined and described. The brown, very fine grained varved clay is deposited as a conformable cover on the substratum. It is probably deposited from suspensions carried in the whole water body, while turbidity currents were of minor importance. The recent sedimentary environment is an example of a restricted, but not totally anoxic basin. The recent sediment is chiefly mud rich in organic matter (ca. 4% Corg). According to a rough estimate, the long-term mean sedimentation rate of organic carbon is 6 g/m2/year.  相似文献   

Organic acids were released from marine sediments by acid hydrolysis. Ion-exchange chromatography and GC-MS were used to separate and identify the acids. The major compounds detected were galacturonic, glucuronic, mannuronic, 4-O-methylglucuronic, cellobiouronic, guluronic, glyceric, glycolic, lactic and erythronic acids. Numerous biouronic (sugar-uronic acid compounds) and aldonic acids were also found. The low abundance of uronic acids characteristic of terrigenous plants and the similarity of the biouronic composition to that of marine algae indicate a marine algal source for the acids in the sediment. Results from the Black Sea are compared with those from the Baltic Sea and several diagenetic transformations are discussed.  相似文献   

Aircraft multispectral visible data were collected in the Bay of Fundy, a turbid macrotidal environment. Measurements were made at two altitudes and were atmospherically corrected to give above-surface reflectance values. The variance in long wavelength reflectance data could be explained by the logarithm of suspended sediment concentrations in the water. Variance in short wavelength reflectance data could not be directly related to any measured parameter but was believed to originate from instrumentation noise. High intercorrelation between water quality parameters meant that only the suspended sediment information could be extracted from the multispectral aircraft data. The reflectance measurements at 660 nm could explain 92% of the variance in the logarithm of suspended sediment concentration, and up to an additional 3% of variance could be explained by using a reflectance ratio of wavelength 660 to 573 nm or by using the first rotated vector of a principal component analysis.  相似文献   

In this study, the molecular composition and biomarker distribution of lacustrine sediments from Val-1 drillhole in the central zone of the western part of the Valjevo-Mionica basin were investigated at depth interval of 0–400 m. Former investigations have shown that the core material can be separated into six depth intervals based on bulk geochemical, mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics. Concerning the quality of organic matter, presence of specific minerals, and high salinity and anoxicity, or alkalinity, three zones are of highest interest, defined at depth intervals of 15–75 m (A), 75–200 m (B) and 360–400 m (F). The first aim of the study was to identify which biomarkers characterize these specific intervals. The second aim, addressing the transitions zones of these intervals, was to extend the changes in the characteristics of the organic substance, to reflect the changes of conditions in the depositional environment as well as to define biomarker parameters which are the most sensitive sedimentological indicators.The sediments from the hypersaline anoxic and alkaline environment show high contribution of algal precursor biomass, what is in accordance with the good quality of organic substances in the sediments from these zones. High squalane content and low content of regular isoprenoid C25 are typical for hypersaline anoxic environment, whereas sediments from alkaline environment have high regular isoprenoid C25 content.Transition to specific sedimentation zones is characterized by change in total organic matter content, and of both free and pyrolysis-derived, and change in hydrogen index value. In the biomarker distributions, more significant changes were detected in distributions of n-alkanes and isoprenoids, compared to polycyclic alkanes. The most intensive changes in alkane distribution are reflected in changes in n-C17 content compared to n-C27, and phytane compared to n-C18. In addition, significant sensitivity was seen in ratios between squalane and n-alkane C26 (hypersaline depositional environment), or isoprenoid C25 and n-alkane C22 for high alkalinity environment.This study showed that Sq/n-C26 ratio can be used to assess the quality of organic substance in immature lacustrine sediments.  相似文献   

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