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Mercury smelting is one of the important anthropogenic atmospheric mercury emission sources. Small-scale mercury smelting activities with indigenous method which is considered illegal and forbidden by local government always extensively existed in the Wuchuan area, northeastern Guizhou Province, China. Because of the simple processes without any environmental protection, a large amount of mercury vapor released to the ambient air during the processing of cinnabar roasting. By determining mercury concentrations in mercury ore and smelting slag samples, a mass balance method was used to calculate mercury emission factors and annual mercury emission from indigenous mercury smelting in Wuchuan mercury mining areas, Guizhou Province, China. The mercury emission factors ranged from 6.9% to 32.1% with the recovery from 78.4% to 93.6% and the annual mercury emission was up to 3.7-9.6 metric tons. The results highlighted that the indigenous mercury smelting was one of the most important anthropogenic atmospheric mercury emission sources in this region.  相似文献   

中国汞的地球化学空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文雪琴  迟清华 《地球化学》2007,36(6):621-627
20世纪80年代以来中国积累了岩石、土壤和水系沉积物中的大量可靠的汞分析数据和图件,为分析汞的地球化学空间分布特征提供了依据.从空间分布上看,从中国北部到南部,从西部到东部,土壤和水系沉积物中汞的含量背景值逐渐增高,汞在以干旱荒漠区、半干旱荒漠区、黄土地区和高寒山区为主的西部和北部呈低背景,在东部的森林沼泽区和半湿润低山丘陵区为中等背景,在南部的湿润低山丘陵区、热带雨林区和高山峡谷区为高背景,尤其在以云南东南部、贵州、广西西部、湖南西部岩溶区为中心的低温成矿域内,无论岩石、土壤还是水系沉积物,汞含量背景值达到最高.一般情况下,岩石、土壤和水系沉积物之间的汞含量具有继承性,在地理空间分布上呈明显的对栽应关系,并且土壤和水系沉积物之间的汞含量具有相近性,土壤和水系沉积物较岩石更为富集汞.  相似文献   

北京平原区元素的大气干湿沉降通量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从2005年11月到2006年11月,采用被动方式同时采集了北京市平原区10个地点的大气干、湿沉降样品共计39件。分析干、湿沉降样品中K、Na、Ca、Mg、Cd、Hg、Pb、As、B、Mo、Mn、Zn、Cu、Cr、Ni元素的含量,分别计算出各元素的年沉降通量。其中,有害金属元素Cd、Hg、Pb、As的年沉降通量的平均值分别为2.36、0.24、219.95、29.00(g/hm2·a)。对比后发现,研究区大气中Cd和Hg的年输入通量远远低于四川成都经济区,Cd和Hg的大气污染状况相对南方地区较轻,As和Pb的年输入通量相对成都经济区差异较小。研究区元素的大气沉降通量与同点位的土壤元素的相关分析表明,元素的沉降通量并不是农田生态系统中土壤元素的主要输入途径,大气沉降中的元素主要来自远源。  相似文献   

桂林市及近郊土壤汞的分布和污染研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
通过对桂林市区及近郊表层、底层土壤汞的系统取样,测试和编图,阐明了本区土壤汞的分布规律,确定了土壤汞的污染区段和污染程度。在上述工作的基础上,结合基岩汞测量、热释汞方法和重金属元素组合分析,对土壤汞的来源、污染无比汞的赋存状态进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Guizhou is located in the Circum-Pacific Global Mercuriferous Belt, and mercury concentrations in soil in this area are enriched. In-situ total gaseous mercury (TGM) exchange fluxes between air and soil surface were intensively measured at four sampling sites in Guiyang from 21 May to 16 June, 2003, and five sites in the Lanmuchang mercury mining area in December 2002 and May 2003, respectively. The in-situ Hg flux measurement was conducted with a dynamic flux chamber (DFC) of quartz. Overall, net emissions were obtained from all sampling sites. Soil mercury concentration and solar radiation have been proved to be the two most important parameters to control mercury emissions from soil. Meanwhile, rain events can enhance mercury emission rate significantly.  相似文献   

北京地区长城系是位于高于庄组之下、老变质基底岩系之上的一套地层。1)区内发育两层稳定的凝灰岩———翠绿色层和棕红色层 ,可作为地层对比的标志层 ;2 )长城系底部的砂岩、页岩具穿时性 ,大红峪组存在明显的相变关系 ,不能只根据岩性进行分组。据此 ,把北京地区原长城系高于庄组之下地层重新厘定为大红峪组一段 ,包括原常州沟组、串岭沟组、团山子组和大红峪组一段 ;大红峪组二段即原大红峪组二段和大红峪组三段即原大红峪组三段 ,并与蓟县剖面进行了对比。  相似文献   

Mercury is an important pollutant in lakes. Methylmercury (MeHg), the most toxic mercury species, which can be formed from inorganic mercury in lakes, can be bioaccumulated into high concentration in food chain and result in a potential threat to human beings. Sediments play an important role for the Hg biogeochemistry in the aquatic systems: Mercury methylation has been shown to be fastest in the surfacial sediments, where the microbial activity is highest. The formation of MeHg in lakes suggests that sediments and/or near-shore wetlands can be the sources of MeHg in aquatic environments. The Baihua Reservoir, located in the suburb of Guiyang, was impounded in 1966. From the 1970s to the 1990s, Guizhou Organic Chemical Plant which used inorganic mercury as catalyst to produce acetic acid, was responsible for the discharge of waste water with high mercury content.  相似文献   

北京市中关村地区大气降尘的来源与垂向分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光学和电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪以及同步辐射X射线荧光对北京市中关村地区大气降尘的粒度分布、颗粒物微观形貌特征、矿物组成及化学元素组成等方面进行分析研究。粒度分析表明中关村地区大气降尘随着相对高度的增加,粗颗粒物逐渐减少。大气降尘的颗粒物形貌可以分为粒状、柱状单矿物,圆球状飘珠和不规则粒状集合体3种类型。矿物组成及化学元素组成的分析显示中关村地区大气降尘的污染物主要来自自然扬尘、建筑扬尘、燃煤、汽车尾气等污染源。  相似文献   

The concentrations of total mercury and methylmercury in sediments were determined at the dam of the Wujiangdu Reservoir in different seasons. Total mercury (HgT) levels in the whole sediment profile were 254.2±47.0 ng/g in winter, 254.2±31.6 ng/g in spring, and 256.7±60.8 ng/g in summer, without significant variations in different seasons or at different depths. In contrast, the methylmercury (MeHg) compounds were most abundant at the sediment-water interface and decreased progressively with depth. MeHg contents of the sediments during different seasons are highly dependent on microbial activity, and seem to be higher when Hg (II)-methylating microorganisms are active. Thus, MeHg levels tend to rise in the loci where nutrient supplies and biological productivity are favorable. The percentage of HgT that is present as MeHg in the sediments increased gradually from December 2003 to April 2004 and to July 2004.  相似文献   

朱光有  赵坤  李婷婷  张志遥 《地质学报》2021,95(8):2553-2574
震旦系(埃迪卡拉系)陡山沱组是成冰系(南华系)极端冰期事件结束后首次沉积的泥岩和碳酸盐岩地层,大规模的海侵活动导致在全球广泛发育富有机质黑色页岩,可能是未来深层油气和页岩气勘探的重要烃源岩层.中国华南陡山沱组烃源岩分布广泛,由于受古构造格局、沉积相带等因素影响,烃源岩非均质性强、平面上分布差异大.本文在前人研究基础上,...  相似文献   

Surface soil samples were collected from 161 sites throughout the downtown and suburban area of Beijing, China. The samples were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations. Through Kriging analysis, five heavily contaminated zones were identified in the study area. Sources of PAHs in the soil were apportioned using principal factor analysis and multiple linear regression. Three factors were identified representing coal combustion/vehicle emission, coking emission, and petroleum sources, respectively. The relative contributions of the three sources were 48% for coal/vehicle emission, 28% for coking emission, and 24% for petroleum sources. The contributions of total PAHs from the three sources were 16.4, 4.63 and 3.70 ng g−1, respectively. Spatial analysis indicated that the contribution of coal/vehicle sources was higher in the downtown area than in the suburban area, the petroleum sources had a high contribution in the urban area, and the contribution of coking sources was high in the suburban area. The results indicated that PAH contamination in the surface soil in Beijing was closely related to the spatial characteristics of energy consumption and functional zoning. Improvement of the energy consumption structure and relocation of industries with heavy pollution are effective ways to control PAH contamination in surface soil in the area.  相似文献   

Small-scale mercury smelting activities with indigenous method are always extensive in the Wuchuan area, northeastern Guizhou Province, China. Because of the simple processes without any environmental protection, a large amount of mercury vapor released to the ambient air during the processing of cinnabar roasting. So the health of the workers may be negatively affected through inhalation of the mercury-polluted air. Mercury, creatinine and β2-MG contents in urine among the workers in the study areas and the residents in the control site (Changshun County) were determined to discuss the health impact of mercury vapor exposure to the workers in the study areas. Health examinations also were carded out to identify clinical symptoms of mercury poisoning for the smelting workers. Results indicated that the geometric mean value of urinary mercury for the smelting workers was g/g Cr μg/g Cr (N=22), significantly higher than 1.24 μg/g (N=54) for residents in the control site. β2-MG as a renal biomarker can be used to study human nephrotoxicity at an early stage and it is most useful to define effects for assessing re-absorption function to indicate tubular injury. The results showed a serious adverse effect on renal system for the smelting workers due to mercury exposure. Several workers have already manifested some clinical symptoms of lightly chronic mercury poisoning and the symptoms include finger and eyelid lightly tremor, gingivitis and blue mercury line in mouth. The study illuminated that the workers in gaged in indigenous mercury smelting in the Wuchuan area were seriously exposed to mercury vapor,  相似文献   

我国部分地区煤及煤矸石中汞的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用原子荧光光谱仪测定了陕西、山西、云南、山东以及河南等地一些煤、电厂炉渣、飞灰等样品中汞元素的质量分数。检出限为0.01×10-6。除淮南地区的个别样品外,多数样品中汞的质量分数处于世界多数煤和中国多数煤中Hg质量分数范围内,少数高于世界煤炭汞质量分数的平均值(0.02×10-6~1.0×10-6)。不同地层间、不同类型样品间汞的质量分数有较大差别:上石盒子组中的>山西组中的>太原组中的;飞灰中的汞质量分数明显大于炉渣中的汞质量分数;褐煤中的汞质量分数高于无烟煤中的。  相似文献   

The Hongfeng Reservoir was built in 1960 and is an alkaline, hyper-eutrophic and seasonal anoxic reservoir due to the contamination from domestic and industrial wastewaters. The water samples at deferent depths from two sampling sites were collected from November 2003 to September 2004 using metal clean protocols. Total Hg (THg), reactive Hg (RHg), dissolved total Hg (DHg), dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) were measured by gold trap pre-concentration and CVAFS detection. Methyl mercury was measured by distillation followed by aqueous phase ethylation, precollection on a Tenax, isothermal gas chromatography and cold vapor atomic fluorescence detection. There was no discernible seasonal trend (about 8 ng/L) in THg concentration based on the average information developed during the four cruises except for high concentrations at bottom and water-sediment interface in May and September 2004. On the other hand, particulate mercury (PHg) and methyl mercury have discernible seasonal variability. Proportion of PHg increased from 29% in February 2004 to 50% in May 2004. In November 2003, February and May 2004 methyl mercury concentrations were relative low and increased with depth (from 0.13 to 0.40 ng/L). In September 2004, methyl mercury concentrations increased from 0.14 ng/L in the epilimnion to 0.99 ng/L in the hypolimnion. DGM concentrations varied from 0.024 to 0.11 ng/L and decreased with depth.  相似文献   

Simplification of a complex system of geochemical variables obtained from the soils of an industrialized area of Bombay is attempted by means of R-mode factor analysis. Prior to factor analysis, discriminant analysis was carried out taking rock and soil chemical data to establish the anthropogenic contribution of metals in soil. Trace elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) are expressed in terms of three rotated factors. The factors mostly indicate anthropogenic sources of metals such as atmospheric fallout, emission from different industrial chimneys, crushing operations in quarries, and sewage sludges. Major elements (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, and Fe) are also expressed in terms of three rotated factors indicating natural processes such as chemical weathering, presence of clay minerals, and contribution from sewage sludges and municipal refuse. Summary statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis) for the particle size distribution were interpreted as moderate dominance of fine particles. Mineralogical studies revealed the presence of montmorillonite, kaolinite, and illite types of clay minerals. Thus the present study provides information about the metal content entering into the soil and their level, sources, and distribution in the area.  相似文献   

在北京市怀柔区东南部农业区采集了977个表土样品,对其中Cr、V、Ni、As、Pb、Zn、Hg和Cd 8种重金属元素含量进行测试分析。通过地球化学成图清晰地呈现了这些元素的空间分布特征。利用数据统计分析,阐明了表土中这些重金属元素的含量分布特征,探讨了不同重金属的来源,并评估预测了其生态风险。研究结果表明Cr、V、Ni、As主要来源于成土母质;而Pb、Zn、Hg受交通和大气沉降等人类活动的影响较大;Cd则主要受到周边工厂以及农业施肥的影响。利用Hakanson法预测8种重金属的生态风险,除Cd外其他7种元素潜在生态风险均较低。本研究对怀柔区农业土壤的污染风险评价及土地利用规划具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

汞在地壳、岩石和疏松沉积物中的分布   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
迟清华 《地球化学》2004,33(6):641-648
20世纪80年代以来分析测试技术取得了突破性的进展,积累了汞在岩石和疏松沉积物大量可靠的分析数据,发现引用20世纪70年代前发表的有关汞的地壳丰度及岩石和沉积物中的平均含量作为衡量标准已不适宜.本文根据近20年来发表的有关汞在地壳、岩石和疏松沉积物中含量的文献,结合作者在地壳元素丰度研究中积累的大量岩石中汞含量的可靠数据以及IGCP360"全球地球化学基准"计划获得的国外沉积物中汞含量的可靠数据,综合给出了汞在地壳、出露岩石地壳的丰度分别为7 ng/g和13 ng/g,岩石、火成岩、沉积岩、变质岩的平均含量分别为12.5 ng/g、6.9 ng/g、22.6 ng/g和8.6 ng/g,大陆疏松沉积物、水系沉积物、泛滥平原沉积物、土壤和浅海沉积物的平均含量分别为60 ng/g、60 ng/g、60 ng/g、65 ng/g和25ng/g.  相似文献   

北京地区地源热泵系统地质条件评估工作浅谈   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了北京地区地源热泵系统地质条件评估工作的相关背景,详细阐述了地质条件评估的本质是把客观真实的地质、热工技术认识与项目可研工作的要求结合起来,深刻分析了地质条件对地源热泵系统项目应用的适合性,风险性和可行性的影响,提出地源热泵系统技术具有典型的双刃剑特征,仍有许多技术问题值得深入思考和研究。  相似文献   

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