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The siltation of reservoir causes many problems of management and environmental disturbances that are important to minimize. Solving these problems requires in particular a good knowledge of mud bank instabilities. In partnership with the Laboratoire National d'Hydraulique (LNH), a subsidiary of Electricite de France (E.D.F.), authors realize a study of soft soils sliding entailed by reservoir emptying. Using a geotechnical flat sliding mechanism, the theoretical formulation of the safety factor can be established when the sediment mass is submerged and emergent. The measurement campaign carried out makes it possible to obtain bathymetric and topographic surveys and a geotechnical characterization of the soil for the whole reservoir of Grangent dam, located on the Loire (France). The proposed model appears to agree satisfactorily with the instability of the zones emerged because of the emptying and with the stability of the profile after emptying. The use of this model within the framework of forecasts  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Dam Removal The aging of the more than 75,000 dams in the U.S., coupled with the increasing awareness of their environmental costs, has made dam decommissioning and removal a topic of current interest to the scientific community, management agencies, and the general public. It is estimated that 85% of the dams in the U.S. will be near the end of their operational lives by the year 2020 (FEMA, 1999), necessitating thorough consideration of dam removal or repair for…  相似文献   

文彦君  郑文涛 《地震地质》2004,26(1):141-152
官厅水库所在的延怀盆地有多条活动断层分布 ,新构造运动强烈。官厅水库大坝安全与否事关首都安全。为此 ,文中采用有限元方法结合断层位移资料 ,模拟了延怀盆地的现代构造应力场 ;参照模拟的结果 ,结合前人的研究成果 ,对设定地震的烈度进行了拟合 ,讨论了设定地震对大坝的影响。对官厅水库大坝的地震安全性进行了评价。结果表明 :1)延怀盆地最大主压应力方向为N80°~ 85°E ;2 )可能的发震断层为方家冲 -营门矿段断层 ;3)考虑大坝坝址的工程地质条件、发震断层与大坝的空间位置关系、历史大地震对大坝的影响等因素 ,则大坝的地震危险性将有所提高  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONTheannualaverageruff-offinthewatershedoftheGongzuiReservoiris50billioncubicmeterswithanaveragesedimentloadof34.7milliontonsperyear.Finesedimentwithd,,=0'055mmcompose97%oftheiota]sedimentload.Theannualcoarsegravelpericleswithd,,=58.5mmisaboutonemilliontons.TheendofbackWateris38kmawayfromthedam.Thereservoirwasoriginallydesignedtoatotalstoragecapacityof374millioncubicmeters,inwhich102millioncubicmetersisregulationstoragecapacityand243millioncubicmetersis'dead'storagecapacityfo…  相似文献   

张秋文  李安然 《地震地质》1998,20(4):74-369
对已蓄水并建有地震观测台网、毗邻长江三峡水库的湖北清江隔河岩水库及其周缘地区各不同位置的诱震总体组合环境(条件)及相应的诱发地震活动结果进行统计、计算和分析,建立了一种诱发地震危险性评定模型,据此模型对长江三峡水库及其周缘地区的水库诱发地震危险性进行了预测和评价  相似文献   

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