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Present rate of uplift in Fennoscandia from GRACE and absolute gravimetry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fennoscandia is a key region for studying effects of glacial isostatic adjustment. The associated mass variations can be detected by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission, which observes the Earth's gravity field since April 2002, as well as by absolute gravimetry field campaigns. Since 2003, annual absolute gravity (AG) measurements have been performed in Fennoscandia by the Institut für Erdmessung (IfE, Institute of Geodesy) of the Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, within a multi-national cooperation. This offers a unique opportunity for validation and evaluation of the GRACE results. In this preliminary study, the GRACE results are compared to secular gravity changes based on the surveys from 2004 to 2007 with the FG5-220 gravimeter of the IfE.The results from GRACE monthly solutions provided by different analysis centres show temporal gravity variations in Fennoscandia. The included secular variations are in good agreement with former studies. The uplift centre is located west of the Bothnian Bay, the whole uplift area comprises Northern Europe. Nevertheless, the differences between the GRACE solutions are larger than expected and the different centre-specific processing techniques have a very strong effect on possible interpretations of GRACE results. The comparison of GRACE to the AG measurements reveals that the determined trends fit well with results from GRACE at selected stations, especially for the solution provided by the GFZ. Variations of land hydrology clearly influence results from GRACE and the AG measurements.  相似文献   

A consistent map of the postglacial uplift of Fennoscandia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Martin Ekman 《地学学报》1996,8(2):158-165
A consistent map of the recent postglacial rebound of Fennoscandia is constructed on the basis of sea-level records, lake-level records and repeated high-precision levellings.
The uplift rates calculated from the sea-level series form a consistent framework of the map. The sea-level stations used are 56 reliable stations in the Baltic Sea and adjacent waters with series spanning 60 years or more, many of them about 100 years. Using a reference station in the Baltic Sea and another one outside the Baltic, all results are reduced to a common time span, the 100-year-period 1892–1991, in order to eliminate oceanographic changes. Inland, uplift differences are obtained from the repeated national levellings and, in four of the large lakes, from long water level series in pairs. The levellings, however, yield less accurate land uplift values than the sea-level and lake-level data.
The resultant map shows a fairly smooth phenomenon, with a maximum apparent uplift in the Gulf of Bothnia of 9.0 mm yr-1. The standard error is typically 0.2 mm yr-I close to the sea level stations, larger inland.
Finally the pattern of the present uplift as determined here is observed to be very similar to that of the past uplift as determined from ancient shore-lines of the Litorina Sea. However, the ratio between the past uplift and the present uplift rate tends to increase somewhat towards the uplift centre. This might reflect a non-uniform mantle viscosity. Also, the uplift maximum seems to have migrated towards NNE.  相似文献   

Martin Ekman 《地学学报》1991,3(4):390-392
The result obtained hitherto on the Fennoscandian land uplift gravity line indicates that the postglacial uplift process might be more complicated than a pure horizontal flow of mantle (‘Bouguer model’). Simple formulae, valid for a more arbitrary model, are developed for the change of the geoid and for the remaining land uplift. Numerical applications yield a geoid change of about 0.4 mm yr-1 and a remaining land uplift of the order of 50 m, but the latter quantity is very difficult to determine with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

Differences in the timing of maxima and minima and shape between sea-level curves from the western Forth valley, lower Strathearn, inner Moray Firth and eastern Solway Firth areas of Scotland are interpreted as being due to differences in isostatic uplift and different methodologies used to interpret the basic data. Possible changes in the relative rates of uplift between areas suggest that the practice of applying the western Forth ‘model’ of relative sea-level change to other parts of Scotland must be questioned.  相似文献   

The deglaciation history of eastern Fennoscandia - recent data from Finland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent stratigraphical, morphological, and radiocarbon data indicate that most of eastern Finland north of North Karelia was deglaciated in early Flandrian times between about 9500 and 9000 B.P. The Younger Dryas ice margin, represented by the Salpausselka ridges in southern Finland, continued through the North Karelian end-moraines across the eastern border of the country. In Soviet Karelia it is possibly represented by the so-called East Karelian end-moraines known from earlier studies.  相似文献   

The Quaternary geology of the Nordkalott area in northern Fennoscandia is depicted in five maps. The themes of the maps are: Quaternary deposits, glacial geomorphology and paleohydrography, ice-flow indicators, Quaternary stratigraphy and ice-flow directions. The maps are briefly presented and an outline of the glacial history of the Nordkalott area is given.  相似文献   




The mineralogical composition of soil horizons in different soil types of different ages was estimated by applying the NORMA software, which was developed originally for calculating the normative mineralogical composition of young podsols. Ten soil profiles from six sites in NW Russia, two in Finland, and one in NE Norway were sampled in 1999 as a part of the pilot phase of a large geochemical mapping project. Total element concentrations were determined from the <2 mm fraction by XRF from powdered pellets for Al, Ca, Cr, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S, Si, Ti, and Zr, and for Ba by ICP-AES after HF+HClO4 extraction. Extractable concentrations for Al, Ca, Cr, Fe, K, Mn, Mg, Na, P, S, Ti, Zr, and Ba were determined by ICP-MS or ICP-AES after aqua regia (a 1:3 mixture of strong HCl and HNO3) extraction. Total C was determined using a thermal conductivity detector from a sample burned in an O2 stream. The NORMA software was used to calculate the percentage of normative soluble minerals pyrite, apatite, titanite, calcite, biotite, chlorite, weathered albite, hydrous Al-silicate, goethite and soluble residue. The percentages of non-soluble normative minerals rutile, hornblende, K-feldspar, albite, anorthite, tremolite, wollastonite, kaolinite, magnetite, zircon, quartz, carbon (graphite), and non-soluble residue were calculated after soluble minerals.The calculated mineralogical composition of C-horizon samples in each profile reflected the known geological composition of the bedrock from which the soil parent material was derived during geological processes. Secondary minerals including goethite and hydrous Al-silicates, were detected in upper soil horizons reflecting the development of soils. Rather than age, the local bedrock geology together with the mineralogical composition and chemical properties of the parent material proved to be the controlling factor in the formation of secondary minerals. The results showed that the NORMA method can be used in defining the mineralogy of soil horizons in a large variety of soil types.  相似文献   

The determination of rates of land uplift in Norway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sivert Bakkelid 《Tectonophysics》1986,130(1-4):307-326
It is the task and the responsibility of the Geodetic Section within the Geographical Survey of Norway to establish and maintain the national horizontal and vertical geodetic primary control networks of that country.

Provided that relative crustal movements take place within Norway, they will cause deformations to these networks. There is no geodetic proof that any horizontal deformations of the surface layer of the crust take place in continental Norway and there is no established geological evidence of such movements either. In 1984, a small geodetic control network was established and measured for the first time across a possibly active fault. It is not expected that horizontal movements will cause any serious problems in the maintenance of the horizontal network. Vertical movements of the ground, however, are causing us problems both in the establishment and in the maintenance of a national height system.  相似文献   

A non-uniform glacio-isostatic uplift can result in differential uplift for different parts of a lake. If the lake outlet is situated in the area of the greatest rate of uplift, then remote parts of the lake will be continuously transgressed. Ancient lake levels can be estimated by dating transgressed peat at different depths in such lakes. Four lakes in southern Sweden have been investigated using this method and the course of the glacio-isostatic uplift has been determined empirically. The investigation shows that the difference in uplift between the outlet and the sampling site can be expressed as an arctan function relating the difference in uplift over time to: half of the difference of the total uplift between the outlet and the sampling site, the time for the maximal rate of the uplift and a declining factor.  相似文献   

本文以地球科学基础学科的基本知识和矿床实例首次论述了雪峰隆起带内板岩、变质砂岩等浅变质的区域变质作用不能使岩石中的金活化迁移富集成矿;断裂构造在动力变质过程中本身并不成矿,断裂破碎带的地层中金只是带内金矿体金金属量的0.123%;流体包裹体测定的金矿成矿温度主要区间在200~300℃,说明雪峰隆起带岩金矿床不是地下水热液成因;金矿床的一些矿石矿物、伴共生组分、微量元素、同位素地球化学等特征与花岗岩类岩浆岩的相似性也说明了两者间的成因关系;重磁资料推断地表无岩浆岩出露的岩金矿床下部有大面积的隐伏岩体。以上论述和排除法均说明雪峰隆起带上岩金矿床成因类型是岩浆热液矿床。  相似文献   

Estimates of the current rate of deformation and surface uplift for the Australian continent are derived by integration of a new seismic database and show that parts of the continent are currently experiencing deformation at a rate of 1– 5 × 10?16/s and uplifting at a rate of 10–50 m/Ma. In the east, these regions coincide with the regions of maximum topography, suggesting that, if this uplift rate is long-term, up to 50% of the present-day topographic relief in the southeastern Highlands and Flinders Ranges has formed in the last 10 Ma, i.e. the time we estimate for the onset of the present-day stress field experienced by the Indo-Australian Plate. These estimates are supported by fission-track data from the Snowy Mountains, which indicate that a non-negligible proportion of the present-day relief is the remnant of a much older topography formed during the various accretion or breakup events along the eastern margin of the continent in Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic time and that younger relief growth (i.e. younger than 100 Ma) must be limited to less than a kilometer in amplitude. By contrast, in the western part of the continent no such correlation exists between present-day topography and uplift predicted by integrating seismic strain rate over 10 Ma. This suggests that the apparently high level of seismic activity observed in the southwestern part of the Yilgarn Craton and along Proterozoic mobile belts, such as the Albany–Fraser Province of southeastern Western Australia and the Fitzroy Trough of northern Western Australia, is transient or that, contrary to what is happening in the east, erosional processes are able to remove surface relief created at the relatively slow rate of 10 m/Ma, potentially because there existed no finite amplitude topography prior to the onset of the present-day compressional stress field.  相似文献   

The Ruiga differentiated mafic-ultramafic intrusion in the northwestern part of the Vetreny Belt paleorift was described for the first time based on geological, petrological, geochronological, and geochemical data. The massif (20 km2 in exposed area) is a typical example of shallow-facies peridotite-gabbro-komatiite-basalt associations and consists of three zones up to 810 m in total thickness (from bottom to top): melanogab-bronorite, peridotite, and gabbro. In spite of pervasive greenschist metamorphism, the rocks contain locally preserved primary minerals: olivine (Fo 75–86), bronzite, augite of variable composition, labradorite, and Cr-spinels. A mineral Sm-Nd isochron on olivine melanogabbronorite from the Ruiga Massif defines an age of 2.39 ± 0.05 Ga, while komatiitic basalts of the Vetreny Belt Formation were dated at 2.40–2.41 Ga (Puchtel et al., 1997). The rocks of the Ruiga intrusion and lava flows of Mt. Golets have similar major, rare-earth, and trace element composition, which suggests their derivation from a single deep-seated source. Their parent magma was presumably a high-Mg komatiitic basalt. In transitional crustal chambers, its composition was modified by olivine-controlled fractionation and crustal contamination, with the most contaminated first portions of the ejected melt. In terms of geology and geochemistry, the considered magmatic rocks of the Vetreny Belt are comparable with the Raglan Ni-PGE komatiite gabbro-peridotite complex in Canada (Naldrett, 2003).  相似文献   

压扭性走滑变形是陆内变形的最主要构造样式之一,并且是陆内造山系统得以形成的最基本构造样式。位于天山东部的博格达—哈尔里克山链,横亘在吐哈盆地和准噶尔盆地之间,是研究新生代山脉形成理想的野外实验室。本文结合压扭造山带的研究,通过野外地质填图、遥感解译和DEM分析,裂变径迹测试等研究,确认博格达—哈尔里克山与山脉隆起相关的断裂构造主要为北东东向和北西西向压扭性走滑断裂,认为它是晚新生代压扭造山带(transpressional orogen)。主要证据是: 首先博格达—哈尔里克山与山脉隆起相关的构造变形为北东东70°走向和北西西290°走向,山脉两侧呈现向盆地方向的逆冲冲断构造,体现了近南北向为构造主压应力场特点; 其次天池河床砂岩屑AFT分析出的年龄峰值集中在428 Ma(628%)、188 Ma(290%)、32 Ma(82%),表明样品所代表的流域地质体在428 Ma、188 Ma、32 Ma经历了3次冷却事件。依据裂变径迹等年龄投影圈闭图显示博格达山裂变径迹年龄存在中间新,两边老的特点。基于相同的大地构造背景,压扭造山模式也可以解释整个天山晚新生代山脉强烈隆升。  相似文献   

通过对青藏高原东北部循化盆地、临夏盆地和贵德盆地沉积相和沉积充填速率演化的对比分析,提出研究区新生代4个构造隆升阶段。①渐新世晚期—中新世早期(25~20Ma),3个盆地沉积相和沉积速率的变化表明青藏高原新生代向北东的增生作用在渐新世已抵达西秦岭北缘地区,同时,22Ma拉脊山强烈隆升,区域上整体地势差异不显著。②中新世中期(17~13Ma),随着高原东北缘盆山耦合的相互作用,湖盆进一步扩张,14Ma左右积石山的隆起及西秦岭、拉脊山的持续隆升,使得研究区转变为盆地周缘型。③中新世晚期(11~6Ma),8Ma左右沉积相的转变、沉积速率的增大及不整合面的存在,都说明高原在该段时间内存在强烈的构造隆升活动,裂变径迹热年代学证据反映的构造隆升与沉积响应也是一致的。④上新世(5Ma以来),沉积速率继续增大,区域上地势差异增强,湖盆逐步萎缩消亡。  相似文献   

利用卫星重力场数据和小波多尺度分析方法对东非大裂谷进行三维密度结构成像,取得了东非大裂谷地壳和上地幔多个深度等效层上的密度扰动图像,为东非大裂谷岩石圈结构和动力学的研究提供了重要佐证。结果表明,东非大裂谷中段的西支裂谷与东支裂谷的幔源熔体同源,但是西支裂谷发育较不充分、形成较晚。东非大裂谷的动力学模式为熔流体上涌的树形分叉模式,其要点包括:① 低密度流体在软流圈大面积上涌;② 流体在岩石圈继续上涌,部分转化为基性岩浆岩,平面面积缩小;③ 进入地壳后上涌熔流体分叉成多支,平面总面积进一步缩小; ④ 熔流体上涌到上地壳后仅在裂谷带活动,反映为火山链和玄武岩带。  相似文献   

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