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This paper analyses the temporal patterns of suspended sediment yield in the Araguás catchment, Central Spanish Pyrenees, a small experimental catchment with extensive badlands. The catchment has been monitored since 2004 to study weathering, erosion, and hydrological and sediment responses to understand the superficial dynamics of a badland area in a relatively humid environment. The development of badlands in the Central Spanish Pyrenees is favoured by the presence of marls and a markedly seasonal climate. The continuous observation of selected physical parameters and environmental variables enables us to establish seasonal patterns of weathering processes and identify those factors that control regolith development. Freeze–thaw cycles in winter and wetting–drying in spring–summer are the main processes involved in regolith weathering, thereby controlling slope development in combination with rainfall-related erosion processes.The 64 floods recorded during the study period (December 2005 to January 2007) were used for a hydrosedimentological analysis. The main observed features indicate that the Araguás catchment reacts to all rainfall events, resulting in steep rising and recession limbs on the hydrograph and a very short time lag. Floods show high suspended sediment concentrations and a heterogeneous temporal distribution related to seasonal variations in surface runoff production. These differences increase the degree of complexity involved in studying sediment response. Suspended sediment concentration and transport mainly depend on rainfall volume, maximum rainfall intensity, peak flow, and runoff occurrence. Finally, the similarities among the obtained hydrographs, sedigraphs, and hyetographs, in combination with the rapid response of most of the floods, suggest a large contribution of overland flow, derived mainly from infiltration excess runoff upon badland areas. Accordingly, the significant correlations obtained between rainfall intensity and sediment concentration (mainly during the dry season), which suggest a single source area for both runoff and sediment, also support the hypothesis of Hortonian hydrological response within badland areas.  相似文献   

Modelling the delivery of landslide-generated sediment to channel networks is challenging due to uncertainty in the magnitude–frequency distribution of failures connected to the channel network. Here, we investigate a simplified treatment of hydrological connectivity as a means for improving identification of coarse sediment delivery to upland rivers. Sediment generation from hillslopes and channel banks and its delivery to the channel network are modelled based on a modified form of SHALSTAB coupled to a network index version of TOPMODEL. The network index treatment has two important hydrological effects: (a) it only allows saturated areas to connect to the hydrological network when there is full saturation along the associated flow path; and (2) overland flow associated with unconnected but saturated zones is assumed to remain within the catchment and to contribute to a reduction in the catchment-averaged saturation deficit. We use this hydrological treatment to restrict sediment delivery to situations where there is surface hydrological connection (i.e. saturation) along the complete flow path that connects failure areas to the drainage network. This represents an extreme restriction on the possibility of connected failure as it does not allow for failed material to connect if failures are associated with partial saturation or where delivery involves runout across areas where hydrological connection is not maintained. The impact of this restriction is assessed by comparing model predictions with field mapping of connected failures and data from continuously recording coarse sediment sensors, for two storm events. The hydrological connection requirement restricted connected failures to zones closer to the drainage network and resulted in a better level of agreement with the field mapped failures. Simulations suggested that in the study catchment the majority of sediment inputs occur from hydrologically-connected areas close to the channel network during moderate sized rainstorms that occur relatively frequently.  相似文献   

Slope–channel coupling and in-channel sediment storage can be important factors that influence sediment delivery through catchments. Sediment budgets offer an appropriate means to assess the role of these factors by quantifying the various components in the catchment sediment transfer system. In this study a fine (< 63 µm) sediment budget was developed for a 1.64-km2 gullied upland catchment in southeastern Australia. A process-based approach was adopted that involved detailed monitoring of hillslope and bank erosion, channel change, and suspended sediment output in conjunction with USLE-based hillslope erosion estimation and sediment source tracing using 137Cs and 210Pbex. The sediment budget developed from these datasets indicated channel banks accounted for an estimated 80% of total sediment inputs. Valley floor and in-channel sediment storage accounted for 53% of inputs, with the remaining 47% being discharged from the catchment outlet. Estimated hillslope sediment input to channels was low (5.7 t) for the study period compared to channel bank input (41.6 t). However an estimated 56% of eroded hillslope sediment reached channels, suggesting a greater level of coupling between the two subsystems than was apparent from comparison of sediment source inputs. Evidently the interpretation of variability in catchment sediment yield is largely dependent on the dynamics of sediment supply and storage in channels in response to patterns of rainfall and discharge. This was reflected in the sediment delivery ratios (SDR) for individual measurement intervals, which ranged from 1 to 153%. Bank sediment supply during low rainfall periods was reduced but ongoing from subaerial processes delivering sediment to channels, resulting in net accumulation on the channel bed with insufficient flow to transport this material to the catchment outlet. Following the higher flow period in spring of the first year of monitoring, the sediment supplied to channels during this interval was removed as well as an estimated 72% of the sediment accumulated on the channel bed since the start of the study period. Given the seasonal and drought-dependent variability in storage and delivery, the period of monitoring may have an important influence on the overall SDR. On the basis of these findings, this study highlights the potential importance of sediment dynamics in channels for determining contemporary sediment yields from small gullied upland catchments in southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

As in other regions colonised from Europe within the last few centuries, Australia's vegetation and soils have been dramatically changed by clearing, cropping and grazing. In southeastern Australia, particularly on the Southern Tablelands, the impacts of European settlement are clearly manifested by channel incision. By using stratigraphic and documentary evidence, in conjunction with aerial photographs, sediment budgets for the post-settlement period have been constructed to define the fluxes and stores of sediment for each of the major geomorphic components of the 136 km2 catchment of Jerrabomberra Creek near Canberra. Using these budgets, and some plausible assumptions, it has been possible to approximate the history of both the sediment delivery ratio and sediment yield for this catchment. While the quantities estimated in this analysis are approximations, the trends through time are credible. Sediment yield increased rapidly to a peak after European settlement, and has returned to a level between the peak and the pre-European value. The delivery ratio has followed a similar trend. The most general conclusion to emerge is that in this landscape both the total sediment flux and the sediment yield of the catchment have been dominated by channel erosion. This result is contrary to the findings in many parts of the world where sheet and rill erosion dominates the fluxes. The soil conservation implication of these results is clear: to control off-site effects of erosion, the focus must be on the channels.  相似文献   

Rivers in drylands typically are characterized by extreme flow variability, with long periods of little or no flow interspersed with occasional large, sometimes extreme, floods. Complete adjustment of river form and process is sometimes inhibited, resulting in a common assumption that equilibrium conditions may rarely, if ever, exist in dryland rivers, and that transient and unstable (nonequilibrium) behavior is the norm. Examples from the Channel Country and the Northern Plains in central Australia challenge that notion. Along the middle reaches of these intermediate and large, low-gradient rivers, where long duration floods generate moderate to low unit stream powers and boundary resistance is high as a result of indurated alluvial terraces, cohesive muds or riparian vegetation, there is evidence that: (1) channels have remained essentially stable despite large floods; (2) sediment transport discontinuities, while present at a catchment scale, are largely insignificant for channel form and process in individual reaches; (3) there are strong correlations between many channel form and process variables; and (4) many rivers appear to be adjusted to maximum sediment transport efficiency under conditions of low gradient, abundant within-channel vegetation and declining downstream discharge. In these middle reaches, rivers are characterized by equilibrium conditions. However, in the aggradational lower reaches of rivers on the Northern Plains, where upstream terraces are buried by younger sediments and channels are less confined, nonequilibrium conditions prevail. Here, channels sometimes undergo sudden and substantial changes in form during large floods, sediment transport discontinuities are readily apparent, and landforms such as splays remain out-of-balance with normal flows. Hence, dryland rivers can exhibit both equilibrium and nonequilibrium conditions, depending on factors such as catchment size, channel gradient, flood duration, unit stream power, channel confinement, sediment cohesion, and bank strength. [Key words: dryland rivers, floods, equilibrium, nonequilibrium, central Australia.]  相似文献   

黄土陡坡裸露坡耕地浅沟发育过程研究   总被引:30,自引:8,他引:22  
根据黄土陡坡地浅沟地形特征参数,在室内人工建筑浅沟发育初期的雏形模型,研究浅沟发育不同阶段沟头溯源侵蚀、沟壁扩张和沟槽下切变化规律,分析浅沟侵蚀对坡面侵蚀产沙的贡献。结果表明,浅沟发育不同阶段对应于不同的浅沟侵蚀过程。浅沟发育初期,沟头溯源侵蚀、沟壁扩展和沟床下切均相对活跃,且溯源侵蚀速率大于沟壁扩张速率和沟床下切速率;浅沟发育中期,以沟槽下切和沟壁扩张为主;浅沟发育后期,以沟壁扩张为主,但沟壁扩张速率明显小于浅沟发育的初期和中期阶段。浅沟发育初期和中期阶段,浅沟侵蚀量占总坡面侵蚀产沙的58%;浅沟发育后期,浅沟侵蚀量占总坡面侵蚀产沙的26%~59%。  相似文献   

In catchments adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area in Queensland, Australia, there is a growing concern that sediments and nutrients being exported from the land are having a detrimental effect on coral reef communities. There is a need to determine the processes and rates of erosion from the major land use types, so that management intervention can be initiated to reduce sediment yields where required. This paper presents a sediment budget for Weany Creek, a 13.5 km2 grazed semi-arid sub-catchment of the Burdekin River catchment, Australia. A range of field methods was used to measure erosion from hillslopes, gullies and stream banks, as well as identify the amount of sediment being deposited and remobilised on the bed of gullies and the stream network. The data suggests that at least during drought conditions, the primary erosion source in this catchment is gully erosion. However, the largest source of sediment in the budget is actually associated with the remobilisation of in-channel sediment stores. Overall, the sediment budget is comprised of  81% coarse material and 19% fine sediment and an agreement between the fine sediment yield estimated in the sediment budget and the yield measured at the catchment outlet is within 10%. The total sediment yield estimated for this catchment is  4205 t yr− 1 and is much lower than expected for a catchment of this size. This may reflect the drought conditions during the measurement period; however, there is also the possibility that the primary erosion sources have been exhausted, and the rates of sediment loss may be much lower now than they may have been in the past. Nonetheless, the results show that stored sediment, which may have been deposited in the channel many decades ago, is an important contributor to end of catchment sediment yields and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

全球视野下崩岗侵蚀地貌及其研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
典型的崩岗具有“圆形露天剧场”般的沟头,发育在深厚的红色花岗岩风化壳上,通常包括集水坡面、崩壁、崩积体、沟道、洪积扇5个地貌组成部分;崩壁自上而下可分为表土层、风化红粘土层(红土层)、风化砂质红粘土层(砂土层)、风化粗碎屑层(碎屑层)。中国的崩岗与马达加斯加的lavaka属于同类地貌,两者具有地貌学上的可比性。崩岗群是劣地的表现形式之一,但与欧洲的badland有不同的侵蚀过程,也不同于意大利和巴西的两种沟谷侵蚀地貌calanchi和vocoroca。崩岗主要发育在华南和东南热带和亚热带湿润季风气候区中等偏缓的丘陵坡地上,由沟谷侵蚀发展而成,是沟谷侵蚀的高级阶段。崩岗沟道侵蚀产沙量占崩岗沟谷流域侵蚀产沙量的一半以上,其中沟道沟壁崩塌侵蚀产沙量与沟床下切侵蚀产沙量又各占崩岗沟道侵蚀产沙量的一半左右。野外人工模拟降雨试验是研究崩岗流域侵蚀、产流和产沙过程的有效手段。崩岗流域侵蚀产沙量可以通过崩岗沟谷和洪积扇地形测量加以估算。  相似文献   

Annual sediment budget of a UK mountain torrent   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Research into torrent erosion focuses heavily on bedload transport dynamics and debris flow propagation during specific events. As a result, there is limited understanding of the sediment budgets operating in torrent systems over longer timescales. The aim of this study is to construct a sediment budget of the main geomorphological processes operating in a mountain torrent sediment system over a full year.
The study site is Iron Crag which is a small torrent system (catchment area 2.4 ha) situated in the northern Lake District, UK. The site has the characteristic morphology of a torrent: multiple hillslope sediment sources, steep channel, gorges, and a basal alluvial fan. A measurement scheme was designed to monitor process activity, linking the sediment sources and sinks, from December 1998 to December 1999. Over this time period the sediment budget demonstrates that 184 tonnes of sediment was supplied to the alluvial fan (which acted primarily as a sediment sink). Channel (70%) and bank (25%) sources dominated the sediment supply, and surface processes and rockfall on the hillslopes (5%) made only a minor contribution.
Temporal variations in process activity are significant. Surface processes and rockfall display seasonal variations in yield, whilst channel and bank yields are influenced by individual storm events. Site–specific meteorological data are used to explain these observations and freeze–thaw activity and rainfall characteristics are shown to be important controlling factors.  相似文献   

A quantitative assessment is made of suspended sediment load, including particulate organic matter and organic carbon, in 2014 for the small streams of the Northern Yenisei region, in the taiga–tundra transition zone (near the city of Igarka, Krasnoyarsk krai). It was found that the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) of the streams under investigation fluctuated between 2 and 18 mg/L during the summer–autumn low-water period of 2014. The proportion of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the total sediment yield varied from 16.4% to 74.1%, depending on landscape-geomorphological conditions for suspended sediment formation: it is higher for streams with tundra catchments and lower on forest watersheds underlain by sandy and clayey loams. The DOM content varies from catchment to catchment from 1.63 to 2.42 mg/L, and the mean concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is estimated at 0.73 to 1.09 mg C/L. It is shown that the local channel transformations serve as the main source of POM and DOC input to the water of two out of three streams under study. Surface runoff or fast subsurface flow in the organic soil horizon is the external source of DOM input to the water of the third stream during flooding. Regional empirical dependencies were obtained, which correlate the water discharge, total SSC and the proportion of DOM are obtained. The long-term proportion of DOM in the annual suspended sediment flow of the Graviika river makes up 25% and DOC, 11%, or, in absolute values, 406 and 183 t/year, and in units of layer 1.26 and 0.57 t/km2, respectively.  相似文献   

Information on post-fire sediment and nutrient redistribution is required to underpin post-fire catchment management decisions. Fallout radionuclide budgets (210Pbxs, 137Cs and 7Be) were derived to quantify soil redistribution and sediment yield in forested terrain following a moderately severe wildfire in a small (89 ha) water supply catchment in SE Australia. Application of these techniques in burnt terrain requires careful consideration of the partitioning of radionuclides between organic and mineral soil components. Beryllium-7 and 210Pbxs were shown to be closely associated with ash, litter and soil organic matter whereas 137Cs was more closely associated with subsurface coarse mineral soil. Comparison of the three tracer budgets indicated that the dominant sediment source areas were ridgetops and steep valley sideslopes, from which burnt surface material was conveyed to the stream network via pre-existing gullies. Erosion was predominantly driven by sheetwash, enhanced by soil water repellency, and modified by bioturbation which both supplies subsurface sediment and provides sinks for erosive overland flow. Footslope and riparian zones were not important sediment source areas. The estimated event-based (wildfire and subsequent rainfall) sediment yield is 58 ± 25 t km− 2, based on fallout 7Be measurements. The upper estimate of total particulate phosphorus yield (0.70 kg ha− 1) is more than 10 times that at equivalent unburnt sites. This illustrates that, soon after fire, burnt eucalypt forest can produce nutrient loads similar to those of agricultural catchments. The tracer budgets indicate that wildfire is an important control on sediment and phosphorus inputs to the stream network over the decadal timeframe and the pulsed nature of this release is an important concern for water quality management.  相似文献   

随着黄河上游控制性水利枢纽相继投入运用,黄河内蒙古段河道冲淤演变格局得到重塑。利用水文站实测数据,系统分析了海勃湾水利枢纽建设运行前后坝后河道水沙变化特征。基于河道断面高程数据,从滩槽冲淤(横向)及沿程冲淤(纵向)两方面定性分析坝后河道形态变迁,采用断面地形法定量计算坝后河道冲淤变化量。结果表明:海勃湾水利枢纽蓄水运用后,坝后河道的水沙搭配条件显著改善,来沙系数、单位径流量的输沙量降幅较大,对坝后河道减淤冲刷作用明显。坝后河道横纵断面变迁以冲刷为主,冲淤演变过程经历了淤积(2004—2012年)、冲淤过渡(2012—2014年)、冲刷(2014—2020年)3个阶段。  相似文献   

High sediment delivery due to catchment and channel erosion can impact on waterway health and reservoir sedimentation. Methods that decrease sediment connectivity within the system are needed to address these potential impacts. Vegetation has the potential to decrease channel erosion and sediment transfers in dryland environments by increasing channel bed resistance and roughness. Detailed studies of vegetation and process interactions were undertaken within an ephemeral channel in SE Spain at three scales (channel network, reach and patch) by repeat surveys and mapping after floods. Connectivity mapping showed variations in vegetation type and density along the channel and that these influence sediment retention and channel erosion. Hydraulic calculations of vegetation roughness effects at 25 cross-sections down the channel indicate the influence of different vegetation type and characteristics. Particular attention was paid to the perennial grass Lygeum spartum because of its potential benefits in channel stabilisation. Sedimentation takes place within these reaches, mainly by trapping within and downstream of individual plants. Check dams have a profound influence on vegetation and sediment distribution in this channel but use of vegetated zones may be a more sustainable strategy of sediment control.  相似文献   

汉江丹江口水库下游河床演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚国元 《地理研究》1982,1(1):69-78
丹江口水库建库20多年来,下游河道由堆积性河道变成了冲刷性的河道,河床物质沿程粗化,比降得以调平。水深增加幅度大于河宽,流速并不随着水深增加而加快。深槽、浅滩分布明显化,宽深比不断在减少。整个库下游变化可分为三段:1)近库段,游荡河道向单一限制性曲流转化;2)大支流影响段,河道仍保持着游荡特性;3)下游段,游荡段游荡特性减弱,弯曲段则深蚀作用加强。  相似文献   

黄河流域环境对水资源开发承受力的思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
尹国康 《地理学报》2002,57(2):224-231
根据黄河1919-1999年系列水沙资料,系统分析了其下游水沙变化时空过程,揭示了其发生断流原因及由此引发的环境问题,模拟了不同历史时期水情条件下环境用水需求量,并对如何提高黄河水资源开发承受能力,如何满足其环境用水提出看法。  相似文献   

黄河中下游水沙变化趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
齐璞 《地理研究》1989,8(2):74-81
本文论述由于黄河上游清水区水资源的优先开发,中上游地区工农业用水的增长,而黄河中游地区的水土保持和支流治理的减沙作用不甚明显,龙羊峡水库投入运用后,汛期进入河口镇的水量大幅度减少,使汛期进入黄河下游的基流减小含沙量增加,高含沙洪水出现的机会增多.面临水少沙多的不利情况,应加强宽浅河道的改造及利用窄深河道输送高含沙水流的研究.  相似文献   

Geometric, hydraulic, and sediment characteristics in arid badlands near Borrego Springs, California, are examined in relation to precipitation events of varying magnitude and frequency. The longitudinal and cross profiles of five ephemeral channels occupying a 2.5 km2 catchment were surveyed under pre-and post-storm conditions during the February 1976-December 1978 period. Such arid region channels offer the opportunity to observe and explain rates and methods of profile change under different flow types in a short period of time. Catchment responses to light winter events include substantial lags between initial precipitation and channel runoff, the limited downstream movement of small slugs of sediment, high losses of discharge into channel alluvium, and prolonged mass movement of debris from adjacent hillslopes into the channels following the storm events thus promoting aggradation along certain channel reaches. Responses to intense summer storms include explosive channel and hillslope runoff and localized scour and fill, both during and following such events, thereby promoting substantial aggradation and erosion along portions of the channels. Although ephemeral flow conditions may produce channel profiles which are distinct from those in perennial streams, the evaluation of the methods of sediment transport and the storage of debris in arid catchments offer useful explanation for other environments.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of a new instrument to continuously measure bedload transport, an impact sensor, to a 72 km2 test catchment in the Yorkshire Dales, northern England. Data from a network of impact sensors are linked to repeat surveys of channel morphological response, to get a better understanding of the conditions that lead to sediment generation and transfer. Results suggest certain areas of the catchment act as key sediment sources at the annual time scale, with material being quickly delivered to the lower parts of the catchment along the steep bedrock channel. Sediment transfer within the tributaries occurs in significantly smaller magnitudes than within the main channel; but it moves more frequently and at different times of the year, with transfer rates being strongly conditioned by larger-scale valley geomorphology. The lower 5.6 km reach sees a significant reduction in gradient and a widening of the valley. This permits significant accumulation within the channel, which has persisted for many years. This lower reach is very sensitive to changes in sediment supply and there is good agreement between changes in bedload transport data and the surveyed channel response. These observations have major implications for how river management projects should be developed in upland environments, especially those where large-scale geomorphological controls have a major impact upon the sediment transfer process. Evidence suggests that where river management restricts lateral movement of the channel and transfer of sediment into floodplain storage, changes in sediment supply can lead to areas of severe accumulation, acceleration of bank erosion and exacerbated flood risk.  相似文献   

This study considered whether the narrowing of the upper (broad and wandering) reaches of the Lower Yellow River could result in a reduction in sedimentation and even an increase in channel erosion in both the upper and the lower (narrow and meandering) reaches. Analysis of field data and numerical modeling results both justify the proposal to narrow the channel. A positive correlation was found between channel eroded-area and the channel width. Therefore narrowing under conditions of low flow will reduce the amount of erosion in the reach, which, in turn, will reduce the amount of sediment transported into the lower channel. This will reduce the amount of siltation in the lower reaches of the river. However, narrowing under conditions of high flow with a low concentration of sediment will reduce both the extent of flood attenuation along the narrowed channel and the amount of lateral channel bank collapse, which results in increased flows and less sedimentation in the lower channel, leading to increased erosion. When flows with a high concentration of sediment are released from the Xiaolangdi Reservoir, both the lower narrow channel and the upper channel can transport a large amount of the sediment load. It is concluded that the narrowing of the upper broad channel will result in a reduction in sedimentation, or even in channel erosion, in both the upper and the lower channels if the reservoir is operated such that the volume of sediment added during low flows is balanced by the volume eroded during high flows with a low concentration of sediment.  相似文献   

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