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Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers were successfully employed to analyze 15Artemia species and strains for genetic diversity. AFLP markers are extremely sensitive to even a small sequence variation. They are stable and more polymorphic than RAPD. Twelve pairs of primer combinations were used to detect AFLP bands, of which 384 were polymorphic, and DNA fingerprintings were obtained by using silver staining. The polymorphism analysis leads us to the following conclusions: 1.Artemia tibetiana seems to differentiate fromA. sinica. 2. The parthenogenetic populations from inland salt lakes could follow an evolutionary path that is different from that of the coastal parthenogenetic populations.  相似文献   

Artemia populations were sampled in four hypersaline ecosystems in continental evaporitic basins from the Argentinean provinces of La Pampa and Buenos Aires. Biometrics of cysts and nauplii were performed. The morphometrics of adult females under standard culture conditions, studied by multivariate discriminant analysis, provided evidence that these populations belonged to the speciesA. persimilis; this was further supported by cross-breeding tests established between one of these populations (Salinas Grandes de Hidalgo, province of La Pampa) and a population ofA. franciscana from San Francisco Bay (California, USA), which showed reproductive isolation and barriers to gene flow between both populations.  相似文献   

Lake Hayward, Western Australia, is a pristine, monomictic coastal lake with a residual brine (depth=1.5 m) of 200 gL−1: stratification in winter (May to October) followed the input of ground water and rain. The epilimnion had temperature ranges of 10–30°C, and salinity from 65–110 g L−1. Maximum depth in winter was 2.4 m. The population structure of the brine shrimpArtemia parthenogenetica, the dominant metazoan grazer in Lake Hayward, was studied from September, 1989, to February, 1991. The L. Hayward population ofA. parthenogenetica is predominantly ovoviviparous with little recruitment into the adult population. Cyst production occurs in summer, and there was evidence for recruitment from cyst hatching in the winters of 1989 and 1990. Nauplii were continuously present throughout the study period. Nevertheless, recruitment through to adult stages as defined by the presence of gravid females occurred only twice: in October–December, 1989 and in December, 1990. Based on limited observations of long-term survival of laboratory cultures, we believe that the major mechanism controlling nauplius survival and recruitment ofArtemia in Lake Hayward is food quality and quantity.  相似文献   

Primary production in Lake Hayward, Western Australia, is dominated by benthic microbial communities, with limited planktonic primary production. This study investigated the question of howArtemia, commonly regarded as simple, obligate, non-selective filter feeders, were able to survive in this system. Bacteria (heterotrophic and autotrophic, filamentous and unicellular) were the major components in the diet of theArtemia in Lake Hayward. These bacteria were derived from bacterial aggregates in the water column and also from benthic mat material (both still attached to the substrate and from pieces floating in the water column). Benthic diatoms were a substantial dietary component of animals living in the unstratified shallow regions. Photosynthetic eukaryotic nanoplankton comprised a minor component of the diet of thisArtemia population. Gut contents of a large number of animals and the results of a simple laboratory test indicated that these animals utilise substrate-bound food resources. The results of the present study raises the question of the ecological significance of surface grazing by brine shrimps in other shallow, benthos dominated saline systems.  相似文献   

This literature survey covers data on the distribution, genetics and biology ofArtemia from the People's Republic of China (P. R. China) and the use of the brine shrimp in aquaculture and salt production. The vastness of the territory, the unfamiliar geography and the diversity of the habitats, have often lead to ambiguities and contradictions, leaving a gap in our knowledge about the Chinese populations ofArtemia. However, information aboutArtemia from P. R. China has recently become available and this is an attempt to summarize it.International interdisciplinary study onArtemia populations coordinated by the Laboratory of Aquaculture &Artemia Reference Center, University of Ghent, Belgium.  相似文献   

We have surveyed 7 inland salt lakes and 14 coastal saltworks in the People's Republic of China (P. R. China) which are natural habitats for the brine shrimpArtemia. We report here on the location of the lakes, the mode of reproduction of theArtemia and the opportunities for achieving self sufficiency in cyst production for use in the local aquaculture industry. Because of frequent misunderstandings regarding the identification of a specific habitat, a new identification system for each population is proposed, using a numerical code which identifies the province, the habitat and the date of collection. Information of newArtemia populations is included as well as data on their reproduction mode.International interdisciplinary study onArtemia populations coordinated by the Laboratory of Aquaculture &Artemia Reference Center, University of Ghent, Belgium.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios have been determined on 41 strains ofArtemia sp. from different geographic regions around the world. The δ13C and δ15N values ranged between −13.7 to−25.0 per mil and −0.7 to 21.2 per mil respectively.Artemia δ13C values from coastal environments are consistent with a marine origin for the food sourceArtemia from inland salt lakes have a range of carbon isotope values suggesting C3, C4 and CAM based organic matter could form the base of theArtemia food chain. These data indicate thatArtemia having a wide range of carbon and nitrogen isotope values are available for tropho-dynamic research studies that quantify the effect of respired CO2 on tissue and CaCO3 shell13C/12C ratios. Such stable isotope variation also suggests that stable isotope fingerprinting remains a viable technique for identifying specificArtemia collection sites.  相似文献   

The hydrobiology of two Indian solar salt works was investigated. A salient feature was variability in physico-chemical and biological characteristics. The filamentous cyanophyceansLyngbya majuscula andOscillatoria salina and the chlorophyceanXenococcus aceervatus were the major primary producers. Significant fauna were protozoans, rotifers and copepods.Artemia was present in only one set of solar salt pans, where it was dominant. The study illustrates the importance ofArtemia in the biological management of solar salt works. This paper is dedicated to Thiru. K. Ayyaru Vandayar, Member, Governing body, A.V.V.M. Sri Pshpam College (Autonomous), Poondi, on his sixtieth birthday  相似文献   

Amarga Lagoon, lat. 50°29 S and long. 73°45 S, it is located at the Torres del Paine National Park, Chile. The physical, chemical, and biological features of the lake were studied. According to salinity, the lake is mesosaline. Sodium and chloride were the dominant ions. Nitrogen was potentially limiting for phytoplankton growth. One Cyanophyceae species andArtemia were the predominant species in the plankton.Artemia provided abundant food for flamingoes.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of sulphonamide pollution in marine and brackish systems, and to assess the utility of a recently proposed test protocol, sulphadimethoxine toxicity was measured using naupli and cysts of anArtemia species. Nauplii mortality, evaluated between 24 and 96 h, indicated a relatively high toxicity of sulphadimethoxine toArtemia (96 h LC50= 19.5 mg L−1). In addition, test on cysts demonstrated that a nominal concentration of 300 mg L−1 sulphadimethoxine significantly depressed hatching. Toxicity could depend on the high bioaccumulation rate of sulphadimethoxine measured in the organisms. The role of these tests in assessing the environmental risks of intensive farming and in determining suitable standards to improve water quality criteria is discussed together with the possible utilization of bioaccumulatingArtemia as ‘medicated feed’.  相似文献   

Cysts of two parthenogeneticArtemia strains from the Kalloni and Polychnitos saltworks on Lesbos Island were evaluated for their potential use in aquaculture. The characterizations performed were: cyst and naupliar biometrics, cyst hatching characteristics, and fatty acid profile of instar-I nauplii. Deactivation of diapause after treatment with H2O2 and/or decapsulation were applied in order to improve cyst hatchability. The evaluation revealed that the strains studied exhibit acceptable hatching characteristics for parthenogeneticArtemia and that the fatty acid profile of the Kalloni strain is excellent for use in culturing marine fishes and crustaceans. Statistical analyses on cyst and naupliar biometrics showed that the two populations characterized are almost identical and very similar to other Greek parthenogenetic strains.  相似文献   

Ecological studies onArtemia are still sparse, particularly in the Mediterranean area. The paper provides information on the main life-history traits of a bisexualArtemia strain in solar saltworks at Sant'Antioco, in the Province of Cagliari (southern Sardinia, Italy). Data on age class composition, reproductive mode and status, fecundity and other features are discussed in relation to environmental conditions and compared with previous studies.  相似文献   

This is an updated study on the biogeographic distribution of the populations of the genusArtemia (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) in Spain, with special focus on populations inhabiting salt lagoons and inland salterns. The populations recorded (40) belong to the bisexual speciesA. tunisiana and to the asexual groupA. parthenogenetica (diploid and tetraploid strains). They usually appear in three different hypersaline ecosystems: solar salterns and lagoons filled with sea water, solar salterns and lagoons containing brines of diluted mineral salts, and lagoons filled with athalassic (endorheic) brines. The brines in salinas are chemically characterized by high Cl concentrations, especially in inland salinas, whose brine sources are geologically associated with evaporitic formations developed in the Triassic and Lower Liassic of eastern Spain. Brines in athalassic lagoons, geologically associated with Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods, show higher levels of sulfate (up to 40–50%) as well as Mg2+. From a geographical point of view, bisexual and diploid asexual populations are mainly found in coastal and inland salinas or lagoons below 40° N, while asexual tetraploid populations are found in inland salinas and athalassic lagoons above that latitude. These populations have been biologically characterized by the morphology of their adults through multivariate analysis.  相似文献   

We present electron microscopic observations on fragments of encysted embryos of the crustacean,Artemia sp., recovered from a 27,000 year-old core section taken under the Great Salt Lake (GSL), Utah. The significance of these results comes from a consideration of the geological history of the GSL and the extraordinary properties and abundance ofArtemia cysts at this site. We make the case that this unique system, and probably other salt lakes as well, provides novel opportunities for the study of “ancient DNA” and related matters. The analysis provides the major focus of this paper, which we hope will stimulate interest in this aspect of salt lake research.  相似文献   

Aspects of communities and events in the concentrating ponds (S.G. 1.130 to 1.214) and salt crystallizing ponds (S.G. 1.215 to 1.264) of solar saltworks pertinent to salt manufacture are described. Communities that aid salt manufacture enable continuous and efficient production of high quality salt at a saltworks' design capacity, and they provide important controls on levels of organic matter in the brine. Fluctuating salinities, high concentrations of nutrients, and petroleum products are disturbances that causeAphanothece halophytica andDunaliella salina to release excessive quantities of organic matter, and that suppress or cause death to nutrient stripping organisms. Disturbances result in decreased quality and quantity of salt and increased costs for salt harvest, washing, and pond upkeep. Organic matter can be controlled by management techniques that keep nutrient stripping communities at proper levels and maintain a narrow and unchanging range of salinities in each pond, by constructing pond dikes able to withstand wind and water erosion, and by preventing spills of petroleum products in the ponds.  相似文献   

Data on biota and nutrients in solar ponds of a saltworks near Burgas, Bulgaria, were obtained. Surveys of the biota were undertaken, and records from management officials gave information on biological and physical conditions related to salt production. The decrease in the quality and quantity of sodium chloride harvested that began 10 to 15 years before the study, may be related to the high levels of plankton, combined nitrogen and phosphate, and the large accretion of bottom sediments and density of benthic communities. Biological management can improve the quality and quantity of the sodium chloride produced by the saltworks.  相似文献   

So far,Artemia populations in solar saltponds of southern France have been considered as belonging to the Old World parthenogenetic strain. However, two populations sampled monthly in abandoned salinas of Sète-Villeroy and Villeneuve appear to be bisexual throughout their life-cycle. Their sex ratio regularly fluctuates near equilibrium, and mating, present throughout life, is very common in early winter. Morphological characteristics, particularly the male frontal knobs structure, are discussed in relation to the diploid bisexual Mediterranean strain,Artemia tunisiana, which is distributed around the Mediterranean basin. The existence of sexual populations is discussed in regard to variation in environmental conditions in abandoned salinas.  相似文献   

西北地区气溶胶的源和汇与沙尘暴研究综述   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
西北地区是我国沙尘暴发生次数频繁、发生强度最大的地区,近年来发生的大沙尘暴源地均位于新疆、甘肃和内蒙古的干燥沙漠或戈壁地带。由这些地区起源的沙尘既对全球气候有影响,又对全球化学物质的循环有重要意义。该地区荒漠化严重,已成为全球四大沙尘暴高发区之一的中亚沙尘暴区的重要组成部分,文中综合论述了中国西北地区沙尘气溶胶的源和汇与输运过程,概括性总结了近20多年来对西北地区沙尘暴的研究成果。  相似文献   

Four critical challenges for physical geography are examined here: deterioration of common cores of knowledge associated with increasing intellectual niche specialization; the need for conceptual thinking and problem‐framing to catch up with measurement and analysis technology; and the need to explicitly incorporate human decision making in analysis of earth surface systems. The future calls for physical geography to embrace and confront the creative tension between nomothetic and interpretive science, and to fruitfully and explicitly integrate these approaches.  相似文献   

河南省旅游经济趋同与趋异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析河南省各地市旅游经济发展差异的基础上,用泰尔指数模型对河南省各地市旅游经济的趋同与趋异进行了研究,结果发现:2001—2007年河南省各地市旅游经济呈现出明显的趋同趋势;2008—2009年各地市旅游经济略显趋异;区内差异是导致河南省旅游经济差异的主要因素;中原城市群区内差异远远高于其他区域;四大区域之间也呈现出趋同趋势。据此,提出河南省整体旅游经济均衡快速发展建议:利用当前极化态势形成区域品牌,加快发达地区旅游产业转型升级,加大对旅游欠发达地区的政策扶持力度,落后地区发挥创意实现旅游快速发展。  相似文献   

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