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黑云母击象构造是一种快速受力、脆性变形的产物。文章阐述了内蒙古哈达门沟地区新太古界乌拉山群变质岩中的黑云母发育的击象构造特征,认为黑云母击象明显受到退变质作用和混合岩化作用及韧性剪切作用,很可能是形成于新太古代末—古元古代初呼和浩特—包头断裂和临河—集宁断裂产生的地震作用中;新太古代岩石中黑云母击象的存在也证明了华北地块在新太古代末—古元古代初已经具备了较强的刚度,板块构造理论适用范围的最早时限很可能向前推移到新太古代。  相似文献   

We present microstructural analyses demonstrating how the geometrical distribution and interconnectivity of mica influences quartz crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) development in naturally deformed rocks. We use a polymineralic (Qtz + Pl + Kfs + Bt + Ms ± Grt ± Tur) mylonite from the Zanskar Shear Zone, a section of the South Tibetan Detachment (NW Himalaya), to demonstrate how quartz CPO intensity decreases from quartz-dominated domains to micaceous domains, independently of whether or not quartz grains are pinned by mica grains. We then use a bimineralic (Qtz + Ms) mylonite from the Main Central Thrust (NW Himalaya) to show how increasing mica grain connectivity is concomitant with a systematic weakening of quartz CPO. Our results draw distinctions between CPO weakening due to: (i) second phase drag, leading to ineffective recovery in quartz; and (ii) increased transmission and localisation of strain between interconnected mica grains. In the latter case, well-connected micaceous layers take up most of the strain, weakening the rock and preventing straining of the stronger quartz matrix. Our findings suggest that rock weakening in quartz-rich crustal rocks is influenced not only by the presence of mica-rich layers but also the degree of mica grain connectivity, which allows for more effective strain localization through the entire rock mass.  相似文献   

In this study several grain-scale microstructures are presented that are thought to demonstrate the migration direction of once-mobile grain boundaries in a naturally deformed quartzite. An analysis is presented of the sense of migration of the boundaries, and the characteristics of the patterns of relative grain growth and shrinkage. Grain-boundary migration seems to be correlated with the relative crystallographic orientations of neighbouring grains for the quartz—quartz grain boundaries, and the pattern of preferred grain growth is roughly symmetrical about the mica foliation plane.  相似文献   

Cordierite — (Mg,Fe)2Al4Si5O18 — occurs as porphyroclasts within metapelitic and metavolcanic rocks from the Kemiö-Orijärvi belt, SW Finland. After crystallisation the cordierites have been deformed at temperatures between 550–825° C and pressures of 3–5 kbar. Optical microscopy reveals the following deformation-induced microstructures: a bimodal size distribution between host, 0.3 to 4.0 mm, and recrystallised (new) grains, 0.1 to 0.5 mm; the intracrystalline defect-structures of host grains yield undulatory extinction, subgrains and some twinning. Recrystallised grains are optically strain free. Grain and subgrain boundaries are generally straight and parallel to crystallographic low-index planes. Orientation distribution diagrams for host and recrystallised grains yield similar fabric diagrams, i.e. [010] perpendicular to foliation -S-, [001] and [100] parallel to S and [001] parallel to lineation -L-. The fabric diagrams indicate that [001] (010) is the dominant slip system. Transmission electron microscopy reveals straight free dislocations, glide and climb loops, minor {130} and {110} microtwins, isolated nodal points and dislocation walls. Contrast analyses yield Burgers vector b = [001] being dominant and b = [100] subordinate. Climb loops consist of 〈c〉-dislocations that are dissociated in (001) planes, glide loops are defined by [100] [010] and [001] (100). The cordierite microstructures have been interpreted to be generated by dislocation creep. The dominant recrystallisation mechanism is thought to be subgrain rotation subsequently followed by minor grain or twin-band boundary migration.  相似文献   

A grain of ilmenite enclosed in deformed quartz‐mica‐staurolite schist from Ducktown, Tennessee, shows a variety of optical features produced by natural deformation, recovery and recrystallisation processes. These features are consistent with dislocation processes similar to those observed in metals and other minerals, with the principal deformation modes apparently being slip on (0001) and twinning on (1011). Recrystallisation may have proceeded by sub‐grain rotation. Strain hardening associated with late‐stage deformation twinning has resulted in considerable variation in hardness, with measured Vickers Hardnesses ranging from 362 to 788. This range is substantially greater than those reported to date in standard compilations of ore microscopic data, even though detailed microprobe analysis has shown it to contain no component due to chemical inhomogeneity, and relatively little can be due to structural anisotropy. If other minerals show equally substantial effects of natural work‐hardening and annealing, the diagnostic value of microhardness determinations will be considerably reduced.  相似文献   

Dislocations in intermediate plagioclase feldspars, which were deformed under granulite facies conditions, have been analysed. The study reveals extensive ductile deformation by intracrystalline slip and by twinning. Six out of the seven possible Burgers vectors were identified: \(b = \left[ {001} \right],\tfrac{1}{2}\left[ {110} \right],\tfrac{1}{2}\left[ {1\bar 10} \right],\left[ {101} \right],\tfrac{1}{2}\left[ {112} \right]and\tfrac{1}{2}\left[ {1\bar 12} \right]\) . Most, perhaps all, dislocations are dissociated by up to 200 Å. The microstructure is dominated by [001] screw dislocations, most of which appear to be dissociated in (010). The dominant slip system appears to be (010) [001]. Large grain-to-grain variations in the density of free dislocations indicate that the plastic strain in individual grains depended upon the Schmid factor for (010) [001]. The microstructure suggests that the rate-controlling step for high-temperature creep of plagioclase is cross-slip of extended [001] screw dislocations. The rheological contrast between feldspar and quartz is partly due to a difference in stacking fault energy.  相似文献   

Widely dissociated dislocations have been observed in mantle olivine from the Erro-Tobbio peridotite in N.W. Italy. Analysis of diffraction contrast in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that the dissociation reaction involves the climb dissociation on (001) and {021} planes of b=[001] unit dislocations into partial dislocations with Burgers vectors approximately equal to 1/x 011. In the most extreme case a unit dislocation dissociates into four partials which bound three planar defects. The unusually wide dissociation and the greater extent of dissociation in olivine from amphibole-bearing rocks suggests that the dissociation is related to hydration. The occurrence of fluid inclusions along the dislocations confirms that the partials and planar defects are saturated with volatiles. Analysis of possible planar defect structures in Fo90 shows that; (i) the most likely partial Burgers vectors are b=0 3/11 1/4; (ii) two of the planar defects are cation-deficient and can be stabilised by segregation of H+ to produce (Mg, Fe) (OH)2 layers which are iso-structural with the OH-rich interlayer of the humite group minerals; (iii) the central planar defect is formed by removing a stoichiometric olivine (002) layer so does not produce any local chemical changes. The climb dissociation provides a possible mechanism for the transformation of olivine to a humite group mineral. OH-rich interlayers may nucleate on dislocations and extend into the crystal by climb resulting in a gradual increase of (Mg, Fe) (OH)2 content. The only addition of material required is hydrogen which can rapidly diffuse into olivine. If the dissociation is stable and occurs at high temperatures and pressures it may significantly influence the nature and kinetics of deformation mechanisms and the olivine — spinel shear transformation mechanism in hydrated olivine.  相似文献   

A model is proposed for the production of clinopyroxene lamellae in orthopyroxene by a dislocation mechanism based on simple shear. Four possible shears are described. Two shears apply to each subcell of orthopyroxene, one with =13.3° in one sense, the other with =18.3° in the opposite sense.The senses of shears of the same magnitude in adjacent cells are also opposite. All shears produce the same structure, but in two discrete orientations which can be distinguished from electron diffraction patterns. However, the operative shear cannot be uniquely determined from the diffraction patterns alone. The characteristics of the diffraction contrast fringes and associated partial dislocations observed by transmission electron microscopy in a naturally deformed orthopyroxene are shown to be consistent with the proposed model.  相似文献   

Naturally deformed feldspars from foliated granites in a shear zone in Newfoundland exhibit transitional brittle-ductile behaviour. Brittle failure is subordinate to dynamic recrystallization, microcracking, strain enhanced diffusion and reaction enhanced ductility during the deformation. Both plagioclase (An28) and K-feldspar are transformed to albite with increasing strain. Interaction of metamorphic and structural processes at the grain scale is emphasised. This is illustrated with examples of quartz-filled veins (segregation bands) in plagioclase and recrystallized polycrystalline aggregates in plagioclase and K-feldspar. The role of microcracking in plagioclase and of pre-existing internal growth structures in the formation of initially coarse grained recrystallized aggregates from large single crystals is suggested.  相似文献   

A relatively undeformed quartzite sample from the Weverton formation was experimentally deformed in plane strain at a temperature of 700° C, a confining pressure of 15 kb and a constant strain rate of 10−6/sec, in a modified Griggs apparatus. A comparison of the known experimental strain for the sample with that measured from deformed rutile needles within the quartz grains shows fairly close agreement between the two values. This confirms the validity of using the needles as intracrystalline strain markers. A comparison has been made of the microstructures and preferred orientations in the experimentally deformed sample and a naturally deformed sample of the same quartzite which has undergone the same strain. The experimentally deformed sample exhibits more inhomogeneous intragranular deformation and a “double funnel” pattern of c axes, while the naturally deformed sample exhibits more homogeneous intragranular deformation and a broad great circle girdle of c axes normal to the foliation and lineation.  相似文献   

Naturally deformed clinoamphiboles from the Selbu-Tydal and Forsbäck-Tärnaby areas of the Scandinavian Caledonides exhibit a well defined subgrain microstructure. From a transmission electron microscopy study (TEM), the subgrain boundaries are shown to consist of arrays of positive and negative screw dislocations with Burgers vector . Locally expanded loops are present having long screw segments. The subgrain boundaries are parallel to rational crystallographic planes of the type (hk0). The density of isolated dislocations within the subgrains is low. In addition planar defect structures parallel to (010) and bounded by screw dislocations with are observed. Based on metamorphic criteria the PT values at the time of the amphibole growth have been estimated at 450°–600°C and 4–6 kbar, and these represent maximum conditions for the deformation. The present results indicate that slip on (hk0) [001] is an operative deformation mechanism in naturally deformed clinoamphiboles.  相似文献   

The area-perimeter fractal dimension (D) of quartz grains has earlier been proposed as a strain-rate gauge based on experimental deformation of quartz aggregates. To test the application in naturally deformed rocks, D is calculated in (a) three quartzites belonging to the Lunavada Group of rocks (Aravalli Mountain Belt, NW India) that developed textures between 420–600°C and (b) one quartz reef sample from the Malanjkhand Granite (Central India), which underwent dynamic recrystallization between 250–400°C. Using the above T ranges and calculated D values, strain-rates are calculated for the two sets of samples. A 10−12.7 s−1 strain rate at 250°C is calculated for the quartz reef sample. However, at higher temperatures the calculated strain-rate is >10−10 s−1 for the quartz reef and the quartzite samples. The quartzites show evidence of dynamic recrystallization by grain boundary migration (GBM) and subgrain rotation (SGR), while the quartz reef is replete with evidence of bulging (BLG) recrystallization. T and calculated strainrates are plotted on available recrystallization map of quartz. It is demonstrated that whilst the T/strain-rate of the quartzites does not fall in the region of GBM and SGR, the T/strain-rate of the quartz reef falls in the BLG region. The problems with strain-rate calculations using area perimeter fractal dimension are discussed. It is concluded that the method of strain-rate calculation can be used only for lower T.  相似文献   

The effects of deformation on radiogenic argon (40Ar) retentivity in mica are described from high pressure experiments performed on rock samples of peraluminous granite containing euhedral muscovite and biotite. Cylindrical cores, ∼15 mm in length and 6.25 mm in diameter, were drilled from granite collected from the South Armorican Massif in northwestern France, loaded into gold capsules, and weld-sealed in the presence of excess water. The samples were deformed at a pressure of 10 kb and a temperature of 600 °C over a period 29 of hours within a solid medium assembly in a Griggs-type triaxial hydraulic deformation apparatus. Overall shortening in the experiments was approximately 10%. Transmitted light and secondary and backscattered electron imaging of the deformed granite samples reveals evidence of induced defects and for significant physical grain size reduction by kinking, cracking, and grain segmentation of the micas.Infrared (IR) laser (CO2) heating of individual 1.5-2.5 mm diameter grains of muscovite and biotite separated from the undeformed granite yield well-defined 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 311 ± 2 Ma (2σ). Identical experiments on single grains separated from the experimentally deformed granite yield results indicating 40Ar loss of 0-35% in muscovite and 2-3% 40Ar loss in biotite. Intragrain in situ ultraviolet (UV) laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar ages (±4-10%, 1σ) of deformed muscovites range from 309 ± 13 to 264 ± 7 Ma, consistent with 0-16% 40Ar loss relative to the undeformed muscovite. The in situ UV laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar ages of deformed biotite vary from 301 to 217 Ma, consistent with up to 32% 40Ar loss. No spatial correlation is observed between in situ40Ar/39Ar age and position within individual grains. Using available argon diffusion data for muscovite the observed 40Ar loss in the experimentally treated muscovite can be utilized to predict average 40Ar diffusion dimensions. Maximum 40Ar/39Ar ages obtained by UV laser ablation overlap those of the undeformed muscovite, indicating argon loss of <1% and an average effective grain radius for 40Ar diffusion ?700 μm. The UV laser ablation and IR laser incremental 40Ar/39Ar ages indicating 40Ar loss of 16% and 35%, respectively, are consistent with an average diffusion radius ?100 μm. These results support a hypothesis of grain-scale 40Ar diffusion distances in undeformed mica and a heterogeneous mechanical reduction in the intragrain effective diffusion length scale for 40Ar in deformed mica. Reduction in the effective diffusion length scale in naturally deformed samples occurs most probably through production of mesoscopic and submicroscopic defects such as, e.g., stacking faults. A network of interconnected defects, continuously forming and annealing during dynamic deformation likely plays an important role in controlling both 40Ar retention and intragrain distribution in deformed mica. Intragrain 40Ar/39Ar ages, when combined with estimates of diffusion kinetics and distances, may provide a means of establishing thermochronological histories from individual micas.  相似文献   

The subgrain size and the dislocation density of subgrain interiors were measured by the oxidation-decoration method under the optical microscope on naturally deformed olivine from peridotite xenoliths and alpine-type peridotites. Relation of the subgrain size, d and the dislocation density, , within subgrains is represented by the equation, d=15/. Combining with relations of the differential stress and the dislocation density proposed by Kohlstedt and Goetze (1974), relation between the stress () and the subgrain size becomes d=45 Gb/, where G and b are the rigidity and the magnitude of the Burgers vector of olivine. This relation is in good agreement with those in a simple oxide (MgO), and alkali halides (NaCl, LiF) given by Hüther and Reppich (1973), Poirier (1972), and Streb and Reppich (1973), respectively.  相似文献   

The electron backscattering diffraction technique (EBSD) was used to analyze bulging recrystallization microstructures from naturally and experimentally deformed quartz aggregates, both of which are characterized by porphyroclasts with finely serrated grain boundaries and grain boundary bulges set in a matrix of very fine recrystallized grains. For the Tonale mylonites we investigated, a temperature range of 300–380 °C, 0.25 GPa confining pressure, a flow stress range of ~ 0.1–0.2 GPa, and a strain rate of ~ 10− 13 s− 1 were estimated. Experimental samples of Black Hills quartzite were analyzed, which had been deformed in axial compression at 700 °C, 1.2–1.5 GPa confining pressure, a flow stress of ~ 0.3–0.4 GPa, a strain rate of ~ 10− 6 s− 1, and to 44% to 73% axial shortening. Using orientation imaging we investigated the dynamic recrystallization microstructures and discuss which processes may contribute to their development. Our results suggest that several deformation processes are important for the dismantling of the porphyroclasts and the formation of recrystallized grains. Grain boundary bulges are not only formed by local grain boundary migration, but they also display a lattice misorientation indicative of subgrain rotation. Dynamic recrystallization affects especially the rims of host porphyroclasts with a hard orientation, i.e. with an orientation unsuitable for easy basal slip. In addition, Dauphiné twins within porphyroclasts are preferred sites for recrystallization. We interpret large misorientation angles in the experimental samples, which increase with increasing strain, as formed by the activity of fluid-assisted grain boundary sliding.  相似文献   

In a high-resolution small-scale seismic experiment we investigated the shallow structure of the Wadi Araba fault (WAF), the principal fault strand of the Dead Sea Transform System between the Gulf of Aqaba/Eilat and the Dead Sea. The experiment consisted of 8 sub-parallel 1 km long seismic lines crossing the WAF. The recording station spacing was 5 m and the source point distance was 20 m. The first break tomography yields insight into the fault structure down to a depth of about 200 m. The velocity structure varies from one section to the other which were 1 to 2 km apart, but destinct velocity variations along the fault are visible between several profiles. The reflection seismic images show positive flower structures and indications for different sedimentary layers at the two sides of the main fault. Often the superficial sedimentary layers are bent upward close to the WAF. Our results indicate that this section of the fault (at shallow depths) is characterized by a transpressional regime. We detected a 100 to 300 m wide heterogeneous zone of deformed and displaced material which, however, is not characterized by low seismic velocities at a larger scale. At greater depth the geophysical images indicate a blocked cross-fault structure. The structure revealed, fault cores not wider than 10 m, are consistent with scaling from wear mechanics and with the low loading to healing ratio anticipated for the fault.  相似文献   

It is argued that mylonite zones result from translatory movements between rock masses and that the deformation mechanism is one of simple shear. Evidence is adduced to show that the mylonite zones in the Moine Thrust Belt of northwestern Scotland were developed in association with the inverted limbs of early Caledonian folds which trend parallel to the thrust front. On this basis a method is developed for the determination of shear strain from parameters which can be measured in mylonites which contain deformed Skolithos worm burrows. Very large strains are indicated (γ - 10). Some general implications are discussed.  相似文献   

We use quantitative microstructural analysis including misorientation analysis based on electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) data to investigate deformation mechanisms of naturally deformed plagioclase in an amphibolite gabbro mylonite. The sample is from lower oceanic crust exposed near the Southwest Indian Ridge, and it has a high ratio of recrystallized matrix grains to porphyroclasts. Microstructures preserved in porphyroclasts suggest that early deformation was achieved principally by dislocation creep with subgrain rotation recrystallization; recrystallized grain (average diameter ∼8 μm) microstructures indicate that subsequent grain boundary sliding (GBS) was active in the continued deformation of the recrystallized matrix. The recrystallized matrix shows four-grain junctions, randomized misorientation axes, and a shift towards higher angles for neighbor-pair misorientations, all indicative of GBS. The matrix grains also exhibit a shape preferred orientation, a weak lattice preferred orientation consistent with slip on multiple slip systems, and intragrain microstructures indicative of dislocation movement. The combination of these microstructures suggest deformation by dislocation-accommodated GBS (DisGBS). Strain localization within the recrystallized matrix was promoted by a transition from grain size insensitive dislocation creep to grain size sensitive GBS, and sustained by the maintenance of a small grain size during superplasticity.  相似文献   

刘俊来 《地学前缘》2004,11(4):503-509
岩石流动性和变形显微构造的发育直接受温度、压力、应变速率和流体相等制约 ,致使在不同地壳层次岩石的流动性表现出很大的差异。对上部地壳环境条件下天然和实验变形岩石的显微构造分析揭示出一系列具有不同特点以及由不同的成核、扩展和联合方式形成的破裂与微破裂型式的存在。讨论了在上部地壳环境中 ,温度与围压的变化对岩石破裂的影响 ,并阐述了高压破裂与低压破裂及其力学、流变学和显微构造特点 ,提出高压破裂对应于天然变形环境下出现的剪切 (挤压 )破裂 ,而碎裂岩带是典型的天然低压破裂 ,其低压环境的出现可以是浅部低围压或深部高流体压力所致。流体相的存在不仅可以引起石英 ,也可以引起方解石类碳酸盐岩矿物的水解弱化 ,并进而导致岩石流动机制的转变。岩石变形及流体等因素所致的岩石粒度变化 ,则从另一个方面影响着上部地壳岩石流动性的变化。从变形环境考虑 ,随着深度的加大 ,温度和压力升高 ,导致岩石由脆性向韧性转变 ;转变域内岩石的变形是一个复杂过程 ,是多种不同脆性和晶质塑性机制的综合。  相似文献   

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