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Interpolating geo-data with curvilinear structures using geostatistics is often disappointing. Channels, for example, become
disconnected sets of lakes when interpolated from point data. In order to improve the interpolation of geological structures
(e.g., curvilinear structures), we present a new form of kriging, local anisotropy kriging (LAK). Local anisotropy kriging
combines a gradient algorithm from image analysis with kriging in an iterative way. After an initial standard kriging interpolation,
the gradient algorithm determines the local anisotropy for each cell in the grid using a search area around the cell. Subsequently,
kriging is carried out with the spatially varying anisotropy. The anisotropy calculation and subsequent kriging steps will
then succeed until the result is satisfactory in the way of reproducing the curvilinear structures. Depending on the size
of the search area more or less detail in the geological structures can be reproduced with LAK. Using test examples we show
that LAK interpolates data with curvilinear structures more realistically than standard kriging. In a real world case, using
bathymetric data of the Oosterschelde estuary, LAK also proves to be quantitatively superior to standard kriging. Absolute
interpolation errors are decreased by 23%. Local anisotropy kriging only uses information from point data, which makes the
method very objective, it only presents “what the data can tell.” 相似文献
Because of the need for computational efficiency, bivariate interpolation methods applied to scattered observations often involve two stages. Initially the variable is estimated at regular grid nodes using a running subset of data (usually of fixed number). This, however, will produce discontinuities in the interpolated surface. Thus a second stage, curvilinear interpolation technique, is applied to estimated values to smooth out the effect of discontinuities. Such problems can be overcome efficiently in processing large data sets by interpolating over natural neighbor subsets. Interpolation procedures that generate discontinuities in the interpolated surface are inappropriate for geological applications, where dislocations due to structural complications may be present. 相似文献
Smoothing and interpolation by kriging and with splines 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
G. S. Watson 《Mathematical Geology》1984,16(6):601-615
Let scalar measurements at distinct points x1, , xn
be y1, , yn.We may look for a smooth function f(x)that goes through or near the points (xi, yi).Kriging assumes f(x)is a random function with known (possibly estimable) covariance function (in the simplest case). Splines assume a definition of the smoothness of a nonrandom function f(x).An elementary explanation is given of the fact that spline approximations are special cases of the solution of a kriging problem. 相似文献
将SURFER软件应用到地下水位等值线图绘制中,并以希尼尔水库为例,研究采用不同插值方法下SURFER软件绘制等值线图的差异,提出了不同插值方法的适用范围。 相似文献
Transformation of Residuals to Avoid Artifacts in Geostatistical Modelling with a Trend 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Trend modelling is an important part of natural resource characterization. A common approach to account for a variable with a trend is to decompose it into a relatively smoothly varying trend and a more variable residual component. Then, the residuals are stochastically modelled independent of the trend. This decomposition can result in values outside the plausible range of variability, such as grades below zero or ratios that exceed 1.0. We transform the residuals conditional to the trend component to explicitly remove these complex features prior to geostatistical modelling. Back transformation of the modelled residual values allows the complex relations to be reproduced. A petroleum-related application shows the robustness of the proposed transformation. Furthermore, a mining application shows that when this conditional transformation is applied to the original variable, instead of the residual, simulated values are assured to be nonnegative. 相似文献
The FFT Moving Average (FFT-MA) Generator: An Efficient Numerical Method for Generating and Conditioning Gaussian Simulations 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
A fast Fourier transform (FFT) moving average (FFT-MA) method for generating Gaussian stochastic processes is derived. Using discrete Fourier transforms makes the calculations easy and fast so that large random fields can be produced. On the other hand, the basic moving average frame allows us to uncouple the random numbers from the structural parameters (mean, variance, correlation length, ... ), but also to draw the randomness components in spatial domain. Such features impart great flexibility to the FFT-MA generator. For instance, changing only the random numbers gives distinct realizations all having the same covariance function. Similarly, several realizations can be built from the same random number set, but from different structural parameters. Integrating the FFT-MA generator into an optimization procedure provides a tool theoretically capable to determine the random numbers identifying the Gaussian field as well as the structural parameters from dynamic data. Moreover, all or only some of the random numbers can be perturbed so that realizations produced using the FFT-MA generator can be locally updated through an optimization process. 相似文献
针对目前地层数字连线中处理地层缺失和倒转困难的问题,考虑6种地层缺失和倒转情形,提出了纵、横向结合地层分界线控制点搜索算法。将剖面图绘制视为一个多层地层区域组合叠加的过程,在保持地层连续性的前提下兼顾各地层相互之间的影响,有效处理了地层倒转、缺失问题,在此基础上提出一种增加虚拟点、微调已有点的新算法。结合3次样条插值函数,对绘制出的剖面图进行修正,实现了地层光滑连线,达到了地层无缝、无重叠组合的效果。将提出的复杂地层连线新方法应用于广东梅河高速公路工程数字制图中,构造出的地层分布图像准确性好,比较符合实际,可以为工程的勘察、设计和施工提供参考。 相似文献
数字测图系统在城市地理信息系统建设中有着广泛的应用.根据MAPSUV生成的SUV文件数据, 基于二维电子地图的平面位置, 通过虚拟现实技术, 直接将测量得到的地物空间、属性信息直观清晰地显示成三维虚拟地图, 从而实现测图成果的表现方式由二维到三维的转变.对数字测图成果三维模拟系统的设计原则整体结构、数据组织、系统功能做了详细的探讨.介绍了系统数据源、数据处理、模型库和纹理库建立以及三维可视化成果图的显示和输出.该系统集成了GIS、VRML、测绘等理论和技术, 具有数据建模, 场景漫游、属性查询等功能, 再现了二维数字地图的三维景观.测图成果3D模拟系统建模周期短, 工作量小, 可应用于城市规划、测绘、交通等许多领域. 相似文献
高精度地面核磁共振数据正演计算 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为高精度、快速地完成地面核磁共振信号的正演模拟,借助连分式插值技术对积分核函数利用尽可能少的节点上的值进行插值计算。核函数的积分采用高斯求积公式。对自由空间中单层含水层地面核磁共振响应的数值模拟结果表明,结合插值与高斯积分,能精确、高效地获得地面核磁共振信号。 相似文献
This paper extends the multipoint flux-approximation (MPFA) control-volume method to quadrilateral grids for which the adjacent cells do not necessarily share corners. Examples are grids with faults and locally refined grids. This paper gives a derivation of the method for such grids. The difference between two-point flux-approximation (TPFA) results and MPFA results for faults and local grid refinements is demonstrated for synthetic problems. Further, the results are compared with results from uniform fine-grid simulations. The effect of repeated fault patterns as well as anisotropy is investigated. Large errors may be found for the TPFA method for flow through a series of faults in an anisotropic medium. Finally, a comparison is done for a reservoir field application. 相似文献
本文基于移动最小二乘形函数和加权残量法,针对承压稳定井流问题,构造了无网格局部Petrov-Galerkin法,并对井点采用了控制面积法。通过具体模型计算显示,该方法实施过程简单,又有较高的精度。 相似文献
核废物地质处置、地热开发、石油开采等工程领域都可能涉及稀疏裂隙岩体中的水流-传热过程。现有的裂隙岩体水流-传热理论模型和计算方法基本上都是以平行光滑壁面裂隙模型为基础的,没有考虑裂隙的壁面局部接触对水流、水-岩热交换以及岩体传热的影响。针对粗糙壁面裂隙水流过程,阐述了基于Stokes方程的Reynolds润滑方程及Hele-Shaw裂隙模型,采用MATLAB软件中的PDE工具求解,并与Walsh的等效水力开度公式进行对比;分析壁面局部接触裂隙水流-传热与填充裂隙水流-传热的相似性,提出了瞬时局部热平衡假设的适用条件,并在裂隙局部接触体传热满足Biot数条件的前提下,计算分析裂隙局部接触体与水流之间的局部热平衡时间及其影响因素;在裂隙局部接触体与水流之间满足瞬时热平衡假设的前提下,利用填充裂隙水流-传热的解析解,计算了壁面局部接触裂隙水及两侧岩石的温度分布,并分析了裂隙局部接触面积率、裂隙开度、裂隙水平均流速对岩石温度和裂隙水温度的影响特征,结果表明:(1)在设定条件下,由于裂隙局部接触体与裂隙水流之间的热交换,裂隙水流对其两侧岩石温度的影响范围随接触面积率的增大而减小,裂隙两侧岩石对裂隙水流温度的影响程度随接触面积率的增大而增大;(2)裂隙开度和裂隙水流速对岩石温度和裂隙水温度的影响方式的影响是一致的,即由于裂隙水流量随裂隙开度和裂隙水流速的增大而增大,裂隙水流对其两侧岩石温度的影响范围随裂隙开度和裂隙水流速的增大而增大,裂隙两侧岩石对裂隙水流温度的影响程度随裂隙开度和裂隙水流速的增大而减小。 相似文献
测定石膏及其制品中的氟化物和氯化物,传统分析方法过程复杂,分析速度慢,准确度及灵敏度低。本文采用超声提取技术提取样品中的氟和氯,以Na2CO3-Na HCO3作为淋洗液,色谱柱分离后通过抑制器降低背景电导,用电导检测器进行检测。通过优化样品前处理和离子色谱分离条件,在测定范围内氟和氯的含量与峰面积呈良好的线性关系(相关系数0.9998),方法检测限为0.15 ng/m L(氟)和0.28 ng/m L(氯),加标回收率为95.0%~99.7%,精密度(RSD)均小于5%(n=8)。本方法采用超声提取技术,无需净化处理即可直接分析,半小时内完成前处理,且避免了目标分析物的损失。与离子选择电极法相比,检测限由μg/m L提升至ng/m L级别。 相似文献
研究了碘化钾-甲基异丁基甲酮(KI—MIBK)萃取-火焰原子吸收分光光度法连续测定地球化学样品中痕量银、镉和铊的主要条件。通过对火焰原子吸收分光光度计气路控制系统及雾化器的改进,较大地改善了萃取-火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定银、镉和铊的稳定性和灵敏度。选择萃取酸度为1.2mol/L HCl、水相和有机相体积配比为3:1~4:1,方法精密度(RSD,n=12)为Ag4.5%~9.6%、Cd1.5%~7.9%、T14.5%~5.4%,检出限(3s)为Ag0.004μg/g、Cd0.007μg/g、T10.011μg/g,符合多目标地球化学调查样品测试及质量监控要求。用国家一级标准物质和密码组合标准物质进行验证,测试结果令人满意。 相似文献
Based on the particle simulation method, a thermo-mechanical coupling particle model is proposed for simulating thermally-induced rock damage. In this model, rock material is simulated as an assembly of particles, which are connected to each other through their bonds, in the case of simulating mechanical deformation, but connected to each other through thermal pipes in the case of simulating heat conduction. The main advantages of using this model are that: (1) microscopic parameters of this model can be directly determined from the related macroscopic ones; (2) the temperature-dependent elastic modulus and strength are considered in an explicit manner, so that thermally-induced rock damage can be realistically simulated in a thermo-mechanical coupling problem. The related simulation results from an application example have demonstrated that: (1) the proposed model can produce similar behaviors to those observed in experiments; (2) the final failure is initiated from the outer surface of the testing sample and propagates toward the borehole; (3) microscopic crack initiation and propagation processes can be reasonably simulated at the cooling stage. 相似文献
为了研究岩溶山区地下采矿活动对上覆岩层及山体的变形影响,依托贵州纳雍普洒“8.28”特大崩滑案例,在现场地质调查的基础上,分析了纳雍普洒“8.28”崩塌体特征和山体变形发展过程,采用UDEC离散元数值方法研究了地下采动作用诱发强烈岩溶山体崩滑失稳过程及变形特征。结果表明:山体上部灰岩溶蚀强烈,形成众多裂隙和岩溶管道,在地下采动作用下经历了较长的变形发展过程;地下采动影响下,山体上覆岩层向采空区方向变形,并随着顶板岩层冒落,岩层变形显著增大;上覆岩层深大裂隙对山体变形有重要影响,上部岩层沿着裂隙向下形成沉降带,同时裂隙也得以扩展;崩塌区前缘岩体由于开挖卸荷,向坡外发生挤出变形,前缘阻滑力降低;随着采空区不断扩大,山体稳定性不断降低,最终山体整体溃屈,发生破坏。普洒崩滑模式为“山体后缘拉裂沉陷—裂隙扩展贯通—整体溃屈”。本研究为开展西南地区地下采动对岩溶坡体稳定性影响评价提供借鉴。 相似文献
表生和埋藏成岩作用的温压条件下不同组成碳酸盐岩溶蚀成岩过程的实验模拟 总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17
表生到埋藏成岩作用的温度与压力(40~100℃,常压~25MPa),方解石、白云石相对含量不同的碳酸盐岩的溶蚀证明,在表生与相对浅埋藏的温压条件(低于75℃、20MPa)下,方解石的溶解速率大大超过白云石,随着温度和压力的升高,两者溶解速率的差值变小。在相对深埋藏的温压条件(高于75℃、20MPa)下,白云石的溶解速率已超过方解石,在100、25MPa的温压条件下,微晶白云石(白云石/方解石=98/2)的溶解速率已是含云灰岩(白云石/方解石=16/84)的2倍,造成这种现象的原因是白云石的温度、压力效应大大超过方解石之故。根据实验的结果可以预测:表生与相对浅埋藏的温压条件下,石灰岩的岩溶作用较白云岩发育;但在深埋藏阶段,由溶解作用造成的白云岩次生孔隙应比方解石更为发育,这是埋藏深度大于2000m的地层中,白云岩储层多于石灰岩的重要原因。 相似文献