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基于CGCM2对未来100年气候的9个模拟试验,对中国半干旱地区青海湖、岱海和呼伦湖及其流域,运用蒙特卡罗分析法模拟湖泊水量对气候变化的响应以及相应的概率.结果表明,从2020s,2050s和2080s三个时期温度增加的发生频率高于75%的分布看,温度将稳定增加2-5℃.未来的年平均温度增幅将超过了过去50年的观测记录,与过去一万年期间高温期的变化幅度相当.三个时期75%以上发生频率的温度和降水变化将会分别引起青海湖流域为-5%至 10%,呼伦湖流域为-7%至 5%,岱海流域为 2%至 12%的降水变化.虽然未来年降水总量的变幅没有超过过去50年器测记录变幅,更不及全新世的降水变化量,但湖泊水量对气候变化的反映变率较变幅要大.模拟的气候变化在75%概率的情况下,未来3个湖泊水量将有累计30%-45%的变化,变幅在±10%之间.快速的湖泊水量变化不能不引起对不远未来的水资源状况的重视和警备.  相似文献   

The paper presents an experimental study on the influence of the grain size distribution curve on dynamic soil properties. More than 160 resonant column tests with additional P-wave measurements have been performed on 27 different grain size distribution curves of a quartz sand. While the small-strain shear modulus Gmax has been discussed by Wichtmann and Triantafyllidis [1] the present paper focusses on P-wave velocity vP, on the small-strain constrained elastic modulus Mmax and on Poisson's ratio νν. It is demonstrated that while vP and Mmax do not significantly depend on mean grain size d50 in the investigated range, they decrease with increasing coefficient of uniformity Cu=d60/d10 of the grain size distribution curve. Poisson's ratio does also not depend on d50 but increases with increasing Cu. An empirical formula similar to Hardin's equation has been developed for Mmax, considering the influence of the grain size distribution curve. It predicts quite well the experimental data.  相似文献   

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