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Forty-two bench samples of the Sewickley coal bed were collected from seven localities in the northern Appalachian Basin and analyzed palynologically, petrographically, and geochemically. The Sewickley coal bed occurs in the middle of the Pittsburgh Formation (Monongahela Group) and is of Late Pennsylvanian age. Palynologically, it is dominated by spores of tree ferns. Tree fern spore taxa in the Sewickley include Punctatisporites minutus, Punctatosporites minutus, Laevigatosporites minimus, Spinosporites exiguus, Apiculatasporites saetiger, and Thymospora spp. In fact, Punctatisporites minutus was so abundant that it had to be removed from the standard counts and recorded separately (average 73.2%). Even when Punctatisporites minutus is removed from the counts, tree fern spores still dominate a majority of the assemblages, averaging 64.4%. Among the tree fern spores identified in the Sewickley coal, Thymospora exhibits temporal and spatial abundance variation. Thymospora usually increases in abundance from the base to the top of the bed. Thymospora is also more abundant in columns that are thick (>100 cm) and low in ash yield (<12.0%, dry basis). Calamite spores (e.g. Calamospora spp., Laevigatosporites minor, and L. vulgaris) are the next most abundant plant group represented in the Sewickley coal, averaging 20%. Contributions from all other plant groups are minor in comparison.Petrographically, the Sewickley coal contains high percentages of vitrinite (average 82.3%, mineral matter-free (mmf)), with structured forms being more common than unstructured forms. In contrast, liptinite and inertinite macerals both occur in low percentages (average 7.7% and 10.0%, respectively). Geochemically, the Sewickley coal has a moderate ash yield (average 12.4%) and high total sulfur content (average 3.4%).Four localities contained a high ash or carbonaceous shale bench. These benches, which may be coeval, are strongly dominated by tree fern spores. Unlike the lower ash benches, they contain low percentages of vitrinite, which mainly occurs as unstructured vitrinite, and higher liptinite and inertinite contents.The accumulated data suggest that the Sewickley paleomire was probably a rheotrophic, planar mire that had a consistent water cover. This is supported by the high vitrinite contents, moderate ash yields, and high total sulfur contents. The high ash and carbonaceous shale benches probably represent either periods of dryness and substrate exposure, or flooding of the mire surface, the duration of which is unknown.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1997,12(3):281-289
The Middle Pennsylvanian Breathitt Formation (Westphalian B) Pond Creek and Fire Clay coal beds are the 2 largest producing coal beds in eastern Kentucky. Single channel samples from 22 localities in the Pond Creek coal bed were obtained from active coal mines in Pike and Martin Countries, Kentucky, and a total of 18 Fire Clay coal bed channel samples were collected from localities in the central portion of the coal field. The overall objective of this study was to investigate the concentration and distribution of potentially hazardous elements in the Fire Clay and Pond Creek coal beds, with particular emphasis on As and Pb, 2 elements that are included in the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments as potential air toxics. The 2 coals are discussed individually as the depositional histories are distinct, the Fire Clay coal bed having more sites where relatively high-S lithologies are encountered. In an effort to characterize these coals, 40 whole channel samples, excluding 1-cm partings, were analyzed for major, minor and trace elements by X-ray fluorescence and proton-induced X-ray emission spectroscopy. Previously analyzed samples were added to provide additional geographic coverage and lithotype samples from one site were analyzed in order to provide detail of vertical elemental trends.The As and Pb levels in the Fire Clay coal bed tend to be higher than in the Pond Creek coal bed. One whole channel sample of the Fire Clay coal bed contains 1156 ppm As (ash basis), with a single lithotype containing 4000 ppm As (ash basis). Most of the As and Pb appears to be associated with pyrite, which potentially can be removed in beneficiation (particularly coarser pyrite). Disseminated finer pyrite may not be completely removable by cleaning. In the examination of pyrite conducted in this study, it does not appear that significant concentration of As or Pb occurs in the finer pyrite forms. The biggest potential problem of As- or Pb-enriched pyrite is, therefore, one of refuse disposal.  相似文献   

The Middle Pennsylvanian (Westphalian D) Stockton (also known as the Broas) coal bed of the Breathitt Formation is an important energy resource in Kentucky. Petrographic, geochemical and palynologic studies were undertaken from mine, core and highway exposures in Martin and northern Pike counies, Kentucky, in order to determine the influence of the Stockton depositional ecosystem on those parameters.Vitrinite-rich Stockton lithotypes are dominated by Lycospora. Dull lithotypes, including both high- and low-ash yield durains, generally have abundant Densosporites, suggesting that the parent plant inhabited a fairly wide range of environments. Lithologies having tree ferns as an important component also have high fusinite + semifusinite and a low telinite/gelocollinite ratio. The aerial root bundles of the tree ferns were susceptible to oxidation and, for tissue not oxidized to inertinite, to preservation as gelocollinite.In the initial stages of formation, the Stockton mire was discontinuous and had a rather restricted floral assemblage. The presence of durains higher in the Stockton section, particularly the low-ash yield durains having petrographic indicators of degradation, suggests that portions of the mire developed as a domed peat. The termination of the mire as a high-sulfur, arboreous lycopod-domimated mire is consistent with the return to more planar mire development.  相似文献   

The Fire Clay tonstein [Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous), Westphalian Series, Duckmantian Stage]–a kaolinized, volcanic-ash deposit occurring in Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, and Virginia–is the most widespread bed in the Middle Pennsylvanian of the central Appalachian basin, USA. A concordant single-crystal U–Pb zircon datum for this tonstein gives a 206Pb/238U age of 314.6 ± 0.9 Ma (2σ). This age is in approximate agreement with a mean sanidine plateau age of 311.5 ± 1.3 Ma (1σ, n = 11) for the Fire Clay tonstein. The difference between the two ages may be due to bias between the 40K and 238U decay constants and other factors. The age of the Fire Clay tonstein has important implications for Duckmantian Stage (Westphalian Series) sedimentation rates, correlations with the Westphalian Series of Europe, Middle Pennsylvanian volcanic events, and the late Paleozoic time scale.  相似文献   

The Blue Gem coal bed (Middle Pennsylvanian Westphalian B, Breathitt Formation), has low-ash (with some sample sites having less than 1% ash) and low-sulfur contents through parts of Knox County, Kentucky. Most collection sites exhibit similar vertical elemental trends in ash geochemistry. The relatively high-ash (>1% ash) lower part of the bed displays enrichment in TiO2, Zr, Cr, V and Ni; Co, Zn, Rb and Mn show enrichment at some sites. A low-ash (<1% ash) middle part of the bed displays enrichment in Sr, Ba and CaO; Fe2O3 is enriched in samples with carbonate minerals. The upper part of the bed contains >1% ash and a relative enrichment in SiO2, K2O and Rb and a relative decrease in Cu, Ni, Co, Ba and Mn when compared to the middle part of the bed. Principal components analysis indicates that the samples with an ash content 0.63–1.0% show associations for Ni, Cu, Cr and Co. Samples with between 1.01–2.0% ash display strong element associations that suggest increased clastic sediment contributions (TiO2, Zr, K2O, Rb, SiO2). The low-ash content and the upwards decrease in trace concentrations both suggest that the Blue Gem peat swamp was ombrotrophic through at least a part of its geologic history.  相似文献   

More than 130 Mt of Pennsylvanian coal is produced annually from two coal fields in Kentucky. The Western Kentucky Coal Field occurs in part of the Illinois Basin, an intercratonic basin, and the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field occurs in the Central Appalachian Basin, a foreland basin. The basins are only separated by 140 km, but mined western Kentucky coal beds exhibit significantly higher sulfur values than eastern Kentucky coals. Higher-sulfur coal beds in western Kentucky have generally been inferred to be caused by more marine influences than for eastern Kentucky coals.Comparison of strata in the two coal fields shows that more strata and more coal beds accumulated in the Eastern than Western Kentucky Coal Field in the Early and Middle Pennsylvanian, inferred to represent greater generation of tectonic accommodation in the foreland basin. Eastern Kentucky coal beds exhibit a greater tendency toward splitting and occurring in zones than time-equivalent western Kentucky coal beds, which is also inferred to represent foreland accommodation influences, overprinted by autogenic sedimentation effects. Western Kentucky coal beds exhibit higher sulfur values than their eastern counterparts, but western Kentucky coals occurring in Langsettian through Bolsovian strata can be low in sulfur content. Eastern Kentucky coal beds may increase in sulfur content beneath marine zones, but generally are still lower in sulfur than mined Western Kentucky coal beds, indicating that controls other than purely marine influences must have influenced coal quality.The bulk of production in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field is from Duckmantian and Bolsovian coal beds, whereas production in the Western Kentucky Coal Field is from Westphalian D coals. Langsettian through Bolsovian paleoclimates in eastern Kentucky were favorable for peat doming, so numerous low-sulfur coals accumulated. These coals tend to occur in zones and are prone to lateral splitting because of foreland tectonic and sedimentation influences. In contrast, Westphalian D coal beds of western Kentucky accumulated during low differential tectonic accommodation, and therefore tend to be widespread and uniform in characteristics, but exhibit higher sulfur values because they accumulated in seasonally drier paleoclimates that were unfavorable for peat doming. Hence, basin analyses indicate that many differences between the mined coals of Kentucky's two coal fields are related to temporal changes in paleoclimate and tectonic accommodation, rather than solely being a function of marine influences.  相似文献   

程岩  高明辛 《沉积学报》1991,9(4):143-150
本文根据开挖砂金的浅井剖面,分析讨论了这一地区晚更新世地层的一般特征,重矿特征用古沉积环境,并对砂金的富集和分布做了初步的分析。  相似文献   

Abstract The prograde metamorphism of eclogites is typically obscured by chemical equilibration at peak conditions and by partial requilibration during retrograde metamorphism. Eclogites from the Eastern Blue Ridge of North Carolina retain evidence of their prograde path in the form of inclusions preserved in garnet. These eclogites, from the vicinity of Bakersville, North Carolina, USA are primarily comprised of garnet–clinopyroxene–rutile–hornblende–plagioclase–quartz. Quartz, clinopyroxene, hornblende, rutile, epidote, titanite and biotite are found as inclusions in garnet cores. Included hornblende and clinopyroxene are chemically distinct from their matrix counterparts. Thermobarometry of inclusion sets from different garnets record different conditions. Inclusions of clinozoisite, titanite, rutile and quartz (clinozoisite + titanite = grossular + rutile + quartz + H2O) yield pressures (6–10 kbar, 400–600 °C and 8–12 kbar 450–680 °C) at or below the minimum peak conditions from matrix phases (10–13 kbar at 600–800 °C). Inclusions of hornblende, biotite and quartz give higher pressures (13–16 kbar and 630–660 °C). Early matrix pyroxene is partially or fully broken down to a diopside–plagioclase symplectite, and both garnet and pyroxene are rimmed with plagioclase and hornblende. Hypersthene is found as a minor phase in some diopside + plagioclase symplectites, which suggests retrogression through the granulite facies. Two‐pyroxene thermometry of this assemblage gives a temperature of c. 750 °C. Pairing the most Mg‐rich garnet composition with the assemblage plagioclase–diopside–hypersthene–quartz gives pressures of 14–16 kbar at this temperature. The hornblende–plagioclase–garnet rim–quartz assemblage yields 9–12 kbar and 500–550 °C. The combined P–T data show a clockwise loop from the amphibolite to eclogite to granulite facies, all of which are overprinted by a texturally late amphibolite facies assemblage. This loop provides an unusually complete P–T history of an eclogite, recording events during and following subduction and continental collision in the early Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

The Western Kentucky No. 4 coal is a high-volatile B to high-volatile C bituminous coal that has been heavily mined along the southern margin of the Western Kentucky Coal Field. The seam has a reputation for rolling floor elevation. Elongate trends of floor depressions are referred to as “dips” and “rolls” by miners. Some are relatively narrow and straight to slightly curvilinear in plan view, with generally symmetric to slightly asymmetric cross-sections. Others are broader and asymmetric in section, with sharp dips on one limb and gradual, ramp-like dips on the other. Some limbs change laterally from gradual dip, to sharp dip, to offset of the coal. Lateral changes in the rate of floor elevation dip are often associated with changes in coal thickness, and in underground mines, changes in floor elevation are sometimes associated with roof falls and haulage problems. In order to test if coal thickness changes within floor depressions were associated with changes in palynology, petrography and coal quality, the coal was sampled at a surface mine across a broad, ramp-like depression that showed down-dip coal thickening. Increment samples of coal from a thick (150 cm), down-ramp and thinner (127 cm), up-ramp position at one surface mine correlate well between sample sites (a distance of 60 m) except for a single increment. The anomalous increment (31 cm) in the lower-middle part of the thick coal bed contained 20% more Lycospora orbicula spores.The rolling floor elevations noted in the study mines are inferred to have been formed as a result of pre-peat paleotopographic depressions, syn-depositional faulting, fault-controlled pre-peat paleotopography, and from compaction beneath post-depositional channels and slumps. Although the association of thick coal with linear trends and inferred faults has been used in other basins to infer syn-depositional faulting, changes in palynology within increment samples of the seam along a structural ramp in this study provide subtle evidence of faulting within a specific increment of the coal itself. The sudden increase in L. orbicula (produced by Paralycopodites) in a single increment of a down-ramp sample of the Western Kentucky No. 4 coal records the reestablishment of a rheotrophic mire following a sudden change in edaphic conditions. Paralycopodites was a colonizing lycopod, which in this case became locally abundant after the peat was well established along a fault with obvious growth during peat accumulation. Because many coal-mire plants were susceptible to sudden edaphic changes as might accompany faulting or flooding, changes in palynology would be expected in coals affected by syn-depositional faulting.  相似文献   

The benefits of geologic analysis for roof-control studies and hazard prediction in coal mines are well documented. Numerous case studies have illustrated the importance of recognizing geologic features such as paleochannels, coal riders, and kettlebottoms in mine roofs. Relatively understudied features, in terms of mining, are paleoslumps .Paleoslumps represent ancient movement and rotation of semi-consolidated sediment. Because bedding in paleoslumps is deformed or inclined, these features cause instability in mine roofs, haul roads, surface highwalls, and other excavations. Various types of paleoslumps above coals in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field were studied in order to aid in their recognition and prediction in mines.The paleoslumps studied all showed characteristic slump-deformation features, although some differences in magnitude of deformation and overall slump size were noted. Coals beneath slumps often exhibited folding, reverse displacements, truncation, clastic dikes, and locally increased thickness. Slumps are inferred to have been triggered by a wide range of mechanisms, such as loading of water-saturated sediment on rigid substrates, synsedimentary faulting, and over-pressurization of channel margin and bar slopes.Analysis of paleoslumps in underground mines, where paleoslumps are viewed from beneath rather than in profile is difficult, since characteristic bed rotation may not be conspicuous. Sudden increases in bed-dip angle inferred from changes in rock type or bedding contacts in the roof; occurrence of bounding, polished rotation surfaces; or roof irregularity and occurrence of loading features may indicate the presence of paleoslumps. Another key to recognition may be the sudden appearance of over-thickened coal, which can occur because of slump-created paleotopography, synsedimentary faults, and slump-generated overthrusting. In addition, steeply inclined, folded, or transported coal marginal to paleoslumps can create apparent increases in coal thickness in cores. Although thick coals are obviously a target of exploration, anomalously thick coals may actually indicate adjacent paleoslumps accompanied by hazardous roof conditions and loss of seam thickness.  相似文献   

Three palynological biozones are proposed for the Maastrichtian Stage of South Carolina. In ascending stratigraphic order, the biozones are the Carolinapollis triangularis (Ct) Interval Biozone, the Holkopollenites chemardensis (Hc) Interval Biozone, and the Sparganiaceaepollenites uniformis (Su) Interval Biozone. Integration of the biostratigraphy with lithologic and geophysical log data suggests that within the study area, the upper and lower boundaries of each zone are bounded by regional unconformities, and that a three-fold subdivision of the Maastrichtian Stage is warranted. The biozonation is based on the analysis of 114 samples from 24 subsurface and three outcrop sections from the Coastal Plain of South Carolina; samples from an additional seven subsurface and 18 outcrop sections from North Carolina and Georgia were examined to evaluate the geographic extent of the biozones. One new genus and five new species of pollen are described, and emendations are presented for two genera and one species of pollen.  相似文献   

The palynology of clastic samples from seven stratigraphical levels in the late Moscovian Sydney Mines Formation, exposed along the shore at Bras d'Or, Nova Scotia, has been investigated. Most of the samples were from roof shales of major coals; the one sample that was not yielded a much higher proportion of pollen derived from extra‐basinal vegetation. The four stratigraphically lower roof shale samples yielded essentially similar palynological spectra, with 39 ± 4% lycophytes, 9 ± 4% sphenophylls, 23 ± 4% tree‐ferns, 12 ± 4% other ferns and 5 ± 3% cordaites. The palynology of the upper part of the investigated succession suggests a shift in vegetation towards one favouring more marattialean tree‐ferns, cordaites and conifers, and fewer lycophytes. This correlates with changes in drainage patterns as the alluvial plain migrated seawards and thus changed water tables. No evidence was found to suggest significant climate change at this time. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present paper aims to reconstruct the Lower Tagus Valley flooding history for the last ca. 6500 a, to explore the suitability of pollen‐based local vegetation development in supporting the reconstruction of flooding history, and to explain fluvial activity changes in terms of allogenic (climate, human impact) and autogenic (system intrinsic) processes. The flooding history has been determined by cored sedimentary records located ~18 km apart in distal, low‐energy backswamps on both sides of the Tagus channel. In these low‐energy backswamps, fine‐grained sediment layers deposited from suspended load of overbank flood water reflect periods with multiple overbank floods. By means of a multi‐proxy approach (sedimentology, magnetic susceptibility, grain size, loss‐on‐ignition, carbonate content and pollen), sedimentary and environmental changes were identified. At both sites, synchronous lithological intervals accumulated, suggesting a common origin for the changes in fluvial activity since ca. 6500 cal. a BP. Based on lithological changes, three phases of high fluvial activity (6500–5500, 4900–3500 and 1000–0 cal. a BP) and two phases of low fluvial activity (5500–4900 and 3500–1000 cal. a BP) were identified. Two periods with dominant allogenic controls on fluvial activity in the Lower Tagus Valley were identified: relative sea level (6500–5500 cal. a BP) and human impact (1000–0 cal. a BP). During the intermediate period, changes in fluvial activity may have been caused by climate (5500–1000 cal. BP), but unambiguous correlations are difficult to make. This is due to the way allogenic controls are translated through the fluvial system, the geomorphological differences between upstream and downstream studies and autogenic processes. The comparison of local vegetation development and flooding phases as reconstructed using sedimentology shows a limited added value of using local palynology as a proxy for fluvial activity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Upper Elkhorn No. 2 coal bed (Middle Pennsylvanian Breathitt Formation) in eastern Kentucky exhibits thickness and coal quality trends which suggest that peat deposition was contemporaneous with tectonism. The coal thickens and has high vitrinite and low ash and sulfur content the Belfry anticline in Pike Country. T in the vicinity of the Floyd Country channel, a basement trough. In both cases other Pennsylvanian coals exhibit similar trends, suggesting that the penecontemporaneous tectonism persisted at least through a portion of the Carboniferous.  相似文献   

Trace element compositions were determined (by instrumental neutron activation analysis; INAA) in 30 samples of synsedimentary volcanic ash-derived tonsteins and detrital claystones from coal seams within the late Permian coal-bearing formation of eastern Yunnan and western Guizhou Provinces, China. The characteristics of trace-element geochemistry in the tonsteins can be distinguished from those of detrital claystones because of the former's unique volcanic-ash origin. The detrital claystones are characterized by their relatively high content of V, Ti, Sc, Cr, Co and Ni, relatively low content of Th and U, Th/U ratio, and small negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* 0.63–0.93). Overall, these trace element characteristics are consistent with a mafic source similar to the composition of basalt rocks in the erosional region on the western edge of the study area. In contrast, the tonsteins are low in V, Ti, Sc, Cr, Co and Ni contents and have a high Th/U ratio with a distinct negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* normally in the range of 0.2–0.4), consistent with a silicic magmatic source.Within the group of tonsteins, those from the lower section (P2.1) of the coal-bearing formation are relatively high in Ti, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta and rare earth elements (REE), as compared to those from the middle and upper sections (P2.2+3). In trace-element discrimination diagrams (scatter plots) of Hf–Ta, Ti–Ta, Ti–V, Hf–Sc, Lu–Hf and Lu–Th, tonsteins from the P2.1 horizon always fall in isolated distribution areas, separate from the tonsteins of the P2.2+3 horizon. These results suggest that the source materials of tonsteins from the two separate horizons were probably derived from volcanic ash falls of two distinctly different natures. Based on a comparison of the concentrations and assemblages of trace elements between various magmatic rocks, the source materials of tonsteins from P2.1 horizon were mostly composed of calc-alkalic, silica-poor volcanic ash (similar to rhyodacitic magma), whereas those from P2.2+3 were apparently more siliceous and K-rich (rhyolitic magma). Thus, tonsteins from the two different horizons are characterized by unique geochemical properties, which remain constant over a wide lateral extent. Integration of trace-elemental compositions with mineralogical and textural observations makes possible the establishment of tonstein stratigraphy, thus, facilitating more precise and reliable coal-seam correlations.  相似文献   

Two new species of Eretmophyllum Thomas are described from the lower (Toarcian) and upper (Aalenian) Prisayan Formation of the Irkutsk Basin, Eastern Siberia, Russia based on distinct morphological and cuticular features of the leaves that distinguish them from other species of the genus. Eretmophyllum polypapillosum sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of 2–3 papillae on the lower and upper epidermis of ordinary cells. Taphonomically, the leaf burials of E. polypapillosum sp. nov. indicate that it preferred mesophilic forests developed on river terraces and/or low watersheds. Eretmophyllum yershowskiensis sp. nov. is represented exclusively by leaf cuticles extracted by coal maceration, and it probably inhabited the low banks of peat bogs. The presence of the genus Eretmophyllum in the Early Jurassic of France and Eastern Siberia shows that it was already widespread in the territory of Eurasia, distributed from Western Europe to Eastern Siberia. This indicates the possible existence of Eretmophyllum species elsewhere in the Early Jurassic such as Central Asia and Northwest China.  相似文献   

On the basis of field observations of the structures of three profiles from the Linshu region, deformation characteristics and the tectonic background of the Yishu fault belt in the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic have been discussed in detail.Three structural profiles, whose deformations consist mainly of earlier transpressional faults and later normal faults, were developed for the Mengtuan Formation of the Lower Cretaceous Dasheng Group.Typical positive flower structures, duplex structures, and break-through faults were found in these profiles.On the basis of analyses of the structural deformation and previous geochronological studies, it was concluded that the earlier transpressional faults of the profiles were triggered by the sinistral transpression of the Yishu fault belt in the Late Cretaceous–Early Paleogene, and that the later normal faults, formed during the Late Paleogene–Neogene extension, truncated the earlier transpressional faults.With consideration of the tectonic evolution of the Tan-Lu fault belt and the different drift directions of the Pacific plate since the Cretaceous, we suggest that the major tectonic events of the Late Cretaceous–Neogene in eastern China were mainly controlled by the subduction of the Pacific plate.  相似文献   

Coal petrology, palynology, paleobotany and mineralogy of the Hart coal indicate deposition under wet, warm-temperate to subtropical climatic conditions in low-lying backswamps with fluvial channels and locally ponded areas. The coal is dominated by mixed xylitic/attrital lithotypes and by huminite macerals with secondary inertinite macerals and minor liptinite macerals. Good correlation exists between lithotypes and maceral composition. Local and vertical variations in proportions of huminites and inertinites reflect frequent fluctuations in water levels, periodic flooding, desiccation and burning of the peat. Swamps were dominated by Glyptostrobus-Taxodium forest with Betula-Myrica-Alnus communities and, locally, Laevigatosporites, which are the dominant contributors to the xylite-rich lithotypes. Attrital lithotypes with abundant Pandanus, Typha and Azolla are consistent with wetter areas of a fluvial environment, including ponds and channels. Trace elements Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Si, Ti, U, Se, V, W, K and Th, typically associated with synergetic minerals kaolinite, calcite and quartz, may have a volcanic source. High concentrations of Na, Ba and Ca found in organic complexes are of secondary origin and probably originate in deep source brines rather than marine surface waters.  相似文献   

The Abu Ruweis Formation is composed of carbonates, evaporites, and mudstones, with some locally developed pelletic, oolitic and stromatolitic limestones. The lateral persistence of bedding, the purity of the evaporite rocks, the alternating arrangement of marine carbonates and evaporites indicates periodic deposition in subaqueous conditions (salina). Petrographic investigations, X-ray diffraction analysis as well as chemical analysis have shown that the outcropping evaporite beds are mainly composed of secondary gypsum, with rare anhydrite relics. Five microfacies of gypsum were recognized according to their fabrics: porphyroblastic and granoblastic gypsum showing polarization texture, gypsum pseudomorph after anhydrite laths, and satin spar gypsum. The textures they display indicate a hydration origin of precursor anhydrite, which is in turn rehydrated from primary gypsum. Some of these anhydrites were formed as a result of replacement processes of the carbonate sediments associated with the evaporites, as evidenced from the textural relationships of the carbonate and sulfate minerals. The O18 content ranges from 1.45 to 8.38% PDB and the C13 content ranges from −1.52 to 4.73% PDB. Trace elements analysis has shown that the Abu Ruweis dolomites are rich in strontium (up to 600 ppm), and sodium (up to 835 ppm). The isotope composition and trace elements content, as well as the petrographic characteristics point to a penecontemporaneous hypersaline dolomitization origin for the Abu Ruweis dolomites. The evaporites were deposited during a regressive lowstand systems tract, whereas the carbonates were deposited under shallow water marine conditions during a highstand systems tract. The Abu Ruweis succession represents a relatively stable arid climate within a rapidly subsiding basin. Restricted conditions were provided by the development of beach barriers.  相似文献   

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