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We give the treated results of our CCD polarimetric data of the solar corona obtained during the 1997-03-09 total eclipse, including the profiles of absolute brightness and degree of polarization along 12 directions (including the two equatorial and two polar directions) in the middle corona (1.6−3.2 R)  相似文献   

1997年3月9日日全食8.6mm波段射电观测资料的分析表明:8.6mm波段射电太阳的半径为1.012R,总流量为2540sfu(1sfu=10-22W/m2Hz),日面平均亮温度为9632K,径向亮温度分布,在日面光学边缘内侧0.936-0.992R处,存在临边增亮,平均增亮幅度相对于日面中心为9.7%.  相似文献   

New measurements of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn at 3.1 and 8.6 mm wavelengths are given. The temperatures reported for the planets at 3.1 mm wavelength are higher than previous measurements in this wavelength range and change the interpretation of some planetary spectra. For Mercury, it is found that the mean brightness temperature is independent of wavelength and that a temperature dependent thermal conductivity is not required to match the observations. In the case of Mars, the spectrum is shown to rise in the millimeter region as simple models predict. For Jupiter, the need to recalculate the spectrum with recent models is demonstrated. The flux density scale proposed by Dent (1972) has been revised according to a more accurate determination of the millimeter brightness temperature of Jupiter.  相似文献   

The radial brightness distribution of the quiet Sun at 8.6 mm is synthesized from observations using a sixteen element east-west interferometer in Nagoya. The observed brightness is flat from the disk center to 0.8R . A slight darkening appeared between 0.8R and the limb. No evidence of the bright ring near the limb is found. The radio radius at 8.6 mm is 1.015±0.005R . In addition there exists a coronal component just outside the radio limb.  相似文献   

The brightness distribution of the quiet Sun at 8.6 mm wavelength is synthesized from off-meridian observations using an eight element east-west interferometer with a maximum base line of 16.38 m (1913). The observed brightness distribution is practically flat from the disk center to the optical limb. The effective radius of the nearly uniform component is 1.01 R . If the limb brightening is present, the brightening located between 0.95 R and 1.01 R , and the total flux density of the limb brightening is less than 1% of the total flux density of the Sun. In addition to the nearly uniform component there exists a coronal component just outside the optical limb.  相似文献   

The 7 March, 1970 total solar eclipse was observed at wavelengths of 3.2 and 8.3 mm; the object being to use the knife edge of the Moon as it passed across the Sun to improve angular resolution on the Sun. This in turn would provide a radial brightness distribution of the Sun with an angular resolution of a few seconds of arc.Excellent eclipse curves were obtained at 3 mm; however, some external interference marred the 8 mm record near totality.The 8 mm brightness distribution is subject to some uncertainty, but tends to show limb brightening. The 3 mm brightness distribution shows a well defined complex limb brightening within about 1 arc min of the optical limb. The maximum brightening is approximately 30% above the average disc temperature.  相似文献   

A two antenna interferometer working at 8.6 mm wavelength especially designed for solar studies, is now in operation at the Observatory of Bordeaux University. Preliminary results, deduced from a series of about 60 days of observation, are given. These results are concerned with the terrestrial atmospheric transparency, and the structures of the emissive sources in the chromosphere corona transition layer where the millimetre waves originate.  相似文献   

Observations at 9 mm wavelength of the partial solar eclipse of February 25th 1971 were made to investigate possible limb brightening of the Sun. The results obtained show that less than 5% of the solar disc power can be contained in any such brightening.  相似文献   

The radial brightness distribution of the Sun at 3.2 mm is recalculated for the 7 March, 1970 total solar eclipse by an improved method. The results from the first contact of the 30 June, 1973 total eclipse are also analyzed. Limb brightening is apparent for the 1970 eclipse when all four contacts are averaged. The 1973 eclipse indicates strong limb brightening, although the detailed shape differs from the 1970 eclipse.  相似文献   

Observations of a radio burst at 8.6 mm wavelength on 1970 November 5, are described with the particular interest on the correspondence between radio and polarized X-ray events. The radio observations were carried out using an interferometer with a half power width of 2.9 at the Dept. of Physics, Nagoya University, and indicated that the location of the radio burst coincided with preceding sunspots and the size of the burst source must be very small, less than about 1. Mechanisms of radio and X-ray emissions are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Observations of the Sun were made at 3 mm wavelength during the total eclipse of 1976 October 23. Analysis of the record obtained near third contact indicates that the Sun at this wavelength is slightly limb-brightened, and that the solar radius is 1.007 times the photospheric radius.  相似文献   

Study of nearly 200 records of radio signal strength indicates that a major portion of the ambient D layer absorption on 22 September 1968 can be attributed to two strong X-ray sources. The hottest source was located on the eastern limb and showed evidence of cooling fromT wien=(3.6±0.3)×106K toT wien=(2.7±0.2)×106K over a 2 1/2 h period. The other source was located near the western limb and showed no appreciable temperature change during the eclipse period. Except for the apparent source decay, the sources are similar to those found at previous eclipses using similar techniques (Meisel; 1968, 1969).  相似文献   

A post flare loop system was observed on the west limb at the total solar eclipse of February 16, 1980 in Kenya. Analyzing the monochromatic images and the flash spectra, we obtained the following results: (1) the lower part of the post flare loop system is characterized mainly by distinct cool loops of H and Fe x 6374. Fe x 6374 emitting plasma (T e = 1.0 × 106 K) is highly concentrated in the loops. The 6374 loops are broader in diameter and located very close to but a little higher than the corresponding H loops. The electron densities of the dense part in H and Fe x 6374 loops are 1011 cm-3 and 6 × 109cm-3, respectively; (2) the Ca xv emitting region (3.5 × 106 K) is confined to the upper part of the post flare loops. The electron density of this hot region is estimated as 8 × 109 cm-3 from the Ca xv line intensity ratio, I(5694)I(5445). These observational results led us to construct an empirical model of the post flare loop system which is consistent with the reconnection model of Kopp and Pneuman (1976).Contributions from the Kwasan and Hida Observatories, University of Kyoto, No. 267.  相似文献   

The results from a set of 12 solar corona radial velocity measurements in the 400-440 nm spectral band during the total solar eclipse of July 11, 1991 are reported. The measurements show that the orbital motion of the F-corona material near the sun in the ecliptic plane is consistent with Keplerian motion and predominantly, but not exclusively, prograde, as is usually assumed. This work demonstrates a method of using the measured radial velocities to sort out the relative amounts of K-corona, near-earth F-corona, near-solar F-corona, and scattered light in each measurement for each observation point W and E of the sun between 2.5Ro(solar radii) and 5Ro along the celestial equator and at three points north of the sun. The near-solar F-corona component is quite weak, contributing only 7-14% of the total signal in each case. The stronger diffraction component from near-earth F-corona is estimated to have been produced by particles with radii of about 11μ. In contrast, the scattered light component appears as strong zero-velocity features dominating all the measurements. The measurements W and E of the sun and near the ecliptic plane also show evidence of a red-shift velocity of at least 330 km s−1, suggestive of a high-speed dust outflow from the sun.  相似文献   

From the photographs taken at the total solar eclipse of 11 June 1983, we derived the electron density for the north polar rays and for the thread-like fine structures above the active region, which are 108 at 1.4 solar radii and 3×109 at 1.15 solar radii, respectively. The brightness distributions of the corona at the polar region and above the active region, and the flattening index were also derived.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

A successful observation of the flash spectum was made using a slitless spectrograph in Rui-Li country, Yun-Nan province during the total solar eclipse of Feb. 16, 1980. The spectrograph fed by a coelostat has an average dispersion of 5.7 Å/mm. The spectrograms have a height resolution of 185 km.

A preliminary analysis of the observation has been made as follows. We have identified 1042 chromospheric lines ranging from 4799 Å to 5845 Å, 72 of which are not listed in /1/ or /2/. The location of the chromospheric base has been determined. The absolute photometric calibration was made by the spectra of the limb obtained by the slitless spectrograph before the second contact and the spectra of the disk center on the previous day. We have measured and calculated the Intensity of each spectral line near the base of the chromosphere. In addition to the chromospheric lines, we also obtained three coronal lines, 5300 Å (Fe XIV), 5445 Å and 5694 Å (Ca XV).  相似文献   

Direct images of the Sun were photographed in continuum emission centered at 6900 Å by the jumping film method near the second contact of the Mexico eclipse on 7 March 1970. The band width was 150 Å defined by a combination of a sharp cut filter and KODAK IV F film. The intensity distribution of the solar outer layers obtained shows a steep decrease by a factor of 0.9 in logarithmic units around 2500 km. This is interpreted as the boundary of the chromosphere and corona. Spicules observed at 3500 km are explained by log n e = 11.25 and T e 6000 K. Discussions are made in relation to the other observations and some chromosphere models.  相似文献   

Observations of the total lunar eclipse were made at 3.4-mm wavelength (87.4 GHz) on March 24, 1978. Eclipsr cooling curves with the best S/N ratio among those published thus far were obtained for the three points (the mountain area near the crater of Hipparuchus, Sinus Medii, and Copernicus). Each of the curves can be decomposed into the three parts which apparently correspond to ingress, totality, and egress. The derived cooling rate and heating rate differ significantly at the three points.  相似文献   

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