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中国西部及其邻域地壳上地幔横波速度结构   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
本文首次采用Rayleigh面波双台法研究中国西部及其邻域的三维横波速度结构.共处理了超过3000条双台资料,经仔细挑选共获得110条高质量的双台Rayleigh波相速度频散资料.采用Tarantola的概率方法反演得到研究区域内15~120 s的Rayleigh相速度分布图像.采用Tarantola非线性问题的最小二乘反演方法反演得到研究区域内2°×2°的三维横波速度结构.利用不同周期的Rayleigh面波相速度大致对λ/3波长附近深度的横波速度最为敏感这一物理特性,在反演过程中引入一种层速度自适应调整的技巧,可以较好地加快收敛和提高反演的稳定性.反演得到的横波速度结构的主要结论为:(1)青藏高原的西部地区下地壳和上地幔顶部横波速度很高,软流层不发育;而青藏高原东缘地区的下地壳和上地幔顶部速度明显偏低,很可能是青藏高原地壳低速物质沿青藏高原东部边缘地区向南运动、形成经川滇地区连接缅甸北部低速区的低速物质运移通道;在青藏高原东北部边缘地区,下地壳的速度明显低于中地壳的速度;(2)青藏高原南部的拉萨地块具有较高速度的上地幔顶盖层,从南向北拉萨地块的软流层埋深约从130 km减至100 km,软流层厚度约从40 km增至80 km;北部羌塘地块的下地壳速度偏低,上地幔顶盖层缺失,速度很低,软流层的厚度较大;(3)塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地都表现出较高的上地幔横波速度结构,软流层不明显,准噶尔盆地下地壳的厚度和速度都比塔里木盆地的高;(4)蒙古高原西部的下地壳上地幔顶部速度明显低于蒙古高原东部地区的,且在蒙古高原中西部地区存在巨厚的低速软流层.该软流层越往蒙古高原东部厚度越小,上覆顶盖层的速度和厚度越大.对上述反演结果作了地质解释.  相似文献   

华北地区地壳上地幔三维P波速度结构   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用华北地震科学台阵和首都圈地震台网记录的4511次近震和625次远震的P 波到时数据,采用纬度和经度方向分别为0.5deg;times;0.5deg;的网格划分,反演得到了华北北部地区(111deg;E——120deg;E,37deg;N——42deg;N)深至400km 的地壳上地幔三维P 波速度结构.层析成像结果表明,研究区的速度存在明显的横向不均匀性,随着深度增加横向不均匀性总体呈现减弱趋势.燕山隆起带在60——120km 深度内存在明显的高速异常,这与较大的岩石圈厚度有关;山西裂陷盆地、华北平原下方60km 深度存在明显低速异常,与软流圈的出现有关.燕山隆起带岩石圈厚度在120km 以上,明显比太行山隆起的岩石圈厚度大,与稳定大陆地区的岩石圈厚度一致.太行山山前断裂已切穿莫霍面,贯入岩石圈.研究区上地幔顶部大范围的低速异常反映了软流圈上隆的特点.在华北平原及燕山隆起下方200——300km 存在高速异常可能与太古代大陆板块岩石圈的残留体有关.  相似文献   

Using the P-and S-wave arrivals from the 150 earthquakes distributed in Tibetan Plateau and its neighboring areas, recorded by Tibetan seismic network, Sichuan seismic network, WWSSN and the mobile network situated in Tibetan Plateau, we have obtained the average P-and S-wave velocity models of the crust and upper mantle for this region:
(1)  The crust of 70 km average thickness can be divided into two main layers: 16 km thick upper crust with P-wave velocity 5.55 km/s and S-wave velocity 3.25 km/s; and 54 km thick lower crust with P-wave velocity 6.52 km/s and S-wave velocity 3.76 km/s.
(2)  The p-wave velocity at the upper most mantle is 7.97 km/s, and the S-wave 4.55 km/s. The low velocity layer in the upper mantle occurs approximately at 140 km deep with a thickness of about 55–62 km. The prominent velocity gradient beneath the LVZ is comparable to the gradient above it.
The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, Supp., 573–579, 1992.  相似文献   

蒙古中南部地区的上地幔P波速度结构   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用中蒙国际科技合作专项项目在蒙古中南部地区布设的69个宽频带地震仪在2011年8月—2013年7月所记录的远震波形数据,采用波形相关方法在0.02~0.1 Hz的频段内拾取了18551个有效的P震相相对走时残差数据,进一步采用有限频走时层析成像的方法,反演获取了蒙古中南部下方深达800 km的P波速度结构.结果显示:肯特山下方的低速异常极有可能是推测中的肯特山地幔柱的反映;呼斯坦瑙鲁和曼达尔戈壁西边的低速异常可能与杭爱山高原下的地幔柱或地幔对流有关联;戈壁滩的低速异常带可能和达里甘嘎火山有相同的热来源,可能是该区火成岩存在的深部原因,也可能是戈壁滩及其周边地区地幔柱或下地幔热物质上涌的表现.  相似文献   

FMTT方法研究华北及邻区上地幔P波速度结构   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用华北地震科学台阵190套宽频带地震仪在2006年10月至2009年3月记录的远震事件,采用波形互相关技术提取了52414条P波初动到时数据,进一步使用FMTT (Fast Marching Teleseismic Tomography)方法,获取了华北克拉通中、东部陆块下方上地幔分辨高达0.5°×0.5°的P波速度结构.我们的P波速度结果显示,华北克拉通中、东部块体在40~240 km的深度范围内都表现为相对低速,而燕山造山带则整体表现为相对高速,这暗示华北克拉通中、东部块体下方的壳幔速度结构都遭受了明显的改造,但改造的范围并没有涉及到燕山造山带,或者燕山造山带下方的改造并没有华北克拉通中、东部块体那么显著.华北克拉通中部陆块下方的低速异常向下一直延深至250 km左右,该低速异常很可能与汾渭河地堑及新生代广泛分布的火成岩有关.  相似文献   

IntroductionSouthwestern China and its adjacent areas studied in the paper is the range of 10(N-36(N, 70(E-110(E, which includes southwestern areas of China (Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi Provinces, southwestern Shaanxi Province and so on), India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia countries and oceanic areas of Bay of Bengal and Beibu Gulf. The collision and extrusion of India plate and Eurasia plate makes the geological tectonic complex in this area (Figure 1…  相似文献   

Shear wave velocity structure of the NW Indian ocean is analysed by using fundamental mode Rayleigh wave dispersion data of 67 events occurred during 1990–98 at the central Indian Ridge and Carlsberg Ridge and recorded at Hyderabad Geoscope station (HYB). These events provide a dense coverage of the NW Indian ocean and Chagos-Laccadive Ridge (CLR) in the back-azimuthal range of 192–253° with respect to HYB. The dispersion curves, corrected for continental and young ocean paths, indicate large variations in the shear wave velocity structure of the region. The group velocities along the CLR path support a typical aseismic ridge-type structure. However, the central region bounded between the Central Indian Ridge and India in the back-azimuth of 206–234° indicates a decrease in the group velocity by 0.1 km/s. Inversion of these data sets indicates presence of aseismic-ridge type lithospheric structure for CLR, a thin lithosphere and high velocity block in the depth range of 125–200 km for the central region, and a continental-type lithospheric structure for the northern-most part of the Indian ocean. It is inferred that the dynamic state of the upper mantle in this region has been significantly perturbed during the recent geological past.  相似文献   

The region of the Aegean Sea and the surrounding areas in the Eastern Mediterranean lies on the boundary zone between the Eurasian and the African plates. It is a zone of widespread extensive deformation and, therefore, reveals a high level of seismicity.Three-dimensional velocity structure, beneath the crust and upper mantle of the region between 33.0°N–43.0°N and 18.0°E–30.6°E, is determined.The data used are arrival times ofP-waves from 166 earthquakes, recorded at 62 seismological stations. In total, 3973 residual data are inverted.The resultant structure reveals a remarkable contrast of velocity. In the top crustal layer, low velocities are dominant in Western Turkey and on the Greek mainland, while a high velocity zone is dominant in the Ionian Sea and in the southern Aegean Sea.In the upper mantle, high velocity zones dominate along the Hellenic arc, corresponding to the subducting African plate and in the northern part of the region, corresponding to the subducting African plate and in the northern part of the region, corresponding to the margin of Eurasian plate.A low velocity zone is dominant in the Aegean Sea region, where large-scale extension and volcanic activity are predominant, associated with the subduction of the African plate.  相似文献   

From April,2003 to September,2004,a passive broadband seismic array consisting of 60 stations was deployed over the Tianshan orogenic belt by State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics,Institute of Geology,China Earthquake Administration.Among them,51 stations make up an about 500-km-long profile across the Tianshan Mountains from Kuytun to Kuqa.The receiver function profile and S-wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle down to 100 km deep are obtained by using the receiver function method (Liu et al.1996,2000).The main results can be summarized as follows:(1) A clear mountain root does not exist beneath the Tianshan Mountains,and the crust-mantle boundaries underneath the stations mostly have transitional structures.This implies that the material differentiation between the crust and mantle is not yet accomplished and the orogenic process is still going on.(2)The crust beneath the Tianshan Mountains has laterally blocked structures in direction perpendicular to the mountain strike,and the crust-mantle boundary has a clear dislocation structure.Both of them correspond to each other.(3)The offsets of the Moho discontinuity are highly correlated to the tectonic borders on the surface and that corresponding to the frontal southern Tianshan fault reaches to 14 km.This manifests that large vertical divergent movement took place between different blocks.This supports the discontinuous model of the Tianshan orogeny,and the Tarim block subduction is restricted only to the southern side of the South Tianshan.(4)Inside the upper and middle crust of the Tianshan Mountains exist several low-velocity bodies correlated with high seismicity located on the mountain-basin jointures on both sides of the mountain and between different blocks,and the low-velocity bodies on the mountain-basin jointures are inclined obviously to the mountain.This implies that the low-velocity bodies may be correlated closely to the thrust and subduction of the basins on both sides of the mountain,the splicing of adjacent blocks and the fast uplift of the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

From April, 2003 to September, 2004, a passive broadband seismic array consisting of 60 stations was deployed over the Tianshan orogenic belt by State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration. Among them, 51 stations make up an about 500-km-long profile across the Tianshan Mountains from Kuytun to Kuqa. The receiver function profile and S-wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle down to 100 km deep are obtained by using the re-ceiver function method (Liu et al. 1996, 2000). The main results can be summarized as follows: (1) A clear mountain root does not exist beneath the Tianshan Mountains, and the crust-mantle boundaries underneath the stations mostly have transitional structures. This implies that the material differentia-tion between the crust and mantle is not yet accomplished and the orogenic process is still going on. (2) The crust beneath the Tianshan Mountains has laterally blocked structures in direction perpendicular to the mountain strike, and the crust-mantle boundary has a clear dislocation structure. Both of them correspond to each other. (3) The offsets of the Moho discontinuity are highly correlated to the tectonic borders on the surface and that corresponding to the frontal southern Tianshan fault reaches to 14 km. This manifests that large vertical divergent movement took place between different blocks. This sup-ports the discontinuous model of the Tianshan orogeny, and the Tarim block subduction is restricted only to the southern side of the South Tianshan. (4) Inside the upper and middle crust of the Tianshan Mountains exist several low-velocity bodies correlated with high seismicity located on the moun-tain-basin jointures on both sides of the mountain and between different blocks, and the low-velocity bodies on the mountain-basin jointures are inclined obviously to the mountain. This implies that the low-velocity bodies may be correlated closely to the thrust and subduction of the basins on both sides of the mountain, the splicing of adjacent blocks and the fast uplift of the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

ntroductionThedeterminationoffineradialvelocitystructureofuppermantleplaysanimportantroleininvestigationofmantlecompositiona...  相似文献   

2008年5月12日汶川MW7.9地震发生在龙门山断裂带。龙门山断裂带及其邻域的地壳上地幔三维速度结构的研究对于理解汶川大地震的动力学背景具有重要的意义。2006年10月至2009年10月,在国家重大基础研究项目(973)的支持下,中国地震局地质研究所地震动力学国家重点实验室在川西地区(26°~32°N,100°~105°E)布设了由297台宽频带数字地震仪组成的流动观测台阵(简称川西台阵)。根据川西台阵记录的环境噪声和远震波形数据,利用噪声成像技术和接收函数方法,我们研究了川西地区(29°~32°N,100°~105°E)地壳上地幔100km深度范围内的三维S波速度结构。本文得到的结果为研究川西高原和四川盆地的地壳结构提供了新的高分辨率观测证据。我们的结果表明:1)观测台阵覆盖的川滇地块、松潘-甘孜地块和四川盆地的地壳上地幔S波速度结构具有显着差异,龙门山断裂和鲜水河断裂带,作为地块间的边界断裂带,对两侧地壳结构具有明显的控制作用。2)观测台阵覆盖区域的地壳厚度存在明显差异,川滇地块的地壳厚度为60~64km,松潘-甘孜地块的地壳厚度为52~56km,四川盆地前陆的地壳厚度为46~52km,沿龙门山断裂带松潘-甘孜地块和四川盆地形成镶嵌结构,汶川地震震中处南北两侧的壳幔边界存在约6km的断错。3)四川盆地前陆低速特征表明相应区域存在厚度8~10km的沉积盖层,松潘-甘孜地块和川滇地块的中下地壳具有大面积分布的S波低速区,松潘-甘孜地块地壳平均泊松比高达0.29~0.31,汶川地震余震绝大多数分布在低速区上方的高速介质区域内,而四川盆地的中下地壳呈现整体性的高速特征,以汶川地震的震中为界,龙门山断裂带北段和南段的S波速度结构显示了明显的速度分段特征,其北段的S波速度总体上高于南段。4)本文给出的研究区地壳三维S波速度结构表明,川西高原中下地壳较为软弱,而四川盆地中下地壳的强度应明显高于松潘-甘孜地块,意味着四川盆地坚硬中下地壳可以阻挡松潘-甘孜地块向东的逃逸;另一方面,川西高原和川滇地块的中下地壳虽然均存在大面积的S波低速区,但松潘-甘孜地块内的地壳速度结构相对来说较为复杂,并形成了高、低速相间的结构特征,表明在四川盆地的阻挡作用下,该地块形成了折皱变形的结构。5)与S波低速区相应,松潘-甘孜地块和川滇地块中下地壳应处于部分熔融的状态,这对该区域存在中下地壳通道流(Channelflow)的推断是一个支持;但是,松潘-甘孜地块内是否存在中下地壳通道流仍有待进一步的深入研究。6)接收函数方位各向异性的偏振分析表明,以汶川地震震中为界,龙门山断裂西南侧处于挤压状态,而其东北侧的主压应力方向与断层走向大体平行,推断先存应力场可能驱动了汶川地震逆冲破裂之后沿龙门山断裂向北东方向的走滑破裂。  相似文献   

川滇地区速度结构的区域地震波形反演研究   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
利用云南数字地震台网的区域地震波形资料,对川滇地区的地壳上地幔速度结构进行了初步研究. 结果表明,川滇地区上地幔顶部P波速度较小,约7.8 km/s,P波速度在上地幔表现为较小的正速度梯度,S波在100~160 km深度范围内表现为弱低速层. 对于较短的观测路径,不同路径的平均P波和S波速度存在明显的横向变化. 与川滇菱形块体内部的速度结构不同,在块体边界附近可以观测到比较明显的上地壳低速层,我们认为它可能与块体边界的断裂带有关;川滇菱形块体内部存在的下地壳低速层,有利于块体向南滑动,而中上地壳没有明显低速结构,可能表明川滇菱形块体向南滑动的解耦深度至少在下地壳. 根据不同路径的反演结果,给出了云南中部地区地壳内部的平均速度结构.  相似文献   

下地幔间断面是地球内部结构研究的重要课题,对于理解地球深部的动力过程具有重要意义.美国西部密集地震台网记录到的南美洲太平洋地区深震的短周期波形资料有利于震源下方下地幔间断面的研究.本文收集了美国西北太平洋地震台网和犹他大学地震台网所记录的南美洲西部俯冲地区15个深震的19组短周期垂向台网资料,并利用4次根倾斜叠加方法提取震源下方下地幔中速度界面上发生转换的次生震相SdP,据此发现南美洲西部下方下地幔中800~1200 km深度范围内存在明显的转换点集中,主要分布在900,1000和1100 km三个深度附近,三个速度界面具有不同的起伏形态,应为在研究区域双层地幔对流中间边界层.  相似文献   

Southeastern Tibet, which has complex topography and strong tectonic activity, is an important area for studying the subsurface deformation of the Tibetan Plateau. Through the two-station method on 10-year teleseismic Rayleigh wave data from 132 permanent stations in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, which incorporates ambient noise data, we obtain the interstation phase velocity dispersion data in the period range of 5–150s. Then, we invert for the shear wave velocity of the crust and upper mantle through the direct 3-D inversion method. We find two low-velocity belts in the mid-lower crust. One belt is mainly in the SongPan-GangZi block and northwestern part of the Chuan-Dian diamond block, whereas the other belt is mainly in the Xiaojiang fault zone and its eastern part, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. The low-velocity belt in the Xiaojiang fault zone is likely caused by plastic deformation or partial melting of felsic rocks due to crustal thickening. Moreover, the significant positive radial anisotropy(VSHVSV) around the Xiaojiang fault zone further enhances the amplitude of low velocity anomaly in our VSVmodel.This crustal low-velocity zone also extends southward across the Red River fault and farther to northern Vietnam, which may be closely related to heat sources in the upper mantle. The two low-velocity belts are separated by a high-velocity zone near the Anninghe-Zemuhe fault system, which is exactly in the inner and intermediate zones of the Emeishan large igneous province(ELIP). We find an obvious high-velocity body situated in the crust of the inner zone of the ELIP, which may represent maficultramafic material that remained in the crust when the ELIP formed. In the upper mantle, there is a large-scale low-velocity anomaly in the Indochina and South China blocks south of the Red River fault. The low-velocity anomaly gradually extends northward along the Xiaojiang fault zone into the Yangtze Craton as depth increases. Through our velocity model, we think that southeastern Tibet is undergoing three different tectonic modes at the same time:(1) the upper crust is rigid, and as a result, the tectonic mode is mainly rigid block extrusion controlled by large strike-slip faults;(2) the viscoplastic materials in the middlelower crust, separated by rigid materials related to the ELIP, migrate plastically southward under the control of the regional stress field and fault systems; and(3) the upper mantle south of the Red River fault is mainly controlled by large-scale asthenospheric upwelling and may be closely related to lithospheric delamination and the eastward subduction and retreat of the Indian plate beneath Burma.  相似文献   

The method for surface wave tomography based on the records of ambient seismic noise (Ambient Noise Tomography, ANT) is applied to the data from the East European and West European stations. In order to reduce the effects of the earthquakes at long periods, the cross correlation functions were calculated for the time interval of 2001–2003, when distinct clusters of the earthquakes were absent. Using the local dispersion curves in the range of 10–100 s, we reconstructed the vertical velocity sections at the nodes of the 3° × 3° grid. On the basis on these curves, we calculated the horizontal distributions of S-velocity variations in the upper mantle in the depth interval of 75–275 km and the vertical velocity sections along the profiles across the Vrancea zone and the region of the Baltic and Ukrainian shields. The velocity distribution in the Vrancea zone confirms the subduction of the ancient oceanic plate from the east westwards and the detachment of its bottom part, as hypothesized by some authors. Beneath the Baltic Shield lithosphere, there is a low-velocity zone, which can be interpreted as the asthenospheric layer. It is noted that the velocity distributions beneath the Baltic and Ukrainian shields are similar, which probably points to the genetic relationship between these two structures.  相似文献   

The three-dimension crustal and upper mantle structures in the region around Beijing were studied by seismic tomography. We used the P wave arrival times from local and teleseismic events. These events were recorded by 250 stations of the North China Seismic Array and 108 stations of the Beijing Telemetry Seismic Network. 118 869 P wave arrivals from 10 285 local events and 12 189 P wave arrivals from 107 teleseismic events were used in the inversion. We obtained the 3-D P wave velocity structure of the cru...  相似文献   

The travel-times of multi-bounce P waves have been used to investigate the lateral heterogeneity of the uppermantle P wave velocity structure beneath north-west part of China and middle Asia. The synthetic seismograms of P and PP waves for seven large Chinese continental earthquakes were calculated by using the WKBJ method. The PP-P residuals, which reflect the P wave structure of the midpoints of the seismic rays, were calculated by using the WKBJ method, The results show that: the uppermantle wave structure beneath Russian platform in the middle Asia area, the Seytho-Turanian and the west Siberian platform is similar to that of Canadian shield; the uppermantle P wave velocity in the fold system of west China, the center Asia fold system in Russia, and Kazak fold system is lower than that of Canadian sheild. It seems that the velocity structure is related to the tectonic structure. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 479–484, 1992.  相似文献   

IntroductionHistorically, surface waves provided much of our understanding of the lateral heterogeneity in the crust and the upper mantle, especially in oceans or desert areas. Traditional method utilizes the great circle theorem for surface waves. It assumed that surface wave propagates along the great circle connecting epicenter with station. Firstly, traditional surface wave analysis was carried out by using multi-frequency-filter dispersion analysis to acquire the group or phase velocity d…  相似文献   

2021年5月21日漾濞MS6.4地震震源区位于川滇块体西边界的维西—乔后—巍山断裂西侧,该地区近些年来发生了多次中强地震,地震活动较为活跃.对漾濞地震序列重定位和漾濞震源区及邻区的地壳精细结构研究,有助于深入理解漾濞地震的孕震环境、发震机理和破裂过程.本文基于2008年 1月1日到2021 年6 月3日区域固定台站接收到的 36938条Pg和 32111 条 Sg波到时数据,采用新发展的三重差地震层析成像算法(tomoTD)开展了漾濞MS 6.4地震震源区三维速度结构成像与地震重定位研究.结果显示:(1)余震活动主要集中在维西—乔后—巍山断裂的西侧,整体呈现沿北北西向的条带状分布,结合已有走滑型震源机制解特征,揭示了北西向隐伏断裂是发震断层,其北西段表现为倾角较陡、结构相对简单的走滑断裂,南东段由两条分支断裂组成.(2)主震的发生及地震序列分布与地壳速度结构不均匀性有着密切的关系.主震及4级以上的地震发生在高速边界上或高低速过渡区域,余震主要发生在低速、高VP/VS 区,主震上方与下方均显示高VP/VS 异常,推测在区域构造应力场的作用下,应力在孕震区的刚性介质中积累,中下地壳流体(或者部分熔融地壳物质)侵入发震断层区,弱化了漾濞 6.4 级地震的主震区.另外,余震东南侧的低VP/VS 区可能代表介质刚性强,可能阻碍了余震向南东方向继续扩展.(3)结合2013 洱源 5.5 级地震研究结果,推测维西—乔后—巍山断裂西侧可能存在着较大的北北西向隐伏断层.  相似文献   

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