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Detection of X‐rays from classical novae, both in outburst and post‐outburst, provides unique and crucial information about the explosion mechanism. Soft X‐rays reveal the hot white dwarf photosphere, whenever hydrogen (H) nuclear burning is still on and expanding envelope is transparent enough, whereas harder X‐rays give information about the ejecta and/or the accretion flow in the reborn cataclysmic variable. The duration of the supersoft X‐ray emission phase is related to the turn‐off of the classical nova, i.e., of the H‐burning on top of the white dwarf core. A review of X‐ray observations is presented, with a special emphasis on the implications for the duration of post‐outburst steady H‐burning and its theoretical explanation. The particular case of recurrent novae (both the “standard” objects and the recently discovered ones) will also be reviewed, in terms of theoretical feasibility of short recurrence periods, as well as regarding implications for scenarios of type Ia supernovae (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report optical time‐resolved photometry of the CRTS transient CSS091109:035759+102943. Pronounced orbital variability with a 114 min period, large X‐ray variability and the IR to X‐ray spectral energy distribution suggest a classification as a magnetic cataclysmic binary, a likely AM Herculis star or polar (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Observations of a large population of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) show a wide divergence in the orbital periods (from approximately hours to a few months). In the standard view, low‐mass X‐ray binaries (LMXBs) are considered as progenitors for some MSPs during the recycling process. We present a systematic study that combines different types of compact objects in binaries such as cataclysmic variables (CVs), LMXBs, and MSPs. We plot them together in the so called Corbet diagram. Larger and different samples are needed to better constrain the result as a function of the environment and formations. A scale diagram showing the distribution of MSPs for different orbital periods and the aspects for their progenitors relying on accretion induced collapse (AIC) of white dwarfs in binaries. Thus massive CVs (M ≥ 1.1 M) can play a vital role on binary evolution, as well as of the physical processes involved in the formation and evolution of neutron stars and their magnetic fields, and could turn into binary MSPs with different scales of orbital periods; this effect can be explained by the AIC process. This scenario also suggests that some fraction of isolated MSPs in the Galactic disk could be formed through the same channel, forming the contribution of some CVs to the single‐degenerate progenitors of Type Ia supernova. Furthermore, we have refined the statistical distribution and evolution by using updated data. This implies that the significant studies of compact objects in binary systems can benefit from the Corbet diagram.Observations of a large population of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) show a wide divergence in the orbital periods (from approximately hours to a few months). In the standard view, low‐mass X‐ray binaries (LMXBs) are considered as progenitors for some MSPs during the recycling process. We present a systematic study that combines different types of compact objects in binaries such as cataclysmic variables (CVs), LMXBs, and MSPs. We plot them together in the so called Corbet diagram. Larger and different samples are needed to better constrain the result as a function of the environment and formations. A scale diagram showing the distribution of MSPs for different orbital periods and the aspects for their progenitors re  相似文献   

The second known outburst of the WZ Sge type dwarf nova GW Lib was observed in 2007 April. We have obtained unique multiwavelength data of this outburst which lasted ∼26 days. The American Association of Variable Star Observers ( AAVSO ) recorded the outburst in the optical, which was also monitored by Wide Angle Search for Planets , with a peak V magnitude of ∼8. The outburst was followed in the ultraviolet and X-ray wavelengths by the Swift ultraviolet/optical and X-ray telescopes. The X-ray flux at optical maximum was found to be three orders of magnitude above the pre-outburst quiescent level, whereas X-rays are normally suppressed during dwarf nova outbursts. A distinct supersoft X-ray component was also detected at optical maximum, which probably arises from an optically thick boundary layer. Follow-up Swift observations taken 1 and 2 years after the outburst show that the post-outburst quiescent X-ray flux remains an order of magnitude higher than the pre-outburst flux. The long interoutburst time-scale of GW Lib with no observed normal outbursts support the idea that the inner disc in GW Lib is evacuated or the disc viscosity is very low.  相似文献   

I review various phenomena associated with mass‐accreting white dwarfs (WDs) in the view of supersoft X‐ray sources. When the mass‐accretion rate is low (acc < a few × 10–7 M⊙yr–1), hydrogen nuclear burning is unstable and nova outbursts occur. A nova is a transient supersoft X‐ray source (SSS) in its later phase which timescale depends strongly on the WD mass. The X‐ray turn on/off time is a good indicator of the WD mass. At an intermediate mass‐accretion rate an accreting WD becomes a persistent SSS with steady hydrogen burning. For a higher mass‐accretion rate, the WD undergoes “accretion wind evolution” in which the WD accretes matter from the equatorial plane and loses mass by optically thick winds from the other directions. Two SSS, namely RX J0513‐6951 and V Sge, are corresponding objects to this accretion wind evolution. We can specify mass increasing WDs from light‐curve analysis based on the optically thick wind theory using multiwavelength observational data including optical, IR, and supersoft X‐rays. Mass estimates of individual objects give important information for the binary evolution scenario of type Ia supernovae (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present extensive, high-density Swift observations of V2491 Cyg (Nova Cyg 2008 No. 2). Observing the X-ray emission from only one day after the nova discovery, the source is followed through the initial brightening, the super-soft source phase and back to the pre-outburst flux level. The evolution of the spectrum throughout the outburst is demonstrated. The UV and X-ray light curves follow very different paths, although changes occur in them around the same times, indicating a link between the bands. Flickering in the late-time X-ray data indicates the resumption of accretion. We show that if the white dwarf (WD) is magnetic, it would be among the most magnetic known; the lack of a periodic signal in our later data argues against a magnetic WD, however. We also discuss the possibility that V2491 Cyg is a recurrent nova, providing recurrence time-scale estimates.  相似文献   

We summarise our optical monitoring program of VY Scl stars with the SMARTS telescopes, and triggered X‐ray as well as optical observations after/during state transitions of V504 Cen and VY Scl (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the complete set of 34 ASCA observations of non-magnetic cataclysmic variables. Timing analysis reveals large X-ray flux variations in dwarf novae in outburst (Z Cam, SS Cyg and SU UMa) and orbital modulation in high inclination systems (including OY Car, HT Cas, U Gem, T Leo). We also found episodes of unusually low accretion rate during quiescence (VW Hyi and SS Cyg). Spectral analysis reveals broad temperature distributions in individual systems, with emission weighted to lower temperatures in dwarf novae in outburst. Absorption in excess of interstellar values is required in dwarf novae in outburst, but not in quiescence. We also find evidence for subsolar abundances and X-ray reflection in the brightest systems.
LS Peg, V426 Oph and EI UMa have X-ray spectra that are distinct from the rest of the sample and all three exhibit candidate X-ray periodicities. We argue that they should be reclassified as intermediate polars.
In the case of V345 Pav we found that the X-ray source had been previously misidentified.  相似文献   

The effect of rotating white dwarf envelopes in determining the structure of nova shells is examined. This is achieved by numerical hydrodynamic simulations of the flows around a binary star system. In previous studies of remnant formation, this rotation has not been included.
It is found that the structures formed in the flow are more consistent with observations of nova shells than the previous theoretical studies. The shells produced by the nova become more prolate with increasing white dwarf envelope rotation. Hence the rotation of white dwarf envelopes must be included in any future discussion of remnant formation.
A possible method of identifying the dominant process by which mixing of accreted and white dwarf matter takes place is suggested.  相似文献   

We present the first X-ray observations of the 4 Draconis system, consisting of an M3 III giant with a hot ultraviolet companion. It has been claimed that the companion is itself an AM Her-type binary system, an identification that places strong constraints on the evolution of cataclysmic variables. We find that the X-ray properties of 4 Draconis are consistent with the presence of an accreting white dwarf, but not consistent with the presence of an AM Her system. We conclude that 4 Draconis is therefore most likely a symbiotic binary containing a white dwarf accreting material from the wind of the red giant.
The X-ray spectrum of 4 Draconis is sometimes dominated by partially ionized photoelectric absorption, presumably due to the wind of the red giant. We note that X-ray monitoring of such systems would provide a powerful probe of the wind and mass-loss rate of the giant, and would allow a detailed test of wind accretion models.  相似文献   

A period analysis of CCD unfiltered photometry of V4745 Sgr (Nova Sgr 2003 #1) performed during 23 nights in the years 2003–2005 is presented. The photometric data are modulated with a period of  0.20 782 ± 0.00 003 d (4.98 768 ± 0.00 072 h)  . Following the shape of the phased light curve and the presence of the periodicity in all data sets with no apparent change in its value, we interpret this periodicity as orbital in nature and this is consistent with a cataclysmic variable above the period gap. We found a probable short-term periodicity of  0.017 238 ± 0.000 037 d (24.82 272 ± 0.05 328 min)  which we interpret as the probable spin period of the white dwarf or the beat period between the orbital and spin period. Therefore, we propose that nova V4745 Sgr should be classified as an intermediate polar candidate, supporting the proposed link between transition-oscillation novae and intermediate polars. The mass–period relation for cataclysmic variables yields a secondary mass of about  0.52 ± 0.05 M  .  相似文献   

The European Space Agency γ-ray telescope, INTEGRAL , is detecting relatively more intrinsically rare cataclysmic variables (CVs) than were found by surveys at lower energies. Specifically, a large fraction of the CVs that are INTEGRAL sources consists of asynchronous polars and intermediate polars (IPs). IP classifications have been proposed for the majority of CVs discovered by INTEGRAL , but, in many cases, there is very little known about these systems. In order to address this, I present time-resolved optical data of five CVs discovered through INTEGRAL observations. The white dwarf spin modulation is detected in high-speed photometry of three of the new CVs (IGR J15094−6649, IGR J16500−3307 and IGR J17195−4100), but two others (XSS J12270−4859 and IGR J16167−4957) show no evidence of magnetism, and should be considered unclassified systems. Spectroscopic orbital period ( P orb) measurements are also given for IGR J15094−6649, IGR J16167−4957, IGR J16500−3307 and IGR J17195−4100.  相似文献   

We present the results of a search for UV and optical counterparts of the SSS population in M 31. We find that out of the 56 sources we included in our search, 16 are associated with regions of ongoing or recent star formation. We discuss two particularly interesting sources that are identified optically as early type stars, one of which displayed long term X‐ray evolution similar to that observed in classical novae. We discuss the physical origin of supersoft X‐rays in these and the other SSS in young regions, and their possible link to the so‐called “prompt” component of the Type Ia supernova population (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Super Soft Source (SSS) spectra are powered by nuclear burning on the surface of a white dwarf. The released energy causes a radiatively‐driven wind that leads to a radially extended atmosphere around the white dwarf. Significant blue shifts in photospheric absorption lines are found in the spectra of novae during their SSS phase, being an evidence of continued mass loss in this phase. We present spherically symmetric PHOENIX models that account for the expansion of the ejecta. A comparison to a plane parallel, hydrostatic atmosphere model demonstrates that the mass loss can have a significant impact on the model spectra. The dynamic model yields less pronounced absorption edges, and harder X‐ray spectra are the result. Therefore, lower effective temperatures are needed to explain the observed spectra. Although both types of models are yet to be fine‐tuned in order to accurately determine best fit parameters, the implications on the chemical abundances are going in opposite directions. With the expanding models the requirement for strong depletion of the crucial elements that cause these edges is now avoidable (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

I report the results of a spectroscopic follow‐up of the nova V1663 Aql performed at the Loiano telescope. The emission lines in the spectra have been identified to study the early evolution. The spectra measured some weeks after the maximum show Balmer lines, several Fe multiplets and low ionization lines. The presence of Fe multiplets confirms the original classification of V1663 Aql as a Fe II nova. I have built the light curve using the observations of IAU circulars, VSNET, AFOEV, ASAS databases to estimate the parameters of the nova: time and magnitude of maximum, and the decline rates by two or three magnitudes. The parameters have been used to deduce a distance of V1663 Aql in the range 7.3÷11.3 kpc. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have made a deep search for radio emission from all the northern hemisphere supersoft X-ray sources using the Very Large Array (VLA) and multi-element radio-linked interferometer network (MERLIN) telescopes, at 5 and 8.4 GHz. Three previously undetected sources, T Pyx, V1974 Cygni and RX J0019.8+2156, were imaged in quiescence using the VLA in order to search for any persistent emission. No radio emission was detected in any of the VLA fields down to a typical 1 σ rms noise of 20 μJy beam−1, however, 17 new point sources were detected in the fields with 5-GHz fluxes between 100 and 1500 μJy, giving an average 100-μJy source density of ∼200 deg−2, comparable to what was found in the MERLIN Hubble Deep Field survey. The persistent source AG Draconis was observed by MERLIN to provide a confirmation of previous VLA observations and to investigate the source at a higher resolution. The core is resolved at the milliarcsec scale into two components that have a combined flux of ∼1 mJy. It is possible that we are detecting nebulosity, which is becoming resolved out by the higher MERLIN resolution. We have investigated possible causes of radio emission from a wind environment, both directly from the secondary star, and also consequently, of the high X-ray luminosity from the white dwarf. There is an order of magnitude discrepancy between observed and modelled values that can be explained by the uncertainty in fundamental quantities within these systems.  相似文献   

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