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Understanding the complex structure, dynamics, and ionization of gas in the nearby interstellar medium is required before one can realistically model interstellar gas in other galaxies. High-resolution ultraviolet spectra provide the essential data for such studies because the resonance lines of most important atoms, ions, and molecules are located in the ultraviolet, and high spectral resolution is needed to resolve line profiles and determine the velocity structure along a line of sight. I list ten important physical questions concerning interstellar gas that require a more sensitive spectrometer than STIS and the desired spectral resolution to answer these questions.  相似文献   

We obtained 1955 high-resolution spectra of the high-amplitude pulsating subdwarf B star V338 Ser with the FIES spectrograph at the 2.5 m Nordic Optical Telescope covering 4 full nights in May–June 2009. Here we present the first results from phase-folding the data on the main pulsation mode, as revealed by simultaneous B-band photometry obtained with the Mercator 1.25 m and Baker 0.4 m telescopes. We compare the results with a sample line-profile model produced with LTE atmospheres and bruce+kylie.  相似文献   

We report on a study of the molecular cloud S64 with observations at millimeter wavelengths of multiple molecular lines of CO isotopes.A weak outflow is found,and its physical parameters are estimated.The departure of the core of S64 from the S64 HII region indicates that there are still other star formation activities in that region.  相似文献   

High-resolution (0.1-Å) spectra of the 6815-Å band of methane are presented for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Spectra for Uranus, Neptune, and the equatorial region of Saturn were acquired with the SPIFI (W. H. Smith, T. R. Hicks, and J. P. Born (1978). Proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium on Astrophysics, Triest, July 3–7, 1978. pp. 593–599) at the 2.2-m telescope of the Mauna Kea Observatory during May and June 1980. Additional spectra were obtained for Jupiter and the northern temperate and polar regions of Saturn in December 1980 and January 1981 from Kitt Peak National Observatory's McMath Solar Telescope. The spectra show a dichotomy in strength of methane absorption between Jupiter-Saturn and Uranus-Neptune. A simple model analysis, based on homogeneous scattering models, is unable to resolve whether this dichotomy is due to an actual increase in the methane mixing ratio with solar distance or to the temperature dependence of line strengths and absorption pathlengths in these atmospheres. If the rotational quantum number for the prominent 6818.9-Å feature is J < 4, then significant aerosol extinction must exist within the visibly accessible portion of Uranus' atmosphere for the methane mixing ratio to be greater than the solar value.  相似文献   

Rust (1974) stated that the classical (e.g., Doppler) explanations of the cosmological red shift contradict the results of astronomical observations of the period of changes in the brightness of supernovae. This paper is an attempt at explaining this discrepancy between observations and the theoretical predictions on the grounds of a hypothesis published by the author (Bellert, 1969). That hypothesis explains the cosmological red shift by the geometry of the space of events, which is a static space.We regret to report that, soon after the submission of this paper, Professor Bellert passed away on 27 March, 1976 in Warsaw.  相似文献   

The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST) has the potential to discover many new pulsars and new phenomena. In this paper we mainly concentrate on how FAST can impact study of the pulsar emission mechanism and magnetospheric dynamics. Several observational programs heading to this direction are reviewed. To make full use of the superior performance of FAST and maximize the scientific outcome, these programs can be arranged in different phases of FAST according to their demands for observational conditions. We suggest that programs can be performed following the test phase, which are observations of multifrequency mean pulse profiles, anomalous X-ray pulsars(AXPs)/soft gamma-ray repeaters(SGRs), mode changing, drifting subpulse and nulling. The long-term monitoring can be carried out for mode changing, AXPs/SGRs and precessional pulsars. Others programs, including polarization observations of radio and γ-ray pulsars, searching for weak pulse components, and multifrequency observations of subpulse drifting, microstructure and giant pulses, can be conducted in all the normal operating phases(the first and second phases). These programs will push forward the frontier in this field in different respects. The search for sub-millisecond pulsars and follow-up observations of their emission properties are very important projects for FAST, but they may be covered by other papers in this mini-volume; therefore,they are not discussed here.  相似文献   

Some weak unidentified solar photospheric lines in the wavelength range: (3400–3465) Å may be due to PH lines of the (0, 0) band of the PH(A 3 i - X 3 -)system. These faint PH molecular lines have resulted an excitation temperature of the order of 4500 K. Using experimental lifetime data for PH in the A 3 i state, an absorption oscillator strength f 00 = 0.0075 is derived for the 3410 Å band of the PH (A 3 i - X 3 -)system. Accurate line positions, oscillator strength and transition probability for the 4.4 fundamental rotation-vibration band of the PH molecule are obtained. A comparison of positions of some lines of the 4.4 band with those obtained on new tracings of high resolution solar spectra shows many coincidences with weak solar lines.  相似文献   

The abundance of carbon monoxide in the Venus’ dayside atmosphere above the clouds was measured by ground-based 2.3 μm spectroscopy for 4 days. The hemispherical distributions found show no significant latitudinal or longitudinal structure. The disc-averaged mixing ratio of 58 ± 17 ppm found at a representative height of 62-67 km is consistent with previous measurements. Such a flat distribution of CO abundance above the clouds seems to be controlled by an efficient horizontal eddy diffusion with a time scale of 30 days or shorter although the CO distribution below the clouds seems to be controlled by the meridional circulation. The pole-ward wind speed of the meridional circulation above the clouds is estimated to be 0.2 m s−1 or less based on the difference between the CO mixing ratios above and below the clouds.  相似文献   

The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST) has passed national acceptance and finished one pilot cycle of ‘Shared-Risk’ observations. It will start formal operation soon. In this context, this paper describes testing results of key fundamental parameters for FAST, aiming to provide basic support for observation and data reduction of FAST for scientific researchers. The 19-beam receiver covering 1.05–1.45 GHz was utilized for most of these observations. The fluctuation in electronic gain of the system is better than 1% over 3.5 hours, enabling enough stability for observations. Pointing accuracy,aperture efficiency and system temperature are three key parameters for FAST. The measured standard deviation of pointing accuracy is 7.9′′, which satisfies the initial design of FAST. When zenith angle is less than 26.4°, the aperture efficiency and system temperature around 1.4 GHz are ~0.63 and less than 24 K for central beam, respectively. The sensitivity and stability of the 19-beam backend are confirmed to satisfy expectation by spectral HI observations toward NGC 672 and polarization observations toward 3 C 286. The performance allows FAST to take sensitive observations for various scientific goals, from studies of pulsars to galaxy evolution.  相似文献   

The Galilean satellites’ dynamics has been studied extensively during the last century. In the past it was common to use analytical expansions in order to get simple models to integrate, but with the new generation of computers it became prevalent the numerical integration of very sophisticated and almost complete equations of motion. In this article we aim to describe the resonant and secular motion of the Galilean satellites through a Hamiltonian, depending on the slow angles only, obtained with an analytical expansion of the perturbing functions and an averaging operation. In order to have a model as near as possible to the actual dynamics, we added perturbations and we considered terms that in similar studies of the past were neglected, such as the terms involving the inclinations and the Sun’s perturbation. Moreover, we added the tidal dissipation into the equations, in order to investigate how well the model captures the evolution of the system.  相似文献   

We verify numerically that in the context of general relativity (GR), flat models which have the same Ωm and cosmic microwave background (CMB) shift parameter R but different   H ( a )  and w ( a ) also have very similar (within less than 8 per cent) growth of perturbations even though the dark energy density evolution is quite different. This provides a direct connection between geometrical and dynamical tests of dark energy and may be used as a cosmological test of GR.  相似文献   

The far-ultraviolet (FUV) spectrum of LS?V +46°21, the central star (CS) of the planetary nebula (PN) Sh?2?216, is strongly contaminated by interstellar absorption and thus, we have to simultaneously model both, the stellar as well as the interstellar spectrum in order to identify strategic metal lines which are only accessible in the FUV wavelength range. These lines are necessary to determine the photospheric parameters reliably. We present results of a NLTE spectral analysis of the FUV spectrum of LS?V+46°21.  相似文献   

Observations of the second solar spectrum(SSS) revealed the existence of prominent linear polarization signals due to lines of the C_2 molecule.Interpretation of the SSS is the only tool to obtain the weak and turbulent magnetic field which is widespread in the Quiet Sun.However,this interpretation is conditioned by the determination of accurate collisional data.In this context,we present a formulation of the problem of the calculation of the polarization transfer rates by collisions of polarized C_2 states with electrons.The obtained formulae are applied to determine,for the first time,the polarization transfer rates between the C_2 states of the Swan band electronic system(a ~3Π_u d ~3Π_q) and electrons for temperatures going up from 1000 to 10000 K.However,due to the closeness of the electronic states of the C_2 molecule,the two electronic d ~3Π_g and a ~3Π_u cannot be disconnected from the other electronic levels and,thus,a model based on only two states is not sufficient to describe the formation of the lines in the Swan band.Consequently,we also calculated the collisional polarization transfer rates in the case where the first eight electronic states of C_2 are taken into account.All rates are given as functions of the temperature by power laws.Our results should be useful for future solar applications.  相似文献   

In a cosmological model developed by the author in previous articles the universe starts in a geometrical phase transition in Minkowski space. Here the source of the gravitational field is a Higgs-like scalar field $\bar{\phi}$ . A relation of this cosmological field $\bar{\phi}$ with the Higgs-field ? H in the gauge theory of electroweak interaction is established. This relation leads to two dimensionless constants. One of them is interpreted as a characteristic constant of the phase transition and is connected with the volume of huge bubbles of open universes.  相似文献   

The methods of panoramic (3D) spectroscopy are used by us in a detailed study of galaxies with ongoing star formation chosen from among objects in seven selected fields of the Second Byurakan Survey (SBS). This article deals with the irregular galaxy SBS 1202 + 583, which our classification scheme identifies as being in a continuous phase of star formation. Observations were made with the panoramic spectrographs MPFS at the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and VAGR at the 2.6-m telescope of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO) in Armenia. The data are used to construct maps of the radiative fluxes in the continuum and various emission lines. Special attention is devoted to analyzing the emission in the Hα hydrogen recombination line and in the forbidden low-ionization doublets of nitrogen [NII] λλ6548, 6583 and sulfur [SII] λλ6716, 6731, and the ratios of the intensities of the forbidden lines to Hα. The observable characteristics (size, Hα fluxes, etc.) of nine HII regions are studied. The estimated current rates of star formation in the individual HII regions based on the Hα fluxes lie within the range of 0.3-1.2 M /year. The dependence of the ratio of the intensities of the emission in these above mentioned forbidden doublets on the rate of star formation in the HII regions is found.  相似文献   

The region of the 8200 Å Band of H2O was studied in spectra of Venus obtained with an echelle grating spectrograph operated at an altitude of 14.6 km in the NASA Learjet research aircraft. Taking advantage of low foreground absorption, observing at a time of velocity quadrature, differential spectroscopy with respect to lunar spectra, and spectrum averaging, we establish a value of H2O of 3 ± 20 μ for the total path over the entire disk. This value differs from earlier studies of the integrated disk but supports the low values recently derived from infrared bands and by very high spectral resolution groundbased studies.  相似文献   

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