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2.5Ma以来大陆风化强度的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨杰东  陈骏 《地质论评》2000,46(5):472-480
本次研究得出了2.5MaBP以来洛川剖面黄土-古土壤序列的酸不深物^87Sr/^86Sr、Rb/Sr、磁化率和沉积速率的变化曲线。黄土和古土壤酸不深物^87Sr/86Sr、Rb/Sr和磁化率的变化具有类似的阶段性和周期性,这与晚新生代以来古气候的主要变化以及行星轨道参数相一致。研究证明,黄土和古土壤酸不深物^87Sr/^86Sr值得化学风化强度的替代指标,沉积速率是物理风化强度的替代指标。自2.5  相似文献   

We study the marine and terrestrial contributions in the Gulf of California (GC) to understand the relationship between continental climate and oceanographic variability over the last 28 ka. In Core AII125-8-JPC-20, we examine aeolian and riverine inputs as nutrients for biological productivity. We use biogenic silica (%opal), total organic carbon (%TOC) and calcium carbonate (%CaCO3) as proxies for primary productivity, and lithic fraction distributions as proxies for terrigenous transport. At the core site, biogenic and lithic components are in phase at millennial-scale in response to regional climate conditions. During the Late Pleistocene, the GC shelf area was above sea level and the western margin showed transient episodes of increased fluvial inputs. Episodic increases in %opal and reduced %TOC suggest upwelling events but ineffective C-export to the sediment. During stadial events (Heinrich 2, Heinrich 1, Younger Dryas), regional declines in %opal, but increases in %CaCO3 and TOC, suggest efficient C-export by carbonate organisms. During most of the Holocene, dust inputs are higher. Episodic increases in %TOC suggest higher C-accumulation, although this is not controlled by siliceous or calcareous organisms. In the GC, besides upwelling and current advection, nutrient inputs driven by terrestrial climate have an impact on the biological C-pump. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


印尼穿越流是连接西太平洋和印度洋的唯一载体,与东亚季风和ENSO活动密切相关。帝汶海区是印尼穿越流的主要出口之一,该区不同钻孔末次冰期以来的古海洋学记录显示在长时间尺度上变化存在着很高的相似性。为了捕捉出口处印尼穿越流的平均信号,本研究将这些记录进行堆叠,并与其他海区的钻孔记录进行对比,探讨印尼穿越流对东亚季风和ENSO活动的响应。总体上,堆叠记录较为精准地复制了各个钻孔记录的信息。帝汶海区表层海水温度堆叠记录与其他海区钻孔记录对比显示末次冰期至12~6 ka期间帝汶海可能位于暖池范围内,而晚全新世时位于暖池的边缘;温跃层深度、海水温度和盐度堆叠记录揭示自末次冰期以来印尼穿越流温跃层流呈现逐渐强化的趋势。结合现代水文资料和堆叠记录与其他古海洋古气候记录的对比等,本文推测了不同时期ENSO的冷暖期状态以及东亚季风对印尼穿越流的影响方式和过程。


We synthesize pollen spectra from eleven dated stratigraphic sections from central and northern Yukon. Palaeomagnetic and tephra dating indicates the earliest assemblages, representing closed canopy Pinus and Picea forest, are middle-late Pliocene age. More open forest conditions, indicated by increased Poaceae and with evidence of permafrost, are dated at ca 3 Ma. While Pinus pollen is abundant at 3 Ma, it is reduced in records after 2.6 Ma, and subsequent Pleistocene interglacial forest records are repeatedly dominated by Picea, along with Alnus and small but significant amounts of Abies. Surface sample comparisons indicate that Abies was more widespread and abundant in past interglaciations than at present and that Middle-Pleistocene PiceaAbies forest grew in the northern Yukon Porcupine Basin, 500 km beyond modern Abies limits. In contrast, Pinus, which occurs today in southern and central Yukon, was not a significant component of these Pleistocene interglacial forests. Late-Holocene pollen assemblages with rare Abies and high Pinus are the most distinct in the past 2.6 Ma. Possible factors driving Holocene difference are paleoclimate, paludification, changes in megafaunal herbivory and an unusual fire regime. Anthropogenic burning is a factor unique to the Holocene, and if it is shown to be important in this case, it would challenge our notion of what constitutes boreal wilderness.  相似文献   

Loess-paleosol sequences of the last interglacial-glacial cycle are correlated from European Russia to central Siberia and the Chinese Loess Plateau. During cold periods represented by marine oxygen isotope stages (OIS) 2 and 4, loess deposition dominated in the Russian Plain and the Loess Plateau. In central Siberia, loess deposition took place also, but five to seven thin, weakly developed paleosols are identified in both stages. OIS 3, in the Chinese Loess Plateau near Yangchang, consists of a loess bed that is flanked by two weakly developed paleosols. At Kurtak, Siberia, OIS 3 is represented by two distinct, stacked paleosols with no loess bed separating the paleosols. In the Russian Plain, OIS 3 consists of a single, possibly welded paleosol, representing upper and lower stage-3 climates. Brunisols and Chernozems dominate the profiles in China and Siberia, whereas Regosols, Luvisols, and Chernozems are evident in the northern and southern Russian Plain, respectively. OIS 5 is represented in China and the Russian Plain by pedo complexes in a series of welded soils, whereas in contrast, the Kurtak site consists of six paleosols with interbedded loess. The paleosols consist largely of Brunisols and Chernozems. Although the three areas examined have different climates, geographical settings, and loess source areas, they all had similar climate changes during the last interglacial-glacial cycle.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物记录的藏中地区2.8Ma以来的环境演变历史   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对青藏高原中部错鄂钻孔岩芯湖泊沉积物δ13C、总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、C/N和Rb/Sr比值等进行了分析,并结合岩性、孢粉组合特征等,建立了2.8Ma以来藏中地区的环境演化序列、区域构造活动和湖盆演化过程.研究显示,大约在2.8Ma,错鄂构造成盆,2.6Ma的构造运动之后,湖泊扩张,夏季风降水增加,湖泊沉积物以青灰色泥为主,藏中地区总体上处于温湿或凉湿的环境下;约0.78Ma后,沉积岩性明显变粗,湖盆快速充填,反映了强烈的构造隆升运动,并使高原中部整体隆升到4000m以上,δ13C和TOC反映藏中地区环境具明显的高寒特点;高原剧烈隆升时期,化学风化较弱,而在高原相对稳定的剥蚀夷平阶段,化学风化较强,说明藏中地区的化学风化在受气候强烈影响的同时,又受高原阶段性的构造隆升所控制.  相似文献   

Rendell, H.M., 1988. Comparison between naturally consolidated and laboratory consolidated loess. Eng. Geol., 25: 229–233.

Preliminary results of a comparison between naturally consolidated and laboratory consolidated loess are presented. Mercury intrusion porosimetry was used to compare nominal pore size distributions of loess before and after laboratory consolidation with those for samples that had undergone “natural” compaction. Although changes in density appear to be modelled well by the oedometer tests, the pore size distributions approach, they do not mirror exactly those for naturally consolidated loess.  相似文献   


南大洋因其面积广阔等优势,能够存储更多的热量和二氧化碳(CO2),因此在全球碳循环及气候变化中的地位十分重要。罗斯海作为南大洋第二大边缘海,是研究古海洋演化的理想海域。本研究采用罗斯海陆坡和海盆区的3根插管沉积物岩芯——BC008(水深1063 m,长27 cm,年龄6.0~14.8 ka B.P.)、BC010(水深2055 m,长44 cm,年龄0~15.5 ka B.P.)和BC006(水深2120 m,长54 cm,年龄0~22.3 ka B.P.),通过分析其生物硅含量及浮游有孔虫碳同位素比值(Nps-δ13C)的变化发现,生物硅含量在末次冰消期较高,在约16 ka B.P.达到极大值,这指示了冰消期罗斯海海域深层水上涌增强并在约16 ka B.P.最为剧烈。与此同时,Nps-δ13C的负偏,指示了南大洋上涌的水团将溶解的硅酸盐传递至海洋表层的同时,也将碳同位素等化学信号传递至表层海水。深层水上涌在末次冰消期显著增强的趋势,与大气CO2浓度在冰消期之后的急剧上升十分吻合,这进一步验证了冰消期南大洋深层水上涌的假说及其对大气CO2浓度上升的贡献。此外,本研究进一步讨论了引起末次冰消期南大洋深层水上涌的可能触发机制,主要可能因南北两极热量分布不均,导致南半球西风带位置和强度以及大西洋经向翻转流强度发生变化,进而驱动南大洋深层水上涌。


A 10 m sediment core from Academician Ridge in Lake Baikal was analyzed for its molecular composition using on-line TMAH (tetramethylammomium hydroxide) thermochemolysis. Major products are lignin phenols, n-C14 to C30 fatty acids (alkanoic acids), cutin acids, hydroxy acids and aliphatic dicarboxylic acids. Lignin phenols are abundant in warmer periods (the interglacial: marine isotope stage (MIS) 5e and MIS 1), but extremely low in the other (colder) periods. This result coincides well with pollen records reported for a core near the present site, where an expansion of coniferous forests in sub-stage 5e and MIS 1 was implied. Normal C24–C30 alkanoic acids, important components of plant wax esters, are abundant in 5e and MIS 1 and are present in significant amounts in the other (colder) periods, unlike the lignin phenols. A high abundance of n-C24 to C30 alkanoic acids relative to lignin phenols in the Bølling–Allerød warm period suggests an enhanced development of herbs.It is implied from comparison of the sedimentary lignin phenol record with fossil pollen records and lignin phenol analysis of modern pollen that the ratio of cinnamyl phenols to vanillyl phenols may serve as an indicator of pollen contribution to sedimentary organic matter.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(5-7):691-701
Oxygen and carbon isotopic variations in the upper section of a stalagmite (SF-1) from Buddha Cave (33°40′N 109°05′E) dated by 230Th/234U 210Pb and lamination counting to a time resolution as fine as 1–3 years have recorded climate changes in central China for the last 1270 years. The changes include those corresponding to the Medieval Warm Period Little Ice Age and 20th-century warming lending support to the global extent of these events. The isotopic records also show cycles of 33, 22, 11, 9.6, and 7.2 years. The 33-year cycle could well represent the ∼35-year periodicity of climate fluctuations previously recognized in China and Europe. Cycles of 22, 11, and 9.6 years have often been associated with the Sunspot or lunar-orbit variations. The 7.2-year cycle was recently identified also in tree-ring records from an area close to Buddha Cave. These cycles suggest that external forcing (e.g. solar irradiance) may affect the summer monsoon over eastern China. The general consistency between the climate characteristics inferred from the stable isotope records of SF-1 and those from other proxy records underscores the value of stalagmites as recorders of paleoclimate.  相似文献   


海冰是现代气候系统的一个基本组成要素,对气候变化有着重要的调控作用。现今日本海西部仍发育有限的季节性海冰,也是深层水形成的关键区域。由于缺乏沉积岩芯,长期以来对日本海西部海冰范围变化的历史还缺乏深入的认识。本文对日本海西部LV53-18-2岩芯中长393 cm的沉积物进行了粒度分析,采用粒径端元分析方法,重建了过去30.0~5.0 ka海冰和底流活动历史。粒径端元(EM)分析显示,端元3(40~160 μm)是指示海冰活动的有效指标;EM1(2~20 μm)与可分选粉砂平均粒径呈现一致的变化趋势,是指示底流活动的有效指标,但在15.0~7.8 ka受到冰筏碎屑影响。日本海西部海冰活动由冬季海冰形成和春/夏季海冰融化条件的共同制约。末次冰期-冰盛期(30.0~18.0 ka),在强盛东亚冬季风(EAWM)和低太阳辐射量控制下,日本海西部季节性海冰活动保持微弱;在末次冰消期晚期-中全新世早期(15.0~7.8 ka),EAWM仍然强盛,同时北半球高纬日射量和海平面升高,导致海冰活动十分活跃;7.8~5.0 ka以来,随着EAWM减弱和对马暖流入侵,日本海西部季节性海冰活动显著减弱。在海因里希冰阶(HS)1时段(17.5~15.0 ka),大西洋经向翻转流减弱诱发EAWM增强,同时北半球夏季太阳辐射量和海平面都相对较低,可能导致日本海西部海冰持续覆盖。在季节性海冰形成时期,盐析过程增强了水体垂向对流和底流活动,但是在HS1,深层水体形成源区被常年海冰覆盖,抑制了深层水形成,减弱了研究区底流活动。


Integrated analyses of magnetic, geochemical and textural data on six cores from the northwestern Iberian continental shelf allowed the reconstruction of the paleoenvironmental evolution of this area since the last glacial maximum (LGM). Four sedimentary units were identified, representing a succession from fluvial and subaerial settings to high and finally low-energy marine deposits subsequent to the post-LGM sea-level rise. The uppermost unit was deposited during the Holocene and its magnetic properties were controlled by the interplay between detrital input and early diagenetic reductive dissolution of magnetic minerals. Identification of a primary steady-state early diagenetic signal allowed the recognition of periods of increased detrital input, bounded by intervals of lower detrital input and intensified reductive diagenesis related to intensified upwelling in the area. These paleoenvironmental alternations are consistent with the climatic evolution of the late Holocene. During the Roman Warm Period and Medieval Warm Period, the combined effect of greater humidity and intense agricultural and mining activities led to a greater erosion and transport of detrital sediments to the shelf. In contrast, enhanced diagenetic reduction intervals, caused by upwelling intensification, were roughly coincident with the colder Dark Ages and the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

Glacial-interglacial sea level changes have caused drastic variations in the surface hydrography, ventilation and ecosystem structure in the Japan Sea. Previous reconstructions using microfossils and geochemical proxies suggested decreased productivity and a more calcareous plankton community during glacial periods. However, the inferred community structure change is not consistent with significantly lower salinity in the Japan Sea during the glacials, which would have had a deleterious effect on calcareous plankton growth. Here, biomarker records of ODP Site 797 are generated to further evaluate phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in the Japan Sea over the last 166 kyr. Although the contents of the phytoplankton biomarkers changed by two to three orders of magnitude, there were no clear glacial-interglacial patterns as sediment biomarker contents reflected the combined effect of production and water column degradation. The collective assessments of our biomarker records and published records support previous conclusions of decreased productivity in the Japan Sea during the glacials. However, a community structure proxy based on the alkenone/brassicasterol ratio reveals a shift from a diatom-dominated community during the glacials to a coccolithophorid-dominated community during the interglacials, mainly as a result of surface salinity variations in the Japan Sea controlled by sea-level changes. Previous community structure reconstruction using biogenic carbonate/silica ratio could have been complicated by the different environmental factors governing silica and CaCO3 dissolution in the Japan Sea.  相似文献   

An isobathic transect of marine surface sediments from 1°N to 28°S off southwest Africa was used to further evaluate the potential of the chain length distribution and carbon stable isotope composition of higher plant n-alkanes as proxies for continental vegetation and climate conditions. We found a strong increase in the n-C29–33 weighted mean average δ13C values from −33‰ near the equator to around −26‰ further south. Additionally, C25–35 n-alkanes reveal a southward trend of increasing average chain length from 30.0 to 30.5. The data reflect the changing contribution of plants employing different photosynthetic pathways (C3 and C4) and/or being differently influenced by the environmental conditions of their habitat. The C4 plant proportions calculated from the data (ca. 20% for rivers draining the rainforest, to ca. 70% at higher latitude) correspond to the C4 plant abundance in continental catchment areas postulated by considering prevailing wind systems and river outflows. Furthermore, the C4 plant contribution to the sediments correlates with the mean annual precipitation and aridity at selected continental locations in the postulated catchment areas, suggesting that the C4 plant fraction in marine sediments can be used to assess these environmental parameters.  相似文献   


早二叠世晚期发生了显生宙以来规模最大的冰川消退事件, 地球气候经历了由冰室向温室的转变。然而, 低纬度地区对此次气候变化的响应细节仍存较多疑问。华南板块在早二叠世位于古特提斯洋中, 发育连续的海相碳酸盐岩沉积序列对气候变化响应敏感。本研究利用高分辨率Fe元素含量作为古气候替代指标, 对贵州省罗甸县纳庆剖面392.3 m至487.9 m的下二叠统亚丁斯克阶-空谷阶四大寨组进行旋回地层学研究。频谱分析显示研究段具有显著的7.46~10.46 m、2.01~3.15 m、0.46~0.68 m、0.27~0.39 m谱峰, 其比例约为26.7:7.8:1.7:1, 与利用La2004模型推算的早二叠世天文轨道周期比例(23.9:7.4:1.9:1)基本一致。利用405 ka偏心率校准的Fe元素序列存在405 ka、117 ka、90 ka、30.1~35.8 ka、15.6~22.9 ka周期信号, 表明沉积记录受到米兰科维奇旋回控制。估算出研究段的平均沉积速率为2.15 cm/ka, 构建了288.1 Ma至282.9 Ma, 持续时间约为5.16 Ma的高分辨率天文年代标尺。研究证实周期约为1.36 Ma的超长斜率旋回控制了海平面的升降, 但其控制机制在冰室和温室两种气候状态下并不相同。超长斜率旋回在冰室状态下通过控制高纬度冰川消长影响海平面变化; 在温室状态下, 斜率旋回或通过影响大陆含水层控制海平面升降。


The Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) is the dominant climate system of South and East Asia. However, the history of monsoon intensification and the driving forces behind it are controversial. Wind-blown sediments in mid-latitude East Asia and fluvial-derived sediments in the northern South China Sea imply contrasting ASM patterns during the late Cenozoic. Here we use pollen records from the southwest South China Sea (International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1433) to reconstruct the ASM evolution in low-latitude Southeast Asia. A slow increase in herbaceous plants since 8 Ma indicates a persistent weakening of precipitation in Indochina, which is dominated by the ASM. This signal is closely associated with a consistent coniferous plant record, indicating a continuous cooling trend that correlates well with Sea Surface Temperature (SST) decrease in the west Pacific Ocean. We propose that the monsoon weakening resulted in as much as a ~ 25% reduction in precipitation over the past 8 Ma in response to the Northern Hemisphere glaciation/global cooling, with some of the increase in conifers being linked to uplift of the Vietnamese Central Highland and the SE flank of the Tibetan Plateau in Yunnan and northern Vietnam.  相似文献   

Isotopic, major and trace element studies of loess deposits from America, China, Europe and New Zealand show general uniformity of composition. Silica, Zr and Hf are enriched relative to estimates of bulk composition of the upper continental crust. The REE data are indistinguishable from those of average shales, confirming the concept that these REE patterns (LaN/YbN = 9.5 Eu/Eu1 = 0.66) represent the upper crustal average. Sm-Nd model ages are variable but <1700 m.y. They reflect derivation from younger elevated erogenic areas subject to Pleistocene glaciation. Although Sm-Nd model ages vary by a factor of two, the REE patterns remain constant. This indicates that processes responsible for formation of the upper crust have produced no secular change in composition since the mid-Proterozoic.  相似文献   

在河西走廊东段的祁连山北麓与腾格里沙漠交接地带发育的较大范围的黄土堆积为探讨东亚夏季风西北缘的古季风演化提供了不可多得的天然素材。本研究利用甘肃武威沙沟剖面32.2 m的黄土-古土壤序列作为研究对象,开展了光释光测年和高分辨率的岩石磁学、环境磁学和全岩粒度分析,重建了该地区11万年来的古季风演化历史,并探讨了其驱动机制。结果表明:1)该剖面11万年来连续沉积的黄土-古土壤序列与邻近古浪剖面同期地层的全岩粒度表现出完全的可比性,二者的沉积速率均达30 cm/ka以上,记录了东亚夏季风西北缘千百年分辨率的气候快速变化特征;2)磁粒度参数Mrs/Ms和Hcr/Hc与中值粒径间良好的线性相关表明,研究区黄土磁学特征主要受控于冬季风强度主导的"wind vigor"模式;3)全岩粒度和磁粒度参数均记录了完整的Dansgaard-Oeschger旋回和Heinrich事件,表明北半球高纬气候对黄土高原西北边缘气候的深远影响和中-高纬北半球气候显著的遥相关过程,而由北大西洋经向翻转环流强弱所引起的北极海冰变化可能是导致东亚冬季风强度变化的最直接原因。  相似文献   


在气候变化和人类活动日益增强的背景下, 河口近海碳源汇途径的变化对区域乃至全球碳循环有着深刻的影响。本研究对南海北部河口-近岸-陆架海区3根沉积物柱状样顶部沉积记录约2000年的样品进行了有机碳(TOC)和总氮(TN)含量与稳定同位素组成等地球化学指标的分析。结果显示, 南海北部沉积物TOC含量在过去2000年表现出稳步增加的趋势。根据稳定碳同位素(δ13C)和TOC/TN比值构建的蒙特卡洛模拟估算, 发现不同海区沉积有机碳的来源存在差异, 其中陆源有机碳在近岸区贡献最高, 河口区次之, 南海北部陆坡贡献最小。在时间尺度上, 陆坡区TOC来源在过去2000年维持稳定, 而河口近岸区中海源有机碳比例不断增加, 特别是河口区海源有机碳在过去1000年快速增加, 同时与TN的变化存在显著的正相关关系, 反映了人类活动持续输入的陆源营养盐促进了海洋初级生产力的升高; 另一方面, 河口区陆源有机碳的减少主要归因于华南地区减弱的东亚夏季风和人类活动与沿海地区大规模的围垦活动等。不同于河口近岸海区, 南海北部陆坡沉积物有机碳埋藏的增加主要与东亚冬季风增强对营养盐供应和初级生产力的调控密切关联。整体而言, 人类活动和气候变化共同控制着近2000年南海北部沉积物有机碳埋藏的演变过程。


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