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About 16,000 km of multichannel seismic (MCS), gravity and magnetic data and 28 sonobuoys were acquired in the Riiser-Larsen Sea Basin and across the Gunnerus and Astrid Ridges, to study their crustal structure. The study area has contrasting basement morphologies and crustal thicknesses. The crust ranges in thickness from about 35 km under the Riiser-Larsen Sea shelf, 26–28 km under the Gunnerus Ridge, 12–17 km under the Astrid Ridge, and 9.5–10 km under the deep-water basin. A 50-km-wide block with increased density and magnetization is modeled from potential field data in the upper crust of the inshore zone and is interpreted as associated with emplacement of mafic intrusions into the continental margin of the southern Riiser-Larsen Sea. In addition to previously mapped seafloor spreading magnetic anomalies in the western Riiser-Larsen Sea, a linear succession from M2 to M16 is identified in the eastern Riiser-Larsen Sea. In the southwestern Riiser-Larsen Sea, a symmetric succession from M24B to 24n with the central anomaly M23 is recognized. This succession is obliquely truncated by younger lineation M22–M22n. It is proposed that seafloor spreading stopped at about M23 time and reoriented to the M22 opening direction. The seismic stratigraphy model of the Riiser-Larsen Sea includes five reflecting horizons that bound six seismic units. Ages of seismic units are determined from onlap geometry to magnetically dated oceanic basement and from tracing horizons to other parts of the southern Indian Ocean. The seaward edge of stretched and attenuated continental crust in the southern Riiser-Larsen Sea and the landward edge of unequivocal oceanic crust are mapped based on structural and geophysical characteristics. In the eastern Riiser-Larsen Sea the boundary between oceanic and stretched continental crust is better defined and is interpreted as a strike-slip fault lying along a sheared margin.  相似文献   

 Magnetic data over the eastern continental margin of India and adjacent Bengal fan demarcate two major lineaments. A high amplitude N–S-trending lineation of the Cauvery offshore Basin corresponds to the offshore fragment of the 80°E lineament recorded onland. A N–S lineation of very high amplitude anomaly off Chilka lake considered as the possible northward extension of the 85°E ridge delineated, hitherto in Bengal Fan. A subdued magnetic anomaly zone is demarcated seaward of the continent–ocean boundary (COB) in the Bengal Fan. Over the northern Bengal Fan this zone is delineated east of 85°E lineation. This quiet zone might have evolved during the Early Cretaceous period of normal magnetic polarity between M0 and 34 (120–84 Ma) anomalies. Received: 6 April 1995 / Revision received: 3 September 1996  相似文献   

Fractures associated with volcanic rock outcrops on the inner shelf of Alboran Island, Western Mediterranean, were mapped on the basis of a side-scan sonar mosaic. Absolute maximum fracture orientation frequency is NW–SE to NNW–SSE, with several sub-maxima oriented NNE–SSW, NE–SW and ENE–WSW. The origin of the main fracture systems in Neogene and Quaternary rocks of the Alboran Basin (south Spain) appears to be controlled by older structures, namely NE–SW and WNW–ESE to NW–SE faults which cross-cut the basement. These faults, pre-Tortonian in origin, have been reactivated since the early Neogene in the form of strike-slip and extensional movements linked to the recent stress field in this area. Fracture analysis of volcanic outcrops on the inner continental shelf of Alboran Island suggests that the shelf has been deformed into a narrow shear zone limited by two NE–SW-trending, sub-parallel high-angle faults, the main orientation and density of which have been influenced by previous WNW–ESE to NW–SE basement fractures.  相似文献   

A revised gravity anomaly map, generated from the EIGEN6C4 high resolution global gravity model, has been utilized for understanding structure and tectonics over the 85°E Ridge and surroundings. EIGEN6C4 data have been analysed using different derivatives and Analytical Signal techniques for delineation of structural features and comparative analysis with the published results, which shows good correlation. All the structural features observed in two seismic reflection sections over a small part of the 85°E Ridge have also been delineated very well. The lineament trends of N–S, NNW–SSE, ENE–WSW and E–W are consequences of the major changes occurred in the mid-Cretaceous towards the spreading trends from NNW–SSE to N–S and resulted in northward movement of the Indian Plate trailed by interaction with the Asian Plate in the Early Eocene. The lineaments in the eastern side of the ridge have greater circular variances and greater circular standard deviation than those of the western side, which reveals that the eastern side of the ridge has suffered more tectonic activities.  相似文献   

The Edremit Gulf, which developed during the Neogene-Quaternary, is a seismically active graben in NW Anatolia (Turkey) surrounded by the Sakarya continent. The sedimentary deposits in the gulf overlie the bedrock unconformably and can be separated into two parts as upper and lower deposits based on similarity of their seismic characteristics, and because the contact between them is clear. The lower deposits are characterized in the seismic profiles by the absence of well defined, continuous reflectors and are strongly disturbed by faults. A tectonic map and structural model of the Edremit Gulf was derived from interpreting 21 deep seismic profiles trending NE–SW and NW–SE within the gulf. Two fault systems were distinguished on the basis of this compilation. The NNW–SSE trending parallel faults are low-angle normal faults formed after compression. They controlled and deformed the lower basin deposits. A syncline and anticline with a broad fold-curvature length resulted in folds that developed parallel to basin boundaries in the lower basin deposits. The ENE–WSW trending high-angle faults have controlled and deformed the northern basin of the Edremit Gulf. The folds developed within the northern lower deposits originated from the listric geometry of the faults. These faults are normal faults associated with regional N–S extension in western Anatolia. The Edremit Gulf began to open under the control of low-angle NNW–SSE trending faults that developed after the compression of western Anatolia in an E–W direction in the early Neogene. Subsequently, regional N–S extensional stress and high-angle normal faults cut the previous structures, opened the northern basin, and controlled and deformed the lower basin deposits in the gulf. As a result, the Edremit Gulf has not been controlled by any strike-slip faults or the Northern Anatolian Fault. The basin developed in the two different tectonic regimes of western Anatolia as an Aegean type cross-graben from the Neogene to Holocene.  相似文献   

The Carlsberg Ridge lies between the equator and the Owen fracture zone. It is the most prominent mid-ocean ridge segment of the western Indian Ocean, which contains a number of earthquake epicenters. Satellite altimetry can be used to infer subsurface geological structures analogous to gravity anomaly maps generated through ship-borne survey. In this study, free-air gravity and its 3D image have been generated over the Carlsberg Ridge using a very high resolution data base, as obtained from Geosat GM, ERS-1, Seasat and TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data. As observed in this study, the Carlsberg Ridge shows a slow spreading characteristic with a deep and wide graben (average width ∼15 km). The transform fault spacing confirms variable slow to intermediate characteristics with first and second order discontinuities. The isostatically compensated region of the Carlsberg Ridge could be demarcated with near zero contour values in the free-air gravity anomaly images over and along the Carlsberg Ridge axes and over most of the fracture zone patterns. Few profiles have been generated across the Carlsberg Ridge and the characteristics of slow/intermediate spreading ridge of various orders of discontinuity could be identified. It has also been observed in zero contour image as well as in the characteristics of valley patterns along the ridge from NW to SE that different spreading rates, from slow to intermediate, are occurring in different parts of the Carlsberg ridge. It maintains the morphology of a slow spreading ridge in the NW, where the wide and deep axial valley (∼1.5–3 km) also implies the pattern of a slow spreading ridge. However, a change in the morphology/depth of the axial valley from NW to SE indicates the nature of the Carlsberg Ridge as a slow to intermediate spreading ridge. For the prevailing security restrictions, lat./lon. coordinates have been omitted in few images.  相似文献   

HY-2 A(Haiyang-2 A), launched in 2011, is the first ocean dynamic environment satellite of China and is equipped with a radar altimeter as one of the primary payloads. HY-2 A shifted the drift orbit in March 2016 and has been accumulating geodetic mission(GM) data for more than three years with 168-day cycle. In this paper, we present the preliminary gravity field inverted by the HY-2 A/GM data from March 2016 to December 2017 near Taiwan(21°–26°N, 119°–123°E). The gravity anomaly is computed by Inverse Vening Meinesz(IVM) formula with a onedimensional FFT method during remove-restore procedure with the EGM2008 gravity model as the reference field. For comparison, CryoSat-2 altimeter data are used to inverse the gravity field near Taiwan Island by the same method. Comparing with the gravity field derived from CryoSat-2, a good agreement between the two data sets is found. The global ocean gravity models and National Geophysical Data Center(NGDC) shipboard gravity data also are used to assess the performance of HY-2 A/GM data. The evaluations show that HY-2 A and CryoSat-2 are at the same level in terms of gravity field recovery and the HY-2 A/GM altimeter-derived gravity field has an accuracy of 2.922 mGal. Therefore, we can believe that HY-2 A will be a new reliable data source for marine gravity field inversion and has the potentiality to improve the accuracy and resolution of the global marine gravity field.  相似文献   

Ceylon was one of the connecting continental links in the ensemble of the united Indian and Antarctic continents when Gondwana split up. However, the precise position of Ceylon is still undetermined. Some publications attribute its position to different regions near Enderby Land. The analysis of the linear magnetic anomalies in the Central Basin of the Indian Ocean south of Ceylon and near the Antarctic coast (the Cosmonaut Sea and the Riiser-Larsen Sea) yielded evidence for the position of Ceylon in the ensemble of the Indian and Antarctic continents: it was east of Gunnerus Ridge in the Cosmonaut Sea. The breaking away of Ceylon from Antarctica occurred in the period of chron M11r (136.44–136.90 Ma). Before breaking away, the eastern flank of the Gunnerus Ridge was joined to Ceylon and they formed a united continental block.  相似文献   

Swath bathymetry data and seismic reflection profiles have been used to investigate details of the deformation pattern in the area offshore southwestern Taiwan where the Luzon subduction complex encroaches on the passive Chinese continental margin. Distinctive fold-and-thrust structures of the convergent zone and horst-and-graben structures of the passive margin are separated by a deformation front that extends NNW-ward from the eastern edge of the Manila Trench to the foot of the continental slope. This deformation front gradually turns into a NNE–SSW trending direction across the continental slope and the Kaoping Shelf, and connects to the frontal thrusts of the mountain belt on land Taiwan. However, the complex Penghu submarine canyon system blurs the exact location of the deformation front and nature of many morphotectonic features offshore SW Taiwan. We suggest that the deformation front offshore SW Taiwan does not appear as a simple structural line, but is characterized by a series of N–S trending folds and thrusts that terminate sequentially in an en-echelon pattern across the passive Chinese continental slope. A number of NE–SW trending lineaments cut across the fold-and-thrust structures of the frontal accretionary wedge and exhibit prominent dextral displacement indicative of the lateral expulsion of SW Taiwan. One of the prominent lineaments, named the Yung-An lineament, forms the southeastern boundary of the upper part of the Penghu submarine canyon, and has conspicuous influence over the drainage pattern of the canyon  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness of steerable filters as a method of delineating the boundaries of subsurface geological structures. Steerable filters, generally used for edge detection on 2-D images, have the properties of band pass filters with certain directions and are applied to many image processing problems. We first tested the method on synthetic data and then applied it to the aeromagnetic data of İskenderun Basin and adjacent areas.İskenderun Basin is located in the Northeastern Mediterranean where African–Arabian and Anatolian plates are actively interacting. The basin fill records a complex tectonic evolution since the Early Miocene, involving ophiolite emplacement, diachronous collision of Eurasian and Arabian plates and subsequent tectonic escape related structures and associated basin formation. Geophysical investigations of the tectonic framework of İskenderun Basin of Turkey provide important insights on the regional tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. In this study we show geological structures, which are responsible for the magnetic anomalies in İskenderun Basin and enlighten the structural setting of the Northeastern Mediterranean triple junction using steerable filters. We obtained a magnetic anomaly map of the region from the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration as raw data and then evaluated this by steerable filters. We determined the magnetic anomaly boundaries for İskenderun Basin by using various types of steerable filters and correlated these to drilling data and seismic profiles from the Turkish Petroleum Corporation. The result of the steerable filter analysis was a clarified aeromagnetic anomaly map of İskenderun Basin. The tectonic structure of İskenderun Basin is divided into regions by an N–S trending oblique-slip fault defined by the steerable filter outputs. We propose a new tectonic structure model of İskenderun Basin and modify the direction of the East Anatolian Fault Zone. In our model, East Anatolian Fault Zone cross-cuts the basin as a narrow fault zone and continues towards the Cyprus arc.  相似文献   

The structural framework of the southern part of the Shackleton Fracture Zone has been investigated through the analysis of a 130-km-long multichannel seismic reflection profile acquired orthogonally to the fracture zone near 60° S. The Shackleton Fracture Zone is a 800-km-long, mostly rectilinear and pronounced bathymetric lineation joining the westernmost South Scotia Ridge to southern South America south of Cape Horn, separating the western Scotia Sea plate from the Antarctic plate. Conventional processing applied to the seismic data outlines the main structures of the Shackleton Fracture Zone, but only the use of enhanced techniques, such as accurate velocity analyses and pre-stack depth migration, provides a good definition of the acoustic basement and the architecture of the sedimentary sequences. In particular, a strong and mostly continuous reflector found at about 8.0 s two-way traveltime is very clear across the entire section and is interpreted as the Moho discontinuity. Data show a complex system of troughs developed along the eastern flank of the crustal ridge, containing tilted and rotated blocks, and the presence of a prominent listric normal fault developed within the oceanic crust. Positive flower structures developed within the oceanic basement indicate strike-slip tectonism and partial reactivation of pre-existing faults. Present-day tectonic activity is found mostly in correspondence to the relief, whereas fault-induced deformation is negligible across the entire trough system. This indicates that the E–W-directed stress regime present in the Drake Passage region is mainly dissipated along a narrow zone within the Shackleton Ridge axis. A reappraisal of all available magnetic anomaly identifications in the western Scotia Sea and in the former Phoenix plate, in conjunction with new magnetic profiles acquired to the east of the Shackleton Fracture Zone off the Tierra del Fuego continental margin, has allowed us to propose a simple reconstruction of Shackleton Fracture Zone development in the general context of the Drake Passage opening.  相似文献   

The southwestern part of the Scotia Sea, at the corner of the Shackleton Fracture Zone with the South Scotia Ridge has been investigated, combining marine magnetic profiles, multichannel seismic reflection data, and satellite-derived gravity anomaly data. From the integrated analysis of data, we identified the presence of the oldest part of the crust in this sector, which tentative age is older than anomaly C10 (28.7 Ma). The area is surrounded by structural features clearly imaged by seismic data, which correspond to gravity lows in the satellite-derived map, and presents a rhomboid-shaped geometry. Along its southern boundary, structural features related to convergence and possible incipient subduction beneath the continental South Scotia Ridge have been evidenced from the seismic profile. We interpret this area, now located at the edge of the south-western Scotia Sea, as a relict of ocean-like crust formed during an earlier, possibly diffuse and disorganized episode of spreading at the first onset of the Drake Passage opening. The successive episode of organized seafloor spreading responsible for the opening of the Drake Passage that definitively separated southern South America from the Antarctic Peninsula, instigated ridge-push forces that can account for the subduction-related structures found along the western part of the South Scotia Ridge. This seafloor accretion phase occurred from 27 to about 10 Ma, when spreading stopped in the western Scotia Sea Ridge, as resulted from the identification of the marine magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

Satellite imagery and offshore magnetic data were analysed to correlate regional tectonic elements on the inner continental shelf off Konkan and the adjacent Deccan plateau. Three statistically important lineament trends—N-S, WNW-ESE and ENE-WSW—that prevail on land are correlatable well with the offshore trends. This positive correlation suggests simultaneous deformation. The major magnetic lineament observed off Jaigad Bay, west coast of India, may be the extension of onshore lineaments. The correlation of both the offshore and onshore trends indicates that the fracture pattern of the crystalline basement has also controlled the offshore structural pattern.  相似文献   

由磁异常Z_α和重力异常g,利用样条函数的微、积分性质,从泊松方程出发,直接解得磁性体的磁化方向。该方法适用于任意形状磁性体的磁异常。  相似文献   

The Blake Outer Ridge is a 480–kilometer long linear sedimentary drift ridge striking perpendicular to the North American coastline. By modeling free-air gravity anomalies we tested for the presence of a crustal feature that may control the location and orientation of the Blake Outer Ridge. Most of our crustal density models that match observed gravity anomalies require an increase in oceanic crustal thickness of 1–3 km on the southwest side of the Blake Outer Ridge relative to the northeast side. Most of these models also require 1–4 km of crustal thinning in zone 20–30 km southwest of the crest of the Blake Outer Ridge. Although these features are consistent with the structure of oceanic fracture zones, the Blake Outer Ridge is not parallel to adjacent known fracture zones. Magnetic anomalies suggest that the ocean crust beneath this feature formed during a period of mid-ocean ridge reorganization, and that the Blake Outer Ridge may be built upon the bathymetric expression of an oblique extensional feature associated with ridge propagation. It is likely that the orientation of this trough acted as a catalyst for sediment deposition with the start of the Western Boundary Undercurrent in the mid-Oligocene.  相似文献   

In this study, structural features in the Aegean Sea were investigated by application of Cellular Neural Network (CNN) and Cross-Correlation methods to the gravity anomaly map. CNN is a stochastic image processing technique, which is based on template optimization using neighbourhood relationships of pixels, and probabilistic properties of two-Dimensional (2-D) input data. The performance of CNN can be evaluated by various interesting real applications in geophysics such as edge detection, data enhancement and separation of regional/residual potential anomaly maps. In this study, CNN is used in edge detection of geological bodies closer to the surface, which are masked by other structures with various depths and dimensions. CNN was first tested for (prismatic) synthetic examples and satisfactory results were obtained. Subsequently, CNN/Cross-Correlation maps and bathymetric features were evaluated together to obtain a new structural map for most of the Aegean Sea. In our structural map, the locations of the faults and basins are generally in accordance with the previous maps from restricted areas based on seismic data. In the southern and southeastern parts of the Aegean Sea, E–W trending faults cut NE–SW trending basins and faults, similar to on-shore Western Anatolia. Also, in the western, central and northern parts of the Aegean Sea, all of these structures are truncated by NE-trending faults.  相似文献   

In this paper we focused on understanding the isostatic compensation of the Ninetyeast Ridge in the overall context of the Bay of Bengal oceanic lithosphere and the interaction of the ridge system with the north Andaman subduction zone from north of 7–18°N. This region is characterized by the initial interaction of the Kerguelen hotspot with the Bay of Bengal oceanic lithosphere. We used satellite altimeter-derived marine geoid, as it should comprehensively reflect the compensations caused by large spatial wavelength dominated deeper anomaly sources in a hotspot affected lithospheric load like the Ninetyeast Ridge. Our analyses of the geoid-to-topography ratio (GTR), residual geoid, gravity-to-topographic kernel and upward continuation of anomalies show the existence of two different types of source compensation bodies beneath the northern (12–18°N) and southern (7–12°N) Ninetyeast Ridge. In the northern region, the geoid to topography ratio varies from 0.63 ± 0.05 to 0.44 ± 0.03, while in the southern region it ranges from 1.34 ± 0.09 to 1.31 ± 0.07 which resulted in a north to south increase in the apparent compensation depth from ~9 to 28 km. The presence of a shallow Moho, low GTR, broader gravity to topography kernel and the absence of a ridge anomaly from the mantle density dominated upward continued anomaly at z = 300 km indicates that at the northern segment the underplated low density crustal melt is the dominant isostatic compensating body. However, at the southern ridge segment the high GTR, strong gravity-to-topography kernel and the subsistence of the anomaly at long wavelengths, even at z = 300 km represents the existence of large volumes of hotspot related underplated dense material as the source of compensation. The proximity of the dense source compensating body of the southern Ninetyeast Ridge to the Andaman subduction zone affected the regional mantle driven density gradient flow, as observed from the z = 300 km continued gravity anomaly. The existence of a southern Ninetyeast Ridge in such a transpressional regime has caused the formation of a forearc sliver at its eastern flank, which is a major crustal deformational structure developed as a result of ridge-trench collision.  相似文献   

The Kerguelen Province, consisting of two oceanic plateaus (Kerguelen, Broken Ridge) and three basins (Enderby, Labuan and Diamantina), covers a large area of ocean floor in the southeast Indian Ocean. As very few magnetic anomalies have been identified in this area and only a few basement ages from the Kerguelen Plateau are known, reconstruction models of the Kerguelen Province are not well constrained. In an effort to gain more understanding about the evolution of this area, we have used satellite gravity to identify additional fracture zones. As they are likely to be associated with high frequency and low amplitude gravity anomalies, we have computed the vertical derivative map instead of the regular satellite gravity map. Using this approach, we have identified a series of fracture zones in the Enderby Basin, which are aligned with the Mesozoic fracture zones in the Perth Basin and converge to the Kerguelen Fracture Zone. In the conjugate Bay of Bengal, we traced an equivalent pattern of fracture zones which, together, better constrain the early evolution of this part of the Indian Ocean. Synthesis of these images and the other available data from the Kerguelen Province, suggests that the spreading of India from both Australia and Antarctica is closely related. Spreading between the three continents appears to have begun about the same time, in the early Cretaceous and thus, the accretion of some parts of the Kerguelen Province must have occurred before the onset of the quiet magnetic period at 118 Ma. At about 96–99 Ma, when the spreading direction in the Indian Ocean had changed into a N-S direction, it also took place throughout the Kerguelen Province. We find that previously proposed slow spreading in the Diamantina Zone and Labuan Basins, between 96–99 Ma and the initiation of the Southeast Indian Ridge at 43 Ma, could not have taken place. Furthermore, we suggest that there is growing evidence that the same is true for spreading in the eastward continuation of the Diamantina Zone and Labuan Basin, between Australia and Antarctica. Initiation of spreading in this area is likely to be contemporaneous with the spreading in the Kerguelen Province and, thus, older than 96–99 Ma. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We here present and discuss the results of the analysis and qualitative interpretation of two magnetic surveys performed in the Bay of Naples in 1998 and 2000. A map of the Bay of Naples based on the data acquired during these surveys has already been published by the Italian CNR-IAMC Research Institute. We re-processed the same data to produce maps of the pole reduced, analytic signal and horizontal derivative data and correlated them with the bathymetry and the gravimetric data of the area. The analysis shows strong anomalies in the NW and NE volcanic areas of the Bay of Naples, while the central area seems magnetically quiet. In the Phlegrean area the maps clearly show the southern rim of the Phlegrean caldera and demonstrate that while the Magnaghi Canyon is correlated to gravimetric highs and magnetic structures, and can therefore be interpreted as an active lineament, most of Dohrn Canyon is not characterized by volcanic activity and does not correlate to any gravimetric or magnetic structures. An important round-shaped magnetic anomaly is for the first time identified in the central slope of the gulf between the two canyons, probably correlated to a large buried volcanic edifice. In the Vesuvian area some intense circular anomalies, aligned in the NNW–SSE direction, are localized in the Torre del Greco and Torre Annunziata offshore, related to the submerged part of Vesuvius and possibly connected to buried vents.  相似文献   

渤中坳陷及邻区构造分带变形特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据渤中坳陷及邻区的平面构造分布特征、剖面构造特征和布格重力异常等方面的资料分析,认为渤中坳陷及邻区构造具有分带性,从西向东可分为3个带:(1)西部凸起带:发育大量的凸起和断裂,凸起和凸起之间以小凹陷相隔,布格重力异常呈不规则团块状;(2)中部凹陷带:由渤中凹陷和辽中凹陷组成,很少发育凸起和断裂,布格重力异常呈等轴斑块状、椭圆状;(3)东部凸起带:由大量的凸起和凹陷相间组成,由于郯庐断裂的影响形成大量的断层,主要为走滑断裂及分支断裂,布格重力异常主要呈线状分布。这种构造分带性受郯庐断裂带的多期构造活动控制,对油气分布具有重要的影响,目前西部凸起带和东部凸起带由于长期处于构造的较高部位,已成为有利的油气勘探区。  相似文献   

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