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Lagrangian stochastic models, quadratic in velocity and satisfying the well-mixed condition for two-dimensional Gaussian turbulence, are used to make predictions of scalar dispersion within a model plant canopy. The non-uniqueness associated with satisfaction of the well-mixed condition is shown to be non-trivial (i.e. different models produce different predictions for scalar dispersion). The best agreement between measured and predicted mean concentrations of scalars is shown to be obtained with a small sub-class of optimal models. This sub-class of optimal models includes Thomson's model (J. Fluid Mech. 180, 529–556, 1987), the simplest model that satisfies the well-mixed condition for Gaussian turbulence, but does not include two other models identified recently as being in optimal agreement with the measured spread of tracers in a neutral boundary layer. It is therefore demonstrated that such models are not universal, i.e. applicable to a wide range of flows without readjustment of model parameters. Predictions for scalar dispersion in the model plant canopy are also obtained using the model of Flesch and Wilson (Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 61, 349–374, 1992). It is shown that, when used with a Gaussian velocity distribution or a maximum-missing-information velocity distribution, which accounts for the measured skewness and kurtosis of velocity statistics, the agreement between predictions obtained using the model of Flesch and Wilson and measurements is as good as that obtained using Thomson's model.  相似文献   

The possibility of obtaining urban roughness length from satellite-derived maps of land cover is explored, using turbulence measurements taken above the urban canopy. The upwind land cover is identified using a source-area model. Firstly, from four sets of measurements taken in Birmingham (U.K.), it is shown that in an area mainly split between the land-cover types urban and suburban, suburban cover in the upwind source area is the more important contributor to increasing measured roughness length. A smaller dataset obtained in a second U.K. city (Salford, Greater Manchester) shows a similar result. A roughness-length aggregation model is also applied to the data from both sites. This assigns values of roughness length to each of the land-cover classifications and uses the source-area model to predict the resultant roughness length based on the wind properties. The results from this are shown to agree with the earlier findings.The British Crowns right to retain a non-exclusive royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged  相似文献   

The spatial variability of turbulent flow statistics in the roughness sublayer (RSL) of a uniform even-aged 14 m (= h) tall loblolly pine forest was investigated experimentally. Using seven existing walkup towers at this stand, high frequency velocity, temperature, water vapour and carbon dioxide concentrations were measured at 15.5 m above the ground surface from October 6 to 10 in 1997. These seven towers were separated by at least 100m from each other. The objective of this study was to examine whether single tower turbulence statistics measurements represent the flow properties of RSL turbulence above a uniform even-aged managed loblolly pine forest as a best-case scenario for natural forested ecosystems. From the intensive space-time series measurements, it was demonstrated that standard deviations of longitudinal and vertical velocities (u, w) and temperature (T) are more planar homogeneous than their vertical flux of momentum (u* 2) and sensible heat (H) counterparts. Also, the measured H is more horizontally homogeneous when compared to fluxes of other scalar entities such as CO2 and water vapour. While the spatial variability in fluxes was significant (>15 %), this unique data set confirmed that single tower measurements represent the canonical structure of single-point RSL turbulence statistics, especially flux-variance relationships. Implications to extending the moving-equilibrium hypothesis for RSL flows are discussed. The spatial variability in all RSL flow variables was not constant in time and varied strongly with spatially averaged friction velocity u*, especially when u* was small. It is shown that flow properties derived from two-point temporal statistics such as correlation functions are more sensitive to local variability in leaf area density when compared to single point flow statistics. Specifically, that the local relationship between the reciprocal of the vertical velocity integral time scale (Iw) and the arrival frequency of organized structures (/h) predicted from a mixing-layer theory exhibited dependence on the local leaf area index. The broader implications of these findings to the measurement and modelling of RSL flows are also discussed.  相似文献   

Among well-mixed multi-dimensional Lagrangian stochastic (LS) dispersion models, we observe that those in poorest agreement with observations produce spiralling trajectories, with an associated reduction in dispersion. We therefore investigate statistics of increments d ' to the orientation '= arctan(W'/U') of the Lagrangian velocity-fluctuation vector – as a possible means to distinguish the better LS models within the well-mixed class. Zero-spin models, having d' = 0, are found to provide best agreement with observations. It is not clear however, whether imposition of the zero-spin property selects (in conjunction with the well-mixed condition) a unique model.  相似文献   

Source/sink distributions of heat, water vapour andCO2 within a rice canopy were inferred using aninverse Lagrangian dispersion analysis and measuredmean profiles of temperature, specific humidity andCO2 mixing ratio. Monin–Obukhov similarity theorywas used to account for the effects of atmosphericstability on w(z), the standard deviation ofvertical velocity and L(z), the Lagrangian timescale of the turbulence. Classical surface layer scaling was applied in the inertial sublayer (z > zruf)using the similarity parameter = (z - d)/L, where z is height above ground, d is the zero plane displacementheight for momentum, L is the Obukhov length,and zruf 2.3hc, where hc iscanopy height. A single length scale hc, was usedfor the stability parameter 3 = hc/L in the height range 0.25 < z/hc < 2.5. This choice is justified by mixing layer theory, which shows that within the roughness sublayer there is one dominant turbulence length scaledetermined by the degree of inflection in the windprofile at the canopy top. In the absence of theoretical or experimental evidence for guidance,standard Monin–Obukhov similarity functions, with = hc/L, were used to calculate the stabilitydependence of w(z) and L(z) in the roughness sublayer. For z/hc < 0.25 the turbulence length and time scales are influenced by the presence of the lowersurface, and stability effects are minimal. With theseassumptions there was excellent agreement between eddycovariance flux measurements and deductions from theinverse Lagrangian analysis. Stability correctionswere particularly necessary for night time fluxes whenthe atmosphere was stably stratified.The inverse Lagrangian analysis provides a useful toolfor testing and refining multilayer canopy models usedto predict radiation absorption, energy partitioningand CO2 exchanges within the canopy and at thesoil surface. Comparison of model predictions withsource strengths deduced from the inverse analysisgave good results. Observed discrepancies may be dueto incorrect specification of the turbulent timescales and vertical velocity fluctuations close to theground. Further investigation of turbulencecharacteristics within plant canopies is required toresolve these issues.  相似文献   

Summary In this publication first results of an urban tracer experiment are reported. This experiment was realized in the framework of the Basel UrBan Boundary-Layer Experiment (BUBBLE) in an area with abundant information on turbulence and flow conditions available. Release height was close to roof level and so was the height of the concentration samplers. The meteorological conditions during the experiments were mainly convective, but due to the rough character of the underlying surface also the mechanical turbulence was substantial.The concentration distribution is found to be essentially Gaussian in the horizontal plane and some commonly used methods to estimate the plume widths in applied dispersion models are compared to the observations. From measurements at one site downwind of the source it is found that for a near-roof level source, only an insignificant vertical gradient in tracer concentration is present within a street canyon. Using a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model the tracer experiments are simulated. It is shown that the exact form of the parameterization for the flow and turbulence structure within the urban roughness sublayer is of great importance for the simulation results. Also the numerical simulation results underline the necessity (and difficulty) to describe the vertical profile of the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy close to an urban surface.  相似文献   

The Gaussian model of plume dispersion is commonly used for pollutant concentration estimates. However, its major parameters, dispersion coefficients, barely account for terrain configuration and surface roughness. Large-scale roughness elements (e.g. buildings in urban areas) can substantially modify the ground features together with the pollutant transport in the atmospheric boundary layer over urban roughness (also known as the urban boundary layer, UBL). This study is thus conceived to investigate how urban roughness affects the flow structure and vertical dispersion coefficient in the UBL. Large-eddy simulation (LES) is carried out to examine the plume dispersion from a ground-level pollutant (area) source over idealized street canyons for cross flows in neutral stratification. A range of building-height-to-street-width (aspect) ratios, covering the regimes of skimming flow, wake interference, and isolated roughness, is employed to control the surface roughness. Apart from the widely used aerodynamic resistance or roughness function, the friction factor is another suitable parameter that measures the drag imposed by urban roughness quantitatively. Previous results from laboratory experiments and mathematical modelling also support the aforementioned approach for both two- and three-dimensional roughness elements. Comparing the UBL plume behaviour, the LES results show that the pollutant dispersion strongly depends on the friction factor. Empirical studies reveal that the vertical dispersion coefficient increases with increasing friction factor in the skimming flow regime (lower resistance) but is more uniform in the regimes of wake interference and isolated roughness (higher resistance). Hence, it is proposed that the friction factor and flow regimes could be adopted concurrently for pollutant concentration estimate in the UBL over urban street canyons of different roughness.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a numerical experiment of wind and shear stress profile development away from a shore line; the water surface is assumed to obey the Charnock-Ellison relation between surface roughness and friction velocity. In typical cases the upwind, land surface is rough relative to the sea and the velocity and shear stress results are qualitatively similar to those for flows from relatively rough to relatively smooth solid surfaces. In the present case, however, the downwind surface roughness and friction velocity vary with position and we find that wind profile development may play a significant role in the relationship between sea surface roughness and fetch.  相似文献   

The notion of an internal boundary layer (IBL) appeared in studies of local advection within the atmospheric boundary layer when air flows over a change in surface conditions. These include surface roughness, thermal and moisture properties. An ability to predict the height of the IBL interface in the atmosphere under neutral stability, accompanied by certain assumptions on the form of the mean flow parameters, have been a means of obtaining information on the velocity profile after step changes in roughness for more than half a century. A compendium of IBL formulae is presented. The approach based on the diffusion analogy of Miyake receives close attention. The empirical expression of Savelyev and Taylor (2001, Boundary Layer Meteorol. 101, 293–301) suggested that turbulent diffusion is not the only factor that influences IBL growth. An argument is offered that an additional element, mean vertical velocity or streamline displacement, should be taken into account. Vertical velocity is parameterized in terms of horizontal velocity differences employing continuity constraints and scaling. Published data are analyzed from a new point of view, which produces two new neutral stratification formulae. The first implies that the roughness lengths of adjacent surfaces are equally important and a combined length scale can be constructed. In addition new formulae to predict the height of the region of diabatic flow affected by a step change in surface conditions are obtained as an extension of the neutral flow case.  相似文献   

Wind and wind forces in a plantation spruce forest   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Observations have been made of the tubulent structure within and above a dense (LAI=10.2) plantation spruce forest along with measurements of the movement of individual trees. The mean statistics of the turbulence and the turbulence spectra are compared with observations in other crops and complementary wind-tunnel studies using 175 scale plastic trees. The measurements show that momentum transport and the subsequent motion of the trees is dominated by intermittent sweep/ejection events associated with honami waves moving across the forest. The trees themselves act as forced damped harmonic oscillators and appear to short circuit the normal turbulent energy dissipation process by efficiently absorbing energy at their resonant frequencies. It is argued that understanding the nature and formation of honami waves over forests and crops is a crucial problem in agricultural and forest meteorology because of their important role both in turbulent transport and in causing wind damage.  相似文献   

The changes imposed on mean velocities and turbulence statistics in the lower atmosphere by an abrupt change in surface roughness, from very rough to smooth, were modelled in a wind tunnel. The influence of a change in the effective surface level, which often accompanies such a variation in surface roughness, was also studied. A deep, turbulent flow was generated upstream of the change, which had a logarithmic mean velocity profile and constant shear-stress for approximately 200 mm above the floor, except for a region near the surface which was influenced by the three-dimensional nature of the random rough surface.When the surface roughness change coincided with a change in surface level, the downstream flow close to the surface was in the wake of the upstream roughness elements, and measured Reynolds shear-stress values were lower than those obtained when the downstream surface was raised. Otherwise, the influence of a change in surface level was small.In all cases, Reynolds shear-stress varied approximately linearly with height in the lower two-thirds of the internal layer and no constant stress region was apparent near the surface, even 2 m downstream of the roughness change. When the roughness change was not accompanied by a change in level, Reynolds shear-stress values extrapolated to the surface agreed well with surface shear-stress inferred from the law of the wall.Changes in mean squares of vertical and lateral velocity fluctuations and in integral time scales, as the flow passed downstream of the roughness change, were surprisingly small.  相似文献   

A Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model representing the air flow within and above a plant canopy layer has been completed. Using this model, the organized structures of turbulent flow in the early developmental stages of a crop are simulated and discussed in detail.The effect of the drag due to vegetation is expressed by a term added to the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation averaged over the grid scale. For the formulation of sub-grid turbulence processes, the equations for the time-dependent SGS (Sub-Grid-Scale) turbulence energy equation is used, which includes the effects of dissipation (both by viscosity and leaf drag), shear production and diffusion.The organized structure of turbulent flow at the air-plant interface, obtained numerically by the model, yields its contribution to momentum transfer. The three-dimensional large eddy structures, which are composed of spanwise vortices (rolls) and streamwise vortices (ribs), are simulated near the air-plant interface. They are induced by the shear instability at inflection points of the velocity profile. The structure clearly has a life cycle. The instantaneous image of the structure is similar to those observed in the field observations of Gaoet al. (1989) and in the laboratory flume experiments of Ikeda and Ota (1992). These organized structures also account for the well known fact that the sweep motion of turbulence dominates momentum transport within and just above a plant canopy, and the motion of ejection prevails in the higher regions.  相似文献   

Wind profile and eddy-correlation data obtained at two sites on a melting glacier surface in Iceland during the summer of 1996 are presented. Throughout the experiment the surface roughness increased rapidly from smooth to very rough, with the largest roughness element height obtained being about 1.7 m. In a layer close to the rough surface we find that the wind speed profiles were disturbed showing horizontal inhomogeneities as in a roughness sublayer. Its height was approximately two times the height of the main roughness elements (h) at both sites throughout the experiment. From the wind profiles and eddy-correlation data we calculated corrections for the displaced zero plane as a function of time and compared these with results obtained from a drag partitioning model. In general, the agreement was reasonable considering the ranges of uncertainty but the results indicate that the increasing horizontal anisotropy of the surface probably limits the use of the model. The values obtained for the roughness lengths are in good agreement with those calculated from a simple linear model, i.e., z0/h = 0.5 with the frontal area index. Above the roughness sublayer the wind profiles, normalised standard deviations of wind speed, and the balance of the turbulence kinetic energy budget behaved as over an ideal homogeneous surface thereby confirming similarity of the flow.  相似文献   

A solution to the kinematical aspects of the problem of closure, from the standpoint of the theory of tensor invariants, is presented. The solution is effected for isotropic turbulence by employing a modified tensor invariant theory and it is shown how a similar approach will lead to the solution of the corresponding closure problem for a simple type of nonhomogeneous turbulence. A geometric significance is attached to the results of this approach by introducing the concept of a multiplicative product of two vectors. The theoretical results are applied to the case of isotropic atmospheric turbulence. The kinetical implication of the proposed solution to the problem is discussed.Associate Professor of Physics and Mathematics, Del Mar College, Corpus Christi, Texas (on leave of absence).  相似文献   

We investigate dispersion in the evening-transition boundary layer using large-eddy simulation (LES). In the LES, a particle model traces pollutant paths using a combination of the resolved flow velocities and a random displacement model to represent subgrid-scale motions. The LES is forced with both a sudden switch-off of the surface heat flux and also a more gradual observed evolution. The LES shows ‘lofting’ of plumes from near-surface releases in the pre-transition convective boundary layer; it also shows the subsequent ‘trapping’ of releases in the post-transition near-surface stable boundary layer and residual layer above. Given the paucity of observations for pollution dispersion in evening transitions, the LES proves a useful reference. We then use the LES to test and improve a one-dimensional Lagrangian Stochastic Model (LSM) such as is often used in practical dispersion studies. The LSM used here includes both time-varying and skewed turbulence statistics. It is forced with the vertical velocity variance, skewness and dissipation from the LES for particle releases at various heights and times in the evening transition. The LSM plume spreads are significantly larger than those from the LES in the post-transition stable boundary-layer trapping regime. The forcing from the LES was thus insufficient to constrain the plume evolution, and inclusion of the significant stratification effects was required. In the so-called modified LSM, a correction to the vertical velocity variance was included to represent the effect of stable stratification and the consequent presence of wave-like motions. The modified LSM shows improved trapping of particles in the post-transition stable boundary layer.  相似文献   

Profiles of velocity variances based on observations in flat rural areas are well established, and are used for modelling turbulent dispersion in all types of regions including those of complex terrain and urban areas. Surface-based and balloon observations are used to assess the profiles in both rural and urban areas. It is shown that, with good meteorological inputs for the locality of friction velocity and surface sensible heat flux, the profiles are equally well suited to urban areas. The sensitivity of the profiles to the input meteorological data, in particular using numerical weather prediction (NWP) data, is discussed. This highlights the limitations of NWP data for dispersion modelling and stresses the importance of schemes for modelling urban meteorology.The British Crowns right to retain a non-exclusive royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

The statistics of momentum exchange in the urban roughness sublayer are investigated. The analysis focuses on the characteristics of the dimensionless friction velocity, \({u_{*}}/U\) , which is defined as the square root of the drag coefficient. The turbulence observations were made at a height of 47 m above the ground on the 325-m meteorological tower, which is located in a very inhomogeneous urban area in Beijing. Under neutral conditions, the dependence of the drag coefficient on wind speed varies with wind direction. When the airflow is from the area of densely built-up buildings, the drag coefficient does not vary with wind speed, while when the airflow is from the area covered by vegetation, the drag coefficient appears to decrease with increasing wind speed. Also, the drag coefficient does not vary monotonically with the atmospheric stability. Both increasing stability and increasing instability lead to the decrease of the drag coefficient, implying that the roughness length and zero-plane displacement may vary in urban areas.  相似文献   

A canonical correlation analysis is used to study the simulation of the relationship between small-scale precipitation patterns near the Alps and large-scale flow patterns by the ECHAM (ECMWF model, HAMburg version) climate model. The analysis is performed on a monthly mean time scale for the winter months of ECHAM1/T21, ECHAM3/T21 (improved model physics) and ECHAM3/T42 (increased resolution) simulations. The obtained patterns are compared with an identical analysis of observational data. The coarse structures of the observed relationships seem to be reasonably well simulated by the ECHAM3/T42 model version despite the simple shape of the model Alps (hereafter the model Alps), while the results for the ECHAM1/T21 and ECHAM3/T21 are not as good. This appears to be not only due to the increased resolution but also to the improved model physics, since some indication of the relationship can be found in the simulation of the ECHAM3/T21, but not in the simulation of the ECHAM1/T21 model version.Paper presented in session OA19/ST15, Simulation of climates using comprehensive global models at the XIX General Assembly of the EGS, Grenoble, 25–29 April 1994  相似文献   

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