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The mean residence time (τ) of thorium with respect to non-radioactive removal from water was determined as a function of location in three traverses of the New York Bight using both234Th/238U and228Th/228Ra. τ correlates well with salinity increasing from about ten days near shore to 70 days at the shelf break. It shows a much weaker correlation with suspended matter concentrations both because suspended matter varies in its scavenging efficiency and because salinity is a longer-term integrator of scavenging potential.τ's computed from228Th/228Ra were often higher than those computed from234Th/238U either because of the detrital matter present as reflected in the232Th concentrations or because the water parcels had recently arrived from environments of lower scavenging efficiency.Anomalous isotopic concentrations found in three adjacent samples can best be explained as the result of an episodic release of228Ra from bottom sediments at a rate 200 times the normal one.  相似文献   

Concentrations of230Th and231Pa were measured in particulate matter collected by sediment traps deployed in the Sargasso Sea (Site S2), the north equatorial Atlantic (site E), and the north equatorial Pacific (Site P) as well as in particles collected by in situ filtration at Site E. Concentrations of dissolved Th and Pa were determined by extraction onto manganese dioxide adsorbers at Site P and at a second site in the Sargasso Sea (site D).Dissolved230Th/231Pa activity ratios were 3–6 at Sites P and D. In contrast, for all sediment trap samples from greater than 2000 m, unsupported230Th/231Pa ratios were 22–35 (average 29.7). Ratios were lower in particulate matter sampled at shallower depths. Particles filtered at 3600 m and 5000 m at Site E had ratios of 50 and 40. Results show that suspended particulate matter in the open ocean preferentially scavenges Th relative to Pa. Most of the230Th produced by decay of234U in the open ocean is removed by adsorption to settling particulate matter. In contrast, less than 50% of the231Pa produced by decay of235U is removed from the water column by this mechanism. Mixing processes transport the remainder to other sinks.  相似文献   

The234Th/238U activity ratios in the near-bottom waters at a station in the South Pacific have been measured. The activity ratios are close to the secular equilibrium value, ranging between 0.9 and 1.13 (± 8%), suggesting that the rate of removal of234Th by bottom-water scavenging processes at this station is slow compared to its rate of radioactive decay. The mean234U/238U activity ratios in these waters is 1.14 ± 0.02, the same as the reported values for the world oceans.  相似文献   

Flow fluctuations inside an anticyclonic eddy in summertime Funka Bay were examined using three moorings and hydrographic data. The flow pattern above a sharp pycnocline with a concave isopycnal structure during the mooring period was characterized by high mean kinetic energy and relatively low eddy kinetic energy. The ratios of eddy to mean kinetic energy were equal to or less than one, and the mean flow field and isopycnal structure indicated the existence of a stable anticyclonic eddy above the sharp pycnocline under approximate geostrophic balance. Larger flow fluctuations with periods longer than 7 days were dominant inside the eddy. The low-frequency flow fluctuations are accompanied by north to northeastward movement of the eddy with deepening of the pycnocline and spin-up of the anticyclonic circulation. The wind field over Funka Bay is characterized by bay-scale wind fluctuations. The bay-scale winds are greatly influenced by the land topography around Funka Bay, resulting in non-uniform structure with significant wind stress curl. The bay-scale wind fluctuations are termed “locally modified wind” in the present study. The locally modified wind has a negative (positive) wind stress curl in the central–northeastern (southwestern) region of Funka Bay. The north to northeastward movement of the eddy is caused by horizontal non-uniform supply of vorticity from the locally modified wind forcing by the Ekman pumping process. Through this process, the anticyclonic circulation is enhanced (weakened) in the central–northeastern (southwestern) part of the eddy, resulting in the eddy moving north to northeastward with the pycnocline deepening and spin-up of the anticyclonic circulation. The locally modified wind forcing induces low-frequency flow fluctuations through the movement of the eddy in summertime Funka Bay.  相似文献   

Keiichi  Sasaki  Akio  Omura  Tetsuo  Miwa  Yoshihiro  Tsuji  Hiroki  Matsuda  Toru  Nakamori  Yasufumi  Iryu  Tsutomu  Yamada  Yuri  Sato  Hiroshi  Nakagawa 《Island Arc》2006,15(4):455-467
Abstract   High-resolution seismic reflection profiles delineated the distribution of mound-shaped reflections, which were interpreted as reefs, beneath the insular shelf western off Irabu Island, Ryukyus, southwestern Japan. A sediment core through one of the mounded structures was recovered from the sea floor at a depth of −118.2 m by offshore drilling and was dated by radiometric methods. The lithology and coral fauna of the core indicate that the mounded structure was composed of coral–algal boundstone suggesting a small-scaled coral reef. High-precision α-spectrometric 230Th/234U dating coupled with calibrated accelerator mass spectrometric 14C ages of corals obtained reliable ages of this reef ranging from 22.18 ± 0.63 to 30.47 ± 0.98 ka. This proves that such a submerged reef was formed during the lowstand stage of marine oxygen isotope stages 3–2. The existence of low-Mg calcite in the aragonitic coral skeleton of 22.18 ± 0.63 ka provides evidence that the reef had once been exposed by lowering of the relative sealevel to at least −126 m during the last glacial maximum in the study area. There is no room for doubt that a coral reef grew during the last glacial period on the shelf off Irabu Island of Ryukyus in the subtropical region of western Pacific.  相似文献   

We conducted hydrographic observations in 2002 to investigate the anticyclonic eddy that emerges every summer in Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan, and elucidate dynamical structure and wind-driven upwelling within the eddy. The anticyclonic eddy has a vertical scale of 32 m and is characterized by a strong baroclinic flow and a sharp pycnocline with a concave isopycnal structure. The sharp pycnocline occurs below a warm and relatively low-salinity water termed summer Funka Bay water (FS), which is formed by heating from solar radiation and dilution from river discharge in summertime Funka Bay. Flow of the anticyclonic eddy rotates as a rigid body at each layer, and the horizontal scale and rotation period of the eddy in the surface layer are about 15 km and 2.2 days, respectively. The dynamical balance of the anticyclonic eddy is well explained by the gradient flow balance. The contribution of centrifugal force to the gradient flow balance is about 27%. Therefore, the effect of the nonlinear term associated with centrifugal force cannot be neglected in considering the dynamics of the anticyclonic eddy in summertime Funka Bay. In addition, upwelling of subsurface water was observed in the surface layer of the central part of the eddy. The formation mechanism of this upwelling is consistent with interaction between horizontal uniform wind and the eddy. This upwelling is driven by upward Ekman pumping velocity related to the horizontal divergence of Ekman transport. In summertime Funka Bay, there are two wind effects that affect the anticyclonic eddy: a decay effect of the upwelling of subsurface water resulting from horizontal uniform wind (mainly northwesterly wind), and a maintenance or spin-up effect of horizontal non-uniform wind (mainly southerly–southeasterly seasonal wind) with negative wind stress curl.  相似文献   

Uranium, thorium and protactinium isotopes were measured in particulate matter collected by sediment traps deployed in the Panama Basin and by in-situ filtration of large volumes of seawater in the Panama and Guatemala Basins. Concentrations of dissolved Th and Pa isotopes were determined by extraction onto MnO2 adsorbers placed in line behind the filters in the in-situ pumping systems.Concentrations of dissolved 230Th and 231Pa in the Panama and Guatemala Basins are lower than in the open ocean, whereas dissolved 230Th/231Pa ratios are equal to, or slightly greater than, ratios in the open ocean. Particulate 230Th/231Pa ratios in the sediment trap samples ranged from 4 to 8, in contrast to ratios of 30 or more at the open ocean sites previously studied. Particles collected by filtration in the Panama Basin and nearest to the continental margin in the Guatemala Basin contained 230Th/231Pa ratios similar to the ratios in the sediment trap samples. The ratios increased with distance away from the continent.Suspended particles near the margin show no preference for adsorption of Th or Pa and therefore must be chemically different from particles in the open ocean, which show a strong preference for adsorption of Th. Ocean margins, as typified by the Panama and Guatemala Basins, are preferential sinks for 231Pa relative to 230Th. Furthermore, the margins are sinks for 230Th and, to a greater extent, 231Pa transported by horizontal mixing from the open ocean.  相似文献   

Measurement of excess 234Th (t1/2 = 24.1 days) in surface sediment from 12 stations throughout Long Island Sound, U.S.A., demonstrates: (1) a mean (summer) sediment inventory of 3.6 dpm/cm2 consistent with complete, nearly instantaneous removal of 234Th from the overlying water and capture within the estuary, and (2) preferential association of excess 234Th with small particles and inventory build-ups in muddy bottom areas. There may also be a tendency for higher inventories in areas of high physical or biogenic reworking of surface sediments. A range of particle reworking rates (0–5 cm) from <0.01 × 10?6 to 1.6 × 10?6 cm2/s is found in the Sound with most values ~0.2?0.5 × 10?6 cm2/s. The inventory and reworking patterns demonstrate the high mobility, both horizontal and vertical, of particles in the estuary on 234Th decay time scales and are unequivocal evidence for control of reactive element distribution in the water column by the muddy regions of the basin.  相似文献   

Because of high specific activities of excess234Th (t1/2 = 24.1 days) on suspended particles in the deep sea, this nuclide is potentially an extremely sensitive indicator of particle inputs and dynamics at the seafloor. Measurements were made at two deep-sea sites in order to examine this potential. Inventories of excess234Th at a low-current hemipelagic mud site (3990 m) in the Panama Basin were~ 1.5 (September, ′81) and~ 2.5 (June, ′82) dpm/cm2. The steady state fluxes to the seafloor calculated from these inventories are in rough agreement with radionuclide fluxes measured in sediment traps. Small-scale (~ 100m) spatial variability in inventories implies biologically significant heterogeneity in particle inputs. Sediment from the continental rise site in the northwest Atlantic (2800 m), a site with higher current velocities than the Panama Basin, had an inventory of~ 1.9dpm/cm2. This inventory is also in rough agreement with predictions made on the basis of nearby sediment trap data. Particle mixing coefficients of~ 30cm2/yr calculated at the Pacific and Atlantic sites are similar to those in shallow water deposits but could reflect disturbance during handling. Based on210Pb data from the Panama Basin, sediment from below~ 6cm is mixed at a rate~ 10 × slower than the near-surface sediment to a depth of at least 20 cm. Agreement between234Th predicted mixing rates at the Panama Basin site with210Pb profiles and in-situ experiments with glass bead tracers implies that these rates are real. Although the diffusion of dissolved234Th into deep-sea sediments complicates interpretations,234Thxs distributions in bottom sediments offer a useful adjunct to sediment traps for investigation of particle dynamics near the deep-sea floor.  相似文献   

The flux of226Ra from bottom sediments has been determined from patterns of226Ra/230Th disequilibrium in ten deep-sea cores from the world oceans. Values range from ? 0.0015 dpm/cm2 yr (in the Atlantic) to 0.21 dpm/cm2 yr (in the north equatorial Pacific). The flux is poorly related to sediment type, but is inversely correlated in a non-linear fashion with sediment accumulation rate. There is a direct relationship between the production rate of226Ra near the sediment-water interface (i.e. the integrated230Th activity in the biologically mixed zone) and the226Ra flux. The226Ra concentration in near-bottom water follows the geographic variation in the226Ra flux. The high flux from north equatorial Pacific sediments especially is reflected in the high bottom water226Ra concentrations in that area. The data suggest that both rate of circulation and the magnitude of the radium flux influence the near-bottom226Ra concentration.  相似文献   

A model that predicts the flux of222Rn out of deep-sea sediment is presented. The radon is ultimately generated by230Th which is stripped from the overlying water into the sediment. Data from many authors are compared with the model predictions. It is shown that the continental contribution of ionium is not significant, and that at low sedimentation rates, biological mixing and erosional processes strongly affect the surface concentration of the ionium. Two cores from areas of slow sediment accumulation, one from a manganese nodule region of the central Pacific and one from the Rio Grande Rise in the Atlantic were analyzed at closely spaced intervals for230Th,226Ra, and210Pb. The Pacific core displayed evidence of biological mixing down to 12 cm and had a sedimentation rate of only 0.04 cm/kyr. The Atlantic core seemed to be mixed to 8 cm and had a sedimentation rate of 0.07 cm/kyr. Both cores had less total excess230Th than predicted.Radium sediment profiles are generated from the230Th model. Adsorbed, dissolved, and solid-phase radium is considered. According to the model, diffusional losses of radium are especially important at low sedimentation rates. Any particulate, or excess radium input is ignored in this model. The model fits the two analyzed cores if the fraction of total radium available for adsorption-desorption is about 0.5–0.7, and ifK, the distribution coefficient, is about 1000.Finally, the flux of radon out of the sediments is derived from the model-generated radium profiles. It is shown that the resulting standing crop of222Rn in the overlying water may be considered as an added constraint in budgeting230Th and226Ra in deep-sea sediments.  相似文献   

Excess210Pb measurements and varve chronology were used to establish a sediment accumulation rate of 0.19 cm/yr in a 95-cm-long box core raised from the Gulf of California. Varve thickness is unchanged over the entire length of the core, indicating a constant rate of sediment accumulation. The32Si specific activity of biogenic silica shows an exponential decrease with depth in this core. The half life of32Si, calculated from these data and the 0.19-cm/yr sediment accumulation rate, is276 ± 32 years. As most of the silica and32Si supplied to the Gulf of California is a result of upwelling of deep ocean water, this half life determination should be relatively insensitive to secular variations in the atmospheric supply of32Si.  相似文献   

Thorium isotopes in the airborne dust collected at Tsukuba Science City in Japan from January 1981 to December 1982 show clear seasonal variations. Especially228Th in the airborne particles have a typical maximum cincentration between February and April, which is about an order of magnitude higher than during the remainder of the year. According to the result of size distribution of thorium isotope-bearing particles in the air, about 53% of228Th is associated with the particles less than 1.6 μm aerodynamic diameter. These results reveal that228Th in the airborne particles is present in fine soily matters originating from the East Asian deserts.  相似文献   

Field surveys and in situ experiments were conducted in the shallow Matsukawa-ura in summer to evaluate the biological efficiencies of shallow-water areas for preserving coastal ecosystems. In Matsukawa-ura (5.8 km(2)), the suspension-feeding bivalves Ruditapes philippinarum and Crassostrea gigas were the dominant animals--their total biomasses (wet weight) were estimated to be 3.4 x 10(6) and 2.3 x 10(6) kg, respectively. Ulva sp. and Zostera marina were the dominant macrophyte species during the summer, with standing crops estimated to be 0.29 x 10(6) and 0.20 x 10(6) kg, respectively. The dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) uptake rates for Ulva sp. and Z. marina were determined by in situ experiments. An ecological model calculated on the basis of the observed dataset showed that, in comparison with tidal exchange, a significant amount of particulate organic matter was removed by bivalve filtration and a considerable quantity of DIN was removed by macrophyte species.  相似文献   

Strong isotopic fractionation between234U and238U has been noted in deep oil-well brines. The waters are stratigraphically and structurally isolated from fresh-water inflow and have remained stagnant for more than five half-lifes of234U. Excess234U is explained by the234Th alpha-recoil nucleus event.  相似文献   

Denitrification (as N(2) flux) and organic matter mineralization (as O(2) uptake) were simultaneously measured in the same set of core sediments from a natural sandy and a constructed muddy tidal flat of Ago Bay, Japan. Denitrification rates at both tidal flats fluctuated between ca. 2-20 micromol N(2)m(-2)h(-1) without showing a clear seasonal pattern, and appeared to be substrate limited as NO(3)(-) enrichment (final concentration ca. 225 microM) caused prompt and similar enhancements of ca. 10-folds. Organic matter mineralization rates were markedly higher at constructed muddy flat compared to those of natural sandy flat, especially in summer, and exhibited pronounced temperature dependent (p<0.01) seasonality for both tidal flats. O(2) uptake rates were generally ca. 2-3 order greater than respective denitrification rates indicating dominance of mineralization processes over N(2) losses.  相似文献   

Surface water samples from marinas, commercial ports and open bay areas collected from Biscayne Bay and the Miami River, Florida, USA, were analyzed for the occurrence of IRGAROL 1051 by GC/MS. The anifouling boosting herbicide was found in 80% (46/57) of the samples collected between March 1999 and September 2000. Concentrations within the bay range between non-detected (<1 ppt) and 61 ppt (ng/L) and were generally low compared with levels reported in European or Japanese waters. Aside from the elevated concentrations observed along the Miami River South Fork (61 ppt), the highest concentrations observed in the bay corresponded to marinas with high density of pleasure craft and restricted water circulation. In contrast, occurrence of IRGAROL 1051 along the commercial port or the cruise line terminal was generally lower (<1-2.2 ppt). Concentrations around Coconut Grove Marina were consistently higher (5-12 ppt) than the rest of the bay waters during the whole period of time surveyed.  相似文献   

生物礁是重要的自然资源,在全球气候变化与碳循环中扮演了重要角色.磁性地层学是建立年代框架的有效手段,但是,由于生物礁沉积物中天然剩磁强度弱,南海地区生物礁的磁性地层学研究尚未很好展开.为此,本文利用西沙群岛西科1井乐东组生物礁沉积样品进行了详细的岩石磁学和磁性地层学研究.结果显示,西沙群岛乐东组记录了布容正极性时、奥杜维尔正极性时和松山负极性时.通过对比已有的钻孔资料,本文认为应基于岩石地层特征这一标准将西沙地区的乐东组埋深予以统一.在此基础上,综合磁性地层与~(230)Th定年结果,本文将乐东组的底界限定在~2.0 Ma.  相似文献   

We investigated levels of the pollutant tributyltin (TBT) in blood of pufferfishes (six species), Japanese sea perch, red sea bream, Japanese common goby, Japanese flounder, rockfish, conger eel, and sea mullet collected off the coast of northern Kyushu, Japan. We found considerable levels of TBT (1.4-190 ng/mL) accumulated in the blood of these fish. Blood TBT concentrations were 1.3-22.5 times liver concentrations and 4.9-78 times muscle concentrations, except in conger eel and mullet. We detected TBT (16-111 ng/mL-blood) in the plasma of the fine-patterned puffer (Takifugupoecilonotus) year-round, without any apparent seasonal trend. These results suggest that fish inhabiting coastal areas of Kyushu, Japan, continue to be contaminated with TBT.  相似文献   

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