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Ferromanganoan sediments containing little or no CaCO3 have been found to occur extensively throughout the region between the East Pacific Rise and the Galapagos Rise. Concentrations of Fe and Mn of up to 18 and 6.5%, respectively, accompany low concentrations of Al and Ti. The concentrations of Cu, Ni, and Zn are also high relative to more typical pelagic sediments.While chemically similar to the non-carbonate fraction of metalliferous sediments previously described from the East Pacific Rise, the mineralogy is markedly different. A non-detrital smectite makes up the bulk of sediment (70 to 90%) and is the most important iron bearing phase. Fe and Mn oxides, occurring primarily as micro-nodules, comprise 10 to 20% of the sediment. Detrital material is relatively rare, amounting to less than 10% in all samples.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - While moderate wind and wave conditions prevail in the eastern equatorial Pacific, modeling waves in this area remains challenging due to the presence of multiple wave systems...  相似文献   

Hydrate Ridge is located at the second accretion-ary ridge along the Cascadia margin of Oregon in the eastern North Pacific (fig. 1). The Bottom Simulating Reflector (BSR) underlies the entire Hydrate Ridge[1]. The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) in 1992 at Site 892 and the TECFLUX99 and 2000 showed that the gas hydrate occurs just beneath the thin sediment- covered surface and at the horizon of around 64 meter below seafloor (mbsf) on Hydrate Ridge[25]. The col-lision of the Juan de …  相似文献   

Dredging is a large-scale anthropogenic disturbance agent in coastal and estuarine habitats that can profoundly affect water quality. We examined the impact of a small-scale dredging operation in a salt marsh in South Carolina by comparing nutrient levels (NH(4)(+), NO(x), PO(4)(-)) and total suspended solid concentrations before and during dredging activities. Nutrient enrichment was evaluated within the context of tidal, seasonal, and inter-annual variability by using long-term water chemistry data provided by the North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. The conditions of the dredging permit (i.e., its relatively small scale), the season chosen for the work (fall-winter), the nature of the sediments dredged (coarse-grained), and the amount of natural variability in the estuary's water chemistry (even on a daily time-scale) all minimized the impact of the dredging activities. Results of this study will add to the limited body of empirical data that should be considered in evaluating future dredging permit applications related to shallow estuarine waterways.  相似文献   

Geochemical characterization and numerical modelling of surface water and ground water, combined with hydrological observations, provide quantitative estimates of meteoric diagenesis in Pleistocene carbonates of the northern Bahamas. Meteoric waters equilibrate with aragonite, but water‐ rather than mineral‐controlled reactions dominate. Dissolutional lowering of the undifferentiated bedrock surface is an order of magnitude slower than that within soil‐filled topographic hollows, generating small‐scale relief at a rate of 65–140 mm ka?1 and a distinctive pocketed topography. Oxidation of organic matter within the subsoil and vadose zones generates an average P of 4·0 × 10?3 atm, which drives dissolution during vadose percolation and/or at the water table. However, these dissolution processes together account for <60% of the average rock‐derived calcium in groundwaters pumped from the freshwater lens. The additional calcium may derive from oxidation of organic carbon within the lens, accounting for the high P of the lens waters. Mixing between meteoric waters of differing chemistry is diagenetically insignificant, but evapotranspiration from the shallow water table is an important drive for subsurface cementation. Porosity generation in the shallow vadose zone averages 1·6–3·2% ka?1. Phreatic meteoric diagenesis is focused near the water table, where dissolution generates porosity at 1·4–2·8% ka?1. Maximum dissolution rates, however, are similar to those of evaporation‐driven precipitation, which occludes porosity of 4·0 ± 0·6% ka?1. This drives porosity inversion, from primary interparticle to secondary mouldic, vug and channel porosity. In the deeper freshwater lens, oxidation of residual organic carbon and reoxidation of reduced sulphur species from deeper anaerobic oxidation of organic carbon may generate porosity up to 0·06% ka?1. Meteoric diagenesis relies critically on hydrological routing and vadose thickness (controlled by sea level), as well as the geochemical processes active. A thin vadose zone permits direct evaporation from the water table and drives precipitation of meteoric phreatic cements even where mineral stabilization is complete. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Diagenetic effects on the magnetic mineralogy in marine sediments have long been investigated, including oxidation/reduction reactions, magnetic dilution, formation of iron sulfides and oxides, magnetization acquisition mechanisms and reliability of the paleomagnetic record. This study investigates diagenetic effects in low-oxygen depositional environments characterized by recent and past magnetic mineral dissolution zones. We analyze a marine sequence from the Alfonso Basin in the southern Gulf of California in which the topmost sediments show diagenetic effects marked by high magnetic enhancement factors. The susceptibility logs show high values at the top sediments with well-defined small amplitude low frequency fluctuations down core. Magnetic hysteresis loops indicate low coercivity saturation, characteristic of magnetites and low-tititanomagnetites with varying paramagnetic contributions. Intensity of natural remanent, isothermal and anhysteretic magnetizations and coercivity parameters show similar variation patterns with depth. The anhysteretic remanence intensity-susceptibility ratio shows an inverse correlation to magnetic susceptibility, indicating varying concentration of fine grained single domain and superparamagnetic particles. The magnetic logs record diagenetic changes and magnetite authigenesis, with preserved recent and old dissolution zones marked by enriched single-domain/pseudo-singledomain/multi-domain magnetite in between the dissolution fronts. The oxidation/reduction processes relate to climatic and water/sediment interface factors controlling the dissolution processes, which occur in the Alfonso Basin anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were recovered from the central equatorial Pacific Ocean, sectioned at 1-mm intervals, and analyzed for porosity, organic carbon, excess210Pb and CaCO3. Steep porosity gradients were measured in the upper 1 cm of the sediment column with extremely high values observed near the sediment surface. Similarly, particulate organic carbon contents are highest at the sediment surface, decrease sharply in the upper 1 cm, and are relatively constant between 1 and 5 cm. CaCO3 values, on the other hand, are lowest at the sediment surface and increase to a constant value below 5–10 mm depth. At the carbonate ooze sites, excess210Pb is present throughout the upper 5 cm of the sediments suggesting relatively rapid particle mixing rates. However, extremely high excess210Pb activities (> 100 dpm/g) are observed at the sediment surface with sharp gradients present in the upper 1 cm which would suggest slow rates of mixing. This apparent contradiction along with the major features of the CaCO3 and particulate organic carbon profiles can be explained by a particle-selective feeding mechanism in which organic carbon, excess210Pb-enriched particles are preferentially maintained at the sediment surface via ingestion and defecation by benthic organisms.  相似文献   

Clay fractions in the non-calcareous surface sediments from the eastern Pacific were analyzed for clay minerals, REE and 143Nd/144Nd. Montmorillonite/illite ratio (M/I ratio), total REE contents ((REE), LREE/HREE ratio and cerium anomaly (бCe) may effectively indicate the genesis of clay minerals. Clay fractions with M/I ratio >1, бCe (0.85, (REE (400 μg/g, LREE/HREE ratio (4, and REE patterns similar to those of pelagic sediments are terrigenous and autogenetic mixed clay fractions and contain more autogenetic montmorillonite. Clay fractions with M/I ratio <1, бCe=0.86 to 1.5, ΣREE=200 to 350 μg/g, LREE/HREE ratio (6 and REE distribution patterns similar to that of China loess are identified as terrigenous clay fraction. The 143Nd/144Nd ratios or (э)Nd values of clay fractions inherit the features of terrigenous sources of clay minerals. Clay fractions are divided into 4 types according to (э)Nd values. Terrigenous clay minerals of type I with the (э)Nd values of -8 to -6 originate mainly from North American fluvial deposits. Those of type II with the (э)Nd values of -9 to -7 are mainly from the East Asia and North American fluvial deposits. Those of type III with (э)Nd values of -6 to -3 could come from the central and eastern Pacific volcanic islands. Those of type IV with (э)Nd values of -13 to -12 may be from East Asia eolian. The terrigenous and autogenetic mixed clay fractions show patchy distributions, indicating that there are volcanic or hot-spot activities in the eastern Pacific plate, while the terrigenous clay fractions cover a large part of the study area, proving that the terrigenous clay minerals are dominant in the eastern Pacific.  相似文献   

Processes driving carbonate diagenesis in islands of the northern Bahamas are investigated using major ion, dissolved oxygen and dissolved organic carbon analyses of water samples from surface and ground waters, and measurements of soil gas P. Meteoric waters equilibrate with aragonite, but reactions are water controlled rather than mineral‐controlled and drive dissolution rather than concurrent precipitation of calcite. Surface runoff waters equilibrate with atmospheric P and rapidly recharge the vadose zone, limiting subaerial bedrock dissolution to only 6·6–15 mg l?1 Ca. P of soil gas measured in the summer wet season ((7·4 ± 3·7) × 10?3 atm) is elevated compared with that of the atmosphere, despite the thin skeletal organic nature of the soil and the discontinuous soil cover. Soil waters retained in surface pockets are equilibrated with respect to aragonite and have dissolved 51 ± 19 mg l?1 Ca. This is substantially less than the 93 ± 18 mg l?1 Ca in samples from pumping boreholes that sample meteoric waters from the freshwater lens. The high P of the freshwater lens ((16 ± 8·3) × 10?3 atm for pumping boreholes) suggests that significant additional CO2 may be derived by oxidation of soil‐ and surface‐derived organic carbon within the lens. The suboxic nature of the majority of the freshwater lens and the observed depletion in sulphate support this suggestion, and indicate that both aerobic and anaerobic oxidation may take place. Shallow lens samples from observation boreholes are calcite supersaturated and have a lower P than deeper lens waters, indicating that CO2 degasses from the water table, driving precipitation of calcite cements. We suggest that the geochemical evolution of waters in the vadose zone and upper part of the freshwater lens may be determined by the presence of a body of ground air with P controlled by production in the freshwater lens and soil and by degassing to the atmosphere. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic lead (Pb) inputs to the atmosphere increased greatly over the past century and now dominate Pb supply to the oceans. However, the Pb content of sediments across the equatorial Pacific region is relatively unknown, and data exist only for deep sea sites where Pb deposition lags surface water inputs by up to a century. Here we present ICP-MS analyses of Pb of a core from a lagoon at Palmyra Atoll, northern Line Islands, that spans approximately the past 160 years. The non-bioturbated sediments of the euxinic lagoon, coupled with rapid rates of deposition, provide a unique fine-scale record of atmospheric Pb supply at a remote Pacific location. These first observations of historic Pb sedimentation in an atoll lagoon reveal a 63-fold increase in Pb flux to sediments during the past century and correlate directly with the North American consumption of leaded gasoline that began in 1926.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were recovered from the central equatorial Pacific Ocean, sectioned at 1-mm intervals, and analyzed for porosity, organic carbon, excess210Pb and CaCO3. Steep porosity gradients were measured in the upper 1 cm of the sediment column with extremely high values observed near the sediment surface. Similarly, particulate organic carbon contents are highest at the sediment surface, decrease sharply in the upper 1 cm, and are relatively constant between 1 and 5 cm. CaCO3 values, on the other hand, are lowest at the sediment surface and increase to a constant value below 5–10 mm depth. At the carbonate ooze sites, excess210Pb is present throughout the upper 5 cm of the sediments suggesting relatively rapid particle mixing rates. However, extremely high excess210Pb activities (> 100 dpm/g) are observed at the sediment surface with sharp gradients present in the upper 1 cm which would suggest slow rates of mixing. This apparent contradiction along with the major features of the CaCO3 and particulate organic carbon profiles can be explained by a particle-selective feeding mechanism in which organic carbon, excess210Pb-enriched particles are preferentially maintained at the sediment surface via ingestion and defecation by benthic organisms.  相似文献   

Residues of DDE, DDT and PCBs were determined in four different commercial bony fishes: grey mullet, red mullet, striped mullet and gold bandgoat fish, as well as in shrimps, limpets and sediments obtained from the eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. The PCB levels in living organisms and sediments were found to be very low, and in most cases below the detection limits. The DDE and DDT values were relatively high compared to PCBs and there was a linear correlation between the organochlorine residue concentrations and the extractable organic material of the analysed samples.  相似文献   

Degassing and in situ development of a mobile gas saturation take place when an aqueous phase saturated with gas at a pressure higher than the subsurface pressure is injected in water-saturated porous media. In the first part of this work, a pore network model is used to study the key physical aspects of this novel and hitherto unexplored way of introducing a gas phase in the subsurface. Following heterogeneous nucleation, growth of gas phase clusters driven by convective diffusion of solute from the bulk aqueous phase, is shown to result in a ramified pattern of gas-occupied pores, which is controlled by capillary and buoyancy forces. The interplay between mass transfer and immiscible displacement processes, namely gas cluster coalescence, mobilization under the action of buoyancy forces and fragmentation resulting from capillary instabilities, is seen to favour the propagation of a stable gas saturation front. Pore network model predictions of the macroscopic mass transfer rate coefficient are in fair agreement with a recently published empirical correlation.  相似文献   

Organic matter (OM) such as organic nitrogen plays a substantial role in the global biogeochemical cycling of bio‐reactive components—amino acids (AA) in aquatic environments. Spatial and temporal variations in source, diagenesis, and fate of organic nitrogen such as AA in sediments of small tropical rivers and the role of oxbow/meandering loops under changing climatic conditions are poorly investigated. This study assessed the spatial and seasonal variations in OM composition, source, and diagenesis of a tropical small mountainous river—Netravati River, India, for 1 year. Water samples were determined for suspended particulate matter, and surface sediments were examined for bulk parameters, surface area (SA), and the L‐ and D‐enantiomers of AA. The L‐ and D‐enantiomers of AA displayed subtle seasonal variations in composition and depicted varying degrees of diagenesis. The concentration of D‐enantiomer of AA was high and showed substantial contributions from bacteria, terrestrial source, and in situ production. The D‐arginine was the most abundant D‐enantiomer of AA in the study area, possibly due to extracellular secretion by bacterial species and adsorption onto sediments, and thus, it was protected from degradation. Degradation index was more negative at the oxbow and meandering loop stations during the dry season suggesting that local geomorphologic settings steer the diagenesis of OM within the river. A negative relationship between gamma‐aminobutyric acid and organic carbon:surface area (OC:SA) ratio and a positive correlation between tyrosine and OC:SA ratio suggested accelerated loss of OM. Furthermore, the concentrations of most bulk parameters were higher in the lower reaches during monsoon and premonsoon seasons. Taken together, changes in seasons have an operational control in distinguishing the composition, source, and diagenesis of spatial OM distribution. Moreover, oxbows and river meandering loops influence the diagenetic processes in small tropical river systems.  相似文献   

Graphite comprises about 2% of some of the 3.8-AE metamorphosed sedimentary rocks of Isukasia, west Greenland. δ13CPDB of carbon in this graphite ranges from ?16.0 to ?9.3‰. For those samples that contain both graphite and siderite, Δcarbonate-graphite is about 6; this fractionation is consistent with an inorganic equilibrium between siderite and graphite at roughly 400–500°C. It is likely that graphite found in these rocks formed by the reaction: 6FeCO3 = 2Fe3O4 + 5CO2 +C in which case it is of little help in determining whether or not organisms were active 3.8 AE ago. The presence of quartz-magnetite-cummingtonite-iron formation in the Isukasia metasedimentary sequence may, ultimately, be one of the most powerful environmental indicators remaining in these rocks.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2013,70(1-2):189-194
Irgarol 1051 is a common antifouling biocide and is highly toxic to non-target plant species at low ng/L concentrations. We measured up to 254 ng/L Irgarol in water and up to 9 ng/g dry weight Irgarol in sediments from Southern California recreational marinas. Irgarol’s metabolite, M1, concentrations were up to 62 ng/L in water and 5 ng/g dry weight in sediments. Another antifouling biocide, diuron, reached up to 68 ng/L in water and 4 ng/g dry weight in sediments. The maximum Irgarol concentrations in water were greater than the Irgarol concentration recommended as the plant toxicity benchmark (136 ng/L), suggesting that Irgarol concentrations may be high enough to cause changes in phytoplankton communities in the sampled marinas. Irgarol concentrations measured in sediments were greater than calculated Environmental Risk Limits (ERLs) for Irgarol in sediments (1.4 ng/g). Antifouling pesticide accumulation in sediments may present a potential undetermined risk for benthic organisms.  相似文献   

Samples of water, marine organisms and sediment collected along the Turkish Mediterranean coast in the vicinity of Mersin were analysed for total mercury. The levels of mercury found in the samples from this area are generally low in comparison with the levels found in other regions of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

A survey on the metal concentrations (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, V, Zn) in beach water and sediments is reported from the tourist destination of Acapulco city on the Pacific coast of Mexico. The concentration of dissolved trace metals (DTMs) in beach water and acid leachable trace metals (ALTMs) in sediments indicated that they are anthropogenic in nature due to the increased tourist activities in the crowded beach locations. The statistical analysis indicates Fe and Mn play a major role as metal scavengers in both the medium (water and sediment) and the higher value of other metals is site specific in the study area, indicating that they are transported from the local area. Comparison results suggest that the beach water quality has deteriorated more than the sediments and special care needs to be taken to restore the beach quality.  相似文献   

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