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Laboratory experiments were performed to study the influence of density and viscosity layering on the formation and stability of plumes. Viscosity ratios ranged from 0.1 to 6400 for buoyancy ratios between 0.3 and 20, and Rayleigh numbers between 105 and 2.108. The presence of a chemically stratified boundary layer generates long-lived thermochemical plumes. These plumes first develop from the interface as classical thermal boundary layer instabilities. As they rise, they entrain by viscous coupling a thin film of the other layer and locally deform the interface into cusps. The interfacial topography and the entrainment act to further anchor the plumes, which persist until the chemical stratification disappears through entrainment, even for Rayleigh numbers around 108. The pattern of thermochemical plumes remains the same during an experiment, drifting only slowly through the tank. Scaled to an Earth’s mantle without plate tectonics, our results show that: (1) thermochemical plumes are expected to exist in the mantle, (2) they could easily survive hundreds of millions of years, depending on the size and magnitude of the chemical heterogeneity on which they are anchored, and (3) their drift velocity would be at most 1-2 mm/yr. They would therefore produce long-lived and relatively fixed hotspots on the lithosphere. However, the thermochemical plumes would follow any large scale motion imposed on the chemical layer. Therefore, the chemical heterogeneity acts more as a ‘floating anchor’ than as an absolute one.  相似文献   

When plate tectonics emerged and how it has evolved over Earth history are two of the most fundamental challenges in Earth Sciences. These questions are tackled using a holistic approach to analyze tectonic styles in the history of Earth, giving rise to the interpretation of two styles of plate tectonics since the Archean. In these interpretations, there are different styles of deformation and metamorphism between early times dominated by warm subduction, and later times preferring cold subduction.The two styles of plate tectonics are recorded by different properties of regional metamorphism at convergent plate boundaries,which are linked to the differences in mantle temperature between the Archean and Phanerozoic. A transition to modern plate tectonics is recorded by the signature of blueschist facies metamorphism developed in the Neoproterozoic. This is consistent with geological evidence for the operation of ancient plate tectonics since the early Archean. The temporal cooling of the mantle explains the geochemical trends of mantle-derived melts, the likely change from numerous small plates to fewer but larger plates,changes in thickness and preservation of oceanic crust and lithosphere in accretionary and collisional orogens, and led to the oxygenation of the surface environment providing the environments needed to foster life.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivities of natural pyrolitic mantle and MORB materials were measured at high pressure and temperature covering the entire lower mantle conditions up to 133 GPa and 2650 K. In contrast to the previous laboratory-based models, our data demonstrate that the conductivity of pyrolite does not increase monotonically but varies dramatically with depth in the lower mantle; it drops due to high-spin to low-spin transition of iron in both perovskite and ferropericlase in the mid-lower mantle and increases sharply across the perovskite to post-perovskite phase transition at the D″ layer. We also found that the MORB exhibits much higher conductivity than pyrolite. The depth–conductivity profile measured for pyrolite does not match the geomagnetic field data below about 1500-km depth, possibly suggesting the existence of large quantities of subducted MORB crust in the deep lower mantle. The observations of geomagnetic jerks suggest that the electrical conductivity may be laterally heterogeneous in the lowermost mantle with high anomaly underneath Africa and the Pacific, the same regions as large low shear-wave velocity provinces. Such conductivity and shear-wave speed anomalies are also possibly caused by the deep subduction and accumulation of dense MORB crust above the core–mantle boundary.  相似文献   

Rare earths (RE) in basalts erupted within the rift of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge show a progressive change from light-RE enriched to depleted patterns from the Azores Platform (40°N) down to 33°30′N. South, the pattern remains light-RE depleted as along other “normal ridge” segments. A progressive increase in chemical variability of the basalts towards the Azores is also noted.The latitudinal RE profile and corresponding ΣFeO/ΣFeO + MgO variations, together, indicate that the origin of these basalts cannot be accounted for simply by considering variable extents of partial melting of a single mantle source and subsequent fractional crystallization during the ascent of the magmas. These two processes produce only second-order effects on the RE patterns. The data requires the presence of a distinct, light-RE richer, mantle source beneath the Azores Platform relative to that of south of 33°30′N and an intermediate zone where both mantle types mix. The relative contribution of the Azores mantle source to the mix appears to decrease fairly regularly southward along the ridge and becomes negligible at 33°30′N. Increasing chemical variability of the basalts towards the Azores is probably caused by correspondingly larger extent of fractional crystallization at shallow depth, and/or greater variability in the extent of partial melting, apparently subsequent to, and superimposed on the mixing of the two mantle sources.The combined morphological, geophysical and RE evidence along the profile are consistent with a model suggesting upwelling of a major blob (plume) under the Azores Plateau; and reveal the present extent of the blob's overflow and mixing with the asthenosphere depleted in large ionic lithophile trace elements. The influence of the Azores blob is geochemically detectable up to 1000 km southwestward beneath the ridge axis.  相似文献   

Summary An analogy of the Hellinger-Reissner functional for the Stokes problem is constructed and the way of determining its minimum by means of spherical harmonic vectors and tensors is described. The variational method is applied to a Newtonian mantle in which the body forces were estimated on the basis of global inversion of gravitational and topographic data. The method is then generalized to the case of a realistic rheology (power-law creep), and prospects of the generalised method are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

在人类首次尝试地幔钻探50周年之际,Damon Teagle和Benot Ildefonse表示,曾经的科幻现在有可能变成现实。一个多世纪以来,地幔岩石取样一直是地球科学界追求的重要目标。1909年,克罗  相似文献   

Analysis of seismic anisotropy in the crust and mantle wedge above subduction zones gives much information about the dynamic processes inside the Earth. For this reason, we measure shear wave polarization anisotropy in the crust and upper mantle beneath central and southwestern Japan from local shallow, intermediate, and deep earthquakes occurring in the subducting Pacific slab. We analyze S phases from 198 earthquakes recorded at 42 Japanese F-net broadband seismic stations. This data set yields a total of 980 splitting parameter pairs for central and southwestern Japan. Dominant fast polarization directions of shear waves obtained at most stations in the Kanto–Izu–Tokai areas are oriented WNW–ESE, which are sub-parallel to the subduction direction of the Pacific plate. However, minor fast polarization directions are oriented in NNE–SSW directions being parallel to the strike of the Japan Trench, especially in the north of Izu Peninsula and the northern Tokai district. Generally, fast directions obtained at stations located in Kii Peninsula and the Chubu district are oriented ENE–WSW, almost parallel to the Nankai Trough, although some fast directions have NW–SE trends. The fast directions obtained at stations in northern central Honshu are oriented N–S. Delay times vary considerably and range from 0.1 to 1.25 s depending on the source depth and the degree of anisotropy along the ray path. These lateral variations in splitting character suggest that the nature of anisotropy is quite different between the studied areas. Beneath Kanto–Tokai, the observed WNW–ESE fast directions are probably caused by the olivine A-fabric induced by the corner flow. However, the slab morphology in this region is relatively complicated as the Philippine Sea slab is overriding the Pacific slab. This complex tectonic setting may induce lateral heterogeneity in the flow and stress state of the mantle wedge, and may have produced NNE–SSW orientations of fast directions. The ENE–WSW fast directions in Kii Peninsula and the Chubu district are more coherent and may be partly induced by the subduction of the Philippine Sea plate. The N–S fast directions in northern central Honshu might be produced by the trench-parallel stretching of the wedge due to the curved slab at the arc–arc junction.  相似文献   

Abstract Ultramafic xenoliths found in alkali basalts from Jeju Island, Korea are mostly spinel lherzolites accompanied by subordinate amount of spinel harzburgites and pyroxenites. The combination of results from a two-pyroxene geothermometer and Ca-in-olivine geobarometer yields temperature–pressure (T–P) estimates for spinel peridotites that fall in experimentally determined spinel lherzolite field in CaO-Fe-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-Cr2O3 (CFMASCr) system. These T–P data sets have been used to construct the Quaternary Jeju Island geotherm, which defines a locus from about 13 kbar at 880°C to 26 kbar at 1040°C. The geothermal gradient of Jeju Island is greater than that of the conventional conductive models, and may be as a result of a thermal perturbation by the heat input into the lithospheric mantle via the passage and emplacement of magma. Spinel–lherzolite is the main constituent rock-type of the lithospheric mantle beneath Jeju Island. Pyroxenites may be intercalated in peridotites at similar depth and temperature as re-equilibrated veins or lenses.  相似文献   

The aggregate shear wave velocities of MgO (periclase) have been determined throughout Earth's lower mantle pressure regime approaching 130 GPa using Brillouin spectroscopy in conjunction with synchrotron X-ray diffraction technique in a diamond anvil cell apparatus. We found that the extrapolations of the high-pressure shear wave velocities and shear moduli to ambient pressure are highly consistent with earlier studies. However, the measurements over a wide pressure range revealed that the pressure derivative of the shear modulus (dG/dP = G0′) of MgO is 1.92(2), which is distinctly lower than that of previous lower-pressure experiments. Compared with the previous results on (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase, there is no clear correlation between iron content and G0′. We calculate that the shear wave velocity profile of lower mantle along the adiabatic geotherm applied by the lower G0′ value of periclase can remarkably well reproduce the global seismological 1-D velocity profile model with uniform composition model. The best-fitting result indicates the possibility of a lower mantle mineralogy with ~ 92 vol.% silicate perovskite phase, implying that the bulk composition of lower mantle is likely not to be pyrolitic but more chondritic. The present acoustic measurements performed over the large pressure range have thus led us to a better understanding of compositional model of the Earth's lower mantle.  相似文献   

A global cross-section of the Earth parallel to the tectonic equator (TE) path, the great circle representing the equator of net lithosphere rotation, shows a difference in shear wave velocities between the western and eastern flanks of the three major oceanic rift basins. The low-velocity layer in the upper asthenosphere, at a depth range of 120 to 200 km, is assumed to represent the decoupling between the lithosphere and the underlying mantle. Along the TE-perturbed (TE-pert) path, a ubiquitous LVZ, about 1,000-km-wide and 100-km-thick, occurs in the asthenosphere. The existence of the TE-pert is a necessary prerequisite for the existence of a continuous global flow within the Earth. Ground-shaking scenarios were constructed using a scenario-based method for seismic hazard analysis (NDSHA), using realistic and duly validated synthetic time series, and generating a data bank of several thousands of seismograms that account for source, propagation, and site effects. Accordingly, with basic self-organized criticality concepts, NDSHA permits the integration of available information provided by the most updated seismological, geological, geophysical, and geotechnical databases for the site of interest, as well as advanced physical modeling techniques, to provide a reliable and robust background for the development of a design basis for cultural heritage and civil infrastructures. Estimates of seismic hazard obtained using the NDSHA and standard probabilistic approaches are compared for the Italian territory, and a case-study is discussed. In order to enable a reliable estimation of the ground motion response to an earthquake, three-dimensional velocity models have to be considered, resulting in a new, very efficient, analytical procedure for computing the broadband seismic wave-field in a 3-D anelastic Earth model.  相似文献   

Temperatures in the lower mantle of the Earth are estimated from the observed Q distribution. A thermal boundary-layer where temperatures rise rapidly is found at the base of the mantle, corresponding to the low Q zone described by Anderson and Hart (1978a,b). The existence of this thermal boundary layer indicates that the lower mantle participates in convection, and also that some of the energy driving the convection is coming from the core.  相似文献   

Based on both major and trace element chemistry, the occurrence of the intergranular component in mantle-derived xenoliths from far eastern Russia has been constrained. Whole-rock trace element measurements of one xenolith show apparent negative anomalies in Ce, Th, and high field strength elements on normalized trace element patterns. The trace element pattern of the whole rock differs from those of constituent minerals, indicating that the anomalies in the whole rock are attributable to the presence of an intergranular component. That assumption was confirmed using in situ analysis of trace elements in the intergranular substance and melt inclusion using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. Both the intergranular component and the melt inclusions have identical trace element patterns, which mean that these materials are a cognate metasomatizing agent. The anomalies are regarded as mantle metasomatism related to an aqueous fluid. Hydrous minerals were observed on the wall of the melt inclusions using micro-Raman spectroscopy, indicating that the melt inclusions contained a large amount of water. Thus, this study reveals a trace element composition of a hydrous metasomatizing agent in the mantle.  相似文献   

We extend to Love waves the concept of the mantle magnitudeM mintroduced recently for Rayleigh waves. Spectral amplitudesX() of Love waves in the 50–300 s period range are measured on broad-band records from major events. A distance correctionC D, regionalized to reflect the influence of different tectonic paths, and a source correctionC S, compensating for the variation of excitation with period are effected; the exact geometry and depth of the event are however ignored. The resulting expression

Magnetotelluric soundings show that the conductivity increases in the asthenosphere. The depth of this conductivity zone decreases with an increase of the surface heat flow, i.e. in such cases the lithospheric plate is thinner. The depth of the velocity decrease of seismic shear wave (S waves) shows the same connection with the surface heat flow. The solidus of a mixed-volatile medium intersects the temperature curves belonging to different surface heat flows at depths where the conductivity increase and the velocity decrease appear. These connections point to partial melting in the asthenosphere, which can decrease the viscosity too, and help the movement of the lithospheric plates according to the ideas of global tectonics.The melt fraction of peridotite and pyrolite determined by Shankland and Waff from the effective conductivity of the asthenosphere is about 3–4% at 30 kbar and ato *=0.1 S m–1.In the upper mantle of old shields it is likely that there is no well-developed asthenosphere due to the low temperature. Over these so-called viscous anchors the lithospheric plates do not move. It is supposed that the conductivity increases observed below crystalline shields at a depth of about 300 km indicate the phase transition of rocks. Thus in these areas the surface of the phase transition can be at a higher position than in the younger tectonic units.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxenes separated from two hydrous and four anhydrous ultramafic nodules, selected from a suit of xenoliths from Dreiser Weiher (DW), West Germany, have been studied for Nd and Sr isotopic composition. Nd exhibits a range of εJUV(T) from 0 to +12.4 and 87Sr/86Sr varies between 0.70185 and 0.70400. TICE model ages for anhydrous nodules indicate that the mantle underlying DW was originally depleted ?2 AE ago. Correlation of 143Nd/144Nd with Sm/Nd in this group of samples suggests that a second partial melting event occurred about 560 m.y. ago resulting in LREE enrichment of at least part of the anhydrous mantle. During a later episode, probably contemporaneous with the eruption of the host basalt in Quaternary times, most of the spinel peridotitic upper mantle below DW was modified. This metasomatism led to hydration and incompatible element enrichment of originally anhydrous mantle. The isotopic data for the anhydrous nodules again demonstrate that oceanic-type mantle underlies at least some continental areas. It is apparent that the separation of subcontinental mantle regions from an initially chondritic reservoir may occur in several discrete episodes. However, differing histories of depletion and/or enrichment will produce isotopically distinct mantle reservoirs. Therefore, basalts extracted from these mantle reservoirs will scatter about an average Nd-Sr trend line reflecting the nature of the differentiation in their source regions.  相似文献   

We report isotope analyses of helium, neon, argon, and xenon using different extraction techniques such as stepwise dynamic and static crushing, and high-resolution stepwise heating of three mantle xenoliths from Réunion Island. He and Ne isotopic compositions were similar to previously reported Réunion data, yielding a more radiogenic composition when compared to the Hawaiian or Icelandic mantle plume sources. We furthermore observed correlated 129Xe/130Xe and 136Xe/130Xe ratios following the mantle trend with maximum values of 6.93 ± 0.14 and 2.36 ± 0.06, respectively. High-resolution argon analyses resulted in maximum 40Ar/36Ar ratios of 9000–11,000, in agreement with maximum values obtained in previous studies. We observed a well-defined hyperbolic mixing curve between an atmospheric and a mantle component in a diagram of 40Ar/36Ar vs. 20Ne/22Ne. Using a mantle 20Ne/22Ne of 12.5 (Ne–B) a consistent 40Ar/36Ar value of 11,053 ± 220 in sample ILR 84-4 was obtained, whereas extrapolations to a higher mantle 20Ne/22Ne ratio of 13.8 (solar wind) would lead to a much higher 40Ar/36Ar ratio of 75,000, far above observed maximum values. This favours a mantle 20Ne/22Ne of about 12.5 considered to be equivalent to Ne–B. Extrapolated and estimated 40Ar/36Ar ratios of the Réunion, Iceland, Loihi, and MORB mantle sources, respectively, tend to be linearly correlated with air corrected 21Ne/22Ne and show the same systematic sequence of increasing relative contributions in radiogenic isotopes (Iceland–Loihi–Réunion–MORB) as observed for 4He/3He. In general, He–Ne–Ar isotope systematics of the oceanic mantle can be explained by following processes: (i) different degree of mixing between pure radiogenic and pure primordial isotopes generating the MORB and primitive plume (Loihi-type) endmembers; (ii) relatively recent fractionation of He relative to Ne and Ar, in one or both endmembers; (iii) after the primary fractionation event, different degrees of mixing between melts or fluids of MORB and primitive plume affinity generate the variety of observed OIB data, also on a local scale; (iv) very late-stage secondary fractionation during magma ascent and magma degassing leads to further strong variation in He/Ne and He/Ar ratios.  相似文献   

Leads in basaltic suites from seven oceanic islands form linear arrays on206Pb/204Pb versus207Pb/204Pb diagrams. These arrays are more reasonably interpreted as secondary isochrons than as mixing lines, because of their systematic relationship. Separate two-stage histories calculated for the leads from each island indicate that the source materials for the magmas were derived from a single primary reservoir with present238U/204Pb of 7.91 ± 0.04 by secondary enrichment in U/Pb at different times from 2.5 to 1 Ga ago. This is confirmed by a plot of isochron slope versus intercept, on which the points describing each island's Pb-Pb array all lie very near a single straight line. The isochrons for the Canary Islands and Hawaii, at least, are significantly different. The208Pb/204Pb versus206Pb/204Pb relationships are less coherent. The lead isotopic characteristics are consistent with a model in which lead in the oceanic island magmas is derived from ancient subducted oceanic crust. In particular, this explains the close relationship between lead in mid-ocean ridge and oceanic island basalts without invoking mixing.  相似文献   

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