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A digitised tectonic model, initially built up for regionalization of Rayleigh waves, is applied to the geoid in order to define the mean geoid heights of the following regions: 3 oceanic regions, namely young oceans (0–30 Ma) middle-aged oceans (30–80 Ma) and old oceans (> 80 Ma); trenches and subduction zones; mountains; and shields. The relative importance of the deep sources is damped or enhanced by progressively removing or adding the lower or higher degrees of the geoid. A statistical approach allows us to quantify the success of the correlation between tectonics and these filtered geoids.Significant variations are observed in these correlations for oceanic regions (including subduction zones) with a cut-off between degree-2 and higher degrees. For degrees ? 3, a well-known trend is observed: high values correspond to young oceans (ridges) and low values to old oceans, high values are also obtained for subduction zones. On the contrary, and unexpectedly, for the degree-2 alone a trend reversal is observed: geoid lows are observed over ridges and geoid highs over old oceans; trenches give the same geoid amplitude than old oceans. Clearly this denotes a degree-2 convection pattern connected to plate tectonics. In addition it is shown that the minimum and maximum inertia axes of the surface distribution of young oceans, and independently of old oceans and trenches, coincide with the Earth's equatorial inertia axes (74°E and 164°E), i.e., with the equatorial extremes of the degree-2 geoid.Plate tectonics is uncorrelated with the polar anomaly of the degree-2 geoid, namely the flattening which is not accounted for by Earth rotation. A north-south axisymmetric convection with a degree-2 pattern is proposed to explain this extra flattening; this model is supported by the latitude dependence of the depth of oceanic ridges.  相似文献   

The effects of plate rheology (strong plate interiors and weak plate margins) and stiff subducted lithosphere (slabs) on the geoid and plate motions, considered jointly, are examined with three-dimensional spherical models of mantle flow. Buoyancy forces are based on the internal distribution of subducted lithosphere estimated from the last 160 Ma of subduction history. While the ratio of the lower mantle/upper mantle viscosity has a strong effect on the long-wavelength geoid, as has been shown before, we find that plate rheology is also significant and that its inclusion yields a better geoid model while simultaneously reproducing basic features of observed plate motion. Slab viscosity can strongly affect the geoid, depending on whether a slab is coupled to the surface. In particular, deep, high-viscosity slabs beneath the northern Pacific that are disconnected from the surface as a result of subduction history produce significant long-wavelength geoid highs that differ from the observation. This suggests that slabs in the lower mantle may be not as stiff as predicted from a simple thermally activated rheology, if the slab model is accurate.  相似文献   

Joint bulk-sound and shear tomography for Western Pacific subduction zones   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Detailed regional body wave tomographic inversion of the Western Pacific region has been performed using P and S travel times from common sources and receivers, with a joint inversion in terms of bulk-sound and shear wave-speed variations in the mantle. This technique allows the separation of the influence of bulk and shear moduli, and hence a more direct comparison with mineral physics information. The study region is parameterized with cells of side 0.5° to 2° and 19 layers to a depth of 1500 km, while the rest of the mantle was parameterized with 5×5° cells with 16 layers between the surface and the core–mantle boundary. A simultaneous inversion is made for regional and global structures to minimize the influence of surrounding structures on the regional image. A nested iterative inversion scheme is employed with local linearization and three-dimensional ray tracing through the successive model updates. The results of the regional tomographic inversion reveal the penetration of a subducted slab below the 660 km discontinuity at the Kurile–Kamchatka trench, while flattening of slabs above this depth is observed in the Japan and Izu–Bonin subduction zones on both the bulk-sound and shear wave-speed images. The penetration of a subducted slab down to a depth of at least 1200 km is seen below the southern part of the Bonin trench, Mariana, Philippine, and Java subduction zones. Fast shear wave-speed perturbations associated with the subducted slabs, down to the 410 km transition zone, are larger than the comparable bulk-sound perturbations for all these subduction zones except the Philippines. The bulk-sound signature for the subducted slab is more pronounced than for shear in the Philippines, Talaud, New Guinea, Solomon, and Tonga subduction zones, where penetration of the slab into the middle mantle is observed. Variation in the amplitude ratio between bulk-sound and shear wave-speed anomalies correlates well with the subduction parameters of the descending slab. Slabs younger than 90 Ma at the trench show bulk-sound dominance in the upper mantle, while older slabs have a stronger shear wave-speed signature. Spreading of the fast shear wave-speed zone between 800 and 1000 km is observed in the areas of deep subducted slab penetration, but has no comparable expression in the bulk-sound images. This high-velocity feature may reflect physical or chemical disequilibria introduced to the lower mantle by subducted slabs.  相似文献   

The non-hydrostatic geoid is dominated by three large anomalies: an area of high gravity potential in the equatorial Pacific; another stretching from Greenland through Africa to the southwest Indian Ocean; and a semi-continuous low region passing from Hudson's Bay through Siberia to India and on to Antarctica. None of these three high-amplitude (greater than 60 m) and long-wavelength anomalies corresponds to present-day plate boundaries. However, if the modern geoid is plotted over the positions of continents and plate boundaries at 125 Ma B.P. (reconstructed relative to hotspots) a strong correlation emerges. The modern geoidal low corresponds in position to the areas of subduction surrounding the Pacific 125 Ma ago. The geoidal high now centered on Africa is entirely contained within ancient Pangaea, and the equatorial Pacific high overlies the location of the spreading centers preserved in the magnetic anomalies of the central Pacific. The most plausible cause of the large geoidal undulations is lower mantle convection only weakly coupled to plate motions. The correspondence between modern geoid and ancient plate boundaries implies either that the coupling was much more intimate in the past, or that there is a lag of at least 100 Ma in response of the lower mantle to upper mantle conditions.  相似文献   

The seismically active Macquarie Ridge complex forms the Pacific-India plate boundary between New Zealand and the Pacific-Antarctic spreading center. The Late Cenozoic deformation of New Zealand and focal mechanisms of recent large earthquakes in the Macquarie Ridge complex appear consistent with the current plate tectonic models. These models predict a combination of strike-slip and convergent motion in the northern Macquarie Ridge, and strike-slip motion in the southern part. The Hjort trench is the southernmost expression of the Macquarie Ridge complex. Regional considerations of the magnetic lineations imply that some oceanic crust may have been consumed at the Hjort trench. Although this arcuate trench seems inconsistent with the predicted strike-slip setting, a deep trough also occurs in the Romanche fracture zone.Geoid anomalies observed over spreading ridges, subduction zones, and fracture zones are different. Therefore, geoid anomalies may be diagnostic of plate boundary type. We use SEASAT data to examine the Macquarie Ridge complex and find that the geoid anomalies for the northern Hjort trench region are different from the geoid anomalies for the Romanche trough. The Hjort trench region is characterized by an oblique subduction zone geoid anomaly, e.g., the Aleutian-Komandorski region. Also, limited first-motion data for the large 1924 earthquake that occurred in the northern Hjort trench suggest a thrust focal mechanism. We conclude that subduction is occurring at the Hjort trench. The existence of active subduction in this area implies that young oceanic lithosphere can subduct beneath older oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the anomalous mass of subducted lithospheric slabs is partially compensated by two mechanisms: (a) by stresses transmitted up the slab to the surface lithosphere, causing the trench, and (b) by stresses transmitted through the mantle wedge overlying the slab, which cause a broad shallow depression. Results calculated from a preliminary two-dimensional model show that it can give a first-order account of observed topography, gravity and geoid anomalies. In particular, the model can reconcile the large mass anomaly predicted for the slab by thermal conduction theory with the smaller than expected gravity and geoid anomalies. Preliminary results indicate substantial compensation by mechanism (a), implying rather large stresses at the top of the slab: these could be important for theories of earthquake mechanisms and plate driving mechanisms. Roughly 50% of the possible compensation by mechanism (b) is indicated: the resulting depression, the order of 500 m deep and over 500 km wide, could explain anomalously deep marginal basins and some marine transgressions of continents.  相似文献   

Tomographic images of mantle structure beneath the region north and northeast of Australia show a number of anomalously fast regions. These are interpreted using a recent plate tectonic reconstruction in terms of current and former subduction systems. Several strong anomalies are related to current subduction. The inferred slab lengths and positions are consistent with Neogene subduction beneath the New Britain and Halmahera arcs, and at the Tonga and the New Hebrides trenches where there has been rapid rollback of subduction hinges since about 10 Ma. There are several deeper flat-lying anomalies which are not related to present subduction and we interpret them as former subduction zones overridden by Australia since 25 Ma. Beneath the Bird’s Head and Arafura Sea is an anomaly interpreted to be due to north-dipping subduction beneath the Philippines-Halmahera arc between 45 and 25 Ma. A very large anomaly extending from the Papuan peninsula to the New Hebrides, and from the Solomon Islands to the east Australian margin, is interpreted to be the remnant of south-dipping subduction beneath the Melanesian arc between 45 and 25 Ma. This interpretation implies that a flat-lying slab can survive for many tens of millions of years at the bottom of the upper mantle. In the lower mantle there is a huge anomaly beneath the Gulf of Carpentaria and east Papua New Guinea. This is located above the position where the tectonic model interprets a change in polarity of subduction from north-dipping to south-dipping between 45 and 25 Ma. We suggest this deep anomaly may be a slab subducted beneath eastern Australian during the Cretaceous, or subducted north of Australia during the Cenozoic before 45 Ma. The tomography also supports the tectonic interpretation which suggests little Neogene subduction beneath western New Guinea since no slab is imaged south of the New Guinea trench. However, one subduction zone in the tectonic model and many others, that associated with the Trobriand trough east of Papua New Guinea and the Miocene Maramuni arc, is not seen in the tomographic images and may require reconsideration of currently accepted tectonic interpretations.  相似文献   

Least-squares collocation technique was used to process regional gravity data of the SE South American lithospheric plate in order to map intermediate (10–2000 km) wavelength geoid anomalies. The area between 35–10° S and 60–25° W includes the Paraná CFB Province, the Southern São Francisco Craton and its marginal fold/thrust belts, the Brazilian continental margin and oceanic basins. The main features in the geoid anomaly map are: (a) Paraná CFB Province is characterized by a 1000 km long and 500 km wide, NE-trending, 9 m-amplitude negative anomaly which correlates with the distribution of sediments and basalts within the Paraná basin. (b) A circular (600–800 km in diameter) positive, 8 m-amplitude geoid anomaly is located in the southern S. Francisco craton and extends into the northeastern border of the Paraná CFB Province. This anomaly partially correlates with Alto Paranaíba Igneous Province (APIP), where alkalic volcanism and tholeiitic dikes of ages younger than 80 Ma are found and where a low-velocity zone in the mantle has been mapped using seismic tomography. This positive geoid anomaly extends towards the continental margin at latitude 21° S and joins a linear sequence of short wavelength positive geoid anomalies associated with Vitoria–Trindade seamounts. (c) A NE-trending, 1000 km long and 800 km wide, 4 m-amplitude, positive geoid anomaly, which is located along the southeastern coast of Brazil, from latitude 24 to 35° S. The northern part of this anomaly correlates with the Ponta Grossa Arch and Florianopolis dyke swarm provinces. The age of this intrusive volcanism is 130–120 Ma. (d) A circular positive anomaly with 9 m of amplitude, located over the Rio Grande and Uruguay shields and offshore Pelotas basin. Few alkaline intrusives with ages between 65 and 80 Ma are found in the region and apatite fission track ages in basement rocks indicates cooling at around 30 Ma. A semi-quantitative analysis of the observed geoid anomalies using isostatic considerations suggests that the mechanism which generated Paraná CFB Province did not change, in a significant manner, the lithospheric thermal structure, since the same geoid pattern observed within this province continues northward over the Neoproterozoic fold/thrust belts systems separating the São Francisco and Amazon cratons. Therefore, this observation favours Anderson’s idea of rapid basaltic outpouring through a pull-apart mechanism along a major suture zone. A thermal component may still be present in the Southern São Francisco Craton and in the Rio Grande Shield and contiguous continental margins, sites of Tertiary thermal and magmatic reactivations.  相似文献   

日本俯冲带与IBM俯冲带位于太平洋板块、菲律宾海板块和欧亚板块三者的交汇地带,是典型的"俯冲工厂"地区,具有重要的研究意义.本文利用震源分布资料与卫星重力数据对日本俯冲带与IBM俯冲带进行了研究.通过空间重力异常反映了俯冲带地区的区域构造形态,在此基础上基于艾利模式计算了均衡异常以反映地壳均衡特征.利用震源分布资料,分别从垂直俯冲带走向与沿俯冲带走向划定了横截剖面(cross-sections)进行了地震提取,讨论了俯冲带地区的Wadati-Benioff带形态特征,并借助于俯冲带地震等深线图直观描述了俯冲带的俯冲形态.在日本俯冲带与伊豆—小笠原俯冲带各选取了一条典型剖面进行了重力2.5D反演,研究了俯冲带地区的壳幔结构特征.研究结果表明,九州—帕劳海脊与IBM岛弧在均衡异常上存在差异,前者已逐渐趋向于地壳均衡.IBM的Wadati-Benioff带存在明显的南北差异,反映出伊豆—小笠原俯冲板片停留在了660km转换带中,而马里亚纳俯冲板片很可能垂直穿过了这一转换带,造成这种南北差异的原因与板块相对运动、岩石圈黏性和年龄差异以及俯冲板片的重力效应等因素有关.在IBM的中部和南部存在板片撕裂现象.日本俯冲带的俯冲洋壳密度随俯冲深度变化较小,洋幔存在一定程度的蛇纹岩化,地幔楔蛇纹岩化作用不典型,海沟处有一范围较小的含水畸变带;伊豆—小笠原俯冲带俯冲洋壳密度随深度增大而明显增大,洋幔蛇纹岩化程度较日本俯冲带低,地幔楔蛇纹岩化作用强烈,板块交汇处存在明显的蛇纹岩底辟.日本俯冲带与IBM俯冲带一线自北向南板片俯冲变陡,两侧板块耦合度降低,与俯冲带两侧的板块运动速率差异有关.  相似文献   

Gorringe Ridge is a strong uplifted block of oceanic crust and upper mantle lying at the eastern end of the Azores-Gibraltar plate boundary. The geoid over this structure derived from Seasat altimeter data exhibits a 9-m height anomaly with a north-south lateral extension smaller than 200 km. An attempt is made to interpret this geoid together with the gravity anomalies and with the seismicity, which has been compiled as a function of depth.It is first shown that the flexure of the oceanic lithosphere due to the ridge loading does not provide a good fit of the geoid anomalies and probably should be discarded, as it assumes a continuous unfractured elastic plate.Models involving local heterogeneities are then tested. The comparison of the observed geoid anomalies with the anomalies due to the uncompensated relief indicates that the topographic high has no shallow compensation.Uncompensated models, previously proposed to explain the gravity anomalies, are tested using the geoid. One model (Purdy and Bonnin, in Bonnin [11]), which involves an uplift of upper mantle material at depth, generates too strong geoid anomalies and must be discarded. Another model, which represents a nascent subduction zone (Le Pichon et al. [25]), fits both the gravity and geoid anomalies, but leads to difficulties in explaining the deep seismicity north of Gorringe Ridge.A model in isostatic equilibrium is also able to fit both gravity and geoid anomalies. This model involves a deep root of density 3.0 g cm?3, as has been previously proposed for many oceanic ridges and plateaus. This model is compatible with the deep seismicity, but the origin of this low-density material at great depth is up to now an unresolved question.More likely, dynamical models taking into account the forces induced by the convection related to the slow plate convergence in this area will have to be considered.  相似文献   

The transformation from the gravimetric to the GPS/levelling-derived geoid using additional gravity information for the covariance function of geoid height differences has been investigated in a test area in south-western Canada. A “corrector surface” model, which accounts for datum inconsistencies, long-wavelength geoid errors, vertical network distortions and GPS errors, has been constructed using least-squares collocation. The local covariance function of geoid height differences is usually obtained from residual values between the GPS/levelling and gravimetric geoid heights after the elimination of all known systematic distortions. If additional gravity data (in the form of gravity anomalies) are available, the covariance function of geoid height differences can be determined by the following steps: (1) transforming the GPS/levelling-derived geoid heights into gravity anomalies; (2) forming differences between the computed in step 1 and given gravity anomalies; (3) determining the parameters of the local covariance function of the gravity anomaly differences; (4) constructing an analytical covariance model for the geoid height differences from the covariance function of the gravity anomaly differences using the parameters derived in step 3. The advantage of the proposed method stems from the great number of gravity data used to derive the empirical covariance function. A comparison with the least-squares adjustment shows that the standard deviation of the residuals of the predicted geoid height differences with respect to the control point values decreases by 2.4 cm.  相似文献   

New satellite technology to measure changes in the Earth’s gravity field gives new possibilities to detect layers of low viscosity inside the Earth. We used density models for the Earth mantle based on slab history as well as on tomography and fitted the viscosity by comparison of predicted gravity to the new CHAMP gravity model. We first confirm that the fit to the observed geoid is insensitive to the presence of a low viscosity anomaly in the upper mantle as long as the layer is thin ( 200 km) and the viscosity reduction is less than two orders of magnitude. Then we investigated the temporal change in geoid by comparing two stages of slablet sinking based on subduction history or by advection of tomography derived densities and compared the spectra of the geoid change for cases with and without a low viscosity layer, but about equal fit to the observed geoid. The presence of a low viscosity layer causes relaxation at smaller wavelength and thus leads to a spectrum with relatively stronger power in higher modes and a peak around degrees 5 and 6. Comparing the spectra to the expected degree resolution for GRACE data for a 5 years mission duration shows a weak possibility to detect changes in the Earth’s gravity field due to large scale mantle circulation, provided that other causes of geoid changes can be taken into account with sufficient accuracy. A discrimination between the two viscosity cases, however, demands a new generation of gravity field observing satellites.  相似文献   

This is the first of two papers that describes a regional tomography investigation, which combines P-wave arrival times of both regional and teleseismic earthquakes to obtain 3D mantle structures of East Asia up to 1 000 km depth. The most important findings of this tomography study are reported in this paper as follows. (1) No fast P-wave velocity anomalies can be related to subducted oceanic slabs beneath the 660 km discontinuity; instead the subducted oceanic slabs become flattened and stagnant within the transition zone. (2) The high velocity anomalies in the transition zone extend up to 1 500 km to the westward of the active trenches, which is a unique feature in the worldwide subduction systems. (3) Slow P-wave velocity anomalies are visible up to ~250 km underneath most of the East Asia on the east of 115°E, similar to the area of the stagnant slabs. These observations have important implications for the geodynamic process at depths beneath the East Asia, which might in turn control the widespread Cenozoic volcanism and associated extensional tectonics seen at the Earth's surface.  相似文献   

In a traditional analytical method, the convective features of Earth’s mantle have been inferred from surface signatures obtained by the geodynamic model only with depth-dependent viscosity structure. The moving and subducting plates, however, bring lateral viscosity variations in the mantle. To clarify the effects of lateral viscosity variations caused by the plate-tectonic mechanism, I have first studied systematically instantaneous dynamic flow calculations using new density-viscosity models only with vertical viscosity variations in a three-dimensional spherical shell. I find that the geoid high arises over subduction zones only when the vertical viscosity contrast between the upper mantle and the lower mantle is O(103) to O(104), which seems to be much larger than the viscosity contrast suggested by other studies. I next show that this discrepancy may be removed when I consider the lateral viscosity variation caused by the plate-tectonic mechanism using two-dimensional numerical models of mantle convection with self-consistently moving and subducting plates, and suggest that the observed geoid anomaly on the Earth’s surface is significantly affected by plate-tectonic mechanism as a first-order effect.  相似文献   

Introduction Major tectonic activities occur in collisions zones between plates or intra-plate continental blocks. Therefore, it is significant to investigate collision processes. We know that orogenic and seismic belts in plate margins are closely relate…  相似文献   

西太平洋俯冲带的研究及其动力学意义   总被引:42,自引:13,他引:42       下载免费PDF全文
讨论了西太平洋俯冲带的分布及特征、西太平洋Wadati-Benioff带的形态及俯冲带上的应力状态及太平洋板块、菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块之间的相互作用;总结了地震层析成像结果;计算了俯冲板块在地幔中引起的P波速度异常,提出了俯冲板块与660km间断面相互作用的4种可能;研究了俯冲板块物理性质的变化、俯冲板块产生的负浮力及其影响因素;提出需要开展俯冲带对东亚大陆构造运动和演化的影响、俯冲带相互关系及演化的研究.  相似文献   

An increasing number of seismological studies indicate that slabs of subducted lithosphere penetrate the Earth's lower mantle below some island arcs but are deflected, or, rather, laid down, in the transition zone below others. Recent numerical simulations of mantle flow also advocate a hybrid form of mantle convection, with intermittent layering. We present a multi-disciplinary analysis of slab morphology and mantle dynamics in which we account explicitly for the history of subduction below specific island arcs in an attempt to understand what controls lateral variations in slab morphology and penetration depth. Central in our discussion are the Izu-Bonin and Mariana subduction zones. We argue that the differences in the tectonic evolution of these subduction zones—in particular the amount and rate of trench migration—can explain why the slab of subducted oceanic lithosphere seems to be (at least temporarily) stagnant in the Earth's transition zone below the Izu-Bonin arc but penetrates into the lower mantle below the Mariana arc. We briefly speculate on the applicability of our model of the temporal and spatial evolution of slab morphology to other subduction zones. Although further investigation is necessary, our tentative model shows the potential for interpreting seismic images of slab structure by accounting for the plate-tectonic history of the subduction zones involved. We therefore hope that the ideas outlined here will stimulate and direct new research initiatives.  相似文献   

A Bouguer gravity anomaly map is presented of the North Sea and adjacent land areas in Norway and Denmark, covering an area situated between 56° and 62°N, 1°W and 10°E. The gravity data from the UK sector of the North Sea, the land and offshore areas of Denmark, and the land areas of Norway have been published before. However, the gravity data from the Norwegian sector of the North Sea are new. A large number (about 60) of individual gravity features can be defined in the mapped area. Most of those situated in the UK sector of the North Sea and on land in Norway have been discussed earlier; however, most of the anomalies found elsewhere which are qualitatively interpreted here have not been discussed before. An interpreted Bouguer anomaly map is presented which identifies all these features. The majority of the gravity anomalies encountered in the mapped area can be shown to be associated with one of the following geological features: (i) basement highs, (ii) large bodies of heavy basic or ultrabasic rock in the crystalline basement, (iii) large igneous intrusions within the sedimentary column and thick accumulations of volcanic rocks or their associated eruption centers, (iv) major basement faults. Large-scale geological structures such as the Central, Viking and Sogn Grabens and the East Shetland, Stord, Forth Approaches and Norwegian-Danish Basins are essentially in isostatic equilibrium and are only locally marked by relatively weak gravity minima. A residual gravity anomaly map has been produced by subtracting from the observed Bouguer anomalies the estimated gravity effect of an assumed thinned crust. This residual gravity anomaly map shows a number of features of the Bouguer anomaly field with greater clarity.  相似文献   

受俯冲残留体影响的410km间断面起伏形态的研究对于确定地球内部物质构成及地球动力学过程具有重要作用.帕米尔—兴都库什俯冲区域拥有全球少有的中、深源地震,为研究410km间断面起伏提供了良好的资源.利用日本Hi-net地震台网和美国TA台阵记录的帕米尔—兴都库什俯冲区域的6个震源深度为154.0~220.9km、震级为Mb5.6~6.4的中、深源地震的短周期/宽频带波形资料,经过4次根倾斜叠加处理,获得了36组Hi-net子台网和TA记录资料的倾斜叠加灰度图,从中提取了与410km间断面相关的次生转换震相SdP,发现受俯冲残留体影响下的410km间断面的深度位于372~398km.较之持续俯冲的西太平洋地区海洋岩石圈,研究区域俯冲滞留体对于410km间断面的相变线的影响要小得多.  相似文献   

Ample observational evidence shows that there is a northward crustal subduction zone underneath the Yarlung Zangbo suture between India and Eurasia. It penetrates Moho to a depth of about 100 km. There are probably multiple such crustal subductions under the Himalayas. They are different from lithosphere subduction during oceanic collisions. The detected slabs in the upper mantle north of the Yarlung Zangbo suture can be interpreted as remains of the Indian Plate’s mantle lithosphere. In contrary to ocean-continent subduction, the mantle lithosphere is delaminated from the crust as the Indian Plate subducts underneath Eurasia. Existing structural images of the crust and upper mantle of the Tibetan Plateau reveal that there were both northward and southward subductions over different geological periods, causing some seismic velocity anomalies around those subduction zones.  相似文献   

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