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In the Iblean region, southeast Sicily, a sequence of subaqueous and subaerial volcanics is interlayered in sedimentary levels, Upper Miocene to Lower Pleistocene in age. These rocks range from low-K tholeiites to basanites.Rare earth elements (REE) have been determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis in five samples, and other trace elements (Li, Rb, Sr, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni) by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in thirteen samples, already analyzed also for major elements.The tholeiites differ systematically from rocks of the alkalic suite for elements like Li, Sr and light REE (Sr < 200 ppm, Ce ? 15 ppm in the former; Sr > 500 up to 2000 ppm, Ce > 150 ppm in the latter), while Ni, Co, Cr and heavy REE ranges overlap in the two rock suites.The results agree in indicating different degrees of partial melting, probably at different levels in a heterogeneous mantle, as responsible for the origin of most of the rocks found in the Iblean region: the tholeiites should have been formed at relatively shallow depth by fusion of large proportions of a depleted mantle, while increasingly undersaturated volcanics of the alkalic suite have been probably generated at greater depth by partial melting of decreasing amounts of mantle material.  相似文献   

Some trace element data for volcanic rocks found at different levels, from Tertiary to Holocene, in south-eastern Sicily (Iblean Plateau and Mt. Etna) are presented and discussed in the present paper in order to better the information about the origin and relationships of the various rock types. Four groups of volcanic rocks have been recognized on the basis of their major element chemistry: 1) low-K tholeiites, 2) associated alkali basalts to nephelinites of the Iblean Plateau (Upper Pliocene to Lower Pleistocene), 3) the basal subalkaline lavas of Mt. Etna, and 4) the alkalic suite rocks that make up the bulk of the volcano. The distribution of Rb, Sr, Ni, Cr, Co, Cu, REE, Th and Sc suggests:
  1. an origin of the Iblean magmas by a different degree of partial melting of a Rb-poor and possibly slightly hetereogeneous mantle;
  2. quite distinct source compositions for the Etnean magmas, relative to those of the Iblean area, on the basis of their Rb and Sr contents;
  3. an origin of the alkalic rocks of Mt. Etna from independently generated magma(s) rather than by crystal fractionation of the Etnean subalkaline magmas or of a magma having the geochemical features of the Iblean alkali basalts; evidence for this is given by the distribution features of the incompatible elements showing an origin for these rocks from compositionally different parent magmas and/or an evolution under widely variable environmental conditions;
  4. the primary character for the chemical differences observed in some of the Etnean subalkaline rocks that can be accounted for by different physico-chemical conditions at their source rather than by crystal fractionation processes.

Siliciclastic sedimentary rocks,including sandstones and associated shales,from the Permo-Carboniferous Kanawar Group of NW Tethys Himalaya,Spiti Region,India were examined geochemically to monitor the evolutionary changes in the upper continental crust in the Himalaya.The rocks are characterized by consistent rare earth element(REE) patterns with light REE enrichment(La_N/Yb_N = 5.3-28.2) and flat heavy REE patterns.The∑REE values are high(up to 281 ppm) with large negative Eu anomalies(avg.Eu/Eu~* = 0.57).The REE characteristics of the sediments are similar to those of postArchean Australian shales and North American shale composite.La/Th values(avg.2.34) correspond to a relatively felsic composition of the terrestrial igneous rocks standard(La/Th of G-1 = 2.3).The evolved felsic composition of the sediments probably relates to widespread acidic activity in the source.The REE patterns and Th/U values seem to have been affected by the sedimentary environment as well as by the provenance.The presence of positive Ce anomalies in some sediments may be the result of post-depositional processes.Moreover,the Permo-Carboniferous sediments indicate that hydraulic sorting,even over short transport distances,is capable of concentrating enough accessory phases to influence REE composition and to develop negative Eu anomalies.High ∑REE,La/Yb,and Th/U contents and large negative Eu anomalies reveal that the sediments were deposited in an oxidizing environment,suggesting the surficial environment became oxidizing around the Carboniferous-Permian boundary in the Indian craton.  相似文献   

Analyses have been made of the REE contents of a suite of hydrogenous δMnO2-rich ferromanganese encrustations obtained from a variety of depths (1000–4700 m) on the Line Islands Archipelago. The crusts form a coherent sample group, the REE contents of which are distinctly higher than those of diagenetic nodules. Crusts from 1 to 2 km depth exhibit higher Mn/Fe ratios and are approximately 50% REE depleted with respect to crusts below ~ 2 km. Furthermore, the shale-normalised patterns of the REE fall into the same depth-related categories. Crusts from depths greater than 2000–2500 m exhibit slight heavy REE depletion relative to intermediate REE whilst crusts from above that level exhibit more fractionated, heavy-REE-enriched patterns.To explain these depth-related processes, it is proposed that Mn and Fe oxides exhibit distinct behaviour with respect to REE scavenging. Between ~ 1 and 2 km, higher Mn/Fe ratios in the crusts are considered to be caused by an enhanced supply of Mn2+ —by diffusion and advection from nearshore sediments—which is adsorbed by and occludes existing oxide flocs. At these depths, oxides therefore tend to exhibit predominantly Mn oxide adsorptive properties. Consideration of the REE patterns shows that Fe oxides must be enriched overall in REE relative to Mn oxides and exhibit a flat shale-normalised REE pattern, whilst Mn oxide exhibits a heavy-REE-enriched pattern.Comparison of dissolved REE depth profiles with the crust data enables a qualitative appraisal of the application of scavenging models to the oxide-REE system. The data are not simply described by either equilibrium or irreversible adsorption models alone. It is concluded that whilst oxides may play a general role in creating the LREE depleted seawater pattern, they have little effect on individual vertical profiles, except close to points where fresh oxides precipitate.  相似文献   

Geochemical analyses of granitic rocks from southwest England reveal that the rare earth elements (REE) were potentially mobile during hydrothermal and supergene alteration. In particular, trivalent REE were removed from the system during K-silicate alteration, Eu was lost during sericitic alteration; all REE were lost during tourmalinization, and light REE were lost during chloritization and argillic alteration. The fluids themselves had low concentrations of REE; in only one case (chloritization) were heavy REE introduced during alteration. Analysis of separated minerals indicated that the behaviour of the REE could be partly explained in terms of their different affinities for the primary and secondary assemblages. Thermodynamic calculations indicated that REE mobility is enhanced by the presence of fluorine in the alteration fluids partly because REE form more stable complexes with F than with Cl and partly because elements such as Ti, Zr and P that form REE-bearing minor phases are themselves potentially mobile.  相似文献   

The Western Mediterranean Jurassic ophiolites contain abundant volcanic rocks that resemble modern ocean floor basalts. In this paper we report analyses of rare earth elements (REE), transition elements (Ni, Co, Cr, V, Sc) and high field strength elements (Ti, P, Y, Zr, Ta, Hf) for metabasalts from representative ophiolite outcrops in the Eastern Alps, Corsica and the Northern Apennines (Liguria).The chemical characteristics of the metabasalts range from “normal” to “transitional” mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). Most chemical variation in the metabasalts from the different areas can be explained by low-pressure fractional crystallization, by differences in degree of partial melting, and by minor chemical heterogeneities of the source, but the “transitional” MORB characteristics of some metabasalts from Corsica (Balagne) might reflect formation from a source with different mineral and chemical composition. The estimated REE pattern of the source of the Liguria-type metabasalts corresponds to the pattern for certain Ligurian ultramafic rocks, which might therefore represent the residue from extraction of some ophiolitic lavas.While the Liguria-type ophiolitic metabasalts might represent products of a “normal”, for instance, oceanic ridge, the “transitional” metabasalts might be lavas erupted, during the early stages of opening of a small ocean basin, or along the continental margin of a larger ocean basin.  相似文献   

Rare earth element (REE) abundances determined by activation analysis in rocks, plagioclase and mafic separates from the Fiskenaesset Complex are presented together with data on major and trace elements in the minerals. The REE data for the rocks and plagioclases are distinct from those of many other anorthositic complexes and the abundances are some of the lowest recorded for plagioclase from terrestrial anorthosites. The bulk and trace element compositions of the Fiskenaesset plagioclases show a number of similarities to those of lunar plagioclases. The plagioclases show a positive Eu anomaly of about 10 and a depletion in the heavy REE relative to the light ones. The mafic separates are enriched in the heavy REE relative to the light ones, and show no Eu anomaly except in one sample with a positive anomaly not attributable to plagioclase contamination. It is estimated, from experimental partition coefficient data, that the REE pattern in the magma at an early stage of fractionation was La (17×) to Lu (0.7× chondrites) with a possible positive Eu anomaly. This highly fractionated REE pattern may be attributed to partial melting of a garnet-bearing source.  相似文献   

巢湖悬浮物中稀土元素(REE)的物源精确示踪作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过巢湖南灵钻孔(ACN)的植硅体化石的系统研究,划分出六个植硅体组合带.并根据各植硅体组合带主要成分所反映的生态特征,结合主成分分析法(PCA),恢复了该区中全新世以来的古气候与古环境变化:自5600 aBP以来气候划分为3个相对寒冷期(5600-5200 aBP、4600-3600 aBP、2500-2100 aBP)和3个相对温暖时期(5200-4600 aBP、3600-2500 aBP、2100-1800 aBP);并讨论了各个时期巢湖流域的环境变化.  相似文献   

Although rare earth elements(REEs)in magmatic zircons have been widely used to identify the type and compositional evolution of host rocks,REE distribution patterns during the chemical alteration of zircons need clarification.We investigated REE characteristics in zircons with different degrees of chemical weathering through systematic observation of a granodiorite-weathering profile in southeast China.Despite the relatively stable provenance of the studied profile(zircon U–Pb ages are95.2±4.8 Ma),the zircon REEs exhibited systematic differences in abundance and fractionation patterns from the bedrock to upper layers,e.g.∑PREE,(LREE/HREE)_(CN),and Ce/Ce*.This evidence suggests chemical alteration of zircons during intensive chemical weathering and an expected influence on REE variability in the weathered products due to the presence of REE-bearing minerals.  相似文献   

Rare earth element abundances have been measured in pyroxenitic (19.6% MgO) to gabbroic (7.7% MgO) rocks from the upper part of a thick, layered komatiite lava flow (Fred's Flow) in Munro Township, Ontario. This flow apparently erupted as a highly basic liquid which subsequently differentiated into layers of ultramafic cumulate rocks and a basaltic residual liquid. The analyzed rocks have compositions and spinifex or equigranular textures interpreted to indicate that they represent the complete range of liquids that were present during the differentiation of the lava.All the analyzed rocks are depleted in light REE, and also exhibit a slight depletion of Yb and Er relative to Gd and Dy. Chondrite-normalized Ce and Yb abundances range from 3.2 to 7.8 and 5.1 to 9.7 respectively. Proportions of fractionating minerals were estimated using a major element petrological mixing program and petrographic data. REE modeling based on these results indicates that the dominant process relating the samples is low-pressure fractional crystallization of olivine, followed at lower temperatures by clinopyroxene and plagioclase. Except for Eu, correspondence between observed and calculated REE abundances obviates any need to appeal to processes of major REE redistribution during diagenesis and low-grade metamorphism. Major differences in REE patterns of other ultramafic and mafic komatiitic lava flows [6,11], therefore, probably reflect different episodes of partial melting and/or differences in mantle source composition. The consistency of the REE in the layered flow, however, supports the concept that mafic komatiites can also be derived from ultrabasic parental magmas by low-pressure fractional crystallization. The light-REE-depleted patterns of these komatiites resemble those of modern MORB, suggesting that the mantle source of the komatiites had undergone a previous melting episode.  相似文献   

The origin of orogenic andesitic magmas is tested by calculations of REE fractionation in hydrous melts derived from partial melting of subducted ocean basalt in eclogite facies. New data on the subsolidus phase proportions of basaltic eclogite, the enrichment of LREE in altered ocean basalts, and experimentally determined REE partition coefficients (KD's) between garnet and melt have been included in trace element fractionation equations. Non-modal melting of phases combined with variation inKD's during melting is a unique feature of these calculations.Variation ofKD, melting proportions, initial proportion of subsolidus phases, degree of melting, and initial REE concentrations yield a wide range of input parameters that produce REE profiles in partial melts of basaltic eclogite matching REE profiles of some orogenic andesites. The positive correlation of REE concentration with silica content for many andesitic suites can be accounted for by non-modal melting if quartz (or a similar phase with low REEKD values) melts at a high melting proportion and garnet melts at a low melting proportion during the first stages of fusion. However, no mineralogic fractionation scheme can account for REE/silica systematics if REEKD values are linearly decreasing with increasing melting. Earlier workers who have used similar calculations to discredit the eclogite fractionation model have set overly strict, and sometimes incorrect, constraints concerning the range in REEKD values for garnet, the subsolidus proportions of phases in basaltic eclogite, and the relative concentrations of REE in subducted ocean crust undergoing partial melting.  相似文献   

Mineral and whole-rock REE abundances in garnet lherzolite and megacrystalline nodules from The Thumb display broad correlations with major element compositions. Lherzolites with > 12 modal % clinopyroxene plus garnet (“high-CaAl lherzolites”) have relatively flat chondrite-normalized whole-rock REE patterns. Lherzolites poor in clinopyroxene and garnet (“low-CaAl lherzolites”) have lower HREE in clinopyroxenes and garnets and higher whole-rock LREE/HREE. It is concluded that the low-CaAl lherzolites may have undergone LREE metasomatism after depletion of the major element compositions by partial melting and that much of the garnet now present was originally dissolved in aluminous orthopyroxene. The high-CaAl lherzolites may be interpreted either as primordial mantle samples or as products of equilibration with very LREE-enriched liquids. The “megacrystalline” nodules are medium- to ultracoarse-grained intergrowths and megacrysts with mineral compositions similar to discrete nodule suites in kimberlites. The REE abundances of the megacrystalline minerals are consistent with an origin as cumulates from magma with extremely fractionated REE, similar to minette or kimberlite.The patterns of correlation of REE and major elements in this inclusion suite are similar to the patterns observed in the garnet lherzolite and discrete nodule suites of southern African kimberlites. Both of the subcontinental mantle provinces represented by these suites contain three distinct petrogenetic components: refractory garnet lherzolite enriched in LREE and depleted in HREE, fertile garnet lherzolite with generally chondritic REE abundances, and a suite of ultracoarse minerals precipitated from magma with extremely fractionated REE generally similar to the host magmas.  相似文献   

REE, Y, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, Pb, Th, U, Zr, Hf, and Sn are reported for a basalt, low-Si andesite, andesite, high-K andesite, dacite and rhyolite from the calc-alkaline volcanic belt of Calimani-Harghita Mountains (Rumenian Carpathians). The basalt, low-Si andesite and andesite show identical chondrite-normalized REE patterns with fractionated light REE (La-Sa) and unfractionated heavy REE (Gd-Yb). The dacite shows similar pattern but lower ΣREE. The high-K andesite and rhyolite have a distinctively different REE pattern strongly fractionated for both light and heavy REE. These differences point to different genetical mechanism for the high-K andesite-rhyolite and basalt-low-Si andesite-andesite-dacite magmas. The high-K andesite and rhyolite magmas are believed to represent primary melts of an undergoing oceanic slab; the basalt, low-Si andesite, andesite and dacite magmas are considered to be produced by partial melting of garnet pyroxenite bodies derived by reaction between the primary melts of the undergoing oceanic slab and the peridotitic mantle overlying the Benioff zone.  相似文献   

地震预报中最难的是临震预报,而且最需要的也是临震预报。因此,寻找一种临震指标是非常重要的。大地微电流异常可能是一种能在地震前出现异常的观测方法,它具有地震前突变异常,而且是异常幅度明显的指标。通过大地微电流在云南,新疆,黑龙江和中国地震局地质研究所7个台站的实际观测结果可见,一般在地震前几天到20天左右出现异常,异常持续时间约2天。我们根据其异常规律,预测过5个地震的发生,特别是2007年6月3日云南省普洱6.4级和2008年7月7日黑龙江龙江县4.6级地震。  相似文献   

As a repository of REE, the Paleoproterozoic phosphorite of the Aravalli Basin in India is explored time to time. Paleoproterozoic phosphorite deposits of the Sallopat sub-basin Banswara district of the Aravalli Supergroup show moderate REE concentrations much lower than that of average marine phosphorites. Different ratios and PAAS-normalized REE distribution patterns reflect MREE enrichment over LREE and HREE in these phosphorites.MREE enrichment confirmed by(Sm/Yb)Nversus(Sm/Pr)Nrelationship ...  相似文献   

Rare earth elements in the pore waters of reducing nearshore sediments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The REE are mobile during early diagenesis in reducing nearshore sediments of Buzzards Bay leading to greatly enhanced concentrations in pore waters, e.g. 815 pmol kg−1 Nd and 1910 pmol kg−1 Ce within 30 cm of the sediment-seawater interface, about 10–50 times local seawater values. Two principal diagenetic reactions have been identified. Preferential Ce enrichment (positive Ce anomalies) and preferential heavy REE enrichment (light REE removal) in the pore waters is associated with redox cycling of Fe and Mn within the upper few centimeters of the sediment. Release of REE, without fractionation, from sediments and addition to pore waters occurs deeper within the sediment column. The impact on the bulk sediment chemistry is undetectable but the porewater gradients imply that there are significant dissolved REE fluxes, both internal to the sediment system and across the sediment-seawater interface.  相似文献   

Soluble rare earth element (REE) concentrations have been measured for five Pacific Northwest rivers (Columbia, Fraser, Klamath, Rogue, and Sacramento) using radiochemical neutron activation analysis. The relative abundances of the REE in river water resemble the REE abundance pattern in average sedimentary type rocks. The La material balance in the oceans is discussed.  相似文献   


断裂带同震温度响应,可在震后钻孔测温中获得并识别,为发震断层摩擦特性与发震机制等基础研究提供了非常独特的思路和有效手段.集集、汶川及日本东北大地震后,实施了台湾车笼埔断层钻探项目(TCDP)、汶川地震断裂带科学钻探工程(WFSD)和日本海沟快速钻探计划(JFAST).钻孔测温结果表明:滑移面上下5~20 m范围内存在温度正异常,这是同震摩擦生热所致,该机制已被广泛认识和接受;同时,距滑移面20~60 m范围内也存在明显的温度负异常,但其成因机制几乎还未被真正关注和认识.虽然温度负异常峰值只有正异常峰值的1/4~1/3,但温度负异常分布范围却是正异常分布范围的3~4倍,即正、负温度异常区对应的总能量基本相当.因此,断裂带震后钻孔测温中的负异常及其成因不容忽视.在详细分析几种可能的同震温度负异常机制后(如岩层热物性分布差异、流体运移、表面自由能增大及同震应力释放),发现能在理论、实验及野外观测上都得到支撑的普适性机制只有同震应力释放.这可能是断裂带震后温度负异常的主要原因.


IntroductionMany anomalies due to earthquake have been recorded in observation of earth-resistivity for30 years and over, which showed that there objectively existed the anomalies of each-resistivity.The crustal strUcture and medium conditions are quite complex, so the complexity of the temporal,spatial and intensive development of the anomalies is inevitable. Both of time and amplitUde ofanomalies among some stations near an epicenter are different (even among different observational directi…  相似文献   

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