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David Tai-Wai Hui Karen Kit-Ying Shum Ji Chen Shyh-Chin Chen Jack Ritchie John O. Roads 《Natural Hazards》2007,42(1):193-207
Seasonal climate forecasts are one of the most promising tools for providing early warnings for natural hazards such as floods
and droughts. Using two case studies, this paper documents the skill of a regional climate model in the seasonal forecasting
of below normal rainfall in southern China during the rainy seasons of July–August–September 2003 and April–May–June 2004.
The regional model is based on the Regional Spectral Model of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction of the United
States. It is the first time that the model has been applied to a region dominated by the East Asian Monsoon.
The article shows that the regional climate model, when being forced by reasonably good forecasts from a global model, can
generate useful seasonal rainfall forecasts for the region, where it is dominated by the East Asia monsoon. The spatial details
of the dry conditions obtained from the regional climate model forecast are also found to be comparable with the observed
distribution. 相似文献
Assessment of landslide susceptibility on the natural terrain of Lantau Island, Hong Kong 总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33
Steep terrain and the high frequency of tropical rainstorms make landslide occurrence on natural terrain a common phenomenon
in Hong Kong. For example, more than 800 slope failures were triggered by a rainstorm in November 1993 on Lantau Island, Hong
Kong. Maps of recent landslides interpreted from aerial photographs, in combination with a geographical information system,
were used to evaluate the frequency and distribution of landslides, with particular reference to such physical parameters
as lithology, slope gradient, slope aspect, elevation, vegetation cover, and proximity to drainage line, all of which are
considered to be influential in the occurrence of landslides. A stepwise logistic regression model was obtained between landslide
susceptibility and the above mentioned physical parameters. The study area has been classified into five classes of relative
landslide susceptibility, namely, very low, low, moderate, high, and very high, based on this methodology.
Received: 17 December 1999 · Accepted: 21 March 2000 相似文献
Seismic attenuation behaviour is controlled by a large number of wave modification mechanisms. The characteristics of some of these mechanisms are specific to a local area, whilst the remainder can be generalised to the entire seismic region. Factors representing these mechanisms are often not resolved. A new attenuation modelling approach is demonstrated in this paper (using Hong Kong as a case study), to evaluate individual regional and local wave modification factors. Shear wave velocity (SWV) information for the four prevalent geological formations found in Hong Kong was first obtained: (a) at shallow depths from instrumented boreholes; (b) at depths of up to 100–200 m from measurements using the Microtremor SPatial Auto-Correlation (SPAC) technique; (c) at depths of up to 1.5 km from the monitoring of quarry blasts; and (d) at depths from 1.5 to 8 km in the hard basement rock layers from results of seismological refraction surveys. The upper-crust amplification factor calculated from the four modelled rock SWV profiles was then combined with predicted attenuation parameters to determine the upper-crust modification factor (filter function) incorporating the local wave modification characteristics associated with Hong Kong geological formations. Such functions may then be combined with the regional attenuation characteristics in that part of the South China region. A seismic attenuation model was developed by combining the upper-crust modification factor with the regional source function of intra-plate earthquakes, based on stochastic simulations. The ground shaking model developed from the presented methodology is supported by the comparison with macro-seismic data of seven historical earthquake events affecting Hong Kong. 相似文献
Landslide susceptibility mapping in the Damrei Romel area, Cambodia using frequency ratio and logistic regression models 总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24
This study applied, tested and compared a probability model, a frequency ratio and statistical model, a logistic regression to Damre Romel area, Cambodia, using a geographic information system. For landslide susceptibility mapping, landslide locations were identified in the study area from interpretation of aerial photographs and field surveys, and a spatial database was constructed from topographic maps, geology and land cover. The factors that influence landslide occurrence, such as slope, aspect, curvature and distance from drainage were calculated from the topographic database. Lithology and distance from lineament were extracted and calculated from the geology database. Land cover was classified from Landsat TM satellite imagery. The relationship between the factors and the landslides was calculated using frequency ratio and logistic regression models. The relationships, frequency ratio and logistic regression coefficient were overlaid to make landslide susceptibility map. Then the landslide susceptibility map was compared with known landslide locations and tested. As the result, the frequency ratio model (86.97%) and the logistic regression (86.37%) had high and similar prediction accuracy. The landslide susceptibility map can be used to reduce hazards associated with landslides and to land cover planning. 相似文献
Use of satellite remote sensing data in the mapping of global landslide susceptibility 总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2
Satellite remote sensing data has significant potential use in analysis of natural hazards such as landslides. Relying on
the recent advances in satellite remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques, this paper aims to map
landslide susceptibility over most of the globe using a GIS-based weighted linear combination method. First, six relevant
landslide-controlling factors are derived from geospatial remote sensing data and coded into a GIS system. Next, continuous
susceptibility values from low to high are assigned to each of the six factors. Second, a continuous scale of a global landslide
susceptibility index is derived using GIS weighted linear combination based on each factor’s relative significance to the
process of landslide occurrence (e.g., slope is the most important factor, soil types and soil texture are also primary-level
parameters, while elevation, land cover types, and drainage density are secondary in importance). Finally, the continuous
index map is further classified into six susceptibility categories. Results show the hot spots of landslide-prone regions
include the Pacific Rim, the Himalayas and South Asia, Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Alps, and parts of the Middle
East and Africa. India, China, Nepal, Japan, the USA, and Peru are shown to have landslide-prone areas. This first-cut global
landslide susceptibility map forms a starting point to provide a global view of landslide risks and may be used in conjunction
with satellite-based precipitation information to potentially detect areas with significant landslide potential due to heavy
rainfall. 相似文献
Geochemical investigations of the slip zones of a landslide in granitic saprolite revealed that they have signatures distinct from their host materials. These distinctions include stronger Si depletion, higher Al enrichment, greater LOI, significant fixations of Mn, Ba and Ce, stronger negative Eu anomalies, and greater accumulations of other rare earth elements (REE). Altogether, these geochemical characteristics indicate that: (a) the slip zones have greater abundance of clays, consistent with field and microscopic observations; (b) concentration of clay size particles within the slip zones may have been from downward leaching and deposition, and lateral transportation of Al-Si solutions and colloids through pores and fractures within the saprolite; and (c) there were prevailing oxidation and poor drainage, and occasional reduction conditions within the slip zones. It was concluded that geochemical analyses could be effective in gathering clues for understanding the development and nature of slip zones in landslide investigations. 相似文献
A landslide susceptibility zonation (LSZ) map helps to understand the spatial distribution of slope failure probability in
an area and hence it is useful for effective landslide hazard mitigation measures. Such maps can be generated using qualitative
or quantitative approaches. The present study is an attempt to utilise a multivariate statistical method called binary logistic
regression (BLR) analysis for LSZ mapping in part of the Garhwal Lesser Himalaya, India, lying close to the Main Boundary
Thrust (MBT). This method gives the freedom to use categorical and continuous predictor variables together in a regression
analysis. Geographic Information System has been used for preparing the database on causal factors of slope instability and
landslide locations as well as for carrying out the spatial modelling of landslide susceptibility. A forward stepwise logistic
regression analysis using maximum likelihood estimation method has been used in the regression. The constant and the coefficients
of the predictor variables retained by the regression model have been used to calculate the probability of slope failure for
the entire study area. The predictive logistic regression model has been validated by receiver operating characteristic curve
analysis, which has given 91.7% accuracy for the developed BLR model. 相似文献
The main purpose of this study is to highlight the conceptual differences of produced susceptibility models by applying different sampling strategies: from all landslide area with depletion and accumulation zones and from a zone which almost represents pre-failure conditions. Variations on accuracy and precision values of the models constructed considering different algorithms were also investigated. For this purpose, two most popular techniques, logistic regression analysis and back-propagation artificial neural networks were taken into account. The town Ispir and its close vicinity (Northeastern part of Turkey), suffered from landsliding for many years was selected as the application site of this study. As a result, it is revealed that the back-propagation artificial neural network algorithms overreact to the samplings in which the presence (1) data were taken from the landslide masses. When the generalization capacities of the models are taken into consideration, these reactions cause imprecise results, even though the area under curve (AUC) values are very high (0.915 < AUC < 0.949). On the other hand, the susceptibility maps, based on the samplings in which the presence (1) data were taken from a zone which almost represents pre-failure conditions constitute more realistic susceptibility evaluations. However, considering the spatial texture of the final susceptibility values, the maps produced using the outputs of the back-propagation artificial neural networks could be interpreted as highly optimistic, while of those generated using the resultant probabilities of the logistic regression equations might be evaluated as pessimistic. Consequently, it is evident that, there are still some needs for further investigations with more realistic validations and data to find out the appropriate accuracy and precision levels in such kind of landslide susceptibility studies. 相似文献
在香港国家地质公园西贡火山岩园区,核心地质景观是白垩纪粮船湾组(Kkh)火山岩优美的六方形石柱(柱状节理),它们的岩石类型长期存在熔岩和火山碎屑岩之争。笔者等经野外调查和薄片岩石学研究,确认粮船湾组火山岩实属一种特殊的熔岩——流纹质碎斑熔岩,以普遍的柱状节理、斑晶具有碎斑结构和珠边结构、基质发育霏细结构和流动构造为特征;它们不仅代表了香港地区中生代最晚期火山喷发的产物,而且构成了西贡破火山机构的中央侵出相岩穹。推断粮船湾组火山岩石柱是地球上已知面积最大的流纹质碎斑熔岩石柱群(~150 km2),目前所见的火山岩石柱仅是长期剥蚀后的残余部分。 相似文献
香港西贡粮船湾组火山岩石柱区次生节理研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在香港世界地质公园西贡火山岩区,白垩纪粮船湾组发育有目前世界已知面积最大的流纹质碎斑熔岩石柱群。在详细的野外地质调查基础上,对粮船湾组火山岩石柱区的次生节理进行了研究,并探讨了柱状节理岩体的构造变形特征及过程。粮船湾组火山岩石柱区次生节理主要包括陡倾的纵节理及缓倾的横节理。前者多具有共轭剪节理的特征,形成于不同方向的挤压构造环境下;后者切割早期构造面理,形成于重力垮塌的构造环境,多发展为正滑断层。粮船湾组火山岩石柱总体上受次生节理改造明显,共轭节理反演的构造应力环境表明石柱区在140 Ma左右经历了快速的构造转换,主挤压应力由近NE-SW向转换为近NW-SE向,可能与莲花山断裂的构造活动相关。 相似文献
Magnetic susceptibility measurements were conducted on 24 vibrocores obtained from an area located off the northeastern coast of Lantau Island in Hong Kong. High intensities of magnetic susceptibility were detected in the uppermost sections of the majority of the cores. Several magnetic parameters measured for one of the cores suggest that the variations in the magnetic characteristics over depth are mainly due to varying concentrations of the magnetic minerals. Since a strong correlation has been found between magnetic susceptibility and the heavy metals Pb, Cu, Zn and Cr, an anthropogenic contamination origin is thought to be the cause. The present study shows that magnetic susceptibility is a fast, inexpensive and non-destructive method for the detection and mapping of contaminated sediments. Received: 12 August 1997 · Accepted: 18 November 1997 相似文献
Geomorphology and landslide susceptibility assessment using GIS and bivariate statistics: a case study in southern Italy 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
In this article, the results of a study aimed to assess the landslide susceptibility in the Calaggio Torrent basin (Campanian
Apennines, southern Italy) are presented. The landslide susceptibility has been assessed using two bivariate-statistics-based
methods in a GIS environment. In the first method, widely used in the existing literature, weighting values (Wi) have been calculated for each class of the selected causal factors (lithology, land-use, slope angle and aspect) taking
into account the landslide density (detachment zones + landslide body) within each class. In the second method, which is a
modification of the first method, only the landslide detachment zone (LDZ) density has been taken into account to calculate
the weighting values. This latter method is probably characterized by a major geomorphological coherence. In fact, differently
from the landslide bodies, LDZ must necessarily occur in geoenvironmental classes prone to failure. Thus, the calculated Wi seem to be more reliable in estimating the propensity of a given class to generate failure. The thematic maps have been reclassified
on the basis of the calculated Wi and then overlaid, with the purpose to produce landslide susceptibility maps. The used methods converge both in indicating
that most part of the study area is characterized by a high–very high landslide susceptibility and in the location and extent
of the low-susceptible areas. However, an increase of both the high–very high and moderate–high susceptible areas occurs in
using the second method. Both the produced susceptibility maps have been compared with the geomorphological map, highlighting
an excellent coherence which is higher using method-2. In both methods, the percentage of each susceptibility class affected
by landslides increases with the degree of susceptibility, as expected. However, the percentage at issue in the lowest susceptibility
class obtained using method-2, even if low, is higher than that obtained using method-1. This suggests that method-2, notwithstanding
its major geomorphological coherence, probably still needs further refinements. 相似文献
Predictive landslide susceptibility mapping using spatial information in the Pechabun area of Thailand 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Hyun-Joo Oh Saro Lee Wisut Chotikasathien Chang Hwan Kim Ju Hyoung Kwon 《Environmental Geology》2009,57(3):641-651
For predictive landslide susceptibility mapping, this study applied and verified probability model, the frequency ratio and
statistical model, logistic regression at Pechabun, Thailand, using a geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing.
Landslide locations were identified in the study area from interpretation of aerial photographs and field surveys, and maps
of the topography, geology and land cover were constructed to spatial database. The factors that influence landslide occurrence,
such as slope gradient, slope aspect and curvature of topography and distance from drainage were calculated from the topographic
database. Lithology and distance from fault were extracted and calculated from the geology database. Land cover was classified
from Landsat TM satellite image. The frequency ratio and logistic regression coefficient were overlaid for landslide susceptibility
mapping as each factor’s ratings. Then the landslide susceptibility map was verified and compared using the existing landslide
location. As the verification results, the frequency ratio model showed 76.39% and logistic regression model showed 70.42%
in prediction accuracy. The method can be used to reduce hazards associated with landslides and to plan land cover. 相似文献
Logistic regression versus artificial neural networks: landslide susceptibility evaluation in a sample area of the Serchio River valley,Italy 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
F. Falaschi F. Giacomelli P. R. Federici A. Puccinelli G. D’Amato Avanzi A. Pochini A. Ribolini 《Natural Hazards》2009,50(3):551-569
This article presents a multidisciplinary approach to landslide susceptibility mapping by means of logistic regression, artificial
neural network, and geographic information system (GIS) techniques. The methodology applied in ranking slope instability developed
through statistical models (conditional analysis and logistic regression), and neural network application, in order to better
understand the relationship between the geological/geomorphological landforms and processes and landslide occurrence, and
to increase the performance of landslide susceptibility models. The proposed experimental study concerns with a wide research
project, promoted by the Tuscany Region Administration and APAT-Italian Geological Survey, aimed at defining the landslide
hazard in the area of the Sheet 250 “Castelnuovo di Garfagnana” (1:50,000 scale). The study area is located in the middle
part of the Serchio River basin and is characterized by high landslide susceptibility due to its geological, geomorphological,
and climatic features, among the most severe in Italy. Terrain susceptibility to slope failure has been approached by means
of indirect-quantitative statistical methods and neural network software application. Experimental results from different
methods and the potentials and pitfalls of this methodological approach have been presented and discussed. Applying multivariate
statistical analyses made it possible a better understanding of the phenomena and quantification of the relationship between
the instability factors and landslide occurrence. In particular, the application of a multilayer neural network, equipped
for supervised learning and error control, has improved the performance of the model. Finally, a first attempt to evaluate
the classification efficiency of the multivariate models has been performed by means of the receiver operating characteristic
(ROC) curves analysis approach. 相似文献
This study evaluates the susceptibility of landslides in the Lai Chau province of Vietnam using Geographic Information System
(GIS) and remote sensing data to focus on the relationship between tectonic fractures and landslides. Landslide locations
were identified from aerial photographs and field surveys. Topographic, geological data and satellite images were collected,
processed, and constructed into a spatial database using GIS data and image-processing techniques. A scheme of the tectonic
fracturing of crust in the Lai Chau region was established. Lai Chau was identified as a region with many crustal fractures,
where the grade of tectonic fracture is closely related to landslide occurrence. The influencing factors of landslide occurrence
were: distance from a tectonic fracture, slope, aspect, curvature, soil, and vegetative land cover. Landslide prone areas
were analyzed and mapped using the landslide occurrence factors employing the probability–frequency ratio model. The results
of the analysis were verified using landslide location data and showed 83.47% prediction accuracy. That emphasized a strong
relationship between the susceptibility map and the existing landslide location data. The results of this study can form a
basis stable development and land use planning for the region. 相似文献
The likelihood ratio, logistic regression, and artificial neural networks models are applied and verified for analysis of
landslide susceptibility in Youngin, Korea, using the geographic information system. From a spatial database containing such
data as landslide location, topography, soil, forest, geology, and land use, the 14 landslide-related factors were calculated
or extracted. Using these factors, landslide susceptibility indexes were calculated by likelihood ratio, logistic regression,
and artificial neural network models. Before the calculation, the study area was divided into two sides (west and east) of
equal area, for verification of the models. Thus, the west side was used to assess the landslide susceptibility, and the east
side was used to verify the derived susceptibility. The results of the landslide susceptibility analysis were verified using
success and prediction rates. The verification results showed satisfactory agreement between the susceptibility map and the
existing data on landslide locations. 相似文献
Landslides in Sado Island of Japan: Part II. GIS-based susceptibility mapping with comparisons of results from two methods and verifications 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Lulseged Ayalew Hiromitsu Yamagishi Hideaki Marui Takami Kanno 《Engineering Geology》2005,81(4):432-445
Slope instability research and susceptibility mapping is a fundamental component of hazard management and an important basis for provision of measures aimed at decreasing the risk of living with landslides. On this basis, this paper presents the result of a comprehensive study on slope stability analyses and landslide susceptibility mapping carried out in part of Sado Island of Japan. Various types of landslides occurred in the island throughout history. Little is known about the triggering factors and severity of old landslides, but for many of the recent slope failures, the slope characteristics and stratigraphy are such that ground surfaces retain water perennially and landslides occur when additional moisture is induced during rainfall and snowmelt. A range of methods are available in literature for preparation of landslide susceptibility maps. In this study we used two methods namely, the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and logistic regression, to produce and later compare two susceptibility maps. AHP is a semi-qualitative method, which involves a matrix-based pair-wise comparison of the contribution of different factors for landsliding. Logistic regression on the other hand promotes a multivariate statistical analysis with an objective to find the best-fitting model that describes the relationship between the presence or absence of landslides (dependent variable) and a set of causal factors (independent parameters). Elevation, lithology and slope gradient were casual factors in this study. The determinations of factor weights by AHP and logistic regression were preceded by the calculation of class weights (landslide densities) based on bivariate statistical analyses (BSA). The differences between the AHP derived susceptibility map and the logistic regression counterpart are relatively minor when broad-based classifications are considered. However, with an increase in the number of susceptibility classes, the logistic regression map gave more details but the one derived by AHP failed to do so. The reason is that the majority of pixels in the AHP map have high values, and an increase in the number of classes gives little change in the spatial distribution of susceptibility zones in the middle. To verify the practicality of the two susceptibility maps, both of them were compared with a landslide activity map containing 18 active landslide zones. The outcome was that the active landslide zones do not completely fit into the very high susceptibility class of both maps for various reasons. But 70% of these landslide zones fall into the high and very high susceptibility zones of the AHP map while this is 63% in the case of logistic regression. This indicates that despite the skewed distribution of susceptibility indices, the AHP map was better to capture the reality on the ground than the logistic regression equivalent. 相似文献
This paper shows the importance that urban planning plays in the development of Hong Kong. This leads to a reassessment of the role of the government, which is the sole proprietor of the land, in the economy – while it acknowledges the importance of market forces. The first part shows how, since 1945, Hong Kong authorities have been obliged to intervene more in urban planning and local development, despite their liberal ideology. The second part focuses on the interaction between government action and market forces, and their influence in this development. The third part deals with the question of the economic integration between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta (PRD) after China started its economics reforms in 1978. The deconcentration of Hong Kong industries to China was mainly due to market forces, but provided a new role for the government. This role is analyzed through its transportation policy – the domain with the most visible governmental intervention before and after 1997. It indicates the preference of the government to develop the territory rather than better integration with the PRD, because of the internal economic problems that may emerge from this integration. Nevertheless, for political and economic reasons, this integration is also seen as necessary. The future of Hong Kong’s economy lies in the answers the authorities will give to this dilemma. 相似文献
Implementation of reconstructed geomorphologic units in landslide susceptibility mapping: the Melen Gorge (NW Turkey) 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
In the international literature, although considerable amount of publications on the landslide susceptibility mapping exist,
geomorphology as a conditioning factor is still used in limited number of studies. Considering this factor, the purpose of
this article paper is to implement the geomorphologic parameters derived by reconstructed topography in landslide susceptibility
mapping. According to the method employed in this study, terrain is generalized by the contours passed through the convex
slopes of the valleys that were formed by fluvial erosion. Therefore, slope conditions before landsliding can be obtained.
The reconstructed morphometric and geomorphologic units are taken into account as a conditioning parameter when assessing
landslide susceptibility. Two different data, one of which is obtained from the reconstructed DEM, have been employed to produce
two landslide susceptibility maps. The binary logistic regression is used to develop landslide susceptibility maps for the
Melen Gorge in the Northwestern part of Turkey. Due to the high correct classification percentages and spatial effectiveness
of the maps, the landslide susceptibility map comprised the reconstructed morphometric parameters exhibits a better performance
than the other. Five different datasets are selected randomly to apply proper sampling strategy for training. As a consequence
of the analyses, the most proper outcomes are obtained from the dataset of the reconstructed topographical parameters and
geomorphologic units, and lithological variables that are implemented together. Correct classification percentage and root
mean square error (RMSE) values of the validation dataset are calculated as 86.28% and 0.35, respectively. Prediction capacity
of the different datasets reveal that the landslide susceptibility map obtained from the reconstructed parameters has a higher
prediction capacity than the other. Moreover, the landslide susceptibility map obtained from the reconstructed parameters
produces logical results. 相似文献
Landslide susceptibility mapping: A comparison of logistic regression and neural networks methods in a medium scale study, Hendek region (Turkey) 总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36
Landslide susceptibility mapping is one of the most critical issues in Turkey. At present, geotechnical models appear to be useful only in areas of limited extent, because it is difficult to collect geotechnical data with appropriate resolution over larger regions. In addition, many of the physical variables that are necessary for running these models are not usually available, and their acquisition is often very costly. Conversely, statistical approaches are currently pursued to assess landslide hazard over large regions. However, these approaches cannot effectively model complicated landslide hazard problems, since there is a non-linear relationship between nature-based problems and their triggering factors. Most of the statistical methods are distribution-based and cannot handle multisource data that are commonly collected from nature. In this respect, logistic regression and neural networks provide the potential to overcome drawbacks and to satisfy more rigorous landslide susceptibility mapping requirements. In the Hendek region of Turkey, a segment of natural gas pipeline was damaged due to landslide. Re-routing of the pipeline is planned but it requires preparation of landslide susceptibility map. For this purpose, logistic regression analysis and neural networks are applied to prepare landslide susceptibility map of the problematic segment of the pipeline. At the end, comparative analysis is conducted on the strengths and weaknesses of both techniques. Based on the higher percentages of landslide bodies predicted in very high and high landslide susceptibility zones, and compatibility between field observations and the important factors obtained in the analyses, the result found by neural network is more realistic. 相似文献