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Sequences of Doppler images of the young, rapidly rotating late-type stars AB Dor and LQ Hya show that their equatorial angular velocity and the amplitude of their surface differential rotation vary versus time. Such variations can be modelled to obtain information on the intensity of the azimuthal magnetic stresses within stellar convection zones. We introduce a simple model in the framework of the mean-field theory and discuss briefly the results of its application to those solar-like stars. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In this paper we review four different types of X-ray and/or radio observations of active late-type stars. We then consider if a single magnetic source configuration – a toroidal dipole magnetic trap – can possibly explain these various different observations. We conclude that, indeed, dipole magnetic confinement (similar to the magnetic configurations of the Earth's radiation belts and the case of Jupiter and the Io torus) can explain all the diverse observational data. We take this to be very strong observational support for this type of magnetic confinement scheme. We also consider that this magnetic configuration is only likely to be established and maintained in the most active stars.  相似文献   

From Zeeman–Doppler images of the young, rapidly-rotating K0 dwarf AB Doradûs, we have created a potential approximation to the observed radial magnetic field and have evolved it over 30 d subject to the observed surface differential rotation , meridional flow and various diffusion rates. Assuming that the dark polar cap seen in Doppler images of this star is caused by the presence of a unipolar field, we have shown that the observed differential rotation will shear this field to produce the observed high-latitude band of unidirectional azimuthal field. By cross-correlating the evolved fields with the initial field each day we have followed the decay with time of the cross-correlation function. Over 30 d it decays by only 10 per cent. This contrasts with the results of Barnes et al. , who show that on this time-scale the spot distribution of He699 is uncorrelated. We propose that this is due to the effects of flux emergence changing the spot distributions.  相似文献   

On the Sun, the rotation periods of individual sunspots not only trace the latitude-dependence of the surface rotation rate, but also provide clues as to the amount of subsurface fluid shear. In this paper we present the first measurements of stellar differential rotation made by tracking the rotation of individual star-spots with sizes comparable to the largest sunspots. To achieve this we re-analyse four sequences of densely sampled, high signal-to-noise ratio echelle spectra of AB Doradus spanning several stellar rotations in 1996 December. Using spectral subtraction, least-squares deconvolution and matched-filter analysis, we demonstrate that it is possible to measure directly the velocity amplitudes and rotation periods of large numbers of individual star-spots at low to intermediate latitude. We derive values for the equatorial rotation rate and the magnitude of the surface differential rotation, both of which are in excellent agreement with those obtained by Donati & Collier Cameron from cross-correlation of Doppler images derived a year earlier in 1995 December, and with a re-analysis of the 1996 data by the χ 2 landscape method. The differences between the rotation rates of individual spots and the fitted differential rotation law are substantially greater than the observational errors. The smaller spots show a greater scatter about the mean relation than the larger ones, which suggests that buffeting by turbulent supergranular flows could be responsible.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the rotation rates of individual starspots on the rapidly rotating young K0 dwarf AB Doradus, at six epochs between 1988 December and 1996 December. The equatorial rotation period of the star decreased from 0.5137 to 0.5129 d between 1988 December and 1992 January. It then increased steadily, attaining a value of 0.5133 d by 1996 December. The latitude dependence of the rotation rate mirrored the changes in the equatorial rotation rate. The beat period between the equatorial and polar rotation periods dropped from 140 to 70 d initially, then rose steadily. The most rigid rotation, in 1988 December, occurred when the starspot coverage was at a maximum. The time-dependent part of the differential rotation is found to have     , which should alter the oblateness of the star enough to explain the period changes observed in several close binaries via the Applegate mechanism.  相似文献   

We present CCD photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of low-mass stars in the open cluster NGC 2516, which has an age of about 150 Myr and may have a much lower metallicity than the Pleiades. 24 probable F to early K type, single cluster members have been identified from their photometry and radial velocities, along with three possible spectroscopic binaries. The projected equatorial velocities are measured and compared with younger and older clusters. Several fast rotating late G /early K stars are seen, but all hotter stars have v e sin  i  < 20 km s−1. The data are consistent with angular momentum loss models with spin-down time-scales that increase from tens of Myr for G stars to hundreds of Myr for K stars. The observed X-ray activity is consistent with the currently accepted rotation–activity paradigm. Lithium abundances are derived from the Li  i 6708-Å line. The pattern of Li depletion is indistinguishable from that in the Pleiades, including a spread in the K0 stars, where the most rapid rotators suffer the least Li depletion. The observations argue in favour of either a metallicity in the range −0.1 < [Fe/H]< 0.0 for NGC 2516, or a lower metallicity and extra Li depletion through non-standard mixing modes which occurs on time-scales of only ∼ 50 Myr. Neither our low signal-to-noise ratio spectroscopy nor our photometry can constrain [Fe/H] sufficiently to decide between these possibilities. A detailed spectroscopic chemical abundance analysis is urgently required.  相似文献   

The surface differential rotation of active solar‐type stars can be investigated by means of Doppler and Zeeman‐Doppler Imaging, both techniques enabling one to estimate the short‐term temporal evolution of photospheric structures (cools spots or magnetic regions). After describing the main modeling tools recently developed to guarantee a precise analysis of differential rotation in this framework, we detail the main results obtained for a small number of active G and K fast rotating stars. We evoke in particular some preliminary trends that can be derived from this sample, bearing the promise that major advances in this field will be achieved with the new generation of spectropolarimeters (ESPaDOnS/CFHT, NARVAL/TBL). (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Some results from studies of the gas-grain chemistry in oxygen-rich circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) are presented.  相似文献   

Es wird ein modifizierter Index für das chromosphärische Aktivitätsniveau bei Sternen, A'Call, vorgeschlagen. Dieses wird auf Grund der in den H und K Ca II-Linienkernen gemessenen Strahlungsflußdichte berechnet, ist aber im Unterschied zu anderen bekannten Indizes frei vom Einfluß der Sternfarbe. Die Anwendung des neuen Indexes führt zu einer modifizierten Aktivität-Rotation-Beziehung bei Sternen im unteren Teil der Hauptreihe. Es ist nachgewiesen, daß im Koordinatensystem log A'Call, log Ro (Ro ist die Rossby Zahl) F-M-Sterne einer allgemeinen Beziehung mit dem Parameter α = 1.6 gehorchen. Die Kurve weist keine Zeichen von Aktivitätssättigung bei Sternen mit niedrigen Rossby-Zahlen auf, aber das Aktivitätsniveau strebt gegen einen konstanten Wert bei langsam rotierenden Sternen mit dünnen Konvektionszonen.  相似文献   

We study the sodium D lines (D1: 5895.92 Å; D2: 5889.95 Å) in late-type dwarf stars. The stars have spectral types between F6 and M5.5 ( B − V between 0.457 and 1.807) and metallicity between  [Fe/H]=−0.82  and 0.6. We obtained medium-resolution echelle spectra using the 2.15-m telescope at the Argentinian observatory Complejo Astronómico El Leoncito (CASLEO). The observations have been performed periodically since 1999. The spectra were calibrated in wavelength and in flux. A definition of the pseudo-continuum level is found for all our observations. We also define a continuum level for calibration purposes. The equivalent width of the D lines is computed in detail for all our spectra and related to the colour index ( B − V ) of the stars. When possible, we perform a careful comparison with previous studies. Finally, we construct a spectral index  ( R 'D)  as the ratio between the flux in the D lines and the bolometric flux. We find that, once corrected for the photospheric contribution, this index can be used as a chromospheric activity indicator in stars with a high level of activity. Additionally, we find that combining some of our results, we obtain a method to calibrate in flux stars of unknown colour.  相似文献   

We model stellar differential rotation based on the mean-field theory of fluid dynamics. DR is mainly driven by Reynolds stress, which is anisotropic and has a non-diffusive component because the Coriolis force affects the convection pattern. Likewise, the convective heat transport is not strictly radial but slightly tilted towards the rotation axis, causing the polar caps to be slightly warmer than the equator. This drives a flow opposite to that caused by differential rotation and so allows the system to avoid the Taylor-Proudman state. Our model reproduces the rotation pattern in the solar convection zone and allows predictions for other stars with outer convection zones. The surface shear turns out to depend mainly on the spectral type and only weakly on the rotation rate. We present results for stars of spectral type F which show signs of very strong differential rotation in some cases. Stars just below the mass limit for outer convection zones have shallow convection zones with short convective turnover times. We find solar-type rotation and meridional flow patterns at much shorter rotation periods and horizontal shear much larger than on the solar surface, in agreement with recent observations. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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