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This study reports a new dataset of whole-rock geochemistry, biotite chemistry, in situ zircon UPb geochronology and Hf isotope for a suite of granite and associated pegmatite samples from the Gubrunde region in the Eastern Nigeria Terrane (ENT), Nigeria. The Gubrunde granitic rocks are weakly ferroan, peraluminous and calc-alkalic to alkali-calcic in composition, and show I-type affinity. The zircon UPb geochronology gives an age of ~580 Ma for the rocks, although the presence of inherited zircons with early Pan-African ages of 696 ± 12, 647 ± 7 and 624–613 Ma are evident indicative of a complex history of their source rocks. The Gubrunde granite and the pegmatite yielded similar average Hf crustal model age TDM2 of 1.9 ± 0.1 Ga and εHf(t) values ?6.2 ± 1.2, suggesting that they may have sourced from reworked old crustal rocks with minor contributions from the mantle. The granite and the pegmatite were likely to connect by fractional crystallization under low to moderate pressure (~2.2 to 3.0 kbar) and temperature (~717 °C), and low oxygen fugacity (<ΔNNO ?1.14). The ca. 580 Ma magmatism may have been triggered by delamination of the lithospheric mantle as a consequence of crustal thinning during waning stage of the Pan-African orogeny.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine Rb-Sr whole-rock isotopic analyses and three U-Pb zircon analyses on foliated granites and largely unfoliated charnockitic rocks indicate that the central part of the Pan-African belt in west Africa was characterised by intense orogenic plutonism. These data and Rb-Sr analyses on muscovite books from late cross-cutting pegmatites indicate that the peak of magmatic activity occurred 610 ± 10 m.y. ago.Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios for the granitic and charnockitic rocks are in the range 0.7065–0.7125, and indicate a significantly older crustal component in the magmas.  相似文献   

The rare-earth element (REE) concentrations of representative granite samples from the southeast of the Obudu Plateau, Nigeria, were analyzed with an attempt to determine the signatures of their source, evolutionary history and tectonic setting. Results indicated that the granites have high absolute REE concentrations (190×10^-6-1191×10^-6; av.=549×10^-6) with the chondrite-normalized REE patterns characterized by steep negative slopes and prominent to slight or no negative Eu anomalies. All the samples are also characterized by high and variable concentrations of the LREE (151×10^-6-1169×10^-6; av.= 466×10^-6), while the HREE show low abundance (4×10^-6-107×10^-6; av.=28×10^-6). These are consistent with the variable levels of REE fractionation, and differentiation of the granites. This is further supported by the range of REE contents, the chondrite-normalized patterns and the ratios of LaN/YbN (2.30-343.37), CeN/YbN (5.94-716.87), LaN/SmN (3.14-11.68) and TbN/YbN (0.58-1.65). The general parallelism of the REE patterns, suggest that all the granites were comagmatic in origin, while the high Eu/Eu* ratios (0.085-2.807; av.=0.9398) indicate high fo2 at the source. Similarly, irregular variations in LaN/YbN, CeN/YbN and Eu/Eu* ratios and REE abundances among the samples suggest behaviors that are related to mantle and crustal sources.  相似文献   

The Swakop River exposes a unique structural section into the root of the Pan-African Damara orogenic belt (DOB) in Namibia formed as a result of collision between the Congo and the Kalahari cratons from ca. 550 to 500 Ma. The Central Zone of the Damara orogenic belt is characterized by amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism accompanied by intense partial melting. Three tectonic units are defined in the Central Zone based on the proportion and distribution of the granitic fraction, namely (1) a lower unit dominated by diatexites and comprising plutons of homogeneous granites, (2) a middle unit composed by metatexites with mainly a metasedimentary protolith, and (3) an upper unit corresponding to metamorphic rocks with intrusive leucogranitic sills and laccoliths. The increase in the granitic fraction with structural depth is suggesting an increase in the degree of partial melting and implies a relative inefficiency of magma mobility from the source to higher structural levels. The transition from metatexites of the middle unit to diatexites and granites of the lower unit is interpreted as reflecting the former transition from partially molten rocks to a crustal-scale magmatic layer. Mushroom-shaped granitic plutons in the lower unit are consistent with their emplacement as diapirs and the development of gravitational instabilities within the magmatic layer. In the middle unit, granitic veins concordant and discordant to the synmigmatitic foliation localized in structurally-controlled sites (foliation, boudin’s necks, shear zones, fold hinges) indicate that, within the partially molten zone, deformation plays the dominant role in melt segregation and migration at the outcrop scale. Melt migration from the partially molten zone to the intrusive zone is related to the build-up of an interconnected network of dikes and sills with diffuse contacts with the migmatitic hosts in the middle unit. In contrast, the upper unit is characterized by homogeneous leucogranitic plutons in sharp intrusive contact with genetically unrelated host rocks suggest that part of the melt fraction has migrated upward from its source to an intrusive zone.  相似文献   

The Tongolo Anorogenic Complex consists of peraluminous biotite granites and peralkaline riebeckite granites in which mineralization is spatially associated with the peraluminous biotite granites. Metallization is dominated by Nb-Sn and Sn-W types. Geochemical analyses of fresh bedrock samples indicate that the Tongolo biotite granites are characterized by enhanced values of a suite of trace elements (Sn, Nb, W, Zn, Rb, Li, F, Th, Y, U) which readily identify them as “specialized” granites. These geochemical data are also examined by R-mode factor analysis with the primary objective of isolating the significant factors accounting for the sample composition as derived from mineralization, alteration and lithology. The resulting orthogonal varimax solution yields a three-factor model that accounts for 79.7% of the total variance. These granite series are marked by what is interpreted as the “lithophile factor” (heavily loaded by Li, Rb, F, Th, Ga, Y, U) dominated by magmatic processes and metallization factors (Nb, Zr, Ga, U, Zn, Li and Sn, W, Rb, F, Th) which are dominated by postmagmatic processes. The two dominant types of mineralization (Nb-Sn and Sn-W), although characterized by the same pattern of trace-element enrichments, can be discriminated on the basis of Rb/Zr and Sn-Li-F relationships.  相似文献   

Rare metal mineralization of Sn, Nb-Ta and W is encountered in the Gebel Dihmit area (GDA), southeastern Aswan, Egypt. The mineralization is related to muscovite granites and their pegmatite derivatives. The pegmatites are divided into three types according to their main mineral assemblages: K-feldspar-muscovite-tourmaline, K-feldspar-albite-muscovite and albite-K-feldspar-lepidolite veins. Petrogenetic studies indicate that Sn and Nb-Ta mineralization extends from the late-magmatic stage to the pegmatite and hydrothermal stages of the (GDA) suite. The albite-K-feldspar-lepidolite granite is composed dominantly of albite, lepidolote, and quartz, with topaz, K-feldspar and amblygonite. The accessory minerals are zircon, monazite, pollucite, columbite-tantalite, microlite and Ta-rich cassiterite. Phenocrysts of quartz, topaz and K-feldspar contain abundant inclusions of albite laths and occasional lepidolite crystals along growth zones (snowball texture), indicating simultaneous crystallization from a subsolvus, residual magma. The origin of the pegmatites is attributed to extreme differentiation by fractional crystallization of a granitic magma. The economic potential for rare metals was evaluated in the geochemical discrimination diagrams. Accordingly, some of the pegmatites are not only highly differentiated in terms of alkalis, but also the promising targets for small-scale Ta and, to a less extent, Sn. The pegmatites also provide the first example of Fe-Mn and Nb-Ta fractionation in successive generations of granites to cassiterite-bearing pegmatites, which perfectly ex- hibit similar fractionation trends established for primary columbite-tantalite in the corresponding categories of pegmatites. Uranium and Th of magmatic origin are indicated by the presence of thorite and allanite, whereas evidence of hydrothermal mineralization is the alteration of rock- foring minerals such as feldspar and the formation of secondary minerals such as uranophane..  相似文献   

Analysis the development of large fluid segregations in a flux of small fluid bubbles during the degassing of granitic (pegmatitic) melts indicates that the velocity of the buoyant ascent of fluid bubbles depends on their sizes, the viscosity and density of the melts, and the duration of melt flow. Possible variants of the primary and secondary boiling of magma are discussed depending on the P-T conditions and concentrations of H2O, F, B, and other components dissolved in the magma. The possible density ranges of the fluid phases are considered, along with the viscosity and density of granitic (pegmatitic) melts, velocities of the buoyant ascent of fluid bubbles in them, and the processes of their coalescence and accumulation in the temperature range of 650–850°C. Provisional evaluates are obtained for the duration of melt crystallization and the development of intrusive massifs and dikes of granites and syngenetic intragranite and epigenetic (intruded into the host rocks) granite pegmatites. Simulation data and geological observations suggest that large fluid segregations were formed already in the magma chambers in which the heterogeneous granite (pegmatitic) magma was derived, before its emplacement into the host rocks. These generation regions could be magma chamber areas within granite intrusions, in which melts enriched in volatiles were accumulated and then degassed with the release of fluid phases of various composition and density. The crystallization of fluid-rich melts under favorable conditions gives rise to granites with miarolitic structures. The emplacement of heterogeneous pegmatitic magma (which consists of immiscible silicate melts and large fluid segregations) into the host rocks results in that these segregations (would-be miaroles) occur in any part of the pegmatite-hosting chamber. This explains why miaroles of significantly different composition and with broadly varying proportions of their filling minerals may occur in various parts of pegmatite veins or their swells, as well as near contacts with the host rocks.  相似文献   

The major, minor and trace element chemistry of schorlites from Hercynian granitoids in Northern Portugal indicates that the composition of schorlites varies systematically in comagmatic sequences of granite, aplite and pegmatite. The compositional variation appears to be the result of a magmatic fractionation process. A subsequent recrystallization has not appreciably altered the chemistry of these schorlites. Schorlite coexisting with biotite and muscovite contains more Ti, Mg, La, ∑Ce and less Fe2+ + Fe3+ than sehorlite coexisting with muscovite alone.  相似文献   

Negative Eu anomalies in the REE spectra of granitic rocks are usually interpreted as evidence of earlier separation of a mineral phase such as plagioclase. Our study of the behaviour of the REE, and of U and Th, during late stage alteration of granites and the formation of pegmatites, suggests an alternative means for producing Eu anomalies. Albitization of earlier-formed plagioclase has depleted the granites in Eu and enriched the pegmatites in this element. This process is linked to the mobilization of U in the granites which is dependent on the oxidation state of the fluids. A systematic correlation between the ratios EuCe and UTh leads us to suggest a similar explanation for irregularities in the abundances of Ce and other rare-earths in the REE spectra of these rocks.We suggest that anomalous behavior of Eu in other environments or processes such as the alteration of basalt and the formation of certain ore deposit types may be caused partly by this mechanism.  相似文献   

The major-, minor- and trace-elements chemistry of Hercynian granitoids and their minerals from the central area of northern Portugal indicates that the composition of the rocks and also of their minerals varies in the comagmatic sequence of granite, aplite and pegmatite. The compositional variation appears to be the result of a magmatic fractionation process and the minor and trace elements play an important role mainly in the trend aplite→pegmatite coexisting in the same vein, particularly for the minerals. A subsequent recrystallization of granites and aplites apparently did not alter the chemistry.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the radioactivity and mineralogy of the younger granites and pegmatites in the Wadi Haleifiya area, southeastern Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. The area is occupied by metasediments, migmatites, older and younger granites. Most of these rocks, especially granites, are dissected by mafic and felsic dykes as well as pegmatites. The younger granites are represented by three main varieties: monzogranites, syenogranites and alkali feldspar granites. The monzogranite consists essentially of quartz, plagioclase, potash feldspar and biotite with minor musco-vite. Iron oxide, titanite, zircon and allanite are the main accessory minerals. Syenogranite is massive, medium- to coarse-grained and commonly exhibits equigranular and hypidiomorphic textures. It is made up essentially of potash feldspar, quartz, plagioclase and biotite. Iron oxides, allanite, epidote, titanite, and zircon are accessory minerals. The alkali feldspar granite consists mainly of perthite, quartz, alkali amphibole (arfvedsonite and riebekite), biotite, sub-ordinate plagioclase and aegirine. Iron oxide, zircon and apatite are accessory minerals, whereas chlorite and sas-surite are secondary minerals. The altered monzogranite and pegmatite recorded high radioelement contents. The eU reaches up to 120 (av.=82×10-6) in the altered monzogranite and up to 55 (av.=27×10-6) in the pegmatites. The high radioactivity in the altered monzogranite is due to the presence of thorite, uranothorite and metamict zircon. In the pegmatites, it is re-lated to the presence of uranophane, uranothorite, thorite, zircon, samarskite, monazite, xenotime, magnetite, ilmen-ite, hematite and rutile.  相似文献   

研究区位于华北板块北缘中段,紧邻兴蒙造山带,是研究古生代—中生代地壳增生演化的重要地区。本文对区内三个花岗岩体进行了锆石LA-ICP-MSU-Pb定年及岩石地球化学研究。结果表明阿玛乌苏花岗闪长岩形成于267±9Ma(MSWD=9.7);布龙二长花岗岩和格尔图白云母正长花岗岩分别侵位于239±4Ma和238±6Ma(MSWD=0.91);而侵入格尔图白云母正长花岗岩的白云母二长花岗岩脉则获得了224±8Ma(MSWD=5.7)的侵位年龄。岩石地球化学特征显示阿玛乌苏花岗闪长岩为岩浆混合成因,暗示大规模岩浆底侵作用的存在;格尔图白云母正长花岗岩具明显的稀土元素"四分组"效应,是分异岩浆与流体作用的结果,可能经历一定程度的地壳混染,非真正意义上的S型花岗岩,属于造山后岩浆热事件,应代表造山的结束。格尔图白云母正长花岗岩及白云母二长花岗岩脉均受到热液流体作用,说明在中三叠世(224~238Ma),区内一直存在有大量的热液流体活动,且热液流体可能富含F和Cl,区内产出的大规模的萤石矿是否为该期流体活动的产物尚需进一步工作。  相似文献   

东秦岭构造带发育大量古生代花岗岩和赋存稀有金属以及铀矿床(化)的花岗伟晶岩,但二者的成因联系尚不清楚。因此,文章统计了花岗岩和花岗伟晶岩的年龄,并对比了二者全岩和矿物的元素和同位素组成,以此探讨二者之间的成因联系。年龄统计结果表明花岗岩形成于3期岩浆活动:第一期(490~500 Ma)形成了区域上最大的漂池S型花岗岩体;第二期(435~460 Ma)峰期约为450 Ma,形成了东秦岭广泛发育的二长花岗岩,为区域上最大的灰池子I型花岗岩体的主体岩性;第三期(约420 Ma)形成了分布范围和规模均较小的正长花岗岩。赋存稀有金属矿床(化)的花岗伟晶岩形成时代为380~440 Ma,而赋存铀矿床(化)的黑云母花岗伟晶岩形成时代约为420 Ma,与第三期正长花岗岩的形成时代相同。稀有金属矿化伟晶岩与漂池岩体的锆石Lu-Hf同位素组成相似,说明二者均为秦岭群部分熔融的产物,但并不存在演化关系。另一方面,相似的全岩Sr-Nd和锆石Lu-Hf同位素组成表明正长花岗岩与黑云母花岗伟晶岩具有相同的源区,而且二者具有相似的全岩微量元素组成和黑云母离子替代方式,暗示它们存在演化关系。正长花岗岩母岩浆的温度比黑云母花岗伟晶岩母岩浆高100℃,而且从正长花岗岩到黑云母花岗伟晶岩锆石中U含量升高而Ti和重稀土元素(HREE)含量降低,说明黑云母花岗伟晶岩是同时期正长花岗岩分异晚期的产物。  相似文献   

本文通过黑云母的电子探针方法测试,分析闽西南地区才溪岩体、四方岩体及罗卜岭岩体中黑云母的地球化学特征及其成因意义.测试结果表明,才溪二长花岗岩中的黑云母为高铁黑云母,而四方花岗闪长岩及罗卜岭花岗闪长斑岩中的黑云母为高镁黑云母,在由黑云母成分确定的物质来源图上,它们均落入壳-幔混合源区域,表明其成因类型都是壳-幔混源型花岗岩,但随着形成时代的逐渐变新,其物质组成成分中幔源组分逐渐增多.  相似文献   

Three Pan-African hypersthene-bearing monzogranitic and quartz–monzonitic plutons from the Eastern terrane of Nigeria have been investigated in detail. New major, trace and REE data, used to constrain their origin and nature, indicate that they display chemical features of ferro-potassic trans-alkaline affinity. Further trace element discrimination suggests (i) production of calc-alkaline medium-K diorite magmas by partial melting of fluid-metasomatised mantle wedge possibly combined with melts from the dehydration partial melting of altered oceanic crust; (ii) simultaneously production of the granite–quartz–monzonite ferro-potassic magmas from partial melting of hornblende-bearing granodioritic crustal sources; (iii) mixing of the two magmas. Sr initial ratios of 0.707 to 0.711 witness that the source of the granite magmas is the lower crust. Ages of the lower crustal granulitic protoliths is bracketed by Nd model ages between 1.9 and 2.2 Ga. Pb evaporation ages on single zircons constrain the emplacement of the three plutons around 580 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar ages of amphiboles at about 560 Ma suggest cooling rates around 15°C/Ma. Extensive field work has established that pluton emplacement occurred during a regional north–south dextral strike-slip tectonics following the 630–610 Ma stage of oblique continent–continent collision in this part of west Africa.  相似文献   

The Oban Basement Massif of southeastern Nigeria is composed of metamorphosed rocks including phyllites, schists, gneisses and amphibolites cut by pegmatitic dykes of varying length and thickness, which intruded the metamorphic rocks. Preliminary geochemical study and analysis of these pegmatites from western Oban Massif at Uyanga, Akwa Ibami, Iwuru I, Iwuru Ⅱ and Igbofia showed that the pegmatites are highly albitized. This is incon-sistent with earlier postulations that the pegmatites in this part of Nige...  相似文献   

杨奇荻  曹亮  刘阿睢  李斌  赵凯  胡鹏  崔森  戴平云 《地质通报》2023,42(8):1334-1352
尼日利亚中生代环状杂岩中产出丰富的含锡(铌钽)等多金属的花岗岩, 其中与成矿相关且占主体的2种岩石类型是碱性花岗岩和黑云母花岗岩, 前者具有含碱性暗色矿物过碱质特征, 后者具有含黑云母过铝质特征。前人对2种共生的岩石对锡(铌钽)成矿作用可能的制约机制还未深入探讨, 综合分析前人研究资料, 为理解非造山A型花岗岩锡(铌钽)成矿作用提供新视角, 进一步明确找矿方向。2种岩石绝大多数在侏罗纪侵位, 但在同一杂岩体中, 碱性花岗岩锆石结晶普遍稍早于黑云母花岗岩, 且前者分异程度稍弱于后者。碱性花岗岩是起源于富集地幔岩浆在极端分离结晶作用下的产物, 但此过程中有部分地壳物质的混染。过铝质黑云母花岗岩并非与造山型过铝质花岗岩一样来自地壳物质的熔融, 它更可能是来自于碱性花岗岩同一母岩浆演化的另一个混染了更多地壳物质的晚期分支。与俯冲背景的成锡花岗岩一样, 尼日利亚锡多金属富集主要与弱过铝质黑云母花岗岩有关, 受岩浆后期出溶流体的显著影响。碱性花岗岩对锡(铌钽)元素的富集程度, 大致代表了未受出溶流体影响时共生黑云母花岗岩的锡(铌钽)含量。成矿物质来源为泛非基底围岩, 元素的富集成矿主要被分离结晶和流体出溶行为控制。尼日利亚不成矿环状杂岩体中, 黑云母花岗岩和碱性花岗岩的锡(铌钽)含量都偏低, 两者的Sn含量范围为4×10-6~13×10-6; 而对于成矿杂岩体, 两者锡(铌钽)含量基本高于不成矿杂岩体, 但其中与成矿密切相关的黑云母花岗岩锡(铌钽)含量反而较碱性花岗岩偏低, 其中碱性花岗岩Sn含量范围为21×10-6~205×10-6, 黑云母花岗岩Sn含量范围为10×10-6~62×10-6, 表明熔体中成矿元素含量高低及后期流体出溶是决定能否成矿的关键。因此, 高锡(铌钽)含量杂岩体中具有较低Sn含量的黑云母花岗岩是寻找锡多金属矿的第一选择。  相似文献   

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