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A variably saturated flow model is coupled to a first-order reliability algorithm to simulate unsaturated flow in two soils. The unsaturated soil properties are considered as uncertain variables with means, standard deviations, and marginal probability distributions. Thus, each simulation constitutes an unsaturated probability flow event. Sensitivities of the uncertain variables are estimated for each event. The unsaturated hydraulic properties of a fine-textured soil and a coarse-textured soil are used. The properties are based on the van Genuchten model. The flow domain has a recharge surface, a seepage boundary along the bottom, and a no-flow boundary along the sides. The uncertain variables are saturated water content, residual water content, van Genuchten model parameters alpha (α) and n, and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The objective is to evaluate the significance of each uncertain variable to the probabilistic flow. Under wet conditions, saturated water content and residual water content are the most significant uncertain variables in the sand. For dry conditions in the sand, however, the van Genuchten model parameters α and n are the most significant. Model parameter n and saturated hydraulic conductivity are the most significant for the wet clay loam. Saturated water content is most significant for the dry clay loam. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The unsaturated fractured volcanic deposits at Yucca Mountain in Nevada, USA, have been intensively investigated as a possible repository site for storing high-level radioactive waste. Field studies at the site have revealed that there exist large variabilities in hydrological parameters over the spatial domain of the mountain. Systematic analyses of hydrological parameters using a site-scale three-dimensional unsaturated zone (UZ) flow model have been undertaken. The main objective of the sensitivity analyses was to evaluate the effects of uncertainties in hydrologic parameters on modeled UZ flow and contaminant transport results. Sensitivity analyses were carried out relative to fracture and matrix permeability and capillary strength (van Genuchten α) through variation of these parameter values by one standard deviation from the base-case values. The parameter variation resulted in eight parameter sets. Modeling results for the eight UZ flow sensitivity cases have been compared with field observed data and simulation results from the base-case model. The effects of parameter uncertainties on the flow fields were evaluated through comparison of results for flow and transport. In general, this study shows that uncertainties in matrix parameters cause larger uncertainty in simulated moisture flux than corresponding uncertainties in fracture properties for unsaturated flow through heterogeneous fractured rock.  相似文献   

Soil structural disturbance influences the downward flow of water that percolates deep enough to become aquifer recharge. Data from identical experiments in an undisturbed silt-loam soil and in an adjacent simulated waste trench composed of the same soil material, but disturbed, included (1) laboratory- and field-measured unsaturated hydraulic properties and (2) field-measured transient water content profiles through 24 h of ponded infiltration and 75 d of redistribution. In undisturbed soil, wetting fronts were highly diffuse above 2 m depth, and did not go much deeper than 2 m. Darcian analysis suggests an average recharge rate less than 2 mm/year. In disturbed soil, wetting fronts were sharp and initial infiltration slower; water moved slowly below 2 m without obvious impediment. Richards’ equation simulations with realistic conditions predicted sharp wetting fronts, as observed for disturbed soil. Such simulations were adequate for undisturbed soil only if started from a post-initial moisture distribution that included about 3 h of infiltration. These late-started simulations remained good, however, through the 76 d of data. Overall results suggest the net effect of soil disturbance, although it reduces preferential flow, may be to increase recharge by disrupting layer contrasts.  相似文献   

A numerical model of the complex interaction between fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical reactions of the shallow, coastal, hydrothermal system of Waiwera (New Zealand) is used to test the proposed conceptual model of the field.Due to declining water levels, resulting from over-exploitation during the 1970s, the objective here was to set up a coupled fluid flow and heat transfer model to help in enabling a predictive and sustainable use of the resource. The presented conceptual model of the area is based on hydraulic, thermal, and chemical field observations, which date back as far as 1863. The numerical simulations were carried out with the reactive transport code SHEMAT.The inflow of geothermal water at the bottom of the reservoir prevents seawater from entering the aquifer. If seawater intrusion occurs, it is due to over-exploitation and happens in the upper parts of the aquifer. This is in contrast to common seawater-freshwater interfaces where seawater intrudes at the bottom. The numerical investigations emphasize that, after modifications of the production regime in the late 1980s, the system is recovering again.Additionally, geochemical calculations have been conducted to answer the question if dissolution or precipitation reactions might change the hydraulic properties of the geothermal aquifer. Mixing of fresh, geothermal, and seawater, although each of them in thermodynamic equilibrium with calcite, lead to calcite precipitation or dissolution. Nevertheless, the simulations show that the hydraulic properties of the aquifer are not significantly affected by dissolution or precipitation.
Resumen Se ha utilizado un modelo numérico de la interacción compleja entre el flujo de fluidos, la transferencia de calor y las reacciones químicas del sistema hidrotermal costero poco profundo de Waiwera (Nueva Zelanda) con el objeto de probar el modelo conceptual del área propuesto. Debido a los niveles de agua decrecientes, el objetivo de este trabajo es establecer un modelo pareado del flujo de aguas y de la transferencia de calor para colaborar en el uso predecible y sostenible del recurso. El modelo conceptual del área presentado está basado en observaciones de terreno hidráulicas, termales y químicas que datan de 1863. Las simulaciones se llevaron a cabo con el código de transporte reactivo SHEMAT. El influjo de agua geotermal al fondo del reservorio impide que el agua de mar entre en el acuífero. Si la intrusión de agua de mar se presenta, esto sucede a causa de la sobreexplotación y ocurre en las partes superiores del acuífero. Esto contrasta con las interfaces comunes de agua de mar-agua dulce donde la intrusión del agua de mar se da al fondo. Las investigaciones numéricas enfatizan que el sistema se está recuperando de nuevo luego de las modificaciones al regimen de producción a fines de los 80. Adicionalmente, los cálculos geoquímicos están dirigidos a contestar si las reacciones de disolución o precipitación pueden cambiar las propiedades hidráulicas del acuífero geotérmico. La mezcla de agua dulce, geotermal y de mar causa precipitación o disolución de calcita a pesar de que cada una de ellas se encuentra en equilibrio termodinámicao con la calcita. Sin embargo, las simulaciones muestran que las propiedades hidráulicas del acuífero no son afectadas siginificativamente por la disolución o precipitación.

Résumé Un modèle numérique de linteraction complexe entre lécoulement de leau, le transfert de chaleur et les réactions chimiques du système hydrothermal côtier peu profond de Waiwera (Nouvelle-Zélande) est utilisé afin de tester le modèle conceptuel. Lobjectif est de bâtir un modèle couplé découlement et de transfert de chaleur afin dencourager une approche prévisioniste et une utilisation durable de la ressource en réponse à des niveaux deau en déclin qui résultent dune surexploitation depuis les années 1970. Le modèle conceptuel présenté est basé sur des observations de terrain concernant lhydraulique, la température et la composition chimique de laquifère, des observations qui peuvent dater daussi loin que 1863. Les simulations numériques ont été réalisées avec le modèle de transport SHEMAT. Lentrée deau géothermale à la base du réservoir préviens lintrusion deau de mer dans laquifère. Si lintrusion deau de mer a lieu, elle est due à la surexploitation qui a lieu dans la partie supérieure de laquifère. Cette situation est lopposée des interfaces eau de mer - eau douce traditionnelles où leau de mer pénètre par la base. Les simulations numériques suggèrent que suite aux modifications du régime de production à la fin des années 1980, le système récupère. De plus, des calculs géochimiques ont été effectués afin de répondre à la question à savoir si les réactions de dissolution et de précipitation changent les propriétés hydrauliques de laquifère géothermal. Le mélange de leau douce, leau géothermale et leau de mer, même si elle sont tous en équilibre thermodynamique avec la calcite, provoque la dissolution ou précipitation de la calcite. Néanmoins, les simulations montrent que les propriétés hydrauliques de laquifère ne sont pas significativement affectées par la dissolution ou la précipitation.

Systematic field mapping of fracture lineaments observed on aerial photographs shows that almost all of these structures are positively correlated with zones of high macroscopic and mesoscopic fracture frequencies compared with the surroundings. The lineaments are subdivided into zones with different characteristics: (1) a central zone with fault rocks, high fracture frequency and connectivity but commonly with mineral sealed fractures, and (2) a damage zone divided into a proximal zone with a high fracture frequency of lineament parallel, non-mineralized and interconnected fractures, grading into a distal zone with lower fracture frequencies and which is transitional to the surrounding areas with general background fracturing. To examine the possible relations between lineament architecture and in-situ rock stress on groundwater flow, the geological fieldwork was followed up by in-situ stress measurements and test boreholes at selected sites. Geophysical well logging added valuable information about fracture distribution and fracture flow at depths. Based on the studies of in-situ stresses as well as the lineaments and associated fracture systems presented above, two working hypotheses for groundwater flow were formulated: (i) In areas with a general background fracturing and in the distal zone of lineaments, groundwater flow will mainly occur along fractures parallel with the largest in-situ rock stress, unless fractures are critically loaded or reactivated as shear fractures at angles around 30° to σH; (ii) In the influence area of lineaments, the largest potential for groundwater abstraction is in the proximal zone, where there is a high fracture frequency and connectivity with negligible fracture fillings. The testing of the two hypotheses does not give a clear and unequivocal answer in support of the two assumptions about groundwater flow in the study area. But most of the observed data are in agreement with the predictions from the models, and can be explained by the action of the present stress field on pre-existing fractures.  相似文献   

We present a new pore pressure cohesive element for modeling the propagation of hydraulically induced fracture. The Park-Paulino-Roesler cohesive zone model has been employed to characterize the fracturing behavior. Coulomb’s frictional contact model has been incorporated into the element to model the possible shear reactivation of pre-existing natural fractures. The developed element has been validated through a series of single-element tests and an available analytical solution. Furthermore, intersection behaviors between the hydraulic fracture and the natural fracture under various conditions have been predicted using the present element, which shows good agreement with experimental results.  相似文献   

A numerical model based on the theory of mixtures is proposed for the nonlinear dynamic analysis of flow and deformation in unsaturated porous media. Starting from the conservation laws, the governing differential equations and the finite element incremental approximations suitable for nonlinear large deformation static and dynamic analyses are derived within the updated Lagrangian framework. The coupling between solid and fluid phases is enforced according to the effective stress principle taking suction dependency of the effective stress parameter into account. The effect of hydraulic hysteresis on the effective stress parameter and soil water characteristic curve is also taken into account. The application of the approach is demonstrated through numerical analyses of several fundamental nonlinear problems and the results are compared to the relevant analytical solutions. The effects of suction, large deformations and hydraulic hysteresis on static and dynamic response of unsaturated soils are particularly emphasized.  相似文献   

A hydrogeological study was conducted in Potsdam sandstones on the international border between Canada (Quebec) and the USA (New York). Two sandstone formations, arkose and conglomerate (base) and well-cemented quartz arenite (upper), underlie the study area and form the major regional aquifer unit. Glacial till, littoral sand and gravel, and marine silt and clay discontinuously overlie the aquifer. In both sandstone formations, sub-horizontal bedding planes are ubiquitous and display significant hydraulic conductivities that are orders of magnitude more permeable than the intact rock matrix. Aquifer tests demonstrate that the two formations have similar bulk hydrologic properties, with average hydraulic conductivities ranging from 2?×?10?5 to 4?×?10?5 m/s. However, due to their different lithologic and structural characteristics, these two sandstones impose rather different controls on groundwater flow patterns in the study area. Flow is sustained through two types of fracture networks: sub-horizontal, laterally extensive fractures in the basal sandstone, where hydraulic connectivity is very good horizontally but very poor vertically and each of the water-bearing bedding planes can be considered as a separate planar two-dimensional aquifer unit; and the more fractured and vertically jointed system found in the upper sandstone that promotes a more dispersed, three-dimensional movement of groundwater.  相似文献   

For many applications data on the transmissivity distribution of individual fractures are necessary, i.e., discrete fracture network (DFN) modelling of groundwater flow and transport of solutes in fractured rock and design and performance of rock grouting. Using borehole data from the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden, it is shown that evaluated fracture transmissivities from three boreholes at Äspö can be well described by a Pareto or power-law distribution. Evaluated distribution parameters for the three boreholes are similar, which indicates that the Pareto distribution is a robust tool to assess three fracture transmissivity distributions. Using the evaluated distribution parameters random simulations of the original interval test data show that the approximate lognormal distributions of these are reproduced. This strengthens the credibility of the approach. It is shown how the distribution parameters can be assessed from incomplete data using the properties of the distribution. Finally, Pareto distribution transmissivities also imply Pareto distribution apertures of the fractures.
Resumen Los datos sobre la distribución de la transmisividad en fracturas individuales, son necesarios para muchas aplicaciones, Ej. Modelación de redes de fracturamiento discreto (RFD) para flujo de agua subterránea y transporte de solutos en roca fracturada y para el diseño y ejecución de operaciones de cementación en roca. Mediante el uso del Laboratorio de Rocas Duras de Äspö en Suecia, se ha demostrado que las transmisividades por fractura evaluadas en tres perforaciones en Äspö pueden ser descritas bien por una distribución Pareto o Potencial. Los parámetros de distribución evaluados para las tres perforaciones son similares, lo cual indica que la distribución Pareto es una herramienta adecuada para evaluar tres distribuciones de transmisividad por fractura. Mediante el uso de simulaciones al azar, de los parámetros de distribución evaluados, a partir de los datos del intervalo de la prueba original, se muestra que las distribuciones lognormal así aproximadas de aquellos, pueden ser reproducidas. Esto refuerza la credibilidad del método. Se demuestra como los parámetros de distribución pueden ser evaluados a partir de datos incompletos, usando las propiedades de la distribución. Finalmente, las transmisividades con distribución Pareto, también implican aberturas de las fracturas con distribución Pareto.

Résumé Pour beaucoup dapplications sont nécessaires des données sur la distribution des transmissivités des fractures individuelles; des exemples sont la modélisation de lécoulement et du transport dans les roches fracturés ainsi que lanalyse de performance de la cimentation des roches. Les données des forages analysées dans le Laboratoire des roches dures dÄsprö-Suède ont montré que la distribution des transmissivités des fractures estimée pour trois forages dÄsprö est en accord avec les lois de Pareto ou de puissance. paramètres pour trois forages ont des valeurs semblables ce quindique que la loi de Pareto peut bien évaluer la distribution des transmissivités des fractures. Les simulations aléatoires réalisés sur lintervalle original des données qui ont utilisé les paramètres estimés des distributions ont bien reproduit la distribution log-normale approximée. Ce résultat a consolidé la confiance dans lapproche faite. On a montré que les paramètres de la distribution peuvent être estimés à partir de données incomplètes si on utilise les propriétés de la distribution. Finalement, la distribution de Pareto pour les transmissivités implique la même loi pour la distribution de lépaisseur des fractures.

A single fracture is usually idealized theoretically as smooth parallel plates, but the real fractures are rough-walled with points of contact. Though relative roughness is considered in quantifying the flow through a single rough fracture (SRF) previously, additional factors such as the distribution of rough elements and bending degree of streamlines should be considered in order to obtain more accurate results. Semiempirical friction factor (f) and discharge per unit width (q) equations are first deduced taking relative roughness, roughness elements distribution and streamline reattachment length into consideration. A horizontal SRF model was then set up and a series of experiments and simulations were performed. Main conclusions are drawn: Recirculation of streamlines arises in the rough element and the intensity of the recirculation increases with the angle from which the streamlines enter into the rough elements and Reynolds number (Re); streamlines are discontinuously distributed when asperity height is large and nonlinear flow occurs; the nonlinearity of the flow increases with the increasing the asperity height and Re; the critical value of related roughness used to judge whether the influence of roughness on water flow through a SRF can be ignored or not should be much lower than 0.033; the revised f and q equations under laminar flow through a SRF are proved to be better when calculating the f and q values.  相似文献   

王刚  黄娜  蒋宇静 《岩土力学》2014,299(2):497-503
天然岩体在长期地质作用下会生成各种节理裂隙等不连续面,而地下工程结构的稳定性一般取决于这些不连续面的强度。在众多因素中,表面形态对岩石节理面剪切强度具有决定性影响。为了系统研究岩石节理面剪切强度的确定方法,把岩石节理面概化为一系列高度不同的微长方体凸起组成的粗糙表面结构,且微长方体凸起有剪胀破坏和非剪胀破坏两种模式。综合微长方体凸起破坏规律,应用概率密度函数描述节理面表面起伏分布的影响,建立了粗糙节理面随机强度模型,推导了节理面剪切强度理论公式,提出了节理面强度的随机评价方法。基于随机强度模型和评价方法编制Matlab计算程序计算自然粗糙节理面的剪切强度,并将计算结果与试验结果进行比较分析。研究表明:粗糙节理面随机强度模型综合了粗糙节理面表面形态和法向应力对节理剪切强度的影响机制,理论计算值与试验数据吻合良好,可以较好的评价粗糙节理的峰值剪切强度和残余剪切强度。该随机模型可作为进一步深入研究的重要基础,分析结构面的连续剪切过程,建立更完善的节理面强度模型。  相似文献   

Wang  Zhechao  Liu  Jie  Qiao  Liping  Yang  Jinjin  Guo  Jiafan  Li  Kanglin 《Hydrogeology Journal》2022,30(3):865-879
Hydrogeology Journal - There are multiple flow paths with different flow directions in fracture intersections. A general flow model synthetically describing the nonlinear flow behavior of multiple...  相似文献   

This report describes the fracture-scale mechanisms acting on solute transport in fractured aquifers under natural-flow conditions. It focuses on low-permeability rocks where advection in the matrix is negligible compared with that in fractures. The relevant transport mechanisms detailed have been identified by experimental and theoretical studies over the past 30 years: advection and hydrodynamic dispersion, channeling effects, matrix diffusion, and sorption reactions. This review is intended to emphasize the fundamental concepts and to draw up a reader's guide through an extensive bibliography by linking key problems to key papers. These concepts might be integrated into transport models, but their influence at the large scale, however, remains an open question that is not dealt with in this review.
Resumen Este informe describe los mecanismos que actúan a escala de fractura en el transporte de solutos en acuíferos fracturados, bajo condiciones de flujo natural. Se centra en rocas de baja permeabilidad en las que la advección en la matriz es despreciable en relación con la advección en las fracturas. Los mecanismos de transporte relevantes han sido identificados mediante estudios experimentales y teóricos realizados en los últimos 30 años. Consisten en advección y dispersión hidrodinámica, influencia de los canales, difusión en la matriz y reacciones de sorción. Esta revisión pretende enfatizar en los conceptos fundamentales y generar una guía para el lector por medio de una bibliografía abundante que relaciona los problemas clave con artículos clave. Estos conceptos podrían ser integrados en modelos de transporte, pero su influencia a gran escala es todavía un tema no resuelto, el cual no se aborda en este trabajo.

Résumé Ce rapport décrit les mécanismes agissant sur le transport de soluté dans les aquifères fissurés en régime d'écoulement naturel. L'accent est mis sur les roches peu perméables, où le transport par convection dans la matrice est négligeable devant la convection dans les fractures. Les mécanismes de transport sont analysés à l'échelle de la fracture: convection et dispersion hydrodynamique, chenalisation, diffusion dans la matrice et réactions de sorption. L'objectif de ce travail est double: d'une part, mettre en avant les concepts fondamentaux pouvant être intégrés dans les modèles de transport, et d'autre part, établir un "guide" permettant au lecteur de s'orienter à travers une bibliographie abondante, en reliant chaque sujet abordé à quelques articles clés. Notons que l'influence de ces mécanismes sur le transport à grande échelle reste un problème clé qui ne sera pas abordé ici.


基于离散裂隙网络模型的裂隙水渗流计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
离散裂隙网络模型(Discrete Fracture Network(DFN))是研究裂隙水渗流最为有效的手段之一。文章根据裂隙几何参数和水力参数的统计分布,利用Monte Carlo随机模拟技术生成二维裂隙网络,基于图论无向图的邻接矩阵判断裂隙网络的连通,利用递归算法提取出裂隙网络的主干网或优势流路径。基于立方定律和渗流连续性方程,利用数值解析法建立了二维裂隙网络渗流模型,分析不同边界条件下裂隙网络中的流体流动。结果表明,该方法可以模拟区域宏观水力梯度和边界条件下,裂隙网络水力梯度方向总的流量,以及节点的水位、节点间的流量和流动方向的变化特征,为区域岩溶裂隙水渗流计算提供了一种实用、可行的方法。   相似文献   

Field injectivity tests are widely used in the oil and gas industry to obtain key formation characteristics. The prevailing approaches for injectivity test interpretation rely on traditional analytical models. A number of parameters may affect the test results and lead to interpretation difficulties. Understanding their impacts on pressure response and fracture geometry of the test is essential for accurate test interpretation. In this work, a coupled flow and geomechanics model is developed for numerical simulation of field injectivity tests. The coupled model combines a cohesive zone model for simulating fluid-driven fracture and a poro-elastic/plastic model for simulating formation behavior. The model can capture fracture propagation, fluid flow within the fracture and formation, deformation of the formation, and evolution of pore pressure and stress around the wellbore and fracture during the tests. Numerical simulations are carried out to investigate the impacts of a multitude of parameters on test behaviors. The parameters include rock permeability, the leak-off coefficient of the fracture, rock stiffness, rock toughness, rock strength, plasticity deformation, and injection rate. The sensitivity of pressure response and fracture geometry on each parameter is reported and discussed. The coupled flow and geomechanics model provides additional advantages in the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of field injectivity tests.  相似文献   

The hydraulic conductance of a large fault zone has been estimated by calibrating a regional groundwater flow model. Drops in groundwater elevations of over 80 m have been observed along a 15-km length of the Mission Creek fault, California, USA. The large drops in elevation are attributed to the reduced hydraulic conductivity of the fault materials. A conceptual and numerical model of the two hydrologic subbasins in Desert Hot Springs, separated by the Mission Creek fault, was developed. The model was used to estimate the hydraulic conductance along the fault. The parameter estimation involved calibrating the model with observed groundwater elevations from over 40 locations over a 60-year period. The fault hydraulic conductances were estimated assuming a linear trend in the fault length, yielding variations in the fault hydraulic conductance of about an order of magnitude along the fault length (2?×?10?11–4?×?10?10 1/s). When an average fault thickness of 35 m is assumed, the fault hydraulic conductivity values are estimated to be from three to five orders of magnitude lower than the surrounding materials. A sensitivity analysis indicated that assumptions made in the conceptual model do not significantly affect estimated fault hydraulic conductances.  相似文献   

The subject under investigation is the strength of a single shear plane which exhibits a regular, asymmetric roughness pattern. In the shear direction the asperities are so steeply inclined that the joint becomes mechanically non-effective with the result that the asperities are sheared off. Against the shear direction the asperities are only gently inclined. It is shown that this particular roughness pattern is of some general importance in geomechanics (examples: unconfined compression test; shear plane with secondary fractures).

Simple analytical considerations allow the formulation of a shear criterion, which is dependent on friction angle øm and cohesioncm of the intact rock and on the inclination γ of the gently inclined parts of the asperities which are dipping against the shear direction. In the Mohr-diagram the criterion results in envelopes which converge at high normal stresses against the envelope of intact rock. Furthermore, the criterion expresses that both the slope of the envelopes and the dilation angle continuously decrease with increasing normal stress. Therefore the criterion adequately describes features which are regarded as most important when shearing rough joints or compound shear surfaces.  相似文献   

水文地质概念模型的水动力场研究方法——"流场分析法"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水文地质概念模型建立的正确与否是地下水资源评价计算的关键,水文地质概念模型的水动力场研究方法——“流场分析法”是以地下水动力学和水均衡原理为基础,通过对水头函数的时空分布特征分析,判断出地下水系统的结构和功能,据此,科学概化出地下水系统的水文地质概念模型,为地下水资源的正确评价计算奠定基础。  相似文献   

Characterizing percolation patterns in unsaturated fractured rock has posed a greater challenge to modeling investigations than comparable saturated zone studies due to the heterogeneous nature of unsaturated media and the great number of variables impacting unsaturated flow. An integrated modeling methodology has been developed for quantitatively characterizing percolation patterns in the unsaturated zone of Yucca Mountain, Nevada (USA), a proposed underground repository site for storing high-level radioactive waste. The approach integrates moisture, pneumatic, thermal, and isotopic geochemical field data into a comprehensive three-dimensional numerical model for analyses. It takes into account the coupled processes of fluid and heat flow and chemical isotopic transport in Yucca Mountain’s highly heterogeneous, unsaturated fractured tuffs. Modeling results are examined against different types of field-measured data and then used to evaluate different hydrogeological conceptualizations through analyzing flow patterns in the unsaturated zone. In particular, this model provides clearer understanding of percolation patterns and flow behavior through the unsaturated zone, both crucial issues in assessing repository performance. The integrated approach for quantifying Yucca Mountain’s flow system is demonstrated to provide a practical modeling tool for characterizing flow and transport processes in complex subsurface systems.  相似文献   

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