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李真  吴春明 《地质学报》2022,96(9):3182-3194
递增变质带广泛出露于全球元古代至新生代的众多造山带中,但递增变质作用的成因尚不完全清楚。本文归纳了典型递增变质带的研究成果,讨论了如下几个悬而未决的科学问题:递增变质带的热源、变质反应与变质作用P- T- t轨迹特征、流体来源与作用、变质与变形耦合关系、花岗岩及混合岩化作用、递增变质带的折返/隆升机制,以及递增变质作用的构造成因等。本文综述了上述科学问题研究进展,探讨了递增变质作用的可能成因。  相似文献   

That in areas of regional metamorphism thermal fronts surging from the depths invade the geosynclinal prism in the waning stage of its deformation and bring about re- and neocrystallization oftener than not outdating the penetrative movements, have been demonstrated time and again from metamorphic terrains of all ages and continents. In the present issue of this journal Dr. K.Naha describes a case from a polymetamorphic complex of Eastern Indian Precambrians, where the metamorphism is pictured to have taken place syn- to posttectonically with reference to the folding movements, regional thrusting following subsequently. It is pointed out that compelling evidence, leading to the conclusion that folding and metamorphism on the one hand and thrusting on the other belong to one and the same cycle of orogeny in his area, is yet to be presented. Such a proof, the onus of which lies withNaha, is indispensable before this unique sequence of regional metamorphism prior to diastrophic paroxysm may be claimed to have been established.
Zusammenfassung Studien in den verschiedensten Gebieten mit Regionalmetamorphose zeigen immer wieder, daß die metamorphe Kristallisation mit den Durchbewegungen beginnt und sie meist überdauert.Naha (in diesem Heft) beschreibt aus einem polymetamorphen Komplex einen Fall von — bezogen auf die Faltung — synbis posttektonischer Metamorphose, welcher eine regionale Überschiebung folgt. Damit ist aber noch nicht bewiesen, daß alle diese Vorgänge ein und demselben orogenen Zyklus angehören. Eine solche Beweisführung ist unerläßlich, um eine Metamorphose, die vor der Hauptphase der Tektonik stattfindet, glaubhaft erscheinen zu lassen.

Résumé Des recherches dans les schistes lustrés de la région du Simplon indiquent que de grandes déformations ont suivi la formation des nappes penniques. En même temps que ces déformations, apparaït une métamorphose (recristallisation et néocristallisation) qui dure plus longtemps que les processus tectoniques. Ceci confirme les observations faites dans d'autres régions alpines.Remarques critiques sur le travail deNaha (paru dans ce tome).

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ABSTRACT With increasing temperature during prograde metamorphism reactions will occur first at the lithological contacts of mixed pelite and calcsilicate terranes. At these interfaces, a fluid of lower chemical potential of H2O and CO2 than that required to produce a fluid in either layer can be produced whether reaction is caused by fluid infiltration or is initially fluid absent. If the interface region does not allow fluid transport then as temperature increases, a fluid pressure greater than lithostatic can develop. At some degree of over-pressure relative to rock pressure, the fluid hydraulically fractures the rock and a gradient in fluid composition away from the contact can be produced. These phenomena occur at the compositional interfaces whenever univariant reactions in the differing layers cross on a temperature vs. mole fraction of CO2 diagram with slopes of opposite sign. The first occurrence of these reaction products at lithological contacts delineates an isograd that defines temperature as well as the mole fraction of CO2 at constant pressure in systems open to fluid transport. These isograds can be contrasted with fluid-producing isograds in closed systems. As an illustration of possible effects, the reactions quartz + clinozoisite + muscovite = anorthite + K-feldspar + H2O and phlogopite + quartz + calcite = tremolite + K-feldspar + H2O + CO2 at 4 kbar are analysed and equations for fluid production and transport are developed.  相似文献   

Regional progressive high-pressure metamorphism, Seward Peninsula, Alaska   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Blueschist-facies rocks on the Seward Peninsula constitute a structurally coherent terrane measuring at least 100 × 150 km. Radiometric age data indicate that high-pressure metamorphism probably occurred in Jurassic rather than in Palaeozoic or Precambrian time, as previously suggested. Protolith sediments (Nome Group) are of intracontinental basin or continental margin type, and of lower Palaeozoic and possibly late Precambrian age, thus predating the high pressure metamorphism by more than 200 m.y. Blueschist-facies mineral assemblages were developed in almost all lithologies of the Nome Group, and are best preserved in FeTi-rich metabasites (glaucophane + almandine + epidote) and pelites (glaucophane + chloritoid + phengite). A lawsonite–crossite subfacies was developed in possible Nome Group rocks on the east flank of the Darby Mountains. Albite–epidote–amphibolite facies assemblages characterize Nome Group rocks in the southwestern part of the Peninsula. Metamorphism in the central zone of the terrane passed from early lawsonitic to subsequent epidote–almandine–glaucophane schist subfacies with the local development (east of the Nome River) of eclogitic assemblages. The high pressure metamorphic minerals were synkinematic with the development of mesoscopic-scale intrafolial isoclinal folds and a flattening foliation of consistent orientation. Initiation of uplift probably corresponded to the growth of barroisite rims on earlier sodic and actinolitic amphiboles, and partial post-kinematic greenschist facies replacements record later stages of decompression. Ophiolites and melange are not associated with the Seward Peninsula blueschists. The high-pressure metamorphism was caused by tectonic loading of a continental plate by an allochthon of indeterminate origin. The PT conditions of high pressure metamorphism were approximately 9–11 kbar, 400–450°C, thus falling between the PT paths of the Shuksan and Franciscan terranes.  相似文献   

The well-studied Paleozoic Cooma metamorphic complex in southeastern Australia is characterized by a uniform siliciclastic protolith, of uniform age, with a continuous range of metamorphic grade from subgreenschist- to upper amphibolite-facies, and migmatite-grade in an annular pattern around the Cooma granodiorite. Those conditions are optimal for investigating variations of N concentrations and δ15N values during progressive metamorphism. Nitrogen concentrations decrease and δ15N increases with increasing metamorphic grade (sub-chlorite zone: 120 ppm N, δ15N = 2.3‰; chlorite zone: 110 ppm N, δ15N = 3.0‰; biotite and andalusite zone: 85 ppm N, δ15N = 3.8 ‰; sillimanite and migmatite zones: 40 ppm N, δ15N = 10.7‰). Covariation of K and N contents is consistent with N substituting for K as NH4+ in micas. Observed trends of increasing δ15N values with decreasing nitrogen concentrations can be explained by a continuous release of nitrogen depleted in 15N with progressive metamorphism, which causes an enrichment of 15N in the residual nitrogen of the rock. Equilibrium models for Rayleigh distillation and batch volatilisation for data of the greenschist and amphibolite facies metasedimentary rocks can be explained by N2-NH4+ exchange at temperatures of 300-600 °C, whereas observed large fractionations for the upper amphibolite-facies and melt products in the migmatite-grade samples may be interpreted as NH3-NH4+ exchanges at temperature of 650-730 °C. Lower values in the highest grade zones may also stem in part from input of 15N-depleted fluids from the granodiorite.The magnitude of isotope fractionation of nitrogen is about 1-2‰ during progressive metamorphism of metasedimentary rocks from sub-chlorite zone to biotite-andalusite zone, which is consistent with previous studies. Consequently, the large spread of δ15N values in Archean greenschist-facies metasedimentary rocks of −6‰ to 30‰ can be accounted for by variable mixtures of mantle plume-dominated volatiles with a δ15N of −5‰, and a 15N-enriched marine sedimentary kerogen component inherited from a CI chondrite veneer having δ15N of 30‰ to 42‰.  相似文献   

The size and distribution of zircon within a garnet-mica-schist from the Scottish Highlands were assessed using scanning electron microscopy. The study reveals that abundant 0.2–3.0 μm sized zircon is preferentially concentrated within garnet and biotite porphyroblasts. The micro-zircon has grown during regional metamorphism and represents >90% of the total number of zircon in the schist. It is texturally distinct from a few larger detrital zircon grains in the schist that commonly preserve evidence of dissolution, and more rarely, small metamorphic outgrowths. The sequential incorporation of zircon in porphyroblasts allows prograde changes in the morphology of the zircon population to be identified. Zircon is reactive and soluble, and responds to medium-grade metamorphism in a series of dissolution and crystallization events, linked to possible changes in fluid composition. Deformation also has a significant influence on the distribution of zircon, allowing inclusions previously trapped within biotite to react. About 8 × 106 micro-zircon occur as inclusions within a typical individual 5-mm garnet porphyroblast and their presence must be considered prior to trace-element or isotopic analysis of such metamorphic phases.  相似文献   

Dehydration melting of biotite is the main control on crustal differentiation in the mid to lower continental crust because this reaction produces the most voluminous and most mobile granitic melts. Biotite breaks down over a broad temperature interval, so the partitioning behaviour of elements between biotite and melt is likely to vary. It has been hypothesized that fluorine may stabilize biotite to higher melting temperatures because biotite is typically F‐rich in ultra‐high temperature (UHT) metamorphic rocks. If true, F would be an important influence on crustal differentiation because not only would it broaden the temperature range of melting but also elevated F concentration decreases melt viscosity. Furthermore, ligand partitioning between biotite and melt may be an important influence on the metallogeny of magmas. This study used electron microprobe analysis of biotite in rocks from the Ballachulish and Rogaland metamorphic aureoles to investigate the concentration of F and Cl in biotite heated to 600–1,000°C. Results show a broad increase in biotite F content (up to 5.04% F) with temperature until 850–920°C, beyond which F content decreases (<2.5% F). Chlorine concentrations in biotite are consistently lower (<1% Cl), and show a progressive decrease after the onset of partial melting. It was found that Mg content, and the processes that control Mg distribution, are most strongly correlated with F and Cl concentration in biotite. Calculations based on these results indicate that F‐enriched biotite could be a significant source of F for continental crust‐derived melts. Generation of a hot, F‐rich melt at UHT conditions could be important for transporting lower crustal metals to the upper crust.  相似文献   

The Scituate Granite in central Rhode Island, USA contains very coarse alkali feldspar mesoperthite and has been subjected to prograde metamorphism subsequent to original igneous cooling. The modal abundance and grain size of relics of alkali feldspar mesoperthite decrease systematically as metamorphic grade increases. The composition and microstructures of coexisting phases in the relict perthite grains also vary systematically with increasing metamorphic grade. Microstructures coarsen and become more complex, and compositions record increasing metamorphic temperatures.We suggest that the microstructures and compositions have been produced by exsolution, either during post-igneous cooling or early metamorphism, followed by partial homogenization during prograde metamorphism. The principal control on the evolution of the microstructures and compositions was probably the maximum temperature achieved during prograde metamorphism, with the abundance and size of perthite relics determined by recrystallization during deformation.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to illustrate the chemical variations of metamorphic hornblendes regarding host rocks and prograde variations. Changes related to bulk chemistry (orthoamphibolites) mainly concern Si, Al, Mg, Fetot and Ca. The Mg, Fe2+ and Fe3+ contents of hornblendes are, however, not strictly related to host rook compositions and Mg enrichments are correlated with increasing Fe3+ contents in the amphiboles. Thus, variations of oxygen fugacity may control the Mg contents of the Ca amphiboles studied but this does not show clear relations with the prograde metamorphism. The most sensitive but irregular variation related to the metamorphic conditions is the prograde enrichment of the alkalis into the A vacant position and an increase of the (Na+K)tot/Na+K+Ca ratios of the amphiboles. Increasing Ti and AlIV contents as well as decreasing AlVI concentrations are also, but much less evidently, related to increasing T and P. A variation trend from tschermakitic to edenitic hornblendes may be drawn using Shido's end members calculation; this tendency and the relative deficiency of AlVI contents in the low-grade members suggests that the amphiboles studied were subjected to conditions of a low-pressure metamorphism type. Such a conclusion is in agreement with the occurrence of andalusite-cordierite/sillimanite-cordierite associations in the metapelitic rocks, and the absence of Fe-rich garnet and epidote from the orthoamphibolites of the amphibolite facies at Aracena. Comparisons with Ca amphiboles from other metamorphic areas show, in agreement with various authors, that Abukuma hornblendes are similar to those encountered in high-grade thermal aureoles and tonalitic intrusives but different from the hornblendes of Barrovian metamorphism types.  相似文献   

Organic nitrogen chemistry during low-grade metamorphism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most of the organic nitrogen (Norg) on Earth is disseminated in crustal sediments and rocks in the form of fossil nitrogen-containing organic matter. The chemical speciation of fossil Norg within the overall molecular structure of organic matter changes with time and heating during burial. Progressive thermal evolution of organic matter involves phases of enhanced elimination of Norg and ultimately produces graphite containing only traces of nitrogen. Long-term chemical and thermal instability makes the chemical speciation of Norg a valuable tracer to constrain the history of sub-surface metamorphism and to shed light on the subsurface biogeochemical nitrogen cycle and its participating organic and inorganic nitrogen pools. This study documents the evolutionary path of Norg speciation, transformation and elimination before and during metamorphism and advocates the use of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to monitor changes in Norg speciation as a diagnostic tool for organic metamorphism. Our multidisciplinary evidence from XPS, stable isotopes, traditional quantitative coal analyses, and other analytical approaches shows that at the metamorphic onset Norg is dominantly present as pyrrolic and pyridinic nitrogen. The relative abundance of nitrogen substituting for carbon in condensed, partially aromatic systems (where N is covalently bonded to three C atoms) increases exponentially with increasing metamorphic grade, at the expense of pyridinic and pyrrolic nitrogen. At the same time, much Norg is eliminated without significant nitrogen isotope fractionation. The apparent absence of Rayleigh-type nitrogen isotopic fractionation suggests that direct thermal loss of nitrogen from an organic matrix does not serve as a major pathway for Norg elimination. Instead, we propose that hot H, O-containing fluids or some of their components gradually penetrate into the carbonaceous matrix and eliminate Norg along a progressing reaction front, without causing nitrogen isotope fractionation in the residual Norg in the unreacted core of the carbonaceous matrix. Before the reaction front can reach the core, an increasing part of core Norg chemically stabilizes in the form of nitrogen atoms substituting for carbon in condensed, partially aromatic systems forming graphite-like structural domains with delocalized π-electron systems (nitrogen atoms substituting for “graphitic” carbon in natural metamorphic organic matter). Thus, this nitrogen species with a conservative isotopic composition is the dominant form of residual nitrogen at higher metamorphic grade.  相似文献   

Misreading of some published papers has led Dr. N. D.Chatterjee to erroneous conclusions about the local geology in the Ghatsila area in Singhbhum, eastern India, and his doubts regarding the metamorphic history deduced by the author here are therefore unjustified. The stratigraphy and structural geometry in this terrain are not at all debatable, and the evidences for a progressive metamorphism broadly contemporaneous with folding and preceding thrusting are incontrovertible. To take any particular metamorphic terrain, whether Simplon or Singhbhum, as the prototype of regional metamorphism is as yet premature.  相似文献   

Structural and metamorphic studies around Ghatsila in the Precambrian terrain of eastern India show a remarkable accord between the structural surfaces and the metamorphic isograds, with the higher and lower grade rocks occurring respectively at deeper and shallower tectonic and stratigraphic levels. Higher grade minerals developing after lower grade ones prove that the regionally metamorphosed series is progressive in time, and the broad contemporaneity between the folding movement and the formation of index minerals points to a genetic relation between folding and metamorphism. The possible cause of regional metamorphism has been suggested.
Zusammenfassung Strukturelle Oberflächen- und Metamorphose-Isograden in präkambrischen Bereichen der Gegend von Ghatsila (östliches Indien) werden verglichen. Eine synchrone Verformung und Metamorphose wird wahrscheinlich gemacht.

Résumé Des études structurales et métamorphiques dans la région de Ghatsila dans les terrains métamorphiques de l'Inde orientale montrent une correspondance remarquable entre les surfaces structurales et les isogrades métamorphiques, les roches à degré de métamorphisme élevé on plus léger se présentant dans des niveaux stratigraphiques et tectoniques respectivement plus ou moins profonds.Le développement de minéraux de degré métamorphique élevé étant postérieur à ceux de degré moins élevé, il en résulte que le métamorphisme régional est progressif dans le temps; la contemporanéité entre les mouvements de plissements et la formation des minéraux symptomatiques indiquent une relation génétique entre plissement et métamorphisme.La cause possible du métamorphisme régional est suggérée.

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As a first step towards accurate quantification of the polysomatic states of biopyriboles, we have studied the polysomatic transformation between amphibole and hydrous triple-chain silicate (TCS) in the synthetic system Na2O-MgO-SiO2-H2O (NMSH). The reaction is: 4Na2Mg4Si6O16(OH)2 TCS 3Na2.67Mg5.33Si8O21.33(OH)2.67. Amphibole We have characterised a polysomatic intergrowth of amphibole and TCS (synthesized at 2 kbar/(653° C) by X-ray diffraction (XRD), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), infrared spectroscopy and 29Si magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy. The sample is a fine-scale lamellar intergrowth of double- and triple-chain structures; lamellae are 27 Å to hundreds of Ångströms wide. The 29Si MAS NMR spectrum of the intergrowth is explicitly a superposition of the individual amphibole and TCS spectra. By ensuring that the recycle delay time used considers the longest spin-lattice relaxation time (ca. 900 s), the relative amounts of double- and triple-chain structures can be quantified by simple deconvolution of the spectrum. The relative amounts of double- and triple-chain structures are 42 ± 5 and 58 ± 5 mol%, respectively. With regard to quantifying populations of chain multiplicities in biopyriboles, we believe that 29Si NMR is more accurate than the conventional HRTEM fringe-counting method (Maresch and Czank 1983, 1988), and is far superior to XRD and infrared spectroscopy, which suffer from high sensitivity to particle size and calibration problems. 29Si MAS NMR can provide an accurate means of monitoring the progress of polysomatic reactions in biopyriboles. It is likely to be most effective for samples containing only a few different chain multiplicities (e.g. m = 1, 2, 3 and perhaps 4), such as occur in natural pyroxenes and amphiboles.  相似文献   

K.B. Kepezhinskas 《Lithos》1973,6(2):145-157
A study is made of a complex where the metamorphis zonation with respect to pressure does not coincide with the temperature zonation. The possibility of estimating the P-T conditions of metamorphism is shown on the basis of quantitative statistical characteristics in the distribution of critical minerals, combined with data on the bulk rock chemistry.An example is also given of metamorphic zonation in which a general trend of decreasing pressure is observed in the direction of increasing temperature.Based on schematic P-T diagrams for quartz and muscovite-bearing metapelites the conditions of metamorphism in the middle-temperature region can be examined in detail and the best ways of subdividing corresponding facies into subfacies can be determined.Results are presented concerning the dependence of the compositions of a number of minerals of common parageneses on pressure. Criteria are suggested for the estimation of conditions of metamorphism based on the chemical characteristics garnets and biotites.  相似文献   

Fluid and enthalpy production during regional metamorphism   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Models for regional metamorphism have been constructed to determine the thermal effects of reaction enthalpy and the amount of fluid generated by dehydration metamorphism. The model continental crust contains an average of 2.9 wt % water and dehydrates by a series of reactions between temperatures of 300 and 750° C. Large scale metamorphism is induced by instantaneous collision belt thickening events which double the crustal thickness to 70 km. After a 20 Ma time lag, erosion due to isostatic rebound restores the crust to its original thickness in 100 Ma. At crustal depths greater than 10 km, where most metamorphism takes place, fluid pressure is unlikely to deviate significantly from lithostatic pressure. This implies that lower crustal porosity can only be maintained if rock pores are filled by fluid. Therefore, porosities are primarily dependent on the rate of metamorphic fluid production or consumption and the crustal permeability. In the models, permeability is taken as a function of porosity; this permits estimation of both fluid fluxes and porosities during metamorphism. Metamorphic activity, as measured by net reaction enthalpy, can be categorized as endothermic or exothermic depending on whether prograde dehydration or retrograde hydration reactions predominate. The endothermic stage begins almost immediately after thickening, peaks at about 20 Ma, and ends after 40 to 55 Ma. During this period the maximum and average heat consumption by reactions are on the order 11.2·10–14 W/cm3 and 5.9·10–14 W/ cm3, respectively. The maximum rates of prograde isograd advance decrease from 2.4·10–8 cm/s, for low grade reactions at 7 Ma, to 7·10–10 cm/s, for the highest grade reaction between 45 and 58 Ma. Endothermic cooling reduces the temperature variation in the metamorphic models by less than 7% (40 K); in comparison, the retrograde exothermic heating effect is negligible. Dehydration reactions are generally poor thermal buffers, but under certain conditions reactions may control temperature over depth and time intervals on the order of 1 km and 3 Ma. The model metamorphic events reduce the hydrate water content of the crust to values between 1.0 and 0.4 wt % and produce anhydrous lower crustal granulites up to 15 km in thickness. In the first 60 Ma of metamorphism, steady state fluid fluxes in the rocks overlying prograde reaction fronts are on the order of 5·10–11 g/cm2-s. These fluid fluxes can be accommodated by low porosities (<0.6%) and are thus essentially determined by the rate of devolitalization. The quantity of fluid which passes through the metamorphic column varies from 25000 g/cm2, within 10 km of the base of the crust, to amounts as large as 240000 g/cm2, in rocks initially at a depth of 30 km. Measured petrologic volumetric fluid-rock ratios generated by this fluid could be as high as 500 in a 1 m thick horizontal layer, but would decrease in inverse proportion of the thickness of the rock layer. Fluid advection causes local heating at rates of about 5.9·10–14 W/cm3 during prograde metamorphism and does not result in significant heating. The amount of silica which can be transported by the fluids is very sensitive to both the absolute temperature and the change in the geothermal gradient with depth. However, even under optimal conditions, the amount of silica precipitated by metamorphic fluids is small (<0.1 vol %) and inadequate to explain the quartz veining observed in nature. These results are based on equilibrium models for fluid and heat transport that exclude the possibility of convective fluid recirculation. Such a model is likely to apply at depths greater than 10 km; therefore, it is concluded that large scale heat and silica transport by fluids is not extensive in the lower crust, despite large time-integrated fluid fluxes.  相似文献   

Formation of garnet clusters during polyphase metamorphism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pre‐Alpine garnets of Variscan age from metapelitic basement units in Northern Italy were strongly retrogressed at near‐surface conditions prior to Alpine contact metamorphism. The replacement by sheet silicates caused a significant volume increase during retrogression, producing pervasive fracturing. Up to several hundreds of angular fragments formed from each crystal. Electron backscatter diffraction analysis documents a maximum misorientation of ~22° of some fragments as a result of local rotation during fracturing. New garnet growth is observed on the garnet fragments during contact metamorphic overprinting, resulting in garnet clusters. Fragments can be identified due to calcium‐rich domains. Fragment orientations were inherited, and only minor new nucleation occurred. These garnets develop features typically associated with multiple nucleation models, but here they reflect multiple metamorphic events. We propose that clusters can be indicative of multiple metamorphic events, which were separated by a period of intense retrograde alteration.  相似文献   

Abstract Pelitic assemblages from all major Witwatersrand gold fields record metamorphic conditions of the greenschist facies, with minimal regional grade changes over at least 200 km strike length. Diagnostic metamorphic assemblages are less common in the volumetrically dominant quartzites, the actively-exploited auriferous conglomerates and some of the regionally persistent metapelitic horizons. Bulk rock composition has been a major control on assemblage development.
Key metapelitic assemblages include pyrophyllite, chloritoid, chlorite and muscovite in each gold field, with less common metamorphic biotite. Accessory minerals are pyrite, tourmaline, rutile and zircon. The abundance of chloritoid and pyrophyllite in thin shaly units, together with their minor, but widespread, distribution in quartzites and conglomerates, indicate that metamorphic temperatures reached 350°C ± 50°C in all the gold fields. Pressures are less-well constrained, 1–2 kbar being inferred. Outside the gold fields, higher grades are indicated by andalusite and kyanite near granitoid domes and later intrusions.
The temperatures during peak metamorphism and the abundance of pyrite provide ideal conditions to (re)mobilize gold and may explain its secondary textural features.  相似文献   

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