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张旗  王焰 《岩石学报》2001,17(4):505-513
大陆地壳组成是地球科学家关注的课题,但困难的是如何确定深部地壳,尤其是下地壳的组成。埃达克质岩的厘定从一个方面有助于这个难题的解决。中国东部“C型”埃达克质岩(adakite-like)的地球化学性质表明其形成的深度大,熔融的温度高,为下地壳中基性麻粒岩部分熔融的产物。因此,可以尝试通过埃达克质岩的地球化学特征来反演下地壳的组成。本文的初步研究表明,中国东部埃达克质岩的Sr-Nd同位素组成有很大的变化,反映埃达克质岩熔融的源区下地壳组成有明显的不同。根据埃达克质岩石的Sr-Nd同位素组成,推测中国东部高原下地壳大体由胶东-大别、北京-辽西和下扬子(长江中下游)3个不同的块体组成。1,胶东-大别区:胶东区的下地壳以富Si,Na2O/K2O低(0.8-1.3)、Isr高(0.709-0.712)、εNd(t)低(-15--21)和TDM高(1.9-2.1Ga)为特征;大别区的Isr值较低,可能代表了中生代时基底的特征,大体相当于该区下地壳的上限值。2,下扬子区位于扬子地块内,中生代埃达克质岩的Sr初始值,εNd和TDM变化大,说明元古宙的下地壳基底中可能有较多年轻的玄武质岩石底侵加入。相比而言,铜陵区的Isr较高(0.707-0.709)、εNd(t)较低(-11--16)、TDM高(1.7-2.2Ga),接近扬子下地壳的特征。3,辽西-北京地区的Sr-Nd高位素组成以低的Isr(0.705-0.707)、变化的εNd(t)(-4--20)和TDM(0.7-2.1Ga)为特征,反映辽西-北京区下地壳组成比较复杂。其中北京-彰武地区的Sr-Nd同位素组成与汉诺坝玄武岩中的麻粒岩包体类似,远高于华北下地壳的εNd(t)值(-32--44),推测埃达克质岩石并非来自古老的华北太古宙下地壳,而可能是中生代时增生在华北下地壳底部的年轻基性麻粒岩部分熔融形成的。此外,文中还讨论了用埃达克岩反演下地壳组成存在的不足。  相似文献   

AUSTRALIS (AMS for Ultra Sensitive TRAce eLement and Isotopic Studies) is a microbeam accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) system designed for in situ microanalysis of geological samples for trace elements and radiogenic and stable isotope data. The AMS method eliminates molecular and isobaric interferences in in situ mass spectrometric measurements, opening up new opportunities in geochronology and tracer applications. Tests have been carried out for measurements of Pb, S and Os isotopes, conducted mainly at 1.5 MV accelerating voltage. In Pb and S tests, precision as high as 0.3‰ has been obtained, made possible by a fast isotope switching system to counter the effect of instabilities in the ion source and beam transport system. In trace‐element analysis, a detection limit for Au at the sub‐ppb level was obtained.  相似文献   

The basement beneath the Junggar basin has been interpreted either as a micro-continent of Precambrian age or as a fragment of Paleozoic oceanic crust. Elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions and zircon Pb–Pb ages of volcanic rocks from drill cores through the paleo-weathered crust show that the basement is composed mainly of late Paleozoic volcanic rock with minor shale and tuff. The volcanic rocks are mostly subalkaline with some minor low-K rocks in the western Kexia area. Some alkaline lavas occur in the central Luliang uplift and northeastern Wulungu depression. The lavas range in composition from basalts to rhyolites and fractional crystallization played an important role in magma evolution. Except for a few samples from Kexia, the basalts have low La/Nb (<1.4), typical for oceanic crust derived from asthenospheric melts. Zircon Pb–Pb ages indicate that the Kexia andesite, with a volcanic arc affinity, formed in the early Carboniferous (345 Ma), whereas the Luliang rhyolite and the Wucaiwan dacite, with syn-collisional to within-plate affinities, formed in the early Devonian (395 and 405 Ma, respectively). Positive εNd(t) values (up to +7.4) and low initial 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios of the intermediate-silicic rocks suggest that the entire Junggar terrain may be underlain by oceanic crust, an interpretation consistent with the juvenile isotopic signatures of many granitoid plutons in other parts of the Central Asia Orogenic Belt. Variation in zircon ages for the silicic rocks, different Ba, P, Ti, Nb or Th anomalies in the mafic rocks, and variable Nb/Y and La/Nb ratios across the basin, suggest that the basement is compositionally heterogeneous. The heterogeneity is believed to reflect amalgamation of different oceanic blocks representing either different evolution stages within a single terrane or possibly derivation from different terranes.  相似文献   

Permeability of the samples collected from the surface and from the depths of 8–11 km in the Kola SG-3 and from the depth of 3.8 in the KTB boreholes was studied at temperatures up to 600 °C and pressures up to 150 MPa. These PT correspond to in situ conditions of the deep parts of the superdeep boreholes and to the conditions of progressive and regressive metamorphism of the Kola series rocks. The experiments were carried out with fluid filtration parallel and normal to rock foliation and parallel to core axis. The temperature–permeability trend behavior depends on effective pressure and depth of sample collection. At low effective pressure, a temperature increase leads first to a permeability decrease and then to its increase. At higher effective pressure, inversions appear on all the temperature trends of the samples collected from great depths. In contrast, permeability of the samples selected at shallow depth (3.8 km) and on the surface decreases within the entire temperature range. As a rule, with flow parallel to foliation, the values of permeability are higher than with flow normal to foliation. The results of microstructure studies allow to conclude that microcrack initiation and closure, due to a competitive influence of temperature and pressure cause such permeability behavior. In the samples, there are two families of microcracks: with low aspect ratio and those with high aspect ratio. Their effect on rock permeability changes with temperature. On sample heating, the low aspect ratio microcracks close and, on the contrary, high aspect ratio ones open. The total effect is expressed by minima in the temperature–permeability trends. Permeability anisotropy increases with temperature, reaches a maximum at 200 °C and then decreases. Sample permeability decreases with different gradients at simultaneous increase of temperature and pressure, simulating in situ depth increase. Hence, the deep seat rocks can vary greatly in permeability and against the common background of permeability decrease with depth, local deep aquifers may occur. At PT of progressive metamorphism the permeability values were high enough to permit the fluid flow to penetrate the whole volume of rock massif. At PT of regressive metamorphism, the permeability values were a few decimal orders lower, so fluid flow could be concentrated in large disjunctive zones only.  相似文献   

本文主要基于东昆仑造山带、秦岭造山带、兴蒙造山带、阿尔泰造山带、燕山造山带以及华南过铝花岗岩带等花岗岩类形成的研究成果,讨论中国大陆内几个造山带的花岗岩类形成与大陆地壳生长方式和过程,我们的初步认识是:软流圈(对流地幔)的热和物质向大陆的输入(input)是大陆地壳生长和再改造的根本.大陆地壳的形成演化和再改造(reworking)主要通过岩浆作用完成,岩浆的形成、运移和定位是大陆地壳生长的基本过程.幔源玄武质岩浆底侵(underplating)于大陆地壳底部和内侵(intraplating)于地壳内部,是软流圈注入大陆的基本形式.造山带镁铁质下地壳的拆沉作用是致使陆壳总组成为中性火成岩(安山岩和闪长岩,或粗面安山岩和二长岩质的)的主要原因.收缩挤压构造作用使陆壳加厚达≥50 km,是诱发镁铁质下地壳拆沉作用的必需条件.火成岩构造组合及其时间序列是识别大陆地壳从软流圈地幔中分出,直至最终形成的过程的关键记录.  相似文献   

An analytical system and operating protocol are described for high resolution, stepped-combustion mass spectrometry, designed for the extraction, purification, quantification and isotopic analysis of light elements (e.g. C and N) in fine-grained reduced components (e.g. diamond) which have been chemically extracted from natural samples (e.g. meteorites). Specifically, a simple model has been developed for the extraction of diamond from meteorite and its analysis by high resolution stepped heating under an atmosphere of oxygen. Changes in the pressure of oxygen within the range 1.3 to 12kPa (10 to 90 torr) were not found to have any detectable effect on the combustion. Results obtained by this procedure were compared with those predicted by a model and excellent agreement was found, taking into account the limitations of this approach. Results of a preliminary attempt to find fine-grained diamond in a lamproite are outlined.  相似文献   

郝杰  刘小汉王二七   《岩石学报》2005,21(6):1677-1686
越来越多的区域地质资料显示,大别山UHP榴辉岩相变质的大陆岩石以及在片麻岩中发现的含有柯石英包裹体的锆石和含有绿辉石包裹体的石榴子石等重矿物可能却是一个已经熔融了的榴辉岩相大陆岩片遗留下来的残留体,它们被包裹在由变形、变质深成侵入体构成的正片麻岩之中。这些深成侵入体底辟在扬子陆块北缘新元古代低一中级变质的火山一沉积地层之下。依据上述区域地质事实,本文认为,大别山含有榴辉岩残留体的高级片麻岩不是一个“UHP变质地体”或“含有榴辉岩外来构造块体的混杂岩”,其原岩应该是一套由榴辉岩化大陆岩片熔融形成的深成岩浆底辟体。由此本文提出一个新的理论假说和构造模型,即深俯冲到地幔软流圈之中的大陆边缘在不同的深度发生了相应的HP-UHP榴辉岩相变质作用,随着与俯冲洋壳的断离,其在浮力的作用下快速底垫在仰;中大陆边缘之下并发生部分熔融,熔融体底辟并置换了造山带原有的根,后经过同结晶过程的变形和变质作用形成一套含有榴辉岩相残留体的,高级片麻岩本文称之为再生地壳。  相似文献   

文章通过大量岩芯、铸体薄片观察和测井资料分析,对准噶尔腹部石西石炭系火山岩风化壳储层进行了详细地研究。研究结果表明,该火山岩风化壳储层的储集空间主要有基质溶孔、气孔或杏仁体溶孔、角砾间溶孔、微裂缝和裂缝等,其中与裂缝连通的各类溶孔占主导地位;在岩石分布上以集块岩、条带状熔岩、角砾熔岩和致密凝灰岩为主,玄武岩、安山岩和流纹岩则相对较少;储层物性主要表现为高孔低渗,只有裂缝具有较高的渗透率,且裂缝以高角度缝和直立缝为主。研究还发现,岩性岩相、裂缝和风化淋滤作用是影响该风化壳储层的主要因素。区内油层主要聚中在构造高部位、靠近断裂带和有利岩相区域;油层分布在离石炭系风化壳顶面25~150 m的范围内。  相似文献   

A laser microprobe capable of analysing nitrogen and noble gases in individual grains with masses less than a milligram is described. It can be used in both continuous wave (CW) mode, useful for stepwise heating of an individual grain, as well as in pulsed mode, useful for ablating material from a small selected area of a sample, for gas extraction. We could achieve low blanks (in ccSTP units) for 4He(4.8 x 10{-12}),22Ne(1.0 x 10{-12}),36Ar(1.0 x10 -13),84Kr(2.9 x 10{-14}),132 Xe(2.6 x 10{-14}), and N (87 pg), using this system. Preliminary data for individual chondrules from the Dhajala meteorite show that noble gases and nitrogen from grains as small as 170 microgram can be analysed using the present laser microprobe setup. The amount of trapped neon in Dhajala chondrules is very small, and nitrogen in the chondrules is isotopically heavier as compared to the bulk meteorite.  相似文献   

The study of brine aquifers in southern Taiwan is highly complicated by hybrid geochemical reactions, which obscure important geochemical information. Using multivariate analysis on major and minor ion compositions normalized by Cl content, chemical constituents were combined into two principal components representing brine mixing and mineral precipitation. Comparing to multivariate analysis on the original data, this procedure reveals more geochemical information. It demonstrates that the brine groundwater of the region is primarily composed of highly evaporated seawater. The evaporation ratio is >70%; a point at which calcite, dolomite and gypsum precipitate. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions confirm this inference; and further, geochemical modeling quantitatively determined the evaporation ratio to be about 85%. Natural boron contamination is a consequence of brine groundwater. Two evolutionary trends in the plotting of the Cl/B ratio versus Cl can be identified: (1) Cl/B ratio decreases with boron being released from clay minerals when brine aquifers are flushed with freshwater; and (2) Cl/B ratio increases when seawater of a high Cl/B ratio infiltrates coastal aquifers.  相似文献   

李建亭 《地质与勘探》2022,58(4):836-845
在风化壳覆盖区应用传统化探方法和矿物地球化学找矿方法开展斑岩型矿床深部找矿存在一定制约。土壤微细粒分离测量技术是一种可应用于覆盖区找矿的穿透性地球化学勘查技术,在干旱地区已取得良好的应用效果,亟需开展多景观、多矿种应用试验。基于此,本文选择为红土风化壳覆盖的福建省罗卜岭斑岩铜钼矿为研究区,开展风化壳土壤微细粒分离测量技术有效性实验。结果显示,与不含矿酸性岩体风化壳相比,研究区明显富集铜钼矿成矿及伴生元素,尤其是Mo、Cu、Au显著富集,与此同时,含矿岩体风化壳中元素变异系数较低,符合斑岩型矿床元素含量富集系数高、变异系数低的典型特征。元素空间分布特征与矿化蚀变、断裂构造、地形演化密切相关。Cu-Mo异常可以圈定矿化中心蚀变带,V、Hg则在外蚀变带富集。Cu与Mo在研究区西北部的分异指示了紫金山矿田由SE向NW主成矿作用由Cu-Mo演变为Cu-Au。元素剖面分布特征进一步验证了成矿蚀变、地形演化对元素分布的控制作用。地形演化决定了蚀变带在地表的分布,进而控制元素的分布。罗卜岭铜钼矿体呈马鞍状分布于古背斜两翼,在后期风化剥蚀作用下,背斜核部演化为负地形,使得中心蚀变带接近出露地表,表现为Cu的正异常;古背斜两翼现今为正地形,矿体埋深较大,前缘晕元素Hg表现为正异常。因子分析结果很好地展示了元素的组合与分异特征。总体上,可以根据Cu-Mo异常判断矿体中心位置,根据Hg判断矿体埋深,根据Sn、V、Cr等识别花岗闪长斑岩体边界。本研究系统证明微细粒土壤测量在风化壳覆盖区探测隐伏斑岩铜钼矿的有效性。  相似文献   

Trace element and U–Pb isotopic analyses of inherited zircon cores from a sample of Gil Márquez granodiorite (South Portuguese Zone, SPZ) and Almonaster nebulite (Ossa-Morena Zone, OMZ, in the Aracena Metamorphic Belt) have been obtained using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. These data reveal differences in the age of deep continental crust in these two zones. Inherited zircon cores from the Ossa-Morena Zone range at 600±100 Ma, 1.7–2 Ga and 2.65–2.95 Ga, while those from the South Portuguese Zone range at 400–500 and 700–800 Ma. These data support the “exotic” origin of the South Portuguese Zone basement relative to the rest of Iberian Massif. The young ages of inherited zircon cores and Nd model ages of magmatic rocks of the South Portuguese Zone are comparable to results from granulite facies xenoliths and granitic rocks from the Meguma Terrane and Avalonia and support a correlation between the basement of the southernmost part of the Iberian Massif and the northern Appalachians.  相似文献   

Variations in the carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) of pristane, phytane, n-heptadecane (n-C17), C29 ααα 20R sterane, and aryl isoprenoids provide evidence for a diverse community of algal and bacterial organisms in organic matter of the Upper Ordovician Maquoketa Group of the Illinois Basin. Carbon isotopic compositions of pristane and phytane from the Maquoketa are positively covariant (r = 0.964), suggesting that these compounds were derived from a common source inferred to be primary producers (algae) from the oxygenated photic zone. A variation of 3‰ in δ13C values (−31 to −34‰) for pristane and phytane indicates that primary producers utilized variable sources of inorganic carbon. Average isotopic compositions of n-C17 (−32‰) and C29 ααα 20R sterane (−31‰) are enriched in 13C relative to pristane and phytane (−33‰) suggesting that these compounds were derived from a subordinate group of primary producers, most likely eukaryotic algae. In addition, a substantial enrichment of 13C in aryl isoprenoids (−14 to −18‰) and the identification of tetramethylbenzene in pyrolytic products of Maquoketa kerogen indicate a contribution from photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria to the organic matter. The presence of anaerobic, photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria in organic matter of the Maquoketa indicates that anoxic conditions extended into the photic zone.The δ13C of n-alkanes and the identification of an unusual suite of straight-chain n-alkylarenes in the m/z 133 fragmentograms of Ordovician rocks rich in Gloeocapsomorpha prisca (G. prisca) indicate that G. prisca did not contribute to the organic matter of the Maquoketa Group.  相似文献   

A geochemical study of interstitial water and solid phase sediment using bulk concentration and geochemical partitioning was undertaken in vertical sediment profiles to trace diagenetic processes of lead (Pb) in hypersaline salt marsh sediments. In addition, we measured the stable isotopic composition of Pb in order to distinguish its input sources. Concentrations of Pb increased from low or background values in the bottommost layer (< 60 cm depth), followed by fluctuations in the middle layer (20–60 cm) and peak values in the subsurface layer (3–5 cm). Pb associated to reactive fractions (e.g. OM, Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides and carbonates) accounted for 60% of that initially deposited. Stable Pb isotope data (206Pb/207Pb and 207Pb/208Pb) suggested that most of the Pb in the upper sediments (1.204 ± 0.002 and 2.469 ± 0.007) is still derived from the leaded gasoline combustion (1.201 ± 0.006 and 2.475 ± 0.005). Profile of dissolved Pb was related to those for ammonium, phosphates and dissolve Fe and Mn, which reveals the influence of the diagenetic reactions on the Pb behavior. OM, Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides and the sulfide minerals play a significant role for mobilizing and trapping the Pb. Metal mobilization was calculated considering an advective–diffusive system. The advective process constitutes the dominant mechanism of Pb mobilization. A low diffusive outflux with respect to the Pb mobilization rate suggested that most of the released Pb is retained in the sediments. Authigenic oxides precipitated at the oxic–suboxic layers (0–4 cm depth) and authigenic sulfide minerals formed Pb in the anoxic layers (7–20 cm depth) constituting the main scavengers for Pb that is diagenetically released. This retention has significant environmental implications because it reduces the availability and toxicity of Pb to biota, including humans.  相似文献   

甘肃岗岔金矿位于秦岭造山带之碌曲-成县逆冲推覆构造带的西段北侧,是典型的构造蚀变岩型金矿床,目前储量可达中型。在矿区地质填图的基础上,采用BJKF-1型近红外矿物分析仪对矿区7号勘探线ZK07-4钻孔、8号勘探线ZK08-6钻孔及27号勘探线的ZK27-1、ZK27-3、ZK27-4钻孔岩心进行蚀变特征研究,识别出的主要蚀变矿物为伊利石、云母类、地开石、高岭石等。蚀变矿物分布及含量变化特点表明,与矿化有关的蚀变主要是绢英岩化,其中已探明矿体多位于采用近红外分析技术圈出的绢英岩化带内。此外,伊利石反射光谱特征参数计算结果表明,伊利石结晶度和Al-OH特征吸收峰形态呈现有规律的变化,即含矿段和近矿段伊利石结晶度大(SWIR-IC值5.5~5.7),Al-OH吸收峰尖锐;远矿段和无矿段伊利石结晶度小(SWIR-IC值1.3~1.5),Al-OH吸收峰平缓,显示含矿段伊利石形成温度较高。上述结果表明,矿区内绢英岩化蚀变及伊利石结晶度、Al-OH峰形是有利找矿标志,对找矿具有实际指导意义。  相似文献   

文飞  田忠华 《岩石学报》2021,37(2):619-635



过程响应理论是在地球系统科学基础上提出的一种盆地沉积学研究方法,主要包括过程研究和响应研究两个方面,强调盆地演化过程对其沉积过程的控制意义。论文运用过程响应理论对辽河坳陷西部凹陷中北部地区Es4碳酸盐岩进行了研究,取得了很好的效果。研究表明,湖相碳酸盐岩的形成和分布在时间和空间上受湖盆演化过程控制明显,有利的地形和水动力条件、有利的气候和水介质条件、有利的物源和白云岩化条件,这三个关键要素,共同铸就了辽河坳陷西部凹陷中北部地区Es4湖相碳酸盐岩的沉积环境。运用过程响应理论,综合考虑碳酸盐岩沉积作用关键三要素,是建立更具指导作用和更具参考价值的湖相碳酸盐岩综合沉积模式的基础。  相似文献   

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