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The present study deals with a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi-I cosmological models representing massive strings. The energy-momentum tensor, as formulated by Letelier (1983), has been used to construct massive string cosmological models for which we assume the expansion scalar in the models is proportional to one of the components of shear tensor. The Einstein’s field equations have been solved by applying a variation law for generalized Hubble’s parameter in Bianchi-I space-time. We have analysed a comparative study of accelerating and decelerating models in the presence of string scenario. The study reveals that massive strings dominate in the decelerating universe whereas strings dominate in the accelerating universe. The strings eventually disappear from the universe for sufficiently large times, which is in agreement with current astronomical observations.  相似文献   

In this paper we constructed five dimensional axially symmetric cosmological model generated by a cloud of strings with particles attached to them in Lyra manifold. Out of the two different cases obtained one case leads to the five dimensional vacuum universe in general theory of relativity while the other case yields a string cosmological model in Lyra manifold. In the cosmic string model we observed that the sum of tension density and rest energy density of strings vanishes and this model is also inflationary.  相似文献   

The Saez-Ballester field equations for spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type-III cosmological models have been solved for pure geometric cosmic string cloud pervading the universe either in the absence or in presence of electromagnetic field. It has been established here that the model does not survive for geometric cosmic string cloud pervading the universe when there is no electromagnetic field. But in presence of electromagnetic field the model can have plausible solutions fostering the idea that strings forming the surface of the world sheet have to co-exist with electromagnetic field.  相似文献   

In this work we have proposed a variable relation between densities of cosmic string. Bianchi type II,VIII and IX space time is explored in the context of general relativity. The field equations are solved by assuming that the shear scalar is proportional to expansion scalar. Three different cases are investigated. It is observed that strings contribute significantly in isotropy and acceleration of the universe.  相似文献   

Spatially homogeneous and anisotropic LRSBianchi type-I string cosmological models are studied in the frame work of general relativity when the source for the energy momentum tensor is a bulk viscous fluid containing one dimensional strings embedded in a magnetic field. A barotropic equation of state for the pressure and density is assumed to get determinate solutions of the field equations. The bulk viscous pressure is assumed to be proportional to the energy density. The effects of viscosity and electromagnetic field on the properties of the model are investigated. The role of bulk viscosity and electromagnetic field in getting an inflationary phase and in establishing a string phase in the universe is studied.  相似文献   

Spatially homogeneous and anisotropic LRS Bianchi type-I string cosmological models are studied in the frame work of general relativity when the source for the energy momentum tensor is a bulk viscous fluid containing one dimensional strings. A barotropic equation of state for the pressure and density is assumed to get determinate solutions of the field equations. The bulk viscous pressure is assumed to be proportional to the energy density. The physical and kinematical properties of the models are discussed. The role of bulk viscosity in getting an inflationary phase in the universe is studied.  相似文献   

Bianchi Type III massive string cosmological model for perfect fluid distribution in the presence of magnetic field, is investigated. It is assumed that the universe is filled with barotropic perfect fluid. We have attempted to investigate Bianchi Type III string cosmological model incorporating perfect fluid with magnetic field. To get the deterministic model in terms of cosmic time, we have assumed that the expansion (θ) in the model is proportional to the shear. We have also assumed that F 12 is the only non-vanishing component of electromagnetic field tensor F ij . The behaviour of the model in presence and absence of magnetic field together with singularities in these models are also discussed.  相似文献   

Some hypersurface-homogeneous cosmological models with bulk viscous fluid and time-dependent cosmological term are investigated. These expanding, shearing and non-rotating cosmological models of the universe evolve from initial big-bang singularities and give an essentially empty space for large times. Some physical and geometric behaviors of these models are also discussed.  相似文献   

We use present theoretical estimates for the density of long cosmic strings to predict the number of strong gravitational lensing events in astronomical imaging surveys as a function of the angular resolution and survey area. We show that angular resolution is the single most important factor, and that interesting limits on the dimensionless string tension   G μ/ c 2  can be obtained by existing and planned surveys. At the resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) (0.14 arcsec), it is sufficient to survey of the order of a few square degrees – well within reach of the current HST archive – to probe the regime   G μ/ c 2∼ 10−7  . If lensing by cosmic strings is not detected, such a survey would improve the limit on the string tension by a factor of two over that available from the cosmic microwave background. Future high resolution imaging surveys, covering a few hundred square degrees or more, either from space in the optical or from large-format radio telescopes on the ground, would be able to further lower this limit to   G μ/ c 2∼ 10−8  . These limits will not be improved significantly by increasing the solid angle of the survey.  相似文献   

In this note extending the technique developed for static fields by De (1964) to the static plane-symmetric solution of Taub (1951) and the conformastat gravitational universe of Das (1971) solutions for coupled gravitational and zero-rest-mass scalar fields have been obtained. Furthermore, it is found that the singularities of these empty spaces cannot be removed by the introduction of zero-rest-mass scalar fields.  相似文献   

We consider a class of Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom with singularities. This class includes several symmetric subproblems of the $n$ -body problem where the singularities are due to collisions involving two or more bodies. “Schubart-like” periodic orbits having two collisions in one period, are present in most of these subproblems. The purpose of this paper is to study the existence of families of such a periodic orbits in a general setting. The blow up techniques of total collision and infinity are applied to our class of Hamiltonian system. This allows us to derive sufficient conditions to ensure the existence of families of double symmetric “Schubart-like” periodic orbits having many singularities. The orbits in the family can be parametrized by the number of singularities in one period. The results are applied to some subproblems of the gravitational $n$ -body problem.  相似文献   

We obtain some cosmological models that are exact solutions of Einstein's field equations. The metric utilized is Marder's metric which is Bianchi Type I and the curvature source is a cloud of strings which are one dimensional objects. Bianchi type cosmological models play an important role in the study of the universe on a scale which anisotropy is not ignored. In this paper we have investigated the effect of cosmic strings on the cosmic microwave background anisotropy. Various physical and geometrical properties of the model are also discussed. The solutions have reported that the cosmic microwave background anisotropy may due to the cosmic strings.  相似文献   

In gravitational theories of 4-th order, the influence of certain properties of the field equations (tracelessness, conformal invariance, scale in variance respectively their breaking) for the “particle content” (number of degrees of freedom, mass, spin) is investigated. Using the plane-wave ansatz valid in linearized theory it is possible to determine the mass content of the theory, but one cannot get assertions about the number of degrees of freedom and the spin states corresponding to the field quanta. In the linearized theory, this can be done with a spin projection formalism. Using the Cauchy initial value problem and a counting method first developed by EINSTEIN one can get, however, a useful definition of the concept of the degrees of freedom for the full nonlinear theory. This is due to the fact that this method allows to incorporate the concrete structure of the field equations (and thus their nonlinearities). Analysing different general-relativistic field theories via these approaches the influence of the various structures of nonlinearities is discussed. It is, in particular, shown that those results obtained by the spin projection formalism can be reproduced by “nonlinear methods”.  相似文献   

A special Lagrangian coordinate system is introduced, in which the magnetic flux tube is the main object of investigation. The flux tube is shown to behave as a nonlinear relativistic string in relation to tangential force. General and particular variational principles are also discussed. With the introduction of a Lagrangian coordinate system the relativistic magnetohydrodynamic equation of motion reduces to a set of nonlinear string equations. From these results it follows that a highly conductive plasma with a frozen-in magnetic field can be considered as a gas of nonlinear strings interacting through pressure forces. A method is developed which allows the multi-dimensional nonlinear problems of RMHD (relativistic MHD) with boundary layers to be reduced to a set of two-dimensional problems for flux tubes, i.e., nonlinear strings.  相似文献   

A general method to quantize strings in curved space-times is exposed. It treats the space-time metric exactly and the string excitations small as compared with the energy scale of the geometry. The method is applied to cosmological (de Sitter) and black-hole (Schwarzschild) geometries. The critical dimension decreases in one for de Sitter and stays unaltered for black-holes as compared with flat space-time values. Bogoliubov transformations in the context of string theory are derived and the Bogoliubov coefficients describing elastic and inelastic scattering and excitation of modes are computed explicitely. The string-black-hole cross section is derived and a pair mode creation phenomena is found. The quantization and scattering of strings in shockwave geometries (ultrarelativistic boosted black-holes or Aichelburg-Sexl space time) is found to be exactly solvable.  相似文献   

In this communication, we studied the aspects of bulk viscous fluid cosmological model with quadratic equation of state in the presence of strings loaded with particles in a higher dimensional (5- dimensional) Bianchi type-III geometry in Lyra’s Manifold (Lyra, 1951). Using physically plausible circumstances, an exact model of the universe is presented by obtaining the solutions of the Einstein’s field equations. Important geometrical and dynamical parameters of the model universes are premeditated and physical significance regarding their prospect in modern cosmology are discussed in details. Interestingly it is seen that both bulk viscosity and quadratic equation of state are acting crucial jobs throughout the evolution of the model which is expanding with acceleration so it represents dark energy model universe. Hence our model can be thought as a realistic universe.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of a universe where the matter content is represented by a radially directed distribution of cosmic strings plus matter admitting both shear and bulk viscosity. We assume specific forms for the equation of state of both the strings and matter and discuss the cosmological solutions obtained.  相似文献   

The present study deals with locally rotationally symmetric (LRS) Bianchi type II cosmological model representing massive string. The energy-momentum tensor for such string as formulated by Letelier (Phys. Rev. D 28:2414, 1983) is used to construct massive string cosmological model for which we assume that the expansion (θ) in the model is proportional to the shear (σ). This condition leads to A=B m , where A and B are the metric coefficients and m is proportionality constant. For suitable choice of constant m, it is observed that in early stage of the evolution of the universe string dominates over the particle whereas the universe is dominated by massive string at the late time. Our model is in accelerating phase which is consistent to the recent observations of type Is supernovae. Some physical and geometric behavior of the model is also discussed.  相似文献   

There has been observational evidence about spin axes of quasars in large quasar groups correlated over hundreds of Mpc. This is seen in the radio spectrum as well as in the optical range. There is not yet a satisfactory explanation of this “spooky” alignment. This alignment cannot be explained by mutual interaction at the time that quasars manifest themselves optically. A cosmological explanation could be possible in the formation of superconducting vortices (cosmic strings) in the early universe, just after the symmetry-breaking phase of the universe. We gathered from the NASA/IPAC and SIMBAD extragalactic databases the right ascension, declination, inclination, position angle and eccentricity of the host galaxies of three large quasar groups to obtain the azimuthal and polar angle of the spin vectors. The alignment of the azimuthal angle of the spin vectors of quasars in their host galaxy is confirmed in the large quasar group U1.27 and compared with two other groups in the vicinity, i.e., U1.11 and U1.28, investigated by Clowes (2013). It is well possible that the azimuthal angle alignment fits the predicted azimuthal angle dependency in the theoretical model of the formation of general relativistic superconducting vortices, where the initial axial symmetry is broken just after the symmetry breaking of the scalar-gauge field.  相似文献   

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