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海洋环境立体监测系统之信息产品集成与服务系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高我国对海洋环境的观测,预报能力,提高对海洋国土的管理能力,在了解,分析国内外现有技术的基础上,本文提出了一个适用于我国特点的区域性海洋环境立体监测系统的信息产品集成方案,设计出一种集数据采集,存储,处理,发布于一体的信息服务系统的框架,并在融合现有技术的基础上,建立了区域海洋环境立体监测和信息服务系统,实现了信息产品的集中管理,自动更新,产品的网络展示和用户服务。  相似文献   

数据仓库技术在海洋环境信息管理中的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从数据仓库技术的角度分析了海洋环境信息应用的六大特征,并结合数据仓库的实质,说明数据仓库技术是进行海洋环境信息业务化管理的良好解决途径。在此基础上,探讨了在海洋环境数据仓库建设过程中主题抽取、数据规划和数据提取三个关键问题;初步划分了海洋环境数据仓库建设的数据库、管理库和程序库三个部分以及相互关系,提出了海洋环境数据仓库建设的基本框架和总体流程。  相似文献   

原位观测是海洋环境观监测与安全保障的基础手段,对提升海洋环境时空变化规律的认识和数值预报水平起着至关重要的作用。但是实施基于原位观测的海洋环境保障措施存在覆盖范围有限、观测成本高昂,以及非常时期实施困难等问题。随着海洋强国战略的深入推进,未来国家海洋利益空间将不断拓展,海洋环境保障的立体性、复杂性、未知性将不断增强,这对系统化、信息化、智能化的海洋环境保障提出了更高要求。当前有效解决方案之一是通过实施环境适应性保障对有限的原位观测资源布局进行优化设计,最大化海洋环境观测网建设效益。本文系统介绍了美国海军在海洋环境适应性保障建设方面的成果与经验,通过海上试验展现了实施海洋环境适应性保障措施的必要性和优越性,随后梳理了高分辨率海洋水文环境数值模拟技术、海洋水文环境适应性观测敏感区诊断技术、无人移动平台协同组网观测技术及无人移动平台观测资料同化技术等海洋环境适应性保障建设涉及的关键技术及其发展现状,最后总结了我国在海洋环境适应性保障建设方面的研究进展。作为一项复杂的系统工程,海洋环境适应性保障将有助于颠覆传统海洋环境保障模式,牵引我国海洋环境保障装备发展,推动相关研究领域理论和技术进步,对我国海洋环境保障体系建设产生深远影响。  相似文献   

文章系统地阐述了虚拟化相关基本知识,全面介绍了服务器虚拟化技术发展及其在海洋环境应用方面的现状,分析了目前海洋环境信息系统建设中存在的问题及解决方法,重点研究了将服务器虚拟化技术应用到海洋环境信息管理中的方法,并据此展望了建设支撑海洋环境信息业务的低成本试验和运营环境的应用前景。  相似文献   

为进一步提高我国海洋环境安全风险防控和应急保障水平,以我国海洋环境安全现状和国内外应急保障标准化研究进展为基础,结合海洋环境安全事件应急保障处置的事前、事中、事后等实际业务流程,通过材料搜集和广泛调研,借鉴其他行业构建标准体系的经验和准则,研究制定了海洋环境安全保障标准体系的总体框架和内容,明确了基础通用、管理机制、数据产品、技术方法、系统建设和应用服务6类子标准体系要求。结果表明:海洋环境安全保障标准体系为海洋环境安全保障平台的建设运行和应用服务提供了重要参考,有效支撑了我国海洋环境安全应急管理工作。  相似文献   

美国海军拥有完备的海洋环境保障体系,业务能力处于世界先进水平,为海军部队作战目的达成和行动安全保障发挥了重要支撑作用。阐述了美国海军海洋环境保障作战保障概念,介绍了美国海军海洋环境保障业务的组织架构,分析了美国海军海洋环境保障内容和主要特点,论述了美国海军用于海洋环境作战辅助决策的信息系统,为我国海洋环境保障领域的建设发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

海洋环境大数据是诸多学科研究领域的基础,也是实施海洋强国战略和建设海洋强国奋斗目标的先决条件。文章从全球海洋环境观测计划及系统出发,探讨现阶段全球海洋环境大数据观测、国家数据库建设、数据质控方法以及数据应用现状,阐明了海洋环境大数据在国家发展中的重要性,客观地分析了目前海洋环境大数据发展在基础设施、数据处理及数据质控能力建设等方面面临的关键问题与挑战,以期为将来海洋环境大数据在多尺度、多学科、多行业的深入发展与深度融合提供可靠的资料与建议。  相似文献   

文章根据海洋环境监测业务的特点,提出了海洋环境监测实验室信息管理系统的总体设计方案,对系统的结构、系统的功能进行了设计描述。提出建立海洋环境监测实验室信息管理系统,可提升实验室信息运转效率和管理水平,规范质量管理,保证数据可靠性,更好地为海洋环境监测管理服务。  相似文献   

环境文化不单是环境与文化两个概念的简单相加.环境是文化发展的基础,文化是环境优化的结晶和动力.把海洋环境问题纳入海洋可持续发展的框架中,确立海洋环境文化在海洋可持续发展中的地位,对解决目前海洋环境恶化的问题意义重大.通过建设海洋环境文化的意义、海洋环境文化建设与海洋环境保护等内容的阐述,对提倡国民海洋意识和教育作了一些分析.并提出一些建议.  相似文献   

从海洋环境观测信息分类编码对海洋环境观测信息化建设的重要性,以及海洋环境观测信息多渠道、多层次、多时效、多格式的特点出发,结合海洋环境观测数据管理工作现状,研究了海洋环境观测信息的分类与编码的原则和方法,通过对海洋环境观测数据业务链以及应用需求的分析,确定了海洋环境观测信息基本框架和分类对应的类型编码,以期为海洋数据管理的创新与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

The diffusive temperature equation is solved analytically and numerically for a simple oceanic case. Errors introduced by various numerical schemes are determined by comparison with the analytical solution. Less error is introduced by the standard differencing scheme than by the DuFort-Frankel scheme. A variable grid scheme produces the least error and the greatest savings in computer core and time. Usefulness of various numerical schemes is situation dependent. Any numerical forecasting technique using initialization data and frequent data updating will need to be verified with adequate field data before it can be considered reliable and used to predict short term (1 to 7 days) events in the ocean.  相似文献   

一种冰-海洋模式的热力耦合方案   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
冰与海洋的热力耦合对冰与海洋环流的模拟有极其重要的影响,是冰-海洋相互作用的一个重要方面.对其精确确定需要详细考虑冰-海洋界面附近的湍流过程,这在长时期的模拟特别是气候模拟中,常受到技术条件的限制.过去的研究常常假设冰下海洋混合层的温度为冰点,特别是在单纯冰模式的模拟中,但考虑海冰漂移和冰点变化的效应时,这一假设是不精确的.因此,弱化冰下海洋混合层温度为冰点的约束,不考虑详细的冰-海洋界面和海洋混合层的湍流过程,根据冰-海洋耦合系统的能量收支关系,设计了一个简化的冰-海洋热力耦合方案.对该方案引起的海洋混合层适应、热力结构和海冰发展的影响进行了分析,并将其用于全球冰海洋耦合模式的数值试验,结果表明,在大气热力强迫下该耦合方案既可使冰区混合层海水温度向冰点适应,又使冰边缘带海水温度与冰点保持明显差异,能够较好地反映冰-海洋热力相互作用.利用该耦合方案构造的全球冰-海洋耦合模式模拟的海冰范围及季节变化与实际观测非常接近.  相似文献   

In order to improve the ocean forecasting in the North Sea and Baltic Sea, an assimilation scheme based on a bottom-topography-dependent anisotropic recursive filter has been used in this study. This scheme can stretch or flatten the shape of a local representative contour surface of the background error covariance function into the form of an ellipse. Furthermore, the computing efficiency has been largely improved due to implicit computation of the background error covariance. A two-month experiment has been used for verifying the impact of assimilating ocean profile observations on ocean forecasting. The results indicate that the use of temperature and salinity profiles can largely improve the oceanic forecasting. The root mean square differences between the forecasts and observations for temperature and salinity have been reduced by 36% and 18% in the experiment period, respectively. Moreover, it is found that the anisotropic recursive filter approach is especially efficient in areas with complex coastlines and sharp fronts, e.g., inner Danish waters. The results also show that the propagation of observation information from an observation position to its neighboring grid points is closely related to currents.  相似文献   

在大洋环流模式中,铅直混合的参数化方法起着关键性的作用。将大洋细结构混合参数化方法首次应用于世界大洋环流模式中。使用中科院大气所(LASG)发展的20层世界大洋环流模式(OGCM)ML20,月平均风场作为强迫场,利用ML20模式在稳定初始状态下运行300a后的计算结果作为本实验进行数值模拟的初始场。该参数化方法对世界大洋环流模式的影响主要表现为:永久性温度跃层的厚度明显变薄;对深层水和底层水的模拟有改进;对南极中层水的模拟比较成功;但是对赤道海区的模拟结果欠佳。  相似文献   

By using the atmosphere-ocean coupled model (CGCM) which is composed of a 2-level global atmospheric general circulation model and a 4-layer Pacific oceanic general circulation model developed in the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and two model climatological fields got from the two independent models' numerical integrations respectively, the Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) from 1988 to 1989 are simulated in this paper with observed atmospheric general circulation data and sea surface temperature fields as initial conditions and monthly coupling scheme. In order to remove systematic biases of the model climatological fields, interaction variables between atmosphere and ocean are also corrected simultaneously. The experiments show that the simulation results can be improved effectively if these interaction variables are corrected in spite of the fact that there always exist systematic biases in independent numerical simulations of atmospheric part and oc  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors analyse the stability of particular numerical schemes used in oceanic general circulation models to deal with the barotropic momentum advection term. It is shown that, when this term is integrated using time splitting, its stability properties can be drastically reduced in configurations where there exists shallow areas, where velocities become comparable to the propagation speed of external gravity waves. A simple alternative scheme with improved stability is proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

In an Oblique Seismic Experiment (OSE), shots which have been generated at the surface from small (<1 km) to large (>10 km) ranges, are received in an oceanic crustal borehole. The objective is to study the shallow structure of the oceanic crust in the vicinity of the hole. A three component borehole geophone with a discrete variable gain preamplifier was developed for the experiment by modifying a commercially available tool. The first successful OSE in oceanic crust was carried out on DSDP Leg 52 in March, 1977. The experiment demonstrated the feasibility of instrumenting oceanic crustal boreholes.  相似文献   

Diffusion reduction in an arbitrary scale third generation wind wave model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The numerical schemes for the geographic propagation of random, short-crested, wind-generated waves in third-generation wave models are either unconditionally stable or only conditionally stable. Having an unconditionally stable scheme gives greater freedom in choosing the time step (for given space steps). The third-generation wave model SWAN (“Simulated WAves Nearshore”, Booij et al., 1999) has been implemented with this type of scheme. This model uses a first order, upwind, implicit numerical scheme for geographic propagation. The scheme can be employed for both stationary (typically small scale) and nonstationary (i.e. time-stepping) computations. Though robust, this first order scheme is very diffusive. This degrades the accuracy of the model in a number of situations, including most model applications at larger scales. The authors reduce the diffusiveness of the model by replacing the existing numerical scheme with two alternative higher order schemes, a scheme that is intended for stationary, small-scale computations, and a scheme that is most appropriate for nonstationary computations. Examples representative of both large-scale and small-scale applications are presented. The alternative schemes are shown to be much less diffusive than the original scheme while retaining the implicit character of the particular SWAN set-up. The additional computational burden of the stationary alternative scheme is negligible, and the expense of the nonstationary alternative scheme is comparable to those used by other third generation wave models. To further accommodate large-scale applications of SWAN, the model is reformulated in terms of spherical coordinates rather than the original Cartesian coordinates. Thus the modified model can calculate wave energy propagation accurately and efficiently at any scale varying from laboratory dimensions (spatial scale O(10 m) with resolution O(0.1 m)), to near-shore coastal dimension (spatial scale O(10 km) with resolution O(100 m)) to oceanic dimensions (spatial scale O(10 000 km) with resolution O(100 km).  相似文献   

以描述中尺度涡旋对示踪物的输送作用为目的的湍流混合方案GM90经证明对海洋模式的模拟能力较以前的湍流混合方案有较大的提高.该方案涉及到两个主要参数:等密度面扩散系数(AI)和等密度面厚度扩散系数(Aith).该文的目的就是利用中国科学院大气物理研究所(IAP)全球海洋环流模式L30T63研究以上两个系数取值大小对主动示踪物(温盐)以及被动示踪物(CFC-11)海洋分布的影响.实验结果表明这两个系数的取值可明显改变大洋温盐垂直分布以及海洋对CFC-11的吸收,且两个系数在其中起到的作用有很大的差异.从几个剖面的分析结果可知,总的来说,AI的增加使得CFC-11主要储存区的模拟结果更接近观测资料,而Aith的增大使得模拟结果变差.  相似文献   

A general set of 3-D dynamic field equations for a cable segment is derived based on the classical Euler-Kirchhoff theory of an elastica. The model includes flexural stiffness to remove the potential singularity when cable tension vanishes and can be reduced to the equations for a perfectly flexible cable. A hybrid model and a solution scheme by direct integration are then proposed to solve the oceanic cable/body system with a localized low-tension region. Numerical examples demonstrate the capability and validity of the formulation and the numerical algorithm.  相似文献   

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