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Summary A large number of the users of the geomtrical constants of the reference ellipsoid know only the IAG resolutions and not the related special publications; consequently, the numerical values of the derived geometrical constants may be interpreted differently. Some values of possible differences (max. 32 mm) are given, and it is proposed that the GRS-80 geometrical constants be defined by the values of a and f –1 with unlimited accuracy in the next IAG resolution.
¶rt;a um nam zmuuu nmu n-unu¶rt;a am m uu ¶rt;a¶rt; auauu n z¶rt;uu, a nua nuauu; nm m num a mau u au nu¶rt; zmuu nm. mam nu¶rt;m m au am (a. 32 ) u n¶rt;azam n¶rt; uu n¶rt;m muu nm GRS-80 uuau a, f –1 zau mm.

Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Versuch beschrieben, eine schnelle astronomische Methode der Bestimmung des geod?tischen Azimuts und der Lotabweichung im ersten Vertikal zustande zu bringen, indem man zwei Paare von Nord-Südsternen in der N?he des Meridians beobachtet, deren H?hen vornehmlich zwischen 40° und 50° liegen und indem man sich derselben Beobachtungspraxis bedient, wie bei der Zeitbestimmung mit Hilfe der Paare von Nord-Südsternen mit der M?glichkeit der üblichen Azimutkreisablesung in der N?he des Meridians. Der astronomische Azimut dient zur Kontrolle der Messung; die Lotabweichung im ersten Vertikale kombiniert mit der im Meridian, wie sie ganz unabh?ngig von der in [2, 3] beschriebenen modifizierten Talcott's Methode bestimmt worden ist, kann für die Bestimmung des Geoids durch die astronomische Nivellierung ausgenützt werden.

Address: 17 A, Old Dalanwala, Dehra Dun, India.  相似文献   

Summary Relations for the direct transformation of the Cartesian coordinate system into a system of geodetic coordinates.
u ¶rt;u , , z ¶rt;uu , , h.

m¶rt; n¶rt;u amu mam a u , a a ¶rt;a an¶rt;uu ¶rt; a um ¶rt;auua u a mama uu uu, un uu ¶rt; a nu¶rt; n¶rt; anu ¶rt;auua u n anu. u u¶rt;um u n¶rt;nu, m nuuum ¶rt;muma na nnuam ¶rt; uu uu nu m, u au mam uuau, u nmua u numu ¶rt; a mu ma. ¶rt; n¶rt;nam, m uu nu aum m amu mam ¶rt; (mam a u ). mm m¶rt; nu amu ¶rt;auua aua a au, a muu uu =(0,69±0,03)×1011 a mmmm uua ¶rt;u a ¶rt;u m 100 ¶rt; 200 .  相似文献   

Summary The general problem of determining the figure of the earth leads to the solution of the geodetic boundary value problem. By its discrete approximation we obtain the discrete disturbing potential that maintains all properties of the original problem. Thus, the discrete approximation of the disturbing potential can be used in studying the behaviour of the earth's gravity field outside the disturbing masses. The deflections of the vertical are one of the quantities describing the behaviour of the earth's gravity field. A method for their computation from the discrete solution of the geodetic boundary value problem is put forth and estimates for its accuracy are given.  相似文献   

With the multi-wave, multi-component seismic wave exploration, one can apply the anisotropy of fracture media to analyze the attributes of the fracture media, including the fracture azimuth. In the meantime, the techniques of full-polarimetric electromagnetic wave, including full-polarimetric borehole radar, can also be used to analyze the attributes of the fracture. However, the analysis precision of both the multi-component elastic wave exploration and full-polarimetric electromagnetic wave exploration is prone to the influence of noise and other factors. So far, some researchers have conducted studies on the joint inversion of electromagnetic waves and seismic waves. This paper develops evaluation techniques of fracture azimuth by electromagnetic wave, elastic wave, and joint analysis of coincident elastic reflection and electromagnetic data. Firstly, based on the shear wave splitting of elastic waves, this paper develops a statistical analysis technique which applies Pearson correlation coefficient to count and analyze the azimuth angle of fracture. Secondly, based on the information of electromagnetic polarization rotated by fracture, this paper develops a statistical analysis method of full-polarimetric electromagnetic waves which applies the maximum amplitude ratio between the co-polarization and cross-polarization to analyze the azimuth angle of fracture. Furthermore, based on the analysis result of the elastic wave and full-polarimetric electromagnetic wave, this paper develops a joint analysis technique which adopts the standard deviation. At last, authors in this study conduct joint detection experiments on the coincident fracture medium by using the ultrasonic and full-polarimetric ground penetrating radar. The experimental result indicates that both single geophysical methods are capable of analyzing the fracture azimuth angle, but the joint analysis is more accurate.  相似文献   

伽利略飞船在木星四颗最大的卫星附近探测到了显著的磁异常.尽管磁异常不同,但是都来自于卫星内部和周围环境的磁流体动力学过程,例如冰下海洋的电磁感应,卫星的轨道运动与外部等离子体的相互作用等等.本文总结了每颗卫星的观测磁异常以及现有解释.我们也提出了磁异常来源的新的可能解释机制:磁异常可能部分来自卫星冰下导电海水或者流体核的磁对流.对该机制的研究有助于进一步理解所观测到的磁异常,也可能提供对卫星内部物理的磁约束.  相似文献   

In Turkey, neotectonic activity originated from the collision of the Arabian and Anatolian land masses during the Middle Miocene. As a result of the collision, westward escape of the Anatolian block introduced E-W compression in Western Turkey which began to be relieved by N-S extension. The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) is the major active strike-slip fault that was formed under the neotectonic regime. The rates of the motion along this fault estimated by several authors are in the range of 0.4–2.9 cm/a according to kinematic data. In Turkey, the first studies of crustal movements by geodetic methods were started in the west section of the NAF in 1972. So far, individual activities and studies coordinated by multidisciplinary projects have been realized in this region. The results obtained from available geodetic data indicate the motion of the Anatolian block relative to Eurasia.  相似文献   

Parabolic dunes are widely distributed on coasts and margins of deserts and steppes where ecosystems are vulnerable and sensitive to environmental changes and human disturbances. Some studies have indicated that vegetated parabolic dunes can be activated into highly mobile barchan dunes and the catastrophic shift of eco‐geomorphic systems is detrimental to land management and social‐economic development; however, no detailed study has clarified the physical processes and eco‐geomorphic interactions that control the stability of a parabolic dune and its resistance to unfavorable environmental changes. This study utilizes the Extended‐DECAL (Discrete Eco‐geomorphic Aeolian Landscapes) model, parameterized by field measurements of dune topography and vegetation characteristics combined with remote sensing, to explore how increases in drought stress, wind strength, and grazing stress may lead to the activation of stabilizing parabolic dunes into highly mobile barchans. The modeling results suggest that the mobility of an initial parabolic dune at the onset of a perturbation determines the capacity of a system to absorb environmental change, and a slight increase in vegetation cover of an initial parabolic dune can increase the activation threshold significantly. The characteristics of four eco‐geomorphic interaction zones control the processes and resulting morphologies of the transformations. A higher deposition tolerance of vegetation increases the activation threshold of the dune transformation under both a negative climatic impact and an increased sand transport rate, whereas the erosion tolerance of vegetation influences the patterns of resulting barchans (a single barchan versus multiple barchans). The change in the characteristics of eco‐geomorphic interaction zones may indirectly reflect the dune stability and predict an ongoing transformation, whilst the activation angle may be potentially used as a proxy of environmental stresses. In contrast to the natural environmental changes that tend to affect relatively weak and young plants, grazing stress can exert a broader impact on any plant indistinctively. A small increase in grazing stress just above the activation threshold can accelerate dune activation significantly. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用大地测量和历史相对海平面变化数据,结合地震剪切波层析模型,联合确定了新的末次冰期冰川均衡调整(GIA)模型,其中地幔黏滞度不仅沿径向而且沿横向变化.研究思路是,先尝试性地选择比例系数β,利用与地震剪切波速异常的线性关系,计算地幔黏滞度横向扰动,并与横向均匀的黏滞度参考模型叠加给出3D地幔黏滞度模型;再利用耦合拉普拉斯方程的有限元法算法进行GIA预测;然后,重复该过程,直到预测与观测之间的吻合满意为止.主要结论有:(1)给出了横向非均匀的地幔黏滞度模型(RF3L20(β=0.4)),发现了黏滞度显著的横向非均匀性和其对GIA预测的显著影响,指出横向非均匀不完全是由热效应引起的,可能还与化学组分等其他因素有关,该模型可用于地幔动力学研究.(2)给出了全球现今多种GIA预测速率,可为板块运动、陆地水储量、海水质量变化和冰川冰雪质量非平衡监测提供重要的改正.  相似文献   


随着水平井、多分支井等技术的出现, 随钻测量技术对磁方位精度的要求越来越高.常规单测点磁方位校正法误差较大, 无法满足复杂结构对磁方位精度的需求.近年来, 国外围绕Brooks多测点分析法的基本公式, 建立了一系列优化后的多测点分析法来提高磁方位的精度.本文以多测点分析法的公式为基础, 结合常规单测点磁方位校正法, 推导出一套收敛的改进多测点分析法.并通过实验来验证改进后的多测点分析法的效果.用改进后的多测点分析法得到的方位角精度在0.2°以内, 达到或接近国际先进水平.通过进一步开展数据处理和分析, 该套算法可以应用于水平井、多分支井等大斜度钻井工程中的精确定位和导向.


StatisticaltestsofrecentplatetectonicunitsbyusinggeodeticdataZHIPINGLU1)(吕志平)XIANBINGWU2)(吴显兵)CHAOZHANG1)(张超)1)ZhengzhouIn...  相似文献   

Introduction The azimuth and slowness are two major features of seismic signals. The accurate estimation of them is quite important for both phase identification and event location. Generally, there are two types of seismic stations, i.e. 3-component stations (3C) and arrays. To estimate the two direc-tional parameters, the polarization analysis (Jurkevics, 1988) is commonly used for 3C stations and the frequency-wavenumber spectrum analysis ( f-k) (Capon, 1969; Kvaerna, Doornbos, 1986) is …  相似文献   

The numerical global self-consistent model of the Earth’s thermosphere, ionosphere and protonosphere (GSM TIP), which makes it possible to calculate all the main parameters of the near-Earth plasma, is used to calculate the total electron content (TEC). Calculations have been performed along the radiosignal propagation trajectory between a surface receiving point and a GPS satellite. The TEC value calculated from the satellite data have been compared with such a “true model” TEC value for magnetically quiet conditions of the spring equinox and moderate solar activity. The relative errors in determining the satellite data-based TEC for two European (Troms have been calculated. It has been indicated that an increase in the number of satellites not always results in an increase in accuracy of the TEC value measured on satellites.  相似文献   

New and previously published micro-gravity data are combined with InSAR data, precise levelling and GPS measurements to produce a model for the processes operating at Krafla volcano, 20 years after its most recent eruption. The data have been divided into two periods: from 1990 to 1995 and from 1996 to 2003 and show that the rate of deflation at Krafla is decaying exponentially. The net micro-gravity change at the centre of the caldera is shown, using the measured free air gradient, to be −85 μGal for the first and −100 μGal for the second period. After consideration of the effects of water extraction by the geothermal power station within the caldera, the net gravity decreases are −73±17 μGal for the first and −65±17 μGal for the second period. These decreases are interpreted in terms of magma drainage. Following a Mogi point source model, we calculate the mass decrease to be ∼2×1010 kg/year reflecting a drainage rate of ∼0.23 m3/s, similar to the ∼0.13 m3/s drainage rate previously found at Askja volcano, N. Iceland. Based on the evidence for deeper magma reservoirs and the similarity between the two volcanic systems, we suggest a pressure-link between Askja and Krafla at deeper levels (at the lower crust or the crust-mantle boundary). After the Krafla fires, co-rifting pressure decrease of a deep source at Krafla stimulated the subsequent inflow of magma, eventually affecting conditions along the plate boundary in N. Iceland, as far away as Askja. We anticipate that the pressure of the deeper reservoir at Krafla will reach a critical value and eventually magma will rise from there to the shallow magma chamber, possibly initiating a new rifting episode. We have demonstrated that by examining micro-gravity and geodetic data, our knowledge of active volcanic systems can be significantly improved.Editorial responsibility: A. Harris  相似文献   

Satellite orbital data yield reliable values of low degree and order coefficients in the spherical harmonic expansion of the Earth's gravity field. The second degree coefficient yields the shape of the Earth — probably the most important single parameter in geodesy. It is crucial in the numerical evaluation of different forms of the theoretical gravity formula. The new information requires the standardization of gravity anomalies obtained from satellite gravity and terrestrial gravity data in the context of three most commonly used reference figures, e.g.,International Reference Ellipsoid, Reference Ellipsoid 1967, andEquilibrium Reference Ellipsoid. This standardization is important in the comparison and combination of satellite gravity and gravimetric data as well as the integration of surface gravity data, collected with different objectives, in a single reference system.Examination of the nature of satellite gravity anomalies aids in the geophysical and geodetic interpretation of these anomalies in terms of the tectonic features of the Earth and the structure of the Earth's crust and mantle. Satellite results also make it possible to compute the Potsdam correction and Earth's equatorial radius from the satellite-determined geopotential. They enable the decomposition of the total observed gravity anomaly into components of geophysical interest. They also make it possible to study the temporal variations of the geogravity field. In addition, satellite results make significant contributions in the prediction of gravity in unsurveyed areas, as well as in providing a check on marine gravity profiles.On leave from University of Hawaii, Honolulu.  相似文献   

In 1988 two large earthquakes with magnitude of Ms 7.6 and Ms 7.2 occurred in Lancang-Genma area, Southwest China. This paper discusses the determination of the spatial distribution of fault slip caused by the earthquakes using geodetic surveys. The prior information obtained from geological surveys and seismological investigations was used to determine the geometry of the fault plane and the average fault slip. The smooth constraints on the fault slips have been described by a normal distribution with hyperparameters, which are incorporated in the inversion analysis with a Bayesian model. Akaike’s Bayesian Information Criterion (ABIC) is used to get the optimal values of hyperparameters. Once the hyperparameters are determined, the maximum likelihood method is employed to estimate the patterns of a fault slip. Based on the results of inverse analysis monitoring geodetic surveys can be properly designed and conducted to obtain crust deformations and predict potential earthquake sources.  相似文献   

Expression of strain and rotation tensor in geodetic coordinates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, unit moving trihedron is first constructed for a point on the surface of a revolution ellipsoid. Via translation, the origin of the trihedron coincides with that of Cartesian coordinates established at the center of the ellipsoid, and then through two coordinate rotations, the trihedron completely coincides with the Cartesian coordi-nates. Transformation formulae between the moving trihedron and unit Cartesian coordinate frameworks as well as transformation of point displacement between two unit coordinate frameworks are presented. Based on the above transformation formulae between two different coordinate frameworks, due to the fact that the displacement and moving trihedron of the point are both functions of the geodetic coordinates, components in the corresponding axis for differential of displacement vector and geodetic curves arc differential at the point in geodetic system can be obtained through complicated derivation. Displacement gradient matrix at the point in geodetic system is also given. Finally, expressions of strain and rotation tensor in geodetic coordinates are presented. Geometric meanings of the rotation tensor are explained in detail. The intrinsic relationship between strain tensors of sphere and ellip-soid are also discussed.  相似文献   

The need for geodetic measurements is emphasized, and the requirements in accuracy are indicated. It is argued that the present limitations of the space techniques leave no option but to recourse to terrestrial methods.The necessity of repeating the measurements on schedule over several decades calls for an eleborate co-ordination of activities across national boundaries. The active participation of the IUGG and the IAG can be instrumental in initiating such co-ordination and in sustaining it.  相似文献   

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